Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1914, Postscript Edition, Image 1

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VOL. I NO. 10
Passage of Court House Bill
Effected Through Doctor
Bacon, Whose Seat Is
Machine Uses Law's Delays in
Preventing Ousting of Council
man Whom Court Doclared
Not to be Elected.
Bankruptcy Hearing Postponed nt
Request of Counsel.
The hearing In bankruptcy to trace
missing assets of Adolph Segal, skyrocket
financier, now In the Nonlstown Insane
Asylum, was postponed this mottling until
Monday, when It wn lcported that sev
eral attorneys representing credltois
could not be present.
Joseph Mellors, the referee In bank
ruptcy, waited until John Sparhawk,
once Segal's counsel, appe-ired and asked
for a postponement, because his attorney
could not attend the hearing.
Frank .'. Andrews, whoso arrest was
caused b Segal last January on a charge
of conspiracy, nnd who loprceents sevotal
of Segal's creditor, was tho only other
person prcnent when Mellors announced
the postponement.
Tho hearing will be held Monday morn
ing at 10:30. Physicians 'are expected to
testify to Segal's condition before ho was
taken to Norrlslown.
Rebel Mexican General Fol
lows Declaration oPInde-
With Prompt
The voto of Dr. William D. Bacon,
which made possible tho passage of the
Municipal Court's vague lnndondcmn
inir ordinance over Mayor Ulankenburg's
veto In Select Councly Tuesday, political!
observers said today, will contlnuo to be
recorded In thattphambor In the Interests
of Penrose, McNIchol and Vare, although
Judge Audenrlcd In Common Pleas Court
declared Bacon Ineligible to his scat.
The Supremo Court Is tho medium being
used to keep Bacon In his scat as the
ostensible representative of tho llth
Ward, although Judge Audonrled Inter
preted the decision of the voters of that
ward, almost a year ago, to be for Dr.
Philip H. Moore, a man pledged to uphold
the policies of the Blankcnburg Adminis
tration. An order was made by the Supremo
Court yesterday giving Doctor Bacon tho
prlvlleso of remaining in Select Council
until the appeal ho made to the higher
court from Judge Audcnrled's decision Is
nnallv decided.
Bacon Is Included among tho dual office
holders In Select Council, whom Mayor
Blankenburg unsparingly denounced In
his message last Thursday. He receives
a salary of $3000 a year as real estate
fcessor. The post came ns a gratuity
from the Republican machine early this
jear. Bacon owes his fealty absolutely
to the McNIchol brnnch of the Penrose
According to Judge Audenried's Inter
pretation of the balloting In the Forty
fourth AVard last fall, Doctor Moore, the
Blankcnburg candidate, was elected by
S3 votes.
Ciookedness at the offlciat count In the
ward was responsible for tho opening of
all the ballot boxes. Tho examiners
made their leport to Judge Audemled,
declaring their finding to be In favor of
Doctor Moore. Tho original crooked count
gave a handful majority to the Peniose
McNichoI machine candidate, Dector
Judge Audenrlcd, after hearing the
arguments In the case, declatcd Mooro
entitled to the scat. The Penrose-Mc-Nlctiot
candidate then Introduced his
case Into the ponderous mazes of tho
Supreme Court in the shape of an ap
peal, more for the sake of the delay
that was certain, than for the purpose
of obtaining a clean-cut decision. Tho
trick of utilizing tho law's delay has
been frequently used by the'Pcnrose-JIcNIchol-Vaie
combine In similar cases.
Bacon has already represented tho Re
publican machlno forces In Select Coun
cil for a year, under a legal expedient
rather than under the legal right to his
teat. The effect of the order of tho Su
preme Couit will prolong that tenure.
The final decision. In case It be against
Bacon, will bo that ho had no right to
the seat In Select Council, although nn
order of the same Court allowed htm to
sit there, pending the decision. His
term will cxplio next fall nnd reform
forces are dubious of any possibility of
seating their candidate In tlmo to obtain
any valuable support for the Administra
tion's policies.
Supporters of the Blankenburg Admin
istration aro questioning the feasibility
of attempting to nullify tho vote of Dr.
Bacon In case the Supreme Court ulti
mately decides against him. If such ac
tion were possible the veto of Mayor
Blankenburg on the ordinance to' con
demn a corner of the city block at
Slat and Race streets for the Municipal
Court would stand.
Independent forces pointed out today
that the Supreme Court can advance on
Its calendar any case that it deems of
sufficient Importance to warrant Imme
diate settlement. They assert It to be
IriLomprehenslble that the Supreme
Court will not give early consideration
te the definite seating of one or the
other of the contestants.
It is a question of the will of tho
voters. It Is contended, and a long de
lay defeats the purpose of the pro
cedure, as the decision will be useless
J'ter the term expires next fall. Jt Is
further asserted that a bad effect Is
exerted on the whole system of elec
tions and that tho spirit of justice la
defeated by the piocedure, although the
Utter of the law mav he. teehnlenllv
Strong Opposition to Measure
Revised by Conferees Ex
pected to Delay Vote in
Both Houses.
Goeben and Breslau Reported Still
Flying Kaiser's Flag.
ATHENS, Sept. !l.
neports from Constantinople say that
me German cruisers Goeben and Breslau
made a raid on Russian shipping In the
"lack feea ou Monday and Tuesday, re
turning to the Sea of Marmora estcrday.
... same reP"s ' that tho Goeben
and Breslau are still Ming the German
"as despite the recent announcement by
ihTsey thdt bhe hda bou:ht "ie tw -
For Philadelphia and vicinity Un
settled and cooler tonight, with possi
bly showera; Friday partly cloudy;
'.nodejate variable winds.
Foi aetails, see page u.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Tho confer
ence report on the Clayton anti-trust
bill will bo called up for consideration
In tho Senate today, provided Senator
Culberson, chairman of the Judiciary
Committee, feels that the time Is op
portune. He gave notice when he sub
mitted tho report last night that he
would ask to have It taken up nt tho
earliest possible moment.
An effort will be made to have tho
report disposed of In the Senate and
House before next Monday, so that tho
President may sign tho Federal Trade
commission uiu and tho Clayton anti
trust bill at the same time. The 10
days which the President has to sign
me iruue commission bill before It au
tomatically becomes a law will have ex
pired next Monday night.
A hard light against the adoption of
the conference report Is expected In tho
Senate, however, and It may take several
dayi to get a vote on it. Senator Reed,
of Missouri, among the Democrats Is
particularly bitter against the report, be
lieving that It has been much weakened
In conference. He Is disappointed In the
elimination of seveial penalty clauses.
Bitter opposition will bo found to tho
conference report also" among the Pio
gresslve Republicans who consider that
tho teeth has-been drawn from the bill by
the conferees.
Suggestions vthat a lobby has been
actlvo In opposition to certain provisions
of tho Clayton bill have been frequently
made here during the last week, nnd
Senator Reed may demand an Investiga
tion by the Senate Iobby Committee, of
(Which Senator Overman Is chairman.
( Section H of the bill says In part:
Whenever a corporation shall violate
any of tho penal provisions of tho
anti-trust laws, such violation shall
be deemed to be also that of the
individual directors, ofllcers or agents
of such corporation who shall have
authorized, ordered or done nny of
the acts constituting In whole or In
part such violation, nnd such viola
tion shall b deomed a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction therefor of any
such director, officer or agent he shall
bo punished by n fine of not exceed
ing l.',000 or by Imprisonment for not
exceeding one year, or by both, in
tho discretion of the court.
The conferees fought for days over
tho price-fixing nnd antl-"tying" pro
visions. Finally sections two nnd four,
which tho Sonate struck out of the House
bill, were reinstated, but with the crim
inal penalty clauses cut out. In their
present form, they read In part:
Section 2. That it shnll be unlawful
for any person engaged In commerce
In the course of such commerce, either
directly or Indirectly, to discriminate
In pi Ice between different purchasers
of commodities, where the ef
fect of such discrimination may be
to substantially lessen competition or
tend to creato n monopoly In any line
of commerce: Provided, that nothing
hcioln contained shall prevent dis
crimination In price between purchas
ers of commodities on account of dif
ferences In the grade, quality, or
quantity of the commodity sold, or
that makes only duo allowance for
difference In tho cost of selling or
transportation, or discrimination In
prleo In the same or different com
munities made In good faith to meet
competition; and provided, further,
that nothing herein contained shall
prevent persons encaged In selling
goods, wares, or merchandise In com
merce from selecting their own cus
tomers in bona flde transactions and
not in restraint of trade.
"Section 3. That it shall he unlawful
for any person engaged In commerce
In the course of auch commerce to lease
or make a sale or contract for sale of
goods or fix a price charged
therefor, or discount from, or rebate upon
such price, on the condition, agreement,
or understanding that the lessee or pur
chaser thereof shall not use or deal In
the goods of a competitor or competitors
of the lessor or seller, where tho effect
of such a lea.se, sale, or contract for
hale, or such condition, agreement or
umiciaiuiiuiiiK may oe to substantially
lessen competition or tend to create a
monopoly In any line of commerce "
Section 12 provides that a corporation
violating the provisions can be Indicted
In any Judiciary district wherever it may
be found.
Section 16 provides in part: "That any
peron, firm, corporation or association
shall be entitled to suo for and have in
junctive relief In any court of the United
States having Jurisdiction over the parties
against threatened loss or damage by a
violation of the anti-trust laws, Including
sections z, 3, I ana 8 of this act
provided that nothing herein contained
shall be construed to entitle any person,
linn, corporation or association, except
the United States, to bring suit in equity
for injunctive relief against any common
Senate and House will take action on
the conference report within a day or
two. President Wilson Is to i .v.1
' Federal Trade Commission and the antl.
,,W WMl uv uo UIUv
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. - Announce-
nient that the long-threatened bienk be
tween General Villa and General Carrnnza
has come, that Villa has tir.n-lnlmnl IiIk
PT A VTfiN K NTT TRITQT ""''"'encc nnd has declared war, prob-
JlinIlUH riiHl lllUul u'y win ie followed by tho bloodiest1
flChtlflt tluir Una ,.nti.A,1 It. ....
DlLL 1U UU UALLljJJ Troops of both Villa nnd Carrnnza at-
IIP IN SENATE TODAY ranz;x ar huu ent 1'.
UI 111 Uiillillii JLV.Un.1 ,een8. ,., viii i, i .,....!. ....
, . . . ...w alu,ri 1.,11 ftfctJIUllllfe tun
forces at Chihuahua nnd Torreon for sev
eral weeks.
Genera"! mobilization of troops In north
ern Mexico, loynl to General Carranzu, is
under way at Monterey.
Tho present troop movements Indicate
that the first battle between the Car
ranz.i and Villa foices will be fought In
tho State of Zacatccas, somewhere on the
Mexican National Railway.
General Villa Is lushing troops south
ward from Torreon ns fast as troop
trains can be made up. Constitutionalists
loynl to Villa throughout Chihuahua and
bonorn are being concentrated.
Although Cnrranza has the advantage
of controlling the capital. Villa's big
army is equipped for a long, vigorous
war. Tho soldleis of tho former bandit
are loyni to mm. while Carranza Is be
lieved to have no general on his htnff
equal to Villa from a standpoint of
strategic ability.
Within the past 48 hours, according-!
to reports, more than 7000 rifles, half
n dozen machine guns nnd 3,000,000
rounds of ammunition have been sent
across tho border, consigned to Villa's
,V.W .V """""' viu oe odio to com
mand the use of a largo section of the
I-ederal army, which had fought for
Hueitu. Villa can raise an nrmv of be
tween 40,000 and 50.000 men, If not more
George C. Cnrotheis, special representa
tive of tho State Department, who wos
ordered last night to proceed to
Chihuahua, was notified today to return
heio nnd Interview General Obregon, tho
Carrnnza leader, who was arrested by
General Villa and later set free.
Immediate return of Paul Fuller of
New York, and possibly John Llnd to
Mexico, at personal representatives of the
President In ,i movement to prevent
fuither bloodshed. Is also under considera
tion. AVnr Department officials persistentlv
declared they had hoard nothing of a
revolution In the northern States of
Secretary Garrison said he had heord
from General Bliss, In command of tho
troops nlong the border, but that the
officer had made no mention of any
trouble or that any was anticipated.
Ir fll
In & Wk i
i W 4
aw MM '
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The War Today
Failure of His $10,000,000
"Movie" Corporation for
Sunday School Folk Up
sets Him.
Thero will bo no change In the attitude
of tho United States Government toward
Mexico ns a result of the break between
General Carrnnza and General Villa. It
was declared at the White ITouso today.
The Administration will hold unswerving v
to Its course, and Is confident that the
trouble will be settled in tho near future.
Tho American troops will b... wlthdiawn
from Vera Cruz ns has been planned and
officially there will be no recognition of
the Villa revolt.
The causes of the conflict between tho
two men are well understood by Presi
dent Wilson and ho was not surprised by
recent developments.
Administration officials. It Is said, ex
pect an entire change of policy, by
Carranza In the near future nnd that he
will yield, to the major demands of Gen
eral Villa.
Institution of a new embargo nn nrm
and ammunition to Mexico was another
question before tho President.
The bieak between General Villa and
his foimer chief arose over Villa's de
mand that the vast estates of the wealthy
men of Mexico bo divided up and tho
land parcelled out among the peons.
Since General Cnrmnzn has been at tho
head of the Government In Mexico City
ho has mado no move toward carrying
out this leform, although the revolution
which put him nt the head of the re
public was an uprising of peons.
A man who said ho was tho Duko ot
Manchester was in Philadelphia for sev
eral days recovering from nervous shock,
lie left early Ihlt, moniltis fur New YoiH.
The supposed Duke needed n rest. Ho
Is Involved, It is said. In a !0,0',(X fail
ure of a "movie" concern he wns pro
moting. He came to the Bellevue-Strat-ford
to escape worries. The Duke has
fostered Industries, but for some i capon
they collapsed. The friends of the man
who says ho Is the Duke no not seom H
stick by him, and fall to back his judg
ment, ns might be expected.
Tho Duke wns president of the Interna
tional Soclnt Service League. Up to a
week ago he had sumptuously appointed
offices at IS East 41st street. New York.
Today the olllces are stripped. Tho sup
posed duko -is traveling with his valet
The Duko with the Duchess was Idling
In New York. He decided to go to work.
Ho did and tho Duchess reluctantly gave
hor consent. She had seen the Duke go
to work befmc. Last June he organized
the International Social Service League,
with a capital stock of 310.000,000. He
absorbed tho Church and School Social
SerVlco Bureau, of New York, of which
the Rev. Dr. AVIllinni Carter, one time
pastor of tho Madison Avenue Reformed
Church, wns the head.
The Duko Intended making "movies"
which would instruct and entertain Sun
day school children and their parents.
The Duke proposed t ho.iil an expedi
tion to tho Holy Lands In person. He
would take pictures of the territory. Its
vagabonds, dogs, fleas nnd other objects
of Interest. He also expected to go to
India and tnko pictures. He believed he
could take pictures that no common
photographer could take because of his
friendship with rajahs and other moguls.
The Church and School Social Seivlco
Bureau Is not Involved In tho failure of
the International Social Service League to
any extent, according to tho Rev. Dr.
Carter. Papers reincorporating It with
a cnpltnl stock of $."00,000 will bo drawn
within a few days.
But return to the Duke. It Is known
the real Duko left Now York for thh
city. He had his valet with him. His
nerves were shattered becauso ot that
$10,000,000 failure. Ho came to Phila
delphia and took a suite of rooms In tho
Uellevue-Stratford. Ho admitted to the
clerk that he was the Duke, but he did
not want It generally known. The clerk
told tho head bellboy tho Duko had nr
rlved, nnd the bellboy told the policeman
on tho corner.
The Duke was up early Sunday morn
ing. The night before ho had hired nn
automobile and went to n theatre whore
tho "Follies of 19U" are holding forth. To
members of tho chorus m explained
that his nerves were gone. Ho hnd seen
tho show the night beforo ami It had
not helped him n bit, but If the chorus
consented to a llttlo breakfast ho might
chlip up n bit.
The chorus was delighted. It would
hieakfnst with tho Duke. It did nnd
It whs In Atlantic Ctt. The man who
sold he was the Duke came bnck and
rested until this morning nnd then just
nt about dawn, It Is said. Lilly Mar
chester whisked the Duke back to New
Night assaults, directed ngalnst the Al
lies' centre In an effort to relieve tho
pressuro ngalnst General von Kluk's
army, have been repulsed. General
von Uuolim's nrmy has reinforced
tho Oornian right wing, where the
most violent fighting continues on
tho 12th day of tho battle In France.
A general of von Kluk's stuff hus
been captured.
Russians contlnuo westward advance
toward Cracow. Skirmishes with the
Austrian rear guard occupy their at
tention nnd they are taking minor
positions on tho way to their objec
tive. The main army has been aug
mented by troops from the Interior
mobilization centres. Ono corps has
been left to continue the Investment
of Przemysl, which continues under
tremendous bombardment.
In tho KiiBt Prussia-Poland campaign
the Russians, under Rennenknmpf,
have successfully lured the GermanH
onward by their -trateglcal retire
ment. An unconfirmed report states
that the Gormnns gave battle and
were routed. The Germans have
strongly fortified the Thorn-Czesto-chow
line In order to withhold ns
long as possible tho Russian invasion
of Silesia.
Rumania will declare war within a
short while, according to high offi
cials of that Government. Already !
mobilization has been agreed to, nnd
Official Paris Dispatch Declares Town is
Being Held Against Sharp Counter
Attacks German Night Assaults Fail
to Pierce Allies' Centre.
Invaders Make Desperate Effort to Break
Through Forts Linking Verdun and
Toul in East General on von Kluk's
Staff a Captive in Paris.
PARIS, Sept. 24.
An ofTlclal statement Issued here this
afternoon nnnounccs that the French
left wing is making steady progress
and that Peronne has been occupied
by the French. In an attempt to drive
oft the Frencll troops, who are threat
ening his lines of communication, Gen
eral von Kluk Is making a sharp at
tack upon the French forces at
Peronne is 17 miles northwest of St.
It Is said the Balkan Stnto will Join uentin and more tnan .u miles nortn
the Allies. Further complications j east of Parls' In 'lts turning move
among the Balkan countries are ex- ment- therefore, the French left wing
has advanced nbout 75 miles since It
was driven across tho Marne by the
swift advance of the German right
wing, nnd there forced the Germans
in turn to withdraw.
The complete official statement fol
lows: On our left wing, between the
Senator Shepparcl Introduces Econ
omy Measure,
WASHINGTON. Sept. 24,-Presldent
Wilson's salary will be cut JCO. while
General Villa had promised the men
of his army that each should havo a
farm after the war was over. In some
parts of Chihuahua, after Villa had con
quored that district, he acted Indepen
dently of Carrnnza bj splitting up gigantic
ranches himself and giving away he
ground to his soldiers.
This declaration, taken from Villa's
proclamation of war, Is the leal keynote
of the situation as It exists today
Carranw.h.ch'ay'hecaof !Ur ""' V Clh' F"' '
great Injury to our country, and since I P 5' draWS ' n month "' morM
he could never govern a republic, nor ! wl" be reduced, beginning November 1,
make happy a country which nsplr'es to I for a war economy measure. If a bill in-
iyarrn " , n-m.
the people subject to an Interpolation of aex"s- U Passed.
tho national feelings, no have been 'I'ne proposed cut begins at l!ft) fcal-
fbIJh?a, ,0, "?Jnoun-e "", as commander- , uiies at ; per cent-, scaling up to i; per
In-chlef of tho Constitutional at aimv In .. ,I , , .7,
charge of the executive power, and ue Cmt n '"' bainrlcs ' eces3 ot ?
have declared hostilities." j that the full effect of tho cut would ba
1 ' felt by Senators, Representatives and
pectcd should Rumania take up arms.
French War Oflico states the offensive"
taken by the Allies continues to be
successful. Unofficial admission is
mado In Bordeaux that Maubeuge has
been captured. Berlin mado this an
nouncement September 9, and added
that 40,000 prisoners had been taken.
Berlin official statement insists that all
assaults by tho Allies have been re
pulsed and that the German offensive
in Russia continues. Changes in
command have been made necessary.
Accusations are made that Russia is
using dtim-dum bullets.
Petrograd War Office reports success
in the Gallclan campaign. No gen
eral battle la expected for a few
days until reinforcements from the
interior can join tho main army.
Minister of War Pukhomlinoff an
nounces that Russia controls more
than two-thirds of the railroad lines
west of the San and leading to Cra
cow. He further reports that nresent
operations cut off possibility of Aus
trian forces near Przomysl joining
the armies between the Russian front
and Cracow. The War Olfico in a
later statement says tho Russian
cavalry has already penetrated to
Cracow, the inhabitants of which are
fleeing In terror. Statement Is made
that the Austrlans hnvo evacuated
Gnllcia with the exception of Prze
mysl and Cracow.
Jnpanese War Office announces land
ing of British Infantry to co-operate
with Japanese forces In the Kiao
Chau campaign. Assault of Tslng
Tao, the principal fortification antio
German leasehold, is expected by tho
end of tho month, Jnpanese success
continues on Shan Tung Peninsula.
China Is In a ferment because of war
like propaganda. Tho President Issued
a decree ordering tho immediate ur
rest of any persons seeking to agi
tato tho public mind. Tho decree re
iterates the earnest desire of tho
country to remain neutral.
Cubinet ofllcers. All army and navy offU
ceis would also bo affected by this cut.
Senator Sheppard has been particularly
displeased bj the cut In the River and
Harbor appropriations on account of tho
war emergency, and he feels that all
divisions of the Government bervlco
should ulso economize
Believes Trouble Will Be Settled
Without Further Bloodshed.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 34 -The Mexi
can Embassy officials said the were
without advices from theli Government
today, but Charge d' Affaires Urulquldi
declared that he was led to bellevo that
the existing difficulty would be settled
without bloodshed. Ho did not Indicate
en what he based his opinion.
As the embassy understands the stl
uatlon the trouble o-eurrod when Gen
eral Carranza and his lleutouaut. Gen
eral Obregon, bioke their promise to
evacuate the State or Sonora on thi
taking of Mexico City and turn It oer
to Genorol Villa. This action was taken.
It was said, because General Carranza
became suspicious of Villa's actions.
Incensed at this annnsnl hrannh .,? ..-., ...,.. I . t. . .
Ob'r'e'goXd II r l ",,ed State -dorVmard has
reported also that he commanded that I 1,a(1 a number of conferences with
!ULP5 ?n," ,be shot- General Ourania PreMjler Dato and on Wednesday h waa
immediately Interfered. tta by Klnff A,(0Mfc y M WM
Peace Negotiations Reported in
Progress at Madrid.
MADRID, Sept 2J.-.oSoti4tlong be
ttteea the United States and Spain aim
ing at the co-operation of these coun
tries and possibly of Italy In efforts that
will be made to end the European war
Drnstlc Action Follows Marconi Com
pany's Resistance to Censorship,
WA5WI.NUTON. Sept. 21 -Serretary
Daniels toduy Issue 1 orders for th
closing of Slasconsoi ulreleg3 station at
noon tomorrow
The drastic action was taken because
of the falluro of thi Marconi Wireless
Tplcgiaph Company to explain Its han.
ollng of partisan messages, or to nir
nssi:ranc of its Intention in the future
to observe the Government regulations.
Secretary Daniels wlied insttuctlons to
hnslgn NUnn. navj censor at Slasconset,
to sec that the station wan completely
closed at noon tomonow.
John W. Gifggs, former Attorney Gen
eral, and prriddf if of the Mnreonl mi.n,
had made no replv to the Secretary, ex- I pantio circle and now are delivering a
i opt a brief telegiHin. requesting susnen. I , .
slnn of action, ponding the riling of suit SerleS f flerce at,acks " the soldiers
nv nis c .rnpanv to test the r'ght to op- defending the Mons route of German
pose ui eles censorship. It Is expected . '
According to the military authorities
this s the first direct assault which the.
Allies have been able to deliver ngajnst
the important German line of comrau.
nlcation. Desperate fighting Is going
on especially around AreJux and Cour.
chelettes, where the Thirteenth French
Army Corps under General Allx is at-
Sommo and the Olse, our troops
have advanced In the direction of
Roye (about 25 miles southeast of
St. Quentin). A detachment has
occupied Peronne nnd Is maintain
ing Itself there despite sharp at
tacks from the enemy. Between
the Olse nnd the Alsne tho enemy
continues to maintain important
forces, solidly intrenched. We havo
advanced slightly to the northwest
of Berry-Au-Bac.
On the centre, between the Ar
gonno and Rhelms, there Is no
change. At the east of the Argonne
on the heights of tho Mouse, the
enemy continues his attacks with
particular violence. The combat
continues with alternative recoil at
certain points and advance Rt
1 On our right wing there Is no
notable change in tho region of
Nancy and In the Vosges.
Some detachments of the enemy
have attempted again to penetrate
French territory, pushing forward
light covering forces, but their of
fensive has been quickly arrested.
In Gnllcia the Russians have
.captured .laroslaw, completely In
vested Przemsyl and continued
their offensive against Cracow.
German forces, in a series of violent
night attacks on the centre of the Al
lies' line, again were repulsed.
L- The invaders aro making desperate
efforts to relieve tho crushing pressure
on the right wing, by attempting to
cut through the centre and harassing
tho French on the eastern end of the
Tho German army of General von
Bochm. containing practically nil of the
active army that had been left in Bel.
glum, has reinforced General von Kluk
and now holds the extreme north and
west of his line from Doual, llmilos
east of Arras, south to the neighbor
hood of Soissons, through Cambrai and
St Quentin.
The bloodiest fighting of the great
battle of the Alsne, which now is in
Its twelfth day, is going on there, where
the British and French are struggling
furiously to surround and cut oif the
German right.
The French have swung round a gl
his first move will be an application for
an injunction to restrain the navy from
closing the station
Gay Head Was Bound From Nan
tucket to New Bedford.
NANTl'CKET. Mass. Sept. SI.-A re
port reached hare at rnx-m thai .n ...
ship Gay Head u ashore about a ln'f tenlI'ting to smash the invaders' front
mile outsido of Mrum Point but that her The Germans are continuing .k . '
position Is not dangerous and that she Bre contnulnB their
mH n "t a n'Sh tide terrific attacks against the Allies' cen-
ntfl.SA h.S tKKlV I tr '" the V'C,nUy f Rheto8 " at
New Bedford, Mass., in a heavy fo. tempt to plerc It, but the French and
tho British who were rushed to that
point are holding valllantly.
No troops are being withdrawn frorr
the right to reinforce the French cen
tre and loft. They have been aided b"
soveral corps from the second line ser'
I from the mobilization centres to th .
south and still maintain their numer
ical superiority over the enemy.
The turning movement ngalnst Von
Kluk Is necessarily slow. The official
statement at midnight referred to five
eighths of a mile as an excellent day'a
Tho Impression exists here that tho
Germans much longer cannot hold
their positions nlong the Alsne. Tho
Germans are at bay. They are fighting
in desperation to hold their present
lines in hope that the Allies' front may
be pierced at some point. The only
hope of the invaders now seems to be
in piercing the French line in the cen
tre. To the east of Rheims. the Frencu
have a tremendous number of men
who are fighting on the offensive.
An idea of the fierceness of the fight
ing along tho western reaches of tho
Aisne and tho Oise is gained from the
fact that tralnloads of wounded aro
being brought south every night. These
i-oUliers tell terrible tales of night and
day fighting in rain and fog or in the
darkness. The Germans have put up
a resistance so stubborn that even Sir
John French, the British commander
nnd the other generals are astounded
It had been believed ut first that the
Germans were merely making a stand
along the Alsne ii order to cover their
retreat. After a fow days of fighting
this Idea was dispelled.
A general of General von Kluk's staff,
who was captured in the fighting
around Amiens, has been brought to
Paris, together with a number of other
prisoners, He looked as though he had
eon in the thick of the fighting. He
was hatless and one of the shoulder
straps had been wrenched from his
coat. His face was covered with grime
; and underneath could be detected the
redness of exposure. His uniform was
dirty and caked with mud. His boots
were wet, muddy nnd torn. One waa
ripped as though it had been struik
by a bullet or a fragment of shrapne..
The soldier was worn nnd emaciated,
but he bore himself proudly before his
The soldiers brought word that the
Germans had blown up the railway
bridge near Mnraumont, between Am
iens and Arras In order to hamper
the advance of the French against the
troops defending the line of communi
cations. Three trains filled with prisoners and
wounded German soldiers arrived at
the Gnre Nord last night. A largo
crowd gathered about the station, but
thero wero no hostile demonstrations.
On the train with the wounded pris
oners were 132 nurses and 82 doctors.
Upon the eastern end of the French
war theatre, the soldiers are getting
their first touch of winter. Snow is fall
Ing in the Vosges mountains,
The French War Office is ordering
winter clothing shipped to the troqps
operating in that district.
Interesting stories filter In from thw
front. One Is to the effect that many
soldiers havo been driven stone deaf
by the continuous detonations of the
big guns, the sound being intensified
by the heavy, -wet condition of the'
atmosphere. The strain of five weeks
of continuous marching and fighting
has told on the minds of some of tha
men. A number of the soldiers have
broken beneath the strain, going stark
The French Government is expected
to make official admission soon that
Maubeuge has fallen A Frenchman
who arrived here today declared that
t Germans are in possession of tha