Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 22, 1914, Image 1
EVENING LEDGER ::v. 1 H6V hi vol. i-yo. 3 IS, REVENUE CUTTER WRECKED IN PACIFIC SENDS CALL FOR AID Vessel, With 72 Aboard, T nnrls on Bering Sea Shoal Steamships Rush ing to Her. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 22. Two ships Me'rushW to the rescue of the crew Cf the I'nltol States rovenuo cutter Ta hma. which went nshoro nnd was '-reckccl on u icef between Atka and Attu Islands, in the Behrlng Sen. The '..wMb. which weie about 100 miles ills- Hint when they picked up the "S. O. wireless call, arc the Japanese liner aim mo iNumo bivuiiiui PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1014. PRICE OOTJ CENT from Captain (Tacoma-'""" Senator. . a wireless dispatch .Klchard O Cilsp, of the Tahoma. picked tip at sea and relayed to headquarters from Sitka, Alaska, says the cutter Is In imminent danger, but It Is believed tho nine olucers and crew of 63 on the 'thlp can take to the small boats with Vhlch the cutter Is well supplied and k safety on one of the small Islands which clot the sea In the vicinity of tho The Tahoma Is a cutter of the first Mats She was built at Wilmington, !, ' i inns and Is of SS7 tons, with f 1215 tons displacement and 152 feet In lr,Kth. i lie eai I'ttructlon. The olllcers arc: Crisp, commanding: Is of steel con- ?lrst Lieutenant WATERWAYS DELEGATES LEAVE FOR NEW YORK Notables to Address Five-day Con vention, Opening Today. Philadelphia's representatives to the seventh annual convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association left Ilroad Street Btatlon at 0:15 o'clock this morn ing on a ypeelal train for Niw York, more tlmi n hundred strong. Dy the time the train reaches New York It will have Picked Up nearly 200 additional delegates from Xew Jersey cities nnd town. Foil" of the five days of the convention arc t' be spent on n boat, the steamer Berkshire. The delegates will view thi East nnd Harlem Rivers, New York Day nnd Harbor, the Hlntcn Island Sound nnd rtnrltan Bay to Terth Amhoy, N. J. They will alo have three days In which to Inspect the eicnery nlong the historic Hudson by da light nnd stops will be made at West Point, Hudson, Newhurgh, Kingston, Poughkeepslc, Albany and Troy. Addresses will be made at Albany by Secretary Daniels, of the Navy, nnd Secretary Lane, of the Department of the Interior, with the Governors nnd former Governors of a number of States. The flrot session of tho convention Is scheduled for i o'clock this afternoon in tho Hotel Majestic, New York, and tomor row the delegates will boaid the boat for tho rest of their convention. Members of the association from all the Atlantic coast Stntes will attend. Among the Phlladclphlans who left this morning arc: C. C. A. natal. Jr. Mlsi Hone Unldl n c IMIllngcr Hobrt T. Cor-on A. Dr. nnd Mrs. John H. l)rexlr Frcilfrlr Schoff Tames II Cnny OforKe T. Owllllnm ntoTue snuatcr PLAN TO PASS HEW COURT HOUSE BILL OVER VETO TODAY Select Council Must Act at Once or Mayor's Objec tions to Bosses' Program Will Become Effective. rllrforrf P War Hlehnrrt Watson Mia Wotaon V S. Harvey Mr ami Mrs. E. Zcller John V. Lbrton W. I) Andrraon Harry R Edmund A. r Elklnton Philip Oodley n. H Uartlett n. H Ellington Mlsa Dorothy Ed munds 13. V. Hrlnker .Tnrnh I Ttaon Thomaa Crelghton ithomn. M. Ma.oy, "cuuve .r. WKAjar Smh csnnnd I.eittennni jonn j. huikum, .:..- .-.... :.-""'.U mi Lieutenant William K. Scammel; Third Lieutenant Stephen S. Ycnndlo, who recclvi-d a gold medal for heroism dur ing a hurricane off the Georgia coast three years ago; Second Lieutenant of Engineers Thomas H. Ycnger: Third Lieutenant of Engineers Francis C. Allen; Third Lieutenant of Engineers "Walter M Troll, nnd Assistant Surgeon It. M. Thomas, of the Public Health Service. . WASHINGTON. Sept. 22. Messages to the revenue cutter service hero today, an nouncing the wreck of tho cutter Tahoma In the Aleutian Islands, contained assur ances that tho entlro crew of nine ofll teri and 6,1 men would be saved. "S. O. S." calls from tho Tahoma were ticked up by ships and wireless stations ' tlons the Alaskan coast, and the Japa nese liner Takoma Maru nnd the steamer Senator are speeding to her rescue. The Tahoma Is one of the newest and best cutters In the service and fear Is felt that sho will be pounded to pieces en the reef where she Is fast. BRESLAU BESIEGED . BY CZAR'S FORCES, FEARED IN BERLIN Mm ',amlii Mrs. C. F. Stnnard Mr. and Mra. Mur- dock Kcndrlck Mra Charle M. We. aels Mr. and Mrs. John n. Ltvezey Mlsa Llry Howard II. French jamea J. McNnlly Jjlras DorKner William J. Bradley rald P Lea Jame Morgan Henry Matthens r. R. Leas Frank U N!1 rhnrlea Elme- Smith F. N. Harris Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mormon William S. Woodnard IJda C. Reynolds Ilobcrt L. Sherrard John Jaoohy Hnwnrd J. Hneirr .Tnmrs II. Unnner Mr. and Mra. Edward Thomas OeUIn Inslnjrer r v Fry Horace Fry J. I, Durnell A, F. Iironn Oswald Mllllgan Mrs. Minor Harry Oransback Carl Klrklnblne William Wetherill C. C. A. Maldl William E, Bernard Jnmea J. Ryan Eimene Fry .1. Hamrton Moore Mlsa Carrie Mentlln- hall r. F. Srnl'h F M Dunhe.m C. W Summerdeld C. W. YouriR HOUSE OPPOSITION LOOMS UP TO SMALL "PORK BARREL" BILL Communications With Capi tol Suddenly Cease, Indi cating That Russions Have Penetrated Silesia on Way to Berlin. BERLIN', by way of Rome. Sept. 22. All telegraphic and telephonic commu nication wltli Breslnu suddenly ceased to day. It la feared that the Itusslan centre may have pushed forward and be attack ing the city. It seems almost Incredible that the Russians could have penetrated In force to Breslau so that they could have cut OH communication with Berlin. Breslau l one of the links of the chain In the Oder hne of fortifications. After Berlin it Is the second largest city In Prussia, nnd is the capital of Silesia. It occupies an Important strategical posi tion en the Oder, and is a city of gteat historical interest. It lias been piepared for a nnslhlo raid by tho Russians, and the last reports available from there fated that there was a vciy strong Oer inan foico between It and the eastern frontier. Determined Stand May Be Made to Restore Many Items Eliminated By $33, 000,000 Reduction. OFFICER GIVES HIMSELF UP AFTER SHOOTING TRAIN RIDER Man Falls With Bullet in His During Struggle, After oluntarlly surrendering to the Police Department, Special Officer Michael Curion. living at 2241 East Clearfield "reet. employed by the Rending Railway Compnn. was held In J1E00 ball at the Belgrade and Cleirfleld streets police ata- tlon tnlg morllms, by Magl8trate comp- ' ni, avalt ,,le recovery of James Mc- fle 2". yoais old' ot - East (May- !iZrVi,,rom a revolver shot In the tplsconal Hospital. On tho night of September 17. McGinley Eat. ;?,n"a"lon. Raymond Sieger, nf 3033 thVn , pson 8trt'ot' were sighted In rid ildini?h aKVe,u,e yard8 of ,he ral1' train ii?,,b1umpprs of rs 'resM for l,v' v Uh v'luabl freight billed accrv S?T clt-- rson. who was --...,...,i. Iiy sneclal Offlr-or cir WASHIN'GTON. Sept. 2a.-Opposltlon In the IIouso to tho drastic reduction of the rivers and harbors "pork barrel" appropriation bill from 3,000.000 to f. 010,000, ordered by the Senate, 27 to 22. Inte last night, loomed up today for midably. Senator Burton, of Ohio, leader of the filibuster against the "pork barrel" bill, was given credit for forcing the reduction ordered by the Senate. Bur ton won his filibuster fight. The Demo cratic leaders In charge of tho bill werff routed, unable to hold all Democrats solidly behind tho bill. Fifteen Demo crats voted with Republicans to recom mit the bill to the Commerce Commit tee with instructions to reduce- Its total to 3),000.000. as predicted yesterday. Wishes of the President for exercise of greatest economy are reported to have Influenced tho split In the Democratic rnnks, The Commerco Committee met to pare tho bill to J2O.0nO,00O. It carried $43,000,- 000 as It passed the IIouso, and the Sen nte committee added $10,000,000. Today the committee was working to spread out the $20,000,000 dlrecttd by the Senate over the greatest number of projects. Continuing work on the Miss issippi and Ohio Rivers will be amply provided for, It was stated. Whether to make tlw $a).000,000 a lump appropriation or divide it among con tinuing projects epoctncally was tho question facing the committee today. The reduced total means that no new projects will bo authorised. A fight In the Houno against accepting tho Senate cut to $3),000,a) was deemed certain. Tho House may make a deter mined stand to restore many appropria tions. The new reduced bill will probably be reported out by the Senate committee Thursday. Councils are meeting In speclnl ses sions today for tho purpose of passing the $11,300,000 loan bill for munlclpnl Im provements Introduced In the Common branch Inst Thursday. Opposition to tho $100,000 Item Included In the loan for housing the Juvenile and Domestic Relations dlvlsons of the Mu nicipal Court arc expected to develop ns a result of Mayor Blankenburg'w vgorous denunciation of the Municipal Court's cxpnuslon plans. Tho Mayor has declared them to be extravagant and nusurcl. Sclent Council will decide today whether the action of Common Council In over riding the veto of Mnor Hlankcnburg last Thursday, on the ordinance to con demn land nt 21t and Race streets for the Municipal Court, Ifl to be sustained. Re publican Organization sponsors of the new court's oxpinslon plans have slated the oidlnnnco for passage In ' the Select branch todn.x. Mayor Blankcnhurg has sent a personal letter to every member of Select Council, outlining his objections to the plan made public recently by Judge Brown, of the Municipal Court, for elaborate structures on the site at 21st and Race sheets. CONVENTION HALL SITE. It became known yesterday that Di rector Cooke, of the Department of Public Works, has been for some time negotiat ing for the pui chase of the property nt 21st and Race sticets, chosen by the Municipal Couit for Its permanent loca tion, ofl a site for the proposed convention hntl- . ., ., During the Reyhurn administration , 500,000 was appropriated for a convention hall, which business organizations have urged to be centrally located. That amount Is available for the project. Mayor Blankenburg, In his letter to the Select Councllmen opposing the proj ect of acquiring the site at 21st and Raco streets for the Municipal Court, asserta that the plan Is vague nnd Indefinite. He points out that It Is not definitely stated whether the land to be broken Is bounded on the north by Vine street or Winter street. He also Indicates tnat tne project outlined by Judge Brown Includes acquisi tion of virtually an entire city block In stead of the corner of the block at 21st and Race streets. 'The Mayor advocates acquisition of land adjoining the House of Detention at much less cost. He asserts that it me land Is condemned for the Municipal Court, the responsibility for blocking the convention hall "project will 'rest upon Councils, ns It had been planned to locate the convention hall on the site now chosen bv the Municipal Court. The special sessions of Councils to pas. the loan ordinance had been scheduled for Thursday of this week, but It was sudden ly discovered that unless Select Council concurred In passing the ordinance for condemning the' lahd ot 21st and Race streets ovjr tho Mayor's veto before the lapse of five days the action of Common Council In overriding the Mayor's veto last Thursday would be nullified. Conse quently a hurry call for special meetings today were Issued by the Republican Or ganization sponsors of the Municipal Court's elaborate project. BRITISH. REACH KIA0-CHAU TO AID JAPANESE TROOPS South Wnlca Regiment Helps Assail German Leasehold TOKIO, Sept. 22. British Iroops to co-operate with the Japanese In the ultnck on Tslng-Tao have been landed at Lao Shan Bay. The Germans have made several sorties against the Japanese and a num ber of severe skirmishes have resulted. There have been numerous casualties en both antes. Reports that a Jnponese destroyer has been sunk by n German cruiser off Klao-Chau nrt current here, but tho Admiralty has glveri out no Information confirming thorn. Transports conveying tho British de tachment which Is to take part with the Japanese on the attack on Tslngtnu, left Tlen-Tsln on Saturday. This de tachment consists of one regiment, tho South Wales Borderers. KING ALBERT KILLS TREACHEROUS AIDE TO ESCAPE GERMANS Chauffeur Was Bearing Bel gian Monarch Close to Foes' Lines, Declares Story From Lille. The War Today PARIS, Sept. 22. King Albert, of the Belgians, escaped capture by the Germans recently only by shooting the chauffeur who was driv ing him rapidly toward .the German lines, according to the newspaper Pro gress Du Nord, published In Lille. Describing the narrow escape of the King, the paper sajs the incident oc curred while His Majesty was making a tour of Inspection of the Belgian forts. He noticed that! his chauffeur was tak ing him near the German lines and ordered him to stop. Instead the chauf feur put on full speed and headed straight for the enemy. King Albert drew his revolver and shot the chauffeur dead. Papers were found on his body showing that tho Germans had promised him $200,000 if he was successful In de livering the King into their hands. SERBS OVERWHELM AUSTRIAN INVADERS; BOMBARD SARAJEVO One Army Wins Four Days' Battle on Drina; Another, With Montenegrins, In vests Bosnian Capital. Wr ..... ... ' . "I""-" .h. ' .!"'"? "" train, which had been valuiM,. V. T , . """"anas ot dollars of the fw! i!Bht 0 ncers called on uhi.. .':-" "" ". v rider. ""fs and and thieving train vai..:;.i - . ,e mousands :-"" ireignt. The the pair to surrender ," "JVr Jumped, ad a "S JnS. ' ynrdS beSdn the ,lce' JlreSluns Pr""ntf and goine '" opposite SM among a ?,' ",'"! M"l"y " Wee Men!.,? I ?f boxes- and ,n ,,ie ?u8u!sIer!lfv'e111w'h a bullet from 'he hearing cLrsr'"hKed ln h'8 h,P" At as iccStmZZf u tharBt'I the, revolver h Mcillmev5 U ?CharBC(1' nni al blackjack a,laed him with a "'GATHER FORECAST andL!!rlade,lphia and vicinity-Fair inthyT"19 co"d'3 with cooler u,l ' V night; moderate Foti,-,nda 6eco''W watttly. SECOND CALL TO CANADIANS Additional Troops, 10,000 Strong, to Be Sent to Continent. MONTREAL, Sept. 23. A second con tlngent of Canadian troops, 19,000 strong, will be raised immediately by the Cana dian Government, it wasa nnounced to day. This additional contingent is to be ready by November I. With the troops atready belng raised, it will Increase Canada's contribution to the British fighting forces to 50,000. BORIE JOINS REORQANIZERS Former "Old Guard" Approves Can didacies of Palmer and McOormick. Magistrate K. K. llurle, well knonn In the norttheast section of the city, is a recent convert of the reorganization ele ment in tho Democratic party. He re cently made known his political standing by offering a resolution at a point meet ing of tho Twenty-third Ward Demo cratic Society and the members of the ward committee "approving of the State Democracy and the candidates of Rep resentative A. Mitchell Palmer for United States Senator and Vance C. McCormlck for Governor ' The magistrate' new alignment Is the more noteworthy because he had formerly been closely identified with the "Old Guard" of the Democratic City Committee, NISH, Sept. 22. Complete defeat of the Austrian army that Invaded Bervla was officially an nounced here today. It was also stated that the combined Servian and Monte negrin armies operating In Bosnia had Invested Sarajevo nnd had opened a bombardment. Tho official statement describing the rout of the Austrian forces said: "In a four-day battle near Krupanl (near the Drlna Rlvor) the Austrlans were overwhelmingly defeated and fled In dis order. In our pursuit we took "WO pris oners and 12 cuns. "The -V'strlans are attempting to rally their forces across the Drina, but our pursuing troops are marching on Svornik (a fortified Austrian town on the Drina) and continue their success. "At Bhabata another force of Austrlans wa defeated with heavy loss These two victories will prevent any Interruption in the campaign against Sarajevo." After routing at Kuplnavn, just across the border into Slavonia, the Austrian army of 250.000 which was threatening Scrvla from the north, the Servians re crossed the Save and one body Is hasten ing westward to Join the Montenegrin force operating In Bosnia. Servla now has In the field nearly 200.000 men. Most of them were In the force which attempted an Invasion to the northwest from Belgrade and Semlln and incv mo Austrian lorce ot four army corps. The Montenegrin! army, which already has been increased b one Servian con tingent, will be Joined by practically this entire army In its progress toward Sara jevo, and news of the fall of the Bosnian capital, already Invested, Is expected any day. YALE DEAN WITH RED CROSS Professor Oertel Joines Staff at Munich for War Service. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Sept. JJ.-Prof. HaJis Oertel, dean of th YaU Graduate School, has Joined the staff of tha Red Cross In Munich, It was learned here today He has been there since the opening of the war Charles. Schuehert, professor of paleon tology, is acting dean during Profwsor Oertel'a absence. SAPIENT "EDDIE" SAVES ENVOYS FROM tfjl'ASHES Secretary Bryan's Messenger Shows Diplomacy in Steering Visitors. WASHINGTON. Sept. 22.-The diplo macy of Eddie Savoy, Secretary Bryan's colored messenger, was put to thu test today when the Charge d'Affnlres of the German Embassy .called at the State Department close on the heels of both the British and French Ambnssadors. Through the manipulations of tho sa pient Eddie, the representatives of the warring nations were spirited through the halls and corridors of the building without collision. Since tho beginning of the European war, Eddie has been many times called upon lc keep the dlDlomatlnts nf th and other warring nations from coming Into embarrassing contact at the Depart ment. Without specific Instructions from any .f the officials of the Department, nuuic, me veteran or many Administra tions, has handled the situation with rare skill and Judgment, for which he has been repeatedly warmly commended. EX-BOSS KUEHNLE FACES OLD HENCHMEN IN BATTLE 2000 Negro Voters Among Those Swinging to tha BacharnchB. ATLANTIC CITY. Sept. 22."Commo doro" Louis Kuehnle. once Atlantic City's political dictator, has his back to the wall In one of the strangest battles of his political career here today. Lined up ngalnst him In active support of tha Bacharachs, who have been open enemies of the ex-bojs for years, are many of Kuehnle'fi once most servile henchmen. Against him also aro tho 20fO negro voters, whom the "Commodore" a few years back voted by battalions under the leadership of precinct bosses, some of whom were sent to prison. Practically the entire negro vottng population is In a state of Insurrection against Kuehnlo bceause Richards, his candidate for Congress, op posed the seating of James Bourne, a nnjro druggist, in the Board of Educa tion. Kuehnle has an anchor to wind ward, however. In the fact that Joseph R. Barlett, one of his most loyal sup porters during a dozen years. Is virtually certain of the Republican nomination for Sheriff. There are plcturotaue figures In the primary battle, A. M. Heston, City Comptroller for 18 years, whom Kuehnle pulled out of office for insubordination, is running for City Treasurer. Dave Barrett, whom Kuehnle made Heston'a successor, and who was In turn sum marily removed by the City Commis sion for Insubordination, is a candidate for freeholder, a 9300 Job. Samuel Hast ngs Kelly, one-time boss of the Fourth Ward, Is a. candidate for Tax Col lector. Ventnor City is In the throes of a hitter mayoralty nomination bat tle between George Gumphert, a Phila delphia manufacturer, and Dahlgren Albertson. rx-Presldent of Council. PARIS CENSUS 1,026,507 LESS Fewer Families in Capital by One third Than in 1011. PARIS, Sept 22.-Offlclal figures on the census of Paris, within the city walls, show that there are today In the capital M3.U4 fewer families than there were In 1311. The number ot households now In the city la 76tW). Consequently a third of the resident families haa left. Numerically u to Inhabitants, the population today shows a reduction of 1.028.607. as compared with 1SU. This is equal to per cent. cf the population ln normal times, Renewed assaults' along the wholo front by the Germans opened tho tenth day of the terrific struggle In France. The Allies beat back the-ns-saults and claimed further successes against the right wlngr of the Invad ers. The French made desperate at tacks ngalnst Von Buelow's forces. Tho contending1 armies are fighting In a quagmire, making movements of heavy artillery difficult, but big guns have been rushed from Paris to the left wing. A fierce battle Is raging on the plateau of Craonne. Russians have captured several small towns and five of-tho outer Jaroslaw redoubts, and their siege guns con tinue heavy bombardment here nnd nt Przemysl. They have taken Res zow, which Interrupts communication between tho Austrlans In the field nnd their western base of supplies nnd reinforcements. Cracow, reported terrified by the westward advance of the Russian main army, Is preparing for Investment and many non-combatants have left the city, to which the Austrian reserves and a large body of the German Landwchr are being rushed. Russians aro believed to have at last penetrated Silesia. Berlin has not heard from Breslau by telephone or telegraph for a day, and fears the Investiture of this Important strateg ical point, 190 miles away, ln tho Russian plan of campaign against tho German capital. The French War Minister, Jllllerand, reports the virtual collapse of tho German right, with the Allies' cen tre presenting a solid wall of steel against attempts to pierce the line. The "War Minister expects the "Bat tle of Two Rivers" to continue for several days, but Is confident of a decisive victory fcr the Allies. Berlin "VVar Office offlcUl'y denies the seven-mile Tetreat of General von JCluk on the German right and states that he Is standing firm nt all points. Official statements further report the capture of the heights of Cra onne and the town of Bethany. The War Office praises the Allies for their valor In attacking fortified po sitions, but adds that these assaults aro -growing weaker. Germany Is ALLIES BEAT BACK RENEWED ASSAULT OF ADVANCING FOE .-- III M.- Germans Begin Tenth Day of Battle by Field Onslaughts All Along Line, But Give Ground on Right Bank of River Oise French and English Make Supreme Effort to Break Through Von Buelow's Army. Abandonment of Present Lines Would Force Kaiser's Armies Out of France. preparing for a bitter winter cam paign. London states that the German right Is being forced back four miles each day. This retreat Is expected to be come more precipitate, as Von Kluk's army has been forced to abandon Its strongest lntrench ments. Military experts profess sat isfaction with the progress of the titanic contest along the Alsne, which has developed Into a contest of endurance. The Allies' successes are attributed to repeated bayonet charges. Petrogard War Office announces that final Austrian resistance In Galicla on a large scale will centre at Cra cow. The main Russian army Is pressing westward toward this great fortified city, which la the base of supplies for the Austrlans. Minister of War Soukhomllnoff states that sufficient forces will be left to Insure the capture of Przemysl Rnd Jaros law ln the east, and that the main army will make cautious progress west on account of the difficult ter ritory to be traversed. Vienna admits the Russian passage of the San, but states that the troops are cavalry skirmishers and that the main army will find progress from Jaroslaw difficult on account of the San marshes. The War Office be llevea the next great battle will be fought In the foothills of the Car pathians and not at Cracow. Bervla officially reports crushing an Austrian army of Invasion In a four days' battle near the River Drina. The other Servian army, In conjunc tion with the Montenegrins, has be gun the bombardment of Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia, now an Austrian province. Italy clamors for war. Thousands of men out of work continue demon strations denouncing the national policy of neutrality. Austria has called out the third line of rent-ryes to guard the frontiers of Its prov inces against an Italian invasion. War is expected. Parisians rejoiced at the news that the famous Cathedral at Rhelms had not been irreparably destroyed Re ports were received that while the artistic edifice had been battered se verely it could be restored. PARIS, Sept. 22. German forces today began the tenth day of the great battle by again taking the offensive along the whole front, although it had been announced that the Invaders had started to re treat. It was officially announced that the Teutons' assaults were without ap preciable results. On the right banit of the Olse tho Germans aro giving ground. Tho ofllclal statement Issued today follows: On the whole front, from the Olse to the Woevre region, the Germans manifested on the 21st a certain activity without obtain ing appreciable results. On our left wing on the right bank of the Olse the Germans have given ground before the French at tack. Between the Olse and the Alsne the situation is unchanged. The enemy haa made no serious at tack, contenting himself yesterday evening with a long range bom bardment. At tho centre, between Rhelms and Souatn, the enemy attempted an offensive movement, which haa been repulsed, while between Sou ain and th Argonne forest we have mado somer progress. Between the Argonne nnd the Meuse there Is no change. In the Woevre region the enemy made a violent effort. The attempt ed the heights cf the Meuse on the front of Tressauvaux-Vigneulles-Hcudlcourt without being able to take foothold on the heights. On our right in Lorraine the enemy has crossed the frontier again with small columns. He has re-occupled Domestre, to the south of Blamont. It Is understood the Allied armies to day are making n supreme effort to break through the lines of the Ger man army commanded by General von Buelow. The latter was compelled to weaken his lines by withdrawing a part of his main force to send to the relief of General von Kluk and tho right wing. The French are now attacking the fortified positions held by the Ger mans which control the railway be tween Rethel and Laon. They have gained slight advantages here and, if they can drive their wedge through, they will place both von Buelow and von Kluk at a material disadvantage. Kvldences accumulate to Indicate that the German right has been forced to take a position almost north nnd south to prevent the turning of Its lines in the Noyon-Soissans region and that the entire force of IPO.000 men, sent to aid Von Kluk to hold the right, had to be disposed of in this way to check an allied turning movement. If this had succeeded It would have compelled the surrender of General von Kluk and a part of General von Bue low's armies. But ths fact that the Germans were forced to use this force to prevent their rear being exposed to attack was a real victory to the Allies. As a result they have been able to re pulse the efforts of tha Germans to advance, and are slowly pressing the Germans back toward their lines of communication. In fact. It Is stated positively that reports of the French-British avitaors who have reconnoitered the German position show Indications of a retro grade movement. The heavy siege guns have in certain places been with drawn toward the extreme base. This Is plainly a precautionary movement, but It may also be lite beginning oC the long expected retreat. , It is believed here that If tho Ger mans finally abandon their present base they aro unlikely to attempt to hold a new line ln the north of France. Their left and left centre continue ef forts against the strong French fort resses In the eastern frontier region, Plainly with the hope of demolishing them, so that If a straight westward offensive movement Is undertaken later It will not be hampered by tho re duction of fortifications. Heavy guns from the Paris forts were rushed to thef ront today to reply to the bombardment of the monster 16-lnch howitzers of the Germans, while at the same time the Allies con tinued thoir pressure against tho rlghS wing of the invading army. While there had been a lull In tha fishting late yesterday, owing to tha Physical exhaustion of tho soldiers, tha engagement, which Is really composed, of four separate battle., was resumed furiously at daybreak. As a result of the operations of tho French and British, who are vigor-, ously pushing an enveloping movements to encircle the German right flank, tha battle line- is being extended west ot the Oise River. General von Kluk Is moving guns into position to protect his line of communication and to pre. vent a retreat, which would exposa the rear of the troops stationed in th Craonne region. Th0 big guns from the Paris works! will be used to bombard the German works upon the plateau of Craonne, where the invaders occupy a position of enormous strength. The German in fantry tsntioned upon the Craonn height is supported with heavy artil lery of longer range than the French guns which have been opposing it. The tenth day of this mighty struggle; found the artillery duel of the two great armies a draw, while the main lines of both armies are believed to bi Intact. The French claim to have shoved back the German right,, but at tha same time an official statement from the French War Office gives an ac count of fighting west of the Olse ak a point from which it had been thought that the eGrmans had been expelled. Repors have again become current that the eGrmans are short of ammu nition, but the terrific nature of tha German cannonade seems to give this rumor the lie. Convinced that Germany now hasj her entire field strength available, tha high military officials here declnre that within another fortnight, or threa weeks at the outside, she will be fight ing a defensive contest outside o French territory. The four points where the flghtlnrf centres are hte valley of the Olse, Solssons, Rheims and Verdun. The German left centre is making a vig orous assault on the forts at Verdunj alternately bombarding them and then making efforts to storm them from twa sides. Much sickness has resulted from tha cold, rainy weather, to which tha French, German and British troops have been exposed. The French troops that were drawn from northern Africa, the Algerians and the Indian troops feel the inclement weather most keenly, coming direct from a hot, dry climate. Severe inftuenxa, pneumonia and hem matlsnj have made their appearance In both camps, and big batches of slcl soldiers are being taken to the hos pttals daily. VON KLUK STANDS FIRM, GERMAN WAR OFFICE SAYS nERLIN, Sept. JJ (by way of Am sterdam). Official denial that the Allies have forced General von Kluk to retreat seven miles is made by the War Office. Ths statement adds that the right wing la standing firm at li points, td- A TL 1 though the Allies have been heavily; reinforced. Further announcement Is made that attacks by the French and British, forces on the German lines are dlmin ihin la trensth, and th German of H .SY 5 II SI ;