Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 22, 1914, Sports Final, Image 1

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VOL. I-NO. 8
Germans Give Ground on
Right Bank of River Oise
After Determined On-
' slaught.
Berlin Reports Repulses of Sortie
From Verdun and Maintains
Attacks of Allies Are Weaker.
St. Louis 0. 0 0 4 1 0 0 (
Phillies 2 .0000201
Batteries Mayer and Dooin; Griner and Wingo.
Umpires O'Connor and Byron.
TAIUS, Sept. 22.
Fierce fighting continues along the
entire buttle front In France, particu
larly on the western end of the lino,
Tvherc tho flanking movement of the
Allies continues, and near the plateau
f Craonnc, near tho centre.
The War Ofllco reports von Kluk
treakonlng on tho German right wing
and says Ms retirement will soon bo
turned Into flight. Paris has a reHort
that General von Kluk lias been re
lieved of command.
It was officially announced that the
(Teutons' assaults were without ap
preciable results. On tho right banlc
cf the Oiso tho Germans arc giving
Tho ofllclal statement Issued today
On tho wholo front, from tho
Olso to the Woevro region, tho
Germans manifested on tho 21st
a certain activity without obtain
ing appreciable results.
On our left wing on tho right
bank of tho Olso tho Germans have
given ground before the French at
tack. Between the Olse and tho Alsno
the situation Is unchanged. Tho
enemy has mado no serious at
tack, contenting himself yesterday
evening with a long rango bom
. bardment.
At tho centro, between nhclms
and Sounin, tho enemy attempted
an offensive movement, which has
been repulsed, while between Sou
aln and tho Argonno forest wo
have made some progress.
Between the Argonno ami the
Meuso there Is no change.
In the Woevro region tho enemy
mado a violent effort. They at
tempted tho heights of the Meuso
on tho front of Tresauvaux-VIg-neulles-Heudicourt
without being
ablo to tako foothold on tho
On our right In Lorraine tho
enemy has crossed the frontier
aguln with small columns. Ho has
re-occuplcd Domestre, to tho south
of Blamonl.
During tho days of the 20th and
Slit we took 20 ro-vlctunllng motors
with all their personnel nnd a num
ber of prisoner, belonging notably
to tho Fourth, Sixth, Seventh.
Eighth, Ninth, Fourteenth, Fif
teenth German corps, to the Bava
rian Landwehr and to tho reserve
It Is understood tlio Allied nrmles to
day nro making a supreme effort to
break through tho lines of the Ger
man army commanded by General von
Buelow. Tho latter was compolled to
Weaken his lines by withdrawing a
Part of his main force to send to tin!
relief of General von Kluk and tho
light wing.
The Fiench nro now attacking tho
fortified positions hold by the Ger
mans which control the railway be
tween Rethel und Luon. They have
gained slight advantages here and, If
they tan drive their wedge through,
they will place both von Buolow and
Von Kluk at a material disadvantage.
In fact, It Is stated positively that
reports of the French-Britlsh aviators
Wio havo reconnoitred tho German
position show Indications of a retro
grade movement. The heavy siege
Buns huo In certain places been with
drawn toward tho extreme base. This
s rlalnly a precautionary movement,
kut it may also bo the beginning of
the long-expected retreat.
Heavy Buns from tho Paris forts
vere rushed to tho front today to reply
to the bombaidment of the monster
l-lnch howitzers of the Germans,
hlle ut the same tlmethe Allies con
tinued their pressure against the right
"Mng of the Invading urmy.
While there hud been a lull in the
Heating late yesterday, owing to tho
J'hysical exhaustion of the soldiers, the
engagement, which is really composed
ft four separate battles, was resumed
furiously at daybreak.
As a result of the operations of the
Chicago . . . . v . .5 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
New York o 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0-
Batteries Cheney and Archer; Mathewson and Meyers.
Umpires Eason and Qulgley.
PJttsburgli 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-
Boston 2 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 x-
Battcries McQuillcn and Coleman; Tyler and Whaling.
Umpires Klem and Emslie.
Cincinnati o 00300001 0 4
Brooklyn o 00000200 1 5
Batteries Yingling and Gonzales; Aitchlson and McCarty,
Umpires Rigler anjd Johnson.
Athletics 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 0
Cleveland ,o 0 0 2 0 0 10
Batteries Carter and Egan; Bush and Schang.
Umpires Connolly and Chill.
2 6
8 12
R. H. E.
414 19 0
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chicago 0 5 10 0 10
Batteries Shaw and Ainsmith; Benz and Schalk.
Umpires Hildebrand and O'Loughlin.
6 2
10 0
Washington .... 1 0 1 0 2
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0
Batteries Bentley and Henry; Scott and Schalk.
Umpires HilderbrancT and O'Loughlin.
Boston 2 0 10 1-001
Detroit 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
Batteries Collins and Carrigan; Coveleskie and1 Baker.
Umpires Dineen and Egan.
Boston 0 3 1 0 1 0 0
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Batteries Collins and Carrigan; Oldham and McKee.
Umpires Dineen and Egan.
m Wilt - 'i(( M J7f55y 11 m PllS
0 5
0 3
10 1
ana British, jvho aw xUst
ously pushing an enveloping iovemcnt
to encircle the German right flank, tho
battlo fine Is being extended west of
tho Olse River. General von Kluk Is
moving guns Into position to protect
his lino of communication and to pre
vent a retreat, which would expose
the rear of the troops stationed In tho
Craonno region.
The big guns from tho Paris works
will bo used to bombard the German
works upon the plateau of Craonne.
where the Invaders occupy a position
of enormous strength. Tho German in
fantry stationed upon tho Craonno
heights' Is supported with heavy artil
lery of 'longer rango than tho French
guns which havo been opposing it.
Tho French claim to have shoved
back tho German right, but at the
same time an official statement from
the Fronch War Office gives an at
count of fighting west of tho Olse at
a point from which it had been thought
that the Germans had been expelled.
Reports have again become current
that tho Germnns nro short of ammu
nition, hut the terrific nature of the
German cannonade seems' to give this
rumor the He.
Convinced that Germany now has
her entire field strength available, tho
high military officials here declare that
within another fortnight, or three
weeks at tho outside, she will be fight
ing a defensive contest outside of
French territory.
Tho four points where tho fighting
centtes are the valley of the Olse,
Soissons, Rhelms and Verdun. The
German left centre Is making a vlg
orous assault on tho forts nt Verdun,
alternately bombarding them and then
making efforts to storm them from two
Late reports say that tho German
bombardment at Rhelms continues, tho
shells being directed against the French
forces south of the city. Many of the
shrapnel, however, fall in the city
proper, where every day and every
night sees some fresh destruction done.
While the city Itself is Immaterial
from a standpoint of strategic Impott
ance, It la the centre of a district that
is Important.
German batteries are stationed north
and northeast of the city; French can
non are stationed on hills south of the
city. There are believed to be about
100,000 Germans massed upon the pla-
The War Today
Concluded on Pane S
CruUer's Approach Abruptly Halts
Message Giving- Details.
WELLINGTON, N. Z.. Sept. 22.
The wireless operator at Fanning Island
attempted to send details today of the
cutting of the Ililtish cable to Australia,
by a German cruiser, but his message
suddenly stopped after he said:
"I see a three-funnel cruiser In the
distance coming nearer. It Is flying a
French flag"
It is thought that the wireless plant
jb?x have feoea dUf bjtd by. & ebou ,
Renewed assaults along tho whole
front by the Germans opened tho
tenth day of tho terrific struggle In
France. The Allies beat back tho as
saults and claimed further successes
ngalnst the right wing of tho Invad
ers. Tho French mado desperate at
tacks against Von Buelow's forces.
The contending armies Jiro fighting
In a quagmire, making movements of
heavy artillery difficult, but big guns
have been rushed from Paris to tho
left wing. A fierce battlo is raging
on the plnteuu of Craonne.
Russians havo captured several small
towns' nnd five of tho outer Jnroslaw
redoubts, and their siege guns con
tinue hetivy bombardment here and
at Przemysl. They have taken Res
zow, which Interrupts communication
between tho Austrlar.s In tho field
and their western base of supplies
and reinforcements. Cracow, reported
terrified by tho westward advance of
the Russian main army, Is preparing
for Investment and many non-combatants
have left tho city, to which
tho Austrian reserves and a large
body of tho German Landwehr are
being rushed.
Russians aro believed to have at last
penetrated Silesia. Berlin has not
heard from Breslau by telephono or
telegraph for a day, and -fears tho
invcstituie of this Important strateg.
ical point, 190 miles away, In tho
Russian plan of campaign against
the German capital.
The French War Minister, Mllleiand,
reports the virtual collapse of tin
German right, with the Allies' cen
tre presenting a solid wull of steel
against attempts to plerco the line.
Tho War Minister expects tho "Uat-
Myj rrrv bwnkw
Moves rlnto Third 'Round of
Philadelphia and District
Championship With Easy
Victory Over Miss
theimer, 6-3 and 6-0.
P.tj Kept.
!. Mlna
Concluded on I'uce 2
Struck by a Coal Wagon While at
A deaf and dumb girl. Becky Enter,
i years old, of 1CW Mifflin sum. while
playing In front of her home this after
noon was run over by a coal wagon. Her
foot was mashed, breaking seern bones
and her hand cut. The child was unable
to hear the wagon as it approached
The driver when be saw the girl diJ
not get out of he way tried to diaw lili
team to the suit of the street but thu
back wheel of the wagon skidded Her
mother, who saw the accident, picked hr
V and rushed her Jo Mt. Glnal Hospital,
.uniion Ltesswull, of tho Phlludolphlu
Cricket Club, continued her billll.iut wmk
In the women's I'lnladelphki nnd dlstiiu
championship tournament today, when
she advanced to the third lound by her
vlctoiy over Jllss Elizabeth G. Ostheimor.
of Iluntlimdon Valley Country Club. In
two straight sets, with the loss of only
thiee games. Tho scorn wus G-2, 6-0.
With tho meiciiry climbing slowly to
tho nineties, tho racket wlchleis plnjed
their matches today in mid-summer heal,
but this did not deeieuse Interest In tho
competition. Not only weio many matches
In singles played, but the consolation
matches In women's Mingles, those for
players eliminated In the preliminary and
flist round of play yostcidiij, uciu on
the pi oki am, Tho doublet, and mlM'd
doubles events stalled later In tho d.i.
Mis. II. Harrison Smith, whose wmk in
the recent Merlon Club championship wus
puitlcnluily billliunt, again came thiougli
with n d.irth of speed and excellent play,
when ahu defeated Miss Mnrgnrotta
Myers, imo of tho best platers of tho
yuungrr set nt llnveifuul. Mis. .mitli
scoicd her win in tun stialght sets, but
she bad tn work especially bald in win
the npcnnd set. which was well contested
throughout. Tin1 seines were G-l, i-l.
.Mrs. Robert 1 lei old. l'lilltnont, quail
fled to meet Miss Ciesswell wneti slir do
feated Miss Jessie It sipuiks in nn inlei-
cstlng match In two sets Miss Mp-ii'KS
had previously defeated Mrs. I'. l. Gll
heit, Jr.. In what pioud to be one of the
most ecltliig matches ill thu first round.
Miss Spin ks won in two sets, ";, CI.
Miss Jaoiuely Green defeated Mrs. A. It.
Kolff In two out of thiec sets In u notly
contested match in the lower divisiuit of
tho draw by tho wuiw 0-1, l-ti, 0-;.
Quito a mimbei of defaults were posted
In the consolation singles event, but this
was not iineNpci ted. Miss Spuih Mcrs,
the Mellon girl. Is out lu win another
cup in this competition. In her first
match sho (Inflated .Miss Eleanor DeiiKli
eity in two sttn,lshl sets, but had to play
some pretty tennis to win the second sot.
Tho scoies weie 0-1, 7-5. Miss Kitty rtrtn
ton, tho overbiouk glil, mot .Miss Isa
belle Alloy In one tl tho Interesting
mutches of Iho afternoon.
Tlio diaw in the doubles, whlrli was
posted on the bulletin board in front ut
tho club shortl after noon, sliouv.l
eighteen pl.ijer In tho competition and
some very Intoicsting pairings. Mrs. J. a
Taylor und MIsb Marlon L'rrsancll will
play together and form n ery strong
team. Miss Helen Alexander and Mus
Dorothy Dlsstou ure partners, both girls
icprescntiug the Philadelphia Cricket
Mrst W. p. New hall, the Germantowu
Cricket Club champion, defeated Mrs J
S. Tulor in the most exciting mutch
plajcd so far In the tournament. The
Hist wus a deuce set, which Mrs. Ncwhall
finally won b nn S-0 score The eecand
set was almost us close as the Hist, the
hnnoitf resting with Mrs. TuIor, who
won by a, 6-t score. Mis. Taylor peemed
to bo exhausted b her ell'orts in the first
two sets, the deciding one being won eas
ily by Mrs. New hall. -!.
Miss A C. Heusell. who yesterday won
four straUlit sets, qualified for the semi
final round by defeating Miss X. M Mc
Laughlin in stiulijht bets. G-l. b-2 lu the
six s"ts which she ha.i plived Mi - li. i
sell lias shown a clean ilantii u i
her opponents, and an inorttoi, tui
.Locals, Are Nosed Out-5 to
4 by St. Louis Visitors.
Mayer and Griner Both
Alt, It. II. IK). A. E.
TJotuii, If 1112 0 0
Hmrglns, 2b 0 2 0 3 5 U
Butler, ss 3 1110 2
.Miller, lb 2 0 0 10 1 0
Wilson, rf 10 0 2 10
Wlngo, c 4 12 4 10
Cruise, cf. 10 0 4 0 0
Hick, 3b 4 0 113 0
Griner, p 2 0 10 11
tl'erdue. p 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 29 5 6 2T 12 3
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 4 10 0 o-r,
Phillies; 2 0000200 01
AB. It. II. I'O. A. E.
Lobeit, 3b 3 112 2 0
13 I no, 2b 3 0 0 2 0 0
Mage... .ss 0 2 0 110
Ciavath, rf. 3 10 10 1
llecknr. If 3 0 12 0 0
I.iiiIoiiih, lb 4 0 0 7 0 1
Pnskcit. cf 3 0 2 4 0 0
Uoolu, c 2 0 0 3 0 1
JlUt i tin, c 2 0 0 5 10
Major, p 10 0 0 2 0
UauiiiKardnor, p... 10 0 0 2 0
Slicktud 10 10 0 0
Totals 28 4 5 27 S 3
Hreland batted for Baiiing.udner In
Bail m gnid nor iollucd Mnj'er In fifth
truuliio icllfived Griner In sixth Inning.
S Burns rupluced Pooln In seventh
Connie Mack's "White EleJ
phants Have Jolly Good
Time in Cleveland, Win
ning From Host 14 to 3.
Murphy, rf.
Oldiing, cf.
Collins, 2h.
.S'.runk, If.
McInulK, lb.
Baker, 3b.
Barrj, ss.
Schnnc, c,
Bush, p.
Umpiies Connolly
Smith, cf.
Chapman, ss,
Johnston, lb.
Lelbold, rf.
Lajoie, 2b.
Granoy, If.
Barbate, 3b.
Egan, r.
Carter, p.
and Chill.
Report of Census Bureau
Furnishes Convincing
Proof of Baleful Influence -of
Machine on Pennsyl
vania Legislation.
HOMERS PARK, Sept. 22.-Not more
than a thousand were In the stands when
tho Athletics and Xaps took the field for
tho third nnd llnnl game of the series. The
batteries were for the Athletics Hush
nnd Schang nnd for t'lcvtl.uul ('niter nnd
Egan. Umpirn Connollj- wus behind tho
plate and Chill in the field.
Murphy singled to' right: Oldrlng sac
rificed to Johnson linnsslstud; Collins
fanned; Strunk tiled to Granoj. Xo runs,
one hit, no oirots.
Smith fouled to Bnker. Clinpinau was
out, Mcluuls to Bush. Johnston stnglnil
to centio and died stealing. Sohung to
Collins. Xo i uns, one hit. no eriors.
Mclniils gi minded to Lajolo. Baker
filed to Lajoie. Hurry fanned. Xo runs,
no hits, no eriors.
Liebold filed to .Murphy. Lnjojo filed
to Strunk. Giunoy walked. Grnney stolo
second, Barbaie out. Collins to Mc
lniils. Xo i uns, no hits, no errors.
Schnng tiled to Smith Bush fouW to
Egnn. Muiphy wnlkod oldrlnu forced
Muiphy, Chapman to Lajoie, Xo runs,
no hits, no errors.
Eg.m fanned. Carter out, Barry to Me
Inms. Smith out. Barry to Mclunis. Xo
runs, no hits, no errors.
CnltlnH fmilprl tn W-sin Strnnlr intttit
I to right. Mclniils grounded to Barbara,
who touched Strunk on baso line. Baker
forced Mclniils, Lajoie to Chapman. Xo
runs, no hits, no errors.
Chapman filed t rimink. Johnson heat
out an tntleld hit Llehold doubled to
left. I.sJu1p doubled to right, scoring l,l.
bold and Johnston, (ininey walked. Bar
bara fouled to Schang. Egan grounded to
Melnnls. Two mns. thieo hits, no mors.
Concluded on l'ao 1?
Inotkim) IjIU-I-olxTt, I'ruUe Ptrmk out
l Mayer. 1; llrinrr, 3; llaiuiiK.irtner, rt
ll;i- en lialls-Ofr Jtiivcr, I. driller, 7.
Ilaiiiiicuriner, I; Perdu, U. Hlolen bates Mn
km, Wlnun, link. Wairlllee tly-Mllloi Dou
lilu ply Hivl, ii, Huuslna 10 Hitler U tJ
plti-J.-Urliirr lilt b piirlied ball-lIUCKlnt.
L'miilics iromnur und lJrn.
BALI. GROCXnS. Philadelphia. Sept.
22. In a. poorly pitched and Wehd tield
IliK Kama. St. Uiuls lit feated tho Phillies
today, 5 to I. Major and Orlnor bean
pltchliiR for their lospectlve teams, bi;
Ihoy weakened toward tho middle of the
sumo and were relieved b Baiimgartuer
and Perdue. The Phils made only five
lilts, but diew- nine pnss.s
Pnlnn filed to l.obt.rt. Husslns walked.
Butler file to Puskert. HilBSlns was
cans lit napplnt;, Maer to Luderus. Xo
runs, no hits, no errors.
Irfibeit doubled to rliilit centre, rtvrnn
BHi-riiireu. m nner to .Miner. Jlnuee wniked. I Htry mngiea nnu renenefl second on
Crniath fanned, MiiRce stole second. ' Rarb ire's wild thiow. S 'har. Hied to
Becker beat out a high bounder to Ilitt- I Smith. Barry tukln? thlid Carter threw
lor, scoring Uibeii, nnd whon Butler i "t Hush. Bam scoring Murphy bunted
threw wild to first Magee scored and I sa'e'v- OldriiiB doubled to left soiling
iiHtvt-r jom soeonu. l.llilorus tiled (r 3llirpn i-ouins uouDieii to center seor.
Wilson. Tvm runs. -two hits, one error.
Miliar filed to Paskort. Wilson fouled
to lobert Wlngo lllci) to Cravath. Xo
runs, nu tilts, nn errors.
Puskert walked. Puskert took second
ns liuoin grounded out to Miller. Pas.
ksit went to third on Mayer's out. Heck
to Miller. I.obert walked On on at
tempted duublo steal Paskort was em
(lun t the idale. Wlngo to Hugging
to Wingo. N'! runs, no hits, no errors
CiuUu bunte.t and was thrown out by
Lohirt Louert also tlwew out Beck.
Griner out. Magee to Ludems. Xo runs,
no hits, no error.
Byrne was thrown out by Hugglns.
Mnstti walked. Cravath llno-d to Dolan
Becker filed to Cruise. Xo runs, no hits,
no etror.
Ii.ilan siogl. J to lift Huggins walked
Hulk i bunltd tl I.ud-ru fumbled tlic
ball and then threw wi a to Bjiius wh-
Ing oldrlng. Strunk sinclod and Collliu
scored on Chapman's high throw to Egan.
Mclnuis singled to left, but Strunk is
held ut second. Baker's single hit Strunk
Four runs, seven hits, two errors.
Baker thiew nut Carter. Smith singled
to left Smith reached second on a passed
bull Collins whipped out Chapman.
Smith reaching third Jolinstoti fanned.
Xo runs, one hit. no errors
Bam walked. Barry stole Svliang Hied
to Lelbold. who doubled Dart'J off sec
ond Bush fanned. Xo runs, no hits, no
Ielliold rolled to Collins. Barrj threw
out Lajolo Granoj fouled to Strunk. Xo
runs, no Jilts, no errors.
Murphy singled to center and on Old
ring s saf bunt Carter threw wtdly past
first, Murphy scoring, and Oldrlng took
tbliil "n Lajoie's wild throw Collins
m..ik,'W'I to Johnston sjttunk doublnl i
riK"( s oung Oliliing On Mclnnn
t'r.'Uiidtr Chpman hit Strunk, who was
A rcpoit Is.sued todaj by the Census
Bureau in Washington shows that child
labor conditions in Philadelphia nnd Penn
sjlvania are the worst in tho United
States. Commenting on this this after
noon, Paul X. Purninn, secretary of tho
unnu Iabcr Association of Pennsylvania,
said this was due entiiely to the Influence
of tho Penrose controlled political ma
chine, which ho accused of having con
stantly stood in tho way of child labor
legislation, and of having throttled the
child lnboi bill diawn up by the associa
tion at the Inst session of the Legislature.
The figures given bj tho Census Bureau
are verified by thu State Factory Inspec
tion Department.
According to tho leport of tho Census
Buteau, which Is not as definite on tho
mntter of child labor us Is tho repot t
of the Stato Factory Inspector. In 1M
there wero 3 malos between tho ages
of 10 nnn U jenrs emplojed in Philadel
phia; U,23 between tne ages of 11 and
15, and iS,20J bctwe-n tne ages of IS and
2u. Of females, saj-s tho report, there
wero employed In this Uty. In 1310, 30J
between the ages of 10 and 13, WIS be
tween the ages of U und 15, and .Q)
bttween the ages of 16 and 20.
The report of tlu Stute Factory In
spector shows that 2l.0m chlldien, between
the as's of II and K jears, uio contlnu
till employed in Philadelphia, ami ai.OO
ihildriii in the finite State 'of Pennsyl
vania. This condition Is worse than In
any other Statu or city in tho Union,
said Mr. Fuiman.
The following figures on child labor In
the greatest induntrlnl States In tho Union
show, bv comparison, the backwardness
of Pennsylvania in the mntter:
As ngnlnst tho .hGj children between
the age ot it and 1H years employed In
the vurious Industries of the State, New
York has K.SU. Ohio. 5120; Massachusetts,
21,157. due mainly to the targe number ot
chtldien employed in thu textile trade. In
Illinois there lire 1U1T. and In Indiana,
''This tat0 of affairs in the all-Important
matter of child labor, one of tha
greatest scourged of modern industry, H
due to the fat t that Pennsylvania hns
no eivht-hoin child labor law," said Mr.
Furmaii. "Ye havo no law forbidding
night work In the glass Industry and In
tho messongcr sorvloe. Wo have no law
jogulating the street trades of boj's and
girts duilng anv hour of tho day or night.
We have no proper sstem of regulating
the Issu.im and use uf icrtificates where,
by It would he impossible foi any child
to trunsfei its certificate to anv other
child or lomain idle and out of school
for no teason whatsoever Working cer
tificate:; should bn tho property uf tli
issuance officer and not of the child.
"Pennsylvania is sadly behind in this
niatter- The Bang-controlled political ma
chine, with nun at the head of It serv
ing private interests, do not oar a,
rap for the welfuie of ihlldien of thu
State, and are standing in the way of
progressive child labor leslatlon."
The percentage of wouku working at
remuneratUe. occupations in Philadelphia,
hag lncrt4sd In proportion to the popu
latlon during the ten jeais between 1M)
and WW, il" in the corresponding period
the percentage of male wage-earners
Shows a slight decrease, according to tha
report of the Census Bureau.
Concluded on X'uso IS ' .
For Philadelphia and vicinity Fair
twd continued warm tonight; W'ednea
dmj mcieuittiKj clouding ivtth cooUr
tn the utenwoH and niyhti moderate
southerly winds becom'ny westerly.
Concluded a 1'ace is I F or details, see paje lit