Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1914, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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I Sk JkffiftfWP. rL X V $L. H MlaaaHlU I
Mis3 Sullivan returned this week from Narragansett Pier with her mother, Mrs.
James Francis Sullivan, and is one of the most enthusiastic devotees of the Horse
Show, which she has attended every day since the opening Monday.
THE first meeting of Mrs. Edward Troth's
Dancing Clasa, which Is held In the ball
room of the Germantown Cricket Club, at
Manhclm, and which Is one of the moat popu
lar classes of the season, will take place Fri
day, December 4.
Mra. Troth returned thla week from Europe,
here she was among the American refugeea.
Her aon, Edward O. Troth, who sailed for
Europe with his mother laat spring, returned
early In July.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooke, 3d, are spending
several daya In Now York before returning to
their home In Choatnut Hill. Mr. and Mra.
Edward Crozler have purchased the Cooke
town house, 2128 Locust street.
Mrs. James Francis Sullivan la entertaining
her sister, Mrs. James B. Clews, at her coun
try seat, the Woods, nadnor, during the Horse
Show week.
The Philadelphia Cricket Club will be ex
tremely gay this season. Plana have been made
for as many as 36 club dances through the
winter and spring. Next Saturday will bo tho
first. Deuces will also take place under the
club management the nights of October 3, 10,
17, : and 31.
have been visiting Mrs. McGoodwln's parents
for tho past six weeks at Flat Rock, N. C,
returned to their homo at St. Martin's yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Greenwood nnd the Misses
Greenwood, who hnvo been spending the sum
mer at Lenox, left yesterday and will leturn
to their home hero by way of Now York.
Mr. ar.a Mrs. Edwin I. Atloe, Jr., of 3012 West
Coulter street, will give a debutante tea to In
troduce to society their daughter. Miss Mar
garet Atlee, about the mlddlo of November.
Many other affairs are being arranged In her
Miss Charlotto Haiding Brown will make
her debut at a tea which will bo given In her
honor by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
I'. Houston, at their homo in St. Martin's, the
afternoon of November 27.
Midshipman Forest B. Royal Is tho guest of
hi uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Stoever, at the Delmar-Morrls. on his wa to
nnapolIs, Md.
Mrs. William A. Brown will give a muslcale
tonight at her home, M South COth street.
Mrs. Eugene Chrlstman, of 3030 Chestnut
lieet. returned fiom Europe ou Saturday.
.Mrs Chrlstman went abroad early In the sum
mer, and was among the tourists whose tiav
el weie Interrupted by the wat. She if turned
t"l way of Canada.
Mrs T. Foster Thomas, of 9 West Phll-Ellena
treet. will entertain a box party Saturday
afternoon In honor of her little daughter. Miss
Emma Thomas. The guests will Include Mis?
Louise Betts. Miss Alice Molse, Miss Ruth
I'mpstead, Miss Lucy Jefferys, Miss Katharine
Schwartz, Mlsa Eleanor Morgan, Miss Martha
Farnum, Miss Israel Farnum. Miss Esther
Thompson, MUs Marie Dunham, Carpenter4
Doan. William Betts, Franklin Doan. William
Brush. Mrs. J. William rotter and Mrs.
Thomak wilt chaperone the part.
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Betts Paxson. of Over
brook, announce the engagement of their
daughter, MI& Florence Paxson, to Harold W.
Laird, of Germantown. No date has been set
for the wedding.
Mrs. Charles H. Howell, Misa Beatrice If.
Howell and Mrs. G. Frederick Jordan, who ar
motoring down from Maine, arrived In Lenox
esterday. They expect to reach their home
In Torresdale early next week.
The Misses Harrison Smith and H. itarrlsor,
Smith have returned to their home at 401 South
st street after si indlng the summer at Wawa,
Mrs. W. C. Richardson, Miss Elizabeth Rich
ardson and Cortland Richardson have returned
from Essex on Lake Champlaln and are at the
rectory of St. lames Church, 2303 Walnut street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Steel opened their
own house. 2221 Tine street, yesterday, for the
Mr, and Mra. D. H. DeVaux. of Lansdowne,
will celebrate their silver wedding anniversary
this Friday afternoon and evening, by a din
ner. Covers will be laid for 25 guests.
Mrs. Bowling if. Harrlton. of Baltimore, is
spending a few weeks In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. S,' J. Stanton, of Lansdowne,
re being congratulated on the birth of a son,
born yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rcd McGoodwin. who
oVEltnnooK Mrs. William F. Hnrrlty and
her daughters. Miss May Harrtty and Miss
Isabel Harrlty, who were In Brussels at the
time tho war broke out, are at present In
Scotland. Mrs. Harrlty nnd her daughters lost
their trunks and belongings In Brussels, where
they were obliged to flee for Englnnd. They
will sail for home. It Is expected, some time
In November.
Mr. and .Mrs. William N. Morlce. of C932
Overbrook avenue, will close their Cape May
cottage next week and return to town.
MEIUON Mr. and Mrs. William I. Gcst, of
Haielhurst avenue, returned Saturday fiom a
motor trip to Loon Lake In the Adlrondacks.
Charles S. Farnum, of Latches lano. Is now
at the St, James, whore he will spend the
Mr. and Sirs. William Y. C. Anderson and
their children have returned to their home on
South Ifghland avenue after a stay at Asbury
Tark. N. J.
WYNNEWOOD Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank C. Rob
erts and family, who spent tho summer at
their cottage at Lake George, returned this
aftornoon to Pen-y-Bryn
Mr. and Mrs, C. Clothier Jones and their
son, C. Clothier Jones, Jr., have 'leturnod to
their homo on Kent road nfter a summer spent
at their Chelsea cottage,
AtlDMOllE Mrs. George Inglla MacLeod, her
little twin son and daughter and her sister,
Mlsa Frances Twiggs, have returned from
Woekapnug, R. I., where they occupied the
Howard Butcher's camp this summer.
Mrs. Thomas F. Hammond, who is spending
several weeks In Atlantic City. Is expected
home early In October. Mr. Hammond and
his daughter. Miss Kdlth Hammond, have re
turned fiom Christmas Cove, Me.
Mrs. Trederlck W. Mori Is, Jr., of Valley
Farm, Wyncote, entertained yesterday at a
small children's birthday party In honor of
her 6on, Edward Starr Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tatnall Starr haVe ie
turned to their home In Wyncote after spend
ing the summer at tliclr cottage nt Watch Hill,
R. I.
Mrs. Joseph S. Bunting, who is now at Put
In Bay, O., will not leturn to her home on
Summit avenue, Jcnklntown, until Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller Watts, Charles
Randolph Wood and J. Clifford Rosongarten
will leae shortly for a three weeks' hunting
trip In the woods of Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. T. Brock have re
turned to "Stanlej Farm." their home In Ab
ingtcn, after spending some time at Cape May.
Mr. and Mrs. Brock will remain at "Stanley
Farm" thioughout the winter.
Mrs. Leigh Hunt Shrlgley, of Lenox road,
Jenklntown, Is spending several days In Had
dontleld. N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Loverlng. of Bethle
hem pike, who have spent the season at James
town. II. I will close their summer home to
rnoirow. Mr. Loverlng will leturn to the city
at once, and Mra. Lovcilng will stop off In
New York for iseveral dais' shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Morgan, who hae been in
Switzerland all summer, are at present In
Bournemouth, England, and will sail for home
October 5. Mr. and Mra. Morgan have had
many Interesting experiences; they haa as
sisted In feeding the soldiers and been In the
thick of things generall).
Judge and Mrs. Edward A. Anderson and the
Misses Anderson have returned from Europe to
their home In St. Martin's.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Seaver, of Mont
gomery avenue, have returned from spending
several week In Eftglesmere.
Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Swope, Jr., have closed
their cottage In Longport and have returned to
their home, 7918 Crefeldt street.
Tho Hon. and Mrs. SAtnuel B. Bcott, of 129
Highland avenue, are receiving congratulations
upon tho birth of a daughter, Henrietta Scott.
Miss Josephine W. Ncall, of Mermaid lane, Is
at present the guest of Mrs. W. Downing, of
WentumJ Pittsburgh. Miss Neall's engage
mont to Alfred Phillips was announced last
Mrs. E. H. Brown, of Centrevllle, Md an
nounce the engagement of her daughter, Miss
Bessie Brown, to Henry Beck, of Houston,
Texas. Miss Brown la the niece of Dr. and
Mrs. William C. Cahall, of 154 West Chelten
avenue, whom she frequently visits.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Darlington Wilkinson,
formerly of Germantown, are at present In
Manila, P. I nnd will leave shortly for China,
where Mr. Wilkinson has business Interests.
Mrs. Wilkinson will be remembered as Miss
Jane Burgess before her marrlago In Juno.
Mrs. Edward W. Moore has returned from
Concord, Mnsa,, where Bho spent the summer.
Mr. and Mrs, Samuet Blspham Bowcn, of
Wayne avenue and Johnson street, are on their
way home from Bass Rocks, whero they spent
tho summer, and arc spending several days In
New York.
William H. Scott and his two daughters. Miss
Helen Scott nnd Miss Dorothy Scott, havo re
turned from Europe and aro spending a few
days nt Spring Lake, N. J.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William It. Tucker, Jr., have
closed their cottage In Longport nnd have
opened their home In Queen Lane Manor.
Lieutenant William W. Smyth, of the U. S. S.
Minnesota, will nrrlvo In town tho latter part
of this weok from Old Point Comfort, where
hli ship has been at target practice.
Mr. and Mrs. Elllston Perot, of West School
house lano, returned last week from Eagles
mere. They havo ns their guests Dr. and Mrs.
Wan en Walkor. Mrs. Walker, before her
marrlago a few years ago, was Mlaa Helen
Perot. Tho Walkera have a house at 246 South
22d street.
Mr. and Mrs. Rltner K. Walling, of 435 West
Schoolhouso lane, have returned from visiting
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walling at their cottago
in Seaside Park, N, J,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Groves have closed
their cottage In Atlantic City and have opened
their house at 5920 Wayne avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gllllngham and Miss
Helen Banks have returned to their home In
Greone street from Monmouth, Me., where they
have a camp.
A pretty wedding will take place next Satur
day at 6 p. m. at Our Lady of Mercy Church,
Broad street and Susquehanna avenue, when
Miss Marlon Genevieve Magulre, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. John Russell Magulre, of 2113
Uber place, will become the bride of James
Downey Boyle, of Fredericksburg, Md.
Miss Magulre will bo nttonded by Mlsa Mar
garette Magulre aa maid of honor. Hor brldes
malda will be Miss Kathiyn Mngulre, Miss
Genevieve Magulre, Miss Frances Magulro and
Miss Josephine Elsenman.
Mr. Boylo will have Frank Boyle, of Balti
more, Md., foi best man. Tho ushers will be
Albert Boyle, of Baltimore; Harry Boyle, of
Emmltsburg, Md.; Joseph B. Boyle, of Balti
more, and Sidney Snpplugton, of Fredcrlcks
buig. .Md.
Joseph Bruce Boyle, Jr., will bo the ring
The wedding will bo followed by a reception
nt the home of the bride's parents.
After their trip the couple will live nt 2011
Culvert street, Baltimore, Md., where they will
be at home after October 15.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Peterson, of 2136 North
Sixteenth street, announco tho marriage of
their daughter, Misa Ellen Peterson, and John
A. Harris, of Roxborougli, Monday afternoon.
The ceremony was performed In the Church
of tho Advocate. Eighteenth and Diamond
streets. After a trio to No.v York, Mr. and Mrs
Han Is will reside at 472 Gerhard street, Rox
borough. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hippie have closed
their cottage In Vcntnor, N. J., and returned
to their home, 2115 North Nineteenth street.
Miss Augustine Johnson nnd William John
son Monkhousc have opened their homo at 3333
North Nineteenth street, after apendlng the
summer months nt their summer place near
Princeton, N. J.
Mrs. Catherine A. Cooper, accompanied by
her son, Stanley Cooper, will close her Asbury
Park cottage ubout tho first of October, and
will return to her home, 1S23 North Broad
.Miss Edna Muench, of 3732 North Carlisle
stiefit, gave a luncheon on Saturday for the
members of the Sigma Beta Phi Sorority. Fall
flowers and ferns formed the decorations. Her
gues,ts were: Miss Helen Blown, Mrs. An
thony Callahan. Miss Helen Huff, Miss Maltha
Lupton. Miss Helen Millard, Miss Kathrjn En
nls. Miss Emily MacBumej, Miss Louise Ruck
deschell nnd Miss Gertiude Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. II. D. McCord Weir, of 3410
North Seventeenth stieet, hae teturned home
after spending tho season In Ocean City. They
were accompanied by their son-in-law and
daughtei, Mr. and Mrs. William K. Donaldson,
of 60.M North Marvlne street.
Ml IMith Shaip has returned from n foil
night's st.iv In the Pocono Mountains.
Mr and Mis. Jacob Dowler, of 3129 West
Ontario stieut. have returned from Atlantic
Dr. and Mrs Charls R. Fulmer, of 1211 Weal
Allegheny aenue. with their son and daugh
ter. Leroy Fulmer and Miss Grace Fulmer.
haw leturned from Ocean City, where they
hue their summer home.
Miss .N'elllo N. Dyson entertained a party of
friends last Saturday evening. September 19,
at her home on Park avenue. Oak Lane.
' Mr. and .Mrs. Albert Hersteln and their
daughter. Miss Marian Hersteln, of 3.M8 North
Broad street, have closed their cottage ii.
Chelsea and hae returned to theli winter
Mrs. William Grlrrun, of J504 Wert Ontario
street, returned home today after spending the
hummer In Asbury Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius McGllllcuddy have
closed their Germantown house, where they
passed the summer, and hae leturned to their
winter home on West Ontario street.
Mr. and Mrs Tettcmer and their daughters.
Miss Thelrua Tettemer and Miss Lucena Tet
temer. of "BJS North Park avenue, have te
turned from Boyertowu
Mr. and Mrs Samuel Kamps, of Rochester.
N. Y . are the guests of Mrs Kamps' parents,
Mr and Mrs. James Ashton Lee. of 3628 North
Eighteenth street
Mr. and Mrs. Haro Bulk have closed their
cottaga at Ventnor1 and are occupying their
town house, 4454 North Broad street
Mr. nnd Mrs. William M, Ross, of 3718 North
Seventh street, have closed their country place
In Fort Washington and have returned to
their winter home.
Prof, and Mrs. William A. Davis will enter
tain at luncheon today at their home, 2014
South Eighteenth street. Covers will be laid
for 12 guests.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Callahan and family, of 1618
South Broad street, have closed their cottage
at Sea Isle and returned to town.
Miss Jane Roe and Miss Christine Roe, who
have spent the last month with friends at
Atlantic City, have returned to their home,
1812 Mifflin street.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Furey, who have oeen
entertaining extensively during the summer
months In their cottage at Wlldwood, have,
returned to their home, 2501 South Cleveland
Mrs. Gallagher, of ISO! South Broad street,
returned to the elly this week, after having
spent the summer at Atlantic City.
The marriage of Miss Margarita. Baldy,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dlmmlck Baldy,
and Sponcer n. Butterworth will tako placa
this afternoon at 4 o'clock In Grace Church,
Mt. Airy. Tho wedding will be a very quiet
affair, as no Invitations havo been Issued. Miss
Baldy will be attended by her sister, Miss
Katharine Baldy, who will act as maid of
Mr. Butterworth will have his brother, C.
Melcher Butterworth, as best man. The cere
mony will bo performed by the ReV. Thomas
Starko Cllnc, rector of the church, and will be
followed by a small reception for the members
of the Immediate families at tho homo of the
bride's parents, 203 Gowen avenue, Chestnut
The marrlago of Miss Loretta Marie Ennls,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllgus A. Ennls, of
1801 North Bouvlor street, and Albert Lindsay
Doerlng will take place tonight at the Roose
velt. Tho ceremony will bo performed by the
Rev. John Wiley Francis, pastor of the Oxford
Presbyterian Church, Broad and Oxford streets.
The bride, who will' be given In marriage by
hor father, will be attendod by Miss Martha
Harlcy and her cousin, Miss Miriam Ennls, as
bridesmaids. Her younger sisters. Miss Esther
Ennls and Miss Arline Ennls, will be flower
girls. ,
The best man will be the bridegroom's
brother, Carl Doerlng. Tho brido's brother,
Percy Ennls, will be usher. The bride will wear
a gown of heavy white satin, trimmed with
pearl passementerie. Her veil of tulle will bo
fastened with orange blossoms and she will
carry a shower of white orchids. Pink taffeta
gowns will be worn by the bridesmaids, They
nrc mode with the new long basquo and trim
med with lace. They will carry arm bouquets
of pink chrysanthemums. Tho flower girls will
wear dainty white loco slips over pink silk and
will carry baskets of pink chrysanthemums.
Tho ceremony will be followed by a reception.
Pink ehrjsanthomums, palms and ferns will
be used In the decorations. On their return
from a wedding Journey, the couple will reside
on Greene street, Germantown, and will be nt
home after November 15.
The marriage of Mlsa Geraldlne Patterson
and William J. Jennings took place today at
noon at the home of the bride's parents, 4915
Walton avenue. The wedding was a very quiet
affair, only the Immediate families of the brldo
groom and bride and a few Intlmato friends
Miss Patterson had her sister. Mrs. Crawford
Knme3, as matron of honor, nnd Mr. Jennings
was attended by Edward Murphy aa best man.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Father Crane, rector of the Church of St.
Francis de Sales. A small reception followed
the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Adamson announce
the marriage of their sister, Miss Ruth Potter
Abel, to Ralmund T. Guernsey, son of Dr.
Joseph C. Guernsey, of this city, which took
place today at noon In the College HIP. Pres
byterian Church, Eaaton, Pa. Only the imme
dlate families attonded the ceremony.
Will Entertain Large Gathering of Prominent
Fox Hunting Men There Tonight.
Probably the most notable gathering of horse
men and fox hunters ever assembled In this
country will take place at the Radnor Hunt
Club this evening, at the dinner to be given by
the directors of the Brjn Mawr Horse and
Hound Show. Tho nffalr will be given In honor
of the many prominent men from other cities
who'nre attending the show In progress nt
Bryn Mawr.
Among the guests from out of town will be
Fletcher Hat per, of Millbrook, ,N y , E. Von
dor iforst Korh, F. P. Von Stade. Foihell P
Keene. George B. Hulme. Frederick K. Stur
g', Charles L. Appleton and Reginald C. Van
deibllt, of New York; Dr. A. C. Heffenger, of
Poitsmouth, N. H.; Hairy O. Nicholas, of
Meadowbrook. L. I.; James W. Appleton, of
Myopia, Mass.; Richard McGrann, of Lancas
ter; James K. Maddux, of Warrenton. Va.i
John Cowen nnd Elliot Cowden, of Long
Island; Eugene Levering, of Baltimore; Henry
W. Whitfield, of Tuxedo. N. V.; Walter Mc
Clure. of Rumson, N. J ; Lewis E. Waring, of
Plalnfleld. N. J., and W. L. Heibert. chairman
of the National Polo Association, of New York.
A number of masters of fox Iwuud packs of
other States will be present, Inc.udiiig Henry
V Colt, of Geneseo, .V. Y.; Henry Hlgglm-on,
Middlesex Hunt, of Boston; W. W. Lunarian.
KIkridge Hunt. Marjland: Redmond C. Stew
art, of Green Spring Vallej Hunt Club; J. .
Thomas. Piedmont, Va.; Robert I.. Gerry.
Orange County Hunt, Virginia; Windsor T
White. Chagrin Valley Hunt. Cleveland. O.;
Benjamin Brewster, Joint master of the Green
Spring Valley Hunt: Grafton Pyne. Eseev
Countj Diag Hounds; D. Sands. Piedmont. Va.
Masters of local fox hound packs who will
be at the dinner will be I'harleo E. Mather,
Brandy wine; M. R. Jackson. Rose Tree, .j.
riothWr. Pickering; Horace Hare. Radnor;
John J. Gheen, West Chester; Plunket
Stewart, Cheshire Vox Hounds; John R. Val
entine, Harford County Iloundi: J. V Lelper.
Whltentarsh; Samuel D. Riddle. Mr. Riddle's
Other local men who will attend will be
Thomas Cadwalader. John W. Converse, Alex
ander Brown. W. Hinckle Smith. W. V. Jua-tk-e.
J SUnle Reeve, Herbert Llojd. H Penn
Smith. Jr. W F Ellis. Joseph E. Wldener.
Ilarrj W. Harrteon. Clarence t'lark, Sd. S
Lurman Stewart. Dr Charles Doan Walter
Jeffords. David B. Sharp Edward V Beale,
Charles B Coxs. Taylor Townjend, Frax
ler Harrison. Howard H Hcnrj. William Kerr
and Victor C. Mather.
Beautiful, statuesque, to appear next week
at the Broad.
Locw's Knickerbocker
Comedy prevails on the bill for the first half
of the weok nt tho Knickerbocker Theatre. To
be sure, Edward Clark. In hi feature net, In
troduces enough pathos In his work at times to
make it somewhat an exception to tho general
statoment. But the surrounding acts arc
frankly designed from start to finish for laugh
ing purposes, nnd nttnln their end with r high
degree of success.
To a piano accompaniment Clark glvei a
number of extremely clever character imper
sonations, ranging from that of a Broadway
chorus girl to a pathetic sketch of a homeless
street urchin. The act Is novel.
Barnes and Robinson, In a plano-slnglng con
coction, kocp the audience In galr of laughter
fiom their entrance to exit. There nr scores
of teams In vaudeville doing acts of tho same
character, but this couple are above the nvcr
age. Viola du Val ha" a good voice, nlso a bad
cold, and had to cut her turn short. George
Richards nnd compnny romp at high farlcal
speed through a sketch. The Casadoes, es
comedy tumblers and acrobats, show new
ideas, and the Macks prove Ingenious If rather
stmnupua dancers.
Miss Beulah Larkln, of Walnut street, is en
tertaining her sister, Mrs. Henry Palmer, of
Van Cuba, Del.
Mrs. Jf. C. Black nnd her daughter. Miss
Anna Black, have returned to their home on
Mudlson street, after spending several weeks
at Atlantic City.
Charles Mason, of West Second street, is vis
iting friends at Elkton, Md.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph McCullen have returned
tc their home at Wllllamsport. after being en
tortulned for two wcek by Mr. McCullcn's par
ents, Mr. and Jin, Joseph McCullen. of East
Eleventh street.
Miss Isabella Blackburn, of West Second
stieet. is enjoying a two weeks' visit In Rising
Sun, Md.
Mrs. John Dunlon. of Eait Broad street. Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Mclntyre,
at Westvllle, N. J.
Donald Miller, of South Manchester, Conn.,
and Hutton McFarland, of Houston. Tex., are
tho guests of Richard W. Norman, at Prospect
Mrs. D. Elolsc Brownell and her ilai'ghter,
Miss Knthnn Brownell, of 4513 Chester avenue,
spent the past week-end as tile guests of Mr.
and Jlr. Warwick James Price at AaIon.
.Mrs. Christopher A. Beigen and Miss Acnes
Bergen, of tne Warrington, who have been
touring part ot the summer with Mrs. Bergen's
sister. Mrs. Thomas J. Bargrr. teturned last
week from Atlantic City.
Doctor and Mrs, William E. Hughes and
daughtfis, who hav been abroad all summer,
are expected home the last of this month.
.Mrs. Oscar F. West. Miss Francs D. West
and .Miss Adole Bartram West have returned
from a trip through Canada and the Iike
region and are occupying tneir home. 4226 Ches
ttr avenue.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Bartholomew, of 1312
South 63d street, have been entertaining Mr.
Bartholomew's sister fruni tho West.
Mrs. Charles D. Boylo and her daughter. Miss
Louise Boyle, of 2IS Regent square, are visit
ing Judge Moser In Shamokin.
Mrs. Walter Wnllar.. of 3720 Chestnut street,
and Mis. John C. Hancock, of 3722 Chestnut
street, who have been spending sevornl weeks
at Birnrg.it. icturned to their homej this week.
Miss Ethel V. Doherty has returned to her
home, W25 Wslton enue, after spending .sev
eral weeks In the Berkshire Hill;
Mr. and Mrs. John Willing nnd Miss Dorothy
Willing hae returned to their home. 25.'9 Wal
nut street, from Lake Placid Club. Essex
County. .V. Y.
TltRATitt: Marktfl Aboe Utli Sc
Continuous I'rrriirinan h from 1 in It f m
M,t.. AiijH,.. iR v'aVIS'- 16lss
,n ' Yt?o1!.rRnr.',,';,,I'il1lJ,'r,,a,lon
ADELP H I v tifoxj'Wl
. - A l.,r whose promotion io tttllar honor is nell
deerte'l t're '
la IMwaril l.ckes Ureal Human Play
T II L K B V u 1. T
-An InwtiMly Inierekting play splenjldly pre.1ucj
NIXON'S Th Oream Plraits', Shu-
. . . matin Fuur. Oia and Jljl.t.
SB!?0. .. JV? W'j-!-;'
Columbia LlDllK 1 I
Main Tum . Thura.
p.ai --be
SH-lit z ni'esrEu RRUVVN
fvsssst" orpheumm"i r T55u":
AIU-,,T,Krc 'a,,,un, Morris & Win Strttti
lnaml)ra Uundtrful lnn.rovam.nti """"
New Management'VSept. 28th
ADHLPHI "The Revoltr" by Edward Lock,
starring Helen Ware. Driven desperate, a
neglected wlfo seeks tho gaiety enjoyed as A
prerogative by her husband but comes hoimt
ere 'tis too late.
BROAD "Drugged," melodrama by Owen Da
vis, with John Mason ns railroad mngnat
with ft penitentiary past. As like real life aa
the novels of Harold Bell Wright, but more
thrilling than actual life, even under approxi
mate circumstances,
blrla," movlng-plcturo drama, by Oabrlelle
D'AnnunzIo, of the third century B. C. A
truly marvelous feat on tho reel, with a con
vincing volcanic eruption.
FORREST "Zlegfeld Follies," ft potpourri of
nongs, Jokes nnd rpectacular effects; enter
talnlng without consuming brain-phosphorus.
GARRICK "Adelc," French operetta, with cap
tivating music. Reversals In lovo. with
husband falling In love with his wife.
KEITH'S Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle In their
delightful dances.
WALNUT "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," by
Kate Douglas Wlggin. Return of this popu
lar, unpretentious but appealing play.
Miss Mautl Adams bad onco to play the part
of a woman who pretends to be Intoxicated.
In her autobiography, Miss Adams' mother
tolls of the incident.
"Critics marveled at Maud's Interpretation,
I remember that they snld she was the only
actress who had been able to play tho part
of a supposedly Inebriated woman without ap
pearing vulgnr and disgusting to refined audi
tors. That finish was duo partly to Maud's
innate icflncment nnd partly to the fine line
she dtew In the part.
" 'I couldn't get tipsy to do It, because I am
not supposed to be tipsy,' she said. 'Yet I must
act It so well that tho nudlcnce, knowing I
have not been drinking, must still realise that
my pretene is so woll done thnt It will con'
vlnce my husband thnt 1 have been drinking:
It Is betwixt nnd between.'
"That's what she worked to gain. She prac
ticed hours before her mirror In her room un
til she had perfected it so thnt it alone would
have curried the sceno through.
"It was a difficult part for a young, Inexperi
enced girl, but I will say this: even If Maud
were tipsy herself she'd be refined about It."
Miss AtHms returned to Now York Inst week
from her home In the C.itskllls, where she was
resting, nnd has begun rehearsals for her com
ing peason, which will be one of the longest she
has ever undertaken In Dolnt of time consumed
nnd cities visited. In Philadelphia Miss Adams
will present J. M. Barrio's "The legend of Leo
nora." Pho will reach San Francieco In tlmo
to give tho play during the Panama Exposition.
Ethel Barrymore tells a Joke of her father's,
one of tho handsomest men the stage has ever
known, but one who would stay out quite late
at night sometimes. Ho adored his wife, and
liked to tease her. He would go home and ring
the doorbell.
"Is that you. Barry?" Mrs. Barrymore would
call out.
"Yes. whom did you expect?" Barrymore
would return.
Miss Barrymore will not devote this senscn
entirely to vaudeville, but early In December
will appear In a new play, "The Shadow," by
Darlo Nlcodeml and Michael Morton, the ayjh.
ors of "T!ip Prodigal Husband." Miss Barry- v .
more will give the play for the first time on
any stage under tho direction of Charles Froh-
mn. "The Shadow " is In three acts. It was to
have bon presented In Paris this month by
Mine. Rejnne. but the production was called
off on account of the war.
Edmund Brccse Is a chicken fancier. He has
a farm near Westport, Conn., and on It he
maintains rW hens. The other day he Jogged
over to George Bowles' place and said:
"George, I wlh you'd take a look at my hens.
They're all black In the face and they have
quit lalng."
Mr. Bowles went to the Breese poultry estate
and looked several of tho hens squarely In the
"What hae you been feeding thfe hens?" he
"Boiled beets," replied Mr. Breese.
"Ah hn! That's the answer," came from
George Sleuth Bowles. "They've got beet Julre
on th"Ir countenance "
Well, why don't they lay?" asked Mr. Brvese.
"Meiely because thej're afraid they'll lay
beaten eggs." was the reply.
Louise Randolph smilingly confirmed his tale
of her the other day:
She was hi her dressing-room preparing to go
on, when tho call boy announced that she was
wanted at the telephono1.
"I can't go now." she replied, "take the mes
sage "
The boy returned hortl , slightly embar
rassed. "You had better come, Miss Randolph, he
said, "it's your daughter, and he wants to give
you a kls over the 'phone "
"OrealiM Ftuturt m I cnidrt tile ' ' Ktenlns l-edrr
Emaoritlnar) Engagement - Mil A MRS VEHNON'
I'A.VTXE .Thmelen In Their Orllnal Modern
Pnncea Tremendous Surrounding .Show!
Worl J s Urea test
I'hoti, Srwrctiicle
With Ori'hettra
p 1 'horut
The ramoiu gyiSSKS
Miracle. J'Uf gjffll
EnaaremMit Pnaltlrl En Ii h.iiur1.i K,nt,mh,p t
Prlri-a- Matlneea 1" 1', 'V Kvenlnga In. M, 3iie
BEG. MON. SEPT. 28 ,; 2....;
Hy Krancia t. Kernel
fAST or 75 tnilulln MVRION HRSEJ TO"
I'HIi'ES -Evenlnga jv. -,o, 7V 1 and II MJ
Matlneea. Tuea lay ThurU un1 Saturday Sit, Mc
75. (1 taKATS MlV ON AI 1.
Forrest ! MatToday . $ .50 & &
Beginning e(.i t SfcATrt TTUiuHHuW
S.:..S'..,.. CHIN-CHIN, vr. u
Broad I Mat. Today i,';L $ .00 "& t!i''
111 I U W llll;l.Ml.ltr H I AS
Garrick i Mat. Today '',' $I.0T,1 '
I he f.rillUn: A p r t r .,
nrn.a A D L I. K '
NEM iHH -(-. ,,, ,, ,vV ""
Rns-eji..; " AN early MA"""
tt 'h ri t J M J-AI i