gMf l'l ,77JFa EVEyiJva i,u ,,& PniLADELPHlA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914. 1CT0RIAL AND GRAPHIC SCENES OF INTERESTING HAPPENINGS AT PIOME AND ABROAD 'i&FrA Debutantes in paraoc at the Horse Show. Reading from left to right, they are Katherine Tenney, Jean Tillie. Huerta Potter. Edith Earle. Katherine 0Eden and Hanscll Earlc. -.. . i .---. .. 1 1 MRS. EDWARD B. McLEAN MISS JEAN AUSTIN ON GOLD LEAF ! , V it 'a &. ( j i , i vife ! k- fe iff is IPf " MIL, fv 1s. wm r ' W W$ k 1 I m- F 1 L M-l,,,.i& 1. j MR. AND MRS. REED KNOX A central figure at the Bryn Mawr Show. 932rf StmtwJj1 V t ' " s'''"A v s v i REGINALD VANDERBILT JUDGING HACKNEY BROOD AND FOAL i a. rai"83 a v V. -?r3r y - S T 1 TOPERS TREMBLE AT MAYOR RIDDLE'STALK OF AWFUL "JAG LIST" j-vcu i roniDiujonists Are Dumfounded at His Pater nalistic Stand Against Liquor. K FIRST PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE NEW POPE TAKEN DURING HIS pnBnMTm,"",n ' ' J . SHOWN KNEELING BEFORE THE ALTAR IN THE SISTWE CHAPELHE PE IS OLD MAN PLUCKY PATIENT e's Physicians Sew Up Injured Hand Without Anesthetic. JiJrw Uartone. 70 jcars old. la one clans6 l'1ULitieal Patient that the physl- 'rtattiafn,th Samar"n Hotpltal Jiae HI1'!" '"o time. ! to ,V na waB rPPwl " he 'w whii., k smaU fi"eer today by a wniie he was worblng at the mfll of Slurtln U'aliatli, Park and CJIennoud i "'"" iiuiiuiiu tooi bin)iieil the ma chinory and ttnrtcd for tlio 1IU r fused an anvbthttlc wtille the phi si. ilans boned tho wound GERMAN GENERAL OUSTED UIJNEVA. Suit, n, nepoits luathlnu here fiom JJerlln d8. clare tliat the KaUer has dismissed Oen. eiul on Dcimiintr. the commander of the .German extreme left In AUace. t CARDINAL GIBBONS AT HOME Prelate Returns From Meeting of Cardinals in Rome. noSTON. faopt. 21. -(JardlnaU Olhbons and OVomwU, who attend.! the i-ere- monle following tho clettlon of I-ope 'ilte Stai liner CanopU- Bauimor'el aihb0tut 1U lea'e at onte or ATLANTIC CITV. X. J.. Sopt. U. Torn between a grim sensn of duty and a Ulndly desire to save many of his fi lends from a terrlfjlng; incubus. Mayor Kiddle, who seeral days aeo dum founded shore prohibitionists i iiBr.i,.r. ng Atlantic City should have an offi cial "Jag list," today resohed to lenNe tho question of its establishment to his associates In tho City Commission. Director of Public Safoty Hartlett and others of the ruling board do not feel so strongly upon the subject n the thoroughly aroused .Mayor, and doubt was expressed today as to whether topers, whose frequent reappearances in court stirred tho Major's in tense, have anything to fear. The "jn. ns cm bo created onl b ordinance Tho Prohibitionists, whom Majot itid. tile heretofore fought tooth and nail, are for It to a man Saloonists say the proposal Is Socialism running amuck, Mayor Riddle wants It distinctly unler stood that his blow at the liquor mo. nopoly is not aimed at Philadelphia! In the slightest degree. Many of them agree with him that Atlantic City should be open on Sunday, and ho would not lose their good will, ruthermore. under the Nen Jersey law the ofllola! "jag list" ". ,n"H'hi c'ltT &erri I'he-m5 , "6 t- Wh -- ' NEW JERSEY POLITICIANS DISPLEASEDBY PRIMARY See No Improvement in Conditions. Wittpen's Defeat a Blow to His Ambition. TRRNTO.V. X. J sept 21. The pri mary pi stem of this State, which had another test In tho election last Tues day. Is being severely criticised today imougu tno btate, manv politicians and oters being of tho opinion the sjstem has not improved conditions over the old nominating conventions. It is pointed out that one effect of the primary method has been tho almost complete disorgani zation of patties and the ci ration of such had feeling In tho tare tor nominations that legitimate campaign work Is mado Ineffective. Most of tho aspirants for Congicss In Tuesday's election, It Is said "bUi" mc" f low standirg and mental' The failure of Uio Hudson County fac tion, led by ox-Mayor II. Otto Wittpenn, nf Jersoj city, to nominate a majority of candidates for county offices In that county, is Interpreted by politicians as being equal to his elimination as a pos sible candidate- of the party to succeed Governor Jumcs K. Fielder. "-'-0"" LOCAL Finn RECORD p XI. 10"h!.,-Man,on "" U""' Roien- muni; A. If I'litl ItM Hon roa.1 anti rnurlet in nlko C-ES ts i. .",". ' M -"anii.! Ptir $siin .ua-Tul'ii and i-nqn . m ,ium,, . Triflins gBB3B3 TOTr-ggjgs-g BLANK'S I Men'sl4kt.GoldWatches iieautirul rnndeli In hlgli grada atc-lir for men who approc-uta .itii.:( cm iruni me oral Pml mo omenta (lurabilii) anj time- liar) ' Smith's' famous foi keeping $50.00 to $100.00 gS V. :. R. Smith & Son Luncheon, 50c loclnys Special CHICKEN CROQUETTE PEAS CREAM SAUCE COFFEE. TEA OR MILK BISCUITS AND BUTTER PEACH ICE CREAM 1024-26 Chestnut Street In I1 i 1 ij "T riiiTrBSEti fllncc O J -,.. uinoj jfJcuiiUSL Beautiful 10-mch Vase, value $1.00 Limited numbc for this week only The Crystal Shon 102 North 10th Street Cl,T GLAbS EXCLUblVCIiY w -$2 Still $5.00 but their value has been brought up in keeping with such a shop! SteideralaM - I -120 Chestnut St. "Where onl the best s good enough Perry's $12 Fall Suits and Overcoats Unless you've seen them, you can't appreciate the cloth-values, the workman ship, the character of cut, style and making in them, and only $12 At Perry's Some time apo our American cloth manufacturers were al most panic-stricken over tha expected foreign competition, bo they pulled themselves to, gother, set designers and weav. ers to work to beat anything cither thoy or Europe had ever produced ! And thoy did it! They low. ored their prices to next to nothing! Most makers of Suits and Overcoats wore in a goma of fear; they wouldn't buy in the face of R falling market! t u "i wu ilimPed in, bought fabrics, the finest in years at the Fices,S then, suddenly, the American market discovered its SKifa ana up wcnt the W got nt rockbottqm prices the fine fabrics in inese 512 l-all Suits and Fall Oyercoats . At Pcrrs Perry & Co., n. b. t.- 16th & Chestnut Sts. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers