Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 22, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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. - ,
crntrs it. k. cunns, ruMiDtss-r.
Oo. W. Ochs. Secretary; John P.. Martin, trefturri
ChMM n. Islington, Philip 8. Collins, John U. Wit
IUm. Director.
CrnOS H. K. Ccntts, Chairman.
r. H. WHALEr. L. .. Eneiitlv K.IUor
JOHN C. MAhTIN. General tuMncM lniiBr
Published dally, except Sunday, nt I'rm.lo Lkmier
nullillnn. Independent e Sqtinre, Plill.nlelpnin.
Liwjer CintrAL promt and Chestnut Streets
ATtANTic Cut rrii-I7nfon HulUlIng
Nie York 170-A. Metropolitan Tower
Chicago. 817 Home Insurance Uultillnft
Lo.NMN... .,,.,.. .8 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, S. W.
irAmiiBtTno BcnrAti The ralrlot nnjl.l tie
JVAmtisdTON Hureab The ro: nulMliut
Nbw York nc RBAU The Tim' pulMIng
HirM.v Horeid it" Krlc.1rlchtmM
j.ondo.v xit-RRtu 2 Pall M.iu l-;a-i, f. .
Pabii UUjieau n3 Hue Louis le (Jrattd
:, Hy carrier. tt.ut.T Oxt.t. six cents. By wall. potfrM
, etitsMe of rhllailelphla, except where forelRIt olnK
' 1 required. Daii.v o.M.t, one month, lenty-Ilve cents;
. DAttT O.M.r. one year, threo dollars. All mall subscript
lion payable In advance.
' BELT, 3000 WALNUT MSIOM: M Vl.N 300(1
E7" Address nit coiiiiiititilriifioni to Evening
Ledger, Independence Square, Pfitrnrfrtpftbl.
APrucAiioM mads at tub I'limPKt.i'ttn rc.TorrlcB ton
PHILADELrillA, 1 ITtUlAV, ytPIL'Mllim 22, I'll I
"They Who Offer Carrion For .Meat"'
PENROSE organs, whose monil perspective
is so blunt that it nilprlit as well nut exist,
are attempting to persuade their rentiers that
the Evening Li'.vaun has become Democratic.
Was there ever a candidate who hltl so
closely behind the party emblem as Mr. Ten
rose? "I nm a Republican," he says, and all
the little satellites solemnly echo; "He Is a
Republican." Apparently ttopublleunlsm is a.
cane without which the senior Senator could
not hobble twenty yards, Vet he Is not a
Republican. Ilia organization was denomi
nated by that true Republican, Senator Root,
"a criminal conspiracy." a masquerade. It Is
a trim garment In which this coterie of poli
ticians have wrapped Penroseism, a pretty
dress. Tear It aside and a stench of corrup
tion deadens the atmosphere. There are tho
trembling limbs of craft, the tricky fingers,
tho dripping revenue from rum, tho lone
Capitol scandal, the vicious debauchery of
voters, the Indescribable alliances with vice,
tho whole composite body of social parasites
and hangers-on, combined in a vast con
spiracy of loot.
If that is Republicanism, then America Is
done with Republicanism: and the world Is
dono with it; and decent men and women are
done with It. Hut it isn't. Not a bit of It.
On the contrary, the vital principles of tho
party thnt saved the Tnlon, first from dis
solution and then from economic calamity,
still live. They ate the principles that thou
sands of men want to vote for. but will not
vote for if at the same time they must be put
on record as approving as immoral a set of
political adventurers ns ever gathered to
gether on the public highways or in the back
rooms of corner dens.
This nation will have Republicanism with
out the fraud that Penrnseism attaches to it
or It will not have Republicanism at alt.
That Is a patent, obvious fact. Men who l
Imagine that the destinies of this nation will j
ever again be entrusted to statesmen who i
cannot stand daylight are eternally mistaken.
lien's Patience is in Their Pockets
IT IS a mania of Congress to play with dy-
namite. The American people will never
" "be content with war taxes In time of pro
found peace, in a year when nature has licen
magnificently prodigal and bumper crops .irn
the rule. .Millions which were formerly got
from the customs houses were being taken
directly from tho pockets 'f citizens before
the European war broke out. Xow it Is pro
posed to secure millions more from excise
taxes. From being the most proline source
of revenue, the tariff is rapidly being made to
assume a minor role in national finance.
Direct imports are taking the place of In
direct levies. American history and American
temperament are against this procedure. Tho
Administration is preparing to drive itself
Into an inextricable labyrinth of unpopu
larity. r
League Isjantl Gets a Chance
SHIPWAYS at League Island will enable
the Philadelphia Navy Yard to demon
strate absolutely its superiority over every
other yard in the country. All things that
go fnto the building of whips are centralized
in this city. Private shipyards along tho
Delaware testify to the unexcelled advan
tages here offered. When nest Congress Is
asked for an appropriation tho Philadelphia
delegation will be armed with bo formidable
an array of facts that opposition to support
of the local yard will be swept away. A be
ginning has been made, nothing more, but
It Is a beginning that is a promise of far
greater things to come.
Open Markets Are Cheeks and Balances
THE open markets recently established
In New York city may be made perma
nent, though there is some opposition from
the middlemen, and thero Is complaint
from other quarters that tht market
privileges have been abused by vendors who
are not farmers. So far as the abuse of
privileges Is concerned, the remedy lies in a
system of careful regulation, and as for the
middlemen their just profits cannot be at all j
endangered by any number of upeit markets.
On the consumer's side, only a eompara- J
tlve few of the housewives of n law com,,
munlty can utilise open markets. It is a
question of convenience and arfiire, and the
corner grocery is not menaced beyond the
limits of reason.
Open markets, the parcel post und similar
short cuts, which reduce beveral transactions
to one transaction between one Kttl!cr and
one buyer, will nover apply to a very Jurist
proportion of tho business of marketing pr
duce, but they Will be exceedingly valuable
in restricting tho middleman lu such profits
as will compensate htm for the service which
he actually performs. They will serve both
the producer and the consumer as an alter
native when tho middleman becomes too
exacting a tollmaster. They are ehvte and
Onr Kneiny tho Um
WAR has been declared on the rats
of Philadelphia. They buy not ye$
ocourged tins city with the bubonic t4uu.
but science und education huve convinced lb.
modern ago that they are menaces tu the
health of any community. Philadelphia will
probably do at once what flew Orleans did
after the rats had been the means of destroy.
lpg many human lives. This Is a, wise masitfl
fqr cities, "to take warning from others of
what may be to your i.wn advantage."
The rat never enjuyed the popularity with
which the Hy used t.i ! f i " -1 Shuki.-peai.!
and Cervantes b"th referr-d t bun in idighi.
lns metaphorical phrase, and Browning gava
Wat yrtmrtnent but nut ctmiplimnwiary -ann-
tlon In ono of his poems. Tho fly, howovor,
fared somewhat better In general cslecnt
until sclenco ahd education changed Ihc atti
tude. Fifteen or twenty yeara ago children
In kindergartens sang llltlngly of "tho fly In
baby's milk." Selected by Professor, Qulller
("ouch for "The Oxford Book Of Mngllsh
Verso" Is an excellent poem of William
Oldys, beginning
Ruy, curious, thirsty fly I
Drink with nic und drink as I;
Kteoly welcoino to my cup,
Couldst thou sip and sip IE Hi.
Rut tho Hy Is now our enemy, unit tho rat
Is more knowingly dreaded than over before.
There Is safety In fear.
Enmeshed in a Definition
Ttlt-: most brazen of all the untl-inoinllty
organs In Pennsylvania said tills morning:
Kacltur defeat in their various dlstrlclfl,
' the pitiful appeal of Congressmen. "Let t'a
j Have Pork." has changed to the insistent
demand, "We Musi Have Pork!" It In a
tough outlook for mushroom statesmen
whose only stock in trade Is it faked prayer
and a trtinkfut of broken promises,
fork or no pork wtts tho question before
tho United States Senate , yesterday. Uy
sonic strange frenk of fortune, Mr. Penrose
happened to be In his seat. Putting himself
In n clnss with "mushroom statesmen whose
only stock In trndo Is u faked prayer and n
trunkful of broken promises," he voted for
the pork.
Checkmate the Municipal Court Grab
ANEW Municipal Court grab, involving
eventually a million Instead of half ft
million dollars, is In process of accomplish
ment. Tho Mayor bus boldly challenged the
men who propose to put this burden on tho
municipality nt a time when common sense
requires the husbanding of resources In order
to make the way clear for transit. Tho
Mayor's veto of the ordinance condemning
ground as tv site fir the projected buildings
should be sustained, tils argument against
It Is conclusive. There can be no satisfac
tory answer. The clt cannot he loaded down
with white elephants at this time without Un
people understanding clearly the purpose of
the program.
New Hose Must Be Got.
THE Are underwriters have sustained Di
rector Porter's charge that a largo part
of the hose owned by the city is unfit for use.
It would be Idle now to quarrel about who
is responsible for the situation. Tho thing
of Importance is the fact Itself. It must bo
remedied, not next year, but this year. There
is no other matter which so urgently requires
the attention of Councils.
Art "Made in America."
THE Kuropean cataclysm has at least tem
porarily affected the buying of books and
attendance nt the theatre. Hook publishers
and play-producers tire unanimous in their
opinion on thnt point, but they predict a
"boom." American novelists und dramatists
will have tho Held to themselves.
Xo one has over contested the supremacy
of France In the short story: yet tho
much-vaunted French writers, such as Flau
bert and Gautlcr. acknowledged their In
debtedness to Kdgar Allan Poe. The short
story has reached a more perfect form In j
America today than it over has In France.
We have not yet produced a Shakespeare, a
Moliere or an Ibsen. Nevertheless. England,
France, Germany and the other continental
i countries can boast of no living dramatist
' whom we may not hope to duplicate. If not
"Tho adulating Imitation of Kurope's
middle-age art has brought a' out uvdlocrlty
in our own," recently declared America's
famous sculptor,- (Sutznn norglum. "There
is no reason why we In America should not
produce an Angela or a Pa Vinci."
Let us have a declaration of independence
in art.
Roll of the Thunderbolt
THE history of representative government
is tho history of the gradual assumption
of power on the part of the people. The French
Revolution, which Victor Hugo called "the
most prnfound thing In all history," would
never have left lis imprint upon the social
and political soul of mankind had it not been
lor the current of life and action supplied by
the people. They made teal the teachings of
the French materialists of the 1Hth century.
Rousseau and Diderot and Voltaire, and tho
cntirfl coterie of 'hllosophfcrs and thinkers
of that period, would have remained dead
letters had It not been for the dynamic power
which the revolution supplied for the realiza
tion of their Ideas. Their thoughts were but
the rustling murmur of a new day. The
power supplied by the people was a thunder
bolt that has since rolled around the earth.
o Quarter to Political Plunderers
OCT In Kansas City the friend- of good
government are quoting what Ilujfh
fVRrlen, a, former Mayor of TWton, said in
an official messasro after his reelection In
If political parties put iiti.ernrm!ous men
to the fi'tiet. tboy ought to be oed down.
If pMbnca! parties m'ke conibitiatiot;.: nab
m.it win: morality and inucrity i. (tjt .
tionablv, sui h combinations should be dls,-
ountKrd and clitcouitteiiiHtcl by en-iy
gil citizen, If no quarter i-i divt'ii ! im-ti
who ha,- no ra"ial n.-itii-tpUi behind them,
who connect themselves with leading
imrties mt-ti-ly for plunder, they should m
stuiiiiiud out. Und tbli the b'lssitii.-a of tho
country will lw conducted, like any oilier
leigw lorporntiun, tm bunnesH pi ineipivs,
Thte words apply tm all uoiDbnitttpintt for
plunder lu municipal, Btate or national pili.
ti".. They point tu the responsibility gf
evipy American citizen.
rpHE wonderfully bluo waters of tho bay of
JL Funchal, off tho coast of Madeira, glit
tered tiansluuontly. In small boats a party
of American tourists landed from the steam
ship. MeNnb, who had a mania for collect
ing otitio things, aniiounccd that ho would
buy the finest old Madeira wlno on tho island
and, with that, ho disappeared on his hunt,
the while tho others saw the sights.
And then tho unrcgeneratcs laid a deep
and wicked plot to commandeer that wlno.
So they got back to tho steamship well In
iidvutico and awaited events. .Hist us Iho
whistle blew Its "all aboard," McNub hovo
In sight In a small boat, lovingly .caressing
it basket. Ho tied it to n rope, mounted to
the steamship's deck and began to holit up
his precious burden.
Hut tho wicked ones were prepared nntt
when the basket was passing it certain port
hole, n hand protruded ntul two bottles, cob-
webbed and ancient looking, were lifted
bodily Into tho Inner recesses of tho steam
ship. Whoictipoii the ship's surgeon brought
line cigars mid the first mate nuts und bis
cuits. Then the purloliier. lifter u more or
less neat speech of triumph, pulled tho corks
and poured out the clearest, nicest water
over seen!
McN'nb had paid $3 each for tho bottles, but
he never know the tinregen crates had just
enough self-respect left not to tell him tho
nwful truth.
TT HAPPKXl'.D last week, when the sun
1 shone brightly nml tho lmcsy nt autumn
was In tho air. 1 wandered far a field Into the
lands beyond Colllngdalo over the hills and
far away, until I came to it tumble-down
stono building, decayed with age and redo
lent with historic memories. There nroso
visions of Washington, of Grant, the heroes
of our wars. Memory painted pictures of
love and Intilglte and bloodshed ami the pur
suit of peace and then canto tho most an
cient Inhabitant.
"Pretty old building?" vontured tho writer,
seeking Information.
"Pretty old," responded the man.
"It's probably played an important part In
our country's history?"
"Not that I know of," responded the old
mniu "it's been a cow barn nigh nil Its Ufo."
Whereupon I bent a masterly retreat.
HI31NR1CH 11131X13, tho German poet, lay
desperately ill in Paris, an exile from his
native land, shunned by members of his rnco
because of his change of faith, disliked by
those of his new religion. Rut though
paralyzed, his mind was as clear and ncuto
as over and his wit us cutting. Dally ho
wrote for a French paper; Incisive, rapier
like, cutting and sharp were his remarks.
And the butt of his daily joke was one of the
Rothschilds. For months this bait continued,
and then Rothschild could stand the jibes no
longer. He sent a friend to Heine to offer
him a life of ease If he would forego his
sutlrlcal attacks.
"Stop?" asked Heine. "Ptop the nttacks on
Rothschild? What other pleasure have 1 left
In life? Tell Rothschild that all his millions
could not buy health for me. Tell Win that
my lampooning pleases mo more than It hurts
So to the day of Heine's death, Rothschild
had to endure.
IX PARIS. Heine had married a French
woman of dubious antecedents and utterly
at variance with tho spiritual nature of tho
poet. She wns a good nurse, however, divid
ing her time between Heine and her parrot,
(hie day she disappeared und a friend, con
doling with tho sick man, suggested that she
hud eloped.
"Is her parrot still here?" asked Heine,
"Then she'll come back." "And come back
she did.
ROMANCE Is u thing of the past. Our
childhood dreams and fancies have been
relegated Into the scrapheap of materialism.
The thrill of old is replaced by the certainty
f knowledge. What ix it all about? Oh, yes,
itiihinsiin Crusoe's ihlu has been connected
with the rest of the world by wireless! Can
ynu conceive it, itobinHon signaling f Fri
day to come to his aid'.' or some one far
away punctuating the air with electric Hashes
to wurn him that the savages were coming?
Gone are the days of the buccaneers, the
rovers of the sea!
Robinson Crusoe's isle has beon annexed to
the rest of the world!
Doctor Hrtinibuuifh if- immune tu spitbaits.
A man with a feather m in.- tap usually t
has an male m his pweket.
Wit the reient eiitipse of the sun an f?s j
bh plot to deprive IJemjau- ut her well
known place therein?
The ila'-i.r has done bit. duty in the matu-r
if tin- .Mt.i.n lput Cut i gri.b. C.juni'ils Will
tlttve aiii-ti'i i iui-.i this aft. tt miii,.
Th're is c.. 'i i-.-ii., alj.. hi vi..it Mi fv-n- ,
lose Maud I ' Ti.i n..rii : , . 1 v . that (
through his O'-' -i'.. i'io.'i b. 1.. n4 ft ;
anyihintf. J
' ''WIHI'I'll'll'lll I J. I i '"-' t
Mr lti.ievlt htiyA that Mr. Plnchot will
UAH li tin. 1,'lt VWlut iio t, .!f. Hi.. ..Mil know
baut it." A in. hi ,s ,.,- .j.i.k ,,! i., .,,)(,,. if
b ha tef Uui Uy u, v ', ' I"- I ci.p
ltegutir sutABuiUip mrvU' ttm fWtoiirT j
phi t the Incite Is a (a0 sjhju. SWwln
BWAd froifl so line a port as this t Sew I
York to hi- 1 luib-ti on vi ,-.-il.- was a kind uf '
extrai-icuiro win. i Miiuel l.uJ-inc-.-i could not '
long uMli,-c I
BENEATH the great St. Stephen's Cathe
dral in Vienna, which may yet he taken
by the Russians, is a, labyrinth of catacombs,
nearly equal to that of Home. For miles tho
subterranean passages twist and turn in
Cimmerian darkness. When a very small boy
I wus taken into the depths by my father,
eci-orppunieil by a guide who carried a torch.
Somehow or oihu', 1 went astray and wnn
deted nffi The reflected light of the torch
showed skeletons of Capuchin monks, ar
rayed In the h'"dc-d vestments uf their order,
standing In silent, gruesome rows against
the damp wall: honors were multiplied lu
my childish brain.
"Papa!" I yelled, and the echoes sounded
mid resounded In quavering tones, dying
nwuy in ghostly whisper. And whn I was
safe with my dud. a moment later, I wns the
happiest youngster In all Europe.
WHB.V Wiliuim c, Reiek was editorial
manager of the New York Herald it was
well-nigh impossible for any me from the
uuuido world to seo him. Rut Harold J. Ut
tMutf. u English newspaperman, accom
plished the seemttiBly lmssible. and here l
ttdit how ho did H- He sent word Into Mr
Reick Uiat he had a storv which he would
tell ny to him. Wr. lH'Uk sent a reporter
to see WtttoduH. who declined to rewal W
story in any i v Mr. ReU-k. After
hir.f? wait h ws tuton l" h irwrt
Well- ymn . what's yowr story?"
askwl Mr. tteicte.
"It's a hawWuuk story; I want a job," sail
l.ltthdale, BMl th he W nattered out.
Ihi.-j wat -ix ,n ib,,i,,. ,. u irei t blovv
at the poor, down-trodden autvmubile owner( j
It was John C. Calhoun, who In a seih
d-wrt't May T. lS8- coined the phraw.
"i'Ohiv- power of public plunder- sarins:
"A uiuwer has risen up 1 tho Government,
v, renter Hutu the peupb? thenneivw, consist
lug of many mi various and powerful In
terest, combined luto on mais and tntt in
gether by the coheslva WWr the vast
surplus in the banks."
That other well-known phras. to "4t In
tbe last dileh," originated with William (4
Orange, who. o being asked by BuefcijJghajM
whether be dtd mil tealise tl.e Inevitable lulll
PaniMnu mr the Ciuiiiiioiivm alth. replied:
' 'I ren Is ime iiri.nn tin .ins hv ublc'i f
i. iti Li Mir in v i tu - i- m ouiitr .-, rum.
I will die In the 1 i-t .Jit. I. ' I
Uorr a .-'-b.-llioti ti...n pit e in Rhode Inland
in 1813, the bone of contention being a de- J
slretf chango In tho old Constitution, which
dated back to Charles It. Rival fnctlons
wcro formed -tho "Surfrngo" mid tho "Law
and Order" parties. Each elected a sot of
State ofilclnls rind each sought to gain con
trol of the Htnto Government. Thomas W.
Dorr Was chosen Governor by tho Suffrage
party and attempted to selzo tho Govern
ment, but was sentenced to Imprisonment
for life, being pardoned subsequently.
Cold slaw, a dish essentially American In
Its popularity, Is said to havo been Invented
by the early Dutch settlers, who called It
John Hull's sister Peg Is really Scotland
a poor girl raised on porridge anil water and
tltinrlored In a gnrrct exposed to the north
wind. In Arbuthnoi's satirical "History of
Europe" she Is represented as madly In lovo
With Jack John Calvin.
Popularity Assured
That proposed 'bus lino on Itroad street
shoulthl become Immensely popular with tho
young folk, for bitpslng has over been a
popular pastime.
A Hitter Doso
Pelrogrnd and Jaroslau
Dtidnpest ii tut Crecy,
Kaiser Wllhelm, General Pntl-
Driic ino neurly crazy.
Rut the worst Is yet to come,
Tits! ing rather ttlll-y,
llci.iitlm- ttlfn iii'iium-ltiltfiHU nil
"Tuko some Prziiiysl-y" ( Cliooso yoi
"Take some Przyinsl-y" i own
"Take soma Prmzsyl-y" ' Spoiling.
Tuoulitn't lio Tolerated Here
from the IJumioj Aire Sinnilnrtl.
"Again 1 wns welcomed by my cheery host
ess, und once more partook of hor simple
yet palatable face."
From Allied sources wo learn that -l,3.iG,711
Germans were killed, ll,i!nti,32 wero wound
ed and !ioo,-!fi7 wero taken prisoners, In tho
last four days oi lighting.
From German sources we leitrn that tho
total German loss to ditto was 11 slightly
killed, 13 tcrlously dead and OG compre
hensively wounded.
Fowl Play
"Why havo you given your hen such tin
outlandish name as Footpad, Jinks?"
"Rocauso she's laying for mo."
The Natural Sequence
It now behooves all good exchange editors
to dig up tho Ingoldsby Legends and roprlnt
"Tho Jackdaw of Rholtus."
Heart hum. Probably
1'rotn tho lllkton (Md.) Democrat.
"Flro of an unknown origin totnlly de
stroyed tho contents o Clurunuc 11. Krauss
one night last week."
Mary had a little lamb,
And then 1 heard her holler:
'What does that waiter think 1 nm?
Ilo Charged me half a dollar!"
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Domestic Uifcord
"My husband used to call mo his lovoly
A ml now?"
"Now he picks on me." Louisville Courior
Journnl. .
What's In a Name?
"We're giving our pastor a new drawing
room carpet on the occasion of his Jublloo.
Show mo i something that looks nice but
Isn't too expensive."
"Here is the very thing, madame real
Kiddermlnlster." Lmidun Punch.
Teacher Johnny, you have been writing
your own excuses.
Johnny 1 know, mum; It takes all pa's
time to think of his own.- New York Sun.
A Fall Time Singer
Golden punklns gleamln' bright
Vantler in de patch.
Never seed u purl lor sight
Laying in a batch.
Trouble ills way's fraid to steer
"Come right in an' havo u cheer."
Dixie Lund's de laud fo' me.
No whar elso l'se boun'.
Possums roarmn' rutin' so free.
Null' lo make u darkey grin
"Rrlng jo' tolkt. an' call ag'ln."
JacKsonvillo Times- Union.
Sign of the Times
A Hupth-t Church in I'uterson hns spoken
the lasl wont In business administration of
religion. This is the sign erected in front
of the edifice:
Love and Sunshine Company,
Whulf .".lie and Retail Christians;
tili-t ill nit ors of Joy anil Goodwill.
In K:-Mtitlal.- unity; in nun-Essentials,
Liberty: lit nil things, chiirit.i.
The I'lmr-h vlth the Royal Welcome,
A Villainous Joko
Who is Iho Villa of Europe?
Which of the embattled emperors is tho
friend of the Euro-peon','
This is Too I'uniiy
We labored hard to pen n pun.
An hour passed, und it was done;
AVe nearly died of Micor surprise;
We pinched ournlf and rubbed our eyes;
For, as we looked on It in pride
And. as c said, ,'u nearly died
We fiiuno we'd mad a double hit
(Of wisdom, infamy or will
Fitf then we saw. and not till then,
We'd penned a pun thai punned a Penn.
A lot of fuss over u little thing, perhaps,
tun it occurred to us that William i'enn
looks rather laky computed to the rest of
the City Hull lowert
One Ilad Turn
Brown (whose new cook is worse than tho
lstl--ll was on u, recommended that
now cook in my Wife, wasn't It?
Jones iwilb diffidence) - Yes. old man.
Orwn venBefuilyiThen, I must ask you
to i-onio homo tu dinner with me tonight.
London Sketch.
A Prayer
fiid of the warring nations,
God of the ways of jwaee,
Hark to the, pii.u of women
Ami bid tho warfare ci-hku!
Hail; to the prajcrp of ilUIdren,
Their sniall hands lifted Ul
And fiom the world forever
Hcinuie this bitter uup!
n ymr at peaceful Hvlne
f hy servants havi- forgot
Wt grief that follows rnane,
And now. ihiir hlmd grown ht
9'lw chullengp each !w other,
And lth m hcdin for
ffh tieektuced itrwiti ut Uve4 ttttetl
They cUiti-r fh t wr,
oh, God, reuve thu putdncss,
Ami mj'fe Thy i'vanta .sui
Remove tlu' fields of earnag,
Where wound' d and where stain
Arp trampled gory remounts!
our tJisl. f war and iwe,
Remove from nun their blindness
And bid the vMUfai'i- ceuiit.-!
A wife t-lti'ids nil forsaken
And i i-i i ii t.i the t-toritti
Abi.w Ho n,.,l. of butllt
i. .1... n,e uliufps swarm.
No ' i iM-'wrd her pleadlntf
.Vi " ' ' f Siwcw He
Be!d. t. e tte sl.tnds weejdmj
A baby sturvts mid die.
t3tl, lift the burden from tbH
Who bear the l.miten most?
God, to in h tli- ' - n i of rub n,!
1 d. t ,u ii i ." ii ..ii ring ho.-t
l'i -in , . i . .ii io : !.",. liter
I. In I , , of pi- I- ' i
Go l ii. ' in. i i i-i is "f ui'iTi n
Si d I :! Hi. v irriug ''" 1
Juaa Mvi timer Lewis, in Houston Post. J
AFRlEND put Into my hand the other
day an old pamphlet written by John
Roach, tho shipbuilder of Chester, which
describes rather fearlessly tho causes of
tho decline of the American merchant
marine and denounces In positive terms what
hns been called free ships, Roth theso ques
tions arc uppermost In tho minds of the peo
ple at tho present time, and It Is curious to
note that they occupied n somewhat similar
position -10 years ago.
Roach was an Irishman, who camo to this
country ns a boy early In tho BOs, and first
went to work In n foundry for 25 cents a
day. In the course of his long career as a
ship and engine builder ho failed four times,
and, had ho survived, undoubtedly would
have successfully passed through his fourth
failure to fortune again. Ho built four of
tho warships which wcro known as the Whlto
Squadron, tho beginnings of our present mod
ern navy, and It was due to his suggestion
and advice thnt tho United States ventured
upon tho development of Its navy along mod
em lines.
IT WAS this venture that finally caused
tho death of John Roach. First lie aston
ished tho Naval Advisory Hoard by making
his bids on four ships far bolow their esti
mated cost. When tho Dolphin was com
pleted tho now Secretary of the Navyi
William C, Whitney, would not accept It.
Although another board conducted a strin
gent test and also rejected the vessel, Sec
retary Whitney changed his view. His action
camo too late. Roach, with so much of his
capital tied tip, stopped business for the
benefit of his creditors. Ho declined In health
from that time, and two years later, or In
1&S7, ho died, a broken-henrted man.
Roach was responsible for a largo propor
tion of tho iron steamship tonnage which
carried tho American flag after the Civil
War. It is said that his yards built In all
HI ships of the most modern typo for their
day. He wns naturally a stern advocate for
the protection of tho ship Industry In this
country, mid one had-only to mention Clyde
bullt ships to him to start him off on a.
IN ROACH'S pamphlet which my friend
handed me, I find an explanation of tho dis
appearance of our Hag from the merchant
marine of the world. "When our Civil War
began," the shipbuilder states, "wo had a.
largo commerce but a small navy, and the
latter, to protect untlonnl life, purchased
215.97S tons of our best steam tonnnge. Tho
War Department absorbed, by charter and
otherwise, 7.17,(111 tons more. Of tho re
mainder, to avoid war rates of Insurance or
destruction by Clyde-built cruisers, under tho
icbel ling, 801,311 tons sought refugo under
the Hug of England or other European bunt
ing, while 101, Cor, tons were actually destroyed
by the Alabama and other pirates.
"Of tho ships of all sorts employed thus
by our Government few were afterward of any
commercial value, though resold at compara
tively low rates, partly because of the altera
tions they had undergone In the process of
adapting them to war uses, but more on
account of the revolution which had taken
place in commercial naval architecture and
in the application of motive power."
ROACH comments upon this procedure as
ono of the most extravagant and ruinous
methods that could havo boon devised for
supplying tho United States with a navy.
Hut at the opening of the Civil War, as at
the beginning of every other war in which
this country has engaged, something like this
linn had to bo done. We always havo been
unprepared. Indeed, tho method appears to
bo the approved method of augmenting naval
services all over tho world. Wo chartered
ships during tho Spanish War, and Eng
land, Germany and Japan, with their subsi
dized lines, also havo found It convenient to
take 'over certain vessels from their merchant
marine In war times.
It has been generally understood that It
was during the period of our Civil War that
England and to a lessor degree Germany
took advantagu of our preoccupation to
snatch away from us the commerce-carrying
trade of the world. From 1S30 until the open
ing gun of tho Civil War 'was fired our for
eign trade increased regularly and enor
mously, and In ISM it was questioned whether
tho L'nlted States merchant marine was not
first. In any case, It was a closo second to
that of England.
DURING that long-continued strife, how
ever, England had hor opportunity and
wns keen to tako advantage of It. Somo per
sons may havo thought that our present con
cern to regain our proud position on tho seas
while Europe Is busy was a trlllo unethical,
but to tho persons who feel that way about
It Mr. Rotich -P) years ago supplied tho
Listen to this: "England saw her oppor
tunity thus afforded her and availed herself
of It to tho utmost. She spout millions on
millions In subsidies under various forms;
she used even the agonies of our strlfo for
her own advantage, and tho Clyde builders
were enriched in tho construction of bloekndo
runners, not to speak of the Alabama and
other representatives of the 'llritlsh neutral
service.' Unobstructed nm! uurlvuled by tho
only people who had shown a capacity for
competing with her upon tho sen, she mndo
the first fruits of the great naval revolution
all her own."
IT Ml'BT be renipmbered In reading that
sentence from Roach's pamphlet that tt
was written less than ten years after tho
civil War, when tho wounds and prejudices
of tliat strife had not yet beon effaced; nov
ertheless, it Is likely to make us feol u little
more comfortable ubnut seising the present
opportunity to get mn- Hug on the sea ugnlu.
TM you ever tell u "white lie"?
After you hud told it. did you feel any
okm mean, small and disponed to creep
snake-like into the nearest holm than when
yun had told u real substantial one?
It is curious hnvv we grease our cou
scleiice in the "whlto llo" hubli, I sat tu
a tnan's office when his messenger presented
a visitor's card. After a quick gtuuie ho
returned it to the boy with tlie trite In.
siruetiuns to "tell him I'm out."
This fellow forthwith established his renu
tatiuu for wilful inaccuracies among two
tM'opJe, the hoy und myself; perhaps in it.
self not a serluus handicap to his Mamling.
but Just us a drop of anllino dye will tint
hogshead uf water this man's lack of re
spee for pure truth will gradually permeate
Uls entire environment. This is as tnevitablu
OS the law of gravitation is Inevitable.
Doubtless, the mental irocesy is: "Well I
don't want io mo this visitor and I don't
w:ii.! tu insult him by telling him so. lli-nci.
I abstain fnmi making him aiuirv b leading
linn in i.eliive i am not in m office.''
Did ou cer see a em marching alone?
Ntver Always tt is found In ih" company
of Its own bone and marrow. The thief i
becomes n murderer; the drunsard becomes
a liar; tho liar becomes -f. bowprd. ,
Rencdlct Arnold did thb nosl convenient
thing! It took, too much cdurtfe- to tt t he
Inconvenient thing. And that's exactly thA
situation with tho teller of the "whlto lie"
Contributions That Reflect Public Opin.
ion on Subjects Important to City
State nud Nation.
To (tie A'dllor o the Eventng ledaerl
In reading your elllctent newspaper 1 find nn
nrtlclo entitled, "British Diplomat Criticises
Wilson on the Mexican Policy." Tho British
Ambassador, Sr Lionel Garden, was nothW
but a warm partisan of tho Hucrta regime.
At one time 1 was a Hucrta sympathizer until
after ho committed murder tho killing of
Francisco 1. Madero,
Sir Lionel Carden cannot by any means
compare with tho great President Wilson; tho
troops were ordered from Vera Cruz. Why?
Because tho President know that he was
leaving thoi situation to an honorable and edu
cated man. Sir Lionel's statement Is agnlnst
Senor Carrnnzu, becaiiso he ordered that ho (sir
Lionel) should leave tho republic for being a
Hucrta partisan. So let mo explain, In a few
words, that Sir Lionel contradicts himself by
saying that Curranza has no sort of Govern
ment. Ho must know that If Senor Cnrranza had
no sort of govornment ho would not have told
Sir Lionel to leavo the republic.
Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 19H.
To the Editor of the Evcntnp Lrdaert
Sir A campaign Is on In this Commonwealth
which Is being wntched throughout the length
and breadth of our land. It Is a fight to a
finish between tho discredited old machine nnd
tho forces which will prevail If the old Koyston
State Is to be lifted Into tho plncc It must
occupy If wo as Pennsylvanlons nro to stand
erect ns men worth while.
Tho Issue Is Penrose no tho embodiment et
practices which no longer havo any proper
place In our polltlcat and Industrial life. Theso
are tho days for tho valiant on both sides of
tho ocean, and tho call of duty Is just as clear
ns If It were "To arms" Instead of to the ballot
box. When tho Evening Ledger enlists In this
campaign, aggressively opposing this blight on
nun national life, It, In my Judgment, performs
a great public duty and makes a contribution to
tho cause of good government second to none.
Mauch Chunk, Pa September 15, 1914.
To the 1'dttor of the Evening Ledger!
Sir I have read for many years and have
appreciated deeply the splendid work which
tho Public Lf.doiiii has dono toward tho puri
fication of Pennsylvania politics. Another
great opportunity hits now arisen for It ami the
Evening Ledger to continue this service, to the
advantage of both State and nation. I refer to
tho opportunity of defeating Mr. Penrose for
ic-clectlon to the United States Senate. .
Swarthmore, Pa., September 14, 1014.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir As an Independent Republican, Interested
In raising my imrty to a higher standard of
citizenship, I nm glad that you are opposing
Penroseism. You deserve tho gratitude of the
good citizens of Pennsylvania. Our county was
strongly nntl-T'cnrose at tho last primary, and
tho sentiment against him continues to Increase.
E. E. ZUfiK.
Mt. Pleasant, Pa.,- September 14, 1014.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir I am a reader of tho Evening Ledoeh
and like your paper, but I am a Republican.
As I believe that Is your policy, I cannot
see bow yen can consistently support Palmer
and a Republican platform at tho same time.
Hn does not stand for Republican principles
and. therefore, should not ho supported by any
Skitlngton, Pa.. September IS, 1014.
Praise From Sir Hubert
From tho Boston Transcript.
Oenigo W. Chllds himself might havo Issued
the order under which, with the beginning of
tills week, an Evening Ledoi:ii flashed upon
tho Philadelphia public am", the community at
large. It was a liberal move to extend In these
boms of retrenchment the expense of publica
tion. - falso Idea prevails that In "war circu
lations" there Is great profit. Circulation In
itself 13 of no value. It Is only as It commands
re.vpect and thus advertising patronago that It
Is even self-supporting.
Thus the expansion of tho Pi'uuc Ledcjcr, at
this time Is purely for the advantage of Iti
renders, though let us hopo hi the long run Its
publishers, too, may reap their reward.
The infant niniches like a veteran. It Is
edited by a "distinct organization," which we
may he sure In this case does not menu that
pleuso-ovorybody policy "support" dn tho
morning, "opposition" In the evening to
"catch them coming and going."
A newspaper "without a history" Is as happy
as the pioverhlal "country." For the years of
its existence tho Pcnuc LEoann's has been
most hiief. It was conceived a thoroughbred
and thoroughbred it has lemnlnerl in spite of
tho temptations of niongrelizatlon by voting
contests, money prizes, tango teaching, etc.,
Its history Is the personality of a few clean
mlndcd, public-spirited individuals with a truo
sense of what "enterprise" really Is. Never
has It been nearer Its best than today.
Silence Not Golden
from the (liambcrHtMirg (Pa.l Valley Spirit.
A struuge, weird silence falls upon the lips
of the Republican candidates when the name
of Pentose Is mentioned.
Not one of them hni so far dared to declarn
himself either for or against tho machine that
seeks io continue its corrupt management of
this State for Its own advantage.
Welcomes E cning Ledger
Fiom tho Jewish Exponent.
The Evis.MNo LunuKit. Is a welcome addition
tu tho tanks of Philadelphia newspaperilom.
Theie Is no better paper lu the United States
than tho Pi'uuic Lbihjbr, and few as good. If
tho t-vunhiB edition keeps up tho fine tradition
thut the Pl'iiwl' Lkooeii has establlbhtd, It
will be a potent force for good.
Along with tho day of prayer for the peace of
Europe it might with propriety lie susnc-steil
that a day he set apart for a popular memorial
to the Intorctatu Commerce Commission for a
jubt rerideiiug of tho public account with tlto
railroads. ('hattitnoogii Times.
Nothing can bring back tho glory of rthelnn.
Imagination Is touched with tho heat of pas
sion when armies heedlessly dellower a country
of its noblest church, anil It recoils with M'orn
and loathing fiom tho guilty horde. New York
Tyio struggle In Colorado Is bure to be ie
liowrd, unless tho State takes back Its abdicated
authority, icsumcs its forgotten duties. J'"
both makes and enforces tawa which will 1"
mote peace In tho mining regions. I'liuasu
Eveiy well-informed commentator on tin
problem ut building up our undo nith "utlJ
America usrees that, it Is mainly a iitetiun :
establishing a proper system of exUiatigi-s.
ivkerobv ample credit ftfellltUs m hi- extenotn
to the uiiu.Amerik'an9 and payment of '-m
actions carried out with luciliU--'- ' aul
pioneer Press.
Raihu&d men should lean on themselves mote
and on tho Government less. The should ma
stand back helplessly without econoiuUing "''
ask the Government for a license t "iu
shippers and railroad iasemjer.-MilaiKee
Tho extension of American banking fai-ihU'S
to South American cities should be followed t
tho efctablitbincnt of cheaper rates of postage-
New York Times.
If Piu.-ldcnt Wilson nnd this Hinioirutic
lefdi-jv. ill-, lie to go into the vouiuiK lU'1 "''.',!
with tin iink-reiixiblv gt-ib- tu'ti a fju.iwv'
iippriipii-tiion to their discredit. the tune s"W-
ili-nlv l,o im. Iohu i-uruftil ,, I hn lUilttl'-ll J -
pect--. of administration than the have li""
ueretviore. New York Tri
Ituin It:
- tr-f f fianaf-yT-TiiHi"