Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1914, Postscript Edition, Image 14

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postscript TTntT-TTiXTTXTr
VOL. I NO. i)
Exercises in Schools and
Meetings Today Are Pre
paratory to Three-day Car
nival and Convention.
"Safety First."
Tills Is the ery of Philadelphia toclny,
when the city enters on a campaign of
safety, preparatory to the Carnival ami
Convention of Safety, which will open
Saturday and continue three days in Con
vention Hall, Broad street and Allegheny
avenue. The conentton will be eon
ducted under nusplces of the Homo and
Bchoot League.
"Safety Week," as the period will be
known, opens toda with exercise In all
the city schools. A corps of 200 speak
ers, delegated by the Home and School
League, will speak on various forms of
safety. The children are to be given a
lasting impression of what It means to
guard the safety of their health, minds
and bodies.
The exercises in the school will begin
with a salute to the flag, typifying the
secure foundation on which the nation
stands. Ilecitntlons and esteiys on safety
will be ri-ad by tho pupils and the pro
gram concluded with an address by a
representative of the Home and School
At a meeting thli afternoon in Wither- ?
Lecturer Gives Interesting
Account of City's Past
Without Its Accuracy Be
ing Challenged.
Did you ever view Philadelphia from a
sightseeing auto? If you didn't sou hae
lots to lenrn. You will find In some In
stances that famous historians have
great 1 erred, that statisticians have not
been within gunshot distance of facts,
and that you'll feel at the end of the
trip that you should brush up on things
concerning your own city.
A tilp on one of these "rubber-neck'
cars wii taken todn by an Lvcwtig
Ledger icporter. He started fiom Fif
teenth and Maiket strtets In receptive
mood, but before lldlng a mllo was con
vinced that he knew verv little. Indeed,
about places and events In tils own clU
The first surprise came when the m
reached tho main po'tolllce. Theic the
marathon lecturer pointed to the statue
of Ilenjnmlti Franklin and announced In
nutho'itutlve tones, "There Ih the itutu
of iv-njnmlii Franklin. It was upon this
very plot of ground that Franklin flew
his kite and got electricity from tin
clouds." Some of the other riders uln
were amused. Tliej made quiet nn
mont, but as most of the passengers np
pemed to be contented the statement
passed unquestioned.
One could half eloe his e,es and pl -ture
tho guide enlightening an nudlein
In a nudes tile houe. Glowing trlbuti
was paid ! th lecturer to prominent
business establishments on Chestnut
spoon Hall, at 2. to o ciock. unu-r mii. e -ti-et. On teaching Fifth street, he all
ot the Safety Committee ot the Brooklyn i noumeil that the Pelnware ICIvt-r was
Itapld Transit Companv. headed by Mrs. llv. sonnies east: also that the Atlantic
. ,, ,. , ...hi k Hvon nn Ocean, which washed the chores of Sow
Jessica McCall. reports will be pher i on J(jwj.
what has been accomplished in Brooklyn mncs cnht of tjlat
to safeguard children In the street.
Mrs. McCall and hor assistants were
IllllrtW il A 1 1 Vl ft vsi tilll n ltltl
brought to Philadelphia on the n' ' ,,,, hav , cro(llt t0 a hlBn school
and at the expense ot the I hllade ph a gtH(,,mtMi thf. thtn weU Qn Ik(
itapld Transit eompanv. me itupm
Transit Company has also engaged Wlth
crspoon Hall for a children's mass meet
ing this afternoon at ! o'clock, when
Mrs. McCall will glxe tho principal talk
of the series. Mrs. McCall Is remaining
In town as a guest of the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit fompany, and will take
part in the safety carnival.
In the evening a svmposium nn innus-
n human encyclopedia without a con
science. The block from Fifth to Hlxth on
Market stteet was referred to as "great
men's row." Luckily tln-ie were no mem
bers of the Pennsylvania lllcloiicnl So
ciety on bontd, for the guide pointed out
th enrlv homes of srser.tl Piesldents,
half a dn7en fnmotis statesmen and resi
dences of iitht-ts- wlio lilpd make history
In the days of the city's eaiiy struggle.
At Seventn stieet he was obliged to
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Banquet ftt Undnor Hunt Club To
night for Out-of-Town Competitors.
One of the most notable gatherings ot
horsemen and fox hunters ever known to
America will assemble at the fiadnor
Hunt Club tonight, when directors of
the Bryn Mawr Horse Show are hosts
at a dinner.
The banquet Is given In honor of many
out-of-town exhibitors at tho twentieth
annual llryn Mawr Horse Show, which Is
now going on at the polo grounds.
I Included among the guests of honor
aro Fletcher Harper, of Mlltbrook, N. Y.j
E. Von der Horst ICoch. of New York;
George B. Hulme, ot Now York; Dr. A.
C. Heffenger, of Portsmouth, N It.;
Frederick K. Sturgls, of New York!
Charles L. Appleton and Reginald C.
Vanderbllt, of Now York; Harry O. Nich
olas, of Mcadowbrook, L. I.; James W.
Appleton, of Myopia, Mass.; Richard Mc
Orann, of Lancaster; James K. Maddux,
of Warrenton, Va. ; John Crowden and
Elliot Cowdon ,of Long Island; Eugene
Levering, of Baltimore; F .S. Von Stado,
of New York; Henry W. Whitfield, ot
Tuxedo, N, Y.j Walter McClure, of Rum
son, N. J.; Lewis E, Waring, of Plain
field, N. J.; W, L. Herbert, chairman of
the National Polo Association, of Now
York, and Foxhall P. Kerne, of New
' York.
A number of masters of fox hound
packs of other States will be present,
' including Henry V. Colt, of denesco,
N. Y. ; A. Henry Hlgglnson, Middlesex
1 Hunt, of Boston: W. V. Lnnahan, Elk
ridge Hunt, Marylnnd; Redmond C.
Stewart, of Green Spring Valley -unt
Club; J. B. Thomas, Piedmont, a.;
Robert L. Gerry, Orange County Hunt,
Virginia; Windsor T. White, Chagrin
Valley Hunt, Cleveland, O.; Benjamin
Hrewster, Joint master of the Green
Spring1 Valley Hunt; Grafton Pyne, Es
sex County Drag Hounds; D. Sandi,
Piedmont, Va.
a. program wine ann varied in us pur
pose. Among the features are drills by,
Roy Scouts and members of th Police
and Fire Burenus on .i large drill ground
arranged in the ctntre of ("oventlon Hall.
The follow Imj statement commending
the efforts of tho Home and School
Leogue has ben issued by Muvor Blank-
"Philadelphia is to he congratulated
that within her limits hns bun found
a body of citizens sufficiently .arnest
and patriotic to undertnke this ambi
tious and helpful work, and I heartilv
commend the work of the Homo and
School League and their supporting
friends to all people resident in th rliy.
asking of mv fellow -citizens an earnest
support of the 'Safety First' movement
by word and act. that the new line of
action which promises o much to tho
community may be Intelligently inaugurated."
trial safetv and accident prevention Is , drop history for commerce. All the de-
to be held at the Hellevue-Stratfnrd. partment stores (,-ot tho fullest praise
Mrs Joseph R. Wilson, head of the com- I and the price of hats and gowns were
mlttee in charge of the convention; Dlrec- j not forgotten. In describing one. the
tor of Public Safet George D Porter. 1 lecturer remarked: "There Is n store o
and Franklin H Wentworth, Socialist i largo that If a woman bought a hat at
writer and lecturer, of Boston, are to , the Market street entrance and carried
peak. Some of the addresses will be j H over ever floor the hat would be out
Illustrated bv lnntern slides of style before s-he left the building."
The carnival and convention proper has Just men a uuiuung nove in sight In
wmen a wnue roateu cook was turning
acrobntlc cakes "That," shouted th
guide, "is a restaurant where a hungry
man may get an thing from n roast din
ner to a pieie of bieail if he has a roll."
This brought a smile and. encouraged,
he went on. "There Is the world'i
largest TVnn holder. City Hal', and it
cost Wrtl.mo to hold Billy in place. Even
at that he becomes impatient on account
of the deeds which go on under him."
t'p Biond street the enr then wabbled.
When th suburbanites on hoard wero
surrounded by a batch of beautiful build- i
Incs the megaphoned speaker let his orn- I
tory on at full speed N'o stenographer j
could have followed him A flood of su
perlatives was applied to the surround
ing Hrchltecturc Tim facetious talker I
could not resist the stutrment that Venus
de Mito on the Academy of Fine Arts ,
' lost her head on account of praise." '
According to the guide, this Is called
the City Brotherly Love because the
Girls' Commercial School Is opposite the
Boys' Hi.'h School, at Broad and Green
None nf Philadelphia's financiers and
the amount of their fortunes was forgot
ten on the lemalnder of the trip up Broad
i street. When nuked about a particular I
ornament which protruded from the sec- (
nd story of nearly every house on an-
other street, the guide looked wise. I
"They are busy-bodies." lie said, "and '
on account of present financial conditions '
they are placed them go that the rsl- ,
dents may learn If there's a bill collector
at the door."
Is.ter tho passengeis Uarned that a
larce plot of ground containing tomb
stones was n cemeterv, and rnoie enlight
rnimr information along this line waj
unie'i cut until cnirmouni J'arlt na i
reacnen. lie snowed tie playgrounds, for
irhildren to fh. rlc?ht. nnil the i.lnv errinirule i
Noted Educators Bring Greetings to
Lutheran Institution.
Tim fiftieth anniversary of the founding
of the Lutheran Theological Seminary,
at Mount Ally, Is being celebrated today
by faculty, graduates and students The
celebration will be continued tomonow.
The (list day Is being devoted to de
votional exercises, which were opened
this morning with nn address by the
Rev. Hemy E. Jacobs, D. D. LL. D.,
Piesident of the seminary. This after
noon Provost Edgar F. Smith, of the
University of Pennsylvania will extend
grietlngs In tho name of the colleges
and seminaries of this counti'j
Professor Charles Erdman, ol Piinoeton,
will bring greeting- from the Princeton
Theological Seminary. The Rev. John
A Haas, D. D. LL. D., of Muhlenberg
Colitge, Allentown, P.i., and head ot the
Ministerlum of Pennsylvania, will de
ller an address on "The Historical At
titude in Theology.
An informal reception to the friends
and guests of the institution will be held
this evening
Tomonow will be devoted to addresses
by men piominent In religious and tlieo
loglial circles throughout the country.
Theie will lie an outing on the giounds
of the institution undei the auspices uf
the L.idies Auxiliary of the Seminary.
The M-'ninaiv was founded ."' ears ago
In un oil house on .-outh Ninth stieit.
From the 1,-Unning it pros" i-d, until
23 ;eius ago. under the leadeislilp of
Dr J.v ob-, it was removed to its pres
ent Id utlon at Mount Airy.
N .;
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A familiar sight in the streets of this
city is the "rubber-neck wagon."
Five-year-old Girl Killed in Sight of
Her Mother.
In plain sight or l.er mot'ier slttinK
on the steps of liei home. May Sum
mers, 3 years old. of 1321 Passyunk ave
. .nue was decapitated by a trolley enr
.this morning.
May was playlns acros the street
from her home when her mother. Mrs.
. Joseph Summers, colh-d to her to irlve
her n cake. In her racemes the child
ran In front of u nearside car golnst
cast on Passyunk avenue.
The car passed oer her neck, sever
ing the head from the bod The oar
was stopped after It had drawed the
child's body more than 53 feet. It wa ' tor "policemen and nurses" to tin left.
taken to St. Ashes' Hospital.
P'tlntlne to the statue of an Indian which
faces both plaees, he said "Even the
The father of the child. Joseph Sum
mers, an Ue lontractor. disappeared
about Ave months ago. The mother,
devoid ot a means of support for the
dead child and her four brother and
sisters, had been contemplating lending
them to a charitable Institution.
Domlnick Travrline. of 1738 South Chad
wick, motorman of the trolley car. was
arraigned U-fore Muglstrmo Iteii-tut.v
at Central station a few hour after thi
.Mael r ml I nl il 11it 1AI1 fctbll f,H fcA
.Ctlon of the . o oVr VraveTne VaVh., ' ':.""-vV;n'" n lrd CMI.-..
"ad no chance to stop his car and ovoid I ""'ha s 'h.a " on the west l'anb
visilant mrdhiim man cannot deUse
cuie lor this condition "
Bv way of educational Instnictlon. tho
BUlde announced, "No fruit trees can be
planted m the park, yet the guatds often
find peaches in pairs on the benches " As
tho ear was then very near tho Schuvl
kill Jltver, the speaker again became er
ious. "lou can rradilv see," he eMlalmed ,
' that this Is a river, ljvery Saturday
afternoon there's a boat race here be
tween the errws of the t'nUrrsluy of
the accident
William ABclmnback, of 3531 Preneh
street, motorman of the troll car that
ran down and killed George It Wolf of
Station street. Pittsburgh, at Ninth and
Market streets last night, also was held
for the Coroner bv Magistral- Ftwihaw
this morning. Wolf was a traveling sales,
man. According to Ashen'mi-k's tesii.
mony at his hearing today the man step
ped from behind another car In the mid.
die of the block between Ninth and Tenth
streets while his car was travelinf; at
full speed, and he had no ehanee to avert
the Occident. Wo.f died at the Jefferson
Hospital shortly after he was struck
asked a passenger,
"Tnat U the flae above. Fort Belmont,
where Washington and his army rusted
after leaving Valley Forgp."
A wave of patriotism swept over the
tourists, and it was Increased when tho
auto passed the statue of General Grant.
The voluble historian culled attention to
the fan that the General was facing th
home nf William Penn on the west bank,
and said Grant woo ready to protect It
just as well us he protected the North in
As Spring Garden street was reached
the guide pointed out a large mount to
the right. "That's where William Ponn
met his engineers," he said, "amj told
them luiw to lay out the plans of Fair-
Hulk of Marv A Butnev's Estate I naunt Tark " This s followed by a
JL,, f7. putney s istate o( gtatjeUc3i whicll was CIU ahort
Willed to Benevolence,
The $3000 estate of Mary A Butney,
late of 1747 North :6th street, excepting
00 of private bequests, will be equally
illvldrd among the Tabernacle Society
of Notre Dame, Seminary ot St Charles
Ilorromeo. Overbrook, Little Sisters of
the Poor and St Joseph's Protectory.
Other wills probated were Loult.i Glid
ing, "7 Pine street, disposing of prop
erly valued at IW.uHO in private be
quests. Gottlieb F Piter. U19 South
Kishth street 3o Hairiet Helverson.
1613 Foulkrod street J2M
Personal cffei.ts of t-Mwanl it funis
only bv the appeatunce of the Washing
ton monument.
At S3d md Spring Garden streets the
rlrttrs saw a email-pointed three-story
building. "That," exclaimed the guide,
"is the original fiatiron building, the first
In this country. New York copied, its
big building from this. Just as It fol
lous Philadelphia in other things."
By way of Broad street, the travelers
wen- then taken to the starting point
"We ha: certainly learned a lot about
PhiliuUlphia " admitteu the bride and
gr oin
The le'iurer said that he was formerly
- have bten apprulsed J-t JC054.3S. Frjncis ) In the the.itrn.al business and could sing
1 Morris. J3S03.K, and Juliet Diet, 12153.51 I a. t
Otto Paul Preussler, of Dresden, Calls
Himself World's Champion.
Staling himself tho woild's. champlo.i
long distam e walker and globe trotter.
Otto Paul Pieussltr, of Dresden. urried
at the German Consulate today and en
tolled ,n the landsturm. whlth hu.s Just
been called out by the German govern
ment. Preussler was not at all ieticnt He
heaped upon hlmbtlf all of tho gloriei
and adventures that a champion world
trotter c iuI'J possibly e.perlence Ho
set out. according to his own story, to
walk 13.1X0 milts In order to win u
prize of JKS.OOO. Proussler has been ' hik
ing il" for ten years and has .i con
siderable part of his walk to complete
He has had experiences of all kinds.
In Russia he was arrested as a German
spy and thrown Into prison. When tho
war with Japan broke out he wns fatvrd
to go to Manehuiia and servo as a bak r
In the Itussinn army's commissariat.
Fnm there he escaped to Japan and
through the German consulate was able
to free himself from the Japanese, prison
Into which he hod been placed as n
prisoner of war. From Japan the walker
made hit. way over Asia and in to
Europe, thence to South America.
Rescued Unconscious by Father From
Burning Home.
Tun families fled to t'le roof of their
home, 3H Kouth Seventh street, early
this morning, when lire stnrtlng in tlia
eimdy store on the second. Iloor cut off
their fscape b regular exits. Mary
Fineman to jears old, who was overcorm
by smoke, was carried to the roof b
hor father, riamuel Fineman, proprietoi
af the store Tho families reached the
s.tieet through a trapdoor in another
house jrd were rarrd for by neighbors
The tire was discovered by two young
men ut J o'clock this morning. Miss Fan.
ni Hosenblutb. l&J- South Seventh street,
heard their shouts and telephoned an
alarm to the Fourth fctreot and Snyder
avenue polite sution.
Fineman occupied the Hist ana thlffl
floors of the dwelling with his wife
and children Thfi second floor wus
rented to Joseph Shuinker, his nife and
their :i-montlis,-(,ld baby All succeeded
In reaching the ronf except Mary Fine
man When Fineman discovered that his old
est daughter was still in the house he
went back for her. and Shalnker fol
lowed. The men had to fight their way
through sulfating smoke They found
tho girl unconcious In her room Fire
mn fought the flames fur nearly an
hour befor they got them under control.
The damage Is estimated at 12500.
West Philadelphians Sprout Whiskers
Perforce Because of New Rules.
Men living in West Philadelphia who
don't shave themselves nre In a quun
daiy. They have to get shaved befoie !
o'clock at night ni go sciubb -faced to
tlte olllce next morning It Is title that
they could get shaved in the morning,
but as the shops do not open until S
a in., and inan have to be at work be
tween ! and 9, they won't take chances
getting a huiried shae fiom a sleepy
barbor In bud humor.
It's nil due to the Master Barbers' As
sociation The membeis contend that a
12-hour day, S a. m to S p. m , Is long
enough lor any man to woik, and point
nut that bilcklajeis and plumbers woik
only eight.
To dhow that the meant business, the
12-hour baibers paraded thiough West
Philadelphia last night with b.inneis.
Some weie to the point. "The barber
has to cut all day. give him n chance
to cut up at night": "We et In a good
many scrapes, but we are human"; "How
would jou like to work forever? If
not, why us?" That's how some of the
announcements inn. The men conducted
tlu inselves well and won hundreds of
sympathizers en mute.
Then, too, the oignnizatlon hail practi
cal effect. At one shop wheie tluro or
four men were in the midst of u shave,
tho place closed ns soon as the aggrega
tion at lived and the customeis left with
half a beard and half a haircut.
In a biief address Leonaid J Slier
man, piesident of the Master Barbels'
Association, said that the moeineit
would continue until a uniform closing
hour was adopted.
Faces Charges of Procuring $200 on
Bad Checks,
Chaiges of foiglng clicks totaling
about IJfO were made today against
Ueorge White, a Negro, of JKrt Locust
street, when he was arraigned before
Mngistidte Boyle at the S3th street and
Lanuistei avenue station. White was
held in 515GO bail for a fuither hearing
tieikt Sunday.
About fifteen checks In nil are said to
have been fuiged by White on the Bel
mont Tiut Company. W. G Gross ,of
25 South Huhy street, and John B. Mc.
Hugh, of 1H1 Glrnrd avenue, aro two of
the victims, and several otheis aro ex
pected to appear
Frank Gittelson, Soon to Make Debut,
Tells Experiences.
Frank Gittelson, son of Dr. S. J. Glt
clson, 1017 Spruce street, who will make
his American debut as a violinist this
full, has returned to Philadelphia. For
yenis Mr. Gittelson studied abroad under
Carl Flesch and Hugo Kaun. While In
Buropc, Mr. Gittelson sccuied two vio
lins, a Mngglni and a Stradivarius, both
dating back to the 17th century. He had
difficulty gutting these instruments out
of Germany by wrapping them in shawls
and steamer rugs, and putting cheap vio
lins In their cases, which he carried.
Mr. Gittelson with his mother and sister
who accompanied him, weie In Wnrna
mendo, Germany, when war was declared
and Immediately left for Berlin, arriving
August o. They wero unable to leave
Berlin belore August 27, Mr. Gittelson
states that during these thtee weeks he
didn't see a single case of an American
receiving 111 tieatment at the hands of
the Germans. The fellng against the
Kngllsh was vciy bitter, even more so
than against the French. Stores with
Kngllsh names weie compelled to icmove
nil signs of Kngllsh characters.
August 27 the paity, after standing in
line over nine hours to buy their tickets,
lelt Berlin for Amsterdam, the trip tak
ing more, than ".6 hours. The compait
ments were overcrowded and there were
no sleeping accommodations. On Sep
tember 12 they sailed on the New Amster
dam for home
United Presbyterian Body Indorses
Coming Campaign.
Members of the 1'nitcd Presbyterian
Presbyter nt their quarterly meeting, In
tlir Norrls Square Church. cnthUM.ihtl' ally
indorsed the coming campaign of "Billy"
Sunday, and the K angelical Committee
is to have ehaige of airangements to
gie the baseball evangelist a rousing
v elconr e
The Itev. Le H Bife, pastui of the Nor
rls Square Church, wus chosen moderator
lir iiceed8 the Rev. John Shrader, ot
Denies Change of Allegiance and is
"Good Democrat," He Says.
Magistrate E. Iv Boile, who was scs
teidoy leported as a conveit to the re
oigaiiizatlou element In the Democratic
party, today Issued an emphatic denial
thut he had deserted the bi-pai tis-iti
old guard of the Democratic City Com
mittee with which he has been Identified
for yeais.
"I have alwas's been an organization
Democrat and still am," he said. "I nm
a membei of the City Committee and have
not In any sense of the word lepudlated
that leadership. The rumor seems to
have started from the fact that at a recent
meeting of the Twontj-thlid Ward So
cletv nnd the members of the Wind
Committee I offered a motion approving
of the candidacies of Palmer and Mc
Cnrmlck. That is onl. what any good
Democrat would do, and Is not a sufllc'ent
basis for a statement that I have bi ol.cn
my affiliations with anybody."
Seven Persons Driven to Street by
Early Morning Fire,
Seven persons were diivrn In their
night clothes Into the street from u
burning houes when Are swept the
grocery ttore and Ilrst floor or the
home of Samuel Fields, 037 K.ist Moya
menslng avenue, early this morning.
The blaze was discovered by Flank
Soshon. who. from the bedroom of his
home pear by, saw the flames. He fired
several shots from a revolver to arouse
the neighborhood. The shots were heard
hy the occupants of the burning build
ing, who made theli way Into the
Mreot. The origin of the fire Is unde
termined The loss Is estimated at $
Railroad Victim of Phoesnixville
Was Mrs-.Weltmer, of This City,
The woman who wus killed bv a
Reading Railway train at Plioenlxvllle
mi Monday wab identified at the Morgue
there today by her son, Jacob Weltiner.
of M) Springer btreet Germ.intown, us
Mrs Alice Weltiner.
i The woman lived at the Baptist Home,
1 17th and Norris streets. After the train
struLk Mrs. Weltiner, the biakes locked
In a tunnel and gas fumes killed the
engineer unu conuueror
Camden Concern Says World Carnage
Has Cut Down Orders.
The effect of the ISuiopcan war on
American business again expressed It
telf todny In the form of a receiver for
Merrltt & Co., Iron nnd steel manufac
turers of Camden, N J and 1024 Ridge
nonue, this city. Kern Dodge was ap
pointed receiver under a bond of $.10,000.
hy Judge Thompson In the United States
District Court upon a bill in equity filed
by the Clement Coverall Compnny, of
Camden, a creditor In the sum of $7139.57,
Although the company Is solvent hav
ing $100,000 worth of assets over nnd
above Its liabilities, It was set fortli
that a receiver should be appointed to
Intervene and take charge, as there nre
no Immediate funds on hand to meet
the current Indebtedness on account of
the present state of tho financial mar
ket nnd the war In L'urope. Because
of these conditions. It is stated, the con
ttacts for work to bo performed by the
company have largely fallen off and
earnings are Insufficient to meet oper
ating expenses.
The company has a large liability
which will shortly be reduced to judg
ment. Certain creditors have been
pressing for their claims and have
threatened to sue nnd levy attachment
on the materials and supplies of the
company, which are necessary to run
tho business,
James S. Mcrritt, piesident of tho
company, filed nn answer to the bill,
admitting its allegations and joining In
the prayer for the iccciver. In order
that the assets would be conserved for
the benefit of the creditors nnd stock
holders. The iccciver Is authorized to take full
charge of the company's affairs and run
the business until fuither order of court.
-J if j
Youth Entered His Store, Police Say,
on Hebrew Holiday.
Charles Bowes, 17 yen is old, G21G Grass
avenue, was neld In J400 ball for a further
hearing Sunday by Magistrate Harris, at
the C.'d street and Woodland avenue sta
tion, on the chnrge of stealing groceries
from the stoie of S. Wnshman, 63d street
nnd Paschal avenue. The boy was ac
cused of foiclng his way into the stoie
Monday last while the owner was away
paitlclpatlng In the celebration of the
Jewish New Year.
Child Struck by Trolley Car Arouses
Its Ire.
Archie Tons-ky, 3 years old, Olfi North
Sixth street, was struck by a trolley cur
while playing in front of his home this
morning. Ho was taken to Roosevelt
Hospital, where his Injuries, consisting
of bruises, were treated. The accident
aroused the Ire of tho crowd which con
cremited about the car and the crew was I
thientened. The nt rival of a detail of
police from the Fourth street nnd Fair
mount avenue station dispersed the
Fourteen-year-old Boy Rsy
Hi's Life in Trying to Save
Motorcycles and in Help--i
incr Pnltro
Two firemen were Injured and Wfji
loss wflfl entailed early this mrnu 'i 1
fire destroyed th wtmi..,.. nJf
v uwr uarage at ,
54th street and Westminster avenue, jf...
ly twenty cars stored In th. !-. "'
wrecked in several explosions of gasollr,,.
A 14-ycnr-old boy, Joseph Mitten, ot BJ
Sickles street, risked his life to save eom
" t.,3 louiurcycies stored in tho garage
nnd Inter assisted Patrolmen Moran ani
McLaughlin, of the Slxty-first and
Thompson streets station, In getting oul
a number of motor trucks.
The Injured men nre Firemen Wllllani
McNenl, of engine company 41, and Cap.
tain I'ronK ungues, of tho same com
pnn McNenl was hurled several fo.f
flcrrss the floor of the burning garo.
by nn explosion ot gasoline, suffering a ,1
ui-uKen arm. nugnes went lo tne rescut
ot McNenl and was cut and bruised b1
flying glass and plaster.
The flic stnrtcd nt halt-past B o'clock
this morning when the engine of th
nltf nmnlitln Ifnrlf nitrnn lie t ti T..t
....... ..., .. -......,. ..., . ,,. i lejicr,
un nxpressman, backfired and caustd
nn explosion. in an instnnt tlie car
was ablaze. Young Mitten heard th
explosions nnd without waiting to ex
change street clothing for his night
dress rati to tho garage and started to
tnke out motorcycles. He succeeded In
saving three.
Mornn nnd McLaughlin arrived a few
minutes Inter and managed to get out
a number of motor trucks. By the tlm
Hi emeu arrived tho garage was burn-.
Ing florcely and It was Impossible to
prevent the destruction of the building
and the cars stored In It. The flames
were not extinguished until shortly after,
7 o'clock. By that time only the walli
of the garage were standing.
A fire which resulted In a small loei
wan discovered this morning In the resi
dence of Benjamin V. McCarthy, 61H
uns'iuon su eei, eiemianiow n, wnen a
malticss In a thlnl-stors' loom became
Ignited. Tho blaze was discovered by a.
son of McCarthy, who notified Englnt
Con pnny 13. The tiro was extinguished,
how ver, bs' fnther and son before the
arrival of tho firemen.
Police Think They Have Caught an
Old Offender in Crime.
Accused of attempting to force an en
trance Into the saloon of V. H. Laird.
Ninth and Filbert streets, for which
he was held without ball last Saturday
by Magistrate Tracey at tho Uleventh
and Winter stieets police station, Joseph
Jlvatek, alias John S. Edwards, was
again held without ball today by Mag
istrate Tracey on the chnrgo of robblns
the drug store of William T. Burk,
Eleventh street and Glrnrd avenue, on
the morning of August 27.
Svatok Is accused of blowing open a
safe in the store and tnklng 1113, ot
prying open the cash register and steal
ing tl.iiO, ns well as robbing tho telephont
booths In the store and taking J3 In
stamps and a number of articles. Tl)
proprietor, who appeared at the hearlnl
this morning. Identified fountain pens,
which the police say were found In the
prisoner's room and which Burk sail
belonged to his stock. The police also
said that a jimmy found on Svntek fitted
exactly the mark made on the cash regis
ter of the store
Frank Schneldor. a newsdealer, 18M
North Twelfth street, also appeared
against Svatrk and testified that early
in the morning, on August 27, he was
passing the drug store when ho heard
n noise within. After waiting a while
he noticed a man, whom he Identified as
Svatek, leaving the store with his pockets
bulging out.
The police believe that Svatek has
notorious record as a burglar, and they
are endeavoring to trace other burglaries
to hlin ,
"I'orne right on in. Sambo," the farmer
called out ' He won't hurt wju You
know a bark ng d g nevi r bites"
"Sure boss ah knows dat " n-plitd the
eautious lored man "but ah don t
know how soun he a going to stop
Uirlua'." -Success Magazine,
To obtain data concerning forms of
punishment fonneily adapted by prison
fchlps on the high heas, the Commission
to t'onslder Revision of the penal laiws
of Pennsylvania will visit the convict
ship Suceess. at Market street wharf, to
morrow afternoon. The eommlttee Is
composed of the following Kdwln M
Abbott. Robert Vchvntt. Warden of the
Eastern Peniieotiars Louis N Robin
sun Patruk Gddas Ullllam D Grimes,
of Pittsburgh Ar her Hourigan, of
WJIkes-Barre and Samuel I Spyker, of
tho Huntingdon Reformatory,
Begins Forty-seventh Year of Work
With New Courses.
With the opening of the Stevens School
for Girls. Germnntown. tml t t,n ,..
stitutlon begins its 47th schola'stlc s'ear
I A new addition will be the kindergarten.
itnflpr the direction of Mlwt rtxtl. tn.. ..'
W..-.V. ... - ........ .....,, dllfos,
The methods and prlnejple of Froebel
and Montesiorl will be applied in the
kindergarten work.
A new feature of the season will bo
open-air study by some classes. The
school offers a complete course from
kindergarten to college and a general
tuutav, niiiuuuiK irruun ao.vancea sub
I Jecta for pupils who do not intend to
enter college.
LEBANON, Pa., Sept. HI. Fred Ferry
man, a nuarryman. early today committed
suicide In a ill of melancholy resulting
from continued 111 health. Pressing tho
muzzle of an old-time arms rifle to his
heart, he discharged the weapon with
the aid of a stick and died instantly. Ho
was 03 sears old nnd the father of ten
The Hvb.ni.s'o LnnaEii acknowledges the
receipt of U from Alex Przychodski, Ji;o
Salmon street, which hns been forwarded
to Mrs. Julian Tropouskl, of 3S3I North
Lawrence street Mrs Tropouskl is the
woman who was too poverty stricken to
limy her husband. Her neighbors came
to her assistance.
Young Man Held for Theft
Melvln Cromwell, 21 scars old, 1301
Clementine street, was anaigned this
afternoon befoie ilagistiate Giclis, of tho
Mldvale and Ridge avenues police station,
on a charge of larceny and placed under
$MW ball for a further hearing. Ciom
well, who is a papei hunger, was caught
entering the home of Mrs. H Robinson,
332S Ssdeiiham street and Is charged
with stealing jewelry and table linen to
the' value of J30.
Trolley Accident Victim Dies
George H. Wolf, 2i yeuis old, of 61
Station street, Pittsburgh, who was struck
by a westbound Maiket street trolley
eiir at Maiket and Ninth stieets last
night, died this morning In the Jeffersna
Dairyman in Health Bureau.
One applicant In a Held of six qualified
for the position of dalrsmuu In the Bu
reau of Health in the examination con
ducted recently by the Civil Service
Commission. He Is S. (Inner Smith, of
Acadc-ms road, Torresdale. The post pays
Kw a year.
Made Them Laugh.
"My filends." said a politician the
other das', with a burst of Ingenuous tlo
iiueuie, "I will be honest"
The terrific outburst of npiilau.se which
followed this remark entlrelj upset the
point which the orator was about to in
troduce. London Telegraph.
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania and N
Jersey unbettlcd and cooler tonight an4
Thuisday, moderate variable winds
The disturbance that covered the Grl
Lakes yesterday and extenoeu suuin
ward to Texas caused general lalna otl
that entire belt, it nas anueu ii"
St. Lawrence valley duilng the last
hours and overspreads n'l of the norm
. .,.,... I.,,, nf thn eonnlrv tills niONI
cuairiu i. .,... - - -
Ing. Scattcied bhoweus oie repotted from
the, Ohio valley this morning but in gen
eral tho ralutail witnin ine uiam."u
v,c e,vntie diminished The mol are
j .,. Tl'ne, l,oa fnlloWpd thft diS
turbance closely and has spiead oicr t"
? i .ni,. ci.i Iia eililo b.Lbln tausHif
a diop in temperature of from U dere
to 20 degiees.
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Observations taken at ft i m fcaaitrn um.
laet Kain- eluc
Station Sam. n't faU.WJnd lyWtW
. i ncv an riA ii rs i "-
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