!""" .- 12 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 191. ll heaB oo C',0' " . hea iJW Dar ,!W fHrf M lovtj Q SW ...Ti iyi ki ? f H,' moi 1ST An tij' nail S ... i dec ;!J on til opt 11 the 5 KING FOOTBALL MOBILIZING MANY RESERVISTS -PHILLIES IN TTO GAMES TODAY SPINNING COIN LAST DETAIL FOR WORLD'S SERIES Braves and Athletics Having Easy Time Phillies Meet Cubs in Double-header Here This Afternoon. Practically the only matter of Im portance In the major leagues which has been left undone Is the spinning of the coin to decide whether the first Barnes shall be played In Philadelphia or In Boston. While neither the Athletics nor the Braves have mathematically captured the flans In their respective IcnRUes, nothltiB short of an earth quake can head the present leaders. The Olants tost their last chance es terday when they were beaten twice In the course of four hours at the Polo Grounds by Miller HilRKlns' band of former contenders. During that period of time the Braves uero evening mat ters with the Cincinnati Beds, thus drawing further away from tho metro politan e-nemy. Should the New York ers, by some strange freak of fortune, be able to capture their Inst thirteen games, the Braves would have to win eight out of their final fourteen. That the Olants have completely Inst heart was evident In their second game with St. Louis. The first contest was close, but when the Olants finally lost out, they appeared to give up nil hope for the pennant, allowing themselves to b shot to pieces b the shower of hits and run? made by the St. Louis club. Hank O'Day's much-buffeted players will be seen again this afternoon at Broad and Huntingdon streets. A double-header N scheduled, to begin at 1-.10 o'clock. The heavy batting of tho rhllllcs vesterday showed the Cubs plainly that the Palsies are still trying to win games. KING FOOTBALL ABOUT TO MOUNT SPORTS' THRONE He Is Mobilizing Reservists in Anticipation of Some Stiff Battles on Gridiron This Fall. NEW TOBK, Sept. 2t.-01d King Foot ball Is about to mount the sport throne He Is collecting his reservists throughout the country nnd already has engaged In many slight skirmishes with his nnclent enemv. Czar Baseball. In all of the out- I lying posls Football's forces are scoring 1 heavily. Aiound the big centres, tnougn, j Baseball still holds forth the strongest Not until nfter the World's Series docs I King Football expect to reign supreme The football outlook around the East this year Is unusually Interesting. Yale I occupies the spotlight, not because l Is i expected to "clean up" this fall, but be- ' cause Frank Hlnkey Is buck to coach Old Ell's pigskin waiilors. The prospect of this former Blue star putting In a win. nlng team theie Is very doubttut. The I task Is too great. In the minds of football i critics. But the Hlnkey spirit, as It Is I remembered by those who saw that fa- 1 mous star In action In the old days, is I something to be reckoned with and the seemingly Impossible may be accom- I pllshrd. Hlnkey' efforts, at any rate, will be closely watched. 1 In the preliminary work to date. Hlnkey has tried out n large number of candl- dates. His policy seems to be that every fman who reports Is going to get a chance. He eems to want to s"o for himself what material he has on hand. Only the thre I plavers who were regarded as regulars I are" available for Hlnkey. They are Cap- 1 tain Talbott. Halfback Carroll Knowles and Quarterback "Aleck" Wilson. Hln- I key Is being assisted at present by Dr. Blllv Bull, who has charge of all the klck- lnx candidates. "Doc" Cornish, who Is ' directing the quarterback aspirants, and ! "Billy" Martins, who Is showing the ccn- tres the fine points. PERSONAL TOUCHES IN SPORT The morning after's always sad. An" fore this safe an' sane Fourth fad chucked klll-'em-qulcks for horns July the fifth coppod out the belt for all tin. feels that could be felt on any after morns. An' et In ISM. July the fifth, tome old stork picks to start Bcals Becker out. 'Twas out In El Dorado, too, where Kansas cyclones up an' blew birth places all about. But somehow Bents came through al right an' got hl3 normal weight an' height. An' when he came nineteen he Joined the team nt Little Bock to show, the folks what baseball stock he'd stored up In his bean. Three yars of bushln' made him fit to pack his little trav'lln' kit an' bor.rd the Pirate ship. He didn't quite outshln the moon and went to CIncy prettv soon. 'Twaa there he got his grip. But Clncy never keeps good men. so Dooln topped off Becker when he hit his topnoch gait. Beals leads the Thllly hit emlths now an' shows the old league gaxd'ners how to play that left estate. He hits well over Three-o-o an' often makes his bingles go for more than just one base. H does his playln' all left hand. But, that ain't such a bad birth-brand consid'rln' tlm and place. Coppyright by A. M. Corrigan. Another chance for the American pub lic to read about a good fight has been "killed" by the manager of "Jimmy" Clabby, who wires that he will not allow his pet to box that dreadful man, "Mike" Gibbons. Francis Outmet is now thoroughly con vinced that golf Is a "funny game." Harry Vardon made that remark when Oulmet defeats him in that memorable national tournament. Oulm't has had his second setback In two days at Green wich, Conn. The National Athletic Club should be packed to the doors next Saturday night when "Al" McCoy fights "Jack" Me Carron. McCov is the pugilist who de feated George 'hlp recently. ' Al" claims the middleweight title, incidentally. You may call this autumn weather If you wish, but It does not matter to the weather maker. The thermometer has been up In the TAs for several days, and It might as welt be midsummer. No man Is wearing a straw hat. either. Not a. bit like the usual football period, is it? Maybe the Columbia University nine Is favored bv the weather man, as we notice the New Yorkers are havins their fall baseball practice. Here's what Balrd Leonard fays: M'OIUW TO THE GIANTS, Too late for flags, too late for coin. Too late, too late! You loitered on the road too long. You trifled at the gate; Each summer came you might have won Comes back In ghostly state. You slept while Stalllng's Boston Bravee Were making love to Fate, To see them crack beneath the strain We now must stand and wait. Three years ago, two years a;o, One jear ago. Even then you passed the post In time, Though somewhat slow, But you uere plalng better ball Than jou today can show, Marquard would sometimes win a game, The Chief could throw Thinls you the gods mil never grant Four pennants in a row? Certain spectators appear to Imagine that when they buy a ticket at the gate, It entitles hem to abuse the ball players. The players do not lend hearty support to the idea. A cheap way to commit suicide: Asls one of the Giants what he Intends to do with his share of the world's series money. In announcing the world's series will commence October S. Ban Johnson says: "It Is our aim to start and finish the series as early as possible." Well, we do not know who'll start it, but after watching the Athletics for some years we can imagine who'll finish It as early as possible. At last Mathewson's prediction has come true. The Braves have begun to crack the baseball Lavender Is suspected by the Phllly ' players of having used the "emery ball" In yesterday's game. Jt Is true that De tective Rlgler. after an exhaustive search of Jimmy's person, was unable to locate the magic paper but the ball which Jimmy was on the verge of throwing- showed a slight abrasion If Jimmy had the paper he must be a, legerdemain artist, for there wasn't even sJjrn of It. Not only is he that awful thing, but he Is also akin to the chame leonstarting out Lavender, he turned red. then blue at the finish. ; Five times the ball was sent caroming against the right new wan in uw Philly-Cubs' game. Becker's drive struck directly on top, hesitated a moment, then bounded away Into Broad street, nnd one more spectator was added to the SXI who were already present. Howard Berry Is playing a rattling good sramo for tho Penn scrubs at fullback. Berry is an all-around football plaver as well as an all-around athlete He Is probablv the best quarterback that has entered Penn since Stevenson's clay. Un fortunately he will not be eligible until next season because he played on Muhl cnburg last year. This Is the uame Berry the Phillies and Athletics attempted to land. Unquestionably Berry will ulti mately become a professional ball player, but he has not decided with which club he will sign. A dash of "VI yards for a touchdown was made by "Ted" Merrill on Franklin Flold yesterdny. He l the hero today. Charles Ebbotts will probably declare a half holiday In Brooklyn and have an other dedication of the stadium If the Dodgers continue their winning streak to a doien. They have now won eight In a row. Already thoe baseball citizens who have never visited the City of Concen trated Culture are learning the names of the hotels and mailing certified checks for room reservations. Poor old Cincinnati Reds' Thev started out to win the National League pennant. j After discovering that It couldn't be done, they started out to make a world's , record for straight games lost. After i reaching the count of 15 they were forced to win from Boston. The, Pirates hold the Marathon record for games lot with S3. Prior to this performance tho old Louisville club, of the National League, had the honor with 21 games dropped In succession. Ehbets sav3 he has taken In a pot of rronev on the olglit straights by the JtrooMyns. That number of straights will win any pot. HHsHMHssIsssW &ipk BHK&MsSBSEsflBfiSHaBflHvHBBn SBBBBSHraSSRiil&rauSiHsKBBBBBH IjljljeaMlBWsUMkaljSHBiHfrisV'jlH TmMK,.:j.;&mSBBSMam dH IBraEaHHPfii ofsiH ssVSfiMBIssH issssssW ssHHisssssBiH59P iWssssB BKmXmBJMsf HBssBi rrig iKTIIffPk NXTajJlBsr JgPi!lr 1 1 t -. - . . , , j 1 1 rzi JpB 1 1 I i ' 11 v., vtm$mr lii i nsg 3 I wMBMsW&bssIs1sIHsV i WBbILw LAUREL OVERCROWDED Stable Accommodations nt Coining Races Are Not Sufficient. BALTIMORE. Sept. "I. Although there are accommodations for Sji) odd horses within the gates of the racing plant of the Maryland State Fair, thee will be Insufficient to meet the demand of the many horsemen who have planned tn rare at the coming mooting at Lain el Park. When new stalls for M'J tqulncs were elected recently It was thought that everbody could be tnkfii care of, ami as the result the special train which was itin between the course and Bennlngs on each race dav was abandoned for the coming meeting. Stabling, too, Is nt a premium In the town of Liure:. and from pie-rent in dications thcie will be in the neighbor hood of 10") thoroughbreds on hand for the coming meeting. FOOTBALL LEADERS IN PUBLIC EYE Captain Busch, of the Carlisle In dian eleven, helped his teammates in the play against Lebanon Valley rep resentatives, while Captain O'Hearn, of Cornell, was in charge of the squad which opposed Ursinus, captained by Mitterling. GUNNERS SEEK LICENSES Registration Likely to be Heaviest in Years, is Report. It is expected that the registration of Pennsylvania hunters for 1011-1913 will rival that of last ear, when approxi mately 30t.rvn) hunters took out tho papers requited to permit them to hunt. In addition It Is estimated that morn than 10Vi farmers, their families or their tenants hunted un their own lands last ear, taking advantage of the pro vision In the law enabling them to do so without biinir licensed. The estimates arc being based upon reports made of the tale of licenses, which Is stated to hae been heavy In a number of coun ties wheie the demand was light at this time last year. It Is expected that there will be a brick demand for licenses early In October. I , The Carlisle Indians have won two font ball games in the last four days. The remarkable part of it is that Glenn War- I r.er hasn't a double-header on Saturday. BV dejener.lt snrint Rlis-n'Artil SfAA stretched a triple Into a two-bagger yesterday. The Golfers' Aftermath ne rMn tr the ie'et ef Mm IVnaM 1' Harlnn- In th ssml-nnal muni of th wnm-n' netlona' -hamplenehlp oas th rffipt by hr ef the newt that hr on. L. If. Barlon in Un't'd to )nn th Canadian ontinnt hound for th war. Mrs Ha time rlne) not a'ltanre this a' an eus for h" 'lefeat, hut Trithout a i uht it mmi have affected her sam con Wrably. It eannot h" nM that "tir women golfer; aro lacking In 1trmlnatirn. We hie all hai1 of the prfetls tru atory of the lady who took over loo troJis on the IHnnlektll hole at Shin-nee a year or eo ago. This n-a a no ef grim determination nlth a ven-eesnr-e hut It did not entail the discomfort that the lady tuffored In the first round of match play In the nrtheln Tup competition when he uaded knee-deep into the pond In front of the fifteenth jrreen at Hunttncdnn Valley to plv her ball. She could have drooped hark for the loss of a atroke. hut preferred to play out And ehe did it at the first attempt with out loelng a atroUe. DavH futhher' ts very proud of his lady pupils at Huntingdon Valley, and he expects at leas- one or o to make their marks Mrs O Inverts? Mr O. Henry Stetsen. Mrs J. H Henty. It and Mrs A. I) Huhhard have nen plajlng the game only a short time, but they ar. making aonderful progress. It at feared thit the tournament now be ing held at the Merlon frlckn Club for the jun.or chamilonhl. of Phllalelphm would not re the success tt deserved to be because many of those tho wished to compete would be prevented though having to attend school In changing the plav from morning to afternoon the Golf Association of rhlladelphta made a wise move, and there is no doubt aiojt the success of the tournament One of the semi finals must be !'-ft ver un'l neit -icim as C B Webster. Jr and I M. Washburn are playing In the Lesley ('up matches tomorrow Phttvietrbla a women s Ifers show wonderful consistent in their play Mrs Ronald II Barlow the Merlon irickei Club and Eastern champion not onh leads over the home courses but usually excels when playing over the shore and mountain links Mrs. Caleb K Fox, Hunt ingdon Valley Country Club and Mrs f ji VanderbecV. Merlon Cricket Club, are usually jUiji well up at ihe finish of an event. This trio of pl.ueri. representing three of the largest vlubs in the Bast, may be depended upon to uphold Philadelphia on the links. Pla will start this Saturday for the Merlon Cricket Club golf ihampionshlp and Howard W Perrln the present title holder will b out to defend his honors The qualifying round will be 1 holes scraten medal play Six teen will qualify for match play and alt rounds " iBSai'.1 ' ,s h"" "" " lnl round 38 holes Drawings for match play will be poeted at the club on September ;!. and GRIDIRON NEWS GLEANED FROM LEADING COLLEGE CAMPS By EDWARD R. BUSHNELL George H. Brooke '4s gradually work ing out his backflcld problem at Penn sylvania. The return of Avery and the rare kicking ability no has shown have been enough to gladden the hearts ot Brooke and his assistants. Avery showed lots of ability as a backtleld player last jear. and towards the end of the season was beginning to develop Into a good kicker. Then came first one Injury and then another, with the result that he was never able to do himself justice. His last year's experience must have benefited him. and with the Improve ment In kicking which ho has been dem cnstratlng for the last few days, ho ought to bo a star back and sure of a permanent place. It was a treat to watch Avery kick yesterday. He hns maatcred a twisting punt that soars high and far and re minds one of the punts which made Marshall Ueynolds. of the JS01 team, so famous. Not a man playing down the field under his kicks yesterday could handle 50 per cent, of them- Several of them got away so well that they drew words of admiration from Brooke him self, who was a past master in all kinds of kicking. Avery hasn't yet mastered the art of getting his kick away quickly, but thJt Is a detail whtcn can be corrected as the season ad- VAnother man who has been showing the sort of ability which If llkoly to land him a varsity berth is Mathews, who S ?npw.n nrt fullback of the fresh man eleven laet year. Mathews Is built much on the same lines as Joe MCrnck. en the famous guard and fullback of II years ago He possesses splen did Speed for so large a man. Is a good line breaker and manipulates the forward pass well. . . The Quaker football management has ohown good judgment In Its handling of the frebhman squad. That could n t be gald of some previous years. ThU year the importance of good coaching and handling of the youngsters has been rec. ognlzed. and there Is now a board of three strategists in charge of th squad They consist of cx-Captaln I,ouls oung. of list year's team, with Jack Keough and W F. Kord as his able abfeistante. Between the three tho freshmen should have Just as much attention as the var sity candidates themselves. Cornell came safely through Its first Fame of the season, defeating I'rjlnus College eeterday by the tcore uf 21-0 This Is consldetablv less than the margin of lBst j ear's vlctorv over the wmt team hut Cornell had good reason to takt things easy In view of the hot weat -r in which even Ithaca sweltered v,mell s real test comes on Saturday against tho University of Pittsburgh eleven The Ithacan have been tuning up for t .e Pittsburghers all week, and. despite the warnings which have been sent u .t fr. various sections of the countr. ate de termined to win Should Cornell triumt-n Jn decisive etvle It will make a spl-ndld beglnnins for Al Sharpe's thiijl ve.tr M coach. Grttysburr College comes here Satur day to open the season on the gridiron with the University of Pennsylvania eleven. The bnttlePield boys are not mak inn any claims to scoring touchdowns or even holding the score' down against the Pennsylvania team, but they guarantee that they will place on the Held a very lively lot of men. For bo early the Oettysbiug boys have had some good stilt scrimmages, and In this respect they will have an advantago on Pennsylvania. They have had over a week's more work ai.tl have a few plays working fairly smoothly. The team has a fair number of veterans on Its list, of which the most notable Is their quarterback Hoar, who has played so brilliantly for them the last two years. He was their bright star last fall here and he is playing even better lhnn ever this fall. He Is n deadly tackier and very fast, a very hard man to get by in the open field. Buchler. Weimer. Jielllnger and McCtilloch are again tho b'ukhi.ne of the line which Penn will find fairly stiff though not very heavy. Schef fer. considered as next to Hoar In their hackfield men, Is playing again and he Is the man on whom they depend to get off their forward passes. CAMBniDGE, Sept. 21. Harvard's v-irslty ran up three touchdowns vesterday against the scrubs in ter minutes. Mahnn romped "3 yards for n score on the flrrt play. Later Univai'l had Its firm taMe nf defensive work, hut wis able to smoth"! every play. There vvai no change In the varsity line-up. I'niNf'KTON. Sept. :. The radical Tiger game underwent a lest in a scrimmage of four rgular periods yesterday Mike lliland had his first scrimmage of the season nnd man aged some neat forward p.iesee. which ended in a touchdown In short order. The same per. plexlng formations with Ullck and Iiw doing Ihu pJasinu. scoied a second touchdown. LOCK HAVEN. Pept U Pumpelly playei a smashing good game at fullback for the Vale scrubs yesterday; his team was unable to make headway Bgalnst the varrlty. Knonle. of the varsity, went over for the only touch down of the afternoon. Alnsworlh could have made another, but wns culled back. Legore nau one good opportunity for n goal from tho I field from the ,1.1-yard line, but Just missed It. A.S.NArOLIS. Sept. 21 The main r-quad of i cii'.IMr.tev for tho Navy team reported yrster- ' lav afternoon, a week In nUtniiie ot the open- I ng of the academic jear. The veterans of Ian yenr now- on hnnd am Captain Overesch Perry, Harrison and Foiling. Of the stronc t .III,., ,l.,n. .. V.n nl.iuj , , .. I ...-"-......, .- .. j.i,,.-., , iniinucr oi games I there nre Ivennedv, Wiirrt, Wlcl(, Ornf. .Mil I chell, Alexander, Ilalcn, niodgrtt and Collins. ; WEST rOINT. sJtT. 21 The Arm' i conches rent tho varsity nnd second learns Into I a long Kcrlmmage vesterdiy. Hcnedlct It', ked twe xoalt from placement from tho "0-ynrd mark. Ollphunt dropped a pretty field gonl from the 2u-yard line. That waa all the scor- Ine. j A.N.V Annort. Pept. 24. Ton dispensed with ecrlmnugo entirely yesterdnv He hsmled out a doso of new plays last night. Including forward pass formations with Hughltl. Minii- j 'p'n nnu cpinwn nt tn- neim. uully fecrlm , mages are looked for now. I NEW HRfNSWK'K-Sept. 21.-Emphasis wns placed on th' ltutgcrn' offense vesterday . for It was In this departmnt that the team proved weak when It met Princeton last fall. ! WASHINGTON Sept. 21 A man in clot. touch wlih the Georgetown coiches said last I nlglit that the local collegians would not start their first tram against Tordliam Saturday as , the best men nre to be saved for the Navy game In Annapolis a week liter. 1 ITHACA N. V., Sept. 24 Cornell had an ' easy time In Its opnlng game wlih Ursinus yi-!uniay nn-rnonn, winning .1 to n, and ills playing considerable fotm for this time of I in.- .tear. . The Cornell backfleld showed tip well, vir tually very man mat ifui into tne game mak tng gains. Taher's work was spectacular, ai ATHLETICS BOOKED TO CLASH WITH CALLAHAN'S CLAN Connie Mack Not 111 at Ease Over Race Which Red Sox Are Putting Up Against His Champions. CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 2l.-Connle Mack will send his players to battle today with the club which hns always given the champions a fight. There hns never been a time In recent years when the Mack men were able to predict with any degree of certainty a victory over the White Sox. Harry Davis remarked that the chief rea son for this wns that tho Kroun3s at Comlskey Park had a peculiar effect on the playing of the Athletics, first, becauso of the soft Infield, and secondly, becauso of the direction of tho sun with reference to the playing; field, as It lo different from any other diamond In the league. Despite these things. Mack l deter mined that his men shall win. Ho Is not doing any vast amount of worrjliiB over Ihe result, but he wants to got the race over nt the earliest possible date In order to'glve his men time to recuperate from the season's lens strain before the aeries begin. Today the Athletics have a lead ot Mi gnmes. one-hnlf of a game less than tho advantage enjoyed by their National League rivals from Boston. Nevertheless, the Mackmcn feel that this Is more than an ample distance ahead of the lied Sox. There Is a queer argument which has been put up In Boston referring to the relative strength of the Tied Pox and Athletics, The Hub followers claim that because th Bed Sox have won the ma jority of the gnmes plnycd against the Athletics this year they should win the pennant. Such an argument Is quite absurd, be cause Boston has tried to keep her best pitchers to work ng.ilnut the Athletics Instead of shooting them In agnlnst somo other club which ultimately won games. On the other hand, Mack has made no effort to save anything for Boston. Tho McGllllcudlan policy Is to win by tak ing everv game as It comes on the sched ule, or, rnther. In trying to take every one. After leaving Chicago the Athletics go to St. Louis for two games. The curtailed scries In St. Louis Is mad" pr-sslble by the long series of five Barnes played by the Mackmen against he Browns on the first Western trip taken by the champions this year. Dean Sturgis. former Bucknell College catcher, who has been with the Ath letics all season until recently, is trying out with the Pittsburgh Pirntcs. Mack still owns the player, as he was forced to allow him to sign a "college con tract." which prevents the player being sent to anv other club, either In the minors or majors, without his own con sent. Sturgis realized that he was not making a great hit with Mack hence he went to the Pirates for a tryout when ho discovered that they would give him a chance. By the Volleyer September Is annually the month for club championship tennis tournaments In this city and vicinity. Last week saw tho conclusion of the Merlon Cricket Club's title event, wl-lch was won by Mrs. S. Carey Potter, win will be remembered as Mle May Sa.vres, the tltleheldcr. This competition, preceding the annual Philadelphia nnd women's champion ship tournament, enabled the Merlon women I, net In some cNcellent tennis prior to the more Important ftsture. V number of Important tennis tournaments are still on the roster for the placers In this section The nverbrook Coif Club will spun conclude lis annual club event. The Ger man own Cricket. Club will hold Its annual women's championship tho latter part of tho month At Huntingdon Valley Country nub. the invitation doubles tournament will sco some of the best players from Halllmore. .New York UIW tnis Cliy in mc rim. '"I '. ; same the Importance of a ,rl-rtv event It will start tomorrow- and will be held on tne following days until concluded. Richard H. llarle, the Huntingdon Valley Ccuntrv Club plaver, w-ho recently won the Intercollegiate title In doubles with ulchsrl Norrls Williams 2d. of tills city, loom up ns the rnrwt prnnilvlng youth In the game In the East. Ftnnley W. Merrlhew;, of New York wh- is well known as editor of American I-own Tennis and who wns foot-fault Judge at Merlon while the Intercollenlale events were In progress, snld. "Harte lias the best future of an) of the vounecr plavers In this rart of the country. He lias Improved won dertully In his play during th- last senson." Vorrls Williams, 2d. after winning the final round In doubles with Harte. lost little time In r-iiklng M nnd leaving for Cambridge. The Harvnr" man met an unexpected reverse when George M Church beat him in the final round of the Intep dlealntr . hainplon shln event. The Phtladelphlin has an eg ccllent record. In 'Pile of this rcwrse. for he won tho Pennsylvania Flute. Philadelphia and District. Westchester irnls i'up irlnlsi In vitation, the PeahrlgM Invitation was runner up to McLaughlin at I.ongwood, and, then, following the Pavis cup matches, i.irrlc.1 i.if tho mtlonal tennis crown by defeating Maurlco E. McLoughlln. champion for the last two years. George M. Church, the brilliant Princeton player, will Ue seen in action on Ihe Hunting don Valley Country club courts tomorrow afternoon He has accepted an Invitation to pla- In the Noble event. Church earned n plire 'n the 'Tint Ten" by his work on tho courtii this season He started nut it 11 mi"v by winning the Pelawaro State championship nt Wilmington, ond ended tho season nulla BIG PACING MATCH RACE SCHEDULED ' AT GRAND RAPIDS Directum I and William Arc to Engage in Duel Over C o m s t o c k Track This Afternoon. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Sept. 2..-A1J Is ready for the important match race on Comstock track today, when William 2.00 and Directum I, 1.68H. will meet to decide the right to the title of wotld'i pacing king. Swept by chill breezes yesterday, Corn stock Tark was made wondrous fast This Is attested by the fact that Lord Dewey, 2.0IX, who today will start In an attempt to lower the world's trotting stallion mark, worked out ttfo unat. tended miles In 2.07 and 2.06H. This li tho utmost speed Lord Dewey has ever shown driven In open bridle. Neither William nor Directum I re. celvod any real workouts, being msrety Jogged to keep them on edge. Both Dr. McCoy. Directum I's manager, and A," Karl Van Nnttn, William's owner, ex pressed themselves as satisfied with con. dltlons and nre ready for the supreme, effort. While nppatcntly confident, neither wns boastful. Dr McCoy I3 known to be backing his candidate with a hatful of his own money, while Van Natta's Indiana friends are supporting the llooslor horso with bales of bills If wns highly probable this morning that. In tho Interest of grcnter speed the conditions of the race will bo changed from three-ln-flve to two-ln-three heats McCoy and Vnn Natta discussed th question nt considerable length, and both seemed disponed to go for the lowest possible marks. W. W. Marvin, the La favetlo (Ind.) relnsmnn, will hold the ribbons over William and Raymond Sncdeker, who trained Directum I and drove him to his two-minute record In 11 race nnd his lower exhibition, will ba In tho sulky saddle behind the Eastern horse. he made frequent long gains by darting T "!" ,,il"'n 11, .., ,n" nl"'n al cnHm through the lino and outside tackle. " pl"n In the college meet if " f IIANOVKR. N. H.. Sept. 21.-The Dart, mouth football team. iindr Coach Cava naugh, held Ita first real ecrlmmjgs of the irif jrripiiiflj nuciii'mii ITSpiie me in. tense heat the men were put under a short snappy "shadow scrimmage." In which the trvlng out of forward passes fe.iiurx.i n I though th' Mnssachuiuits cglr- game Is hut three dajs off, Coach Cavanaugh Is none too well pleased with the general work of the squad. fivVAF.TH.MORB. Ta . Pept. 2 vnn tnv opening of college CT men reported for .,-. tiie jerterdav afternoon on Whlitler 1'leld ' Coach Gleg took charge of the hackfield ' !oi." .Maxueil tn Hne cnndMa'e? ani Hr, '. r i the new hackfield candidates. Captain CIHe 1 fiiinri t nrla fnrnnir And ttn t- 1 -. punts working' well, most of them go eg oe, "lr' ""r..,I" '"'.1. L'V SlWIl"ldnhl'U in vards May. the star Western o,i,r,.5.v.".r.' between "Iw. Peigle and Preston Brown showed much ability In forward passing Kenneth Kennedy, the Junor star, matricu lated at tho I'nlverslty of Tennsvlvanla this morning. Kennedy Is one of the beet players in the y .unsr set In this cltv His brother Mhert B Kennedy. Jr . Is tho present 17el nnd Ivlue captsln. Purine the last few sea sons Kenneth has been playing on the Episco pal Academy teams. Roped Arena Notes Kid McCov now declares hl Intention of get ting hick Into the t-olng game McCoy Is In Fan Francisco, and in all likelihood needs a little advertising Manager Hcrmsn Taylor has arranged an attractive run lor nie wuauway a. i-- tonigni BASEBALL CONDENSED NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS, rhllllcs, 9j Citlcngn, 4. IlOMtnn, 3; (im-lnnntl. 5 (1st game), Cincinnati, .1; Ilnstnn, 0 (2d game), St. Louis, 2: New York. 1 (1st game), St. Louis. 0: New Vork, 0 (2d game). Ilrool.l.vn, oi Pittsburgh, 1 (1st gnme). ltrookljn, X; rittshtirgh, 2 (2d game), TODAY'S GAMES, Chicago nt Philadelphia (2 gnmea). Cincinnati nt Ilostnn (2 games), M. LoiiIm at Neve Vork. littslmrgli nt Ilrookiyn. TOMORROW'S GAMES. Chicago at Philadelphia. Iittshiirgli nt ltrookljn. M. Louis at New York, .Cincinnati nt Uoston. CLUB STANDING. W L. P C. tV. UPC. Boston ... Kl ."ill .Ml I'lillllrn.... 08 73 ,1JJ New York 711 03 r,i7 tlrnoklvn 117 74 .1M Ft. Louis.. 7.1 til! ..132 Plttsh'Eh (12 77 .4(0 Chicago... 74 07 ..12.', Cincinnati .17 81 .401 AMERICAN LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. New York, 0i St. I.niiU, 2. Other clubs not scheduled, TODAY'S GAMES. Athletics nt Chicago. Washington at Cleveland. New York at Detroit. Iloston nt St. Louis. TOMORROW'S GAMES. Athletics nt Chicago. Washington at Cleveland. New York at Detroit. Iloston nt St. Louis. CLUB STANDING. W L. P C. V L. p.c Athletics.. 01 41) .(ISO Chicago. 117 7.1 47.1 Iloston.... Rfi .'.4 .1112. Vew York ni 77 454 Detroit.... 7.1 rtS S2.1SI Louis 113 77 450 ivnsh'gton 73 07 ..'21 Cleveland 45 90 .310 FEDERAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Kansas City, 0: llrookljn. 8. Pittsburgh, 0-, St. Louts, 3. ISaltlmorc, 4; Chicago, 1 (8 Innings. called). Indl.inaioll-Iliirfalo (postponed, rala). TODAY'S GAMES. Chicago nt Halllmore. Kamus City at Brooklyn. St, Louis nt Pittsburgh. IndlnnnpollH nt Buffalo. CLUB STANDING. V. L P C. V L. P C Indla'pils 70 ill .mil Brooklyn 70 07 ..111 Chicago 7S 112 ..1.17 Kan City 11.1 71 W Baltimore 7.1 03 .."17 St. Louis HO 70 432 Buffalo... 71 05 ..122 Plttsb'gh .15 80 .401 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Baltimore, 1) 1'ochct.tcr, 0 (Nt gnme). llmiiehtrr, At Baltimore, II (2d game), .lersej City, 7s Providence, 4. Other chilis nut scheduled. CLUB STANDING. W U I C. W i.rc Provld'ce. 02 30 000 Baltimore 73 75 491 nuffalo . . St! .IS 507 Newark 00 70 479 Rochester. 0 01 ,10.1 Montreal 50 87 404 Toronto... "2 08 .514 Jer City 47 103 313 Clabby'a Manager Denies Match SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. Il.-Jlmmr Clabby's manager denied yesterday thai Clabhy and Mike Gibbons, mlddlew eights, had been matched for twenty rounds on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day In Pan Francisco, as was reported Tuesday In a dispatch from Chicago. Such t match has been under discussion, how ever. Coughltn to Lead Scranton Again SCRANTON, Ta., Sept. 2I.-BU1 Cough Un. former Detroit third baseman, has been reappointed manager of the Scran ton New Vork State League team for next year. Frlriav Night Fight Friday Night Flfht FltEIHY KKLLY Meett. 1'UKIills i hi. " 4 Other Star Bouts 4 Other Star Bouls "BERT" BARRON Former Central Manual Training knnlkftu wrtci t trvtncT feir si Dlace I -. Ca f1lfr dlvn I UI1 Uiai wvfcv wv.j I EASTON. Pa . Sept. 21. The amnion of ' ' Pete Maifleld to the Lnfaiette touad Is a ' great source of encouragement to those who ' have not been favorably Impressed with the ' material at the college this 5 ear. He failed I i io t-nier vim. iiiir .nutvun n i vvilllo teim has now two coaches to assist Coach Crowell. Dutch Irmechler, a former 1-afay- ette piayer. ann iiu " nerwiursi, wno was captain at Lafavctte lam sear. STATE CGJ.LEC.t:. Pa.. Sept ;i with tho Westminster game scheduled to open the season at Penn State on Saturijvy. Coaches Harluw anl llollenback are whipping the Blue and Whlto eleien In shipe. ncni,, ,nJ sweltering heal that makes good football Im possible. CARLISLE. Fa . Sept. 21 - The Carlisle Indian Irlumphod over Lebanon Valley's tremendously heavy aud well trained football eleven here ietril. ultrn. t, u , n " periods, which hirdly gave the Redskins a chance to start, bv the score of 7-0. No acore w-ea made until the fourth period, when tho visiter were much fatigued. IIAVERFORD COLLW1F.. Sept 24 - Though several football men have not set returned to Haverford for practice, the completion of freshman exam yesterday afternoon shot the number on the field up to r.0 Coa"b Bennett put the roei throujh a hard wi hira v.ij whlcu embraced neatly every department of the fame. v.i.tia ltavcs the Boy Scout, end Vounr rd. wa cf Southwark. Eddie Morton, of Pouth wark. and Young O'Brien, of dray's Kerry. and Young Williams and Young Perrv if gouthwark. will furnish the fun In the pre l.minailes BosinT bouts run on the cluh plan will he run at one of the nearb big seashore resorts thim winter. The ring will be erected In the mid He of a modern arena around vvh ch will bo scats for I5'0 spectators. Jack Dillon the Indianapolis boser. will si. slltute for Carl Morris In a bout with Jl-n Klynn, of Pueblo. Col., at Kansas City neii week j Fred Yelle. nf Boston, and Freddy Kellv of I this city will meet In tho wlndup at the Ken- , tlngton A. C tomorrow night. 1 Joe Borrell and Frank liil both of this city, will meet before lUrry llensel'a Lancas ter Club next Thursday NATIONAL A. C. y.VhkfichAmm? (Saturday Night FICHT -Saturday '" JACK MrCAHRON ileeta AL SIcCOY 4 Other Star Bouts l Other Star Bouts &zixeit&&m U-KNO-US BRYN MAWR Horse & Hound Show September 21 to 26, inclusive MORNING AFTERNOON Polo Ground, Bryn Mawr, Pa. saij 2- iT -.&J In'-nAlf mm THEIMTOM 2 pi OF SEPT. O TO OCT. GREATEST INDUSTBIAU FARM AND CATTLE EXHIBIT MCE MEET ftj itf xccyl Wiu-Ti 4A4 KUAIUAI AlltS Kldl, riM7. vu. SU MUS 1 lii ,iM Kift- tV" lll.TAB (1PFN.AIR VODVTL JleJyuJ (tl i SesdJ Tnmt e AUteh, -afji.ifii 1 1 Tn its mm U urirfc-fcV. ii i ntSriftee. ' " fetJfiCii1 iein in BMni a.... -7.ri tt n fri ifltttiMfrtl JMaf