Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 22, 1914, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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im zarryi mr'"mzw?ir7aef'im-M-&"xmr'-iBmu , i Jwtm'VTwqTJ'-iTinp - -? -nw-w varaT wf.. .. . - ,5yKii ? ; . - -
V"H??T, rkl 3BiBiMiVI:e.H EHiMrTE-TBJC MM HVTBlBHS3HIVSq-llto i?ffE V&TTfHiiBVMVHr'HW -. 'TRtffrWPVBfA. f.1 i. HVHBBOfcr r Sfc VnHBVWWK iT
ffH .. . aww
Vtf 7" 7V T?rrS f?s71S- BETA 5W&- V TVT s?T- OF IVSZP'J
ay GfrtfvAr
Wife of Capt. Sam Hughes,
in Need Now, to Be
Helped by Country Hus
band Befriended.
I , jr J
Scott. Ho was later appointed com
mander When lie came back to this
country he was appointed captain of
the port of Philadelphia.
Captain Hushes' widow came from the
same seafaring people as the filibuster.
She has two brothers living, Captain
Thomas A. Parkhlll. a retired shipmaster
of Belfast, and James Parkhlll, of Phila
delphia, She was with her husband on several
of his filibustering expeditions. On one
occasion, when the United States author
ities were suspicious of Captain Hughes,
she accompanied him when he left Phila
delphia with a cargo of arms and am
munition. The port officials, nlthough
they had been ordered to watch him,
lot him pass out the Breakwater when
they saw his wife on deck. She was sent
back when the Bahamas were reached.
General Nunez Is aware of the serv
ices which Mrs. Hughes herself rendered
the Cuban Government, and the Cuban
consul here Is dally expecting a favora
ble reply to the letter ho sent his Gov
ernment In the meantime, the old friends
of Captain Hughes are assisting her.
, Cuba will be asked within a few days
. to pay a part of the debt she owed to
the late Captain Sam Hughes, the king
of filibusters, whoso gun-running expedi
tions, more than anything else, made
possible the freedom of the Island.
Philadelphians who were, warm per
sonal friends of Captain Hushes durlne
bis filibustering days and later when he
was captain of the port here, have "sug
gested" to the Cuban Government that
a pension be granted his widow, left
destitute because Captain Hughes was
a generous and Improvident sailor.
When Captain Hughes died on July
M, i last, he left behind him only unpaid
bills He had made several fortunes dur
ing his filibustering da,s. His widow has
been an invalid for several years. She
Went to Thnpnnmiin. n nn Tnlrl nnl
Jjst, Ireland, a year ago to visit CaDtaln
-- -n..vo ...uiucr. ijio inoiner oi me nu
buster died two months before him. but
Mrs Hughes has remained there at Bel
fast She does not know that tho Cuban
Government probably will grant her a
pension. Friends recently learned that
the captain left nothing for his widow.
George F Sproule, secretary of the
Board of Commissioners of Navigation,
an Intlmato friend of Captain Hushes for
20 yers. suggested the idea of a Cuban
pension to J J Luis, Cuban Consul here,
wno fi fluently served as agent for the
Cubans In the filibustering.
The "suggestion" was sent two weeks
ago to General Emillo Nunez, the most
powerful member of the present Cuban
-atint and President Menocal's principal
advisor General Nunez was the nun
10 wnom Captain Hughes sold the arms
ana ammunition In 19M, jw and 190.
omet mes directly and sometimes through
JJr Luis
r?r Sproule came to mo with the ad
? "'Mrs. Hughes." said Mr Luis
tn.i .. J c,lban Government wanted
10 send hpr n a,.AH j., -.- .
Better as Captain Hughes had left noth
SL 'as surPr.'s'(l. ut was glad to
ngguZ "neZ 5,r SPro,,le's
arn?TneraI .N'Vn" ,W3S cmmander of tho
"ms r aptaln Hughes supplied with
retarv a.mmun'tn He Is now Sec
the Vetera Er'rUlturo ana Prudent of
Nunez '1nothi'?S officially, but General
v" -"' Proh;bl- arringe It."
Simon CrlTt ay eP""ni that
tffi v'a"iD:' J' -'aJetan Flynn.
Partes to .rh'h .?'X,h street- al6 wera
a r "t ';wsMon." Dr. Flynn
"nVSar" Physician for
wUhhonilblSt'r vLh0$e memory Cubi
hotn ,n iJ?,f antla manner was
a bov ," ,"' a.m1 uc ' "a when
'rom Belfast HSamUel J0""
hipped wUh thH,CaT her& ln 1S79 an,l
We on?hJi,e.Merchan,s anl -Miners-He
cornm, !itMn,er w'iam Crane.
teheved PrhnarrtVBermuda. which was
J'i,V ?ve ben blown up at pier
h engaged in m?1 ,h,e shlp ln whlch
' ''auw ani1 Ada. who are now dead
At ,he outbreak of ,he Cuban war
vPtaln Hughes enlisted in the Amerl-
Cnam andWa5 lven the rank oi
mce, ,. v,He Performed valuable
West f'n he was 'amillar with the
the RPr I waters. Ho commanded
t mS'E"1 a,t" ,he a- ad a'
enWr f ?i?Cfcp,Ud lhe P"tn of chief
J.,.f. ef th.e I "'ted Statu transnort
"". under command oi Captain 1
Increase of 25 Per Cent, in
Business of Defrauding
Government Since June
First, Experts Say.
More Tban Fifty Distinct
Varieties Obtained in the
Islands Put to Profitable
Commercial Use.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22,-Writing from
Nassau In the Bahamas, Consul W. H.
Doty tells how come of the almost Innu
merable varieties of shells In the Islands
and the waters surrounding them are put
to commercial use. He says:
"More than 60 varieties of the shells
obtainable in tho Bahamas In quantities
sufficient far commercial use are of eco
nomic value, us evidence", by the largo
ordors received recently from Europe ond
tho United States, Among these are rlco
shells, so tiny in size as to make one
marvel how a sufficient number could bo
picked up to fill a barrel: cold shells, mud
shells, cockles, bleeding tooth; pretty dec
orative sun shells; eardrop shells, which
are exported to Odessa, Russia, to be used
as ear pendants; Panama or tent shells,
which resemble miniature encampments
and sell at J90 a barrel; black snails,
which take a high polish; conches king,
queen, ivory, pink lip and trochus or
Turk's cap locally termed 'whelks'; these
aro but a few of the assortment kept In
stock at the leading warehouse at Nas
sau. "The queen conch, which Is especially
adapted for cameo carving on account of
having a layer of brown with a white top,
and the pink lip conch, which has layers
of white and pink, are much sought for.
Only the lips of these two varieties aro
exported, the demand coming from New
York and from Torre del Greco, near
Naples, Italy. Ordinary conches sell at I
cent; pink lip, whole shells, from 5 to 25
cents, and queens at 30 cents United
States currency f. o b. Nassau.
"The whelk or Turk's cap, among other
shells, 13 particularly valuable, as It has
a portion resembling the best mother of
Pwi from which pearl studs, for In
stance, could be made. It Is estimated
that I.COj.000 shells of ihis variety could be
obtained annually in this colony Thfst
shells sell f. o. b. this point for Hi cents
"The labor here Is cheap, colored W3mn
lecetvlng 25 to 30 cents, ordinary laboring
men 60 cents, and white engineers $1.50
a day. This would tend to reduce ma
terially the expense of a button establish
ment, and It In presumed the machinery
Is not costly. In addition to button blank
maKing, mere ousnt to he opportunity
for the .manufacture of souvenirs '.f many
types, shell baskets, bracelets, necklaces
and other shell ornaments.
"It appears that a New York pearl
button machine manufacturing compunv
Is planning to establish a button blank
cutting Flint nt Nassau In the near future.
"The recent Interest shown in Bahama
shells by the American people is apparent
from the exports declared through this
consulate to the United States, which for
the calendar ear 11)13 totalled (14.SC5, as
compared with JIW5 for the preceding
Registration Largest in University's
History Is Looked For.
Registration of students of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania began this morn
ing and will continue until Friday, when
the regular sessions begin. Officials of
the University do not think that the war
will have any effect on the registration,
und look forward to a record enrollment.
No students ill be allowed to register
this year without a doctor's vaccination
certificate. Those who have not been
vaccinated within the last eight years
are required to be revacclnated As a
result of thin order sore arms and
crouches are In vogue on the campus.
The engineering department win take a
picture of every student entering the de
partment this. ear The idea Is to keep
a. mjie ui curate Identification system and
record of the students.
The 20 per cent, duty Imposed upon the
Importation of diamonds has placed a
premium upon the smuggling of such
stones, In the opinion of diamond ex
ports of this city. George A. Moore, of
.1 K Caldwell & Co., believes that the
incieaso In diamond smuggling since Juno
1 has been at least 25 per cent., and that
before the end of the year It will have
toadied 50 per cent.
A great number of arrests hnvo been
made In this country recently, and they
show that the inventive genius of smug
glers has been stimulated by the great
opportunities for largo profits that ate
offered under the tariff, a point which
Is well Illustrated in one of tho recent
arrests, where the smuggler had con
cealed nn extremely valuable consignment
of diamonds by imbedding them ln the
plaster molding of a large picture frame.
E J. Borlet, of Maxwell & Berlet, was
s?vere In his cHtlcIsm of the tnrlff, point
ing out that the Government's income
under a 10 per cent tariff was $4,000,oo
annuallv, while under the 25 per cent,
tariff Imposed on these stones a number
of yars ago this Income dropped to jlOO.
000, a fact which he attributes to the
larg Increase in smuggling and for the
teason that individuals purchased their
precious stone3 abroad, rather than ln
That tho Increased cost of diamonds
would decrease their sale to anv marked
extent or that the war would lead to
any scarcity of the Mones were Ideas
scouted by both experts, who say that
the demand Is steady and 'that there Is
a sufficient supply In this country to
last for two or three years. Neither
of them believes that the war will lead
to the opening of an extensive diamond
cutting Industry In America. They say
the cost of labor Is too high to permit
competition with the foreign cutters If
the sceno of that Industry Is to be
changed they believe that London will
be the city to receive it, although they
doubt that the war will cause the per
manent cessation of the trade ln Bel
glum, where some 15,000 cutters are em-
The use of reconstructed and synthetic
stones as substitutes for such precious
stones as rubies and emeralds is thought
to b probable by several experts, who
say that they have notived a growing
lendency In the buying of Jewels by
society women in this country. ,
Kaiser's Troops Foiled Flank Move
ment, According to Report.
AMSTERDAM, Sept. 22.
Advices received hero today from Ber
lin say that during last week's fighting
the Franco-British troops attacked forti
fied German positions between the Olsc
and Meuse rivers. The French wore sup
ported by their positions west of tho
River Meuse. Tho German troops ln the
east retired slowly in accordance with
a plan worked out In advance by the gen
eral staff, It Is related, until favorable
positions were reached.
According to the dispatch the French'
wore reinforced by fresh troops from
Parlx and the armies south of Paris and
Belfort. Thoy brought up heavy guns
from the capital and immediately put
them In action. The French had planned
to attack and Hank' the German right
wing, but that movement failed, Berlin,
reports. Tho French sustained heavy
In the last three days the Germans
pasicd the offensive of the French right,
which wns heavily reinforced. The
Kaiser's forces also passed the centre
and main force between Berynnbac and
the fortress In the Argonne forest. Ver
dun was attacked from two sides.
Casualty Lists Include 797
British Officers Out of
Proportion to Losses in the
Restoration Possible,
Though Bombardment
Broke Windows and Ruin-
'ed Decorations.
Fugitives Seek Safety From Russians
at Frankfort-on-Oder.
AMSTERDAM. Sept. 22.
From Berlin comes the announcement
by the Wolff Bureau that in th- nelgh
bprhood of Frnnkfort-on-Oder SO.OTO East
Prussian fugitives have beoji brought
rARIS, Sept. 22.
Widespread lejoicing wns caused in
Paris today by reports indicating that
the famous Cathedral at Rhelms had
escaped Irreparable destruction under
the German bombardment of the town
and can bo restored, though seriously
The magnificent windows are all
smashed, according to officers who ar
rived from tho front, and ruin has been
spread ln the Interior by bursting shells,
but the walls stand unbroken, though
scarred In many places.
Among the superstitious hope of ulti
mate French victory in the war Is in
creased by the fact that the statue of
Joan of Arc, which stands before the
facade, escaped serious damage.
LONDON, Sept. 22.
That there is an intention on the part
jf the German military experts to en
deavor to raze the entire city of Rhelms
Is bellovod here. It is claimed the Gen
eral Staff now realizes the great strategic
mistake made when the Germans with
drew from that city, and that they are i assortment of
stolen From Compiegne castle, Brought in One Hundred
paris, sept. 22. Bucks a Day Some
A cness ooara ueeu ny upui;uii wua
stolen from the Compiegne Castle, nc- Southwest 1 aleS.
cording to information brought here by
wounded French soldiers The castle
was not damaged.
A number of pieces of tapestry donat
ed by King Charles and the Cardinal
of Lorraine to the Cathedral at Notre
Dame at Rhelms have been destroyed.
Fowls Make Journey Safely
From Extreme Southwest
ern Part of Virginia to a
Point in Eastern Section of
Va.. Sept.
22. A queer
have passed
London Times Advocates Purple
Band Instead of Conventional Black.
LONDON. Sept. 22.
There is n strong movement on foot to
dispense with the orthodox form of
mourning in theevent of casualties oc
curring in the British navy and army,
says the Times A number of sugges
tlons have been put forward designed to
effect economies, although at the same
time In no way minimizing the respect for
the gallant dead. Recently we published
a letter on this topic from Mrs Udward
Lyttleton, which, In view of the interest
It has aroused, we reprint In full-
"If the country should decide to dis
pense with such mourning the economic
effect will be to save a disturbance of
cash expenditure Mourning will still bo
bought for those who die natural deaths'
hut we should have a large additional and
artificial expr.ditne temporanlv In
flated by the heavy death roll of the
next few weeks, and the mnnv so saved
will be available for the support of or
dinary trade This independent of the
weightier reasons for changing our usual
"What I am advocating is something
that would bo an appeal to all hearts for
sympathy in bereavement, and it would
mean practically no expenditure, for the
simple narrow band of purple cloth to be
worn on tho left arm by every man,
woman or child who had lost a "relation
In the war would cost practlcallv nothing
and the badge would be the same for all
classes "
In a few days we shall bo receiving the
news of great loss of life on the Continent
and at sea. One's first thought is a strong
conviction that for liies lost in such a
noble cause the wearing of conventional
mourning would be unsuitable
LONDON. Sept. 22.
The Official Press Bureau has Issued
the following announcement:
"It may be of some interest and com
fort to the relatives of the officers whose
names appear as missing or wounded
in the casualty lists Issued by the War
Office after the termination of the re
treat from Mons to know that letters
have begun arriving In London from
German hospitals, in which some of them
are found to be lying. Several of them
appear to be at Paderborn. Westphalia."
The British public, however, is pre
pared to hear of great losses in the bat
tle now raging. The stories sent by
correspondents indicate that the battle
has exceeded In violence and stubborn
ness anything in modern history since
the struggle at Port Arthur. There are
stories of charges tlvnllng Bilaklava, and
the casualty lists confirm tho reports
Casualties among t British officers are
out of nil proportion to the losss in
the ranks Seven hundred and ninety
seven officers are among the killed,
wounded and missing. One hundred and ,
..-,...-. . .... ... n.c a,.4!,b, .UU Ul
willing to go to any length to retake It.
In describing the conditions in Rheims,
tho Daily Telegiaph correspondent says
that there is hardly a house In the neigh
borhooo of tho cathedral that escaped
damage. Continuing, he says:
The masonry of the cathedral Is
chipped and rannv of the carved fig
ures and gargoIs have been broken
off. In the doorwai still stands the
crippled beggar crippled In 1ST0 who
has remained at his post through a
rain of flying splinters and .dust,
pebbles and glass Fifty shells found
lodgment in the Interior, but the stone
work withstood the concussion of their
The building can probably be restored,
according to this correspondent, as the
shell hre seems no longer to be directed
toward It, but, of course, its priceless
decorations are ruined for all time.
. ROME, Sept. 22 (By way of Paris).
When informed of the destruction or
the Cathedral of Pheims. Pope Benedict
XV said he "could not believe it posslhle
In such a civilized epoch as the 20th
century to bo plunged back to the time
of Attila "
The Pontiff requested that Cardinal
Teriati isk Cardinal Amette, Archbishop
of Paris, for full particulars, as tele
grams for Rhelms are not accepted.
the missing probably must later be
tecorded as killed or wounded despite to
day's official announcement.
The Coldstream Guards Regiment holds
first place with 11 casualties among Its
officers' corps. The King's Royal Rifles
and the Suffolk Regiment have each had
25 officers killed or wounded, the Gordon
Highlanders. 23: the Munster Fusillera
21, the Cameron Highlanders and the
Cheshire Reglrrent. 19 each.
The field artillery has lost 56 and the
medical corps 52 officers Listed by ranks,
the names of colonels and lieutenant
colonels number 32. majors. S5, and cap
tains. 246.
The homes of many of the best known
families in the Kingdom are in mourn
ing. Lieutenant Wndham, of the Cold
stream Guards, killed in action, was the
only son of the late Right Hon George
Vndham, at one time Chief Secretary
for Ireland Lieutenant Lockwood. of
ths same regiment was the nephew and
heir uf Lieutenant Colonel the Right Hon.
A R JI Lockwood one of the most
' popular members of the House of Coin
I mons Saturdays list announced the
death of Lord Guernsey, the heir of tho
L'arl of AWesford. and Lord Arthur Yin
I cent Hay. heir of the Marquis Tweedale.
i Flower of Army Assaults Forts on
Two Sides.
MERLIN. Sept 2J lUv was of Tho
The at my under command of tho Crown
Prlncp this afternoon resumed its at
tack of the great French stmnghold at
Verdun The flower of the Crown
Prince's arm, backed up by a Kieat
number of big ,,-uns, t attacking Verdun
i on two ides. according to an official
announcement this afternoon by tho Ger.
man General Staff
Heavy reinforcements have been rushed
to tho German forces composing th rlsht
wins and centre. It is believed the re
sumption of the Verdun attack ami the
sending of such laro reinforcements of
fresh troops to the right wing and centic
may be followed b an effort on the part
of th- Germans to attempt an offensive
noiement all along the line
through the Richmond postojfice by way
of the parcel post, but tho most curious
shipment yet received arrived a few
days ago ln the shape of a peculiarly
constructed papier-macho coop contain
ing 50 newly hatched chickens.
This unusual consignment through
Uncle Sam attracted much attention, and
a few favored visitors at the Federal
building were allowed the prlvilego of
seeing tho "biddies."
While it is strictly against the parcel
post rules to accept livo fowls for ship
ment, this coop, about 1& Inches squnrp
and divided into two compartments, with
sufficient openings to allow light and
air, was allowed admittance to the mails
at a postoffice In Russelt County. Its
destination was a point In Lancaster
j County, a Journey from the extreme
Southwestern portion of the State to the
extreme Eastern.
The chicks passed through the Rich
mond office while being transferred from
one train to another Despite their long I
trip tho half hundred chirping, fuzzy
creatures were in good condition, and,
barring any mishap, should reach their
' destination in as good shnps as when they
were mailed
i Being a violation of the postal laws,
the shipment would ordinarily have been
returned to the sender, but when it '
reached tne hands of Postmaster Thorn
ton's subordinates, and the error of ac '
ceptlng It discovered, it was decided to
allow it to continue to the end of its ,
Journey, for fear the chickens would die ,
if returned to Russell Countv ,
However, Assist int Postmaster W
Ross Southward said the department at
Washington will be notified, and, no
doubt tho action of the postmaster in
Russell In ucceptin.- th" coop is mail
mntter will be the subject of inquiry.
TULSA. Okla.. Sept 22. Texas oil well
drillers are fond of telling the story of
Luke Horton. of Wichita County. When
the discovery well came ln on Luke's
place It came ln spouting a thousand
barrels a day. Luke, who happened to
beat the rig. stood up with the drillers
and watched her cut up for a few min
utes and he complained:
"You have spoiled two acres of my
"Your pasture"' snorted Buck Kelly.
"Ain't ou l:i for an eighth of her worth,
100 bucks adny, and 30 wells on 200 acres
Is $30) a day that's the rent on your
"Pete," said Luke to his little boy. "go
tell your ma to get ln out of the cotton
patch right now. Tell her to wait supper
for me. for 'm going to town and order
a house with 40 rooms and a quart of
"Yas, sah, I'll sell this land," said old
Joe Simpson when a buyer sought to pur
chase his fee, "but I's getting J200 a day
from it right now."
"How does $25,000 sound to you?" ven
tured the buver.
"Huh. look heah. white man, you tell
me If dere's anything blgger'n millions
en I'll tell you If I's gwine to sell you dls
Ian'," growled Joe. But the purchase was
never made, as the Buver left old Joe in
ignorance to die without ever counting
his money.
After the ell luck and the department
had cornered the Osages into the rocky
hills of the headwaters of Bird Creek and
the Caney. the leanest acres of the Indian
countrv the operator came to dot th
hl'Is with derricks. The evil star of the
Osags had set and a fortune of green
oil irusid from the rock ravines of
their counts and the once despised Osage
came into the effulgence of J2OO0 a year
for very man. woman and child.
But for oil field romance we must
yield tho laurel branch to our Aztec Latin
neighbors Pioneprs of the Mexican fields
ki.ow woll the story of the Peralta family.
In the old days wandering Gringoca
from the Tuxpam Rall-vav urve used
to solourn at Potrero del Llano hacienda
in the Beuna Vinta Vall and drink
rU beer from Pin Braulin s meagre
store w hich with the surrounding acres
nf pasture and lunsle made a compe
tence sufficient to suppls Don Braulio
and his son with sandals and his comely
daughter. Guadalupe, with cotton dresses.
Physician Suggests Solution for Their
Protection From Flames.
NEW YORK. Sept. 22 -A pound of
lum Phosphate, a crystal nuwJi.r . nl tha rtehtlnu .ihnn. v........
25 cents, dissolved in a gallon of i k.llcl In cattle, and he notified his wife
was urged today by Dr larles today that a third had ben wounded
Castelntu, Spartan Mother,
Receives News Calmly.
Two sins of General de Oastelnau. heio
have been
v..,lL- Tl,o. - ... . C...... " "I " ..- I. . r . - -- vwumjea
i ,1 ..' v-"'""' o I'liyricun. as i .'ime ue lasitinau took tho ,uw
. . i ..
kUMU )
I iad four sons In the field
a fluid that will make clothing nreproof
una prevent many children from being
burned to death.
He has started a camnalcn to nrment
i such fatalities.
ah idH
'I shall not see them airam M hixhmH
alone will return He has no rieht to
how himself to be killed."
ft. t
Dr. A. A. Stevens Succeeds Dr. A. A.
Eshner at the Philadelphia.
Director Harte of the Department of
Health and Charities. torta appointed
Poctor A A Stevens, of 3H South Six
tccnth street, attending l.hjstcian at the
Philadelphia General Hospital
' Doctor Stevens, who succeeds pr A
A Eshner. 1019 Spruce street, resigned,
has been associated for a number of
sears ith the Phlladtlphii .iiul Uni
versity of Pennolvnnia Hospitals and
has teen on tie staff of thv Ep.scor al
Hospital i
Georgian Placed at Head of Order by
Unanimous Vote.
ATLANTIC on Y. N J . Sept 22 -Judge
Robert T Damei. of Georgia, was elected
Grand Site of the Iniependent Order of
Cdd Fellows by unar..m-us vote in the
Sovereign Grand Lodge convention here
thl morning Tho nomination was mao
in an eloquent address by Edward Cole
man. of Georgia, and was revolved with
a tntghtv shout- This action kepa the
Grand Slreshli in the South for another
two eais
A great flsht i waslng over the otee
tion of Deputv Grand dire, kh position
next to tho head uf the aider, with VVIlsan
K Mohr of Allcntoan. Pa , among the
contestants. The other non in jip p.
t Goudv, Colorado W W Plwiji, Cal
ifornia r P Rinehart. Florida. Afrd
S Kimball. Maine, tucieu J Eain. Mi
sourt. r P Trautmat. New Yoifc, j
P A Robertson, ukUhom. n-J jkph
Oliver. Ontario.
Past G'and Sires jewel were confr
utuu v .. i iui'Ji'. uuig.no, a s.
Pinkerton. Matsachutettr E 5 Conway
H'inois w. L Ki.g Kiidal! vVi-ojnins
a'ld 'ohn I Goc Iwin MaryHmJ Vie
r.etont GrarJ t-eiittui-
Thousan.is t P.u'jdelpn 4 o la j j.
aie expected to maun in the aim i
parade tomorrow
Tuberculosis Commission Fights Suit
For Loss of Ten Animals.
TRENTON. Sept 22 Chief Inspect
Charles MoNobb and Inspector Wirianf
H Low. of th? State Commission on
Tuberculosis, have filed with the Su
preme Court an answer to the suit of
Henry Snyder, of Upper Sadd'e River,
Bergen County. Suit is brought for $nS0.
the value of ten cows killed bv order of
the SMte Commission, on the ground that
thev were affected by tuberculosis, when
Snvder attempted to import them fr-m
New York Into New Jersey ln Apri.. 1311.
The v'ommisaion avers that the examina
tion of the dad carcasses plain'v showed
that its action had been warranted It
is furtf-er alleged by the State hod- t nt
it is in arm of the State government
ani not suable as a commission for acta
done in enforcement of the law
Walter MeCov. SOU Torresdale avenue,
was held this morning under ll"'1 bill
for a further hearing by Magistrate
Rorie. of the Frankford police station.
en a charge of asaui and bat. r pr -ferred
b Harry fkjnnelly pnnnelh w ho
!. in tho Frankford Hospital wtth a frac
tured leg said to be the result of a
stone thrown p: McQc, aa unable la
appear at the hearing
Vote L,ielt in Haramonton
HAMMONTON N J.gept li -Leipir
th.e Congressional cuntest a f ' -'it
vat t bW g pol'el !!! Kjt nr Pr .
fircne ballot tja tcn cs in " f
lour prci.eu up 1 1 M cio Ba -j i i
for RePUb'li'ai iCTiiai"f f-ir urg s
CCms to b Umijiu JHe-.iJ 41 'I M b '
Pw Sheriff 3 H Karitr, lr , ,
and John p Civr futcrat. i!l irj.j.
8.v S'lfi t"t her.
JOCtpfe 1H
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