Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1914, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Resident, in Non-committal
Reply Cautions Against
Setting Precednts That
May Be Detrimental in the
WASHINGTON. Sept. 2). A (telcgntlun
I , cotton men from the Farmers' Union,
C.rl by Charles S. Barrett, of Oof
jii. called on rrcsldcnt Wilson todny
Cnd asked lilm to support Represents
bire Henrys measure permitting uirect
loin to cotton planters from the frill-
States Treasury. inc i-rcmanni
Lo their proposal under ndvlsctnent.
Th cotton men neiicva mat it mcy
tin secure direct loans from tho Gov
,rnmcnt It wilt relieve them of their
troubles. They think that In this way
the price of the staple can be main
dined. ArrionK those who took part In
(he COWerence wcic ivtiHcacinnmco
Birtlett, of Georgia: Henry, or Texas:
Hobion and Hefiln, of Alabama, and
Jltirrny. ot UKianoma.
President Wilson's remarks to the cot-
tot men were as iouowb.
Of course I need not say, gentlemen,
fEv,t the gravity of the situation Is very
.'iLnl'est. and I want you to know that
J hove been SivInK ti grenl deal of at
tention to It, with the tamest desire to
m some way by which the difficulties
old be solved without committing the
Government In principle to any action
rhlch would plague us In the future.
The danger of the present situation
that under the pressure of what ap
pears tn be necessity we should make
tamf radical aipariures iroin sound
economic practice which In the future
rears we would very much regret. We
ke imt to make great sacrifices not
tj make fundamental mistakes.
".Vow. I am not thereby Implying a
torment as to any specific proposition,
ot I feel Vound myself to gunrd agnlnst
Impultes, when lmpuires are so strong:
just as 1 feel It so necessary for us In an
Litem.itlon.il situation to guard every im
tnlse and see .that we do not make any
nlstiikes which future generations will
have Just rauso to niamo us ror.
"But I want you to know now sincerely
n appreciate the gravity of the situation
tad hon entirely unwllllmr I am to con
fer anthlng that Is lnld before me by
fray of practicable suggestion."
Northeast High has been braving the
heat for the past week with dally ten
minute scrimmages after hard signal
drills. Coach Johnson Is trying to get
the team In good running order for the
practice game to be held next, Saturday
against Mount Holly High, at Mount
Holly. All the first nnd second ntrlng
men will be given n tryout In this game,
which should prove a good test of the
lied and Jllnck's strength.
Kin,-, tho now player, formerly nl How
ard College, Birmingham, At.1 Is show
ing up well at end. He broke Up sev
eral of tho varsity's plays single handed
In ynsterdny's scrimmage. He tins lots
of speed nnd will make the other wing
candidates hustle, filckte returned to
the game after several days' absence,
Tlii tenm lined up yesterday ni fol
lows: Ends, Ilrellhntipt and Wilson!
tackles, nidpath and Gardner: guards,
Mnssey and Sickle; centre, A. Whltnker!
bncks. Webb, Wotzel, F. Whttakor and
' 1 ! 1 I . .-.. -rrnU-pr ' CDCtnUT DATE DDOTCCT
Boston Stock Exchanger To
day Agreed to
Trading on More
stricted Basis.
Coach Howell's Boys Will Make De
termined Bid for Title.
Football practice has been progressing
Snely at Central High, and the prospects
ire brleht for a championship season.
The Mirrors are determined that not
only will they go through their sen d
ule without being defeated, but that no
ether team shall even tie them. Last
Varsity Eleven Held Car
lisle Indian Braves to 7-0
Score Jollification Af
fairs Held Last Night.
ANNVILLE, Pa., Sept. 21,-Battered
and bruised but happy, the members of
tho Lebanon ' Valley College football
team returned to school today after their
successful stand against the Carlisle
Indlnns yesterday. Coach Guyer gave
the team a day's vacation today. To
morrow tho team starts Its regular rou
tine work for the game next Saturday
when they meet the Carlisle Indian Re
serves. Although defeated yesterday, the play
ers consider their showing a vlrtunl
victory over the Indians. They out
played Coach Warner's team and forced
the playing during most of the time.
Twice they forced the Indlnns to their
two-yard line, but each time the offi
cials caught the runner out of bounds
and the Indians were given the ball.
The showing made yesterday Is better
than ever-before In the school's history
and hopes are being entertained for a
championship team this season.
Last night huge bonfires were built on
the campus and the students, male and
co-ed, danced around the flames, singing
their songs of victory. When considered
the short time that the local collegians
have been practlclslng their showing In
yesterday's game was nlmost wonderful.
Coach Warner congratulated Coach Guyer
on the excellent showing of his team
and declared that their work was equal
to any seen on the Carlisle field In years.
The schedule for the year follows: Oc
tober 3, Indian Reserves at Annvllle:
October 10, Franklin and Marshall at
Lancaster; October 17; Western Mary-
year they were not beaten, but the 7-7 '""" a,1. "nnvuie; ooer , ueuysourg
tie with West Phllly enabled the latter Gettysburg; October 31. Washington
to. Pllt the honors with them. . dfc.?rX:.Z:
Captain "Billy" Stephens has been :"" ,7 Vi..." .'" .. ... .I"' ' i;" "r'"
tmTrlnf rrl norl In r,rr.ctln mnUlntr ! ucr " """"lrS Ml rtlieniuwn; govern-
runs of from 2o to 40 yarns on end runs.
Bill Butler, tho all-around athlete, has
tot yet rounded Into form, but It Is
thought that he will do much better
htn the weather gets colder.
The probable line-up of the team which
till face Wilmington High In the first
fame on October 2 is as follows: De Lorn?
and Goodell, ends; Wlrkman and Romlg,
tackles Young and Chambers, guards;
Farmakls, centre; Gotwals, quarterback;
Stephens and Henry, halfbacks, and
Thomas, fullback.
Downtown Schoolboys Decide to Con
tinue Gridiron Game This Year.
After much talk of abolishing football,
Southern High has determined to m.iko
tiother attempt to put a team on the
Mi ivhlch they hope will make a credlt
ible showing.
Professor Johnson, who Is coaching the
Sen, with the assistance of Stevens, of
Ike track team, and Kelly, of last year's
football squad, promises to have the men
"hipped Into fine shape for the first
Ime A serious problem facing Coach
Johnson will be to find some one to
1I the quarterback position left vacant
') Captain Kellv's failure tn return tn
chool His successor will most likely be
Allen King, of last year's football and
txeball teams, who nlwava nut im n
ood game for Southern.
Manager Sokonff'3 call for candidates
"outfit out 45 men. Among them were
Hudson. Vetffiires nnd Oross. oeruns if
'It year's team. The wnrlc.mif ieHm.
consisted chiefly of signal practice.
me schedule as announced Is as fol
Wws: October 9, Frankford High, away;
October 1, Vlneland High, at home; Oc
tober 23, National Farm School, at home;
October 30, School of Pedagogy, at home;
Mivernber 6, Northeast, away; November
" P. I. D., at homa.
bcr 26, Catholic University at Washington.
Bach day sees a further brightening
of the financial situation. From Boston
came the announcement today that the
committee representing Investment houses
dealing In unlisted securities, had lifted
the ban somewhat on general trndlng, and
has notified dealers that they may have
a wider latitude In security transactions.
The committee, after conference with
the Stock Exchange Committee ot Five,
feels that conditions hnve fu Improved
that an Increased business Is warranted,
having In mind the spirit which has pre
vailed In the weeks which have passed
since the closing of the Stock Exchange,
and with tho following restrictions:
Trades above the closing prices of July
30tsniny be mode without submitting the
same to the committee.
Trades nt prices under the. closing
prices of July 30 should continue to be
submitted to the committee, who will take
Immediate action.
Any public advertising should first be
approved by this committee, and for tho
time being circulars being sent out should
not quote prices.
Subscriptions to the $10n.(VM.n0O New
York city bond offering nmounted to
between two nnd three times the 50,
000,000 that was open to the public.
In view of the large number of appli
cations, the syndicate managers arc un
able to state what the flnnl allotments
will he. In order to distribute the bonds
as wldclv as possible, the method has
been followed of allotting all applications
up to $10,000 In full and also making full
allotments upon subscriptions received
from nbroad. The balance of the bonds
will be allotted as nearly hb possible on
a pro rata basis.
The heavy applications for the 1916
nnd 1317 maturities will make It neces
sary for the syndlcnte managers to make
allotments of the various maturities pro
rata on a basis which will permit the
allotment of approximately 30 per cent,
on tho applications above J50.OO0. Other
wise those who have applied for the
longest term bonds would receive noth
ing more than a nominal allotment.
International Mercantile Marine Sayrt
War Has Had Disastrous Effect.
It was nnnonnced officially today that
payment of Interest on the International
Merchnntlto Marine Company's 4H per
cent, bonds, due October 1. will be defer
red. Directors of the company have de
elded that It will lie for the best Interests
of Its security Holders to permit the
subsidiary companies to conserve their
Permit """els In view nf present disturbance In
CIII11L I ntintirlnt markets.
An announcement by the company calls
attention to the fnct (hat since January1
t, 19M, business In both Its pnssenger nnd
freight departments has been very un
satlsfartory, nnd that Hie company has
not fully earned Its fixed charges for the
period which ended .lulv SI. t'nder nrdl
nars' operating conditions, It m'ght tie
reasonably anticipated that the deficiency
would be made Up during the remain
ing five months of thr fiscal year.
The European war, however, has
brought the entire ocean transportation
situation to an extremely unsettled con
dition nnd tins necessitated the complete
.withdrawal of the enmpny's Red Ptar
Lino service tn Antwerp The company
says it Is, therefore, Impossible to fnrm
nny estimate of whnt lis earnings may
be for the bnlancn of the year.
Joe Borrell has agreed to meet Frank
Jsan at the Rock Springs Club. Lan
nni ' Pa" during Fair Week. Jack
wilon. who was matched to fight Logan.
ired Manager Harry Hensel that he
would be unable to get In condition .it
wn an early date, so Hensel got In
mCS, wlth BorreIl and the match was
Wlckly arranged.
Proceeds of Game Go to lied Cross
Relief Fund.
NEW YORK. Sept. 24.-The Interna
tional billiard match of enoo points. 30oo
nt English and 3000 at American billiards,
tc be played by Willie Hoppe, of New
York, and Melbourne Iuman. of Eng
land, at the Astor Hotel beginning next
Mnnday, with two sessions dally
throughout the week. Is rousing, the
deepest interest among billiard fans nil
over the country.
While Hoppe is certain to keep a good
lead over the English champion at 18.?
balkllnc. It Is conceded that Inman will
even the score by his superiority over
Hoppe at tho English game. Hoppe is
said to nave made remarkable strides
at the English game, but he would have
tc be a marvel of skill to beat the
Briton at his own game, and bllllardlsts
who have watched both exports at work
assert that the best Hoppe can hope
for Is a two to one break at the Eng
lishman's gnme.
Society women. Identified with the
Red Cross Relief Fund, will be Inter
ested In the forthcoming match, as the
proceeds of one matinee, will be devoted
to the fund.- As many of the seats will
b filled by society women on this occa
sion, the Red Cross Fund, It Is ex
rected, will be swelled to the amount
of $2000 or more, and the match will be
the means of Inspiring others to make
similar donations to the fund.
Another problem for the golf han
'appers was uncovered by Wlnthrop
oargnt, of Merlon, in the annual
emors' tournament at the Apawa
mis Country Club. Rye, N. Y.. yes
terday morning. Sargent was away
'"l of the remainder of the
n"J at an early hour, and shortly
11 . driv'ns from the first tee, en
countered a snake curled up within
J few Inches of his golf ball. A
iver Is not constructed with a view
i . r.vlce as a reptile destroyer, and
ii ,ook several minutes to dispose of
in poisonous snake. After clearing
ne course, however. Sargent found
,'. nerves In such a shape that he
looK a 94 to complete the course.
ni was four strokes more than
were required by his running mate.
r lea F. Quincey of Greenwich,
'ne latter, however, did not encoun-
7- ny snakes on his Journey, and
th?" ,that not having to make
"" snor- was worth at least
Ia. --- i was warm Bl ieai
in . ,ri- In starting the fields
hi?iture' U ha tn "seted the
th. mfP hul first ascertain
In.. ukeJlnd of encountering rep
W..nd allow the front runners the
unt of such gruelling experiences.
Wilmington Plnys Local Schools
WILMINGTON, Sept. 31 -Manager Rob
ert Wler. of the Wilmington High School
football tenm. announced the schedule
yesterdav for this season. Several Phila
delphia schools will be played.
The schedule follows: Saturday, Sep
tember H. Vlneland High School, home;
Friday. October 2, Central High School,
at Philadelphia; Saturday, October 10. At
lantic City High School, at Atlantic City;
Saturday, October 17, National Farm
School, home; Saturday, October 21. Down
Ingtnwn High School, at home; Saturday,
October 31, Trenton High School, at Tren
ton; Wednesday, November 4, Pennsyl
vania Military Academy, at Chester; Sat
urday, November 7. Tolletlne Academy, at
home: Saturday. November H, Chester
High School, at home: Saturday. Novem
ber 21, Philadelphia School of Pedagogy,
at home; Thanksgiving Day, Norrlstown
High School, at home.
Announcement was received here to
day from Dallas, Tex., that the team
representing Philadelphia Chapter, Amer
ican Institute of Banking, won a unani
mous decision In n debate over Gov-,
ernment ownership of telegraph and tele
phones lines at the annual convention
of the organization. William W. Allen,
Paul B. Detwller and Robert W. Fry
were the local debaters. They opposed
Government ownership.
From New York comes the announce
ment today that Charles W. Morse has
offered to form and finance a holding
committee to take over all the assets
of the National Bank of North America.
The Wilmington Trust Company, which
was annointed receiver for the Securities
Company of North America, has filed a
bond for $1,000,000. The bill of complaint,
which was filed by Ward, Gray & NearL
counsel for William D. Fell, a stock
holder, alleges liability on the company's
certificates of $1,017,004, while loans to
certificate or bondholders were $301,2.19,
leaving a net liability of $73.1,755. Cash
on hand and other assets are valued
at $547,069.
Lewis Nellson, secretary of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, arrived home
from Europe on the steamship Olvmplc
yesterday, and Is at his office today.
The Norfolk and Western Railway
Company has filed with the Tnlted States
Supreme Court a brief seeking to show
that under present conditions the West
Virginia 2-cent passenger rate law Is
confiscatory and unconstitutional. In
some quarters the attack upon the
validity of the West Virginia law was
taken to Indicate a second genernl at
tack upon 2-cent passenger laws in vari
ous States,
Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal Com
pany, for tho year ended June 30, mined
and shipped 6,222.34.1 tons of coal. This Is
an Increase of 34,122 tonB over the same
period last year.
Brokers Have Difficulty In Flnclng
Good Name Commercial Paper.
v The money market In this city Is tight.
About the only business being done is in
commercial paper, nnd money lenders re
port that even this has fallen off. com
pared with a week ago. when morel In
quiry appeared than had been evident for
some time. Country bnnks wcr,' then
nctlve, asking their city correspondents
lo look over the commercial papT mar
ket for them for good name paper. There
la still some Inquiry from the country In
stitutions, however, but not to any great
Rntcs are holding tho same, call money
being 6 per cent, nnd commercial paper
at 7 nnd 7'.i. the transactions made being
generally at the former figure. Paper
brokers, on their tour of the banks, re
ported this morning that the latter aid
not appear to want any paper, and 'In
some enses they were having some diffi
culty In placing paper for their custom
ers. The banks, as they customarily do,
are caring for their own customers first.
Trolley Company Plans to Bring
Produce Direct to Consumers.
Announcement wns made today thnt
'the Trehton. Bristol and Philadelphia
Street Ralhond Company has under con
sideration tho establishment of a trolley
market nt Bridge street and Bristol pike.
The announcement came from the ofTIre
of M. .1. Hill, general mnnager of the
trolley company, nnd Was received with
enthusiasm by housewives nnd business
men of Frniikrord. They sre jubilant bc
cnlife the plan promises them fresher
ntatket gindii for less timin-y than the.'.'
are now accustomed U pay.
t!y means of the fi eight service on the
tlnllcy line the farmers can deliver the
inatkt goods to the consumer direct nnd
tin nwny with thernlddleman's profit. ,1.
Harry Shoemaker, president of th1
Frankford Board of Trndp, when he
learned of the plan, gave It his hearty
"The Idea to cstnhllsh n market In
l-'rsnkford Is a splendid one." he said.
"Two years ago the Board of Trade went
on record as In favor of a public market
plan nnd will further nny effort on the
patt of the trolley company to bring such
a mnrket to Frankford."
Mts. Walter Brlnton. president of the
Mothers" Club of Frankford. was nnother
who expressed hearty approval. "Prices
will tie Mashed." she said. "It Is one
of the greatest things that linn ever come
to Frankford."
Throughout all Frankford there Is n
genernl feeling the benefit tn the com
munity will prove beyond estimation, and
expressions are heard on all sides of
the hope thnt there may be no hitch In
the cnrrMng out of tho project.
$72,000,000 SENT WEST
Large Export Buying Strengthens Interstate Commerce Commission Be
Market Receipts Lower. ceives Many Complaints.
CHICAGO. Sept. 2t.-Lnder the Influence
of stronger cables from Liverpool nnd a
falling oft in teeelpts from tho north
west, wheat here opened firm todny, with
December up nt r.l.t24 nnd May up 1 nt
1204. Trade was light and scattered.
The wenther wns fnvoraWn for farm of
ferings. More than five million bushels of wheat
are reported to have been sold for ex
port nt Portland. Oregon, In the last week
and an eniinl amount nt Tnc-oma and
Seattle. The absorption nfwhetit abroad
continues and stocks In ft rent Britain are
decreasing slowly. Liverpool expects
shipments from American ports this week,
particularly to the. United Kingdom, to
be lighter.
Till receipts of wheat at Minneapolis
nnd Duliitn todny were ftfiO cars, against
11.11 cars a year ago; at Winnipeg, "07
cars, against 13S4 cars; nt Chicago, 430
cars, against 73 car.
Business In corn was quiet, but the
mnrket wns steady. December openeil
unchanged nt 7l?He. nnd May up lVkc at
7t',4e The wenther In the West nnd III
Argentina was favorable. Offerings In
this country are light, hut the cash de
mand Is slow. I.lb'rnl shipments at5
expected from Argentina this week. The
receipts of corn here today were 00 cars.
Onts were firmer on good buying. De
cember opened up c. at nfl?jo. and May
up Uc. nt fkHic Arrivals of oats at
Liverpool, but Chill Is a freo tenderer,
there continues fair, but business is
being restricted because buyers and
sellers are too far apart. Canada n
offering only small amounts of oats In
Liverpool, hut Chile Is n free tenderer.
The receipts of oats here today were
214 cars.
At the. monthly meeting of the Cam
bria Steel Company, held here today. A.
P. Robinson resigned ns treasurer and D.
B. Gehly, secretary, was elected to suc
ceed him. Mr. Robinson was grnnted a
leave of abfence until January 1 owing
lo 111 health. He will, however, remain a
ilco president of the corporation,
The weekly stntemont of the Bank of
England shows an increase of 2,1152,557
In bullion. Proportion of the bank's re
servo to liabilities Is 23.3 per cent against
21.2 per cent last week and 5 per cent
In Uils week last year.
Bar silver In London today remained
unchanged as to price. Quotation was
244d. There was no change In New York,
the quotation remaining at 53 cents.
Sun and Tides
Sun rises.... B:4I) a.m. I Run sets.... 0:50 p.m.
High Water. 4:40 am. I HlKh water. J. 10 p.m.
Low water a.m. I law water. .ii:i p.m.
1:31a.m. I High water. 2:08 p m.
R:10 a.m. i Ixiw water. . S:S0 p.m.
HlBh water. 11:24 a.m. ! High water. 11:57 p.m.
Low water.. 4:52a.m. I Low water.. 0:35p.m.
Shipments Total More Than 80,000,
000 Bushels Since July.
Some Idea of the wealth that Is going
Into the West because of enormous crops
Is shown In the fact that since the 1st
of Jlll.x more thnn W) 000,000 iiu.'hels of
wheat. Including flour, hnve been shipped
out of this country. The average price
obtnlned wns approximately 50 cents n
bushel, which means a total of nbout $72,
000,000. All of this money, less nn average rate
of 10 cents a bushel for freight cartage,
goes Into the West. It Is the contention
of grain experts that the exports of
wheat nnd flour will be doubled. If It
shall be available on the present crop,
and that the average price from now on
will be well over the dollar a bushel
Ijm. clnt.
l.oo t osy,
1.18 '1.1JU
l.lUVi ti.imj
lndlnic futures ranted as follows:
,. . ... Vesterday's
M " nm upn. uin.
September l.oo lt
Drembr 1.12ft l.!2J
Mar l.ltrij 1.201
Corn inw delivery)
September 7S "S
December 72 72
Miy 744 74U
December JW! SOU
5.11 MS
li rd
October D.-47 S..V) 0.47
January 10.02 10.00 10.02
January 10.57 10.02 10.57
Hid. tAeked.
Young Mack to Meet Chip
POTTS VII,I,B, sopt. 24. - Manager
Tommy Markley, of tho City Athletic
Club, has matched Joe Chip, of Potts
vllle. and Young Mack, of Ashland, to
battle 20 rounds for tbo tfrMn-i,h -1
i 5,',onshJp of ,ho coa regions October t
Tim Hurst, the former baseball umpire,
1 will referee.
Agut jross f 214.RSR
Net after tnxe 107.12S
Twelve months' gross 2,iM2,ifiii
Net after taxes l.int.pnii
August Rrosa f 2Rt. aco
Net after expne 25?,5o
Twelve month!" gross 3.R71.410
Net after expnes 3, 571,4Vi
Eight months' gross f ,,7A1.im
2.17. I0
1 24.007
Twelve month'i' gros. . . .
August gross
Net earnings
Twelve months' gross..
Net earnings
. .1.522.SC.1
. $72.0.17 Jl lll-l
. Mfl.lM 22.71S
. 302, M m20
High water.
Low water. .
Geldlnp; Breaks Neck
MIN'EOLA, Sept. !4 Rrownle. W. J.
Benson's bay gelding, was killed In a
trotting race at the fair here yester
day. Spectators thought he burst a blood
vessel nnd fell, but a driver Just be
hind said Jack Dillon was driven so
close to Hrownle that the wheels hooked,
causing Hrownle to stumble and break
his neck.
Haverford A, A. to Have Team
WAVNK Sept. 2.-The Haverford A.
A. will be represented on the gridiron this
reason with an Independent team. The
club has secured the use of the Radner
High School grounds for Its games. The
following men have reported for the team:
Parsons. Hunt. Kelley. Garrity. French.
Wilson. Ityan. Call. Gavin. Sheehan.
Seasholtz. Moore. Fleming. Kirk, Whalen,
Kerwood and MacReynolds.
Rain Stops Grand Circuit Races
COLl'MBUS. Ohio, Sept. IL-Raln
caused the postponement of the Orand
Circuit races here today.
Holmesburg After Games
The Holmesburg football team bat reorgan
ized fer th season of 1014. and Is open to
meet all Hrtt-eUst teams. Address A. A.
aallsgber, Holmesburg. Fa.
All previous records for production of
nnturnl gas In the United States were
broken lost year when the output
amounted to 581, EOS, 239,000 cubic feet,
valued at $S7,84S,677. This compares with
a production of 5R2,203,452,000 cubic feet,
valued at t84,S63,9:.7. In 1012. Of the
total product, nbout 32 per cent, was used
for domestic purposes, or 184,S85,6fi2,000
cubic feet, valued at J50, 522,415, and 68
per cent for Industrial purposes, or 397.
012.677,000 cubic feet, valued at J37.321.212.
West Virginia led In production with
245.453, SSS.OOQ cubic feet, valued at $.14,
164,850. Pennsylvania was second with
an output of 118.860.260,000, valued at $21,
695,845. Northern California Power Company.
which serves the territory north of the
Paclftc Gas and Electric territory,
reports gross earnings for the seven
months ending July 31, of J487.000, an
Increase of J38.0O0 as compared with 1913.
In four years the gross earnings nave In
creased 89H per cent.
Local stockholders of the Wayland OH
and Gas Company learned today that the
South Penn OH Company had Increased
Its purchase of oil from 50 to 100 per
cent. In the West Virginia field, and that
this arrangement would continue until
the end of October. The curtailment of
these purchases caused the suspension
of dividends on the stock of the Way
land concern.
Attorneys representing the Vow Vnru
Central lines will appear before the
Illinois State Public Utilities Commission
on October 13 to get permission to com
plete consolidation of the Ku- Vnrv
Central and the Lake Shore and Michi
gan Southern Railroads.
NEW YORK. Sept. 24.-Butter. qu'et;
receipts. 7593; crejmery extra. 3i'Vfl'Hc
State dairy, tubs, 2323c; imitation
creamery, firsts. 24S24Vjc.
Eggs Dull: receipts. 11,902. nearby
white fancy. 3S340c; nearby mixed
fancy, 2529c; fresh firsts, 24S30C,
Vessels Arriving Today
Rolla (Br.), Jameson, Port Antonio, fruit,
Atlantic FVult Company.
Quantlco, Thatcher, Roton. passengers and
merchandise. Merchant and Miners' Transpor
tation Company.
Sailing Today
Str. Tuscan, Howes. Savannah and Jackson
ville. Merchants and Miners' Transportation
Str. Persian. Nlckerson. Boston. Merchants
and Miners' Transportation Company.
Str. New York. Schultze, New York, Clyde
Steamship Company.
Str. Ericsson, Willis, Baltimore, Ericsson
Schr. Oeorgla D. Jenkins, MeYean, St. Pe
tersburg. Fla.. A. D. Cummins tz Co.
Schr. Percy Blrdsall, Rlnes. Charleston
Charles T. Mogee & Co.
Steamships to Arrive
Name. From. Date.
Mongolian Glasgow Sept. 16
Btampalla Naples Sept. 11
Dominion Liverpool Sept 16
City of Durham Calcutta Sept. 1
Zulderdyk Rotterdam Sept. 15
Amsteldyk Rotter-lam ....Sept. 15
Start Point London Sept. 12
Man. Mariner Manchester ...Sept 10
Adolfn Huelva Sept II
Sturmfels Calcutta Sept. -
Canadla Stavanger Sept. 15
Zerennergen Cardiff Sept. 1
Rartdan Lith Sept. 10
Callfrrnls. Copenhagen ...O-t
Missouri London Sept. 22
pakotan Hllo Sept.
Steamships to Leave
Nome. For. Date
Carthaginian Glasgow Sept 29
Dominion , l.lerpool O.-t. a
Stamralla Naples Oct. 6
1'ranlenborg Copenhagen ...Sept.
Man. Exchange Manchester ....Sept.
Maine London ept 20
. iilderdyk Itotterdnm Spt :'0
I Danta Copenhagen ...Sept 21
I West Point London Sept. , 10
Canadla C'hrlsllinli On a
California Copenhagen ....Oct.
CHICAGO. Sept 24 -HOGS.-Reclpti. 7000.
market steady mixed and butchers. IS.1
?? f.00!?. hW.y.$.,.I0'301 fu?h heavy. 1S
8.60 light, $S.rVao.l6 pigs, iiilsio bulk
IS.SdfiS.'to.' CUTT'l.E.-R&Jlpta 4C00 mirkVt
Sf!K2.y ev- T40ll. cows and heifers H
4,vm, ft.siu, liSD, 3OiX43. YUfini
Chartering Is limited, due to the scarcity of
tonnage. Rates are unchanged. Exceptional
dulness rules the sail market.
Fernmon (Rr), Ualteston to Hull, grain,
20.000 quarters. 2s. (id . prompt
Mratsberg (N'or.). 2I1 tons, time charter,
general trades, three to six months, at or
about 4s. 3d., prompt.
Nellrose CBr.), 22f7 tons. Savannah to
United Kingdom, cotton, basis .10 centx. one
port, prompt
Crown of Cordova (Br I2SD tons, Gulf to
I'nlted Kingdom or France, flour, private
term. September-October
Romsdal (Nor ). S02S tons. Baltimore to
Havana coal, private terms, prompt
Kronstad iS'or). Kit tons, Quebec and
Point du Chene to Glasgow, deals, 4'.'s. til ,
Nevlsbroolt (Br). lfWi tons. Gulf to United
Kingdom, timber. prlate term prompt.
Foreign steamship. -. 7000 tons dead
weight. Montreal to Havre has. II for com
pressed, $13 for non-romprrosed, October.
Antilles. Boyd. Genoa, passengers and mer
chandise. Southern Pacific Co . docked Sam.
Vlrrlnle (Frl. Bourdeaux. Bordeaux, pas
sengers and merchandise. Cnmpagnla Generate.
Tranratlantlque Co docked S a. m.
New York. Liverpool, passenger and mer
chandise. American Line. Dock ,u n.on.
Steamships to Arrive
Nam. From.
Chicago Havre
Mauretanla Liverpool
Name. From
Adriatic Liverpool.
Hanseat ..Rotterdam
Sept It
Sept IS
Steamships to Leave
Sept 18
Sept. 10
To vote on the appiovnl of a refund
ing and improvement mortgage cover
ing the railroad properties, rights and
franchises, a special meeting of the
stockholders of the Erie Railroad will
be held on October 13.
President Harrison, of the Southern
Railway, wants the next annual meet
ing of the company, which will be held
on October 13, to be "more than the
conventional routine." and looking to
ward this end he has sent a letter to
stockholders asking their co-operntlon.
Stockholders are Invited to ask questions
of the management.
"The only hope for our railroads. If
they are to remain under private owner
ship, Is that there be an Immediate ad
vance allowed In their passenger and
freight rates," said B. F. Bush, presi
dent of the Missouri Pacific and tho
Denver nnd Rio Grande Railroads, In
an address before the Missouri Pacific
Association. "A moderate advance in
the rates that would afford the railroads
the desired revenue would not appre
ciably Increase the prices of any com
modity to the consumer."
The New Hampshire Public Service
Commission has denlerl the application
of the Boston nnd Maine Railroad and
the Grand Trunk Railway for permission
to Increase passenger mileage rates from
2 to 2i cents a mile.
Rate cases involving allowances tn Bn.
called industrial or tap lines for hauling
cement In the eastern producing district
will be taken up by the Public Service
Commission of Pennsylvania early In Oc
tober. Important questions affecting this
and other commodities will be raised.
The new north and south route of the
Hill lines between the northwest and
Galveston, which affords a saving of 1'ft
miles In distance. Is to be put in opera
tion November 1 with a through train
service, and the understanding is that
the Trinity nnd Brazos Valley will pass
Into full possession of the Hill interests
at the termination of its receivership.
The Pennsylvania, through a holding
company, is acquiring a block of Unci
In Buffalo as a site for a terminal
market similar to those It operates in
Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh
Management May IVevive Old Suit
Restraining: Vernon Castle.
i.:C.ti01. "? ev,ve an 0l(l Injunction
Issued by Judge Klnsey May 2rt of this
year, restraining Vernon Castle from per
forming In public other than under the
Shubert management, may be taken to
day. Attorney William A Grav, for the
Castles, haa presented a motion for dis
solution of the former preliminary In
junction, but so far no decision has been
made by the Court of Common Plas.
The preliminary injunction obtained by
the Shuberts as based on a contract in
which the Castles agreed to appear under
Shubert management. The Injunction was
made to apply only to Vernon Castle, be
cause of a question as to Mrs. Castle's
signature to the contract
MNIrW Km,RIS' -?Ppt '-KJl Yamnda.
the Jap billiard player, nnd Albert ditler
will meet In a match game nt 14.1 balk
line at the Morningside Billiard Academy
this evening.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24.-A complaint
today was filed with tho Interstate Com
merce Commission by the Des Moines
Saw Mill Company, Des Moines, against
ratea on walnut logs nnd walnut lum
ber to Norfolk, Vn,. or Baltimore, Md
for export. It wns said the rate should
not exceed thnt charged from Knnsaa
City to Norfolk nnd not over 77 cents
per li pounds. The Minneapolis and St
Iouls and other railroads wore named
A complaint ngnlnst rates on wheat and
corn from stntlon.s on the Union Pacific
Ilnllrond In Nebraska to St. Joseph nnd
Kansas nty, Mo., and Leavenworth,
Kan., was filed by the Nebraska State
Hallway Commission. It was alleged thflt
the rates are unreasonable In comparison
with similar rates from stations on tho
Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy Railroad
to the same destinations.
A complaint was also filed by tho
Omnha Grain Rxrhnnge against the rates
on grain from points In Minnesota to
Omaha. The Minneapolis nnd St. Louis
nnd other railroads were named defendants.
ComrMnV. rtfflllar aiis..I
It. w .,n, ., .... ... ... Jv . .'
j ,.-- ....... ... is,.-,,.-,,?., nn l per cent.
on pnmmra, .payable October 15 to stock of
record September 30,
r cent
re ord November SO.
and Albany, regular nuarteriv iu
per cent., payable Uerember 31 to stock, of
t'nlon Natural Gss Corporation, of . Pitts
burgh, regular qtinrle'ly 214 per cent., payable
October 15 to stock of record September-30. -
Continental Oas and Rfclric Company, of
Grand Itaplds. regular m per cent, on pre.
ferred nnd u, of 1 per tent, on common, pay
able October 1. .
Kansas Gas and Electric, regular quarterly
1 per cent, on preferred, payable October
1 to stock of record September 2S.
Pittsburgh Coal Compuny, regular quaxterlv
m pr cent, on preferred, payable October 28
to stock of record October 15.
t'nlon National Oas Corporation.
quarterly 2M per cent., payable October
stock or record ccptcmner aj.
15 to.
Fpson Nut Company, regular quarterly 1U
per cent, on preferred, payable October 1.
Dow Chemical Company, special 1 per cent.,
pajahle October 10 to stock of record Sep
tember "0.
Osage and Oklihoma Company, usual quar
terly 114 pr cent., payable October 10 to stock
of record September -0-
Virginia Carolina Chemical Company, regu
lar quarterly 2 per cent., passable November
15 to stock of record September 20.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, reg
ular quarterly 24 per cent , payable October
21 to stock of record Octoher 3.
Massachusetts Gas Company, regular quar
terly SI 25 a share, payable November 2 to
stock of record October 15.
The 1I1 Telephone Company of Pennsylva
nia, regular quarterly 11, per cent., payable
October 15 to eto"k of record October 5.
Chinese Last Appearance
The Chinese fnlverslty baseball team
will make Its Ann: appearance In Phila
delphia for this year when they play tho
Victrlx C. C. at 5th street and Haver
ford avenue, on Saturday.
spot and Sertebt?r $1
"in, ra.L19Il.lr5
wMshin 2 lb and ovpr apiec. 70c . do..
.. .UViIh IliTMt' Ik. . ' mAe. . '
WHEAT T.-.l. .-.-. ....1. .."Si.1 ,'1 .' 1" '.'"' ..?V"Y "".; 0..
cllnVrt i- ' "V ""; ''- Dusn. I'ricee de- I "'li"l" .'.i",,"""'' "c-' ola- ,c Pigeons.
tv... A? , . un.'ler lower reports from 'the I Per pair. IVdlSc.
"est. Car lots. In export elevator -Vn r.Vi IHtEfrSKIs Off.rlnen nf rt.irM. .tn.U
.ORS1 14 Vft n ., . light Hrul nrtr.R firm uMth trari fqi. r...,.-
No. 1 Northern Duluth. 11.20 killed fowls, per lb., weighing 4M,i?5 lbs
uk-ic v, ,,"(-. . (ju., wi-iBninc ids. apiece, uc. :
do weighing 3i lbs. apiece. lTJflSc. ; do.,
weighing 3 lbs. nnd under, lfic. . old roosters,
drv-plek.ed.134c.. broiling chicken, nearby,
weighing n4J'- lbs. aple- W730C : brollln
chlck-ns. nearby, fair to good, ic,3ie. : chick
en. Western. 34-5-4 lbs. apiece, lc . do., do..
24i?.'l lbs. apiece. Wr., broiling chickens.
Western. 142 lbs apiece. lTTHc.; broiling
chickens. Western, fair to good, 1531fic.;
squabs, per doz. White, weighing 11 to 12
lbs., per doz . $4.15f?4.&0. white, nelg.1
Ing ! to IP lhs, per d-iz.. Jlflfl.7.1. white,
weighing lbs., por doz.. J2 2592 50. do., do..
7 lbs., per doz . $1 75JT2. do., do . &ftfl4 lhs.,
per doz., U.25t?l.SO, dark and No. 2. COc.9
hm JhcIT n "i "'" r!nnn. """h. Trade quiet.
loi.i PflA "'" n"'n'lned. Car lot? for
Cat'lrte' "3 ' '"cation No. 2. yellow,
f.lHr-''"'am"" yellow. (,74rasc.
steady with demand fair and offerings mod-whi,'.-
.jNA-,' whi,e' M4 9.c. standard
rWi'"-; S.l- whl' MS9f.
ri.tfi n.-ifr nn i df wl,i i toe nnn ..
In sacks. Th. market dull and wlaiT under
pressure to sen. winter clear 4sUIVl'r
J.MJ5.2,'.: do., patent. .'i.oa3.75".
straight. Iuia ncif irtnCT .a j.
?K?t" J-1-''""?"'- 'VVS3.W: "spring.' first
Clear, .i53ri. do. srr.1trht M lr!-. ,n. i
Jfo'-f"?.-!. V,fi- ?n- 'avorlte' brands,' JVa
6..J. city mills, choice and fancy patent. JUji
city mills, regular grades
uo.. iir-aigm,
LViA "'"k" Steadily held, but quiet, at
nt r rUie
frfrftfio, do., patent,'
!5f!5..v per bbl., In wood.
.JYer?Ji,i,e anJ b"'y steady city bef, in
sets, smoked and alr-drled. 31-ijn2c . Western
EMf,:i,i,n '"? 8mked, 3iaa2c. city beef,
."Si1'' AP'K "n't", smoked and alr-drled.
''; Ji,Q,.rn !"".; n'"-kles and tenders,
Jmh?. .2J;-V'-V, b"( """' lo-S'-Me,. pork,
& "I37- ,am- " f- "iir-d. loose, 154
yll4e.. do., skinned, loose, l.v.siOcj - do.
do., jmoked. lSffWo., other hamr smoked, city
cured, as to brand and average litf-lOo.,
hams, smoked, Western e,jr.d. isijinc. . do
boiled, boneless. 2S1SCOC.. picnic shoulders. S.
ri'u?"i'n T' TB'124e. . do., smoked. Hfj.
1Z ,;, W ".,"n.lc. '-i--nnnK to average,
loos., Irt4817r.: breakfast bacon, as to brand
and average, city cured. 2192.1c ; breakfast
bacon. Western curd. 21ff23c.. lard. Western
Ji'?1ndW,lr,'e,"' jlWffHV'.; do., do., do., tubs;
Uy',?XSe'',,l?r-$uFn ,rt'I- k",l, rendered.
;?nde7eTlnnitu,bi?Yl'44,lli.,'Ure M kett,
IIEP1NKD. Trade slow, but the market
Kf'-l1, '"!, '" ";11"'- Standard gran"
ViC1- """"i "ne granulated. a.T.v.. powderJ.
O.S.V. . confectioners' A. B.5e. . son mrt.
w.?i'TJ!5K,rra'Ir ,ry qult and Trices
weak under general pressure to sell. Western
fresh, solld-packed. creamery, fancy, specials,
33e , extra, .lie.. ,xtra firsts. Sv.. firsts. 24
.'l'4c seconds. IVff-J74.-., ladle-racked, 21
23c, as to quality, nearby prints, fancy, 3c..
do , average extra. 32SMc . do . firsts, 201
31c. do, seconds. 27CT2V Special fancy brands
of prints lobbing ,t SS-SJOc
KOOS. Strictly fine fresh stock well
cleaned up and steadv but undergrade dull. In
free cases nearby extras. 31;. per doz., near
Dy firsts. S 40 per standard case, nearbv cur
rent receipts. i7.2fr7 50 pr standard" caso.
ii'Sy1.'' firsts. S4,1 per casx; do., flrets.
Si..1"!. .,0 per ease, do. seconds. J1.tl (O
per case. Candled and rwrated fresh eggs
were Jobbed out at .15317c p-r doz.. as to
CIIKKSE. lieslrable sto, k well cleaned up
ft firm prices New York full-cream, choice,
l4iyinc . do. 1o fair to good. 154ui3. :
do , part skims. O'altc
supply and quiet
rown, i.-gi,c
LIVE In fairly liberal
at recently re Ised prices.
old roosters. 12jl3- spring chicken, accord
ing tn quality nyiflc . ducks, old. 13gl4c ;
do., spring. UlSc , guineas, per pair, young,
Trade fair and price generally steady. Ap-
'JsJjrr. ,,w -r n''n. ?1 592 25. Blush,
1.RVB2.2S. other riod eating varieties. ST".0fi
2..T,. medium. lfil..v. apples. Delaware and
Pennsylvania, per hamper. .Vti50e. Lemons
per box 3fl4. Pineapples, per crate Porto
nico. $1.25153.25, Florida. IKS2.50. Cranber
ries. Cape Cod. Early Black, per bbl . $4.5Hfl
5. cranhrne. cape Cod. Earlv Black, per
crate, $1 ,5S'J, cranberries, Jersey, per crate
Dark, $1.73,82 25. light. $13125. Huckleber
ries. Per Ot.. ie P.ach. Vlrvlnt, nmT-
20.b. b-udtet, 25ft. '.0c . d' . do., per crate. 73e.
Ii$l .20. do.. Delaware and Maryland, per
basket. 25.375c.. ,jo do.. pr crate. Trie & SI .25:
peaches. Pennsylvania, per basket Largs
white or yellow, 50875c.. medium. 35gWc.;
peaches. Jersey, white, per 4-basket. 40?.'dfl:
do., do., y.llow. per N,-ba;k-t 40c ej-jl. Pears,
nearby, per bbl Bartleti. No. 1, $43-1.50. do..
No 2. $2..W50. Clapps Favorite. No. 1. $.1.5031
..V). do.. No 2. $2Vkti. other varieties. $2S
3. rest". New York Peckel, pr bbl.. $185.
urspea. New Vork Concord, per 5-lb basket.
l..J15o : do., per 4-lh basket. 'Sift-., grapes.
Southern Dela wares, per carrier. 48ie. ;
grapes Concord, per crate. 40fi.W;. Plum,
per 5-lb basket, 20.325c Cantaloupes. Colo,
rado, prr crate, $ll.23. dv. do . flits. 40n
65c. Watermelons. Jery. pr 100. $5315.
Tha market quiet ani unchanged Whl'o
potatoes, pr hush rennsvlvsnla. choice. 61J
H3o.. do., fair to good. 5.V5vv. white potatoes,
Jersev, p-r bask.t. 4074 v-. Sweet pcitiioes.
Eastern Shore, per bbl No 1, 41.7332.331
No. 2. 75-9$l Sw.et potatoes, N C rer
bbl - No. 1. 1 TStfC. No. 2 75c1?$l. sweets.
Jer-ev. per bbl No. 1. j; 5032.75. No! 2.'
M.WiX.7s sweet. Jersey, per basket. VT
50e Onion, Western and Connecticut Valley.
choice p.r irn.ih bag $1 onions, medium,
per HMb. bag 758Wic Cabbage, domestic,
per ton, $1011. Celerv, N V per bunch.
lufl.lfK... Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket. SOCJ
Philadelphia, September 11. 1914
The Doard of Directors of the Lehigh
Vallev Ilallroad Companv have this day de
clared a quirterlv dividend of two and one.
Iiolf per cent, (or $1 25 per share) on Its
preferred stock 10 stockholders of record
September '.'1. IflH; and a quarterly dlvl.
Send of two and one-lialf per cent, (or $J.21
per share) on its common stock to stock
holders of record ritember 28, 1014 1 both
payable October 10. 1014
Checks will be mailed.
Cretle . . .
Nsplea .
Havre . .
, London
6ept 2
Eept 24
Sept 24
Sept 2a
Bopt. 24
Sept. 2S
.SvPt. 24
Because of the reduction of chemical
importations, duo to the European war.
companies, In this line of business are
I reporting, business of an abnormal char
acter une corporation. tn Dow Chemical
Companv of Cleveland today notified its
siooKnowers ot the declaration of a. spe
clal dividend of 1 per cent payable '
October 10 to stock of record September j
30. The company has been paying- at the j
rate of i per cent a year. '
Impartial Unbiased Information
regarding Investment Securities was never more
needed than now.
1 How have the rapidly changing conditions affected
your holdings? of course you wish to know, but 4q you?
Investors Service
Keeps you In touch and frequently warns Its qsirs and
aids In a decision toward wiBe action. An information
service to Investors no "tips" for Speculators.
Call or write for leaflet "Vain Recrets" and register vour rennet I
X int in tnrrM it-mA..,.u.. .1 t r ... B
s uuiiiiaviui. un jny mo 01 your securities no oblication.
In use by 21 Hants and Trust Companies of this City.
M Sot Pnon
g Bank Ktttrmcn,
As Mx
15 f tVANi
' '"- hi
taiwvlSTOw .1