IMAl-J EVENING LElDaEB-PHILADftkPHlA, THtJBgPAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914:'. 13 IS CITY TO BE . WELL REPRESENTED IN NEWYOjlK MEET "Ted" Meredith, "Tommy" Lennon and Kauffman to Wear Local Colors Satur day in Travers Island Track Games. Philadelphia will bo welt represented In the Now York Athletic Club's ffames at ttrtvera Island. N. Y next Saturday. tcd" Meredith, Kaurtman and "Tommy" tennori will wear local colors. "Ted" to compete In tha 410 and 880-yard runs. He Is tho national quarter-mile lf champion, Kauffman Is tlic I'enn fresh man runner or promise, ana ictinon is the athlete who Is taklnfr his cntrnnce ijamlnatlons In tho hopo of entering Pennsylvania. There may be a new record hung up 'in Saturday at tho New York A. C. Ime. when the Mercury foot team In ih lOT-yard relay go out after tho record of 2.03 2-3 held by the Irish-American X. C. Dcrnlo Wefcrs Bent his crew out for ft trial Sunday and tho times recorded '(of each 300 yards wero' Kuhn, 32 1-5; UeNulty, 31 4-5; Olonnon, 32, and "Wllklo, jj seconds. Total, 2.03. During tho coming winter Now York till stage a real Intercollegiate, athletic meet. The I. C. A. A. A. has obtained 1 date In Madison Square Garden early In February toho!d the first nnnual In door relay nnd team championships of the association. Tho full list of events will be as follows; Flve-mon relay, each nun to run 150 yards; live-men relav, eh man to run 300 yards; four-men ro ll, each man to run 600 yards four men relay, each man to run 1000 yards; four men relay, ench man to run 200J tarda; four-men relay, 2000 yards. First man to run 200 yards, second man 300 firds, third man 600 yards and tho annhor 1000 yards. The field events will bo open to five men team.', nnd include high Jumps, polo raults and 16-pound shot. Tho points "will count same na In tho cross-country championship. If the plans of thp officials of tho Mid dle Atlantic Association do not miscarry, the ensuing year win no tno most pros perous In tho history of athletics In this MCtlon. Junior nnd senior cross-countij championships nro to bo held, while tho usual titular affairs nro also planned. In addition an effort Is going to bo made to Increase the Interest In nmatour box ing and wrestling. Tournaments nro to It held. CENTRAL HIGH ELEVEN LOOKS LIKE GOOD ONE HEAT HAS NO TERRORS FOR NORTHEAST HIGH Northeast High has been braving the heat for the past week with dally ten minute scrimmages after hard slgnat drills. Coach Johnson Is trying to get tho team In good running order for tho prnctlco game to bo held next Saturday against Mount Holly High, at Mount Holly, All the first nnd second string men will be given-a tryout In this game, which should prove a good test of tho Red .and Black's strength. Klnjr, the now player, formerly nt How ard College, Birmingham, Ala., Is show ing up well at end. Ho broke up sev eral of the varsity's plays single handed In yesterday's scrtmmngo, Ho has lots of speed and will make1 the other wing candidates hustle. Sickle returned to the game after sovorat days' absence. The team lined up yesterday as fol lows; Ends, Brelthaupt and Wilson; tackles, Illdpath and Gardner; guards, niasney nnti sickios centre, A. Whltnker; bncks, Webb, Wotael, K. Whltaker and Heuer. FINANCIAL SITUATION HOME AND ABROAD-MARKET REPORTS . . I, r . - . . -..- . -n ii - "GAY PAREE" PASSES AS WARTIME GLOOM ENVELOPS CAPITAL GREATER OPTIMISM IS APPARENT IN THE FINANCIAL MARKETS Boston Stock Exchange To day Agreed to Permit Trading on More stricted Basis. Unre- Coach Howell's Boys Will Make De termined Bid for Title. Football practice 1ms been progressing finely at Central High, and the prospects are bright for a championship sonson. The Mirrors aro determlnod that not only will they go through their sched ule without being defeated, but that no other team shall even tie them. Last jear they were not beaten, but the 7-T tie with West Phllly enabled the latter to split the honors with them. Captain "Billy" Stophens has been ehowlng great speed In practice, making gains of from 25 to 40 yards on end runs. Bill Butler, the nll-around nthleto, has not yet rounded Into form, but It Is thought that ho will do much better when the weather gets colder. The probable llno-up of tho team which will fac Wilmington High In tho first Same on October 2 Is as follows: De Lornr and Coodell, onds; Wirkman and Romlg, tackles: Young and Chambers, guards; Farmakls, centre; Gotwals, quarterback; Stephens and Henry, halfbacks, and Thomas, fullback. SOUTHERN WILL PLACE TEAM ON FIELD AGAIN Downtown Schoolboys Decide to Con tinue Gridiron Game This Year. After much talk of abolishing football. Southern High has determined to make another attempt to put a team on the Held which they hope will make a credit able showing. irofossor Johnson, who Is coaching the wen, with the assistance of Stevens, of the track team, and Kelly, of InBt year's (ootball squad, promises to have tho men dipped Into tine shape for the first Wme A serious problem facing Coach Johnson will be to find some one to ml the quarterback position left vacant ")' Captain Kelly's fnllure to return to cnool. Ills successor will most likely be Allen King, of last year's football and Baseball teams, who always put up a od game for Southern. Manager Sokoloffs call for candidates fought out 45 men. Among them were "uason, Velgures nnd (Jiocs, veterans of t year's team. The work-out yesterday consisted chiefly of signal practice. The schedule as announced Is as fol lows: October 9, FTankford High, away; October ic, Vlneland High, at home; Oc tober 21. Nntln.,,.1 Tf.- al.-1 -.. i October so. School of Podagogy, nt home; ovembor 6, Northeast, away; November P I. D., at home. DOURELL MEETS LOGAN Joe Ilnprll Vino -.,v.i - t. t ,- . -- atcvu iu mctsi i- ruur. s at the Hock Hlll-lnim rinli T nn. T?mcr' 1a- d'TlnR Fair Week. Jack wiion, who was matched to fight Logan, "irea MnnnPPr llll'l'v TTjti.-.iI V,n. Via 0Uld bn nnnhlo In -... i .1..1 . funk -" ,w .w now lit kUIIUILlUII Ub Ku "". ?arly ,,ate- " Heniol got in Kf. W,,h Bnrro11 an1 tlle matcn was lulckly arranged. LEBANON ATHLETES BATTERED, BUT ARE HAPPY AT SHOWING Varsity Eleven Held Car lisle Indian Braves, to 7-0 Score Jollification Af fairs Held Last Night. ANNVILLE, Pa Sept. 24.-Hattcrcd nnd bruised but happy, the members of tho Lebanon Valley College football team returned to school today after their successful stand ngaln'st the Carlisle Indians yesterday. Coach Guycr gave the team a day's vacation today. To morrow the team starts Its regular rou tlno work for the game next Saturdny when they meet the Carlisle Indian Re serves. Although defeated yesterday, the play ers consider their showing a virtual victory over tho Indians. They out played Coach Warner's team find foicrd the playing during most of the time. Twice they forced the Indians to their two-yard line, but each time tho offi cials caught the runner out of bounds nnd tho Indians wero given tho ball. The showing made yestorday Is better than ever beforo In tho school's history and hopes nre being entertained for a championship team this season. Lost night huge bonfires wero built on tho campus nnd the students, male and co-ed, danced around tho flames, singing their songs of victory. When considered the short time that the local collegians have boon practlclslng their showing In yesterday's gamo was nlmost wonderful. Coach Warner congratulated Coach Guycr on tho excellont showing of his team and declnred that their work was equal to any soon on the Carlisle field In years. The schedule for the year follows: Oc tober 3, Indian Reserves nt Annvllle; October ID, Franklin and Marshall at Lancaster; October 17, Western Mary land at Annvllle; October 2), Gettysburg nt Gettysburg; October 31, Washington College nt Annvllle; November 7, Sus quehanna University at Annvllle; Novem ber If. Muhlenburg at Allentown; Novem ber 26, Catholic University at Washington. Each day sees n further brightening of tho financial situation. From Boston came the announcement today that tho committee representing Investment housea dealing In unlisted securities, had lifted the ban somowhat on general trading, and has notified dealers that they may have a wider latitude In security transactions. Tho committee, after conference with the Stock Exchange Committee of Five, feels that conditions have no Improved that nn Increased business Is warranted, having In mind tho spirit which has pre vailed In tho weeks which have passed since tho closing of the Stock Exchange, and with tho following restrictions! Trades above the closing prices of July 30 may bo made without submitting the same to the committee. Trades nt prices under tho closing prices of July 30 should continue to be submitted to the committee, who will take Immedlata action. Any public advertising should first be approved by this committee, and for the time being circulars being sent out should not quote prices. Subscriptions to tho $100,000,000 New York city bond offering amounted to between two and three times tho 150, 000,000 that wai open to the public. In view of the largo number of appli cations, the syndicate manngcrs nre un able to state what tho final allotments will be. In order to distribute the bonds rs widely ns possible, the method has been followed of allotting all applications up to J10.000 In full and also making full nllotmontB upon subscriptions received from abroad. The balance of the bonds will bo allotted as nearly as posslblo on a pro rata basis. Tho heavy applications for the 1916 and 1317 maturities will mako It neces sary for the syndicate managers to make allotments of the various maturities pro rata on a bnsls which will permit tho nllotmrnt of approximately 30 per cent, on tho applications above $30,000. Other wise those who have applied for tho longest term bonds would receive noth ing more than a nominal nllotment. FARMERS' MARKET FOR FRANKFORD GREAT BOON Trolley Company Plans to Bring Produce Direct to Consumers. Announcement was made today that the Trenton. Hrlstol nnd Philadelphia. Street Railroad Company has under con sideration tho establishment of a trolley market at Ilrldge strcqt and Bristol pike, The announcement came from the office of SI, J. Hill, general manager of the trolley company, and was recetved with esntnuslasm by houspwlves and business men of Frnnkford. They are Jubilant bo cause, tho plan promises them fresher ninrket goods for less money than they are now accustomed to pay for. JJy means of tho freight service on tho trolley line the farmers can deliver the market goods to the consumer direct nnd do away with the middleman's profit. J. Harry Schumackor, president of the Frankfort Board of Trade, when he tenrned of the plan, gave It his heary Indorsement. "Tho Idea to establish a market In Frankford Is a splendid one," fie said. "Two yenrs ago the Board of Trade went on record as In favor of a public market plan and will further any effort on tho part of the trdlley company to bring Buch a market to Frankford." Mrs, Waltet1 Brlnton, president of the Mothers' Club, of Frankford, was another who expressed hearty approval. "Prices wilt be slashed," she said. "It Is one of the grcntest things that has ever come to Frankford." Throughout all Frankford there Is a general feeling the benefit to tho com munity will prove beyond estimation, and expressions are heard on all sides of tho hope that there may be no hitch In the carrying out of tho project. FINANCIAL BRIEFS HOPPE PLAYS INMAN AT MIXED BILLIARDS Proceeds of, Game Go to Red Cross Relief Fund. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. The Interna tional billiard match of C000 points. 3000 nt English and 3000 at American billiards, to bo played by Willie Hoppe, of New York, nnd Melbourne Inman, of Eng land, at the Astor Hotel beginning next Mnnday, with two sessions dally throughout tho week. Is rousing the deepest Interest among billiard fans all over tho country. While Hoppo Is certain to keep a good lend over the English champion at 18.2 balkllnc. it la conceded that Inman will even the score by ills superiority ovor Hoppe nt tho English gnme. Hoppe Is said to have mndo remarkable strides at the English game, but ho would have to be a marvel of skill to beat tho Briton at his own game, nnd bllliardlstfl who have watched both experts ut work assert that the best Hoppo can hopo for Is a two to ono break at the Eng lishman's game. Society women. Identified with the Red Cross Relief Fund, will be Inter ested In the' forthcoming match, ns the proceeds of one matinee will bo dovoted to tho fund. As mnny of tho seats wilt h filled by society women on this occa sion, the Red Cross Fund, It Is ex pected, will be swelled to tho amount of $2000 or moro, and tho match wilt be the means of Inspiring others to make similar donations to the fund. Announcement was received here to day from Dnllas, Tex., that the team representing Philadelphia Chapter, Amer ican Institute of Banking, won a unani mous decision In n debate over Gov ernment ownership of telegraph and tele phones lines nt the nnnual convention of tho orgnnlrntion. William W. Allen, Paul B. Detwller and Robert W. Fry were tho local debaters. They opposed Government ownership. From New York comes tho announce ment today that Charles W. Morse has offered to form and finance a holding committee' to take over nil tho assets of the National Bnnk of North America. The Wilmington Trust Company, which wns appointed receiver for the Securities Company of North America, has filed a bond for $1,000,(100. The bill of complaint, which was filed by Ward, Gray & NearL counsel for Wllllnm D. Fell, a stock holder, alleges liability on tho company's certificates of $1,017,001, while loans to certificate or bondholders were $303,233. leaving a net liability of S731.7K5. Cash on hand and other assets arc valued at $347,009. Lowls Nellson, secretary of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, arrived home from Europe on the steamship Olympic yesterday, and Is nt his office today. The Norfolk and Western Rnllway Company has filed with the United States Supreme Court a brief seeking to show that under present conditions the West Virginia 2-cent passenger rate law Is confiscatory and unconstitutional. In some quarters the attack upon the validity of tho West Virginia lnw was taken to Indicate a second general at tack upon 2-cent passenger laws In vari ous States. $72,000,000 SENT WEST TO COVER GRAIN CARGOES Shipments Total More Than 80,000, OOO Bushels Since July. Some Idea of tho wealth that Is going Into the West because of enormous crops Is shown In the fact that since tho first of July more thnn 80.000,000 bushels of wheat. Including flour, has been shipped out of this country. The nverago price obtained wns approximately 00 cents a bushel, which means a total of about $72, 000.000. All of this money, less an nverage rate of 10 cents a bushel for freight cartage, goes Into tho West. It Is the contention or grain experts that the exports of wheat and (lour will bo doubled, lf It shall bo available on tho present crop nnd that the average price from now on will be well over tho dollar a bushel mark. STEAMSHIP POOL WILL DEFER ITS BOND INTEREST International Mercantile Marine Says War Has Had Disastrous Effect. It was nnnouncod officially today that payment of Interest on the International Morchantllo Marine Company'fl ib per conl, bonds, due October 1, will bo defer red. Directors of the company have de cided that It will bo for the best Interests of Its security holders to permit tho subsidiary companies to conserve their nsseta In view of present disturbance In financial markets. An announcement by the company calls attention to tho. fact that Blnco January 1, 1914, business in both Its passenger and freight departments has been vory un satisfactory, and that tho company has not fully earned Its fixed charges for tho period which ended July 31. Under ordi nary operating conditions, It might bo reasonably anticipated that the deficiency would be made up during the remain ing five months of the fiscal year. Tho European war, however, has brought tho entire ocean transportation situation to an extremely unsettled con dition and hns necessitated the complete withdrawal of the compay's Red Btar Lino service to Antwerp Tho company sayfl It Is, therefore. Impossible to form any estimate of what Its earnings may bo for the balanco of the year. NOTES OF THE RAIL PUBLIC UTILITIES ENCOUNTERING SNAKE IS EQUAL TO POUR STROKES, SAY A VETERAN GOLFER Another problem for tho golf han aicapperu wa uncovered by Wtnthrop oargent, of Merlon. In the annual emora tournament at the Apuwa ns Country Club, Rye, N. Y., yes Msraay morning. Sargent was away flln nt ' ,h9 remainder of the n"i at an early hour, and shortly after driving from the first tee. en countered a snake curled up within few Inches of his golf ball. A "vr is not constructed with a view " service as a reptile destroyer, and I; ,ook, several minutes to dispose of n poisonous snake. After clearing ne course, however. Sargent found toi,nerves ,n 8uch a shaPe hat he " a m to complete the course. w.Jl wa8 tour "trokes more than rwi rCfulretl by his running mate, Th? cw Quney, of Greenwich ne latter, however, did not encoun- thf a.d thak not having to make fn,! Bnake not" wa worth at least n f.,rok' In "tartlng the fleldj brfi ' U ha" bc'n suggested the I hi i in ?fLr" 8houl(1 flr acertaln til.. . Jlhoo(l ot encountering rep bin!. ,Iow the 'ront runners tho "uent Of such irrnlllnv n.,l.n..i .... ,,. ,v. .... Wilmington Plays Local Schools WILMINGTON, Sept. 2t.-Manngor Rob ert Wier, of tho Wilmington High School football team, announced tho schedule yesterday for this season. Several Phila delphia schools will be played. The schedule follows: Saturday, Sep tember 2U, Vlneland High School, home; Friday, October 2, Centrnl High School, at Philadelphia; Satutdny, October 10, At lantic City High School, at Atlantic City; Saturday, October 17, National Farm School, home; Saturday, October 21, Down. Ingtown High School, at home: Saturday. October 31, Trenton High School, at Tren ton; Wednesday, November 4, Pennsyl vania Military Academy, at Chester; Sat urday, November 7, Tolletlna Academy, at home; Saturday, November 14, Chester High School, at home; Saturday, Novem ber 21. Philadelphia School of Pedagogy, at home; Thanksgiving Day, Norrlstown High School, at home, Gelding Breaks Neck MINEOLA, Sept. 24. Brownie. W. J. Benson's bay gelding, was killed In a trotting race at the fair here yester day. Spectators thought he burst a blood vessel and fell, but a driver Just be hind said Jack Dillon was driven so close to Brownie that the wheels hooked, causing Brownie to stumble nnd break his neck. Haverford A, A. to Have Team WAYNE. Sept. 2l.-The Haverford A. A. will bo represented on the gridiron this season with an independent team. The club has secured the use of the Radner High School grounds for Its games. The following men have reported for the team: Parsons, Hunt, Kelley. Garrity, French. Wilson. Ryan, Call, Gavin. Sheehan. Seasholtz, Muore, Fleming. Kirk, Whalen, Kerwood and MaelteynuUla. Rain Stops Grand Circuit Races COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 2l.-Raln caused the postponement of the Grand Circuit races here today. All previous records for production of natural gas In the United States were broken Inst year when tho output amounted: to G81,89S,239,000 cubic feet, valued nt $87,846,677. This compares with a production of B62,203.402,000 cubic feet, valued nt $54,563,957, In 1912, Of the total product, about 32 per cent, wns used for domestic purposes, or 184,885,662,000 cubic feet, valued nt $50,522,415, nnd 68 per cent for industrial purposes, or 397, 012,577,000 cublo feet, valued nt $37,324,262. West Virginia led in production with 215,453,985.000 cubic feet, valued at $34, 16t,850. Pennsylvania was second with an output of 118,860,260,000, valued at $21. 695,845. Northern California Power Company, whleh serves the territory north of the Pacific Gas and Electric territory, reports gross earnings for the seven months ending July 31, of $487,000, nn Increase of $38,000 ns compared with 1913. In four years tho gross earnings have In creased 89V4 per cent. Local stockholders of the "Wnyland Oil nnd Gas Company learned today that the South Penn Oil Company had Increased Its purchase of oil from 50 to 100 per cent. In the West Virginia field, and that this arrangement would continue until tlie end of October. The curtailment of these purchases caused the suspension of dividends on the stock of tha Way land concern, To vote on the approval of a refund ing and Improvement mortgage cover ing the railroad properties, rights and franchises, a special meeting of the stockholders of tho Erie Railroad will be held on October 13. President Harrison, of the Southern Rnllway, wants the next annual meet ing of the company, which will be held nn October 13, to be "more than tho conventional routine," nnd looking to ward this end he has sent a letter to stockholders asking their co-operation. Stockholders are Invited to ask questions of the management. "Tho only hope for our railroads, If they are to remain under private owner ship. Is that there be an immediate ad vance nllowed In their passenger and freight rates," said B. F. Bush, presi dent of the Missouri Pacific and tho Denver and Rio Grando Rnllronds, In an address before tho Missouri Pacific AESodatton. "A modornto advance In the rates that would afford the railroads the desired revenue would not appre ciably Increase the prices of any com modity to the consumer." The New Hampshire Public Service Commission has denied the application of the Boston nnd Amine Railroad and the Grand Trunk Railway for permission to Increase passenger mileage rates from 2 to 2Vi cents a mile. Rate cases Involving allowances to so called Industrial or tap lines for hauling cement In the eastern producing district will be taken up by the Public Service uommission or I'ennsylvania early In Oc tober. Important questions affecting this and other commodities will be raised. Tho new north nnd south route of the Hill lines between the northwest and Galveston, which affords a Baving of 700 mues in distance, is to be put In opera tion November 1 with a through train service, and tho understanding Is that the Trinity nnd Brazos Valley will pans Into full possession of the Hill Interests nt the termination of Its receivership. The Pennsylvania, through a holding company, Is acquiring a block of Inna In Buffalo as a site for a terminal market similar to those It operates In Philadelphia, Harrlsburg and Pittsburgh. DECLARES SPECIAL DIVIDEND Because of tho reduction of chemical Importations, due to tho European war, companies In this line of business ure reporting business of an abnormal char acter. One corporation, the Dow Chomical Company, of Cleveland, today notified Its stockholders of the declaration of a spe cial dividend of 1 per cent , payable October 10 to stock of record September SO. The company has been paying nt the rate of 4 per cent, a year. NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK, Sept. 24,-Butter. quiet; MONEY SITUATION HERE HAS TIGHTENED SOMEWHAT Brokers Have Difficulty In Placing Good Name Commercial Paper. The money market In this city Is tight. About the only business being done Is In commercial paper, and money lenders re port that even this hns fallen oT, com pared with a week ago, when more In quiry appeared thnn had been evident for some time. Country banks were then active asking their city correspondents to look over the commercial paper mnr ket for them for good name paper. Thero In still some Inquiry from the country In stitutions, however, but not to any great extent. Rates are holding tho same, call money being G per cent, and commercial paper at 7 and 7V4. the transactions mude being generally at the former figure. Paper brokers, on their tour of the banks, re ported this morning that the latter did not appear to want any paper, nnd In some cases they were having some diffi culty In placing paper for their custom ers. The banks, ns they customarily do, are caring for their own customers first. WHEAT OPENS STRONGER ON FOREIGN ADVICES Large Export Buying Strengthens Market Receipts Lower. CHICAGO, Sept. 21,-Under the Influence of stronger cables from Llvrrpool nnd n falling off In receipt from tho north west, wheat hero opened firm today, with December up nt C1.12V4 and May up I :ii 120'i- Trade wns light and scattered. The weathor was favorable for farm of ferings'. Mole than five million bushels of arn reported to have been sold for ex port nt Portland, Orrgon, In tlin Inst week and nn equal nmmint nt Tacoma nnd Seattle. The absorption of whent nbrond continues nnd stocks In Great Britain nro decreasing slowly. Liverpool expects shipments from Amerlrnn ports this week, particularly to the United Kingdom, to be lighter, Thr receipts or wlmnt nt Minneapolis arid Duluth today weir 9W curs, tignlnst 1131 earn a yenr ngn; nt Winnipeg. TO? cnr.s, against 1351 enrs; nt Chicago, I3n curs, against 73 rnr.. Business In eorn wns quint, but tin market was steady. Drrrmbrr opened unchanged at 71"4c and May up l'S,p. nt 74'4c ihi' weather in tin W'fnt and In Argentina wns favoiabb'. fjlToilngs In this country nre light, but the cash de mnnd Is slow. Lib 'nil rhlpments nro expected from Aigentlmi this week. Tim lecelpts ot corn here today wnro d enrs. Oats were firmer on good buying. De cember opened up c. at r,07fct'. nnd Mnv up, 'ic at R!',4c Arrivals of nnts nt Liverpool, but Chill Is a frco tenderer, there continues fnlr, but business is being restricted because buyers und sellers nre too f'lr npart. Canada j offering only small amounts of onts In Liverpool, but Chile is a flee tenderer. The receipts of oats hero today were 214 cars. ladlnij futures rnngRl ns follows: es!nrilay s Whent Reiitemtif r . . . l)ecembpr . .. Mnv l.i nrn (new delivery) Open, !-!4 in. High. I (fi .VM 1nw. ,'lrtwp I .on 1 oy, 1. 12 ! I7U I '-'on I.iat, tl Hi'i Cafes Deserted, Curfew Law in Effect, City's Cen tres Are Like Main Street in Country Town After 9 P.M. September jjocpmrier JIny Ontn Heptemtier December May iani September .... October ., , . . P. 17 January y, ...10 02 Hlb Peptember October January 10.07 ; i- rK January ..'!!!!.'!! '.','.'. HI'I. tAnkeil. S 1! l'4 .V1 Kit 7li il'ii An 38 S3, )H 7H 74 tl7H, Ml, 1ft 10 Of) 11.47 11) (!.. lOXL- lrijs'f UTILITY EARNINGS i) in n.i, n or. 11. ss Hi SB 10.57 17.7.", 20.M fcOUTHWKPTnn.N POWKH ft I.1C1HT Cd. 1014. Increase AUKUFt (trosn $214. a Net nfter taxes M7.12S Twelve months' grosn.... 2.0.2,OU'i Net after taxes l,lui,00!i CITIES BBnVICE CO. August gross J2r,t.,;a) Not after expense 2.',2,r.K0 Twelve, months' uross.... 3,t',71,4SO Net after expenses 3,.71,4IK WISCONSIN EDISON CO. ElKht months gross $r..7( Net 2.207.:i7(l Twelve months' gross S.727.02S Net .1,522.sni DAYTON POWErt & LK3HT CO. August KTOM 172.0.17 JlS.Illl Net enrnW' .ll.eOO 14.(Kfl Twelvo months' gross 00(1,1.11 22S.71S Net earnings 302,!H 11S,2(I flO.IS in. mi ; 217.40S J127.74.1 121.OT7 2.1.TO.7SII 2,10'I.C4I1 3.0 1 ft 2 n 4.74 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Sun nnd Tides Sun rises.,.. B'4S a.m. I Sun sets.... B. 50 p.m. PHILADELPHIA. High Water. 4:40 a.m. High water. ri:M p.m. Low water a.m. I Uw water. .12.01 p.m. REEDY ISLAND. High water. 1:38 a.m. I Hlth water. 2 OS p.m. Low water.. S:t0 a.m. J Low water.. 8:M p.m. IirtEAKWATEIl. High water. 11:21 a.m. I High water. 11:57 p.m. Low water.. 4:52 a.m. I Low water.. .',:35 p.m. Vessels Arriving Todny Bella (Dr.). Jameson, Port Antonio, fruit, Atlantic FVult Company. Quantlco. Thatcher, Hoston. passengers and merchandise, Merchant anil Miners' Transpor tation Company. Sailing Today fitr. Tuscan, Howes, Sannnah and Jackson ville, Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company. &tr. Persian. Nlckerson, Boston. Merchants and Miners Trnniportatlon company. Rtr. New Torn, scnuitze, Young; Mack to Meet Chip POTTSVILMJ, Sept. 21. - Manner Tommy Marklr-y, of the City Athletic ''lull, hns matched Joe ('hip, of I'otts vllle. and Young Mack, of Ashland, to battle 20 rounds for the llBhtw.dRht chnm plonWHp of the coal regions October c. Tim Hurst, the former baseball umpire will referee. YAMADA PLAYS CUTLER iN,tW .XRK,' Sf'pt 21-Kil 1-amnda. the Jap billiard plnver, and Albeit Cutler will meet in a mntch game nt 11.1 nalk Ilne nt the Mornlngslde Millard Academy this evening. PAWS, Sept. 21. The lid Is on gay I'nreel l.lho a lot of other fenturfs of the wnr of 19H It Is Inconceivable, unthinkable! Yet It Is true. Tho ltd does not fit It clinffg, Is un becoming and robs the tveaier of her naturnl clinrm. But there It Is pinned on by thp nwordB of several thousand Parli Inn police. Today, with every olllclnl "eomniunhiue" brarliifc' iMcrnnslhSly thrilling teporta of tho success of the French and English arms In turning buck the German tidal wave which only a week ngo threatened to engulf the Prffich Capital, the linlf of the population which did not fb south ward Is o oddly quiet nnd undemonstra tive ns to Blni'tle an old iirqunlntnnce. Tho Paris that wns, simply "Isn't." The Incongruity that lomnins Is a song with out music, a perfume without nn odor, a champagne without a taste or a sparkle. Paris, the municipality, rcmnliiK, but, without firing n shot or getting within eight of It, tho Germans have lazed guy Paree. In Uerlln women have been forbidden to wnur crepe becnuse of the possible de pressing f-rfects. Ciepe could add noth ing to the fos-hlse ("olemnlty here. It is ns though Paris wns doing penance un-il'-r orders, not from choice. Imagine the Hue de In I'alx se.ilvi tnu-thli'ds of the hotels closed entire), and tour out of every five ehope and stores boarded up and sealed with a tag hunting the most overworked word In tho French language "FVrmi." (closed). Imagine French newsboys forbidden to cry their papers and forced to enny signs in their caps telling which paper they handle. Imugine Paris papers limited to a single edition n dny and forbidden eithiT to issue extras or to Indulge in a headline of greater width than two columns. Imagine the opera and every theatre shut. Imagine the Lm tin Quarter and the Montmartro closed. Imagine Maxim's cutting out tho light ut 0 o'clock preparatory to shooting cery one out Into the street half an hoilr Inter. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Iterelpts. 7.V.12.-. I,uh Tf,o market ruled steady Ultl k nod t. r-lgn In- Hem 'n,T, ,0J,v"t"r. -No- - re.1. i-pnt and 1 ft'.' vJ, iL:1"'. No- " r"' Western. M.Hft .'....?' ' Northern Duluth. 1.22fi t.27 ,. .,.,.'",'''e P"- ,1"" bush. Trade quiet. !.... wen maintained. lots fur trnde. m, t i,.,.fi,inn. v.. ,. .... 8s&sRun ..,.;.. .,""".-:" -i '" w.i I . Ilecelpts. a.V.'ioii bush I'rli en h.. A?; -A Whle' Ml ':.. standard m1 IiVi.""Ti'e"lP.,ft .?''.. i.SNsaa lbs. ... ..-.....,, iiiu niainfi uuii ann umw do. do.. pigeons, hut lorn I itrall-hT svT- I- W,ntur' itear' "".; " tjraiKiu. $Vft. 1.2.1, d'i . p.itcnt S5.40fj).-,.75 Kansas, straight, jute sacks .-,.2,k.-i ,-,n- do cfet?r't,S4J--?,-?a01ks' ''' ,"?5'wiv sPrlnB'' "" clear, f4...rfi..; do., stralKht, .",.l(i.-,.o; do. Ii"-: y m 3' ''"olio and famv luuent. w, (.: oltv mil., r,ii !,. .h.i.. iw. .i- SteamshlD Company, Str. Ericsson, Willis, Line. Schr. Georgia D. Jenkins. McYean, tershurr. Fla.. A. D Cummins & Co. Schr. Percy IJIrdsall, nines, Charleston Charles T. Mosee & Co. New York, Clyde Baltimore, Krlctson St. Pa- Steamships to Arrive rASSENOKR. Name. From. Date. Mongolian ..: Olassrow Sept. la Stampalla Naples Sept. IS Dominion LIerpool Kept. 10 FH El CHIT. City of Durham Calcutta ., Sept. 1 uiuerayK Amsteldvk .... fitart Point . . . Man. Mariner Adolfo Sturmfels Canadla Zerenbergen . . Itapldan Cnllrcrnla. .... Missouri pakotan ....Rotterdam . Rotterdam . London .... Manchester Huelta .... Calcutta ... , StaanKer . Cardiff Lclth ... . Copenhagen London .... Hllo . .Hept. 15 . .Hcpt. 1." ..Sept. 12 ..Sept. 1U . fept 14 . .Pept. . .Kept. 15 ..Kept. IS ..Sept. ID . ..Oit. ..Sept. 2S ..fept. 3Mi'u:tlc: Imitation receipts, 7595; creamery extra State dairy, tuba. HOHc: creamery, firsts, 2iUUMc. Eggs Dull; receipts, 11,902; neat by white fancy, 3840c ; nearby mixed fancy. 25320c.; iresh firsts, 24030c. Holraesburg After Games Tho Holmetburg football team has reorgan ised, for tha season of 1914, and Is open to meet all fli-t-clu teams. AddrtM A. A Uallajar, HolmburtJ. i'a. DIVIDENDS DECLARED ii?"r!,-EJav.ator ComPny. reirular quarterly 14 per cent, en preferred and 14 per cent. r0';'".!"0?' foy4Ue tobcr IS to stock of record September 30. Hasten and Albany, regular quarterly U KfnrVJf' palable. 'ember 3l' to stock of ro-ord November 30. Vnnn Natural Gas Corporation, of Pitts. rVi."' "i"1," u"'ly 2!4 per cent., pajablo Ootober 16 to stock of record September 30. r-0-nH,nn,a'. " .nd K'eotrlo Company, of ?..,' ,rcu, K Jr cent, on pre IbUOcTober4!0' l ' """ Cn COmmon' ' Kansas (las and Electric, regular quarterly Ik per cent, on preferred, payable October 1 to stock of record September ! V "-luuer Pittsburgh Coal Compny. regular quarterly 114 Per cent, on preferred, payibls October ? JS to etock of reeord October IS. "" -" V.n.10?. National Gas Corporation, regular quarterly iv, vtt cent., rayable October Ta to stock or record Set Umber 30. L'pson Nut Company, regular quarterly lu per cent on preferred.payabU OtiWltt I, ,,?! '"'i1 X"Vuy. opeclal 1 per cent., timber I0 ta loc "' r8C"1 &' CHICAGO MEAT MARKET CHICAGO, Sept 24. UOGS.-Hecelpts. 7000; market steady, mixed and butchers, JS. 15fi' 0.10, good heavy, JS 70, rough heavy, isa S.IO: light, IS.WiOlB. pigs. fttiiM m. bulk JS.MSW.OO. CATTLK.-Uocelpts, 4000, market steady, beetes. JT40Jtfll. cows and heifers, M 6l.i): stockers and feeders, tn.403tt.73; Tes ans. ifSOtfN.M. caUes. !31t 50. 8H&31 -Receipts, ,(!: market tteady. native and Wentern. f3.!iH3.40. lambs, S.6fl. Chinese Last Appearance The Chinese University baseball team will make its final appearance In Phila delphia for this year when they play tho Vlctrlx C. C, at ESth street and Haver ford avenue, on Saturday. Steamships to Leave PASSENOBU. Name. Tor. Carthaginian Olnsgaw '.... Dominion LIerpool ... Stamralla Naples FIIEICIHT. Uranlenborg ..Coper.haKCn . Man. Exchange Manchester . Maine London .... ulderdyk Kottenlum .. Danla .,,, Copenhagen . West Point London .... Canadla L'hrlMlanla California Date Fept 211 ..Oct. a . .Oct. 0 .?ept. .Spt. .Sept 2fi .Hept. SO gept 1 .Scut, an . .Oct 3 ?;.-i' ' Blr'llt"1' '. do., patent. i'',"-1. ri'L'.lf Stenillly hold, but quiet, at J.VySuO per bbl., in wood i". i PROVISIONS yen, quiet and bandy steady. City beef, lu jets, amoicid and nlr-drled ,'llfins, . Moslem beef. In sets, smoked, :tli12r.. rliv hief. f.R'l and tenders, smoked and .ilr-dned. '.'ly,' .??,t?r" bSetj hnuekles -ind tenders. jrhe'1'..;,.-S;I4c-v,be """. 4iK4Jc.; p,ik, J?.m. 2t!27. Hams S. ' ..up-.T. looie. J.m . (KlbHc, do, skinned, loose. lSMHrtc : do.! do., sniokod. ISfilUc.. other bama. smoked. clt cured, as to brand nnd averuire. li&l!e ,' noked. UN-stern Hired, n?jic; ih. boiled, boneless. 2-fi2i . pi -nit shoulder. S. I, cured, loose, 12'o I2l.jc: do, smoked. I4fl loose, liUjfil.c. : breakfast t.aiw, as to brand und at entire, ilty 1 ured. 11 i 3.1 : breakfast . ""-, ",tc tured S1SI... . lard. Western J?5,1ct,,1're'."' 'I'.iSHV., 00 do., do, rub, Uvf'1 '"',, W.imn .c"- kf,t"' rendered, renfe" m:Uufb3.1Y,VritPUr C,ty' "9U"' SUGAR Ri;i''INi:i). Trade nlow, but the market IfnJ' at the late deilln.,. Standard granu lated, 0.Jic., One uraniil.itil ii.TSe.. iu.irUi wtitDi.iuuci, ,i, o.oac , sori grade. .N5c. S.WUil.Vlc. .Copenhagen ....Oct. FREIGI1TS AND CHARTERS Chartering l limited, due to the scarcity of tonnage. Rates are unchanged. Kxctptlonat dulnest rules the sail market. STEAMSHIPS. Fernmon (Hr.), Galveston to Hull, grain 20.000 quarters. 2s. Ud . prompt Ilratsberg (Nor.). 241S ton, time charter general trades, three to stx months, at or about 4s. 3d , prompt. Nellrose (Ih-.). 2217 tons. Savannah to United Kingdom, cotton, basis 30 cents, one port, prompt Crown of Cordova (Hr I 223 tons r?tlr tt United Kingdom or France, Hour, private to P. and, M. Coaches Handicapped I.ANCAHTBH, Pa.. Sept 24.-A long drill at signals, followed by a brief scrimmage, nas the norfc thut Coach Mavser nut th F-mniciin and Marshall arslty through yeHenlay i:x Caplaln tSihaffner nnd Hartman, both of last ear's team, are assisting with the coaching The couches are experiencing great difficulty because of the fact that tho best materal can not report regularly on account of late after noon claries, and are not overly optimistic a to the Lehigh game on Saturday. Delaware Holds Scrimmage NEWARK, Del., Sept. 2l.Delaann first crlmniago of the er was held by Coach McAvoy yesterday cn Fruer Field. Alt the p ayer entered Into the work with a Mm. iK ,.!0 Cnn er en the field uaf t la tha coaching. terms. September-October Homsdal (Norl 202S tons, Baltimore llHvaim, ri, pri.aie (erins, prompt. Kronstad iNor ). 10 tons, yuobec and IHiint du Chene to Ulasgow, deals, 42a. ty , prompt. Nevlsbrook (Dr.). 1WVS tons. Oulf to Unlteil Kingdom, timber, private terms prompt. Foreign steamship, . 7000 tons dead weight Montreal to Havre hay, 7 tor torn prtssed, $13 for non-compreased. October, PORT OF-NEW YORK DAIRY PRODUCTS ."iFTl''i'"-Tr"'r ver ''ule and Prices ?BJj UnnC.r K,ner,-1 Pleasure to Soli. wUste'll iresn. soiid-paoked, rreamery. fine, peUul. ai,"'' '"l.' '" "rt :iO.-.. Drain, fj JJ-'t'Hc. seconds smittT"-.! . ladle-pew u,..i, Ji',1 -lo. as to qualitj neurbj print, fiinci, 3.. do, aterago ej,tra. .riitiiac . do . tlret. 2U ,;:!". J-'2n''- -T,'-'' !- fam. brands of prints Jr.bbliK at .iv.ilOo i;i(!S. strhtly Hue fresh lock well cleaned up and st.-a.lj b mi ,.rr).'s .lull In fre cascw, nearbj ixirtis. ,tic. t.r ,1,,,,. neat -b nrts, .4u per nan lard case, niarby 111 -rent receipts. $7 2U7 Su pr standard ", .t.!Jfrfn.Sx,riv nr",s ?sl" 'Jtr ': 'I"- ri. fJ.MUi bo per .-ae. do. wniniui. l,iSi)'(il hi per case. Candle 1 an I recratet) frch egs er Jobbed out at ll'a 17c per dog, a to quality CHI.I.SL, pesirable eio, k well cleaned up ?t.,,l5m,,PTll!t'' -Vew nrk full-.Tdom. ctwtof, lbVttfl'VV : do, d.. fulr to goo.!, I3'it,i0.i dA, part skim, Btflt.- POULTRY I.IVi:. In filrlv liberal sunplv and quiet nt recently reMe. pr. es, I Mi 17 ., old rousiers. IVull- siring rlil,'k ns. a e.,nl ing to quality 1-tfj-ltu. ducks, old, HuH. , do., spring. 1481.V . .-ulneas, 1 r ilr. j unt. welirhlnir 2 lbs ,m I over npUre, 70c "elK.lim; l':',M't lbs upio f. IXI7 UV.. "i-jutiiK i ii' a iie, .M . olll .Hlc pel itilr li',is-. IIK1,.1.I). (ifferlnps of deolrable stock IlRht an I i.rli e" firm with trad.- f.ilr. Frih-kld.-l fimlt pr lb., ueluhln lifif, lbs apiece I'O'-jc. . ti, , iv. ichlng 1 lbs apiece, 20c! do. welshlnit :i' Ii nploce. 175ilsc.. do.. wi'ighlnK .'I lh. mid under, Kir. .,11 roosters drwiirked. l.'t'trc . broiling ihlckens, nearby, wolghlni? ijia lis. apie.-e. HiffSOc., brollliu .hkki'ns, neirb. fair to itood, Kinisc. , chick ens. Western, .'MiriW lbs. aplete. Inc. , do., do,, -'jj(-i lb. uplei-e, kv : broiliiiB chickens. v lutein, V.51- lb8 Hpleoe. 17UIV.. brolllnj rl,lck.'ni. Western, fair to Rood. IMlOc.; euuabs, per doz. White, nelghlns 11 to 1J lbs., .per dox , $4.1SO(.S((; ivhlte. weKti- '.."EiJ,', t,J c1!!, ""' ,,er. d"z'l. "I'1 "' "hit, velghlng S lb.. .r doz., f2 2.',5J2..'. do., do., . lb., per doz.. J1.7.M2; do., do , tifli-. lbs., ner doz, U.1'.1.V, dark and No. 2, (JOc. FIIESIT FRUITS Trade fair and prb-pn generally steadv Ap J J. l-r bbl (Jntvena'eln, l.i2 .'.-. niusli. rinntj.s.,. other good eating arlenes. jrrsti -ja, inndlum, Jltjl.W apples Delaware and l-nnlvanla. per liampei. .(vnr.Oc Lemons it" u2: ..f ',4.. I'lneaiide. j.i r trat.-l'orto Itico, $t B31I.I.2.1, Florida, 112 Sit. Cranber ries, C.ii,e Col, Iirly l!luLk. per bbl, $i.rifT n. .-runlwrrlej. rai rod. Burly ltlack. per irate. l.,.'J. iranbirrles, Jersey, per crate Imrk. U.7.Va2,2.1 light, flfll.23. Huckleber J:!: It ,!', 41 v FVaches, VirginU. per j0; '' rwnltet. 2V;.V).- : do. do., per imte, 7oc. Z? i - Ji'l-i. "t'iart and JIarylani , per bak.-t, 23(ft 7.V.; do . do . p.-r crate. 7V iti 2,-i. ihnii he. r'nnl,iiim. per basket Iirg white or ellow. .V7.V.; medium, :.Vic ; peai-he, Jerev, whit.-, per VbHskot. 4ik.ij(ti. do., do, llo. per fc-baket. If.- il. near!.. ir bbl.--llartlett, Nu. 1, $pn4 no. do.. V1.' -' ,'-'.Jili:t. i'Iiuhi'i Favorite, No. 1. f.'i.sii 4 .ill. do. N.,. , tilti-,!, ther arlctlcs. V.'li .1; pear. N.-w Vnrk Se.k.1, per bbl., ?lji.1. i..'.'?''' N,' Vork Coni.ird, per s-li, basket, l.iil... . do., per l-lb basket. sr,i.., grape. Southern I la wares per carrier. luff (Kir-.; Srap.a Con.-ird. per irate, 4"in.-. Plums, per s-lb basket, siiprjiSt iintaloupei. Colo rado, per crate, lli!.2.V do do. Hits Iu1 (Hie Watermelon. Jeney. per loo. .'!?l... YTSGI5TAHU3S Tho market quiet an! uneh imie.1 White potaiooa. per bush -PciineUvanla .-hoice. fflo (IV , do., fair to snot. AMfdiie, , white wtatocs, J.raey, ier basket 4(hj4r'. oweei potatoes, n&xtorii Shore, per blil.-No. 1, $1 T.VgS .15: No. 2 7.Vifl Jiotntoea. N r., per hid -No. 1. 11 W; No. 2. T5.- fiSt . sweets. J.rxe per bbl -No I. $2 MOsfS 73 No. 2 1 Soril.TB inicii Jer, per lnket 40ft unlo.i, Ltern and fiwwrtiuu Valley. iholi'B. per HHi-lli bisr JI i,nl w me Hum. per l(Mh bnit TVi'tor Cabbn-j. domestic. rr ton. 10S11 Celery N V per tunoh. lo'.i.K MuBhriwma, pel" t-lb basket. Site SI 0- hi ihi:m)s. i.nmciu v.mmiy itvuitOAii rmii'.vxt I'hllUilelphl l Oeptember III 1014 Tho Hoard of lilr.- tnr of the Lehigh Valley Itnilrnti.! Ci,nipun hae thlv dnv de dared ii quartern dltii.-nd of tuo uiiil one luilf (trr lint, n r 1 '."i per share i on Its prferred nm k to n... khoiders of record eptemher ta, lull; and a quurterh divi dend ,.f tij-p unil one-luilf per eenl. (or 1 2 ot-r fchiirei on tu lommon to k to stoi k holderii it r. September So, 1011; both pavilhle Otl.iler lo l'lll I'lK.ka will be mailed J m riAxmn. Treasurer. "SSIhs5 VESSBI ARHIVINO -TOHAY Antilles, Hoyd. Oenoa, pauenger and mer chandise. Southern Pacific Co., docked 8 a, m. Virginia (Fr). Hourdeanx. Bordeaux, pns engera and merchandise (Vimpagnle Cencmlu, Transatlantbiue Co.. rtocke.1 8 a. m. New York. Liverpool, passenger and tnir, cbsndlse, American Lin. Dock at noon. Steamships to Arrive ntTB TODAY. Name. From. Chicago llare Mauretanl. . . Liverpool .. PUB TOMORROW. Nam. From Adilatta ..Liverpool.. Hanscat Rotterdam . Steamships to Leave Palled ..Sent, it . .Kept IS Sailed .Sept 18 Sept. 10 Name For Cretlc Naule .. Havre ,. Naples .. OlSHKOW . .. tJ,nrnw,l in.wa.lf. . ,1- 17. ,r- ,........-OiU0ll Vlrglale ,,,..,.,,. '".iBordeaux CbKaco America Cameronl. Olympic aiuin Date . Kept 28 I Pt -o . Sept 2U ..Sept 26 ..Sept 2d ...Sept. 2d ...Sevt. 2o Impartial Unbiased Information regarding Investment Securities was never more needed than now. How have the rapidly changing conditions affected your holdings? of course you wish to know, but do you ? Investors Service Keeps you in touen and frequently warn It UMrs an.l aids In a decision toward Wi0 action Ar information service to Inventor, no "tips" for iMultorit, Call or write for leaflet "Vain Regret' ami register our request for information on any tuo of your SecuritiV no obligation. In use by 21 Hanks and Trust Comfanks nf this Cit). H. EVAN TAYLOR, Inc. 702 MORRIS BUILDING PIUI M.PLl'W Y r h. X 13 ( evanVA "ITAYLORJOl 11 mu ii -SlMVltTOa . VJtRVIClV III to mi C'Hli PXoMtt Bank Rrftrtlfrt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers