Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1914, Night Extra, Image 14

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VOL. I-XO. 0
Exercises in Schools and
Meetings Today Are Pre
paratory to Three-day Car
nival and Convention.
"Safety First."
This Is the cry of Philadelphia today,
when tho city enters on a campaign of
safety, preparatory to the Carnival and
Convention of Safety, which will open
Saturday and continue three days In Con
vention Hull. Droad street and Allegheny
avenue. The convention will be con
ducted under auspices of the Home and
School League.
"Safety Week." as the period will be
known, opens today with exercises in all
the city schools. A corps of 200 speak
ers, delegated by the Home and School
League, will speak on various forms of
safety The children are to be given a
lasting Impression of what It means to
Euard the safety of their health, minds
nnd bodies.
The exercises In the schools will begin
with a salute to the flag, typifying the
secure foundation on which the nation
stands Recitations and essays on safety
will bo read by the pupils nnd the pro
gram concluded with an address by a
representative of the Home and School
At a meeting this afternoon In Wlther
spoon Hall, at .' 15 o'clock, under auspices
of the Safety Committee of the Brooklyn
Rapid Transit Company, headed by Mrs.
Jessica McCall, reports will be given on
what has been accomplished in Brooklyn
to safeguard children In the street.
Sirs McCall and her assistants wore
broucht to Philadelphia on the Initiatives
and at the expense of the Philadelphia.
Rapid Transit Company. The Rapid
Transit Company has also engaged Wlth
erspoon Hall for a children s mass meet
ing this afternoon at 4 o clock, when
Lecturer Gives Interesting
Account of City's Past
Without Its Accuracy Be
ing Challenged.
Did you ever view Philadelphia from a
sightseeing auto? If you didn't you have
lots to learn. You will find In some In
stances that famous historians hao
greatly erred, that statisticians have not
been within gunshot distance of facts,
and that you'll feel at the end of the
trip that you should brush up on things
concerning your own city.
A trip on one of these "rubber-neck '
cars urn taken today bv an Evening
Ledc-r reporter. He started fmm Flf
teenth and Market streets In receptive
mood, but before riding a mile was con
vinced that he knew very littl". indeed,
about places nnd events In his own cltv
The Hrst surprise c-nme when the ca1
reached the main pnstntnee There the
marathon lecturer pointed to the statu'
of Penjamln Franklin nnd announeed In
autho'itntlvo tones, 'Therp Is the statue
of RenJ.imln Franklin It was upon this
ver plot of ground that Franklin flw
his kite nnd got clcctrleltv fnm t
clouds " Som of the other riders al
were amazed. They mid quiet roni
ment, but as most ef the pisseneers np
peared to be contented th statement
passed unquestioned.
One could half c!oe his eyes and pi -turo
the guide enlightening an audience
In a vaudeville houe Glowing tribute
was paid bv the lecturer to prominent
business establishments on Chestnut
street. On reaching Fifth street, he an
nounced that the Delawaie River was
five squares east, also that the Atlantic
Ocean, which washed the chores of New
Jcrsy arifi several other States, was 63'i
miles east of that.
I Endowed with n vocabulary which
I would have dune credit to a high school
! graduate, the speaker then went on like
i a human encyclopedia without a con
I science.
I The block fiom Fifth to Sixth on
ainrKot street was" iefe"red to as "great
Mrs .McCall will glv.. tho principal talk I ' row Luckily th-i were no m-m-
uris wi nit; i fiiiisj ivuiiin . iituoricai SO'
of the rtes Mrs McCall Is remaining i
in town as a suest of the Philadelphia )
Rapid Transit Comnanv. and will take
part in the safety carnival. '
In the evening a symposium on indus
trial safety and ncctdont prevention Is j
to be held at the Bellevue-Strrtford.
Mrs Joseph R Wilson, head of the com-
mlttee In charge of the conentlon; Direc
tor nf Public Safety Georgo D. Porter,
nnd Franklin It. Went worth. Socialist
-ic-vr4ter and lecturer, of Boston, are to
speak Some of the addresses will be
llluctrated bv lantern slides.
The carnival and convention proper has
a program wide and varied In its pur
pose. Among the features are drills by,
Bn Scouts and members of the Police '
and Fire Bureaus on a large drill ground i
arranged In the centre of I'oventlon Hall
Th. fullowlng statement commending!
the efforts of the Home nnd Srhool (
Lagu' ha? hen Issued by Mayor Blank
enbuis. "Philadelphia Is to be congratulated
that within her limits has been found
a body of citizens sufficiently earnest
nnd patriotic to undertake this ambi
tious and helpful work, and I henrtilv
commend the work of tho Home nnd
School League and their supporting
friends to all people resident In the city,
asking of mv fellow-citizens an earnest
support of the 'Safety First" movement
by word and act, that the new line of
action which promises so much to the
community may be Intelligently inaugurated."
Five-year-old Girl Killed In Sight of
Her Mother.
In plain sight of her mother sitting
on' the steps of her home. May Sum
mers, S years old. of 1D24 Passyunk ave
nue, was decapitated by a trolley car
thrs morning.
May was playing across the 3treet
from her homo when her mother, Mrs.
Joseph Summers, called to hr to give
her a cake. In her eagerness th child
ran In front of a nearside car going
east on Passyunk avenue
The car parsed over her neck, sever
ing the head from the body. The ear
was stopped after it had dragged the
child's body more than JS fest It was
taken to St. Agnes' Hospital.
The father of the ' hlld, Joseph Sum
mers, an ice contractor, disappeared i cure
about five months ago. The mother. '
devoid of a means of support for the
dead child and her four brother and !
sisters, had been contemplating sending
them to a charitable institution
Domlnlck Traveltne, of 1788 South Chad- .
wick, mntnrrnan uf the trolley ear, was
arraigned tx'fur. Magistral. V, i. I
at central station a few hours after (hi
ciety on board, for the guide pointed out
the early homes of several Presidents,
half a dozn famous statesmen and lesl
denrcs of others who helped make history
In tne dns of th" city's early struggles-.'
At Seventh street he was obliged to
drop history for commerce. All tho de
partment stores got the fullest prnlse,
and the prices of hats and gowns were
not forgotten. In describing one, ths
lecturer remarked. "There is n store so
large that If a woman bought a hat at
the Market street entrance and carried
It over ever lloor the hat would be out
of style before she left the building."
Just then a building hove In sight In
which a white coated 100k was turning
acrobatic rakes "Tliot," shouted th
guide, "is a restaurant where a hungry
man mnv get anything from a roast din
ner to a pleco of bread If he has a roll."
This brought a smile and, encouraged,
he went on. "There Is the world'?
largest Penn holder. Hty Hal!, and It
eost S3in.mv) to hold Billy In place. Kven
at that he becomes Impatient on account
of the deeds which go on under him."
I'p Broad street the car then wabbled.
When the suburbanites on boird were
surrounded by a batch of beautiful build
ings the mecaphoned speaker let his ora
tory on at full speed. No stenographer
could have followed him A Hood of su
perlatives was npplled to the surround
ing nrrhltccture. The facetious talker
could not resist the statement that Venus
de Milo on the Acndemy of Tine Arts
lost her head on account of praise."
According to the guide, this Is called
the City of Brotherly Love because the
Girls' Commercial School is opposite the
Boys Hi2h School, at Broad and Green
None of Philadelphia's financiers nnd
the amount of their fortunes was forgot
ten on the remainder of the trip up Brood
street. When asked about n particular
ornament which protruded from the sec
ond story of rienrly every house on an
other street, the guide looked wise.
"They nr busy-bodies." he said, "nnd
on account nf nresent flnnnotnt rnmlitlnn.
they are placed there so that the real- I
dents may learn If there's a bill collector I
at the door "
Uiter thu passengers learned that n '
large plot of ground containing timb- ,
stone was a eemeterv, and nv.re enllght- I
enlng Information along this line was
doled out until Falrmount Park wni '
reached He showed the playground for i
children to the right, and tho playgrounds j
for "policomon and nurses" to the left, i
pointing to the statue of an Indian which '
face both pIhchs, he tol.l "Even the
vlg'lant medicine man cannot devise a i
1. r thin condition " '
Bv v of educational instruction tho '
guide announced. "No fruit trees can he I
planted In the park, vet the guards often
find penrhes In pairs on the benches " .
tho car was thitn very near the Schuyl
kill River, the speaker again became ser
"i can readllv see," he exclaimed.,
"thst chid is a riven Every Saturday
aftrnom there's a boat race here be.
Noted Educators Bring Greetings to
Lutheran Institution.
The fiftieth anniversary of the founding
of the Lutheran Theological Seminary,
at Mount Airy, Is being celebrated today
by faculty, graduates nnd students. The
celebration will bo continued tomorrow. '
The first day is being devoted to de
votional exercises, whhh were opened ,
this morning with an nddrcs-s by the
Rev. Henry E. Jacobs. D. D. LL. D,
president of the seminary. This after
noon Provost Edcar F. Smith, of the
Enversity of Pennsylvania extended
greetings In the name of the colleges
and seminaries of this country
I'r.jfessfir Charles Erdmali, of Princeton,
brought greetings from the Princeton
Theological Seminary. The Rev. John
A. Hans, D. D. LL V., of Muhlenbeig
College, All ntuuti, li., and hend of the
Mlnlsterlum of Ponnsj Ivania, delivered
an address on "The Historical Attitude In
An intortnnl reception to the friends
nnd guestf. of the Institution will be held
this ovenlng.
Tomorrow will be devoted to addresses
by men prominent In religious and theo
logical circles throughout the country.
There will be an outing on the grounds
of the Institution under the auspices of
the L.idles' Auxlllarj of the Sunlnnry.
The semlnar.v was founded El .wars ago
in an old house on South Ninth street
From the beginning It prospered, until
23 jein ago, under the leadership of
Dr J.i niis, it was removed to Its pres
ent I'j atlnn at Mount Airy.
Otto Paul Pteussler, of Dresden, Calls
Himself World's Champion.
Stjling himself the world's champion
long distance walker and globe trotter.
Otto Paul Preussler. of Dresden, arrived
at tho German Consulutc todn.v and en
rolled in tho lnndalurrn, whlili has Just
been called out by the German govern
twnt Preiisslor was not nt all reticent. He
heaped upon himself all of the glnrlea
and adventures that a champion vvoild
trotter could possibly experience He
set out, according to his own story, to
walk llS.f'f") rnllfs In order to win n
prize of $1600. Proussler has been ' hik
ing it" for ten yeais nnd has a con
sldi rablo part of his walk to complete
He has hod experiences of nil kinds
in Hysslu he was arrested as a German
spv and thrown Into prison. When the
war with Japnn broke out he wn forced
to go to Manchuria and servo as a baker
In the Cus&lnn army's commissariat
From there he escaped to Japan nnd
through the German consulate was able,
to free himself from the Japanese prlsin
into which he had been plnced as a
prisoner of war. From Japan the walker
made his way over Asia and In to
Europe, thencn to South America.
nccidt-nt and held without ball for the
a. 'Hon -if the tmiinn T-avl r. sid ',
had no chance to stop his ar and avoid
ll'e i'fldt'llt
William Vie henbnek, of ?ai French
rtnet moMrman nf th imllC'V -ar thai
ran down and killed George H Wolf of
Station street. Pittsburgh, .it Ninth, and
Market streets :,it night, also wtta held
for the I'tjiuner b. Magxtrate If. n.h.i A'
this morning Wolf Butt a traveling sales,
man According ti, Avhen tack teti.
morn at his hearing todav the man step.
Pd fiom behind an.tt hw ear in the mid
dle of the block between Ninth and Tenth
streets while his car was travel ng t
full speed, and he had no chain to avert
the Hiiidvnt Wolf died at the Jerfrrson
Hospital shortly after he was struck.
tween the crews of the I'nlversiny of
Bulk of Mary A. Butney's Estate
Willed to Benevolenee,
The WOO estate of Marv limney.
late of 1747 North Sth street excepting
S4W of private bequests, will be equally
divided among the Tabernacle Society
of Notre Dame. Seminary of St Charles
Itorromeo, Over brook, Little Sisters of
the Poor and St Joseph's Protectory.
Otru r vtills probated weie Louifa Glad.
Ing. 707 I'm litre, t disposing of prop
erty valued at W"- In private be
qucrta Gottlieb F Pi ter. 1119 South
Eighth street IW Harriet ifclierson,
1S Koulkrocl street JMOO
person-j! fffec's of Jrdward H Curtis
have Neii at I raised at JttXH 3S, FrarcU
Alorrfe. MiO.' j. aai Juliet Dici. jilU.57.
pennsv Ivamu and Girard College
i "What's that flan on the west bank?"
askd a passenger, i
"That Is the flag above Tort Belmont,
where Washlnstrin anil his army rested '
after leaving Volley Forge " i
A wave of patriotism swept over the
tourists, and it was Increased when the
auto paset the statue of General Grant.
The voluble historian called attention to
thst fact that the General was facing the
home ofVVIIIIam I'enn on the west bank,
ntul said Grant wm ready to protect It ,
Just as well us he protected the North In
As Spring Garden street waa reachei) '
th,- guide pointed out a large mount to
the right. "That's where William Penn I
met his engineers." he paid, "and tolij
them how to lav out the plans of Fair
irntint Park " This was followed by a
eleluge of statistic, which waa rut short ,
unlv by the appearance of the. Washing- i
ton monument
t Sid and Spring Garden stieets the
rielern saw a small-pointed three-story
1 building "That." ex laimed the guide.
"is the original Aatiron building, tho drat
In this country. New York copier! its
big building from this, just as It fo
, low, Philadelphia in other things."
I By wav of Broad street, the travelers
were then 'aken to the tarting point
"We hav certainly learned a lot about
Th ladiiph !' admitted tha bride and
gr om
The lecture, ,aid that he was formerly
In the therircai business and could sing
I a soog or two.
Rescued Unconscious by Father From
Burning Home.
Two families tied to the roof of their
home. 2001 South Seventh street, early
this morning, whan fire starting In the ,, "Ve heen 7o ged by Whi e on th7' ie
eundy store or , th. econ.J floor cm off nft T'a Company. W. O Oross of
S3 South Ruby street, and John H. Me
frnnlc Olttelson, Soon to Make Debut,
Tells Experiences.
Frank Glttclson, son of Dr. S. J. Git-
telson, 1017 Spruce street, who will make
his American debut ns a violinist this
fall, has returned to Philadelphia. For
, years Mr. Glttelson studied abroad under
Carl Flesch nnd Hugo K.tun. While In
i Europe, Mr. Glttclson secuicd two lo
I llns, a Mngginl and n Stradlv-ailus, both
l dating back to the 17th century. He had
dlfllculty getting these Instruments out
. of Germany by winpplng them In shawls
and Meamer rugs, and putting cheap vlo
! llns in their cases, which he carried.
j Mr. Glttclson with his mother and sister
I who accompanied him, weie In Wnrne
I ineiide, Germany, when wnr was declared
I and immediately left for Reilln. arriving
A familiar sight in the streets of this
city is the "rubber-neck wagon."
West Philadelphinns Sprout Whiskers
Perforce Because of New Rules.
Men living In West Phlladelphl i who
don't shave themselves are In a rniiin
dary. The have to get snaieil befoie S
o'clock at night oi go scrulib.v -faced to
the ofllce next morning It I.- true thut
they could get shaved In the morning,
but as the shops do not open until S
a. m.. nnd many have to be at work be
tween S nnd 0, the) won't take chances
of getting n hurried shave from a sleepy
barger In a bad humor. 4
It's all due to tin Muster Harbers' As
sociation. The membeis contend that a
12-hour day, S a. m to S p. in., is long
enough for nny man to work, and point
out that hrlckiaycrs nnd plumbers work
only eight.
To show that they meant business, the
12-hour barbers paraded through West
Philadelphia last night with banners.
Some were to the point. "Tho barber
has to cut all day, give him a chance
to cut up at night": "We get In a good
many scrapes, but we are human"; "How
would you llko to woik forever? If
not, why us?" That's how some of the
announcements ran. Tho men conducted
themselves well and wiin hundreds of
sjmpathlzcrs en route.
Then, too. the organization had practi
cal effect. At one shop where three or
four men were In the midst of a shave,
the place closed as soon ns the agiegti
tlon arrived and the customers left with
half a beard and half a haircut.
In a brief address Leonard J. Sher
man, president of the Mai-ter Uaibers
Association, said tint the movement
would continue until a uniform closing
hour was adopted.
August 3. They weie unable to leave
llerlln before August 27. Mr. Oltteli.uii
states that during these tluee weeks he
didn't sec a single case of an American
iccelvlng 111 tieatment at the hands of
the Germans. The feeling against the
English was very bitter, even mure so
than against the Flench. Stoies with
English names "were compelled to icniove
all signs of English characters.
August 27 the party, nfter standing In
line over nine hours to buy their tickets,
left Berlin for Amsterdam, the trip tak
ing more than 36 houis. The compart
ments were overcrowded and there were
no sleeping accommodations. On Sep
tember 12 they tailed on the New Amster
dam for home.
Faces Charges of Procuring $200 on
Bad Checks.
Charges of forging checks totaling
about JJfO were made today against
George White, n Negro, of tm locust
street, when he was arraigned before
Magistrate Royle at the 30th street and
Lancaster avenue station. Whlto was
held In J15C0 ball for a further hearing
next Sunday.
About fifteen checks in all are said to
Denies Change of Allegiance and is
"Good Democrr.t," He Says.
Magistrato E. K. Boile. who was es
terdriy leportcd as n convert to the re-
I organization clement In the Democratic
ptrty, today issued an emphatic denial
that he had deserted the bi-partisan
old guard of the Democratic City Com
mittee with which he has been Identlllcd
for years.
"I have nlwajs been an organization
Democrnt and still am," he said,. "I urn
a member of the City Committee mid have
not in nn) sense of the vvoid repudiated
that leadership. The rumor seems to
hat stalled from the fact that at a recent
meeting of the Twenty-third Ward So
clety and the members of tho Ward
Committee I offered a motion approving
of the candidacies of Palmer and Mc
Cormlck. That is only what any good
rumiurnt would do. and Is not a suftlclent
basis for a statement that I have broken
my affiliations with ail) body."
Seven Persons Driven to Street by
Early Morning Fire.
Seven per-ions were driven In their
Light clothes Into the street from a
burning houes when fire swept the
grocery storo nnd first floor of th?
home of Samuel Fields, 037 East Moya
mensing nvemie, early this morning.
The hlaze was discovered by Frank
Siishon. who, from tho bedioom nf his
home near by, saw the flames He fired
several shots from a revolver to arouto
the ne-lghboihooil. The shots were heard
by the occupants of the burning build
ing, who made their way into the
Mreet The origin of the fire is unde
terminer. The loss is estimated at iw.
Hugh, of 4111 Girard avenue, are two of
the victims, nnd several others are ex
pected to appear.
their escape by regular exits. Mary
Plneman. 10 years old. who was overcomi
by smoke, was carried to the roof h)
her father, Samuel Fineman, proprietor
uf the store. The families reached the
street through a trapdoor in another
house and were cared for by neighbors
Th. fin. was discovered by two vounir .
nv n at o'clock this rnornlng. Miss Fan- United Presbyterian Body Indorses
nre Hosenbluth. 19J South Seventh street, Comlnp: Camnaicn.
heai I their shouts and telephoned an ., , , .,., ....
alarm to the Fourth street anil Snyder I . Members of the I niled Pieshvterlan
avenue nollco station. Presbytery at their quarterly meeting. In
Finemnn occupied tho first and thlrT. he Norrls Square Church, enthusiastically
floors of the dwelling with hi- wlfo indorsed the coming campaign of "H Uy"
and children Tho second floor was J5'"1'13' ani1 ne Evangelical Committee
rented to Joseph Shalnker, his wife and l hav? ch,a.r.fs of arrangements to
their S-months-nld baby. All succeeded lv.e tne baseball evangelist a rousing
in reaching the roof except Mary Fine- . v. ,ee R. ,f,f nabtor of ,ne Nor.
Uhen Fineman discovered that his old- ' fl SJ,llH1,"1r,C,h',WvS ffiVh!i',,,f
est slaughter was still In the house he Vi A Shrader. of
went back for her. and Shalnker fol- u'0-
lowd The men had to fight their way WTT T ?Tirnv -pwTKrvw ctttti
through sunocatlng smoke. They found WILL STUDY FKISON SHIP
the girl unconscious in her room Fire. I To obtain data concerning forms of
men fougnt the names lor nearly an punishment lormeiiy auapteu civ prison
hour before thev got them under control, ships on the high seas, the Commission
to Consider Revision of the Penal Ijiws
of Pennsylvania will visit the convict
ship Success, at Market street wharf, to
morrow afternoon. The committee is
composed of the following Edwin M
The damage is estimated at Wif
"CnrnA rliht nn In Sjmhn" the farmer
called out "He won't hurt jou You ' Abbott, Robert McKenty, Warden of the
know, a barking dig never bites. ' Eastern Penitentiary Louis N Kobln-
"Sure. boss, ah knows dat ' replied the (son, Patrick Gllda, William p, Grimes,
cautious colored man. "but ah don't , of Pittsburgh, Archer Hourlgan, of
know how soon he's going to stop I Wllkes-Barre. and Samuel I- Spyker, of
borklnV'-Success Magazine. I the Huntingdon Reformatory,
. -. --, ..r,. -.. iiiSIIMrB HH i "T r ' TH rrj"TI fT'tin 'i Ilnmil , -
,ws?&&sm$esgiiA8?Q M-MiM.eJWSL,xfiFnwmfSiiiLT-mmwws.
Hkf MIEklK MiL VPB jt V'WrsHssHPr PVI vH
I &?
Jf u
Richard A. Baron's Request
That Ruling Against- Him
Be Made Absolute Grant
ed by Court.
Judge Ueirratt, of Court of Common
Picas No. 2, today made absolute a rule
taken for the disbarment of Illchaid A.
Barron, an attorney with unices In the
H01I Estate Trust Building. Ho was be
fore the Hoard of Censors charged with
embezzlement of funds from an estate of
which Justice Iiobcrt M. von Moschzlskcr,
I ur me supreme cuuri, nnu cicnry i-.
1 Blackbume, are trustees. Barton studied
law In the. same ofllce with Justice von
Moschzlsker several years ago.
Tho proceedings for Barron's debar
ment originated in a complaint sent the
Hoard of Censors In a letter dated July
M by Justice von Moschzlskcr and his cu
truotee Ulaekburne. Tho estate in which
Uarrun misappropriated funds was not
disclosed but It is believed to be the
Ulaekburne Estate. The protest against
Uarron continuing the practice of an at
torney was as follows.
Tribes and enenmpments had exercised
their fancy to a large extent In the
selection of uniforms nnd the brilliant
garb of the beplumed Patriarchs Militant
as usual captured the fane ol liiuu
saruls of spectatom. Shouts went up when
Mlllc Lodge, Philadelphia, one of tho
I largest In the State, came swinging along
in the sedate Habiliments or (juakers,
long frock coats and broad brimmed low
crowned hats. Lodges of district num
ber 11 ns 11 whole made a particularly
creditable appearance, and the Delaware
County contingents also won commenda
tion. There was a hint of pathos when
Gn boys and girls from the Odd Fellows
Orphans' Home on Chelten avenue, Phila
delphia, passed marching steadily, the
boys ncntly dressed nnd topped off with
white caps, while the girls wore white
middy blouse suits.
The letter was signed by rtobeit M. Von
Moschzlskcr nnd Henry P. Blnckburne.
On tho same day Uarron wrote to tho
board, stutlng, "A rule to show cause
In disbarment proceedings against me
will be prercnted to the proper court.
I have no answer to make, and request
the court having charge of the matter
to make the rule absolute."
I'ear of a clash on the lloor between
Germnnlc sj mpntlibers and the Cana
dian patriots who are strong in the con
vention caused the Sovereign Grand
Lodge to reject numerous resolutions
bearing upon the European war. and or
der all reference to them expunged fiom
the minutes. Any other course, t was In
sisted, would be a violation of ncutralltj.
Canadian Hags appeared In the parnde
this afternocn.
Railroad Victim of Phoesnlxville
I Was Mrs. Weltmer, of This City,
I The woman who was Killed by a
Pending Hallway train at Phoenlxvlilo
on Monday was Identified ut the Morgue
there today by her son, Jacob Weltmer.
of W Springer stieet Oermantown. as
Mrs Alice Weltmer.
The woman lived at the Baptist Homo.
17th and Norrls streets. After the train
struck Mrs. Weltmer, the brakes locked
In a tunnel and gas fumes killed the
engineer and conductor
Begins Forty-seventh Year of Work
With New Courses.
With the opening of the Stevens School
for Oirls, Oermantown. today, the In
stitution begins its 47th scholastic vear
A new addition will be the kindergarten
under the direction of Miss Huth Moss
The methods and principles of Froebel
and Montessort will be applied in the
kindergarten work.
A new feature of the season will be
open-air study by some classes The
school offers a complete course from
kindergarten to college and a general (
course, wviuuuib vcriuui aetvanceej sub
jects jpr pupils wno ao not intend
enter college-
British Commander, Rescued From
Abouklr, Married in Philadelphia.
The rescue of Commander William
Fortesquo Sells, of the British armored
cruiser Abouklr, which was sunk with
her sister ships, the Hogue and Cressv,
in the North Sea by German submarines
yesterday. Is of especial interest to Phlta
elelphlnns, as Commander Sells was mar
ried In this city, nnd bos a brother-in-law
residing nt Bala.
The British naval olllcer was married
In St. Jnmes Episcopal Church. In 1907,
to Mrs. Augusta Bailey, a sister of J J.
Cornish, of Philadelphia Mrs. Bailey,
who was a widow, lived In Il'gland most
of her life, and was visiting her brother
nt his home hero ut the time.
Mr. Cornish said today that Commander
Sells, who Is 31 years old, Is one of the
most brilliant men In gunnery In the
British navy, as well as being one of the
youngest commanders In til's Mnjtstv's
service. He had been gunnery Instructor
nt Chatham, Devonport and other places.
He wns formerly a lleutennnt on the
British die.'idnought Neptune, and wns
raised to the rank nf commander only
last February.
Burglar Entered Place While Owner
Celebrated Holiday.
Charles Bowes, 17 years old, C2I5 Grays
avenue, wns neld In JKW ball for a further
hearing Sunday by Magistrate Harris, at
the 32d street and Woodland avenue sta
tion, on the charge of stealing groceries
from the store of S. Wnshman, G3d stieet
nnd Paschal Avenue. The boy was ac
cused of forcing his way Into the storo
Monda last while the owner was away
participating In the celebration of the
Jewish New Year.
LEBANON. Pa., Sept. 23.-Fred Ferry
man, a nuarrjman, enrly today committed
suicide in n fit of melancholy resulting
from continued 111 health. Pressing the
muzzle of an old-time army rifle to his
heart, he discharged the weapon with
tho nld of a stick and died instantly He
wns tt years old and the father of ten
The Kveninci I.KPOKn acknowledges tho
receipt of J2 from Alex Przychodskl. 3cV0
Salmon street, which has been forwarded
to Mrs. Julian Tropouski, of 3331 North
Utwrence street Mrs. Tropouski is the
woman who wus too poverty stricken to
bury her husband. Her neighbors came
to her assistance.
Fourteen-year-old Boy Rjsly
His Life in Trying to Save
Motorcycles and in HelpJ
ing roiice.
Young Man Held for Theft
Melvlii Cromwell, Jl ears old. 1309
Clementine street, was arraigned thl
afternoon before Magistrate (Jrclls. of the
Mldvale and Ridge avenues police station,
on a charge of larceny and plnced under
J500 ball for a further hearing. Crom
well, who Is a paperhanger, was caught
entering the home of Mrs. H. Robinson
3328 Sydenham street arid is charged
with stealing Jewelry and table linen to
the value of (30.
Dairyman in Health Bureau.
One applicant in a field of sU qualified
for the position of dairyman In the Bu
reau of Health In the examination con
ducted recentlv by the Civil Service
rVimmlButm He la Q r!csi..n o.,.t-
-"" -w.w... -.- ... .J l,,u,C OII11W1, OI
Academy road. Torresdale. The post uavs
W a year. '- v
Made Them Laugh.
"My friends," said a politician the
other day. with a burst of Ingenuous elo
quence, "I will be honest"
The terrific outburst of applause which
followed this remark entirely upset the
point which the orator waa about to in
troduce. London Telegraph.
Two firemen were It.Jdred na
loss was entailed early this morning vrh1
lire deployed the Westminster nnr..;
Slth street and Westminster avenue Ne
ly twenty cars stcicd in the place ,JJ
wrecked In several explosions of gasollmi
ui uurnca.
- H-yrar-old boy, Joseph Mitten, of '
DicK.qs street, nsKciJ his life to save in
of the motorcycles stored In the garat
.,u ,.iiji incisure! i-atroimeti Moran aM
McLaughlin, of the Slxty-ilrst anj
Thompson streets station, In getting out'
a number of motor tiucks.
The Injured men are Firemen William
aic-scnl, or engine company 41, nnd Ci'
tain i-ranK mighcs, or the same com.
pany. McNeal was hurled several f(tf'
acrws the lloor of the burning garan1
by nn explosion of gasoline, suffering i?
broken arm. Hughes went to the rescuf
ol McNeal and was cut and bruised b;
Hying glass and plaster
The lire stnrtcd nt half-past 5 o'clock'
tnis morning vvnen tne engine of th
nutomobllc truck owned by J C Fisher,1
nn expressman, oacKiircu anil cause!
an explosion. In an instant the car
wns ablaze. Young Mitten heard th"
explosions nnd without waiting tu .'
change street clothing for his night
dress ran to the garage and started to
take out motorcycles. He succeeded In
saving three.
Moran nnd McLaughlin arrived a few
minutes later and managed to get out
a number of motoi trucks B.v the time
firemen arrived the garage was burn
ing fiercely nnd It was Impossible to
pievejit the instruction of the building
nnd the cars stoied In It. The flimti
were not extinguished until shoitly after
7 o'clock. By thnt time only the wall!
of tho garage were Standing j
A lire which resulted In n small W
was discovered this morning In the rest-'
deuce of Benjamin V McCarthy, S131
Baynton street, Oermnntovvn, when I
rnuttress In a tlilrd-stors' loom became
Ignited. The blnze wn3 discovered by I
son of McCarthy, who notified Knrfnj
Compnny 13. The lire was extinguifhel,
however, by father and son befoie the
arrival of the firemen
Police Think They Have Caught in
Old Offender -in Crime.
virM.cra itf nttfemntlnrr tn ifiitp nil ill.
trance into the saloon of V H Lnlrl
Ninth and Filbert etiec's fcr whlct
lie wns held without bail last Saturday
b.v Magistrate Tiace.v at the Eleventa
and Winter streets police stution, Joseph
flvatek, alias John S. lalwards wai
again held without ball todav bv Mag
istrate Tracey on the charge of robbing
tho drug stole of William T Burk.
Eleventh street and Girard avenue, on
the morning of August 27
c-nlnl, ia , ,.,., ,ewl ,if hl,,iv'ln7 tmn a
snfe m the stoic and taking J133, of.
nrvlm. nnnn th rnsh 1 errlstel' and Steal
, -n An ...ll .... -...ta.,nr tli. .lAtthnnl
booths lii tho store and taking $1 In
stamps and a number of articles Tin
proprietor, who appeared at the hearing
this morning, identified fountain pens,
which the police sav were found In ill
prisunei's room and which Burk sail
belonged to his stock. The police also
said that a Jlmmv found on Svntek fltw
exactly the mark made on the cas,h regis
ter of the store.
Frank Schneider, a newsdealer. !C
North Twelfth street, also iipperei
against Svittek and testified Hut carlf
In the morning, on August 27, he val
passing the drug Moie when he heart
a noise within. After waiting a whl'e
i. ..nlArl o man ul.nm Via liltntlflM It
lia innivvu ,i mwtpi ...tu... ... .-.w..,.
Svntek. leaving the store with his pockets
bulgluz out.
The police believe that Svatek hai
notorious record ns a burglar, and thef
nre endeavoring to trace other burglarlei
to him.
Trolley Accident Victim Dies
George H. Wolf. IS years old, of G1
Station street, Pltruurgh. who was struct
by a westbound Market stre t trolW
enr at Market and Ninth streets l
night, died this morning In the Jerfers
Oflirial Forecast
For eastern Pennsjlvnula and Ne'
Jersey unsettled and eoolei tonignt art
Thursday: moderate variable winds
The disturbance that covered the Ore
Lakes yesterday nnd extended soutnvje"'
ward to Texas caused general tains oi
that entire belt It has drltted into l
St. Lawrence valiej during the lt '
. , A...An.ia oil i.t thA norU
HOUrS UI1U IJciaii,ruyo .... ... -
castem portion of the countn this morn
ing. Scattered showers aie reported fro
the Ohio valley this morning, but in g'
era! the rainfall within the disturbed ar"
has greatly diminished, The .o! arrt
from the West has followed the ov
. ,... ,.. .....i hno aitMaH fiver tm
turoance ciuscij mm ot..-...-
Lake region and the Ohio b.-uln eauiu.1
a drop In temperature oi irom j ''
to 20 degrees.
U. S. Weather Bureau Jlullrlin
Observation, taken at fc p m Ka.tern tlo
S.allon 8 a.m n .. (all V Ind u g
Abilene. Tex.... 6S oS o. N 1- '
Atlantic lily. V 06 SW jJ cie
SSffi n'T:. St l'l , h. . s$'
rr.i.ana. Ill . . M "
. r. " ""
MV 12 clear
ii riata
i. v'lear
i Clear
s llain
S Cloud
i nam
v t'lar
ea'm 0 cle',,
NB i c '
ill VV
C Ml UK". I V-J .. V.
I U eland. O.... M s tilt
lie Mln la "
Deiroit. MJci'... 01 S
iruiutn. ;.! 4 , k
Calvraion. iY i- - ii
in,i,Ffl K 1 . 71 (O vv
tlena. Mont--.
Huron, d. l 5-' i"
J.ckMqvtlI..FI ' , C-Vv 1 r-iear
J4 i"tni. "lev Vi W OS NU 4 nan
JjjuUvllle, Uy ! ? ,., O-it ,n Ilala
Meiiipbl. Tenn JO uct 110 Nj 10 ;,M,
New Orleans . . . TI J tiear
New ..ork., T. TO f 1UW
pi c'lear
i clear
1 1 'I JUO
".. ; r-iMf
NW 6 clear
i ;w--
Oklahoma OkU i 4 10 N
lit. II i. 1 uhl
1'boenla. Aria
Pittsburgh. 'a
Portland Me
rortlaod, Ore
Quebec. Tan
t l uuuw. w vr
Salt Lake. I'tab 50 48
II lis
7'.- Ti
6S tVi
71 70
si ca
7D 6t
52 S2 M N'W S J
I lou
, i'mll
4 ".?"
4 ;;ur.
Ean Kranclaco.. ; - 1 cttv i
Siranton, Ta . M 3 .. JjJJ J tota i
Wnnlmi 4S 41 .. 6 V"Wt