insssssra EVENING LEDGEB-PHTLADELPH'iA. fflTESPAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1014. RUSSIAN MILLIONS MASS FORCES "fOCRUSH LAST LINE OF THE AUSTRIAN RESffiff Scl fenslvo Is growing stronger at nil joints. An official statement Issued at mid night nnnounced the capture of tho heights of Craonno and tho town of Bethany (pear Rhelms). Today's statement praised the great bravery shown by the troops of tho Allies. It follows: Tho enemy shows signs of'weak enlng as a result of his continued attempts to capture our positions. - On the contrary, our troops, fight ing from well fortified points, have hod a rest and arc taking a strong offensive. Their attacks are grow ing stronger at all points. Great valor has been shown by tho enemy's troops. They have charged repeatedly In an attempt to sllcncG our artillery, but have been as repeatedly repulsed. Tho statement Issued at midnight said: Tho strong, hilly positions at Craonne have been captured. Ad vancing on Rhelms, our troops oc cupied the village of Bethany. We are attacking the strong forts on the line south of Verdun and have crossed tho east border In the direction of Lorraine, which Is defended by eight Krench army corps (320,000 men). A sortie from tho northeast of Verdun has been repulsed. The Krench troops camping to the north of Toul (13 miles cast of Nancy) have been surprised by our artillery. In the rest of the French war theatre there have been no engagements. In tho Belgian and Eastern (East Prussia) battlefields the situation Is unchanged. Tho statement that tho French have eight army corps In tho Lorraino region indicates that the Allies' right wing Is trying to turn tho Gorman left With the heights of Craonne held by tho German centre, It will bo possible to withdraw troops from there to strengthen both tho right and left wings I they are threatened. No details of the situation at Hhclms, beyond tho fact that tho town has been bombarded, have reached Berlin The belief is growing hero that tho war is going to extend Into tho winter In fact, preparations for a winter cam paign are being made. Tho news of the rapid ndvancc of tho Germans after they entered Belgium had caused the people of Germany to expect a quick triumph, but ho falluro of this expectation to be fulfilled has caused no alarm. It Is stated that tho movoment to take Rhelms, and with It tho eight Im portant railroads, especially sought from a strategic point of view, pro ceeds uninterruptedly and with every propect of success. In this connec tion It Is added that Verdun has been Isolated. This strongly fortified position Is now being bombarded from two sides by tho German heavy siege artil lery and every effort Is being made to take It. It Is understood that the present movement has for its object tho sepa ration of the allied armies, and espe cially tho piercing of their centre. This movement Is slowly but surely succeeding, it is declared. GERMAN LINES STAGGERING, IS LONDON STATEMENT LONDON, Sept. 22. That the German lines arc stagger ing under the continued hammering of the Allies and that they nro slowly crumbling at Important integral points is the consensus of opinion of tho Brit ish military experts who are familiar with the exact situation at the front. It has been admitted from the out set that the present battle of the Alano, now well in Its second week, was a contest of endurance. Despite the splendid Intrenchments of tho Ger mans, It has been instated that they have suffered greater losses than the Allies, mainly because of their massed formation tactics, which present such magnificent targets for the opposition. The failure of the German rein forcements sent to aid General von Kluk to break down the British French opposition emphasized, the ex perts say, the fact that tho Germans were at the "end of their string." To day this belief Is confirmed by the an nouncement that the German right wing Is being pushed back at a rate of nearly four miles a day. ThH speed Is expected to be accelerated now that the Germans have been driven from their strongest trenches. The Times' military expert declare) that the German extreme right, which resembles a fishhook, is being sub jected to great pressure nt its most northerly point. IIo fays that the new allied line extends from Localolet to Boisel to Lassigny, to Loyon, to Craonne, to Rhelm"1, to Pouain. to Montfaucon, to Etaln, to I'ont-a-Mous-fton, to Saint Die. The British troops, ho says, remain on the extreme loft, with only one French army on their north and west. A number of the papers print an un confirmed rumor that General von Kluk has been compelled to withdraw his army headquarters to Mons in Bol gium. The War Bureau, however, has no knowledge of any such movement and Is Inclined to consider it premature. Much attention is being paid to a re port that the Germans have prohibited Dutch shipping traversing the Rhine. Heretofore, Dutch steamships have been permitted to come up the Rhine into German territory. The British military experts declare this action Is naturally due to the fact that the Ger mans nro strongly fortlfjlng their Rhine defences preparatory for a final stand there, and that, of necessity, they are keeping all curious eyes from beholding their work. It Is declared by all of tho military experts hrre that the most credit to tho Allies can be attributed to the weight of their bayonet charges. Tho British and tho French Algerian troops have terrorized the enemy by tho force of theso attacks. They carry a bayo net blnde longer than that of the Ger mans, and they havo shown an eager ness to resort to cold steel that simply has terrified tho German outposts. Vl1 ,7, .,7 Afvns-re--T PINCH HITTERS! GERMANS QUARREL AND PETTY STRIFES SPLIT ARMY CORPS Prussian and Bavarian Troops Fly at Each Other's Throats on Charges of Favoritism. AUSTRIAN MASSED ALONG CRACOW LINE FOR FINAL STAND M LEFT ADVANCES, STEEL WALL AT CENTRE, SAYS MILLERAND BORDEAUX, Sept. 22. Minister of War Millerand an nounced today that tho oxtremo right wing of the Germans hail given way, that tho French had completed tholr line, bringing n steel wall up against the German centre and that the Allies were malting constant progress. Ho renamed tho battle of tho Aisno the "battle of two rivers," because of the fact that it Is now raging along the Olse ai well as the Alsno. Ho be. lleves that the result will not be deft, nltely known for several days, but has no doubt that tho decision In this great death grapplo will go to tho Allies. "It Is probable that the great battle of two rivers, which is being fought with unparalleled fury, will continue for several days," he said, "although tho Allies are making constant prog ress. A new step In our advance on the extromo left wing Is marked by its arrival at Lnasigny, ten miles west of Noyon. This movement Is of ex tromo importance. That is why th Craonne region has been the centre of violent conflicts and bayonet charges "The Germans are making desperate efforts to diminish the pressure on their extreme right wing, hut have, nevertheless, been forced to give way "By completing cur lines from Al eaeo to the Argonne forest, wo havo deprived the German centro between Rhomis and Fouain of its scope of movement It is against a steel wall." ANTWERP, Sept. 22. Quarrels between the Bavarian und rrusslan troops of the Gerrrmu army stationed la Hmssels are repented to have leached such a point today that serious trouble Is feared by the officers, It is rumored that many quarrels during tho last week reached a point wheie. blows and shots were exchanged and that feveial German sohlirs were killed by their brothers in arms. The ill feeling between the two bodies of troops has been caused by the fact that the Prussian;, have defiled the por traits of the Queen of Belgium, Uio. be fore hei marriage, was a Ilurnrlun Prin cess. AVhen tho Bavarians called on the Prussians to stop the Prussians Ignoied thm. Another factor that Is said to have In flamed the Jtavailans toward the Prus sians is the fact that they claim tho Prussians nre the favored soldiers of tho Kaiser, It is sold that whin tho Bavarians were called out for war duty, thoy wero not told that It was fin actual service, but simply for maneuvers. Then they w r rushed off to thu front without a chance, to put their domestic affairs in order. The Bavarians contend, it is said, that the Prussians had warning that they would have to go Into battle, and tlieie fore, were able to ueljust their home af fairs before leaving It has been reported from tune to time that the I'mssbin generals nmn vending the Uivanans into the thickest of the fighting, where thousands were killed and wounded, and that they havo been saving the Prussians ain ttussian Armv. en veloping Przemysl and Jaroslaw and Cutting Com munications, Presses Westward. EMDEN'S RAID DOES $3,750,000 DAMAGE TO BENGAL SHIPPING British Warship in Pursuit of German Cruiser, Which Captured Six Merchant- PINCHOT NOT READY TO QUIT LARGE VOTE ON PROHIBITION Beautiful Weather Bring Many to the Polls in Virginia, RICHMOND, Va., Sept. Ii-A beautiful fall day. aisot "summer" hot, today brought out an unusually heavy vote ir the special election on State-wide prohi bition for the Old Dominion. Both "wets" and "drya" were claiming victory, but the bright day was generally believed to favor the white ribbon force? b developing an unusually heavy coun. try vote of farmers. KoUitus campaigns, participated in by national temperance workers, closed In alt parts of the State last night. Th) Mtys" today claimed victor- by about 10.003 majority, while these favoring con tinuance of local option claimed the Stats by SO.00O. All saloons were closed today Voting beaut bofore t . in., and th(j polU re taaia sa uatB-6.p,4at fcstfe , . PRESIDENT HOME TO VOTE Washington Patty Xeaders Fear His Withdrawal Might Anger Roosevelt, Iieipite continued rumors that CJtffoid Plnchot nry bo expected to withdraw In favor of Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer In order to unite opposition to Senator Penrose, A Nevin Outrleh, Washington Party State Chairman, and William Fllnn, Washington Party lender in Pittsburgh, united yestciday In de claring that Mr J'lnchot would not Executive and Secretary Tumulty Re turn for New Jersey Primaries, WASHINGTON, Sept. ?2. - President Wilson, accompanied by Secretary I withdraw Tumulty and Pr. f.'ary T. Grayson, the I Following o Washington Party con White lio. pbySicn. w at I o'clock ! JEST J? tTWZlL fc this mnrnlns for Now Jersey. The I'rcs, Went and hi secretary hve gone to vote In the New Jersey primaries, the Presl. to cast bis ballot In Princeton and Mr. Tumulty In Jersey City. They expect to return to Washington by s o'clock to nlsht. President Wilson had not contemplated leaving th Capital at this time, but his desire to see Congressman Allan B. only man who could get hlu own name off the ticket, and this must be duno within a Riven time. It Is also argued that if Mr Plnchot would withdraw Colonel Roosevelt might not be willing to cume Into Pennkylvanla to take tho stump for the dection of two Ijemo-crats. ACID THROWER HELD IN BAIL Norman Pratt, 6.H Lena stieet, fier- mantovvn. vvhu threw carbolic ucn' cs- terdaj into the fine uf his sweetheart. Walsh returned from his New Jersey dliT Theresa Fitxmarttn. at her homo at trict prompted him to make the trirt K1S Baynton street, wan feid today ,VL.f . .. .' under 1WW ball by Magistrate Per ,ck. In . Li .7 " "mllar for a further hWiois in 'hat the progress of the Russian troops tnxUsa, , t icoort, wm aeMarUy 1 much sloiver aasr. PETROGRAD. Sept. 21 That tho main Russian army has prepbed on after envt loping the Przwnysl. Jaiofdaw line along the Kan, and I3 mov ing igalnst the chief Austrian positions tvns tho substnnce of todaj's War Otilee statement. It announced that tho opeia tion weio of necessity slow, hut that tl.ero has not been encounered any op position that has lequlred any change In tho original plan of campaign It is considered certain that the. real resistance on a large scab) will be en uountotcd along tho lines of tho Cracow fortifications. Theie the Austrian re serves havo bom mabed and heavily reinforced by thu German landwchr carp, which havo been especially detailed for service In Austria, The Russian forces are moving hlowly westward through Onlicla, awaiting tho arrival of at least a portion of tho aimy of ono.riii) that I" proceeding through Poland to the front. riVE FORTS DESTROYED Flvo of the il forts at Jaroslaw have been shattered by tho Russian guns, but eighteen still hold out .it was stated at the War Otnic. The bombardment of Przemysl continues, but no brearhes have jet been made In the -vails of the Ions. At tho rcnucst of the Austriai com monder at Pwonttsl, Genoral Von Col lad. an armistice of ftvo hours was de cleared lato yesterday to permit of tho departure of tho non-combatants who wished to leave .Many decided to re main J The forta nt leroytd are among the btiongest in the world. It U understood 1 thut the garrison has supplies ouflklont to lat two jeaid. While part of the Russian forces aro . investing Przemysl and Jaroilaw tlm , main pait of the first and Second armies comlnuu (hcii operations west of the , River han and south of the Vistula. The ' Auitrii iw defeated at liobiecka havo fallen baik in disorder to Jnsto, on the Wistok liver, and the Russians navo occupied lizesiow. The seizure of (Ueszow soveres i.tllroad communication between tho Austrlans In Jniostaw and Przemysl and those In Tarnow and Oacovv It Is understood that Herman reinforcements are Joining the Austrlaus at Jaslo, and tho next I great battle may be fought between tho ' Sail ami Wistok Rivers in the foothills of the Carpathians. The combined (Hrrnan und Austrian forces will be In a dangerous pusition there, as it would be possible for tbe Second Russian Army to Hank them by a sudden movement along the lin.; ex tending from Ranliow to Raranovv Unless the Austro-Uerman troops give battle to tho Russians about Jaslo. it would bo Impossible to prevent their escape to Cracow, as thej have a num ber of railroads at their service. On account of the many syamps In Oallcla west of the San It la expected men. -4.JL-, CALCUTTA, Sept. 22. Ofllclal announcement Is made that the German light cruiser Emden made a flying raid into the Bay of Bengal, in tho course of which It did considerable dam age to shipping. Detwcen September 10 and 11 she captured und sank the follow ing vessels: The Klllln and Trabboch, carrying coal; tho Indus nnd I.ovat, empty; tho Diplomat, canylng general cargo. A Lloyd's telegram from Rangoon, British India, Ntatcs that tho Emden sank tho British steamer Clan JIatheson on Septemher 15, In tho Hay of Bengal. The crew wus saved. Coal was taken fro mall the steum crs; also all the crews. The Kablnga, fully loaded with a gcneial cargo for America, was also captured on September 12. Two days later nil the captured crews wero transferred to tho Kablnga. A w-irshlp Is pursuing tho Emden, which is attempting to escape In n southerly direction, nccordlng to the crews of tho sunken merchantmen, who atrlved licit" today. The Indus was the first vessel taken. Tho crew was removed and ten shots fired Into her before she keeled over. This was on September 11. About mid night the Klllln was captured and was sunk at 9 a. in the next day. Tho Diplo mat was taken Sunday. GiniMAN SHOOTINU ERRATIC. The Germans placed a mine forward, but the explosion still left the vessel afloat. The enemy thou filed shells nt close quarters. An eye witness says tb shooting was astonishingly erratic and caused laughter. The first shot at the Dlplumat waterllne went across the vessel amidships. Six shells were fired before the merchantman showed signs of sink ing. A mine was also placed in tho Klllln, but again bhots were necessaiy to com plete thu destruction. Twelve shells were sent Into the I.ovat, which took two hours to sink. The Trobbach also gave a lot of trouble. The Kablnga was spared simply to convej the crews t Calcutta The Emden's action has resulted In a Uliect loss to British owners and under writers nf three-quarters of a million steillng (J3,7O,0fty. GIRRALTAR, Sept. 22 It is officially announced from Xanzlbur that the Hrltish cruiser Pegasus, which was attacked recently and disabled by the German cruiser Koenlgsberg, has been beached. PULiVIOTOR SAVES LIFE Prompt Use Prevents Success of Suicidal Attempt. The prompt use of the pulmotor prob ably saved the life of John Dalley of 1922 South Fifteenth street, who is in st Agnes Hospital today recoving from the effects of inhaling Illuminating gas. Dalley wa brought to the hospital last night. He bad be;n discovered by his mother in his room. The motive for the a.tUnipU4 jyiciao u oot ttnown COLD STEEL CHARGE BROKE DP GERMANS' DETERMINED DASH Wounded Briton Tells How Invaders Were Stabbed in Back City Troops En dure Noise Better. LONDON, Sept. 22. This grim story of a British bayonet charge In which tho Germans were routed was related by a wounded Boldlcr Just back from northern Franco! "They can stand fire, can those Ger mans. Wo wore picking them oft llko winking, nnd still they cntne on. "Then, when they got within shouting distance, wo received the word to charge. Our ofllcer was a sprinter, but we wero out of the trench and heeling after him, all of us shouting. "Tho Germans seemed struck. They Just stood and gaped as wo came chas ing down, their mouths wide open, as If they were wondering what the blazes wo wore up to. "When we were within 20 or SO yards of them thero was an alteration. They knew then what we wanted, nnd thoy Just threw down their rifles, turned about nnd sot the pace. Some of them, as thoy went, chucked off their packs, nnd a few even tried to pull oft their tunics. "But wo had 'em I I never knew I could run bofore, nor tho other chaps, and wo pinked the 'blighters' In the back by the score. "When we got winded we came back the same way, and It was so; they were lying on their faces, bayoneted In tho back." A lance corporal of tho Connaught Rangers sold: "Tho disconcerting thing In battles now adays Is that you may be fighting for hours on end ond never as much as see an enemy to gtapple with. "The way tho Germans sacrifice their men for the sake of making an Impression Is appalling. One position on our left ifrom which wo would have fallen back In any case, because It was dominated by a battery which wo couldn't locate, was ndvanccd against by tho German Infantry under a heavy fire. They camo on In one long never-ending stream, whilo our rlflo and gun flro tore hideous gaps through their ranks. "The Red Cross men say that in front of that position alone 1C0O dead and wounded were picked up nftcr the fight was over. Our loss was not moro than 20 of all ranks. "What we are all wondering Is how long the Germans can keep up this sort of thing. I havo scon our cavalry thrown Into confusion merely because the horses shied at the heaps of dead bodies thoy had to tiead over when attempts wero mado to clear our front of tho advancing Germans." Sergennt Major MacDermott writes in a letter: "Wn'rc Wonderfully cheerful, and happy as baro-legged urchins scamper ing over the fields. Not that there's much play for us. It's all work, fight ing nnd fighting and working again, though you mustn't think I'm grum bling, for I'm not. "I am writing to you with the enemy's shells bursting and screaming overhead. Though their artillery has been making 0 fiendish row all along our front. "It's the quantity not the quality of tho German shells that are having ef fect on us, and It's not so much tho actual damage to life as tho neiv rncklng noise that counts for so much. Townsmen who are used to tho noise of the btrccts can stand It a lot bettit than the countrymen, and 1 think you will find that by far the fittest men are those of regiments recruited in tho big cities. "A London Ind near me says It's no worse than tho roar of motor omnibuses in the city on a busy day " RUSSIAN HOitD.1 BAFFLE IN SCAPEGOAT HUNT LEADS WAR CHIEFS TO IGNOBLE DEATH Austrian, Cashiered for Ex posing Troops Needlessly, Commits Suicide; Another Is Executed for Aiding Russians. ROME, Sept. 22. The AiiHtrlans nre endeavoring to find scapegoats for tholr lecent debacles. It is leported In Vienna that tho Austrian Field Slnrshal Vodinowskl, who was of Slav origin and was accused of com municating scciet Intelligence to tho Russians in Gallcia, was tiled by court murtlal and summarily shot. At the front, rield Marshal Foielch, who commanded an Austtlnn cavaliy division which was cut up by tho Rus slans, shot himself after belli,- cashleied for needlessly exposing his troops. Tho belief is growing in ofllclal circles here that the Austrian tcvei-3cs In Unllcia to a largo extent wero brought about by exact knowledge held by tho RuEslan War Olllco of Austria's nioh IPzutlou nnd campaign plans, which had been seemed thiough an elaboiale sys tem of espionage. Tho military authorities. It Is claimed, two ye.u-a ago discovered that Colonel Alfred Red!, chief of tho General Staff of the Eighth Austrian Army Coips, had betrayed infoimutluu of vital im portance to Russli and although It PS thought probable the Austilan General Staff later made changes n their plans, the military txpirts nre of the belief that the modifications would not have' affected greatly the general basis uf the campaign as worked out. The Btatlonmaster of Lemberg. brothei of the famous Colonel Redl, who com mltted suicide In the spring of last year when accused of espionage, also has been shot as a spy. FIERCE ONRUSlj Avalanches of Troops, Terrific Cossack Raids Overwhelm East Prussia! Celerity Marks Moves. ' 1 4 TOTROGRAD, Sept. a Such success as has come to th(j r,,,,, slan armies ngalnst tho Germans In Ea! Prussia has proved a welcome surprlja to many of tho veteran troops of u,J Czar who, at tho beginning of tho great European wnr, stilt smarted from tin effects of their defeats by the Japanese There hns been a change In the condl. tlon of things on tho Russo-acrman frontier that might surprise even jttt-t sons familiar with tho Russian plan tt campaign. Ono Russian ofllcer at least who may be regarded as a reliable a Ihorltjs hnn been much surprised by tha rapid progress of tho Russian advance. Originally five Russian army corps wero oidcrcd to the Austrian frontier for the purpose of delaying tho Austrian advance If It should bo directed against thnt line. However, tho Russian Gen crnl Staff was quite convinced that tha main attack would aim at Warsaw through roland, and to meet that.aU tack two new army corps were sent for ward, and nt tho same tlmo tho cavalry, on the left flank (Chotln and Klelce), was strengthened. Tho Austrian Invading army met only weak Apposition In Poland, and the twii Russian corps appeared to retire. Suddenly the Russian cavalry in tha South, that Is to say, on tho left wlngy based on Klelce, took tho offensive. Ai tho samo tlmo tho Russian army wni ready to pour her enormous masses Intii Prussia from tho northeast frontier. ( Tho great Russian mobilization wan ready several days beforo Germany haiL expected, and Just at the moment wheru Germany should have mado her decisive blow at Trance and been able to spara her first lino troops for meeting tho Prus-J slan attack. This plan became a failure'.. Now, Russia has moro than two and one-half million troops In the north-east! corner of Prussia alone, nnd the Cosp.iely cavalnry number 130,000, in seven battlo divisions. The German defence against this avalanche consists of second lino leservists, not more than 800,000 strong,, already retiring to the row of forts along tho Vistula between Konlgsberg, Marien burg, and Torn. However, this line will bo difficult to forco by an Invading army, it will be moro dlfllcult for the reservist army, which has only 310 guns and about CO Maxim guns, to elofend. The effect of this heavy Russian at tack is noticeable everywhere in the ease of Prussia, and over Berlin is a cloud of stern pressure. People are leaving theltj homes In fright of tho Cossack hordes, who are spreading with nn enormous celerity. i There nre still about 10,000 Russians Irj Gormnny in a distressful plight. More than 10,000 of the G01 man-Russians havd left during tho last two weeks to return home by way of Sweden. All of them wcie lacking the ordinaiy nccessaiies o life, but the Swedish people everywhere have tried to lessen their sufferings, and at the main railway Junctions, wliera tho special trains stopped, Swedish ladles .have distributed food nnd rugs, etc, among tho miserable people. Thoy alj toll the most nppnlllng stories of the1 lough tieatment they havo met with at several places In Germany, but at tho samo time they tell many stories of Ger man courtesy nnd chivalrous behavlol toward the female fugitives. NEUTRALITY PALLS ON ITALY; WAR MAY COME IN FEW DAYS Even Socialists Are Clamor ing for Move Toward Re" gaining Provinces Aus tria Guards Against In vasion. METAL ROOFS FOR ZEPPELINS Germans Building New Craft to Fight With Fleet. COI'KNHAGL-N, Sept. 22 -From dif feront sources tho news U conrlrmed that the Ge, mans are constiucting euveral Zeppelins with aluminum toors which are destined to operate in conjunction with the fleet They aro equipped with an armored apparatus which Is suspended under the car from which bombs or torpedoes can be discharged or telephua couuuudiv. Uoa held, ROME, Sept 23. Tho voices of thousands of men who havo been thrown out of woik as 0 tesiilt of the wnr aro being added to thosl who favor Intel ventlon on tho side ot France nnd Hnglaud. Tho Immense deuth list of the Austilan regiments, recruited In tho so-called Italian provinces of Austria, In the tight ing in Ualicln; the belief that the prm German authorities of Turkey me fo mentlng tho Insurrection In Dalmatia, and u popular deslro to bilng the piovuucs' back under the Italian flag, all cuntrlb. ute to tho clamor, which Is Meidil grow ing, for Italy to abandon Its neuti il policy. Rvei y popular gathering in Rome ! a demonstration of enthusiast! ulendj ship for Rngland and 1'ianiv anil of hostility toward Gernmnv nnd Austria, Italian troops now stationed In vi 1 1 UijpJ cits are called upon almust dnilv to; up these demonstnitlo'is Tho, glial ds of troops about the i.eiman and Austrian Kmbassles In Rome "n strengthened. , ,. . liven the Socialists have Joined t ranks of the antl-ncutinlit fa tlon l'18 warlike spirit exists ovei the Wiob '" tiy, and oven the neu.apaii- a ' pressing their indignatluu at t. '" ...I.. r ,1. nni..nm. n, in llitlMHn ' n0 JU I Ol IOU v, ,, ,.-, ...... ... Settling uf tllP old scores nnain-1 A ', , liurlug jesteulays munviisan -lci. tlon of the occupation of Ho n tl 1 " of 1 ergons gathered In front 1 ti 1 ""' Kmbassy Cheering for tin l "'.-' ' Interspersed with shouts of ' 's'1 niiKlnud, Rail's friend" h When a 1'nlon Jack was a' "' Kmbassy thu nppl tuse aul ih.ciuui u"" renewed, tho mole uithus.i-.Ui lialiana tossing their hats Into the iir Thivo demonstrations wen- i " "' a procession of fully w ' l".iu'1' throug the principal streiu lr ta, encg to the Hrltish and the UUc "' with outbursts by tho paiadus l-ARIn. ""' ," The Figaro publUlies .1 diJl'-'-' ' J"' Rome declaring that ltulja.u "H" vt , ' ." la almost suie within the fttt "' j The article kins that IRUi ,"r",l"n: w,th disaslu by the uuemi'lu m" ' sequent upon the .war and t tent of the laboring, cla-sti is uili- tiv dlflkulliet ot the C'vir""1 maintaining Its stjlct peutr'Ut , The attention of all Itab ". 1 fastened qpof 'Valona. In ill' "' unon Trent nnd Trieste.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers