EVENING' LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22,. lffX& 3 I WARMSK-INSDRANOE OBTAINABLE HERE BY WAf OF WASHINGTON Collector of Port , Berry Wires Applications to Treasury Department for Acceptances and Rates. Collector of the Port Ucrry 1ms been authorized by the Treasury Department to recelxo applications from steamship agents, owners and shippers for war risk insurance on cargoes In vessels flying the American flap. Application for lnsuianco of vessels must be done thioURh Wash ington THO nutnoriznuun uuvihibh mo necessity f establishing a separate branch of tho Ilurcau of War Risk In urance here. Upon receipt of application for Insur ance, the collector will wire tho name of the vessel, tho cargo carried, tho amount of Insuranc required, the des tination and approximate sailing date to the Bureau In Washington. In roply ho will receive a rate for acceptance. If It Is acceptable to the applicant, an ap plication shall be made In dupllate upon a .prescribed document. Tho original Is to be signed by the nppllcant or his duly Authorized representative and given to the Collector, who In turn will sign tho copy and give It to tho nppllcant. The Collector will send the original to Wash ington, where the policy shall be made out and sent to him for delivery to tho applicant, who, upon Its receipt, surren ders the copy of tho application to the eolteotor. AH checks made In payment of premiums must be ortlfled and made payable to the Treasurer of tho United Btates. Other regulations follow: The collector shall satisfy himself be fore submitting any war risk that the, applicant has marlno Insurnnce In nn Insurance company or companies on the cargo on which he wishes war risk In surance. Tho nmount Insured against wnr risk cannot, In any circumstances, exceed tho amount Insured against mnrlno links. If the applicant Is unablo to state definitely the amount to be insured he shall declare a provisional amount, which may not be Increas"d, but which may be reduced, upon receipt of definite advice, to an amount not less than the total nmount Insured under marine policies. Premiums hall be paid on this provisional nmount, and if the amount is reduced when flnnl particulars are known, the exceed of such premium will be returned to tho assured by the Treasury Department. The rate of premium charged will be made from day to day by tho Dureau of Vi'ar Risk Insurance, and may bo had upon application to the bureau. The rate will vary for the different voyages and the cargoes insured. The Bureau of War Risk Insurance will jiot be bound by any errors made In the calculation of the premium or In filling In the form. Should error be subsequently discovered a readjustment must ho made. Applications for Insurnnce on vessels "under the Ameriui Hag will, be ncrcpted for periods of SO days, or for voyages commencing on nnd after the Onto hereof. The only risks that will be covered aro those Included In the form of policy to he Issued b.v the Bureau of War Risks Insur ance. Application for vessct policies must be made direct to tho Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department, Wash ington, D. C. Policies will be Issued In Washington only, nnd no agent or repre sentative of tho Government may hind or otherwise accept insiminro unless spe cially authorized by tho Bureau nt Washington. HORSES AND HOUNDS VIE FOR FAVOR AT BRYMAWR SHOW Addition of Canine Feature to Fashionable Exhibition Arouses Keen Interest. Society Out in Force. BOND SALESMEN REPORT A BETTER SECURITIES' TRADE After First Day on Street They Tell of General De sire of Small Traders to Get Into Market. Bond salesmen who have been permit led to go on the stroet and canvass for new business are reporting to their houses a. ralrly brisk demand for both the listed and unlisted securities. Getting in illroct touch with the Individual Investors who tr ,1? STu " Iols' they naturally arc able to judee the situation outside the broker age unices. And. In a general way. they flrtnrepor,lu.B exlf't''"ce of u returned con- vPrv-,thWhlch th"' l,ec,,lr' ia "'most everywhere apparent. falrurL.hr, '" fact' devePe'l sch a ITriL ,k 'Ielnan- In a small way. for il f,..,"i ClnSSS of se"rltles. that talk hilinJ iln,nnK thc '"vestment brokers of aalV. of committees supervising the that tH.BeCl?r,,,es J,Bal" llft t,,fi b!" ' JTi. ,rt "1. " lnrR"r vnIun'e '" he per mnv h'p (1UI,lmn"'y this new .U-mand s Li 'Vl1 eaay develop Into a resumption of huslness on nn unrestricted latlon Chvm?lU,Ts' slnce ,her '-a"l-bond h th ?tock Exchange nnd by have flv," allns ,n l,n,l8te(l KcurltlM. basis , 1r.IC!" a3 0f Ju' 2 as the Sa?f . f " ?Wch transfers shall he based. ome of '..1h0W,eVJ'r' "n1 a '""'nand for whTh ? hlKh-grade Issue, at prices of tho. i, 1 ma."i' 'nuances in excess clollne 'vhlfri"e( under the depressing J.Mv Jnarlots- TnlH condition, natu suDeJiui " "u,ch cncourngement to the l.nll ? ff comniltttees and to brokers reoVr-nf.?i lr ,aoma ac"n looking to a "openliiR 0f the exchanges. factor wh?,.v.C-Yn?"8e' thnt determlnlng Si,!1""1 Is, Jl,st now of such great S, ,H' ,""" nuimalna an osier lookli y, a"d anther drop In rates Is tlMwS ,S,00"- Organization of tho coV; 8oIJ IQo1 aml l'",e' Brain and ettff. k 'Pmen,s are hwvlne a good M.r r,0aJ an,i the cbl tell of an Vff" ,anf .b.etter fe"nf a around, gold dL .i, e.inaU8ura,lon of the ew trarv i hUld ampHh In an arid of graIT,fa,ner What has hten a nmtter we". ,' ,Kr,Vth dur,ne the last few to DrivM rl'f" the obJeet of tno n001 Mntln, Jlde a mean8 not only of pre " bu,ad,fa,"cei ln Bterl'ne exchange toT'worwXu, ,he nU0,UUnS Uwn b.F2?lUl.,SB,S?"t the pooled gold to tooooo Si. ,,.'" uanKb m be J25, JiTS" " he deposited at llrst in Ottawa and nM WlU bo tranbfeircd to th8 H,nVa Vver thero to the agent . In ?h ?ki Enland In such amount l 1 b tho,,ihKment of the committee, Vvk '"ouBht necessan-. n the marti, d,rawn Pn and offernl V ' rat ' ln 8u,n:l"t volume to ''ePresed?hV.tasonabla b8'' "or Tfompt build Jat ,he net "suit will be a machinery "'" .Uhp0' ,te,rl,n "" nleh i it , ih coraP'te breakdown Lltho as the !er lie runs to earth, tough a a tan hide lain; strulRht ami utrnne as n fntillnft oak and , Mikk ni tho llnhtnliKt's rfnh l"'. "I?1 mock " th sculptor's skill, free , ", '-ho wiml (inbound 8 ... '.he .'.'M,.f. ,,,c5' croTin "today, his JIaJeftv, t!o Hound. Prom n Slnff Corrmpondtnl. imVN JIAWn, Sept. 22. Horses' nnd hounds nro vlelnir with each other today nt the 20th amiunl Ilrytt Slnwr Horse Show on the polo grounds. Tho ndvent of canines Into what has been for years an exclusively equine event, marks a new tlcpntturo nt Pryn Mnwr nnd Is being regarded with considerable Interest by exhibitors. While It Is per fectly natural for the hnrso nnd hound to go together, particularly In the huntv lug class, the effect of this feature nt n horse show will bo closely watched. If populaily lecelvcd, naturally It will bo I continued. The Is the first time any show espe cially for box and beagle hounds has ever been attempted In this country. The I Hound .-how Committee Included mnsters of nil the leading hunting packs ln tUc ! united States nnd Canada. The ex hibition Will compare favorably with slmllnr contests held annually at Peter boro. Kntr. Considerable regret Is felt because Canadian hunt clubs aro not to exhibit at the Bryn JIawr show. Tholr non appearance Is due entirely to the wnr nnd tho Hrltlth embaigo on the exporta tion of livestock. The dogs particularly affected by this embargo were .small grey hounds under training In England and which were to bo used In a scries of whippet races at tho show. For the horses for the hnrso mini nnm. Into his own and assume the post of honor, as has been the time-honored cus tomtoday's events hold out many Interesting- fentures, which should evoke rounds of enthusiastic applause from gaily dressed spectators In the stand, paddock nnd about the rail. A horso which was watched with moie than UBiinl interest In the llrst clnsa judged wns Bulla, Emlcn Wood's hunter. It was thlfl mount which yesterday figured In tho first xplll of tho show, when a gioom tumbled from the saddle as Bella bnlkfd before a fence. She had already taken two jumps nicely, and her action nt tho third was unexpected. SOCIETY OUT IN FORCE. Society Wfts again out In force at today's Judging. The same sun smiled warmly down on tho spectators, nnd the only cool places about the oval were tent-cov ered stands. If nnythlng the crowd which attended the morning session of the show was larger In comparison to yesterday's earlv comers. Tho hunters and Jumpers' class always brings out a lot of enthusiasts who prefer the type of animals which for years have made Bryn Mnwr shows fnmmiR through out thp land. Watchmald. who took a blue yesterday, was entered ln the flrnt class of Jumpers today with Edward B. McLean's Sir Braxton, which also cap tured n ribbon. New Yorkers are vastly Interested In Hohert L. Gerry's Flntrun, entered In the same class. The first class of hunters and Jumpers wns confined to light weight green hunters nnd naturnlly tho actions of these equine debutantes was watched with more than usual Interest. In the second class hunters and Jump ers, the pick of Glen Kiddle Farm stnhles, Vnlley Hill F.irms nnd other local hreedlng places were entered. A Hairy IIIgsInson"H rtagtime, which made a hit jostordny with the crowd, was also an entrant. This Is u N'ew England hmse. Mrs. Paul D. Mills had St. Estpch In this class. Another well behaved ani mal was Howard II. Henry's Goldle II. CHILDREN AND TONIES. Just before lunch the children with tholi ponies appealed In various classes. The advent upon the green of little folks who uro always In high favor with spec tators, occasioned a round of applause. The ponies were Judged In harness, under saddle and Jumping nnd In hand. Among the ponies entered were Dainty, Angus nnd Aberdeen under sad dle, from Broadlawn Farms; Ynlter S. Hnlllwell's Effle B. and colt shown in hnnd; Edgar Y. Powell's Oxford Jewel, and Sequel and Sequence from Broad lawn Farms. Theso last two were shown yesterday driven by Gladys H. Eurlo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Enrle, Jr. The hunters and Jumpers shown In pairs this afternoon will undoubtedly bring out many enthusiasts. This la al ways a great feature at horso shown. Tho ladles' hunters' class to be stfown late today Is also of considerable In terest. Among tho animals In the lat ter class which will he put over Jumps not exceeding four feet are Willow King nnd St. Winifred, from Glen Blddln Farms; F. Ambrose Clark's Sally Com beo, shown yesterday; Miss Lomoro, from Broadlawn Farms; three horses of Robert L. Gerry from New York, and E. H- McLean's High Ball. Well-known steeds handled by well known society folk are to be entered In the saddle horse and horses in harness classes. The chargers will be judged as a concluding feature to today's show. Mrs. William J. Clothier, In a dainty little (lowered frock of pink and whlto and broad-brimmed white hat, watched the Judging from the grandstand, when she was joined by Christian A Hayes. Mrs. Howard Henry, In a pongee blouse and linen skirt, motored over during the morning, and Mrs. R. Penn Smith, In a, cool white frock, joined her daughter. Miss Alexander Brown, ou the grand stand. At U o'clock many left the boxes and grandstand for the green of the club house, to witness the opening of the hound show, while many, fearing to cope with the Intense heat of tho sun. dis carded een their boxes for shady and pintected corners. Children again, en joying their last outing before school days, formed a percentage of the spec tators. Few of the debutantes put In an appear ance during the morning, the majority at tending luncueon ana arriving In the early afternoon. L ' i ii. i i t PlIHBMHBttEn HtfifaflHBIBIjP B & f; 9HaBSJ" &3HBrrBrHaMT&CrftftfHalBrrrarJKv&' B HSSSaT '"fScSr ScWBaS " JHaflB''' JT ' JBaBBaHttaW iSB t -JlaH ' ; v if 'mmK- JBBaWjBidiSlSffliaaMfflk v BBaTaBaTaTI'MlKlSBawfBffiBBPjJk ' ' ''V BaEJrJfttfffWHrlWBliX ipKMsSBSJKaWjirVliMiBB i ' & .laalBBBtei?3Hg3agBmaaiaBgs5 JwaaiagretofSftjaBBy , ' mimmmggMmmmBM$$ .. i MsilJBrliSMffiSHiaBBaW "- ' MlmMk 04ii'rfl'?i'SBBPJjBBPja??SlrS '- -; E.ataM' sv K-g'.'e.MfriKai8aiiagiaBiii,Haa . t-ss i I -fs"!. PflBuSwRIJfBS y --wt fS$jW7HiiMi& wr DOYLESTOWN MAN KILLS OFFICER AS HE AWAITS TRAIN Moving Picture Show Pro prietor, Crazed by Western Dramas, Murders Officer About to Arrest Him. Reginald Vanderbilt, of New York, snapped as he acted as j'udge in heavy harness class. FINANCIAL TANGLE HALTS DEPARTURE FROM VERA CRUZ France Lays Claim to a Por tion of Customs Receipts to Satisfy Loan to the Huerla Government. ( WASHINGTON. Sept. 22. Representa tions mado by the French Government regarding customs collections made by General Funston at Vera Cruz, It was learned todny, nie postponing American evacuation of the Mexlcon port. Until tho financial tangle Is unravelled Funston will not move his troops. Part of tho collections are claimed by French financiers as security for a loan to tho Huerta government. Thnt these claims idiould be satisfied by Funston out of Mexican funds he has collected, with out being paid to n constitutionalist rep resentative, Ib the contention of the French government. Officials today disclaimed Knowledge, and scoffed nt reports of a Villa "up rising" In Sonora. AH cnnsulnr advices. It was stated, point to complete harmony between Villa and Carranzn. It wa.s pointed out thnt Villa personally tele graphed such assurances to President Wilson only a few days ago. It was also pointed out that tho succession of rumors of trouble between Villa and Carranza originated' at El Paso, where a Huertista Junta Is and has been In operation. Sec retary of State Bryan recently Issued t publlo warning against placing credence In the El Paso reports. MEXICO CITY, Sept. 22 PlanH are being completed today for a monster re ception to bo tendered to General Villa when ho enters the city on Thursday with 90 of his delegates, who will sit In the convention that will choose a Pro visional President. Ono hundred and thirty million dollars In new Constitutionalist currency was put Into circulation today. VERA CRUZ. Sept. 22. Eight hundred Mexican refugees sailed for tho Unlfetl States today ou tho steamship Mexico. Seven hundred sailed yesterduy, includ ing Theodore Dehesa, Governor of Vera Cruz, and Edunrdo Tamarls, ex-Mlnistor of Agriculture. The exodus is caused by tho fear that after tho American troops are with drawn General Agullar will attempt cpilsnls upon the supporters of former President Huerta. REVOLT AGAINST VAN VALKENBERG AND FLINN SPREADS Bossism in Washington Party Which Dictatecf' Lewis' Withdrawal Swings Inde pendents to Brumbaugh. ALLEGED 'COKE VENDERS HELD Accused of selling cocaine throughout the tendorloln district, Katie Leo and David Antont, of 315 North Darlen street, were held each in J3Ao ball for a further hearing by Magistrate Belchard in the Tenth nnd Buttonwond police itatton this morning The police have been aware for some time that "coke" was being obtained, but have been unable to locale the source of supply, letting a tip that the Leo woman was iwddllng It for An tonla, they followed her to the room tho pair occupy und found a quantity of the drug. Opposition to the Fllnn-Vnn Vnlken burg "hos.slsm" in the Washington party, nun particularly to tile arrangement whereby Wllllnm Draper Lewis was pre vailed upor. to withdraw from tho Gubernatorial race in favor of Vnnve C. McCnrmlck, tho Democratic candidate, continues to grow through the city nnd State. The 2.ith Ward Washington Tarty Com mltteeiln this city, meeting nt 2.S2.1 Frank ford avenue, last night denounced the withdrawal of Mr. Lewis, repudiated tho Washington party and reorganized Itself Into tho Progres.si p Republican League. Following this action Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh was Indorsed as their candi date for Governor. In Montgomery County C. Tyson Kratz, tho only delegate to tho Antl-saloon League Convention at Harrlsburg last week, who openly opposed tho Indorse ment of Mr. McCormlck by the conven tion, Is urging his political friends to re volt against tho leadership of Fllnti nnd Van Vnlkenburg. In an open letter yes terdny to William Fllnn, E. A. Van Vnlkenburg, Glfford Plnchot and Wjl linm Draper Lowls, Mr. Kratz charges them with being the worst enemies Colonel Roosevelt had in Pennsylvania. Mr. Kratz, who In 1012. as a delncatr to the Chicago Republican Convention, battled for Roosevelt, declared that Colonel Roosevelt will come Into Pennsyl vania this fall to fly In tho faco of 90 per cent, of his own friends in order to support a Democratic candidate for Governor. Mr. Kratz also speaks in high praise of Dr. Brumbaugh. In the Western end of tho State promi nent Washington party men are fast lullylng to the support of R. R. Quay, who last wrok openly denounced the deals of the Fllnn-Vun Vulkenburg "machine." Charles Kerler, editor of the Blulrsvllle (Pa.) Courier, ono of the main Progressive standbyci for Roosevelt In 1912, In a two column editorial yesterday urges Pro gressives to desert tho Washington part "bossoV and vote the Republican ticket. II. I V. English, of Pittsburgh! one . ,, ,,!..... i 9i;,t ,vho returned from Europe Sunday, is expected to take u i i.diu n.in .Mi. iua within a day or two. A desire to emulate the ndventurers ln moving plctuies cnuscd IS-year-old Wll llnm Miller to shoot and kill Constable Henry Kolbe this morning In the pres ence of passengera nt tho Reading Rail way station, Doylestown. Miller, who Is known ns "Broncho BHIv." on account of his ability to quickly draw a revolver, was nnested by Kolbe Just ns he wns preparing to lenve the town with a new suitcase. The man know there wns a warrant for his nrrest on the chnrgn of forging a check In the name of Nell Stellwngon, n coat denier, for $75. LnBt night, nc cordlng to the police, he told friends he expected to be arrested and declared that no ono would bring him to Jail. He bought n suitcase nnd packed It with things that would come in handy on the plains and the great desert, and then went with a spirit of bravado to the railroad station. He was neatly dresBed and chatted pleasantly with somo of his friends. While he was talking Kolbe, who knew Miller personally, alrlvea and grettcd him cordially. Then he took the man nsldo nnd told him confidentially thnt he had a warrnnt for his nrrest. Miller then stepped away from the con stable and drawing his revolver, "Broncho Billy" style, fired one shot through Koine's heart. The constable fell dend to the platform. Most of the frightened pnssengcrs ran Into the station. Two men pounced upon' Miller, but he told them to keep cool. Then ho handed them his re volver and walked with his captors to the pollco station. Miller snld he drew the revolver to frighten Kolbe. The man who fired the shot Is the pro prietor of n moving plcturo theatre In Doylcstown, but lately business has been very poor. This Is due, the residents say, to tho fact that Miller would offer noth ing but Western dramas. The decrease In business, it Ih said, made Miller des perate nnd caused him to forge the check on the coal dealer. PARISIANS REJOICE AT REPORTED SAFETY OF RHEIMS TEMPLE Restoration Possible, Though Bombardment Broke Windows and Ruin ed Decorations. SISTER OF FIANCEE HE JILTED ACCUSES MAN OF $1200 THEFT Rings and Prospective Bride groom Disappear on Day of Wedding Wife Here Proves His Undoing. PARIS, Sept. 22. Widespread rejoicing was caused In Paris todny by reports indicating that the famous cathedral at Rhelms had escaped Irreparable destruction under tho German bombardment of the town and can be restored, though seriously damaged. The magnificent windows are all smashed, nccording to officers who ar rived from tho front, and ruin has been spread in tho Interior by bursting shells, but the walls stand unbroken, though scarred In many places. Among the superstitious hope of ulti mate French victory In the war Is In ci cased by tho fact that the statue of Jean of Arc, which stands before the facade, escaped serious damage. LONDON, Sept. 22. That there Is an Intention on the part of the German military experts to en deavor to raze the entire city of Rhelms Is believed here. It la claimed the Gen eral Staff now realises the great strategic mistake made when the Germans with drew from that city, nnd 'that they nre willing to go to any Ungth to retake It. In describing the condition"! In Rhelms, tho Dally Telegraph corespondent says thnt thero Is hardly a house In the neigh borhood of tho cathedral that escaped damage. Continuing, he says: The masonry of the cathedral Is chipped nnd many of the carved fig urea nnd gargoyles have been broken off. In the doorway still stands the crippled beggar crippled In 1ST0 who has remained at his post through a rain of flying spllnt-is and dust, pebbles and glass. Fifty shells found lodgment In the Interior, but tho stone work withstood tho concussion of their explosion. The building cin probably bo restored, nccording to this correspondent, as the shell fire seems no longer to be dlrocted toward It, but, of course. Its priceless decorations arc ruined for nil time. ROME. Sept. 22 (By way of Paris). When informed of the destruction of the Cathedral of Rhelms. Pope Benedict XV said he "could not believe it possible In such a civilized epoch ns tho 20th contury to bo plunged back to the time of Attlla." The Pontiff requested that Cardinal Forrnta ask Cardinal Amette, Archbishop of Paris, for full particulars, as tele grams for Rhcims are not accepted. SEGAL IN ASYLUM, ' HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF HIS CONDITIOH Taken to Norristown in Auto, He Made Plana td Continue His Business Ac tivities Creditors to Act. IN EXTREMIS "Can ye oblige me with a light?" said a Scotsman, us he bit off the end of a cigar und looked round a smoking car riage on the Great Northern Railway. One traveler produced an empty hox with apologies; another said he didn't smoke. and therefore didn't carry matches. "Can c give me a light?" repeated the Scotmmun to the third, who stolidly looked out of the window Then the Scotsman s finger went reluctantly into his own pocket Wecl, weel, he mur mured. "1 11 Jlst need to talc" ane o' my a!)o."-TIg--BUs LAYING FOR HIM ine lancuora wen, tne landlord was qulto unpopular. Thero wat. a time when Irish landlords were. And Miko and Tim were waiting for him behind a hedge. It was evening and the long hours very slowly passed. "Mike." bald Tim. when another hour had gone, "what time Is, It.'" Mlko struck a match and loked at his watch. , "EUven-thlrty." he whispered. "Is It that?" replied Tim. "An' it's time he was here." Another long watt followed. Then again Tim Inquired the lioui. "It's ten minutes to 12." Tim looked anxious "Is it that?" h" exclaimed "Ilea late -no very late. I do hope nothln' hap pcUCf- id BUS. , ABRAHAM TANDLER Death brought on b) an attack of acute Indigestion came to Abraham Tandler, a retired manufacturer, In his home ut thc Brantwond, after four daja' lllr.tes. t Mi. Tundler had been Interested lu the manufacture of knitted goods for many jenrs. He retlied ten years ago. For many ears ho had been a member of the Congregation Keneseth Israel. Ills widow turvhed The commercial romance of Israel Dlnmond, of 19th and Mifflin streets, which stnrted lost January In New York, ended todny at City Hall, where the man wns Identllied by Dora Wolf ns her sister Anna's fiance, and accused of stealing diamonds valued at $1200 from her father. The prisoner Is also charged with stealing $300 worth of dia monds from Benjamin Shapiro, of S76 North Sixth street. Miss Wolf stated that her sister met Diamond about a year ago, when he pur ported to bo a single mnn. She stated, however, thnt Diamond is married. He said he wns a rabbi and that previous to coming to New York he had lived In Beaumont, Tex. He was very attentive to Miss Anna Wolf, and they were soon engaged to be married. The date of the wedding was fixed for last January. Just before, the ceremony was to take place, according to Miss Dora Wolf's story. Diamond excused himself to take a nap for half an hour, and went up stairs in the Wolf home. That was the last the family saw of him. Wehn the girl's father went to look for the prospective brldesroom he found three dlnmond rings valued at $12) had disappeared and that he was not to have a son-in-law that dny. Mr. Wolf, who Is a diamond merchant, hastily went through the contents of his safe, the combination of which was known to Diamond, and found the thief had over looked JIO.OOO In precious stones kept, ln nnother compartment from the three rincs. When Miss Wolf arrived hero this morning she went at once to visit Dia mond In his cell nnd asked him to rvo her either the three, rings or the pawn tickets for them. The prisoner had In his possession only one pawn ticket which he gave to Miss Wolf saying that ho had sold the other two. The ticket called for f 150. Because of the Shapiro robbery, a year ago, detectives have been feenrchlng for Diamond. They have kept a dlose watch on the mall received by Mrs. Diamond and yesterday when, with her little son. she set out for Newnrk. N. J.. In responso to a letter from that place. Detective Doyle followed her nnd made the arrest short!;, after the pair met. There was a pathetic scene as Diamond was led nvtitv. his wife weeping and protesting his Innocence Aftei his trial for the robbery here in Philadelphia. Diamond will be turned oer to the New York authorities for trial In the Wolf case. 'I r Gold Pendants We are showing a gieat variety of thtso graceful neck orna mentsnew and artis tic designs, set with UiamondB, Pearls, Amethysts, etc. at a prlco range of $2.50 to $125.00 C. R, Smith & Son, Inc, Market Street at 18th m W Our Tile, Slate, Metal and Slag Roofs Are Standard RESIDENTIAL WORK A SPECIALTY Crescent Compound keeps roofj watertight for five years, and Is also guaranteed. Real Estate Roofing Co. 2343-2349 Wallace St. BII Potior ItQl Ki'tontRaet tttt PARIS. Sept. IB. A graphic description of the bombard ment of the cathedral was given to a correspondent by Thomas Slldell, a New York lawyer, who said: On Saturday shrapnel began to smash through the cathedral win dows about noon, and four nuns nnd three prisoners were killed. About ir.0 Oermnns werp closely packed inside. They were wounded by their own shells. When I left, the great rose window over the main entrance wns not much damaged, but all the wonderful 13th century glass on both sides was ruined. The statue of tho Virgin was . broken In two. while that of Joan of Arc, Just outside, still stood, though Its pedestal was smashed. The noise of tho exploding shells was like a thunderstorm. The attitude of tho French In the mat ter of reprisals Is expressed by Oustave Horvo. the Socialist leader: When we nre before Cologne with our 75-mllIlmetre guns, our soldiers will not need the reminder that Co logne contains one of the seven won ders of the world, which must not be touched, And at Munich, Dresden and Ber lin a guard of honor must be placed before every library, museum and art gallery. We would not send Rin.iienece.i or German art to Lou vnln to replace those destroyed there, but would rebuild her uni versity out of funds contributed by every country but Germany, and stock It with treasures from ,-, land but Germany, nnd found k chair of international law to be filled by n BelRlan or Hngllsh Jurist, who would each year deliver lectures on International law and respect for treaty rights. The Paris pres editorially calls for the same conservation of art treasures If tho Allies enter Germany, TELLING THE TRUTH "Before I agree to undertake your de fense." said the eminent criminal law yer In America, "you will have to tell me the whole truth. Did you embezzle the JlOO.Ooil you nre accused of having taken?" "Yes, sir," replied tho accused man. "I'll not attempt to conceal the fact from you. I stole every cent of It." "How much of It have you still?" "It's all gone hut about a couple of dollars." "Young man," sitd the eminent lawyer, buttoning his coat about him and putting on his gloves, "you'd better plead guilty and throw yourself on the mercy of the court." "I'll do it if (ou a so. sir. What are jou going to charge me for the advice?" "Two dolltis -l-.'.vh.mge Adolph Segal Is now ft private patient In tho State Hospital for the Insane at Norristown. He was admitted to th institution nt 6 o'clock yesterday after noon to spend the year, or less, that hl physician says remains of his life. Th trip was made by automobile from St. Joseph's Hospital, where, Mr. Segal had been virtually a prisoner since his bank ruptcy proceedings, a little more than two months ago, furnished the cllmaa to the collapse of his once brilliant mlnd Segal did not know that he was belne taken to spend his last days ln a haven for tho Insane. He has been feverlshlr anxious to get back to business, ln hl few, brief lucid intervals. Ho does not know that his physician has said hi can not live more than a year and may not live more than two months. When ha slipped from the hospital by a rear door end climbed Into the waiting automobile) he thought he was being taken for a rlda for no other reason than to benefit his health. Dr. S. F. Miller, chief resident physician at the Norristown Institution, said this morning that Mr. Segal had been ad mitted. The mental condltlton of tha former financier he would not discuss. He declared that Mr. Segal Is a private, patient. The rules of the hospital for bid giving out Information about Mich patients except to relatives or others entitled to know. t'nless his creditors take action, Segal will noxer leave the Stata Hospital alive. The Federal Court has the authority to subpoena him from the asylum ln his bankruptcy proceedings, according to tha attorney for thc trustee, but it Is not con sidered probable that such action will bo taken if proof of Segal'a Insanity Is ad duced it the meeting of creditors to ba held Thursday lu the ofllce of Joseph Mellors, tho referee In bankruptcy. Abraham S. Ashbrldgc. attorney for Mr. Segal, savs he knows nothing of the men tal condition of his client. He declares, however, that he Intends to find out. Ho declined to discuss the affairs of Segal or to make ani statement on the bankruptcy proceedings. Roped Arena Notes In one of the most savage bouts ever reeit in this city, Frank Loughrey, Philadelphia, and "Italian Joe" Gans, of New York, met at tho deekly ehmv of the Olympla last night, it no time during tho entire eighteen minutes o( flghtlns -was there a dull moment, and th men fought head to head from bell to bell. There was absolutely no science In the bout. a both depended upon their strength and were trying for a knockout at all timet. It would have been hard to have given a decis ion at the flnlali of the contest. In tho seml-wind-up, Freddy Kelly, of Tioga, won a hard bout from Johnny Krause. of Nlcetown. Th bout was slow until the third round, when Kelly npurted and won. Johnnv Mayo had a. shmle on Youns Fulton, of New York, al though the lad from Ootham nnlehed trong. In the opening bout Jimmy Coster and Johnny -veison uoxea six rase rounas with, honors even. at tne end. Mlko Gibbons had another easy mark fast niKni wnen ne easily uereaied Dill .McKlnnon In ten rounds at Covington, Ky. "Abe" Attell, who will attempt to "coma back" In a bout with Johnny Kllbane on Oc tober IS. writes thnt he Is In as nne condi tion as he ever wns In his life and that n Ii confident he wll win. Tho fighters will weigh tn at 121! pounds at ringside. Billy Murray, the California middleweight who has been doing such good work, has been offered a six-round contest here, but haa declined as he intends taking a trip to Aus tralia. Murray will have a nanl row to trael with two such hard-hitting fighters a Rddla McCoorty and Jimmy Olabby to oppose him. Eddie Grant, the popular sporting man has equipped a gymnasium at the corner of Tenth and Spring Garden streets and has a number of good boys working out there. Among them are "Buck" Croute and "Jim" 1'crry, of Pittsburgh. "See-fiaw" Kellj. "Joe" Phillip and "Dobby" Williams Yesterday Harty Edwards matched "jMk" niackbum and 'Tommy" Coleman to meet at his Olympla Club on October ."i. The men are, to weigh In nt 1W4 pounds, ringside, and each. has posted ltio forfeit with the Sporting Kd Itor of the EvtMvi IjrpiirR for weight and arpearnnce This match has created n lot of Interest and a banner crowd ts predicted in his bout with Johnnj Mayo at tha Olympla last night Young Fulton, of New York, declined to sit down between the fifth and sixth rounds to prove that ho was In no way exhausted by the punching he had re ceived from Johnny Mayo, of this city. .i , ITRF K PURE FRESH PAINT Belteve Me '" Perry's Invitation to see the Nobbiest Little Overcoats in America I5sg JONES 1 ' ""-"HHawMiMmnj I c W ' mm ,... 1116Walnuf Street Your lighting problem isn't solely a matter of the source and kind of light. You should know how much light is absorbed or diffused by your walls and ceilings. As an expert, Kuehnle can make the most of the light you have by painting or decorating a special color scheme perhaps save you expensive fixtures. If you are in the dark on the lighting problem, see Kuehnle Painting and Decorating Gel Our tlmal j.'rt Both Phones 28 South 16th St. Short of skirt, full of body; a front In which the button-line is absolutely central At Perry's Sleeves real Balmacaan sleeves that fit under the arms and don't drag the coat-body out of shape At Perry's A deep collar but a little lapel that solves the prob lem of getting a snug button-up military effect for protection $20 At Perry's Perry & Co., "N. b. t - 16th & Chestnut Sts. JL m i 'i i ii SI I I
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