Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 22, 1914, Postscript Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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    tynyywtitgy ,ww' ' j
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proper, where every day and every
night sees some fresh destruction done.
While the city Itself Is immaterial
from a standpoint of strategic Import
ance, It Is the centre of a district that
Is important.
German batteries are stationed north
and northeast of the city: French can
non are stationed on hills south of the
cltv There are believed to tie about
100 noo Germans massed upon the pla
teau of Craonne. This Is a position
of exceptional strength. General
Bluecher. who was defeated by Napo
leon on the same ground, declared that
2Sono troops could hold It against any
East of Verdun the French tines seem
to have been reinforced as there are
eight French army corps near the Lor
raine border, where the German left
is being attacked with vigor and vio
lence The battle line, roughly speaking, ex
tends on the east from a point near St
Die, through Liineville. Pont-a-Mous-son.
Ktaln. Consenvoye, Montfnueon.
P -msaln, to the north of Rheims.
Craonne. thence along the Alshe val
lev t- a point between Lcsstcny and
Pt Quentin. The line crosses three big
rivers, the Olso. the Aisne and the
Meuse. while it also lies across several
smaller ones , ,
French forces have worked to a
point near Peronne, 17 miles north
west of St. Quentin. where they are
attacking the advanced position of the
Germans. The main English army Is
near Solssons. On the British left,
In the vicinity of Noyon and.Lesslgny,
Is a strong French force, which Is evi
dently trying to close In on La Fere.
(La Fero Is 14 miles northwest of
This French force Is evidently the
Sixth French Army, which was sent
to help the British in Its turning move
ment against General von Kluk s
Tho French and their English allies
have had to fight hard to gain and to
hold every foot of conquered terrltor
As a fresh position Is gained, It is Im
mediately fortified. This Is trvlng
work and deadly work, for the Ger
man artillery keeps up its steady rain
of shells and the sappers are com
pelled to face this fire while stretch
ing their earthworks.
Tho weather was reported to be
slightly improved today But thero
Can be little permanent Improvement
expected at this season of the year
The entire battle ground Is a quagmire
and this naturally has hampered move
ments of artillery. But according to
General Gallienl's headquarters there
is not a single Important point along
the entlro battle front where the heavv
French artillery is not now in action
BERLIN, Sept. 22 iby way of Am
sterdam). Official denial that the Allies have
forced General von Kluk to retreat
se en miles Is made by the War Olllce.
The statement adds that the right
wing is standing Arm at all points, al
though the Allies have been heavily
Further announcement is made that
attacks by the French and British
forces on tho Gorman lines are dimin
ishing in strength, and the German of
fensive is growing stronger at all
An official statement Issued at mid
night announced the capture of the
heights of Craonne and tho town of
Bethany (near Rheims).
Today's statement praised the great
bravery shown' by ths troops of the
Allies. It follows:
The enemy shows signs of weak
ening as a result of his continued
attempts to capture our positions.
On the contrary, our troops, fight
ing from well fortified points, have
had a rest and are taking a strong
offensive. Their attacks are grow
ing stronger at all points.
Great valor has been shown by
the enemy's troops. They have
charged repeatedly in an attempt
to silenco our artillery, but have
been as repeatedly repulsed.
The statement Issued at midnight
The strong, hilly positions at
Craonne have been captured. Ad
vancing on Rheims, our troops oc
cupied the village of Bethany.
We are attacking the strong
forts on tho line south of Verdun
and have crossed the east border
In the direction of Lorraine, which
is defended by eight French army
corps 1 320 000 ment, A sortie
from the northeast of Verdun has
been repulsed.
The French troops camping to
the north of Toul 13 miles east of
Nancy) have been surprised by
our artillery.
In the rest of the French war
theatre there have been no en
gagements. In the Belgian and Eastern East
Prussia) battlefields tho situation
is unchanged.
Tho statement that tho French have
etght army corps in the Lorraine
region Indicates that the Allies' right
wing is trying to turn the German left
With the heights of Craonne held by
tho German centre, it will be possible
to withdraw troops from there to
strengthen both the right and left
wings 1 they are threatened
No details of the situation at Rheims.
beyond the fact that the town has
been bombarded, have reached Berlin.
The belief is growing here that tho
war is going to extend into the winter
In fact, preparations for a winter cam
paign are being made. The news of
the rapid advance of the Germans
After they entered Belgium had caused
the people of Germany to expect a
quick triumph, but he failure of this
expectation to be fulfilled has caused
no alarm.
It is stated that the movement to
take Rheims, and with it the eight im
portant railroads, especially sought
from a strategic point of view, pro
ceeds uninterruptedly and with every
prospect of success. In this connec
tion ir is added that Verdun has been
isolated This strongly fortified position
Is now being bombarded from two
sides by the German heavy siege artil
lery and every effort is being made
to take it.
It is understood that the present
movement has for its object the sepa
ration of the allied armies, and espe
cially the piercing of their centre
Thi movement is slowly but surely
succe-dtni;, it is declared.
li . i ffMf
lieves that the result will not be defi
nitely known for several days, but has
no doubt that the decision in this great
death grapple will go to the Allies.
"It is probable that the great battle
of two rivers, which is being' fought
with unparalleled fury, will continue
for several days," he said, "although
the Allies are making constnnt prog
ress. A new stop in our advance on
the extreme left wing is marked by
its arrival at Lassigny, ten miles west
of Noyon. This movement is of ex
treme importance That is why the
Craonne region has been the centre of
violent conflicts and bayonet charges
"The Germans are mnklng desperate
efforts to diminish the pressure on
their extreme right wing, but have,
nevertheless, been forced to give way
"By completing our lines from Al
sace to the Arsonne forest, we have
deprived the German centre between
Rhims and Pouain of its scope of
movement It is against a steel wall."
Main Russian Army, En
veloping Przemysl and
Jaroslaw and Cutting Com
munications, Presses West
ward. .
$3,750,000 DAMAGE
British Warship in Pursuit of
German Cruiser, Which
Captured Six Merchantmen.
LONDON. ,-ept. 22. i
That the German lines are .-.lassr-Ins
under the continued hammering of i
the Allies ancj that they are slowly (
crumbling at important integral points 1
is the ronsensus of opinion of the Eirit-
Uh military experts who fire familiar i
with the exact situation at 'he front, j
It has been admitted from thf out- j
set that the present battle of the Ai-rte.
now well in Its seioid wf-k, 'a a
contest of fendurar- Di-s-pie the i
splendid intrenchmei t. 'he J-r- i
mars, it has been insi.-,c il that they j
have suffered greater 1 - than the'
Allie. mainly til-cause "f thvir massed i
formation tactics,, whfh I rnt such
magnificent targets for i f opposition.
The failure t the Jcrnvin rm.
A number of the papers
runnrirud rumor that General v n
Kluk has ben vompelled to withdraw
his army headquarters to Mons in BM
The War Bureau, however, has no
kn.ulerier of any such movement and
is inched in consider it premature.
Much a'trntir.jj is being paid to a re
port that the Germans have prohibited
Jjutrh shipping traversing the Ithine
Hjt"fjre. Dutch steamship have
bfi-n permitted to come up the Khine
into im--,n territory. The British
military experts declare this action is
naturally due to the fact that the fer
mans are strongly fortifying their
Rhine defenses preparatory for a final
stand tnre, and that, of necessity.
they are keeping ail curious eyea from
forcements sent to aid tieneral on j beholding their work.
Kluk to break down the Brmsh- d by 4 of ,ha ro),ary
French opposition emphasised, the x. experts -re that the most credit tQ
pens say, the fact that the C,ermn me Allies can b attributed to the
were at the 'end of their string." To- ', weight of their bayonet charges The
da thi belief is confirmed by the an. ' British and the French Alnrmn t.
---"" '-" T"ff- - -W j.
nnunrement that the Herman right
wine is being pushed back at a rate of
have te rrorned the enemy by the force
of these attacks They carry a bayo-
nearlv four miles a d,iy. mis spaeo is net blade longer than that of ih r.Br.
expected to be accelerated now that mans, and thej have shown an eager
ness to resort to loll steel that simply gervla from the north, the ciervi n ro-
That tho muln Russian army has
pressed on after enveloping the Przemysl
Jaroslaw line along the San, and Is mov
ing against the chief .uMrian positions
was the substance of today's War Office
statement. It announced that the opera-
tionf were of necessity slow, but that
there has not been eneounered any op
position that has required any change i
In the original plan of campaign.
It Is considered ceitain that the real
i lesistance "n a large cal- will he en-
' countered along the lines of the Cracow
fortifications. There the Austrian re
serves have been massed and heavily
mnf rced by the German landuehr eorpn.
w hirh have been especially detailed for
service in Austria.
j The Russ'.ui forces are moving sluulv
westward thiough Gallcla, awaiting the
' arrival of at lean a portion of the army
of y).(j0 that is proceeding through
Poland to the front
Five of tho J3 forts at Jaroslaw have
been shatteied by the Russian suns, but
eighteen still hold out. it was Hated at
the War oilirf). The bombardment of
1'rzemysl continues, but no breaches have . sunk at 9 a
yet been made in the walls of the forts.
At the request of the Austria! rotn
mander at l'rzemsl, General Von Col
rsd. on armistice of five hours wis de.
daied lata vesterday to ptrmtt of tha
departure of tho non-combatants who
wished to leave- Many decided tu re
main. The forts at Paemyst are among the
strongest in the world- It is understood
the Uermans have been driven from !
their strongest trenches.
i has terrified the 'ierman outposts.
One Army Wins Four Days'
Battle on Drina; Another,
With Montenegrins, Cap
tures Bosnian Capital.
N1S11, Sept. K
iViini'leie defeat of the Austrian army
that Invaded Scrvia was officially en
noqnced here todav.
The otilclal statement describing tho
rout -of the Austrian forces sid:
"In a four-day battle near Urupanl
ntar the Prlna Riven the Austrians were
en erwlwlimngly defeated and Bed in dis
order. In our Pursuit we took IO0 pi te
eners and U guns-
Trie Austrian are onny'i", v , iag. ,,yo years.
thtir forces across the Drina, but our i.-hn m ni the.
,. ,-n.n nvA mnmhinf? nn fivflfnili ,..Aetii, r,rnvsl and .Tarnslau. th ' rlete the destruction
..orud Austrian town n th Orina. r.VJSSStfiS W "& TW W'S&ZTX: ao,
and continue their success Rlvef Ssn 8mJ solltn of tne Vistula. The of trouble The Kabinga was spared
"At Sbabats another force of Austrians Austrisns defeated at UobiecHa have slmplv to convey the crews to Calcutta.
a. defeated with heavy loss These two fallen back in disorder to Jaslo. on the The F.mden s action has resulted in a
victories will prevent anv interruption In WistoH river, and the Russians nave i direct loss to British owners and under-
ocr-nyled Hseszou. writers oi imih'u 01 a million
The seizure of Rzeszow severs railroad sterling i3,TW.
lommunieatlon between the Austrians in
Jaroslaw and Przemysl and those In UIHRAUTAR, Sept. ;j
Tarnovv and fracovv. It Is understood ' It is officially announced from Zanzibar
crossed the Save and one bodv is histon- that German rilnforrement are Joinin? that the Rrltlsh cruiser Pegasus, which
ing westward to Jom ne aionienegnn the Austrians " joi-io. aim tne net was attacRen (") "'i oitariieij by
force operating In Bosnia. great battle may be fought between the the German cruiser Koenigsberg. has been
Servia now has in the field nrarly Stn and Wistok Rivers in the foothills ' beached
sw.fOO men Most of them were In tie of the Carpathians i
' force which attempted an invasion to the The combined German and Austrnti
I northwest from Belgrade and Semlln and , forces will c in a dangerous position
Wounded Briton Tells How
Invaders Were Stabbed in
Back City Troops En
dure Noise Better.
i that the garrison has supplies sufficient , inB
CALCUTTA. Sept. 22.
Official announcement Is made that the
German light cruiser Emden made a
flying raid Into the Ray of Bengal, In the
course of which it did considerable dam
age to shipping. Between September 10
and 14 she captured and sank the follow
ing vessel: The Killln and Trabboeh,
carrying coal; the Indus and Lovat,
empty; the Diplomat, carrying general
A Lloyds telegram from Rangoon,
British India, states that the Emden
sank the British steamer Clan Mathesou
on September 15. in the Bay of Bengal.
The crew vva3 saved.
Coal was taken from all the steam
ers; also all tho crews. The Kabiuga,
full) loaded with a general cargo for
America, vvas also captured on September
12 Two rtavs later all the captured crews
were transferred to the Kahlnga.
A wirshlp is pursuing tho Umden,
which Is attempting to escape In a
southerly direction, according to the
crewB of the sunken meichantmen, who
a i rived hete toda.
The Indus was the first vessel taken.
The crw was removed and ten shots
fired Into her befmo she keeled over.
This vvas on September 11. About mid
night the Killln vvas captured and was
in the next nay. The uipio-
mat vvas taken Sunday.
The Germans placed a mine forward,
but the explosion still left the vessel
afloat. The enemy then tired shells at ,
cluse quarters. An eve witness says trt '
shooting was astonishingly erratic and
caused laughter. The first shot at the '
Diplomat waterllne went across the vessel
amidships six sneiis were nrea iiefore
the merchantman showed signs of sink-
LONDON, Sept 22.
This grim story of r British bayonet
charge In which the Germans were routed
was related by a wounded soldier just
back from northern Franca:
"They can stand fire, can those Ger
mans, We were picking them off like
winking, and still they came on.
"Then, when they got within shouting
distance, we received the word to charge.
Our officer was a sprinter, but we were
out of the trench and heeling after him,
all of us shouting.
"The Germans seemed struck. They
Just stood and gaped as we cama chas
ing down, their mouths, wldo open, as
If they were wondering what tho blazn?
wo wero up to.
"When we were within 20 or 30 yards
of them there was an alteration. They
knew then what we wanted, and they
Just threw down their rifles, turned about
and set the pace. Some of them, as thoy
went, chucked off their packs, and a few
even tried to pull off their tunics.
"But we had 'em! I never knew I
could run before, nor the other chaps,
and we pinked -the 'blighters' In the back
bv the score.
"When we got winded we came back
the same way, and It was so; they were
lying on their faces, bayoneted In the
A lance corporal of tho Connaught
Rangers said:
"The disconcerting thing In battles now
adays Is that you may be fighting for
hours on end and never as much as
see an enemy to grapple with.
"The way the Germans sacrifice their
men for the sake of making an Impression
Is appalling. One position on our left
from which we would have fallen back
In any case, because It was dominated by
a battery which we couldn't locate, was
advanced against by the German Infantry
under a heavy fire. They came on In one
long never-ending stream, while our rifle
and gun flro tore hideous gaps through
their ranks.
"The Red Cross men say that in front
of that position alone WO dead and
wounded were picked up after the fight
was over. Our loss was not more .than
29 of all ranks.
"What we are all wondering 1b how
long the Germans can keep up this sort
of thing. I have seen our cavalry thrown
Into confusion merely because the horses
shied at the heaps of dead bodies they
had to tread over when attempts were
made to clear our front of the advancing
Sergeant Major MacDermott writes
In a letter:
"Wo'ro vonderfut'y cheerful, and
happy as bare-legged urchins scamper
ing over the fields. Not that there's
much play for us. It's all work, fight
ing and fighting and working again,
though you mustn't think I'm grum
bling, for I'm not.
"I am writing to you with the enemy's
shells bursting and screaming overhead.
Though their artillery has been making
s fiendish row all along our front.
"It's the quantity not the quality of
the German shells that are having ef
fect on us. and It's not so much tho
actual damage to life as the nerve
racking noise that counts for so much.
Townsmen who are used to the noise
of the streets can stand It a lot bettot
than the countrymen, and I think you
will find that by far the fittest men are
those of regiments recruited In the big
"A London lad near me says it's no
worse than the roar of motor omnibuses
In the city on a busy day."
Avalanches of Troops, With
Terrific Cossack Raids,
Overwhelm East Prussia. ',
Celerity Marks Moves. t
The American Stopped Six Times In
Two Voyages.
NEW YORK. Sept. 22.
The Dutch tank steamship American
arrived In port today from Rotterdam,
putting an end to a round trip vovace
during which it got the habit of being
stopped by Rrltlsh cruisers.
On the outwaid voyage It was held up
four times by Kngllsh men-of-war: on
the return voyage it was stopped twice.
The first British cruiser to Intercept the
tanker was the Suffolk, which was lying
off Sand) Hook watching for German
merchantmen. Off Nantucket the cruiser
1'lana. which was maintaining a blockade
there, stopped the American the second
time. The third Interruption was off Sa
ble Island, where the cruiser Gloria was
cruising. In English channel a cruiser
took off three members of the American's
crew hecause thev were Germans
The captain of the tank ship said he
would have been sorely disappointed If
he had not been stopped by warships on
the voyage back to New York.
A mine was also placed in the Killln,
pecesary t
Twelve shells were
ths campaign against Sarajevo."
After routing at Kupmava. Just across
the border into Slavonic, the Austrian
: armv or Sv. vvnicn win inreienin;f
met the
Austrian force of four army
BORDEAUX. Sept. 22.
Minister of War Millerand an-
r"un-ed today that the extreme nght
wins: of the Germans had given way.
il i-c French had completed their
V, i r-nsins a steel wall up against j the Oise as well as the Aisne. He be-
the German centre and that the Allies
were making constant progress.
He renamed the battle of ths Aisne.
the "battle of two rivers." herauss of
i. ii inai lt is now raging along
Norman Pratt. 5105 Lena street, Ger
rnantown. who threw carbolic aci' ves
terday Into the face of his sweetheart.
Therest Fitsmartin. at ner horn, at
61$ Biynton street was leld today
under 1000 ball t- XUg.strate Pennv-k. In
Germs ntown, for a further hearing In
there, as it would ce possible for the
Second Russian Arms to flank them by
a sudden movement along tne line ex
tending from Ranuow to ilaranow
Fnless the Austro-German troops give
battle to the Rujs.ans about Jislo. It
would be Impossible to prevent their
escape to Cracow, as they have a num
ber of railroads at their service
On account-of the many swamps in
Gallcla west of the San it is expected
that the progress of the Russian troops
will necessarll be much slower nuw.
Uss Prevents Success of
Suicidal Attempt.
The prompt use of the pulmotor prob
ably saved ths life of John Dailev of 3;
South Fifteenth street who is In St.
Agnes' Hospital today recovering from the
effects or innsnng illuminating gas i
Dalley was brougnt to tne Hospital last
night He had been dlcovered by his
mother in his room The motive for the
attempted suicide Is not known.
Sorties of Belgians Continue to Hnr
rnss Invaders,
ANTWERP, Sept. St.
The Germans nie keeping up a severe
bomhardment against Termmde. pre.
Mimabl.v for the nhject of preventing a
sortie from the Belgian forts around Ant
(Termonde lies about 17 miles north
west of Brussels and about the same dls
tance southwest of Antwerp.!
Although the Belgian forces under King
Albeit drew off to a point north of Ter
monde, the German fire has not slackened
From their intrenchments between Hof
stade and Smpst the invaders are keep.
Ing up a hot fire against Fort Welhclm.
The Oernnns also have taken up fortl
fled posttlon at Gemblou and between
Wavre and Louvaln
An Ostend dispatch of Monday's date
said that the Germans were sending
heavy guns north It Is tupposed that
these are for use against the Antwerp
Refugees fnm the district about Hot
seiner, about 52 miles south of Antwerp,
say that the scene at Rotselaer presented
an appalling spectacle after the lighting
between Germans and Belgians. Tho
lodles of 210 dead Belgian soldiers and
l'ifl wounded i.iy In the streets and In the
fields around the town.
It is charged that th Germans left a
r umber of wounded Belgians to die. but
they were pUUed up bs priests and taken
Into the homes of farmers, where medi
cal tieatr.ient was admlnlstetcd.
Japanese Report Destruction of Two
Tsing-Tao Redoubts.
PEKIN. Sept 21.
A fleet of JaDantse aeroplanes bom
barded the German forts at Tslng-Tao
Two of the forts are reported to have
been destroyed.
PETROGRAd, Sept. 82. , '
Such success as has come to the Rtfj.
slan nrmles against the Germans In East
Prussia has proved a welcome surp'rlis
to many of tho veteran troops of ths
Czar who, at the beginning of the great
European war, still smarted from ths
effects of their defeats by tha Japaneie. '
There has been a change In the con'dt!
tlon of things on the Russo'Germ&n
frontier that might surprise even per
sons familiar with tho Russian plan of
campaign. One Russian officer at leajt,
who may be regarded as a reliable au
Ihorlty, has been much surprised by thi
rapid progress of the Russian advance.
Originally five Itusslan army corps
were ordered to the Austrian frontier
for the purpose of delaying the Austrian
advance If It should be directed Jigalnit
that line. However, the Russian Gem
ral Staff was quite convinced that ths
main attack would aim at Warsaw
through Poland, and to meet that at
tack two new army corps were sent for
ward, and at the same time the cavalry
on the left flank (Chotln and Kielce),
was strengthened.
The Austrian invading army met only
weak opposition In Poland, and tho two
Russian corps appeared to retire.
Suddenly the Russian cavalry In tha
South, that Is to say, on the left wine,
based on Kielce, took the offensive. At
the same time the Russian army wai
ready to pour her enormous masses Into
Prussia from the northeast frontier.
The great Russian mobilization was
ready several days before Germany had
expected, and Just at the moment when
Germany should have made her decisive
blow at France and been able to spare '
her first line troops for meeting the Prus.
slan attack. This plan became a failure.
Now, Russia has more than two and
one-half million troopB In the north-east
corner of Prussia alone, and the Cossack
cavalnry number 130,000, In seven battle
divisions. The German defence against
this avalanche consists of second line
reservists, not more than S0O.00O strong,
already retiring to tho row of forts along
the Vistula between Konlgsberg, Marlen
burg, and Torn.
However, this line will bo difficult to
force by an Invading army; It will be
more difficult for the reservist army,
which has only 510 guns and about 600
Maxim guns, to defend.
The effect of this heavy Russian at
tack Is noticeable -everywhere In the east
of Prussia, and over Berlin Is a cloud of
stern pressure. People are leaving their
homes in fright of the Cossack hordes,
who are spreading with an enormous f
There are still about 20,000 Russians In
Germany In a distressful plight More
than 10,000 of the German-Russians have
left during the last two weeks to return
home by way of Sweden. All of them
were lacking the ordinary necessaries of
life, but the Swedish people everywhere
have tried to lessen their sufferings, and
at the main railway Junctions, where.,
the special trains stopped, Swedish laflUsl
have distributed food and rugs, etc;,;;
among the miserable people. They all;
tell the most appalling stories of th"
rough treatment they have met w-ltlrat;!
several places In Germany, but at-thV
same time they tell many stories of Ger
man courtesy and chivalrous behavior
toward the, female fugitives.
Communications With Capi
tol Suddenly Cease, Indi
cating That Russions Have
Penetrated Silesia on Way
to Berlin.
BKRLIN, by way of Rome, Sept. 23.
AH telegraphic and telephonic commu
nication with Breslau suddenly ceased to
day. It Is feared that the Russian centre
may have pushed forward and be attack
ing the city.
It seems almost Incredible that ths
Russians could have penetrated In force
to Breslau so that they could have cut
off communication with Berlin. Breslau
Is one of the links of the chain in the
Oder line of fortifications,
After Berlin It Is the second largest city
in Prussia, and is the capital of Silesia,
It occupies an Important strategical posi
tion on the Oder, and is a city of great
historical Interest. It has been prepared
for a possible raid by the Russians, and
the last reports available from there
stated that ihere wis a very strong Ger
man force between It and the eastern
"Preposterous," to Call Destruction
of Cathedral Intentional,
NKW YORK. Sept. 22 -Count von
Beinstortf, German Ambassador to the
I'nlted States, does not believe that the
German army intentionally deetrojed the
cathedral at Rheims.
"It is preposterous to state thit the
d'-slructlon of that magnificent building
was Intentional." he suld today.
TeisoniUI.v." ho added, "my svmpa
thles are more aroused by the killing ""'
wounding of the men who fought than
by the damage lo the bulldlns "
James Spejer. the banker, agreed wlta
Count von Bernstorft that whatever harm
was done to the Rheims cathedral bv
German shells vvas unintentional
"It la n pity the magnificent '1U,'''
was damaged." he said ' It can nver
replaced. '
PARIS, Sept 22 -The Figaro sa
day "Meat is nearlj Jl a pou'ia " .
Iln Two hundred bakenes n
bread with potatoes and barle