2 EVENING LKDGER-PHILADISLPHIA WEDNESDAY, SBPTEM&BE 23 1914. . RUSSIANS SEIZING JAROSLAW PRESS ON TOWARD CRACOW, AUSTRIA'S GIBRALTAR frialea thai the Germans loii 7000 men there. British troops nre now supporting tho 1'rench centre nncl n large foice of British Is reported on the Allies' line at Rhelms. The Germans nre making violent ef forts along the French lines around "Verdun In order to offset the progress in the region of Argonne Still farther east, to the right of the Mouse, In tho Woevro district, the Hermans nre struggling against the French forces which are trying to push northward In tho direction of -Melz. It Is estimated that tho French have at least "Ofl.ooo men In the battle lino from llhelms to the Vosgcs, and proh uMv 200.000 more In reserve. NINE MILES OF TRENCHES, FILLED WITH DEAD, TAKEN t: Piinc rrfavfr If t' f ni decf 4 Had of mil tlmltT -.. s r , .crIoW.J3 ItalS ; LONDON. Sept. 23. Nlnd miles of trenches filled with tin burled dead uere the fruits ot yester day's fighting by the Urlilsh troops now winking up the allied loft wind They were taken, according to reports received from several sources, unoilt clal but well authenticated, lit a suc cessful turning movement between the district Just south of St. Quentln ntid Peronnc. For hours before the British charged the lino, the British artillery shelled the German position. Tho range was deadly. From aeroplanes that flew low, defying the hail of German bul lets, tho range was given and the shells burst like deadly hail directly over the tops . of the great lino of parallel trenches, Jammed with German troops waiting for orders to charge the Brit ish line. Twice they essayed to do so, but the British tiro was so accurate, bo deadly, that all finally had to erawl back to the frail shelter of the earth works. When the British finally ohnrged German left In the lines. Thousands were dead. The wounded and the dead were so mixed that It was hard to leseue those who yet had ft chance to recover. But the movement had ben a complete success from tho British viewpoint, and the position marks the first real ground galnrd against the enemy. From those trenches It will be pos sible to cheek any fit filter attempt to push southwest, and it gives tha Brit ish a strategic position on the hills that command the roads from t'eronne to Gonaeneourt and on to Cambral, where the British suffered so severely three weeks ago, and from Beronue to St. Quentln north toward Bolllcourt. and north by cast toward Guise. It Is believed tlltt as a result of this latest success tho British will now be able to push tho Germans entirely from the neighborhood of St. Quentln and reoccitpy that village, tt Is consldoiol certain thnt the main German forces have already left It, as the tinulllcial reports place the British advance guard there was" hardly a single unwounded I In that city's suburbs. iihe4 I fiBl sBt. s F .-rJ frh.1 GERMAN RIGHT TURNED AND IN PERIL, FRENCH SAY PretHC ULJH K that SK.VL oh. M M !, BOBDEAL'X, Sept. 23. The positive declaration that the flank of the German right wing has been turned and that Von Klttk's nrmy Is in danger of being cut off, was made by the War Otllce today. It was stated that while reinforcements are being rushed to his rescue from Belgium, they will not be able to alter tho situation. They will not be able to prevent the German right being encircled and forced either to retreat In haste to ward Belgium or meet an attack from all sides by an army of vastly superior force. Tho British and Frencli columns now outnumber tho Germans two to one in the western section of the lino. Thero ore more than 1,000,000 Frencli and British engaged In the battle along the entire front, and nearly half that num ber h,eld In reserve should they be needed. Although tho fighting In the neigh borhood of Rhelms continues without interruption, It Is stated the French are now occupying" a much better position They resisted a German assault in force last night, driving the enemy back In great disorder. Tho bombard ment of tho French position continue with the Germans using their heaviest artillery. It is believed that under cover of this lire they arc already with drawing the major portion of their forces. The Germans nre making a desperat; effort against Verdun and tho lower lines of the forts In nn effort to reduce them, but the olllcial reports reaching here s-ay that all are still Intact. Summing up the entlie situation, it was slated at the War Olllce today that it has never looked so promising slnco the commencement of the war. For the first time slnco the begin ning of the war olllcial and authentic information as to tho Identity of tho commanding otllcers of the Allies hns been given out. The right wing in Lor raine is commanded by General Pau; the centre Is directed by Generals Maunary and Diivnil: the left by Sir John French, and the extreme loft by Generals Dtcurlers and Decastelnau. KAISER KISSES SON AND PRAISES TROOPS AFTER VIRTON FIGHT "We Must Crush Our En emies," He Tells Clergy man Visits Wounded and Lavishly Distributes Iron Crosses. AMPHIBIOUS CRACOW NOW GOAL OF RUSSIAN VICTORS IN JAR05LAW SIEGE WHOLE LINE STEADFAST, BERLIN OFFICE MAINTAINS (by way of BERLIN". Bept. 23. "The situation on the front in France has undergone but slight change," says an official statement. "We ore making progress at points where w have un dertaken the offensive, but there has been no Important change in tha rela tive positions of the opposing forces." msterd.im), j Rhelms. it is stated, the Germans have driven the French from their outlying trenches, which are now held by the Germans The German armies, which tiavo boon operating with iletz as a Hold base, have drivpn the French far insldo tholr own frontier and are now attacking all of the southern Itne of forts with sue- pluming tho fiUiitnl effect of the I li in Kim". Though I'rz-msl Is sti'iru':- th n .1.. m.i . . it : huill" l'iigi)Ii Unit tlmt fmtirs- wl I be iilili- to bold out long. An nfllrinl statement Ixsiii'l tmi'iy says ' Hint the Iliiitilar.ii are slnwlv inlllng b.ick from I-ust Prussia befoie ovei whelming German troops, but me bringing with them their stores and hospitals. , . Most nf the vast number of prisoners I taken by the ltu-ians Ime been di-j-. , li-1 - l ' tailed to the construction of canals and Keduced rortress Controls otnor puwic works These work.! aiier- ttlse would Iihw to be left undone dur ing the uai. SARAJEVO INTACT, SERBS LOSE GROUND, VIENNA DECLARES Railway Lines to Galician Stronghold Przemysl , AGENTS ORDER U. S. RIFLES. Bombardment Continues. 3i News from the front in France is still ' cess, of the most mengre description. It is . Geneva says It ts reported thoro that emphatically denied, however, that th General Pau has Bono to tho south of Germans have been forced to give way France to form auxiliary corps for tho at any single point, in the vicinity ot French armies FRENCH CENTRE RETREATS, SAYS BERLIN WIRELESS ferC por.J I I bi he. tW Utlfl 'lug I mimi WASHINGTON. Sept. i'3 Fearful losses have been inflicted on the French by the German guns, and the French centre on the long battle line In northern France appears to be weakening. This was the stst ot a dls. patch received at the German Eajbwwy today from Berlin. Tho dinpauh tuU lows: The French offensive is weaken Jng In spirit. The French tosses are enormous. Their centre la re treating. Verdun has been Miec-Mrfuily bombarded; the effect of the Qor. man mortars again was tremendous. DECISIVE BATTLE TO FIX LENGTH OF INVASION Struggle Near Amiens of Vital Im portance to Both Sides. I.OXHO.S, Sept. S3 Severe fighting Is taking place a short dlitance southeast if Amliu, according to 3 dUpatch reccnt-U by tht Tim. It "It Is the beginning of a decisive battle . i,r,l.n. I -Don tht Ukue of thin tlght- fn dopenda tt" conunu.d ociupatb.n i r .. ,-!. .nil n the (ieniidii nuaders .r of their rtrat f siring entrenchpd It pojitlona whi i"i-e ben preparvu it I 1. rm. on. Uie sambr:. Tho I'ari.s papers show a down cast spirit t'olunel Itciussot com ments In Ua Liberie on tho strength and actual position of tho German army as bring quite unique tn his tory and warfare. Tha English cruiaer Pegasus de stroyed tha fierman survey vessel Maese, but una attacked and sunk aubaequently by the Ucrman cruiser Koeniiraberff- The Colonel Rouaset referred to in the dispau h la aaid to ba the military expert of J,a l,lbrte's atoff. The naval battle was said to have taken place off the African coast. BRITISH SEIZE CUNARDER TO TRANSPORT CANADIANS ' The FranconJa, Reaching New York, Ordered to Quebec. BOSTON, Sept 3.The Cunaril steam ship Kraruonia. ihnh airived from Liverpool Ihln aioj-nln with a large list of American, has b&tn reqmaitionwl by tbe flrillsb Admiralty for transport duty The vpsmI i pr.x r. l to tui-bec as soon a r..MiMi n I miiH t'anurtian Ifunpa ti Ft.ldnl Ine trai, ,vn a naa t'i t"ve (iMmni irwm itosi.n nAt pirntiMjuAD, sua. :!. With Jaroslnw in thrir huiids as. 11 it bult of a boitihnrdnii'nt lusting onl l days, the ilUHsiun unities e.pect simhi to capture PrxumKl, This fortrehs is the last obstacle to a direct mureh upon Tarnow and Craiow. Austria's most im portant base In 'ialnia. Its cuptuic w not essential to the plan of the Russian General Htulf. but If its reduction can be accomplished a large force of inon that would otherwise be held back by its in vestment would be freed for field service. According to a report received at tho War olllce today from (jonerul Ituzsky tho capture of Jaioslaw was made with out heavy loss to the Russians who be sieged it, but the Austrian garrisons of tho -'3 forts there suffered terribly. More thun 6&00 wire killed or wounded by tho fire of the Russian siege guns. 85.000 PRISONERS. It is reported at heudquarteis that the Russians took more than 3. prisoners, large quantities of ammunition and sup plies and 61 guns, besides many rapid fireis. Some of the Austrian troops at tempted to retreat to Przemysl as tho forts were being battered to pieces, but they were cut off by the Cossacks, who had crossed the San River at Radons The LOpture of Jarosluvv will be of ereat help to the Russian armies, as It controls the lailroad leading from U-mbeig to Cracow. This is now held b CJenerul Ruxsky's troops ua far west as Jtzeszojv, 3ti niilos from .laioalau. Apparently be lieving that Jarosluw would be ublo to hld out, the Austriaua failed to tear up the railroad west of thero and it is in munition fpr the transportation of tioops without any repairs being necessary SIKOK OF JAROSbAW. The coi respondent of the -S'evoo Vroina sends u brit-f but graphic account of tho full of Jaroslaw. The bombardmnnt iiegan Sunday night and continued for 1 hours, ho aaa. ii tioun Monduy live forts had been smashed and the guns in several others had betn put out of commis sion Th aim or the Austrians wad od and they seemed unable to locate our big guns. tn the contrary, our gunners made every shot tell. All through Mon day, that night and Tuesday the ter rifle hail of shells rained upon Jaros law l.at Tuesduv afternoon the Aus trian fire slackeni-d and the uider to take tbe fuit In storm was given We nu-t with sharp opposition, but thf u;ti mi..-, ui r, uii.ifiU lo witb st.ir.i th I ii'iun Im "iii-tif and tbe iti. an lliB - o .i hcisnd Son,.- i',. i hi- ,,rr oiil v.ecks, r?" PROBABLY FOR THE ALLIES 100,000 Guns Sought in New York by Secretive Bidders. XniV YORK. Sept. a. Somebody is In the Now York gun mnr kt with an order for HAOOO rllles nnd SO.000,000 rounds of ammunition for ship ment abroad, laical gun dealers havo been opproachod by commlHsiun agents during the last week nnd asked If they could till u substantial part of tho order. Tho agents failed to state who their prin cipal was. Tho ngcuts were authorized to buy lUO.Offl guns and aufllclent ammunition. This is taken to mean 000 inunds for earh rllle. Tho agents want as modorn ilttea as they can get. but are willing to take fairly old-fashioned arms. They would havo to pay from J3 to $10 for an old rllle, nnd up to f:o for an up-to-date arm. They aio willing to pay tho higher price. If they get all the guns ut the higher price tho cost will be J' C.0,i00. It Is doubtful If there me lon.Oufi rifles In the country for sale. Moxtro, during the troubles down there, took all the arms the American manufacturers could turn out. The manufacturers thero nre onlv two in the country who could nil tho order nave not nearly that mun rllles ! In stock. j It is piobable thnt these agents have i men scouring the i-oumiy, buying half a i duzrii here, twenty theie, and eventually. i ad'oidiiig to oiiH fnmillur with tbe gun situation, thoy m.iv get together 15.0CKJ or 2,li rifles to ship ahioad. Servian War Office Contra dicts Austrian Claims to Victory and Reports Win ning Nine Days' Battle at Losnitza. VIUNTs'A, by way of Rome. Sept. -1. The Wiir Ofllco today denied positively the Servian-Montenegrin claims of the taking of Sarajevo and of a disaster to the Austrian anny ncur I.oznltza. Tho olllclul statement sas: "' are Invading Servia successfully. Sarajevo not only hns not been taken by the enemy, but the enemy's forces who have attempted tho Invasion of Bosnia have been repulsed with heavy loss and are now retiring before our vic torious troops. "There have been a number of cases of cholera and dysenteiy at the fiont, necessitating the (solution of the suf fereis, but conditions aio not alarming." RHEIMS AFIRE ANDH0PE OF TEMPLE'S SAFETY WANES Famous Glnss Windows Ruined nnd Walls Threatened. I.o.vuo.v, stpt. ;.i Nearly all of the thirteenth century stained glass, and more especially thi' amber glass of tbe lose window In tlm main facade of tho Cathedral at Rhelms Is irroparably ruined, according to the Paris corifpondent of the Mall. The trcamucs of the Cathedral weie saved, however. Wiring under csterday's date, he says: "The shelling of Rhelms nnd the smnk- j ing of the ruins continue. Paits ol tin- nails and towern of the Cathedral an- .-, .. ,. ,, ,..,, , falling I'ontimially, and tho littlf liopn PEACE TREATY WITH RUSSIA entertained yesterday that the main in uric itseu iniKlit romain is rapidly van- COPRNHAGK.V, Sept. 21 Thu Knlser wan tcvlctvlng a regiment of the Imperial Orenadlers, commanded by his son, Prince Oscal, after the battle of Vliton. "I salute you," ho said, addressing the men, Jut after embracing the Prince. "I have often si on your gallant regiment nt maneuver, It Is a gient pleasure for me to meet you again on conducted ground. The hciolc deeds ot Virion hnvo been engraved on the history of war forever In golden letters. Your regiment has upheld tho glorious traditions of your forefathers In 1870 and 1571. "The armies ot the Crown Prince nnd Duke Albrrcht of W'urttcmberg have ad vanced victoriously. Our Kaatcrn army hns thrown thrco ttusslnn nrmy corps ovel the frontier nnd two more Russian army corps have been captured In the Held. I'Vir nil these, vlctoilcs we hdvo One to thank, nnd He Is our ancient God, who Is over us," The Kaiser again kissed his son nnd then drove off In his motor. The fog of German wurfoio docs not obscuro the War I.oid's movements, and It is pos sible to follow him from place to place bv means of Inspired nits oi news that deep occasionally Into the German newspapers. The other day the Kaiser visited the es tablishment ot a Protestant religious or diT which bad been turned Into u military hospital. Ho walked through tbe lows of wounded soldiers, spoke to the men and grasped the outstretched bands of those unable to salute or lise fiom their beds. He afterward sent a rose to every wounded soldier who did not have the honor of a personal chat. Incidentally he distributed Iron crosses right nnd left. The clergyman who had the care of these wounded soldiers seems to have addressed the Kaiser with too heavy a heart. "We have to make sacrifices In these limes," said the Kmpcror, and he remind ed the clergyman that he had six sons lighting In the war. "Ye, your Majesty, that Is our pride nnd bopplnesi," responded the chaplain. "l did all in my power to keep peace," proceeded the Kaiser, "but our enemies would not have peace. Now we .will have to crush them to tho ground. Ilon't you agree?" The meek clergyman. In relating this convel nation attirward, said he had noth ing to do but to ngree with the Kmperor and assure him bo was prepared to inaku everj sacrlllre for the fnthcilaud. Copenhagen JiiRt now Is Hooded with German news. It can only bo relied on when sent by Danish correspondents In Horlln. 1'Vom photographic prints ex hibited in the uewspapei windows, from thrilling movies shown in the Copenhagen picture theatres and occasionally from reliable German newspapers, it Is possi ble to get n gllmphe of the German army In its true light and the iron hand thnt rales It. Coarse Jests at the expense of the Brit ish soldier aro to be seen In some shop windows hoie. They aio reminiscent of Ihfi plctnihil biutulltlcs hurled at the British army during the South African war. FIRE FRIGHT KILLS WOMAN I.ANCASTRR, Pa.. Sept. -o.-Tbe resi dence of Henry Wolgemuth, near Kllza nethtown, was destioyed last night by (ire. Mrs. Wolgemuth, suffering fiom henrt disease, was so prostrated by fright that she could not leave her bod and wlille her husband and daughter were earning her from the house she died. FATALLY KICKED BY MULE I.ANCASTKR, Pa., Sept. 1. Hautcred tn catch n young mule, .leiomc Rhoads, a young farmer, of C'oleralno township, mode the attempt and was kicked on tho head. Physicians hay his Injuries aro fatal. I HoskinS Office Outfitters and Commercial Stationers Secretary Bryan Hopes Other Bellig erents Albo Will Agree to Sign. WASHINGTON. Sj.,lt. :'J. herrfltorv of State Bryan announeed this afternoon that Russia hns agreed to sign iin or his peace treaties, and that he is hopeful that all the other belli, gerenu will do llkowlto. Milng. TIih mw u ball, museum and other histoilc buildings are sharing the fat.' of the Cathtdral." KIPLING'S SON IN ARMY I .O.N' DON. S-pt. 3. John Kipling, son of Rudyard Kipling, has rerched i commission as second lieutenant in the IrUh Guards. 2jS3i$.i..&-.!S &' ' " "i l J1 7- T" -. ' ' ' ' "rBBJiaiS. V-! Reed-Bird Mackerel $1.00 A KIT Nicaragua Blend Coffee Tn ' I mm n l f't l H I h'ml U the ufDt In 41 a rca nil 1 tr -e V MERRILL & HOPPER IlKWllM. TEItMINAI. MARKET Mali 1J17-2S Arch bU Uda Presenting the Season's Novelties in Women's Street and Dress Boots. V 1420 Chestnut St. Where onl the Lett is good enough " P Largest and most fair ly priced stock to be found anywhere. Where economy must be exercised in furnishing an office, you may be-sure that every dollar expended with us will result in a full dollar's worth of satisfaction to you. HOSKINS Printer, Kngrairra, fitatloner 904-906 Chestnut St. 32S ,3. ,T?iJk U 'ai m. IfllW 2? f J) I ifl ijM i iWrtiA fevVfitftte? ' du th rrkt"ISi:STI DEVELOPING and FINISHING (ltuUitrr Slflbudl HAWORTH'S r.UbtinuK KoduL Co. U020 Chestnut St. CTv KODAKS tlantlp fltjr Sturf 1837 lloarditulk Paner Hf?.,.'J,er' so it. ....;.. lullet laucr. S for SJc- S3.U0 cm. BELGIANS HARASS GERMANS ADVANCING' TO AID AISNE ARMIES General Staff, in Many Skirmishes, Co-operates With Allies by Checking Westward Moving Rein forcements. ANTWERP, Sept. 21. Sharp dKhtltiR; Is Bolng on lit North cnslorn Ilclglum between King Albert's army and tho Germans, Tho Ifclglnns nnd Ocrnmns nre reported to bo In' contact iicui- Mechlin, nrounJ Tei'monde, nnd in tho vicinity ot Auder tnarde, some IS miles west of Ghent. Tho obvious Intention of tho Belgian army is to co-operate with the Allies Iri Franco by engaging tho Hermans over ns Inrgo an area n? possible ih tJalglnm, so ns to prevent reinforcements from bclnc sent west. King Albert's fJl-ccs are also working southward toward Brussels to menace tho Gorman linos ot communication. U Is reported that tho advance guard of one Helglan force engaged tho German outposts onl 13 miles from Brussels. Another report describes a lively skir mish between Uclgluu civic guards and Germans near Audormarde, about IS miles southwest of Ghent, on Tuesday, The Uolglnns captured nn automobile nnd live prisoners, without any losses, The Germans hud three men hilled nnd two wounded. South of Mechlin tho Belgians advanced nnd gave buttle to a German detachment. Tbe Belgian forces nre composed of In fan try, cuval ty nnd light artillery, and nro fighting vigorously to prevent the Germniis from establishing lines south west of Antwerp. Hefugees fiom about tbe district of St. Glles-Wocs. who havo Just come Into Ant werp, report the presence of Uhlans In that locality. Information given by the Belgian War Ofllca gives tho impression that the Ger mans mo being forced back fiom their advanced positions south nnd west of Antwerp. " Tho Information brought by the refu gees from St. Gllcs-Wnes, however, puts a dlffeient face on tho situation, ns St Ulle.s-Waes Is only about 12 miles west of Antwerp. In their panicky state the fugitive" may havo mistaken other troops for Uhlans, but If they are correct It would indicate that tho advance guard of tha Germans Is pressing close to the tem porary Belgian cnpltnl. It is nppnrent that the small detach ments of Belgian troops are acting In dependent of King Albert's main com mand. This would explain tho Bklr mlshes between members of the Belgian civic guards and Germans at scattered points In Northeastern Belgium. It Is undoubtedly the policy of the Belgian General Staff to harass the German ad vnnco to the fullest extent with flying squadrons which can move quickly over tho country, attacking then with drawing. The main Belgian nrmy evidently la not fnr from Antwerp.. LOCAL FIRE RECORD A. M. t,o31. 1:512001 s. 7th t.: cigar tor nnd o ,.. o'.!-U'"R.. Unknown 3:riJ 0.1, B. -Moyamenelnc ave. ; store - nncl dwelling of Samuel Prill. Unknown n:5.i filth st. anil Wyaluslng avo.. Unknown 0:10 fll.'ll Dnynton St.: dwelling of Benjamin McCarty Unknown Perry's A few of our $15 Fall Suits Take this wonderful green mixture, relieved by flecks of white, blue nnd maroon! A two-button soft-roll cont with three outside patch pockets, $15 At Perry's A slick brownish mixture showing a ribbed effect; sharp pointed lapels run ning into a soft roll; neat little sleeve cuffs, $15 At Perry's One of our Junior Specials, a dark gray effect that's not gray either! It's a large rough weave of threads of many colors! Slashed crescent-shaped coat pockets A young fellow's Suit that's replete with "N. B, T," style, $15 At Perry's Their fit, their finish, their staying qualities have helped to make us famous At Perry's Perry & Co., "n.b.t." 16th & Chestnut Sts.