Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 22, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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First Written as a "Walk
Around" for Minstrel
Show in New York.
Made a Hit at Once.
b'otifrs may come nml sours mnv pn,
tint snme sotiB" ko on forever. One nt
the "forever" npiwnrn to lie "Dixie."
Once tipproprlntcil to tlie service of the
Confederacy ns n buttle song, Us use
nnd populnrlty nrn now national in fstct,
one fenrs It tltc xvorlil over. Few know
tho words of "tM'do," yet so eontnelmisl
pleasing is it music that It has becomo
song without words of universal n
real. Mnnv stories are related, with more
or less authority by the tellers, as to
Jio the sons came to tie composed
nnl os to the origin nnd significance of
the word "Dlcl." There Is, however,
no douht ns to Its authorship tt wnt
written by Daniel Deer.-ur Ummett In lsM
while he wna n member of Itrynnt's
Minstrels, whose theatre tvas at 4T2
The story of how It came to he writ
ten was oftvii told by Emmett I'nder
Ms cuntiiut he was obliged, whenever
called upon, to compost a new "walU
nmund ' to ho tui( lit the close of each
rcrfoinutnce. Jt was on one of these
occnslous that he wrote ' Dixie" on very
Khmt ni tier, as he said. It was first
eunf. as extant pwsrnms show, on Sep
temlier i:. 1V). A program of that date
le.nls ' The performance to conclude with
Dan r:minett's orUlnnl plantation onR
ami d;itK. 'PIio-s Land." Introducing the
whole ttoupe In their festival dance."
As to the origin and significance of
the word "Dixie," Jtr. Ummett said
that it was sUGKostett to him In this
way: As soon aa cold, wintry weather
set In up North the minstrels of his
company would wish themselves bark
In Dixie's Land. On a very cold il.iy
It was common for thntn to say long
ingly. "O' I wish I was In Dixie's
Land." As to the meaning of the
word "Dixie" as thus inert it was
vaguely supposed to be a diminutive
of "Dlon." denoting nny place south
of Muhon and Dixon's lino.
Another authority, the New York
JIusleoI Age, long extinct, had con
nected It with one Dixie, a Long Island
farmer, who harbored runaway female
slaves and treated them so kindly that
his asylum btcame known fur nnd wld
among the Negroes: hence, when, from
time to time, the wife of a slave would
make a iuctessful "getaway" and reach
Dixies the word went around that she
was in "Dixie Land."
Another widely accepted version was
based upon an old New York tradition
anent a man ameil Dixie who owned a
tract of land on Manhattan Island. He
was the owner of many slaves, whom
he treated so kindly that Dixie's was
regarded ns a sort of Negroes' para
dise In course of time he sold all his
tlaes to Southern planters, and there
after they used to wish themselves back
at Dixie s, and so Dixie, or Dixie Land.
became a svnonym for a place or state
of perpetual happiness
An old resident of New York tells of
a game tailed "Dixie Land," which ho
used to play many years before the Civil
War. The game was to run upon your
opponent's section and then taunt the
catcher with a song running somewhat
as follows:
I'm on Dixie's land, DKIe ain't at home,
Dixie's cone tlhlng, Dixie can't come.
Another curiouo conjecture as to the
origin of the word "Dixie" Is current
among Loulsinntans, who aver that the
word "Dl" was printed on the $10 bank
notes which the New Orleans banks had
made In Paris. They were always re
ferred to as "Dixies," and so Southerners
luvay from home and in low water flnan
ciallv would sigh regretfully for "Dixie
Land ' and wish themselves back theie.
But whatever the origin of the word
"Dix-.e" mav havo been the song "Dixie"
first sprang Inio popularity In New Or
leans in the fall of U where it was
sung in a theatre at the close of a snec-
tacu.ai peiformante by a troupe of young
women dressed as zouaves. Its success
was lncstantaneous, and from tho Cres
cent f'lty it rapidly sprtad to Confederate
battlefields, soon becoming firmly estab
lished as the Southern war song.
It Ie said that a New York band, Men
ter's, brought the sons back with thorn
from New Orleans, whither they had gone
on an invitation of tho New Orleans Are
companies, to play in a parado of the
Fire Department.
Thus this wonderful sons, composed,
by a Northern man with Northern sym
pathies, so fired the hearts and Imagina
tion of Southerners that In less than a
ear, by the end of 1C0, it wus plated
tho length and breadth of the South
land, arousing the wildest enthusiasm
wherever heard It was even sung at the
inauguration of Jefferson Davis in Mont
gomery, Ala., In 1WU. The tune soon
"caucht on" with Northerners and its
words were Unionized, there being sev
eral versions with the original wording
changed to stirring t'nlon sentiments.
The foiis as Emmett originally wrote it
Is to be found In old sen.' books.
Daniel Decatur Emmett was born at
Mount Vernon, O , in 1$U. and there he
dl-d in mi Ills Irish grandfather
served in the wor of the revolution, and,
his father, an Indian agent, fought in
the war of 1S1J. "Pan." while still la his
teens, composed the once popular "Old.
Dan Tucker " After a short military
career he Joined a circus, and in 110.
with four others, organized the "Vir
ginia Minstrels," who first pued at
Turdy's Theatre In the Bowery. Emmett
spent several years in Chicago, tie mode
his last public appearance in 1600 in
The publication of his song "Pixie'
was followed by many imitations. On
the heels o fit in 10 cams "l Wish I
Vjs In Dixie," by J. JVwcomb, the
words being almost the same as Em-mt-tfs.
Then came the martial version by Gen
eral Albert I'ike, first published in the
National Courier early in laSJ. The first
stanza ran'
Smhionj. hear your country call you!
Up' lei uorte than death befall ou
T armn. to aunt, to arms in Olds!
Lo' all h ta:vn Urea are lighted'
To arma, to aim, to arms in Dixie'
Then followed versions by Ina, Maria.
Porter, the Rev. M. B. Wharton. Maria.
Ixm Eve und Mary Stuart CJreeham
("PUie Rejuvenated"). The first verge
o the Utter runs:
The tug that va4 o'r UnJ and ocean
Nov la mrlel with M (Uvotltfn
Aay aay. away Id Dm Land,
The nobis tuivi no lonr miuter
'.Neath the folds wiwre memory clutter
Au j -U) auuy In Dixit- Lanl.
Then tbt. refrain
Vr gt l I lite In Dixie,
Hnor' 11 ray'
T- pixie Und line u my band.
Ill iUi I he heart of Dixie,
Aa An ay'
To 'laap ttM baart at DUle.
The tremendvus vogue of "JDlxlo" in
the South and Us approbation by South
erneis ns a rallying song prompted, It
Is snld, the rail for a national hymn
In 1S1I by n New York committee (tho
National Hymn Committed, of which
Maunsell H. Field was secretary. Prizes
were offered, and there were no less than
1200 contestant; but nothin appropriate
appears to hae been submitted, for no
award was made. Following Is the flist
stanza of one of the offerings:
All brill our rountrv Brest
Mnv rlie mwr rnlier
Uui rtrrv darnel Pe'oiMonlst
He himir up bv the halter!
"Dixie." sutK originally as a "walk
around" nt a Hro.nlv.iiy minstrel show,
became an Inspiring Southern battle song,
then spread Ihioiighout the whole coun
try and took Its place aiming It' national
airs. It was pin vert nnd sung with equal
zest In both the Blue and the Gray In
the Spanish War
Behavior Is Good in Public, in
Homes and in School, Says
Miss Alice Cleason, Missionary
flood behavior nf Mexican peoplp, In
public, In Ihelr homes and In school, Is
vouched for by Miss Alice Cllenson, who
has had much experience among them as
a teacher In schools conducted In the
southern nation by the Congregational
missionary etnbtlshment of the I'nlteil
States. Miss Cllenson olso. In the nceoni
panlng Inter. lew, published In the Chris
tian Science Monitor, describes the readi
ness of Mexican children nt learning nnd
the eagerness of adults of the large and
growing middle class for advancement
"I have never met better dressed or
mure cultured people than I have mot In
Mexico I have never found people who
weie more courteous or more loyal to
the person" they really liked." This Is
what Miss Alice Oleason said to a Moni
tor representative who had asked what
the people of Mexico were like. For 11
years Miss Ulenaon has been teaching In
Mexico ns principal of the Instltuto Co
rona. In Guadalajara. This Institution Is
a mission bonirtlng school for girls, estab
lished by the American Board of Com
missioners for Foreign Missions about 30
years ngo.
"Yis, there N much that Americans can
learn from tin Mexicans." Miss c.leason
continued. "The trouble Is that Ameri
cans come Into the country and make no
attempt to conform to Mexican tiistnin
and Ideas, and et we expect that aliens
who ouno Into the I'nited States t'j live
will adapt themselves to American cus
toms and ideas.
"Mexicans uro naturally polite, in
their homes they aro very considerate
of one another. No business man would
ever think of passing a day without
gulng to see his patents nnd grand
parents. The mothers are tho most de
oted mothers I have over seen and tho
fathers lov their chtldicn dearly, too.
Children have great lespect for their
parents nnd for all persons older than
themselves. Being courteous Is the nat
ural way of living among the natives.
And yet I have again and again seen
Americans who would not take tho
trouble to sat 'Good morning' to a Mexi
can. And when I hnvo asked such per
son to bo more courteous to my natlvo
teachers, servants and friends, they havo
answered. "But whv should wo be so
polite. Thc are only Mexicans:'
"As for inv.-olf, I would ruther teach
M0 Mexicans than American children.
No Mexican pupil would think of an
swering a teacher without beginning his
answer with tho word 'Senor, or
Stnorita.' They are respectful always.
They would rather tell you something
that is not true, although knowing that
you will tlnd It out 1j minutes later,
than to say a thing that would possibly
hurt your feelings,"
"What kind of students do Mexicans
make'.'" Miss Gleaeon was asked.
"Better thun most people Imagine Tha
snyln-! that it is Impossible to tenth a,
Mexican an, thing Is absurd. I will ad
mit that they aro slow about learning
some things, but that is because they
have never been taught to apply them
selves. Tiny don't like to upply them
selves. Thev don't like to work hard,
but that is not strange, considering thlr
past history. Yot they can memorize
anything and they love to do It.
"The subjects they don't like are arith
metic and nlcebra and whatever requires
fctendy, concentrated thinking. They are
very fond of history, nnd they love to
write compositions and to learn pieces.
They will spend hours and hours re
hearsing plavs and drills when they are
getting ready for some fiesta. Day after
day they will keep It up. I nexcr saw
suth perseverance. Many a time thev
have tried to keep rehearsals a set ret
so thev tould surprise mo with the pro
gram when it was tinlshed.
"Hut what Mexicans seem to be best
adapted to Is industrial art. They can
do anything with their hands. Last year
we put dressmaking Into our school
courses and courses In manual training,
the way the girls love that work. Ml
their sowing and drnwn work is excellent
I believe that If mislon schools In Mex
tro had begun by giving domestic si !en
courses and coursese in manual tialning
Inatead of having the curriculum conslrt
f nearly all aodemlc subjects, their
progresH would have been greater.
"The Government is beginning to rut
manual training Into the boys' si hnols
now, and I think It Is a splendid Idea.
Domestic science courses would fit the
girls to be wonderful servants. Tnder the
present ststem prai finally tho onlv course
open to a Mexican girl after she leaves
school Is to teach or get married
Lately soma of them have become
bookkeepers and stenographers. We have
a commercial course In our sehool that
gives the necessary preparation, but I
do not approve of the idea in general of
girls going into business in M xlcn a.i
otllee helpers The country Is not ready
yet for such an arrangement."
"Has trie type of pupils In your school
changed In the last dozen years?"
"Oh, ys, decidedly. At Hrst we got
only children from tho Vry poorest fam
ilies. Each yeai the children have ber u
coming from better families, and this
jear e had more children from good
families than ever before. The peop.e
wer afraid of us at first, but now ttjey
have lost that feeling to a large extent
""hey are willing to trust their children
With us. and this we consider n great
gain, for the place Is decidedly fanatical.
"What kind of a city is Guadalajara?"
"Delightful. It is built on a iin-su a
mile above sea level and U surrounded
by mountains The name applied to tt
in the Pearl of the West. It has a popu
lation of lWri and is la the midst of
an agricultural country. T..8 tempera
ture never goes above 8 and hardly ver
gets down to freezing. We have oranges,
limes, bananas, strawberries, beans. let
tuce, radishes, onions and squash the
year around
"The cit is lighted by ilectiint) You
will find electric light in almost the
poorest house. The houses are built of
adobe and theni cemented and. painted.
The electric eatv arc eooU. Th. drainage
system Is one of tho finest I know any
thing about."
"What Is tho greatest present need of
the Mexican people?"
"Education. I wish the kind of educa
tion that Is being given boys nnd girls
In the fnltert States could be put Into
every school In Mexico. There Is now rt
large middle class growing Up In Mexico
who want everything at once without
understanding what It Is.
"Thev do not know the real meaning
of political liberty. They must bo taught
to know what It means; the hoys and
girls should be taught It In the schools.
But It ipcm as If you would almost havo
ta find the seed for the plant, so remote
Is political liberty from anything In their
knowledge and experience. They nre a
lovnl people, but they nre not yet lilted
for democracy. They must have educa
tion first."
Flower o Army Assaults Forts on
Two Sides.
nuni.tN. Sent. 21 (by way of The
The nfiny under command of the Crown
Prince thin afternoon ipsunvri Its at
tack of the grcnt Kreneh stronghold nt
Verdun. Tho llower of the Crown
Prince's army, backed up by a great
number of big guns, Is attacking ctdun
on two sides, according to an official
announcement this afternoon by the Oet-
man General btalT.
Ileavv reinforcements have been rushed
to the Gil man forces composing the tllht
wing and centre. It Is believed the re
sumption of the Verdun nttack arid the
sending of such lnrge reinforcements of
fresh troops to the right wing and centre
may ho followed by on effort on the p.mt
of the Germans to nttempt nil offensive
movement all along the line.
i .
Mme. Castelnau, Spartnn Mother,
Receives News Calmly.
BOUDEAfX. Sept. 51.
Two sons of General do Castclnau. hero
of the lighting about Nancj. have been
killed In battle, and he notified bin wlfo
tndav Hint a third had been wounded.
Mme. de Casteln.m took the news
1 "I nriil four sons In the field." ho said.
"I shall not see them again. M husband
nloiif will return. He hn. no right to
nllnw himself to be killed."
Kaiser's Troops Foiled Flank Move
ment, According to Report.
AMSTERDAM, Sept. 21.
Advices received here today from Ber
lin say that during last week's fighting
the Kranco-Biltlsh troops attacked forti
fied German positions between the OImi
and Melise rivers. The Kreneh were sup
ported by their positions west of tho
Hlver Meuse. The German troop3 In tho
east letlred slowly In accordance with
a plan worked out In ndvalice by tho gen
eral staff, It Is related, until fuvoiabli
positions were reached.
Accoidlng to the dhpaleh the Kirneh
weie relnfoieei! by fresh lioops flom
Paris nnd tho aimles south nf Paris and
Belfort. They brought up heavy guns
fiom the cnpllnl and Immedlatelv put
them In action. The Krolich had planned
to nttack and (lank the German light
wing, but Hint movement failed, Berlin,
irports. Tho Fiench suslnlnod heavy
In the last three days the Germans
passed the offensive of the I'reilch rlglll,
which was henvllv tolnforccrt. The
Knlser's forces also passed Mie ernlre
and main forco between Heryanbnc and
the fortress In lln Argohne forest, Ver
dun was nttneked ft mil two sides.
Bullet, Assassinating Aus
trian Archduke, Set Off
Charge and Explosion In
volved Entire Continent in
Colossal War.
Stolen From Completfiic Castle.
French Wounded Report.
PAIttH, S"ep, 21,
A chess board ued by Napoleon was
stolen from the C'omplegnc Cnntlo, ac
cording to Information brought here by
wounded frem h soldiers. The castle
was not damaged
A number of pieces nf topcMry donat
ed by King Charlc and tin Cardinal
nf Lniralne to the Callinlrnl at Notre
Dame at Tlhelms have been destroyed.
Fugitives Seek Safety From Russians
nt Frrtnkfort-on-Odor.
A.MSTEltDAM, Kept. SI.
Prom Ilerlln cornea the announcement
by the 'Wolrf Bun an that In the neigh
borlmod of Frniikfort-on-nder tXi.iWO East
Prussian fugitives have been brought
nniTtis ron rrnl.tc i.rnnrR.
LONDOM, b'cpl. 22.
Tlie bullet which Gabriel Prlnzlp fired
into the btnln of the Aicliduke Ferdinand,
of Austria-Hungary, on rttnidiiy morning,
ilium ii, shattered the ncaco of I'utopo.
Km- many years Europe has been resting
over a storehouse of dynamite. Many
things tlurnteiiPit to set off the glgnntlr
charge, hut klhg3 nnd rulers and slntei
iiu n walded off the- blow. It wan only
tin vast daring nnd wise Htnlnsmanslilp
of Sir Edward tliey, of iJligland, Hint pre
vented the sparks of tho Balkan war
fnim Hying Into the Humpr-nti magazine.
The slntemen of Kurope ran about from
rnpital to capital, Meepless, Oxliallsled
ph,.di"il!.v, their nerven torn, trying to
Keep Dying objects or sparks from hlttln
the mine thnt lay under IJurnpe.
I tl Ink the tlredest, saddest-faced mnn
I ever saw Wna.M. ft.inlinff, the Premier
of Itii'K.in, wlirti, in an Interview nt
Cnlnls. France, mi one of the dark days
of the Balkan Win, he said to me, "I bc
lip we liavi saved the peace nf Kutnpi."
I.ut the thing he and other slalesmen
of Kuinpp prevented then hns happened
now. I'IIiizIi'h bullet Itsilf lilt the
Kiiinpenn powder magazine and set It oft".
Thnt MUlcl sped fnr ,nclly 2i tin vs.
Many rtnya pasted before tin ntritisineii
nml riileis of hlurnpe realised thnt danger
wni nheatl. Knglnnd and lis iuIpif won
win i Inl nbniit tho Hnine Itnle iUrstinn
and the prospects of civil war. Germany
whs .t"Wlng over socialists. I-'iance hurt
lt luniils full nf a glowing army scandal.
IIiifMu's capital was the seem of lints
glutting out of a strike In which one
hundred and ten thousand In Petrogratl
alono were Idle nnd nngry.
Thtee days after tho shooting Austria
demanded thnt Servla Investigate, on her
own soil, tho shooting of the Archduke.
Servln replied: "Prlnzlp wna a Servian,
It Is true, but he left Servla nnd went to
Bosnia, where ho committed the deed.
What has Servla to do with the affair?"
Then Austiln began on Investigation of
her own. What this Investigation was,
how It was carried on, what punishment
Wnti meted out to Prlnzlp Is n secret of
the Austrian couit. It Isn't known pub
licly whether Prlnzlp Is dend nr alive to
know the terrible consequences of his
deed. King Petej. of Servln, was Inde
pendent In the extreme. "Servla Is nn In
dependent country. It la nlso a Stnv
country," he said In effect. "Austria has
no alio over Us. Tho United States
might ni well dictate to England ns
Austrian Hungary to Servla " But Austria-Hungary
was firm. Translated
Into common talk, Austria-Hungary said:
'Servla Is Slav nnd nntl-Tcutonlc. For
Hint reason it Is against Austria-Hungary.
Seivln permit!) Hn rlllzens to speak
against Austila-Hungnry and In try to
peisuitde the Slavs In Austria-Hungary to
revolt and withdraw. It permits Its news
papers to do the same."
It is another mystery of the courts of
Europe why Austria-Hungary hushed tho
matter as she did. There are two sides
to etery story and the Aiistro-Hungarlnn
side has. not yet been told. For tome
ten ho n, however, Austrla-Hiingnry de
cldttl that now wn the time, for good
and fnr nil. to put the quietus; on the
orthodox Seibs who aro constantly nt
outs with tho Catholics, Teutons nnd
Hungarians, and to settle tho religious
qiipitlnn once nnd for all. Austria claimed
that her Investigation had proved that
Prlnzlp bought his revolver from Ser
vian army officers who were members of
a strong secret snclety In Servla nnd that
STVlnn t'tistnin men hnd helped Prlnzlp
across the border Into Bosnia.
Euiopean statesmen went on about their
biislne.s, and worried about the Austro-Hiingailaii-Servlan
situation. But the Ser
vian Embassy In Vienna wns attacked
one night; and the Austro-Hlingnrlan le
gation In Belgrade wna menaced. "There
will be no need to rattle tho sabre," said
nn (illlclnl Hungarian newspaper on July
T. nine days nfter the assassination.
"There In nn ground for wor." War?
Who said war? Emopean statesmen
tin mil uneasily when they rend this
Mntcniont. And then King Peter, of Ser
vla, talked one day. "If we aro attacked
by any gical Power we will have tho sup
poit of n greater Power," he tald. That
greater Power could be nothing less than
Russia, the ninth
Is thicker than wate
oy Slavic Servla.
Thnt would mean
un July 10 M,
"i!'A :.
rpryiupiMii llf hw
Minister In Servla, went to piS Veiii1!"'
xiition .iosrs presence of heart ft hi... . J
IsUr In Servla. What dltftwW ?
about? Did the nuul.n tell $&,? 5
Hungarian that Austrla-Hungkrv i i
keep It. hands off Servla? Was Ihelr"1 1
HariwlgV th7'n,rs9.an,Ufon drVS $
Barln OlcsTn presence of hem dlsi h,
However, It happened, here's "nolhi, 18
dead In t1lIs affair: victim numbeMhTe?
But there are to be hundreds nf .,."
nsnds of dead men noon. t. Lth?u"
paper hints that tho Busslam MlnlM "
had been poisoned In the AuUro.Ii,r
gnrlnti Legation. And on that am J.
some one In the English Par lnm?C..d.a"'
and complained that tho English nn.?!s
chancellories. Then arose the vole. "
he Czar of Russia, a small voice ,Z .'
telegraph wire. Intended, apparently6,,,!
n whlsner nf mmhn . .i' !'y "t
- . - - u......... .wl u1G
' widow a
...uriw.g; in reality the voice wns thunder
I noto with gratitude," tho Czar t.f.
graphed to her. "that the gat s'on6'8;
ii if mispinn 11001110 ntiri t
Servln will rest In the fraternal sol? ?
"Fraternal!" Was the Czar tnlklnr
about fraternity with Servla. even while
Austria-Hungary was trying to dlsclpln
tiui.iui ..toney mnntets tottered that day
That word "fraternal" did It. The money
markets knew, with the rest of the world
that If nttssla took measures to protect
Servla against Austria, Germany muet
tako up arms to help Austria. And If
Germany took up arms France must htln
Russia, and England, by her treaties
must help Franco and Russia, but Ausl
trln-Hungnry wbb showing no disposition
to keep her hnnds oft Servla.
Instead she was preparing a demand on
Servln. On July 21, 23 days after the as.
sasslnatlon. President Polncare of France
holidaying with the Czar of Russia, heard
that Auotrln-Hungary was mobilizing Iti
army. What orders the Czar of Russia
gave that day to his army Is not known
But Emperor Wllhelm, of Germany nlavi
lng on his yacht at Kiel, heard the next
day that Russian troops were mobilizing
on the German frontier. The Prlnzlp bul
let was nearlng tho powder mine
ne uaj
By Individual Buyers
The day before this is written September 1 5 the sale3
made to users on the HUDSON Si:c-40 were 152 cars. That
is, yesterday buyers of new cars paid out for HUDSON'S
The average for the past four weeks is $930,000 per week
because that is the limit of output. We are building and selling
1 00 per day. That is five times as many five times, mark 1J0U
as we sold at this season last year.
And we had no war then no talk of war's depression. Our
average sales have more than trebled since this war began.
That Means That Hudsons
Rule This Field Today
In July when we brought out this new model wc trebled
our output to cope with demand. Yet on August 1 despite our
best efforts we were 4,000 cars oversold.
We shipped by express nearly 1 ,000 cars to minimize delays.
That's an unprecedented act. But thousands of men waited
weeks for this car, when every rival had cars in plenty. Nothing
else could satisfy a man who once saw this new-model HUDSON
Five Fold Increase an Amazing Thing
Consider this fact: The HUDSON has long been a leading
car. Every model has for years been designed by Howard c.
In the HUDSON car Mr. Coffin has brought out all his new
advances. And the demand for his models long before the ad
vent of this HUDSON Six-40 gave HUDSONS the lead in this
field. The first HUDSON Six, inside of one year, became the
largest-selling Six in the world.
1 hink what a car this must be this new
HUDSON Six-40 to multiply that popularity
by five in one year. And to do it at a time like
this. Think how far it must outrank all the
cars that compete with it. Think
what tremendous appeal it muat
make to car buyers.
Think what a car ii must be when, in times of slow sale3,
men pay $930,000 per week for it. And they would pay more
if we had the cars to deliver. They yesterday bought at the rate
of 50 per cent more cars because 152 cars arrived.
The HUDSON Six-40 Now Far Outsells
Any Other Car in the World With
a Price Above $1,200
See the Car That Did It
Howard E. Coffin's Best
Come now and see this model the car whose record is unapproach
cd in the annals of this line. You will see a quality car sold at a price
which 13 winning men by the thousands from lower-grade cars.
You will see a class car in many respects the finest car of the day
which is 3old at one-third what class cars used to cost.
You will see how clever designing and costly materials have saved
about 1,000 pounds in weight. And in thi3 light car the lightest of tta
size you will see one of the sturdiest cars ever built. You will see a
new-type motor which ha3 cut down operative cost to about 30 per cent.
You will see new beauties, new ideas in equipment. You will see
new comforts, new conveniences scores of attractions you have never
seen before.
They arc all in this, masterpiece of Howard E. Coffin, who has long
been the leading American designer. This is his finished ideal of a car -of
the mnn who is conceded to be final authority.
Mr. Coffin has worked for four years on this model. And the whole
HUDSON corps ha3 worked with him 47 able engineers. Part by part,
every detail of this car hns been brought to its final refinement.
This is the coming type. This lightness, this beauty, this economy,
this price are new-day standards which men are demanding. And tht3
quality Howard E. Coffin's level best is the least that men who know
will take.
Come This Week Sure
Now's the Time to Choose
This is the time to pick out your new car. Next year's models aro
out now. You have seen what the field has to offer.
If you buy a class car, this new HUDSON Six-40
is the car you'll want. The exclusive features which
have won such an avalanche of favor are bound to
appeal to you.
Come now, because the best touring months are
before you. Don't miss the bright, cool Indian Sum
mer days. Get your new car and enjoy them.
We won't keep you waiting. We will see that
you get the car when you want it if we have to ship
by express.
HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO., Detroit, Mich.
. -" Jiift V "g?gjffifeyrjft' 'f:r'7''0S '
Five New-Style
7-Pmsenger Phaeton
3-Pasenger Roadster
3-Passenger Cabriolet
4-Passenger Coupe
Limousine, $2,550
All Pricei f. o. b. Detroit
The Extra Tonneau Seats Disappear When Not Wanted
Phone Filbert 2164
Catalog on Request
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