'"'- EVENING LEDni-PHlLADELl'HlA, TUESDAY, aMTKMBtoIi . 22, 1' , i$ Uncial and commercial situation at home and abroad-market reports BOND SALESMEN REPORT A BETTER . SECURITIES' TRADE After First Day on Street They Tell of Desire of Traders to Get Into Market. London May Reopen. Bowl salesmen who lmvo been permit ted to Bo on the street nnd canvass for ew limine? are reporting to their liousis fairly brisk demand for both- the listed and unlisted securities. Clotting In direct touch with t',e Individual Invcstoi.i who deal In smnll lots, they naturally nro nble to JudKe the situation outside the broker age ulllces. And, In a seticrul way, they nre icportlns existence of a returned con fidence which they declare Is almost everywhere apparent. There 1ms, In fact, developed Buch a fBry brisk demand, In a small way, for various classes of securities, that tail: Is heard among the Investment brokers of hiving the committees supervising the tales of securities again lift tho ban so that trading In Inrgor volume may bo por irltted. Ultimately this now demand may he the entering wertgo for a move ment that shall gradually develop Into a resumption of business on an unrestricted scale- Tho commltteecs, slnco their orptnnl tallon by the Stock Exchnnge nnd by bond houses dealing In unlisted securities, haxc fixed prices as of July 30 as tho basis upon which transfers shall he b;i!cd. Salesmen, however, find a demand for fomo of tho hlgh-grndo Issues nt prices which are In many ln&tancoH In execs of thoso which ruled under the depressing closing markets. This condition, natu rally, olfers much encourngement to the iupervlslng commltttees nnd to brokers frenerallv- It Is being used as a bull argument for somo action looking to n reopening of tho exchnnges. GOLD POOL A FACTOR. Foreign exchange, thnt determining factor which Is Just now of such great Importance, still maintains nn easier tendency and nnother drop In rates Is looked for soon. Organization of tho jlOO.COO.Ono gold pool nnd larger grain nnd cotton shipments arc having a good effect abroad nnd tho cables tell of an easier nnd better feeling all nround. Kffcct of the Inauguration of tho now gold pool should accomplish In nn arbi trary manner what has been a mattor of gradual growth during tho last few weeks. In brief, tho object of tho pool Is to provide a means not only of pre venting advances In sterling oxchnngo rates, but of forcing tho quotations down to a workable basis. First instalment of tho pooled gold to be collected from tho banks will bn $23, C00.00O. This will be deposited nt first In New York, nnd will be transferred to Ottawa and paid over there to the agent of the Bank of England In such nmount a;, In the ludgment of tho committee, will be thought necessary. When gold has been deposited bills will be Immediately drawn upon and offered on tho markot In sufficient volume to keep rates on a reasonable basis. Hopo It expressed that the net result will be a prompt building up of sterling exchange machinery from the complete breakdown to which It has been subjected. Sales made today In the Philadelphia market included Lehigh Valley, which uns active at lil'i, Philadelphia Electric, 21, and Pennsylvania, 52. Sales were mnde on locnl orders in the New York market of Southern Pacific at K1,, nnd Northern Paclllc. EVi. Committee of Clearing Houso of the New York Stock Exchungo announced today that the settlement of all contracts which were entered on the Clearing Houso fheets dated July 31, 19H, has been com pleted, with tho exception of those made by the three firms whose nffnlrs worn planed In the hands of receivers on thnt date. Nnrihern Central new stock was S,"i bid: Beading was offered tit 70; fychlgh Vnllov at till,. United States Steel nt SOHi t'nloii Traction nt 40. and Phllndolphla Traction LONDON OUTLOOK imiOHT. Theio was a good attendance in the financial dlstilct In Imndon today nnd trading in securities was more brisk. The Stock Exchange Committee fixed peclal settlements In 3S now securities for October II, reviving hopes thai tho exchange would bo reopened next month. .Man.- brokers who defaulted at the end i-l , hilv'' pnll thelr llnhllltlefl in full. inarles Macara, president of the Cotton bplnners' Association, today nppealed to the Oovernmont to take nctlon to sup port tn cotton trade. Ho urged thnt the present was a good time to create re serves of cotton because, of tho destruc tion of foodstuffs ns a result of tho war. increased Inquiry for bonds wns noted neie tod.iv and actual transactions were In !'., on(i Eellers havo made somo unllst-d issues attractive by making eon cessions of from H, to 2 per cent, on the iMt transactions. Other Issues uro held tI. r,os1n8 of July 30. TmTi , rfnorted demobilization of tho K 11 A a.rmy hai a K0,l The niocK Exchange Committee posted n list ri,?earI l0 S"1"-'" for uhlch of nciai quotations and special settlements nfl. .P nskei'' "mphnslzlng Increased fln?" ! 1n? " th0 part of various deal n ,ntorrst8 for " resumption of OeallDKs on the exchange. order."?,, nn(,",W8ln '' Placing heavy orders for equipment. Silver wns buoyant i an advance nf ii on.., ' PurehMIni. bl cbinH.' ' "" "" "" Jl"1""1 of England .llscounted pre Rates f'r,hl,,1,llls , ''rately today. New vl b"i? nmI lon"s " weak. w loik cables were H06Vj. NOTES OF THE RAIL thr"Kuf,Ta!.?Mt,heMT?'w c'TPorntlon of row i i lt' Mexl" "n'l Orient IUU SdT:i!.d,ciil'.? tJmtth0 HPPllcatlon , to Commission for ut..u to Issue w"'m, lh, , .j'!"" 2.' "at line between "a va.uau f 'M, bMed " tfmZl" ' ?"rllnt"n"nd Qulnt-y has put 'U'r Ak'roo,."10 "iM '" wmpany m ,,Irl a rallroaa f?om ta inlle.' l;, 0,uh,vv'' JIHco. about 13 a October, It 3 understood. ttirJlKEli !"'?. """""'l ban "mler cgmtin V "'e '"'s"0'' f building a Striora?W "na frt"B,,t Smin 'oa m",0' ,he J,os'" and Maine Hall- road nn n ,T1' l,hu w,nplo' of "" rail for ih. i ?, l " ' to bocom accountant lor the Interstate Commerce Commission. Standard Oil Stocks "d .ubsfditrlet- V'"8 f Sa"1" " AlUnti t ,Anelo-.merican. I2013. s p??ej?,?ln' fierce Oil! ISO Oil of f"niif... ai?!l 38-. Standard Nw JersV.. VXi'- 'i-'s Btanuard Oil of v. .... r &3S3, Standnr.l nil f nh(, -w. ana Vacuum Oil. m 183. I x' f ' ..... . m j, LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE MAY REOPEN OCTOBER 10 Washington Hears Government Has Been "Sounded" on Proposition. WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.-A report was circulated. In ofllclnl circles today Hint the London Stock Exclinngo may reopen about October 10, whercfoie It Is likely that the New York and other American exchanges will reopen about live days thereafter. This report has arisen sub sequent to a supposed sounding out of tho vnrlous officers of the Administration H8 lo what aid the Government wns ready to lend toward maintenance of the credit of the United Stales. Hallrond stocks and bonds will be the first to be thrown on tho market, nnd those Interested held thnt If the Gov ernment could be persuaded to accept railroad bonds nt a fair valuation for recurllv of emergency currency, n great protection might bo given domestic In vestors. This, they claimed, would en able tho reopnnlng of the markets with out greatly disrupting fettled vnlucs. UTILITY COMPANIES FAVOR REGULATION BY COMMISSIONS LIFE INSURANCE COURSES IN HIGHER SCHOOLS IS URGED U. of P. Expert Tells Na tional Underwriers' Asso ciation of Need for Sys tematic Educational Work in Senior Year. Establishment of llfo Insurance courses In tho schools, colleges nnd universities of the country Is ndvocnted by Dr. S. S. Huebner, professor of lnsurnnco nnd com merce In the Whaiton School of tho University of Pennsylvnnln. Dr. Huebner' Is now engaged In framing a llfo Insur ance text book for the National Associa tion of Life Underwriters, nnd It Is to the members of this Influential insurance organization that he appeals to have llfo Instil anco education made a feature of tho curriculum of the higher schools. 'Llfo insurance, so vitally affecting nenily every man and wom'nn In the com munity nnd so Intimately related to the wolfare of the masses," Dr. Huebner says, uddressing members of tho asso ciation, "should lind somo plnce In the curriculum of our high schools, preferably In the senior year. "Llfo insurance education In colleges and universities, however, should also bo emphasized by nil means', since, to an Increasing extent, college graduates be come leaders In tho community nnd In themselves nre educational forces in their respective localities." To present the subject adequately nnd In accordance with the needs of different classes of students. Dr. Huebner sug gests the following program, although ho says ho appreciates that Its full adoption must bo limited to the largest Institu tions and must necessarily depend upon the number of candidates offering them selves for the respective cotnses: "The establishment of special courses In uctuariul science. These courses can advniitiigeoiisly be given In tho depart ment of mathematics. 'The establishment of a separate courso In II fu Insurance adapted to the needs of tho.-o who contend to become solicitors and otherwise become connected with various departments of the business. Tho Instruction in this com so should be tench nlcal in chaiacter and cover tho Held thoroughly. Tho stnhllslimrnt of a general rnurso adapted to meet the needs of those stu dents who desire only a general knonledgo of Insurance and who tnko tho subject as n part of u general business course. Philadelphia has been selected ns the permanent headquarters of tho new In surnnco I'ederntlon of Pennsylvania, a newly formed organization of live Insur ance ngents of this State. Actual y Robert E. Korster, of the Penn sylvania Insurance Department, has re turned fiom Europe. Ho was marooned In Switzerland for nbout n week after the outbreak of hostilities. The National Association of Cnsimltv nnd Surety Agents Is holding its second annual convention at White Sulphur Springs, W. Vn., today. Nearly Every State Now Has Such Bodies and Their Decisions, Generally Speaking, Inspire Confidence. FINANCIAL NOTES Head of one nf Philadelphia's Urge brokerage homes today lecelved a letter from a relative In Scotland In which he wns told that employes of ono of tho biggest shlpjaids on the River Cljdo hail recently received In tnelr pay en velopes this notlco: "Thoro will bo no more work for you until tho war Is over Your country needs your serv ices." "CJues-s It's n raso of light or starve," commented the broker, ciaience H. Clark, d, of the boml depaitinent of E. W. Clark & Co, was pilmarily tesponslble fur the inaugura tion of the hound show now being ghen In connection with tho llryn Jiuivr Horse Show Ho prizes his collection of beagle hounds ns umotiR the most representa tive or ineir upe in mm country. ccording tn n. wireless dispatch re. eelved in London, gold holdings nf the Imperial Hank of (Icrinnnv on Senlem. her 15 wero 1 fil.t.fOO.oao nuuks; notes m circulation, l,0.i3.Qno,iW marks; deposits ?.40l.WO.0OO marks; bills discounted, l.Sh,l 00000 marks; Investment iW.ono.WK) murks. It Is understood that there were be tween 4'v) and MOD subscribers to New York's K0.Hrt,nio bond anil note Issue. Tho loan uns heavily ovei subscribed. Anaconda Copper Company directors announced today the declaration of a quarterly dividend of ;3 cents i tlmre. This Is ii reduction of so rents n share from the regular qusrtorly disbursement, established by Iho company nt October. The dividend is payable October II to stock of record October ;". A speclul meeting of the Now York Cot ton Exchange a ludd this afternoon, at uhlch theiu was received it report from the committee which recently conferred with the Sccmtaiy uf Agriciilttue nt Wnshlngtun on the provisions of the Lever cotton bill. Hank of England linught JClS.fiOO of liar r.oltl and X'Jl.'&i I'nlteil States gold coin. Valley Slold and Iron Company's works nt Sharpsvlllu will bo btartod next Thursday after k week's shut down, tslviug einploj JiK-nt to 30) hdiuU. .Vow York Stock Exchange has stricken fiom the list Annrlcan Telephone and Tek.gi.iph sub.ii'iiptiuii receipts for con witlbk 1's per -ent bonds, duo 1933 Exports vl .upper since Friday total Commission regulation of public utilities has grown so extensively In tho last year or two thnt It Is now ono of the most Important problems with which tho pub lico service corporations of tho country havo to deal. Virtually evory Stato In tho Union has a regulatory commission of some sort. These commissions and their relation to Investors and public utility companies nre discussed In nn article In the Maga zine of Wall Street by Arthur St. Gcorgo Joyce, financial editor of the Evenino Lhucicr, In which these facts are em ohaslzcd: "Commission regulation of public utilities has been discussed from many angles, and In tho final nnnlysls tho Judg ment of those who know bns almost universally been that where this regula tion Is equitably enforced and the reg ulatory nets nro of a kind which In splro confidence, both from tho genernt public and the utilities, such commis sions, nro of material benefit to all con cerned. "There has been a great deal of regula tion within the last few years. Figures show that an average of ono State a month enacted laws last year creating these commissions. Supervision by State and municipal governments seems to bo the order of the day. Government ownership 13 talked of In many sections, nnd somo municipalities havo gone Into tho business of operating street railway, electric light and power plants. "The utility corporations do not object to regulation by State or municipality. On tho other hand, they welcome It. Experlenco hns shown thnt in most of tho States wherein thh supervision is In force there has heen n desire on tho part of the commissioners to look nt condi tions In a common sense light, and gtvo recognition to the fact thnt the corpora tions as well as the general public havo rights which ought to be respected. ACTS CONSIDERED FAIR. "On the whole, therefore, the reg ulatory acts now In force are considered fair and reasonable to both the public and tho public service corporations. Where regulation Is Just nnd wisely ad ministered, there develops a better feel ing nil around and thero Is added pro tection given tho companies, tho State or municipality, as the case may be, nnd the gencrnl public. In most of the States which have commissions, the one big advantage to the Investing public which stands out prominently Is tho power of supervision which these com missions have over tho Issuance of securities by the public service com panies a dangerous power, incidentally, when In tho hands of an unskilled or partisan commission. "It Is mandatory. In these States, for companies wishing to put on tho market n security Issue of any sort, to submit their nccounts to Investigation by tho commissioner. Tho latter go caiefully Into tho financial condition of tho com pany to leain if tho Issuo Is warranted and. If so, to see that thore is sulllclent security behind tho issue to gunranteo piotectlon to investors who put their money Into the now bonds or notes, or whatever form of security may bo de elded upon by the companies. In this way the state virtually Indorros the securities so Issued. The commission, if conditions warrant, puts Its appioval on tho seen titles nnd when they are taken into the open market anil traded in. thev carry not only the Indorsement of n leputnble utilities company, but also the approval of tho Commonwealth n which the cniporntlon Is chartered. It can be seen at a glance what n benefit is the operation of such laws to the public and to tho companies. ISSUANCE OF SECURITIES. "Bonds having behind them the Indorse, ment of n tepiitable commission Inspire public confidence to u marked degree and nic more easily disposed of becauso of this Incteased security. Such super vision by State commissinneis piecludes also tho possibility nf n corporation not financially sound putting Into tho open market an Issue nf securities which might lesult In flnanclnl logs to In vestors. "Most of the commissions havo given amnio evidence thnt they realize public utilities aio n natural monopoly; tlmi competition, with Its lesullnut rate wars, and in the end inevitable combination usually resulting In nwr-capltnllzntlnn, is fur, less satisfactory from every stand point than the proper regulation of ono company protected during Its growth. For this reason It has been tho policy III Uitunlly every case, where commls. slons have. Jurisdiction, to discourage tho granting of finuchlses tn competing com panics. The final result Is the protection of public utility securities, and at tho samo time tho suaiantee of fair rates nnd good service tn the public." p fc-' Wi GEORGE W. KENDRICK, 3rrJ. Member of Committee on Unlisted Bond Sales, which is meeting daily to pass on security transfers. He is also a governor of the Investment Bank ers Association of America and is active in arranging this year's con vention, which will be held in this city in November. Mr. Kcndrlck is a member of the banking firm of E. W. Clark & Co WILL ASK BANKS TO SUBSCRIBE TO LARGE GOLD FUND RATE CHANGE SANCTIONED Utilities Company Allowed to Make Readjustment of Origlnnl Schedule. TRENTON, Sept. ii -The Hohi 1 of Public 1'tlllty Commissioners has nlluivcrl an order for a readjustment of th . mtes nf the New Egjpt Light. Kent, Power nnd Water .ssembl, un the Kiound that the concern Is still in a stage of develop ment. Tho oilglnnl schedule wn3 to have teen placed In eftect on .May I. but it was postponed indefinitely after the Commis sion permitted n healing on tho Jiwtlco of the rates. The Commission now nukes a slight reduction trom the oUslital umouut. Tho schedule, ns originally fl.id by the company, provided for 11 chnrgo of JO rents per killowatt hour, with n dis count of 10 per cent, for prompt payment. The board regulated the rates no irdlng to the amount of electricity consumed. ABROGATE GRAIN CONTRACTS NEW YORK, tfvpt. -American gimn exporters havo obtained the consent of (leriuun buvers to the abrogation of con tracts in considnation of pament tu Uciman broktis uf t tie 1 per cent, com missi m that uou'd have been due them If the contractu had been carried out These developments aro the outcome of the transportation difficulties In regard to Federal Reserve Board Sending Out Circular To night on Apportionment. Plans in Philadelphia Not Complete. A circular letter will bo sent the Clear ing Houses In reserve nnd eential re servo cities tonight by tho Federal Re serve Board, asking that tho banks In those cities, lnth Stato and Nntlonnl, subset Ibc to the gold fund of 1(100,000,000 to bo deposited with tho Hank of Eng land nt Ottawa, Canada, for the relief ol tho foreign exchange Mtuntlnn. The cir cular will state that the committee of bankers which has been negotiating thH matter will have charge of the funds anil that the subscribeis to It will Join In the profits and loss therefrom. Tho circular letter will ll the propor tions which each of the cities will be expected to subscribe. The Clearing Houses will then be requested to Indi cate whether or not their hanks will Join In the fund bv tetter to the Secretary of the Federal Heserve Hoard. Bankers In thin city who have under consideration Philadelphia's contribution to the $100,000,000 gold fund which will be used to relieve the foreign exchange situation have not yet completed plans for this city's parclclpatlon, which, It Is understood, will be $S,0K,0n0. A member of th" Clouting House Com mittee said today that he did not believe that another meeting of the Association would bo necessary to work out the final details of the plan. How the contribution from the banks 111 this city will be apportioned hns not yet been determined. It Is the hellef thnt It will be based on 23 per cent, nf the gold holding of the bnnk contributing. As It is the opinion that nil of tlv $100. non.000 will not necessarily be needed at tho outset, but thnt only one-fnuith. or t2..WiO,000, will he needed, Philadelphia's share would be nbout W0O.0O0. Tho national banks In Philailtlphln, In addition to contributing to the uold fund, will, on tho organization of the Fedeial Reserve Hank here, be nlillued to sub- sctlbe to tho stock of that Institution to the extent of approximately $3.72I.fi00. being C per cent, of their cipltnl anil sur plus Only one-sixth of thin siih.-rilptinu nt fi;:0.W. will be ended for In tin- Hint six months. As the flovei nment demands thnt pay ment to It shall be muile in gold, theie will be 11 benvy dinln 011 the gold hold ings of the banks In this city, which will comt nbout the same time, that is. if the Federal Uesorve Hunks nre or ganized In the enrly part of October, as some people think they will be. On Juno 30 the banks in tills city held about JSi, O0O.C0O sold. PUBLIC UTILITY EARNINGS tNTBlUlDKOL'Cm ItAPIU TltANSIT Hill. inn. July ron I'.'. Ml. IT! SJ.'ltl ! Net after taxes ... . l..mi.ll I I in. Ill TEXAS POWEJl AND I.IflHT C'l. August grnn ?132.HT MT.SSit .S! utter tuxm .. . I.iti ti,s.t Tneli" months' gross. !.Wi,,ui tins.tii" Net after tax" M.M.J.m Sa.T.M POUT WORTH PoWlCU A.NH l.iailT i-' AURUit dross ITT.i'SI $J.IU Net after taxes .111 'IJS a.WU Turin months' grow... Sll.vu SllTT Net after 4 . l"t.mu ll!,l"i) MT. WIIir.VKY rmil.'ll AM' Kl.KrT!tl'-. AuBUt Ere -ai .1 T $- ;.v WHEAT WEAKENS UNDER PERSISTENT SELLING PRESSURE Large Increase in Visible Supply Chicago Market Generally Heavy With Support Poor. . CHICAGO, Sept. 22. Wheat developed considerable wenkness today, prices sell ing off I'ii from the high point of yes terday on considerable selling pressure of a persistent sort from an Inlluontlnl quarter. There was no demand to offset this selling pressure or the weight of large nrilvals nt primary points, amounting to 2,S27,0O0 bushels today, Cash wheat wns weak everywhere, but the break at outside markets won hardly as pronounced ns that here. If there was any export business It was kept well tinder cover. The exportors said that over night ncceptnnces from Kurope were negligible. Brndstroct's statement showed a heavy Increase In the visible supply. Minneapolis reported nn Increase In stocks thero of 1,100,000 bushels In three days, compaiod with a gain of 600,000 bushels In tho corresponding time a year ugo. Scales of tho cash article wero 35,000 bushels. Minneapolis flour mills reported that n temporary falling oft. In the salos of flour had cut down their grind. Futures closed 2a1f3 cents lower. Trndo In corn was light and the mar ket heavy, with support poor. Consid erable selling pressure came from the same quarter that sold most of the wheat nnd oats. Ttu: weather wns wet oor most of the belt. A sale of corn was reported from Decntur, III., to be delivered this week. This Is the earliest that new corn has been handled In that section for somo years. Primary re ceipts were 25?,000 bushels. Cash sales were lfTi.OOO bushels. Futures closed 3j,c. to lHc. lower. Onts suffered from liquidation by mis cellaneous longs nnd selling pressure led by n largo elevator and cnah con cerns. Cash houses were the best buyers. A fair export business was confltined. Primary receipts were Ml, 000 bushels. Cash sales wero 470.0OJ bushels. Futures closed He to "4c. lower. Provisions declined on liquidation by longs, who wero tired and dissipated. The hog market at the yards was heavy. The reccpts of hogs at Western pack ing centres wero large today, amount ing to 71,900, against 59,800 a week ngo. Leading futures ranged as fnllous, Yeiterday's Wheat Open. High Tnv. flofe rlo' September .. 1.U Ml 1.0S4 tl OSiJ 1 ll'i December .. l.i:H, .K l.ini, .... 1.1.IJ Ma . . . I.-Jt l.'Jl 1.17S tl 1U tl.OT. 10m muw urnveryj September uecemrccr .. Muj O.i ts September .. Lhcember .. May La rd September .. October 71" Tt 7.", TIi'i TS "n 7t 74 51H ."it Ml, .10 Ml 0 .Ml . ..1U.O." Jununn Hiua September October . . January Pork September January . -0 4., Hlil. 1 Asked .10 HT 17 P. wi lo.li-i 17.!.- 0.-.7 11.0.1 10.01 17."!.1 i'O .111 Tftl. '704 7U 73 1-ltl 7 Hi t7.V4 47, t's, SOI, .11 0.V4 .VI .1-1 r, fl..".7 tn 07 n 40 -n :,'J tu.3 tio 07 n.41 -ii 11 10.112 tlilbT I0..V. 10 72 GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT SHOWS AN IMPROVEMENT Crenernlly Frtvornblo Conditions In Ncnrly All Sections Last Week. WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.-Tho Govern ment wekly weather report says: Oier th reter tirt nf the corn 1 belt . Ibe wetther via, favorable for maturlnir late plant ed and Hie entire imp Is now Pr'i'l;"ll5,,WfJ fiom frn-t. r-iitnni- la rrnKiesjIng "P1" i In n few loealllles where the. ram,,,""; canned delay, and much of Iho crop Is alreanr In the prlnelpnl ntntsr wheat Stale' the oil eontlnues generally In good rnnrlltion rr plowini? ami sowing, ani rapid pro""" J ' in made r-rept In a few cases where me eoll remains loo wet. , , . Harly -own Is up In plare. but rain Is ' now needed for germination In n few l?alltl nnd plowing and owlng have both been iie lajed nn account nf dry weather In orIlon or the upper Ohio drainage riglon ,,,, , I.atn pasturaite remain" in fine rendition in tho central and northern districts. In the spring wheat section th weather was waim and favorable for thre-blng and all other lum work oier Ihe eastern portions, but to w co ward genera! rnlns delaved thrcihtng. In Southern Slate, weather was f.noraiiie for opening ani picking of fottmi ""'"," portion, of the rarntlnns. Oeorgl.i and Honda, wtero wet weather delned plrklng nnd cause J damage to open boll,. ...., Oierlhe Atlantic Coast Stales, from IrJlnla northward drouth still exists over niueh .or the Virginian. Western Man land nnd portions of !'entislanla. New York and New Jerje Conditions wore favorable fu r;,rn nnd to-hnn-i. rutting, but wheit sowing Is being il lnyed In some seetlnn, on nnvmn of dn ren ditions. WAR RISK INSURANCE OBTAINABLE HERE BY WAY OF WASHINGTON Collector of Port Berry Wires Applications to Treasury Department for Acceptances and Rates. Collector of the Port Horry has been authorized by the Treasury Department to receive applications from steamship agents, owners nnd shippers for war risk Insurance on cargoes In vessels flying the American flag. Application for Insurance of vessels must be done through Wash ington. The authorization obviates the necessity of establishing n M'pnrnte branch of tho Bureau of War Hlsk In surance here. 1'pon receipt of Application for Insur ance, the Collector will wlro the name of the vessel, the cargo carried, the amount of Insurnnc required, the des tination nnd approximate sailing date to the bureau In Washington. In leply he will receive a rate for ncceptance. If it Is acceptable to the applicant, nn ap plication shall be made In duplicate upon a prescribed document. The original is to be signed by the applicant or his duly authorized representative nnd given to the Collector, who In turn will sign the copy and give It to the nppltcnnt. Tho Collector will send the original to Wash- FLAGLER'S DREAM TO UNITE CUBA WITH U.S. BY RAIL REALIZED Ferry Float to Carry Cars From Key West to Ha vana Is Launched at Cramp Shipyards. Another step In th realization of Henry M. Flagler's dream of uniting the fnlted states with Cuba by rail wns taken this afternoon with tho launching nf n enr float at the yards of the Wlillimt Cramp A Sons Ship and Knglno JJulldlng Company. The float will upon Its completion be tho largest crnft of Its type afloat. It will ply be tween Key West, Fla nnd Havana, Cuba. Alls.t Florence Mnrle Heckwlth, daugh ter of J, I ISeckwIth, vlre president of the Florida Unsl Coast Ttallroad Com pany, mndo tl spiclal trip here from .St. Augustine, Flu., to perform the) part of sponsor for the gigantic car float. She named It for the lato llonry M. ringlor, who used his millions in planning for tho Joining of Cuba and Florida. The launching took placo shortly nftor 3 o'clock. A host of ship ping men. officials of the railroad com pany and shipbuilding plants were present. A lunchron followed the launch. The Homy M. Flnglor will have a car rying capacity nf 30 nf the largest freight cars loaded. The triple expansion, re ciprocating engines, capable of develop ing JS.'iO horsepower, will carry the craft from Key West to Havana, a distance of 30 mil's. In eight hours. This will re duce tho present running time by several hours. It Is expected in tho near future the crnft will carry passenger cars, en abling travelers to make tho entire dis tance between New Yotk and Havana by rail. Kxtra precaution has been taken to In sure tho safety of the cars which will be carried on the main dock on four tracks, while tho vessel Is at sea. A warlike nspeot Is given tho craft arrangements to mount rapid-fire and "tnnll calibre batteries In order to make it easy to lit her out as a transport or supply vessel in caso of necessity. l)esldo3 Inaugurating a new freight ser vic between Cuba and this country, the craft is expected to Increase the com nvrco between Ihe two countries. Busi ness men of Cuba are greatly interested In the project and have promised to give It their support. The hull of the float Is built of steel nnd conforms with nil of the regulations The rt.vi feot i .Tin feet J .",7 feet a '.2 feet fig A7 (eet &j IS knots W 20 3.i POOR'S MANUAL FOR 1914 Incorported nt $250,000. TRENTON. Sept. 22. Articles of oisso- Ington, whern the policy shall be made out and sent to him for deliery to the demanded In a vessel of Its type, applicant, who, upon Its receipt, surren- gfneral dimensions nre: ders the copy of the application to the I l-math over nil Collector. All checks made payment ' lh ided"" p"I,cn,1"'ulnrs f premiums must be certified and made f Tj,pth,' .. . . '.."..!'.'.".'. .'.".". paable. to the Treasurer of the Unlt'.d Rfartih of 'eek State. Other regulations follow: I rilled, loade i ith sum tons dead Tho Collector shall satisfy himself be- I v,e"!m fore submitting any war ilsk that the applicant has tnarlno Insurance in nn , RAIL ROAD IMFVFR TARTFD Insurance company or companies on the nMILnUHLMVCVCn OIHnlcu enrgo on which ho wishes war risk In- ' surance. i Stockholders Seek Dissolution of Co. The amount Insured ngainst war risk cannot. In any circumstances, exceed the nmount Insured ncainst marine risks. If Complete Record, in Three Volumes, ' the applicant Is unable to stute definitely lutlon were filed with the Seerctarv of Covers Corporate Investment Field. I TZ ' St -t-kho.dcr. of the Fenn- i oor s Jlanunl for I3H, In three volumes. ncleasPrl jjut whcn ,mlj i)P reduced sylvnnln, Lackawanna and Eric Connect- contalns m pages of text, covering tho ; pon receipt of definite advice, to nn I Ir.g Railroad Company. Tho company entire field of corporate Investment In nmmlnt nnt iops than the total nmount . nrornnn,,, ,' , .vlth ,aDital America. Statement ro given for ' lnsllIP(1 un,lor mal.tm no,cr,,. Premiums ' was lncorP'-ated In Win, Uh a capital virtually every company In which there i hail t)0 vaM on thls pl0vislona! amount. I Mock "f 25o.(n. it was the purpose of Is public Interest. I an(i if th( amount Is reduced when tlnnl the concern to construct and operate a Ihe current edition contains many new particulars are known, the excess of such ml.ro,id in Hudson i'ount. Accord- companies. Stock and bond Issues hne prom,n will be it-turned to the assured ' in7 to the dissolution certificates, tho been nmplltled and Information Is given, hy tno Treasury Pepartment. company has n"t commenced building tho wherever possible, showing whether or Tho into of premium charged will be load and has no Indebtedness, not bond Interest l- payable without de- made from (lny t() dav I)V ,ho xtureuu of James K. Pyle was the agent, and the. mt.-tlon of the normal Fnlted States In- vvr Risk Insurance, and mnv be had Incorporators nre as follows: Wll'lam upon application to the hurenu. The rate will wiry for tho different voyages and the cargoes Instiled. Tho Hurenu of War Ill-k Insurance will not h bound by nnv errois made In the calculation of the premium or In rilling In the form. Shoul I error be subsequent!) discovered a readjustment must be made Applications for liiMirBiie.- on vessels Moro Th li0oo,000 Bushels Sent under the American ling will he accepted for perlodn of 30 rfn . or fur royacs Abroad Yesterday. commencing on and nfte- the date hen-of. The I'nlied States Tieasury Depart- ronin tax. Late Income nccounts nnd balance sheets nre given and In many cai-es are In comparative form. Tho General Index of the Mnnunl of Public I'tilitles nnd the Manual of In dustrials contains the names of all merged companies, with references to the companies Into which they have pjssed. In the Mnnunl of Railroads this Information Is given In tho merged list BAB SILVER I'ommetcial bar silver was quoted In V. Rraldwood. Frnnklyn Doe, Henry Mo Math, IIniy Itoeher. Albert Aston. l".iookln, W T. llamton. New York city: T. F. I'hauncj . FOREIGN GRAIN EXPORTS Tho only rt-Ks that will ho roverrd are ' mnr ummnruMil tnri. thnf twelve rnr- Viiii V.1..1- ...-... 0 ,..... . .. .1 .1 i i..jj . -.- .- -...,. ' . . . . ..... .- (m ix tutiaj tu .. it-uii, nn uj v.uit; i.,um nu-iui''u in nif uirni 'i policy 10 he t ko, (OrrviUK a totni r i.i-it.wi nupneia of ts corns, liar silver In London was j issued by tho Bureau of War Risks lrtur- ' of mnln wert f 'oared from Atlantic and up Hd. to 2i,d PHILADELPHIA MA RKETS PROVISIONS inc 11-011 lbs ! Market -jnlii am! ulthniit Imi-Ttant change. ' nlEhlns s 11m me. ner .1 -x J! T.-tj .I .1., ar,ti- tv.. lr.oi.. fl.SAfil.1n. ,UiK aril w tm (i Si. 10. i'it beef, in net, hm-ikc-l ar.'t nlr-.lrir.l. .'.r.i ",'ie.; Western ber, in mi, miWf.. lli'.-.v., i'lt bef, kiia"klk n I ten-1er, tm-iUeJ nnd alr-!rled. :Oi II . Wentern brer. Unuekles nn-1 tnl-rs, mnjke-1. .riH tic . bo-f ham. 4nu ).! , pork. famll. Clttti'iT. lianu. Ii. I'. eure., lo.i, 1.1416 l'-'i'' . do. aklnned. lo in !':U im-., no, ,io . im -Ken, iti iuo , oinr 04111. Kl -I ! nrn ,vi nh-i" I'- -I, 1 nu:t Tl. whiifl . i.rtl.1 .' to., -t ll.ilf jioris jesierdav for foreign ports. 1 The t.itement showed that 2,0l.";.0Ol bushel wete received at them, ports Mon idnj. and that lailuindx reported thev .ire holding In luminals 01 -n lines r., cT " l-umilii be aiihe of the inability 1 tu rfliip. In .-li.ati'i- a' ports ivi-js 000 bus ie.-- art- tord CHAIN AND KLOUIi DIVIDEND IS DEFERRED Plrectors of the Dominion Iron and Steel lmipan. have decided to defer II r.l r.wn.LelntB. flit Sin li,,uk u-u.i.. . ..... aiu... . ,-,., .lih imreil i'm 1"', """"""- I""'J ! '3 P eeni., on KUre to II irl M'rt ln am ber. 1 in-i, 1 1-, '1 1 r, 1 i.i. i-uc ir.il. i ' April I. N-i rp I iot an. I Wi i-ttt. I Im..rlHke Ktt. tmshiti I'nmnnm han ra- N.. r I 1..... . .. , " ' un, iL.il ..tt. iinrt uu t . Iirun I ,. n .1 a i r.i . t . ..: V. ' . '.: 7 ' .'-,v,l,. l n i .l..n.i.l ..a . 1 ...... .. ., 1 ..... C . Net alter lastee . i't,im 11. Iict I 7: ... ' l ' --- ,".,.." " ": ,p;- ' i.im. ro i x-rthirn r-u lib si 'Ui 1 ,,-.- n.i .ht,.-m, h,,ii, r, yn tr-uu in Thrive mnn.li.' ero,. .:ii'.,m , ,, !'! J! hania imH . c eri, .nir! l,. '()lt.V.-lu, ,p," ? 'b,'.. 4TM.e ngi,, I a b lr .em Mnn.i ba.ls b declaring Set after taxe. .-Ml,!. k,, l- .J,,,',1',.',- ft ' i-,m;to: 7iSi:V. "; U' tt? '!;l, ,!"r '," ",w"" !Jq. 5 a quartet h u.vidend of l, per cent. HAVANA ni.lUsTIJ!r IIAUAVAV. I.WIIT fSU-t H-UV .. 'h.ll ..In ,.- A' lftSZ,X&"Zt. SUtf, ' VW vlolT I. to .tool; of record II.II HevrtHi eon, an to br.n1 an-1 aierme cln urM. V.'u aialh h ,'. r i..u !i ! ., i ",T , r'h4M iiermWr TliIM week rieptemher .. .HMIk , ill I ;!... breskfa.i ba-.-n. We.ie.n .um 1 ySHSI. .1 tV.S an.l Jit-'i V. i. . V , -i ' ' ,,1"' ' ' l-rom Janu. 1 . S,VAh Ss.TtS 'r.l. W-etera ..Bne-I. tleict. lli,8inTr . .t;. . ar f Shit, ii'-., " .v I ,K ' . i.tmmp nATJf cmrnrv d. .IUM IW ; rj fOjjw , ,.,,Mlt,Re, el,... IIMbU,. ,,, VISIBIE 03AIW SUPPLY DIVIDENDS DECLARED r'r.V. kt-Jil. m, Wheat I.. i'i.!imI ..e. , r th, .MonninB. SU-II Mime, lu.-., waular ITrAr trll". 1P'- '-! ,U,,M V;.'',i- Roet-. h -mre.... d I TW.'.fl buhel. wheat rlv n i er .-.ill. eai.tble Ueniaini.,i ., uj.fiiti nanea-, ttruaht mi-. flkh t Muf, -. n ,t. i ii 't.i!.uln in,-i eiiu.,! x i4' mio liuilielii: 173T tons and for the month to date I oc-vui tratlie rsulting from the European u,m. wa, j mint-lf to tiook uf tciont uf thii ,liiie. I'ontinenldl Oaa nn-1 KUnrle .'f-rporailon, repular (Miar'er! l9 er em, on preferred and Vj or I per rent, on i-ominua, p.i)ab Oo. teter i to tock of retiv-l Sei'ierobt-r S Interlafce Ptea-iiihln .'--nii-any. uuirlerli l( rer cnt.. p4sabl u.t.jber 1 to Wk at rec ord Stpiemher St. Temple I'.ial .'nmnanv. ml.ll 9 pr tenl. on pieterre-l. ratable H. tulwr I. In alack uf rec ord BeiweimHr M ."hlras" fneo-iiaib- Tool, runr qutrterly I ,er -'flit . I i able neiulier SS lo (tuck ( re. ord . -ctober 11. Sbituwk ValleN. regular -luarlrlj i, Iw rent . paabl October I to alork of re-'-ir-l Stptemtwr St. nierb-an krpuliural ."Hemic! rejul.r uuarterly dttbleal l' m in. .ii Mreferif,! on-l I ir Lm --n cinmoim. puv.il. U ik.ber IB tu attack , I r.-urt rieptembtrr is W9 SUGAR PR.IOES OUT Arbttchle Brothers bae reduce.l the price of refined m-rar 'J eenl u pound in 6 T5 ceils tu meet ciuotutltins in:nie by the Federal Sugar It.'llni.i l'otnian on MoiuU. lhe American Su-jai IteiUiiiii; i'ompaii. II II H-nvill. Son "i .'. and the Wnioer Siuur Iteilnltn; fnuiiMiny continue to quote 7.15 cents a piuiiul. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Inuuiry for exchange continued un abated todn and til's fail umi .Iiih.I wllh the falliiij,- off in .jiiiiiiruli' bill .iff. r lilKs iaused ilu imirKei in mik- fuilber progress in its latent upward movement Demand steri:is advanced ii $i ;. u 4 The nominal quotation for franc cable was $5 1!iu for mark -hecks WV-li'ic and for mark cable Ma lti;riNt:i. Trad- quiet nndprUi un. i-i'mk .,','. " " ''" '."Inn Iri i h cuanK- : Kiin.ii i ariuuinT-.' , iinf-".. -- - - - " - -- er-i.T.. ,i i c.n.tr-- i... .'-,,., SraililUte.1 7 - ll-mrri.' A T l-V i.ou- eel T IV koft Krai's. 0. HfT.iOc. m ir in i r , u Ai, . '. ., eiy mil! -h-ii-' n I f r-. l a'-:it flsv.iiT .... . rviuur zri 'i ,i inrr rar ail vr ...:...... - -.. . . .. '- - " I'liis-sir fiu'its dim 'I'lailt iaiil a ne ,Wv iork mi rriP, h'lt. Itic io ilv fair v KQ3. ll(Tn;iL.lmunl light and market wh ." 1 fnuie tin tr ini la. il, ,1 nra, n au tat cul 1 . - -l l-eaav--a) !- W " Vl.l .i" . -' - . ..J-Ir Of. .. e.. II.. .,. !) . I (Kill! tfOilal a-lllttiF ttir. iau tl .ik.. I U ' -iiu, u . rti urti, im.. . i .- J. v ..".' . . ' " f i IB n.. i-3.T-I"--. eciBl. ,m, . '' I iaiaiauv,"' f ... ' p '""'" i ., j pa-k i. .I'l.i. aa o -uuiii . nearpy prin.e, tn th. I "ill t-d (ituteg ist of tha i;-i. Iii, :n-'teaeed 5S, bushels nil i ini- 'ii'iiii in .'H-.ed H.'tST.ulft bushels, cuin. i Mini-en r- i.i t nf Ihe Uoi-kiefc. nn eased i . iiiihiv In. .i, AnifrU-an imn-astj i ,)iii 0 Una. Ik I P.arh .an.l t,. .,i,i a...a . . .. f "WtM. ITaTPlI? TJTTnVr.'PT! A TJT1 "PHflR f.ni.; i..i,... i,:.;. ;'...- ,w,:'r. ner im .-..- i.,.i ., ,. j., .. : .. Trt - "T"" -i-p -r e" ijiiiiii riiwiJi'iam "'..""'..:'.. .'. . ""' . i 'HKK-.K.-rt-irerlnK lisht and ihe marttai i .leaMir! h-i.i ,. "tTT:. 'if. .,;.; ,''.'. .Me A 1'Q.J faa-v. Hi .lo. air4e etra. llfi.'LV . i . bulk Vt Hi !- cia.t. -j.bS&. Up, nl ftr . Irani ef , -lute J.ibhlng at 'll-HHc '.(;i,.S. -Pine frekb egg prellv veil iV.iiul i.i- jut .I'll) but -uppiUa m-atlt t utianrai'ive M -k uhl h t .lull un-l wen ll fru- -- luarl-j ektrl, .lie per .lii . narb Hi., tn i r elan-lard rao twar!- vurr.ni re-elpla. T -V( I 8tl iier iian-tard e: Vitera eatra nrao. S 10 ir i-itc: ta.. r4rt. T " T SU "P' .'' . d" a""!" ud ta Mini II -u ir baiiH-. KKff VOKK. 9lt J8. -lluitei rf.eipi JJTU5 iaclJesi, maiktt iead . cieaniery ks.hv: uwim, ; t Vi"r 'I'i.r.. "' soHaaip ; cianr nim jviijuo. vi , ' ranbtrr-ea. rare '-..i. -u B-a I ', uw.t- Ibr-.eii u 5ft 71. tone ir.eguUr. O..V, iWnlaerr!.' .lerv'1" JT' r ... '? ' Pirl K.itlr.'.l .-Mia, .'-i t" IT l-rsla, H "'' 7 ...'- lent ..ij.i ;in,i.;:r. to .. wiriKettttur lir.tn. U i -'" I .'. I'-1 wax .ill-! iur mil i r ! l V'1 r-a-Hi l'in.sliiiw. i.r tmakei l.airaV Wt or iclluw .H,TV- . u-.e-li ui A i.a.ma arj. rima ir. ia,i,, . SAIliiOAJi EARNINGS ANN AKI"-"K 111 1 I WP l"1"- -'". -I- JJ." V IS-.".. I'k'p.F h,ANi IT XU'l'lltKN liniM 'I'D V cli. No I (3 -, lu -im K-, ' j.-ii,, V u I i .."-,U U It iLJl'lrUil aimer ar'Ue M1 l,ir f',.'fc ''l '..ll :-. I n iU-;p'i and ,01.011111 liiiporuni.baBBe. J ' 'r b'' V,,..'.''"' 7 -',""'"i i'.i u.'vi u.i vk-.iin SL" " uri.' It'!. W X& S ?"''' " ' Vui. ' .V i ii, ' 1 ' 1 -a m. m... u-r . lit ,!- ifielris-it. iui'Zi,. ia?i,rS: .""ix?: l1' tfr '' Krw 4,,l ' ''"-'-?" ,vw l-tla. H',"-- ula. ,er pair. .-ua. V'-' 'J. ,';) .?S't, - W ttr.utu, SKbulltli AlK t-INr" ialr r--(IS- lIUKKiiii.. rine marKei arm on fancy ilr.irjb!e-led t k u.muol tor tthuli i. Ii ll -iUal t - i be -lfcrin- l-'r.-jh-kilbj tul. i-cr lb aole. I-1 ha-a .KC. iaac wewb in.- 4'jtift lbs ail" LNi.j. weighlns t 11.- I ..- Sik e tlilnit -i, lb ail, , ITiis. v la'hlus I It j- 41 un l-r a, iece lit ll r. asitrr -lr ii KeJ I n.i t.r. illn hi keu tl t-aros. aeignnije i-jx us apie e iiik I'otaloe ua-1 onl ma -lal! aiul k jthr teSriablta teneral, ai4.l. While ?. tfu per tul-l IVananta cb ,,i e, ,.-. M, Aile e fair ii -"I livaifci thicker w - siaru 'i fu lba and over apieoa. lHc do lu apiece laiTc broPIng i-Mcken W ern welirgti lt7iil lb 17flSc do fan goud, Jl 'iuab, per dc., 4bl . t! . i? T-T Hrl a nt r t t!$h- fa-r tu k-i.j-1. VJi .1.1 ubil pei l-aaket. 1"6 1:- in, ..hoif ,-i bbl . j i 7 "! . 1- lo 1C, . Jl 7-.- .' N .' 7ISc ,,1 I. . JU-S 15 pu-il at. j.r. "-' .'7. . I I M N I -iui Je---s KAX.-A 'T'll-'HN Uum iiw W"- i-r.' 127 J.S w,a-i i -.. ... . -. t.aMlh I.rt.i tat ,.!... ...... V Weitern an-! i-.inn item allev . hoi m ,,, IP.-lb has 1 ..,, rneltun, .'J,,1?' bag T.lfilKi- .'abbase orot.c pir iuTi tin 11 .-lr N V per tun.b miV ilii" roenw. per -l-lb. bakt. JOc.-iJJl.iw. "" BANK CI.BARINGS i - i r i j -.in, urn I i il irie 1111 ' i u- !U-!r4lb l'tll -i UU ji-1 is "iuc sia7i.j ." j-.i ji Ih'i'j 1 - a-1 .11 N i -Ik Ualtlu;vr.. !7 1 1 17 -.' .i n jii -,K, 4 r liis-Tu: " UTS aU .7.111701 (i.-m-flj blMUTJ 3S7a,i. 1 1 n li f'l jagm SmSuimmmmm