12 .EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1014. GRIDIRON WARRIORS ARE IN THEIR GLORY NOW-PHILLIES PLAY ST. LOUISA 333 PHILLIES READY FOR FINAL TILT WITH CARDINALS MACKS SLIPPING, BUT STILL THEY HAVE LONG LEAD .Game Today Will Be Staged at National League Park at Three o'Clock. Braves' Lead Almost Prohibitive. Though the Phillies tossed away a game yesterday which they might have won half a dozen times, they are not out of the running for the first division place by any means. Again today the Dooln athletes will go to battle with Hugglns' nine. It Is sad Indeed to think that a club which hits the ball with the fierceness of the Plilllles should show such weird lack of form on the bares. Unless the opposing pitcher Is sending over a brand of unhlttnblc hall a Ifnm ought to score tilno times out of ton with a man on tccond and no outs. In the second Inning, after Ludcrus had snt a long double to the bleacher fence, he allowed himself to be picked off the base by h quick throw from WIngo. If he had only played one foot off the base In stead of a yard he would not have been caught napping at his post. Another thing, the 1'hillles would have scored the run which would have given them the gamo In the ninth inning. Just here a word should be said favor ing Jack Martin. The youth has dis played remarkable Improvement in the last month at shortstop and seems to be getting better each day. Martin Is not the best shortllelder in the National League, but he bids fair to give some one a battle for the honors next season. Just at present Maranvllle, of the Bos ton Braves, has a good deal on the field of shortstops, but there Is no reason why Martin should not develop enough In another year to run a good race with the clever little Inllclder of the league leaders. When the Tlrates went down yesterday before the continued onslaught of tho Bravex and the Cubs sank a shaft of de feat into the cracking Giants, the Na tional League pennant was all but won. As McGraw says, the scries between tho Braves .md the Giants will probablv be the deciding factor. This being the case. It seems that the Braves should have an easy thing of It. as they have had no great amount of trouble in despoiling the Now York make-up since they have been skimming along at their pretent fast stride. Red Sox Have Small Chance With Athletics Six Games in Front Cham pions Meet Cleveland To day. CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 2jljust what would happen to the Athletics If thero was another month of baseball Is a mat ter of conjecture. That the Athletics nre not putting up anything like the game on this final spurt around the Western circuit that they did on their last In vasion Is certain. Yet the slump can bo explained, When the Mackmcn started on their second Jaunt through tho West they realized that they still had some distance to go and that to defeat the nearest contender they would have to open up a big gap between their own and the standing of the second club In the American League. This they did They came homo with a lead of 13 games. Today the Athletics have but six games on the Bed Sox. That Is, the have lost seven full games since the end of their second trip through the West, but it must uc remembered that the 13-gamo lead practically put them on easy street for tho pennant and they ceased to take long chances, believing that the pen nant was won. Furthermore, n .ierl. nt accidents pulled them down recently when they made a flying trip to Boston and Washington Just before leaving for tho West With a six-game lead at this stage of the race it Is hard to see how the Red Sox can come within hailing distance of the -Macks, despite the general cry that "iSl '" Cla" 'S allpplnp' and sllnPlns The eagle eye of Eddie Collins has caused Ban Johnson to hand down a de cision declaring the use of the "emery ball illegal. It will be remembered that Lddle discovered that Keating was using a piece of emery paper In his glove to make abrasions when the Athletics were lout In New York. The umpires did not know what to do about it, hence they put It up to the president of tho league. It Is said that Russ Ford was the first to use emery paper to make the ball sail peculiarly to the batters. The other pitchers who are known to have employed the K.lmp trlrk In tlin Amisrlvitt T.ont-im are Vean Oreqg, Joe Wood and Hay jvcaiing. .ccoiaing to tne Hoston experts, Gregg taught Wood the trick when the former left Cleveland and Joined the forces of the Red Sox. MARTY O'TOOLE , McGraw's chances for winning the National League pennant would be greatly increased if the erstwhile Pirate and $22,500 beauty should come through at the ninth hour with a few victories. Although McGraw realized when he landed O'Toole from Pitts burgh that he was taking a chance, he also knew that if Marty should happen to get a good start, he would well be worth the chance. So far, O'Toole has been of little value to the Giants except for relief work. His customary wildness has been the positive factor in his failure to come up to expectations. PERSONAL TOUCHES IN SPORT DJa ever play that game o' Ilhum? Most guys, I guess, have played It some. It's funny how It goes. You have a card not worth a rap and chuck It. Zip! Borne other chap Just snaps it up an' thiows. Well. Jumpln' to the baseball yard, Dick Rpdolph seems to be that card an' Muggsy laid It down. For Stall ings played next to McGraw. When Muggs discarded, Stallings' paw snagged Dick for Boston town. Dick's right arm got to workln' fine In Canada in 1809 with oP Toronto's crew, Tho Giants grabbed him oft next year, but Muggsy soon began to feur he wouldn't ever do. So, cut adrift, Dick floated 'iound till last year when the Braves' boss found that he could use Ills slants. Dick pitched right In, took off his coat an' got aboard the slnkin' boat. It gave the one big chance. An' chance it was. Jus' take a pike at how that team began to hike when Dick got on his stride. Those nine big wins that he copped straight sure sl.se up like a speedy gait for one who's chucked aside. An' Just to hand Mc Graw the laugh he took the Giants on his staff an" beat 'em onco or twice. If those Braves cop the big burgee Jawn J. will seek a buggery an' pack his head in Ice. i Dick Hudolphi Copyrighted by A. M. Cortigan. Football mobilization has been com pleted and the first skirmishes will take place shortly. Corni.ll will go under tire tomotrow in a battle with Urslnus, while Yale. Harvard, Princeton and the other colleges will take to the gridiron on Sat urday for their first engagements. The outlook Is brl-'hter this ear than ever, and there will be about 15 big games played, Surely enough to satisfy the appetites of the most exacting followers. An athletic .Moses Hke James IJ. Sulli van does not develop in a life time, and It will take many a year before his. place Is filled In the hearts of American ath letes. That Is ti ibute enough for a great man. Tho Federal league still has Its eye open for plaers of the National league. The latest planned raid Is directed toward the Cubs. Tommy Leach is the player concerned. The Feds claim that If the Chicago National League management does not award an Iron-clad three-year contract to the outfielder he will Jump. Hans Lobert is the only man on the Philadelphia club who Is talked of in connection with the Teas. When iue tloned about the mattei, Hans timply states that he hasn't signed iih the Phillies yet for WIS. But whether he Is seriously considering an offer or not Is a matter of speculation. Possibly Hans In tends to go and possibly he has nu such Intention. Eddie Morgan, featherweight boxer, lias landed in this, country from London, Kng. Morgan's ndvent fills the hearts of the fans with a longing to tee him In action with Johnnie Ktlbane and others. Very likely Morgan will fight the others "before lie is taken seriously. You will have to blame this on George K. Phalr: THE WORST IS YET TO COME. Europe's fighting men are falling. And the losses are appalling, And the vales of Europe ring with women's cries; But the European battle Will be tame as childish prattle When our football correspondents mobilize. There is really no reason why the Athletics or the owners of the local American League club should pull for the New York Giants to win out this year rather than the Braves. They take it, or at least the majority of them do, that the gate receipts would be larger in New York than they would be In Boston, but the figures of 1912 and 1913 show that there is very little difference. In 1912 the Red Sox and Giants had 34.6S3 paid admissions at Fenway Park for the fifth game of the series. At the Polo Grounds last October the larg. est paid attendance at the Athletle Uiant i-ortest was 3,6s3 This proves that there is not enough difference In the seating capacity of the Polo and Fenway grounds to make a material dif ference In the receipts. Furthermore, thero are more high-priced seats border ing the Boston diamond than there are at the Polo Grounds, according to Presi dent Lannln. of the Red Sox. There fore, inasmuch as It has already been determined by the National Commission that the games will be plaed n Boston at Fenway Park, and not at the National League one. In case the Braves win It is hard to see how such a small differ ence in figures could affect the players tlitU U HKiBm Boston, like Philadelphia, was originally and still Is fundamentally a National Leazur. ball town. Hence, if the world's series is played In the Hub cltv Fenway Park Is sure to be filled to Its capacity at every contest. The people of Boston would rather see the Braves win the pennant In the National League than they would the Red Sox to win twice Just why this condition of fanatic affairs exsts no ono can say. But it does exlM. and it exists In this cltv as well as In the metropolis of Massachusetts. SAID FRED LUDERCH: 'I love to give the ball a bouf I swat 'em out of sight, BCT Unless I'm sent In with a clout Of circuit length-Good night!" !,,I,fi?i-i!.Lo,l'rt " far from b6l, the un lucklest player In the game. Yesterday Hans hit a hard one, which looked, how eyer. ns though it would be easy for Hug glns. However, the ball took a bad hop went over Hugglns' head to deep right centre, and Hans made two bags. He almost duplicated the feat later in the game, except that he only made one base. Eddie Plank hasn't missed tho Penn Gettysburg football game In a number of years, but he will not be pre.'ent at the meeting Saturday. Boston .fim to be an unluckv place for pitchers In the American League. Foster and Leonard, who began so well this season, were not able to keen un the pair, although nothing seemed to lie wirui'.' with them Recently Leonard fdlpp-d in the clubhouse, breaking a b ne In his hand. .Tne Wood has not been In Shape tills yiar. In 1912 Eddie Cicotte had as murh speed If not more than he has now. Yet he could not win and was traded to the White Pox Just before tho World's Series. In 1S12 Buck O'Brien was hailed as a wonder. Yet he was released to the White Sox In mid-season of 1913 and later was sent by Callahan hack to Denver He is now In the Southern Asso ciation, a class A organization. Tom Shlbe. on of the owners of tho Athletics, made the following statement yesterday regarding tho playing of the Army-Navy football game at Shlbe Park: "We haven't heard a word from the com-mltt-e recently. All I know about the matter Is that we offered to give them the us of the park free The only condi tions we asked were that thev put thn field back In as good shape after the game as It was before. Just how many extra seats could be put In I don't say. but I know that an engineer was out thero one day and I think that he said ha could have stands constructed with which would accommodate nearly 20,rT, or a total of 40.ftno with the present stands." The latest development, or alleged de velopment In the proposed sale of the Chicago Cubs is that Mr. Taft Is going tc sell out to Mrs Hetty Green. Mrs Green is said to be the world's richest woman and she needs to be if she in tends to compete with the Federal League, which is already hot after Tommy Leach, the well-known Chicago west slder. But is for the original proposition, everybody concerned denies that there Is a chance for Mrs Green to buy the Cubs. Mr. Taft brands the story as "absurd," "ridiculous," etc. But don't forget that denials of this ame strenuotity were poured forth from Cub headquarters when the nrst news leaked out that Charles Webb Murphy would no longer be chief owner and Ciar of the Chicago National League club. Here's a puiile: What would the one-armed pitcher who fanned 19 minor lagua batters have done if h had two arms? i MiQMiliiiTrY JeF HP wf iilk GRIDIRON NEWS GLEANED FROM LEADING COLLEGE CAMPS By EDWARD R. BUSHNELL Pennsylvania's football authorities will make gridiron Aistory by their action In deciding to number their players in the game with Gettysburg on Saturday. Gettysburg's consent to the innovation is iiuite as notable. These two teams will bo the firbt college elevens In America to demonstrate the worth of this pro gressive reform. The reform consists In sewing numbers on the backs of the foot ball Jerseys of such a height ns to make them visible in all parts of tho field. Thus the spectators, by reference to theli programs, can instantly Identify every player on the field, can tell who makes touchdowns, Important runs and tackles, and will havo before them the answers to countless other questions which spec tators anil newspaper writers have been accustomed to ask for In vnln. It has taken several years of argu ment to have this reform considered with apptoval. Most of the big universities of the East have shied at It. and even the Rules Committee Itself has sidestepped It. Penns Ivanla's attitude has always been filendly. Four years ago tho writer suegested this plan to the Pennsylvania and Cornell managements for their an nual Thanksgiving Day game. The (.uaker coaches, after a dlscufcMon of the pros and cons. ngre-d to It. So did Coi ns!! at first, but two days before the game tho Ithacans asked to be excused from trying tin- experiment. So far there has never been a big col lege game wheio all the players were numbered, though several high school teams In and around Boston and New York have been doing it for several years and with marked success. Last fall Dart mouth numbered Its plaers for Its final ganiH with the Carlisle Indians plaed In New York. The Indian players, however. were not so numbered, and while the ex periment was hailed with delight by the Gotham football public and tcrlbes, it was not a fair test. About the only objection ever made was the fear that a star player might thus bo Identified by the opposition and either be a mark for their attack or be mote easily watched. This, of course. Is rldlt ulous on Its face, because when two teams take the field they instantlj know the Identity of all their opponents And suppose the opposition did know their opposing plajers, what good would this knowledge do them? A number sewed on the back of Brlckley's jersey wouldn't lessen his goal-kicking ability In the least, but It would always enable the spectators to Identify the Crimson captain. And this is the sole purpose of tho reform. Judging from the aftermath of the "In terpretation meeting" of the football coa lies, i ule makers and olllclals In New York Saturday night, there are some coaches who would find a method to evade the rule passed by the committee lat winter forbidding the toach to walk up and down the side lines. Sopie astute individual pointed out that since the rules do not specifically order the coach to take a seat on tho bench with the play eis, he might be eligible to act as one of the linesmen, and that in this posi tion he would be right on top of the nlav. and. If he desires and could get away with it. he might still coach or watch tho work of his players. That sort of an evasion might be technically possible if the men in charge of intercollegiate football were not gen tltrnen. But this sort of trickery i foreign to all intercollegiate ethics and wouldn't be tolerated for a, moment by any telf-respectlng university. It le also reported that as a result of the discussion at this meeting a lequest will be oent out to the membors of the Rules Com mittee asking them to vote on the prop osition that coaches be allowed on the side lines by mutual agreement of the two captains, no matter what the rules say on thU point. As a matter of fact the consent of the Rules Committee Is not necessary to do thli because ever m'e In tho ho ik may b) disregarded by the mutual consent of the two captain. The members of the football Rules Committee represent no ono In particular, and If the two cap tains agieed a touchdown might count ten points ns well as six. At the same time the authority of the Rules Com mittee has been accepted without ques tion, and If a precedent weie started by which two teams would dlsrcgurd this paitlcular rule and flaunt intercollegiate sentiment It wouldn't he long before they might bo waiving some othei niles and wo would have all kinds of tiouble. The only objection made to the rule Is that It prohibits honest conches from utilizing this position to watch the work of their men. and they can get this ln foimatlon only from the picHmlnury games. It is lather late In the day to i also this point, and since the rule is on tho book It ought to be observed to the letter. There Is no more reason why a foot ball coach should bo on the field than that there Is" for a track coach to be on the track during a dual or Intercollegiate meet. The I. C. A. A. A A. forbids all trainers and coaches from being on tho track or within the enclosure duilng a. championship meet. For the same tcasons coaches are barred ftoin track and field in all tho Important dual meets. Track authorities feel that coaches get all tho information they need about the work of their men fiom their daily ti aiding. Football coaches havo the same oppor- BASEBALL CONDENSED NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS, St. I.ul. (li Phillies. :l (10 InnlngN). llohton, 0: I'lttohurKh, ,1. Chlruen, U; New York, II. Uroukljn. 0; Cincinnati, n (Ixt ciiinc). Ilronkljn, 8; timinnatl, 2 CM canivl. TODAY'S GAMES. M. f.iiuls nt Philadelphia. littnliiirKh at Ilnoton. Chicago nt New York. Cincinnati at IIrooUIn. TOMORROW'S GAMES. Oilmen nt I'hlladiililllu. Iitthlniri.ii nt llrmMn. M. Loulk at New York. Cincinnati ut JtiMnn. CLUB STANDING, W. 1. P C. W. I, P.C. Hnstnn.. Tt .11 .VIU l'hlllle 07 73 .4K2 New York. 7it fin r,,r0 Brooklyn. ti4 74 .4m Chicago 73 fill .V.,llttlKh HM 71 - tr.U SI Louis.. i Oil a;.".' Cimlunati ."U hi' loll AMERICAN LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. letrlnnd, Si Athletic. I, Hqston, Hi Dctrnll, K (II innlnghj durkiiett). New lurk, li St. I.onK, 3. Wunhlnictnn, 0; liiliuso, I (13 Innlngx). TODAY'S GAMES. Athletic at (ieiiiand. HiMon at Detroit. Wuililnsion at (iiirAKn. New nrk al M. I.nulk, TOMORROW'S GAMES. No (iunifi .Scheduled. CLUB STANDING. W I. P P. W I. P p Athletic.. U 40 .647' lilcaso. . its, 7B .404 Hnxlnn ! .' I.nii'-t l.oulj. 113 7l! .4.1.1 lletrnll 7.1 HO ..Viaveu York 113 77 4 no Wabh'sion '3 05 .M9 Cleveland 41 03 ,321 FEDERAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Iiiillanapuliii, 0; Buffalo. I, lljlllmorf, 3i (iiiiaKii, ! Hanku City, Us llrnnkljn, 3. M. I.oiili., A; litHljiiri.il, 3, TODAY'S GAMES. Indlanaiinll at lluiTnln. fiiitafzo ut llultlmorp. Kunuii City at Hrnokljn. St. JouU ut rnuburgh. CLUB STANDING. W I. P' W I, PC Ind'apiii. 70 61 508 Hrooklin rt l.ri till Chicago . 77 ill V-J K-n lily lit 73 in3 naltlmore. 72 02 j( st l,u .y.i 7 H11 JIuHalo. ... 70 CS 31'J PIUHBh .14 7U 40H INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Newark, 3; Ilallimore. 2. Toronto .Montreal (nut ftrhfduleil) i'rgildcnce, ; Jrrtei tit. 3. iiuiralo. ; Jtoclic.tcr, 4. CLUB STANDING. W UPC w I, pc ProvMtnce 1 SS Oil Baltimore 72 73 .407 Buffalo 1 8 597 Newark OS 7 473 HoiheaWr S8 00 59.1 Montreal, r.9 60 407 Toronto... 71 08 511 Jer City 40 102,311 tunltles. and don't need to stand on tho side lines any more than track coaches need to bo on the marks when their chatges enter a race. It Is to be hoped in tho Intei ests of good sportsmanship that none of the colleges shall ask that this rule be waived, even for tho p:c llmlnaty games. It Is Just as fair for one as for another, and If properly observed will place the burden of doing n llttlo thinking upon the captain or field gen eral, where It pioperly belongs. Pennsylvania's football squad continues to mnko progress, and yesterday hnd about as stlfl a practice as It will get this season. At any rate, the Quakers hope they won't have to endure many moro i-erlmmages with the thermometer hovering around the 90 mark. The men were Introduced to the tackling dummy yesterday and given their first Instruction In this all-Important essential preliminary to a stiff scrimmage. Ciltlclsm of Individual faults of play at this time would be unfair, but It Is to be hoped that some of the defects that clung t'o last year's backfleld throughout tho season may bo rooted out of tho candidates this year. Irwin ap parently has the Inside track In the race for quarterback honors He has already demonstrated that he Is fast, a good kicker and a man who can Instil ginger Into his team. His work yesterday In dicated that ho does not stialght-arm opponents Instinctively, and that ho does not shift the hall from one nrm to the other while on the run. A good quarter back or nny man who hopes to bo a good open field runner must do this. It Is something that can't he acquired in a cloy or a week, but any man who masters It hos added about 100 per cent, to his worth. A man who can dodge, stialght-arm and shift the hall from arm to arm while i mining In a broken field, as Ilollenback and Mercer could do. Is Just as valuable to ;i team as a Hrlckluj. Tin- wonilir is that some players don't i-pend their HiiinnnTs piactlcing these arts as HrU-Mfj does drop and place kicking. PENN TRACK MEN READY Donald Lipplncott Will Call Out Can didates for Team Next Week. Donald Lipplncott. captain of this soa Min's I'liiveiblty of PcunMivgnla track team, fntmds to Issue a call for candi dates, when college opens next week, In 01 dei to get a line on s-opie possible stars The speedy sprinter is nppaiently entirely iccovered from the Injury that spoiled his work In last year's Inter collegia tes, unci will get into togs with tho rest of the men. Kautfman. (iiptaln of the 1!13 freshmen, was out on Franklin Field venterdny and looks fit to start uctlve training at nny time. Kauffman Is expected to make a place on the viusltv nne-mlle n ln tiam In the spiing, and will also be n valuable acquisition to the team in the smlnts. Joe Lockwood. an intercollegiate point winner last June, definitely announced yesterday that he would return to Penn this fall. EXTA.K.C.8H0W IS SCHEDULED BY LANCASTER CLUB Big Event Will Attract Dog Fanciers of Philadelphia and Other Centres Some Canine Gossip of Interest. The next American Kennel Club show to be held In this section is scheduled at Lancaster, Pa., October 1. Mrs. LouIb Gumpel, of 2221 North 21st street, this city, has two very good look ing English top spr.ntels that have never been shown. One of them, especially, looks very good. It Is a. ruby female named Qumpel's Ruby Girl. As soon as Ruby Girl comes Into better coat Mre. Gumpel intends showing her. Tho Western Alredalo Ctub, a most successful exponent of this breed, will hold their fifth annual show, a very Im portant ovent In the Alrcdnle terrier fancy, In tho Hotel Sherman, Chicago, on Saturday, October 17. It Is expected that the entries, both In number and quality, will be larger and better than ever. At a largely attended meeting of the Bulldog Club of America, In New York city, It was unanimously decided that the "Dudley noso," which Is a pink, flesh, chocolate, or light coffee color, shall hereafter disqualify any bulldog so pos sessed from winning a prlzcl of any sort under American Dull Dog 'Club rulesj further, that a black noBe la the Ideal, and, though a parti-colored or blue nose is undesirable. It shall not disqualify the dog In nny way. An Important specialty show scheduled for the end of next month Is the one of tho Boston Terrier Club, of Boston, Mass., which Is slated October 28 and 29 in Boston. December 5 Is the dnte named for the Alredalo Terrier Club of America's big specialty show In New Tork city. Thomas Cadwalader, a local fancier of the breed, is secretary of this organization. Seven now members were enrolled by tho Toy Dog Fanciers of America during the last show nt Bala President Sam Dornn announced that It was a .jnost successful show. Tom Hartman. the West Philadelphia "Toy Poodlo King." was on hnnd for this exhibit and made his presence im mediately felt. He was awarded credit for the largest individual entry, and with the good string he wns showing won nearly every prize In Bight. A star attraction was the litter of four Maltese terrier puppies shown by Miss L. -Williams. PENN BOXERS ARE TO MEET F. AND M. EXPERTS IN RING Coach Decker, of the Local Boxing Squad, Has Made Arrangements for a Dual Fistic Affair in November. HOLD NIGHT PRACTICES LA.WASTKB. Pa., Sept. 2.'. - Coach lliiler, of the Lancaster Uojs' Ilieh School, has a &quad or 25 bos nt prac tice here each night, and has high hopes 1 of regaining the record which the school I had at high bchool football In 1913. C'ap- tain Harbison is at quarter, and will be I supported by a strong backfleld in I Stumpf, Dudley and Lotp necker. J. 1 Swank and H. Swank will be the ends, i The line positions are not definite, but I the men will bo picked from lileker. Hoover, Uarr, Hosiiceter and Marshall. Jones, Klump, Goos. Adams and Sides I are tho most likely substitutes The first , game of the reason will be played next Saturday, when the team meets Steelton here, Rubin Takes Sullivan's Place NEW VOrtK, Sept 22 -At the annual meeting of the Metropolitan Association of the Amateur Athletic Union here last night Fred W Itubln, the vice president, was elected president, to succeed the lute James Sullivan, George Decker, coach of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania's boxing team, wlfl Issue a call for candidates within a short time and expects over CO aeplrantB to report, For the past four years Decker, who was formerly famous as a lightweight fighter, has been Instructing students of old Penn. During the first two years the men did not show an aptitude for boxing. Finally, due to the efforts of Decker and Dr. Talt McKenzle, physi cal director of the University, boxing was put on a firm foundation. The year was divided Into two terms, fall and winter. Last year In the fall ses sion there were about 60 men learning the rudiments of the game. After foot ball camo to a close some of the grid Iron heavyweights Joined the squad. An crfort wns made to hold an Intercol legiate tournament between the teams of the Eastern colleges last year, but It fell through, One result, however, was the formation of teams under com petent Instructors In several colleges. Decker worked hard, holding several txhlbitlons during thu two terms. Sev eial members of the team took part in the afternoon matinees of Tony Diddle. Decker reports that arrangements are being made to hold a tournament with the team of Franklin and Marshall the latter part of November. He expects, vltli several veterans from last year, to make a ci editable showing and convince the authorities that boxing is a coming college sport. Negotiations are also on between the Penn team and Columbia College. F, AND M. MEN REPORT LANCASTKIt. Pa K0..1 t i., line men on the Franklin and Marshall team reported yesterday. The two men aie "Duko" Davidson, the All-Southern Virginia tackle, and U'prtiKh . tain of Mlllersvllle Normal School. With Captain Hlehl out with a shoulder bruise and Mumma with a dislocated shoulder, theso men appear at the right time. A mass meeting of students was held last night in the college gymnasium- Dr. Appel. president of the college; Coach Mayser, Captain Dlehl and other mem bers of the team mado short speeches At the student meeting no reference was made to the desertion of Kvans, tho back field man, to the Ihlgh squad. Two of. fors of games for next Saturday have been made to the management-one from Huckncll to play at Iwlsburg, the other from the team of the I. S. S. Connecticut There is little doubt that, in the event of the cancellation of the Lehigh game, the latter team would be taken on, and the season opened on Williamson Field. SOMMMERS TAKES CHARGE VILUVNOVA. Pa., Sept. 22.-The Villa nova College football candidates were given their first hard drill yesterday when Coach "Dutch" Sommers took charge of the team. Eight veterans remain from last year's varsity, and, with the addition of several promising new players the turnout was very encouraging. The var- .. ...v.. .iu UYe iieiurnta to college wtJ.?!" r(""J7'. Key. For.t.1 ...-, .. ,.w, ,soi,, iiamon ana BUtllff. ALL-AROUHDlls OF GERMANTOW N TO : BE HELD OCTOBER 3I Pentathlon Under Auspice of Athletic Council 0f' Boys' Club Will SettlJ! luiimm vucaiiun. F 1 , 1 In order to determine who Is the inA u-arounu atnieto of the Gcrmantotm Boys' Club, tho Athletlo Council iZ authorized a pentathlon contest to fc! hold on tho playground Saturay after, noon, October 3. The events to to eon! tested will- be In the pentathlon tttt gram of thn oivnlr, cr.m.. follows: 220-metcr , 1600-meter dltcui throw, Javelin throw and running broii Jump. Competition Is limited to athlett, who aro now members of the club. n,M will bo no entrance fee. Tho Olymplj method of determining tho winner will bo followed. All entrants must compel, in every ovent. and each competitor will to given tho number of points for tin particular event represented by the pos, tion in which he finishes, thus the win. ncr of the event will bo given one point, second place two, tho winner of tho meet being tho one with the least nubmer oj points. Tho Athletic Council has glvon a prlw, a, replica of the famous marathon troohv the figure of tho dying Pholdlppldea, Ira! mortallzed by Robert Browning. Thl trophy will remain in competition UntU It has been won threo times by sows athlete. Among tho prominent athletes who are expected to compete are JnaDh D, Goodman, Alfred D. Carson, J. Ham! Alcorn, who won tho all-around tha.ni. plonshlp of the Gcrmnntown T. M, c. A. for three consecutive years; Arthur Wells, Clifton Mollon, John Miller and Howard Kirk. The Gcrmantown BoyB Club will hold Its annual banquet October 22, at tha Penn street headquarters, Gcrmantown. Preparations nre being made for the en' tertalnment of 250 members and Invited guests. Prominent men of the city will bo on hand to make nrlrlrennon n.1,1 ....n known athletes will be called upon to make short speeches. "Ted" Meredith) of the University of Pennsylvania, and "Don" Lipplncott are two stars of tha cinder path who will delight the bn. quotors. Dr. George Orton, Edward Cattell, Calvin O. Althouso, A. C Kraenzlcln, Edgar Church nnd others well known In nthlotlc circles will b on hand. President Edward R. Bushncll la en couraglng tho work of the banquet committee, composed of J. D. Goodman, Carl Vlscher nnd Charles W. Baln bridge nobert Lamberton is vice presl. cient, J. H. Alcorn, secretary, and C, "W. Balnbrldge, treasurer. YACHTSMEN MEET NEXT MONTH TO PERFECT PLANS South Jersey Yacht Racing Association to Correct Some Difficulties at No vember Session That Make Racing Unsatisfactory. After a successful season, the yachtu men of the South Jersey Yacht Racing Association will, at their annual meeting the latter part of November, discuss ths regulations regarding measurements In an endeavor to correct the Inaccuracies The first discussion which will come uji will be over the accuracy of the coursa In nautical miles. In one regatta held along the shore's of South Jersey tha owners of boats, according to times mada by a hlgh-poweied hydroplane, wera given time allowances figured at eighteen miles, while they only raced a trlfla over twelve. In two races there would havo been a difference In tho finish of the boats, provided tho allowance had been made for the shorter distance. Thi scratch boats would have won In each Instance, It would be well for the sport If ont member of the Regatta Committee of the club holding a race meet were spe dally Instructed to lay out the count and see that It Is accurately measured. The second subject is the removal 0! flotram and Jetsam which frequently bob up to tetard the progress of a racer and In borne Instances cause accidents. At Lake George a hjdroplane wal smashed by runlng afoul of a lloatlnS log while going at a high rate of speed. Another matter to be considered Is 'ni patiol of the course by specl.il! Ji nated boats while the racing la progress, CROWELL MAKES CHANGES EASTON, Pa.. Sept. 2i-Coach WIMf Crowcll placed one of his former PUP Taylor, of West Philadelphia High-ln tM Lafayette varsity bacKfleld esteida. Other changes sent Furry to the bacn fioiii nnri icllv tn tho line Croweu worked the squad, which now numbers 63 men, hnrd all day In preparation or the opening game of the season wlta Delaware College on Saturday Maranvllle to Wed BOSTON, Sept. Si-Walter E Mrf" vllle, the diminutive shortstop of U" Boston Braves, Is to be married this ja some time after the world's series engagement to Miss Elizabeth It !r of Springfield, was announced last nisi". ' Easy for Mike Gibbons CINCINNATI, Sept. V. -Mike J'bbn3i of St. Paul, had all the better of six the ten rounds last night In Ins ns" with Bill McKlnnon, of Pittsburgh. Covington. Ky. No decision WBS, g,l:,t, at the conclusion of the bout, but "" bons foroed the Issue at all times. Hardwick Regains Strength Honors CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. Sept 2-H"a Ington R. Hardwlck, football star a heavy hitting baseball player, regal"" his honors as Harvaid's strong man " terday He broke all pml"us ? r with a mark of 1331 points, Infc honor position from O. G Wrkratni who excelled him last year. J, ei-ni -.it miiiih n.
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