wn PjifiP' SPORTS EXTRA EVENING LEDGER PWPWww SPORTS EXTRA VOL. I-NO. 1 PiriliADELPIIIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. PBIOE ONE CENT SOCIETY MAKES BOW TO KING HORSE AT BRYN MAWR SHOW The War Today hi? JisSiiv'HsO'Pl1;:lv,-JS4i mist' il BR JBi mmSk fS hBPvc flKrii i i- : ' ' A JPm&kSu jlMW; ' ' Jir :; m.' -? ' : ; 'M m&$ i Leu to HiRiu- BfeP'' Ji " '. -m" , ": mm'-m'i miss polly page iiV8HBHBRM8iteBWK MISS CHARLOTTE WILLIAMS tMmW'i J J lK, i' ' '' . ' . W" P $W8 iilllB s . Ob- J T-rw"l'B',i',,l,,',,M,,fii-',-,,,,,,,,-B iiiP;ikllP MISS ANN AUSTIN I I V M ' I 'Jiff iliw "jIlLl 'l l' Ml.Hfff J '!." I " ' ' I1 TT-I- !- A I J TPSlfesSfeafe. fflorff Rtdmg Dixie Arnold. HOWARD M. HENRY Riding Goldie. BLUE RIBBONS GO TO PEDIGREED HORSES ON BRYN MAWR OVAL Brilliant Spectacle Marks the Judging and Award of Prizes to Roadsters and Jumping Classes. Whwo li the Bpcedy racing car? It's parked outride the ring Where Dobbin's blooded re!aties are proudly nd ivheio l the man who loudly shouts, . t i,w" "tu iiuiac must so t Hi Ijirnlnj points of horseflesh at the Bryn JIr equine show. TrRnSt A STAFF COItllEWIMIEM. BUTN MAWH, Pa., Sept. al.-Grcat crowds of enihuslasts, who iihvnys -nalt until the afternoon seaslon of an open ine day, appeared about the oval of the Bryn Jtawr Polo Grounds shoitly after J o'clock today for tlio Judelng ot road ters, which oiiened part two of tho first day at the Twentieth Annual Rryn Jlawr Horse Show. A band which appealed shortly befoie Mllveneo their entrance Into tho crounds. Kvery ono was in a holiday humor, fitraw hats were everywhere In evidence. tMIr owners defyiiiR the old September IS bugaboo. During the morning hours, aside from uie customary enthusiasm displayed by Spectators, nothing' more exciting hap- Fent.1?an a slisht spl" b' a Bfoom rid ns Uella, Emlen Wood's hunter. The n".l h. taken two Jumps, liut balked ., th!l,(1' The Broon' "''Bed her on and Bella's feet caught the top rail. Tho toy slid from her back and the hoise i.l. 1 ta knees' Both rose uulckly and 'eft the oval. Considerable disappointment Is felt by ?... .1" of t,,e ,,0,"Ke sliow due to the All I1. AIfrca G' Vanderbilt has with w? " ,h'3 cxllll,t I" the heay harness iv 1C afs A,t""Sh no teason is given tinn .ials 'warding Mr. VtindorbllfB uc J.l.h,ir P'eval!'"S opinion l.s that ho withdrew because his hi other, neglnald, ' Judge in tlut class. RIBBON' WINN CHS APPLAUDKIl. A burst of applause cumo from New Yorkers this morning when Robert I Gerrj's Crest Hill and Swift Text "Ptured first and second prizes in the hunters and Jumpers class. Of tho sad dle horses Flotsam, owned by P. A. "'J"", of Monkton. Md., clearly earned a oiue over the other entries. In this siu0no ot ,n, "'rants was Mlrs Kitty smith, who rode "Rose," of Farm Fields Farms, Mli Smith, a great favorlto at a"mB WS Wtts fluently applauded. .-.laiiuor, wuose name was kept a cret by his owner, Dr. Oscar Bcely, Owynedd, pn., took first prire In the roadsters' c!a3S n!!a8.tln)f'' 0,vned by A. Henry Hlggln w. took a blue in the second class of r " a"d Ju,nPe"3 Judged, w let?, "ns ut In great numbers at the now. Boxes were well filled, consider. '" an opening day. Beautiful women, -r .-.Y-." nwiin ui I11UI1X I1UCO, w ", ,"' ie in e' " uuy coma have been more beautiful lie jwging, while others visited paddock PENROSE, STIRRED BY PROSPECTIYEPROBE, RETURNS TO SENATE BASEBALL RESULTS AT A GLANCE NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis 0 10 0 2 0 0 Phillies 1 0 0 110 0 Batteries Tincup and Burns; Doak and Wingo. Umpires Byron and O'Connor. Chicago 0 13 1 New York 0 0 0 0 Batteries Vaughn and Archer; Marquard and Meyers. Umpires Quigley ana' Eason. Pittsburgh 1 0 0 1 Boston 110 4 Batteries Harmon and Coleman; Rudolph and Whaling. Umpires Klem and Emslie. FIRST GAME Cincinnati 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 x Batteries Littery and Clarke; Reulbach, Ames and McCarty. Umpires Rigler and Hart. R. H. E. Appears in Seat There for First Time in Many Weeks Resolution of In quiry Indorsed Throughout Country. 6 9 9 11 everywhere In evidence. Jay could have been mor hut .7.. !-. me sun was w ion. I, uncmfortable. Hundreds of the i,,?"ea about tlle tan bark di; blooded stock crltlcal ot ot blue. d whin ? f.m war aml far npplaud. to Jamil he,Jutlses awarded first prize In th? L I 'Pefa Watchmald. winner FTdttrna.,! lonalwT h I' "CIa". .father of the "mill- 1m Hh .' o.t00U ,hlrd Prl" r' th,s A o.a!!h nl8 Slr "raxton. mumn skv " sl"nl"B from a cloudless of "rt?y sJno" "P" the glossy tacks number oirendHtho,'usnbre,U' tho lars,3t and luL entries ever seen In a hunter ?kuteruh.,8i.Mfcat "ry" Mattr' 14 ilawr sifL has maa the Br'n r show famous for years. A POPULAn VICTORY. rfrlomv"111 clcarl5' showe0 her the com..?HM t,,e otner entrles arl- "i tb hopeUtl,0,"- Tho manner In which ig fenBa"op"'1 about tho oval, tak. CSSj.1?. hedr'- "-centl drew eated h S..' "PP'au9 from spectators WbAne;,h ",e canvas-covcred stands, tut h h0rse' not a P" winner, "oiifd ,?,Jumplns frequently occa tatrt f,appIiuse- was Warwick, an rra bh ene Leverlng'a Btrontla . aaltlraore. There were many AMERICAN LEAGUE Athletics 2 1 0 1 0 Cleveland 0 4 0 0 0 Batteries Bowman and O'Neill; Shawkey and Schang. Umpires Connolly and Chill. R. H. E. Concluded va Vato S LHILLIES FIRST TO SCORE IN GAME AGAINST ST. LOUIS Locals Net a Run in First In ning, But Cardinals Offset Matter by Sending Over a Tally in Third. Line-up: PHI LUES, I.obert, 3b, Becker, cf. MiiKce, If. Cravath, rf. Byine, 2b. J.udeius. lb. Martin, as. Burns, c. Tincup. p. ST. LOUIS. Dolan, If. Huggins, Jb, Jlutler, ss. Miller, lb, Wilson, rf. Wlngo, c. Cruise, cf. Beck, 3b. Uoak, p. I'lnplu'S Byron and O'Connor. PHII.ADUl.PHIA HAIJ. PARK, Sept 21 Hard and frequent hitting featured In the early Innings of today's St. Louis- Concluded on Puc 9 HARD HITTING IS BIG FEATURE IN ATHLETICS1 GAME Bob Shawkey, Mack's Pitcher, Is Driven From Mound In Fourth Inning. Bowman, of Naps, Also Taken Out. trnoit a siArr c.oiiRKro.vDENT.J WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-Senator Pen loso was present In tho Senate today for tho first time In several weeks. It is understood that he will remain here until tho Norrls resolution, providing for a senatorial Investigation of the pilmary contests In Pennsylvania and Illinois, tho object of nhlch shall be to determine whether money was used unlawfully in tho primary contests In these States, has been considered by the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Senator Kern, the chairman, hopes to get the members of the committee together tomorrow. "Telegrams and letters are pouring in from every section of the country. Indors ing the resolution for the Investigation suggested by Senator Norrls," the latter's secrotnry today asserted, These communications will be presented by Senator Nortls to the Committee on Privileges and Elections, which Senator Kern will convene In special session either tomorrow or Wednesday. Senator Penrose's friends Insist that the Norrls resolution will not be favor ably reported by tho committee. Op ponents of Penrose mid of Roger C. Sulli van, the Democratic nominee In Illinois, called attention today to the fact that nine niombera of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, an constituted at prebent, voted to unseat William Lorl mer, while one Senator. Dillingham, of Vermont, voted in favor of Lorlmer re taining his seat. The senators who voted against Lorlmer were: .varn, Indiana, chau mart; Lea, Teunest-ee; Pomerene. Ohio; Reed, MUaouri, and Johnson, Maine, Demociat.; and Clapp, Mimiesot.i: Sutheiland. I'tah; Kenyon, Iowa, and Fall. New Mexico, Republicans. Five members of the committee A'ar danian, Mississippi, Hughes, New Jersey; Walsh, Montana, uud Thompson. Demo cats, and Sherman, Illinois, Republican, were not members of the Senate when Lorlmer was unseated on July 13, 1912. ATHLBTICS. Murphy, rf. Barry, ss, Collins, 2b. Baker, 3b. Mclniii3, lb, Strutik, cf Oldrlnir, If. Schauv, c. Shawkey, p. CLUVELAND. Smith, cf. Chapman, ss. Johnston, lb, Jackson, rf. Lajole, 2b, Graney, If. Barbare, sb. O'Ntill, c. Ucrumnn. p. Umplics Connolly and Chill, SOMERS' FIELD, Cleveland. O.. Sept. 21 - buut 15u0 fans sa wthe third game of the serlea between the Athletics and the Concluded oa l'uje 0 ?1,000,000 Gift to University CLEVELAND, Sept. 21.-Presldent Charles F. Timing, president of thf Western Reserve I'nlvcrslty, announced today that a bequest of almost ?1.(X,000 Is left to the medical school of that Institution In the will of L. E Holden, whose estate Is valued at Jfi.OOOOOO. NANCY HERO'S SONS KILLED Mine. CaBtelnau, Spartan Mother, Eeceives News Calmly, RORDEAUX, Sept. 21. Two sons of General de Castelnau, hern of the lighting about Nancy, have' been killed In battle, and he notified his wife today that a third had been wounded Mine, de Castelnau took the news calmly. "I had four sons in the field." she said. "I shall not 6&e them again. My husband alone will return. He has no right to allow himself to be killed." Bayonet charges by tho Germans In another determined effort to pierce the Allies' centre at Craonne have been repulRed. The Invading Teutons 'hnd renewed the assault along the entire 120-mlloe front ot the Alsno battle line. The French nnd British continue their attempt to outflnnk General von lfluk's forces on the ex treme German right wing. t Belgium forces, harassing tho German light flank, have interfered so with operations against the Allies that heavy artillery bns been rushed to ward Antwerp to crush the nrmy.lcd by King Albert. The Germans are fortifying their line of retreat through Belgium. Two million men are engaged In the third Important Gallclan buttle of the war. The Russians, reinforced by fresh troops and encouraged by the evacuation of Jaroslaw, the In vestment of Przeinysl on three sides, the capture of Dublccko and other smaller fortified position, nro engag ing General Dankl's army and havo continued successful In various en gagements with his rearguard. In dications point to Russian numeri cal superiority on the field, as the Southern Poland and Gallclan armies are co-operating as a unit, and the Austrlans have again been placed on the defensive In order to protect the line of communication to Cracow. In Kast Prussia three German army corps (120,000 men), under General Hlndenburg, havo started an ag gressive movement against Russian Poland. Grodno, on the main line between Warsaw and Petrograd, Is ' the Immediate objective. The de feated Russian armies of Grodno and Vllna have Joined to resist tho ad vance. Montenegrin troops seized the town of Rogbltza, 30 miles from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, nnd continued I their march to within ten miles of ' the stronghold. The capture of Sarajevo is confidently expected. Berlin War Office reports successful nttacks at several points along the line and announces arrival of heavy reinforcements. The French havo been repulsed with heavy losses wherever they assumed tho offen sive, it was added. Further proof of superiority of German artillery is said to have been given In tho engagement along the Aisne. London War Office reports the arrival of 100,000 men to save the wavering army of von Kluk, with the Allies continuing their flanking movement. It Is admitted that tho casualties of the allied forces are heavy, largely because of the difficulty In locating masked German batteries. Vienna admits the evacuation of Jar oslaw, which was burned before the army left. The Russians have won several engagements with the rear guard of General Dankl's reinforced army, which has again been put on tne defensive. The evacuation of Jaroslaw is ascribed to stateglc rea sons, Involving aid to Przemysl and protection of the line of communica tion to Cracow, Reverses to Dankl's army have caused gloom In Vienna, where hope ran high t.,at Its Junc tion with that ot Von Auffcnbcrg would result In stopping the Russian advance in Gallcla. Petrograd War Office reports continued success In the Galicla.i campaign, Giodek, Sambor and Dublecko al ready are taken, the capture of the last named clearing the way to an advance westward. Przeinysl. cap ture of which Is prerequisite to mov ing nest on Cracow and carrying the aggressive into Silesia against Bres lau and Posen, has been Invested. Some of the Russian troops nro pro ceeding westward. Investment of Przemysl and evacuation of Jaroslaw have left the Russians free to move nearer Cracow, where the fiercest Austrian resistance is expected. British Admiralty reports both suc cesses and reverses. The Carmanla DASH OF BAYONET CHARGE FOILED AS ALLIES CHECK FOE Craonne, Near Centre of Long Battle Line, Is Point of Most Desperate Assault; London Reports Von Kluk's Retreat On German Right. French Occupy Heights of Lassigny, West of Noyon, and Capture Three Towns Near Centre of Battle Line in Campaigne. PARIS, Sept. 21. German forces, In a series of desper ate assaults In the region ot Craonne, today resorted to the bayonet, but were repulsed by the Allies with consider able loss, The Invaders' assaults were espe cially violent east ot the Olse and north , of the Atsne. , At 3 o'clock this afternoon the War I Office Issued this official statement: j On our left wing, on the right bank, of the Olse, we have advanced to the heights of Lasslgny (west ot Noyon). East of the Oisc and to the north of the Alsne the Germans have shown an lncreabe in activity. Violent attacks turning Into bay onet charges have been delivered In the region of Craonne. The enemy has been repulsed at all points with considerable losses. Around Rhcinis the enemy has made no Infantry attack, but has confined his efforts to bombarding our front with his heavy pieces. At the centre in Champagne and on the west side of the Argonne, beyond Souain, we have taken Mesnll. Lcs Hurlus and Mashlgcs. In the Wocvre region the enemy holds the region of Thiancourt and has bombarded Hnrron-Chateul. On the right wing (Lorraine and the VobRcs) there is no change. The Germans are fortifying them selves on Delmlot Hill, south of Chalcau-Sallns. The British troops had taken up posi tions !n the Craonne region, and it Is sup posed that the forces of Sir John French are bearing the brunt of the attacks made by the German infantry. Sixteen words constituted an addi tional official statement Issued at Bor deaux this afternoon. It follows: "We are confident that the Allies hold a favorable position in the great battle now progressing." Today's announcement is the first since the battle of the Alsno began stating that either side had resorted to tho bayonet. This indicates that 'on this, tho ninth day of the battle, the artillery duol which has been raging for many days, resulted In a drawn battle and that the other forces have now been brought Into action. The Allies havo thrown forward heavy bodies ot men to engage the attacking forces. Activity of the French and British around Solssonfe shows that the Allien are continuing their Hanking move ment ngainst the troops of General on Kluk, who appears In Imminent danger of being surrounded. Heavy reinforcements have been rushed to von Kluk's aid. knocking down the walls of tho prin cipal buildings of tho town and many noncombatants have been killed. Tha Hotel de Ville, tho museum, the sub prefecture and nil neighboring build ings have been destroyed almost com pletely, it was nnnounced today. Only n. few walls of the famous ca thedral, erected In tho Middle Ages, re main standing. Both Solssons and Rhelms arc re ported to be In flames. Solssons has been under Are since fighting in tho present battle began. Rheims has been bombarded for S4 hours. Farther to the east, near the Ar gonne district, In the Meuse Valley and the Vosgcs, fighting is less sovere, but is still going on. The destruction along the valley of the Alsne is appalling. Wounded sol diers, returned officers and prisoners from the front describe the loss of llfo as colossal. The stretch ot lowland between the hills flanking the Alsne is described as a valley of death and desolation. Day and night the bombardment goes on until one wonders in amaze ment how the Germans arc abloirv bring from their distant base of sup plies sufficient ammunition necessary to keep their batteries In action all the time. It Is confidently believed by the French military authorities in Paris that the German positions can bo so thoroughly weakened by tho cannonade that the French and British will be able to sweep the Germans from their entrenchments at the point ot tho bayonet, despite the reinforcements. Already, it is snid, the French havo been able to silence several of the Ger man batteries at that point, compelling them to take up new positions. Tho effect of the German artillery fire upon the French and British troops has been terrible, It is admitted. Soma of the heaviest German guns have been shelling the nllled positions from a dis tance ot seven miles. All are cleverly masked. It is admitted thnt one of tho largest guns, which has done great damage, is so successfully concealed that the Allies have been unable to locate It. So far the fighting has been a fierce artillery duel, partaking of the quali ties of a siege. Now, howeer, with both sides beginning to use more and more infantry, tho fighting should bo near its end. The present week should see the tide of victory and defeat flow ing in clearly marked channels. Whether it will result in the Germans taking the offensive movement in an effort to pierce the French and British lines, or whether the Allies will bo abla to roll back tho German legions to the) The French hae been able to move their heaviest artillery to the firing ' frontler- remains to bo been line east of the Olse. near Its junction with the Alsne, and a continuous nisht and day bombardment against the Gorman positions !s In progress. Ac cording to tho official announcement, tho hardest fighting is In progress near Solssons, on the extreme western end ' No matter hnw thn nraeont i,n.i goes, all of northeastern France, from Paris to the Belgian und German fron tiers, will have been ravaged, devas tated and scourged. It Ik as though the hands of God. sweeping in rllvina wrath, had withered nnd Masted tha land for the sins of Its people. The French and English haxe heen WEATHER FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity Fair tonight and Tuesday; not much change in temperature; gentle van able winds. For details, see last page. of the battle line, and near Rhelms, I successful In taking big bodies of pris- Jn tho centre. I oners, but it seems that the gaps In The bombardment of Rheims con. i the Germ:,n ran' are "lle' as soon , , j ... . . j, . 'as they are made. More than 10.000 tinned today with unabated fury. The rUna r .,. . , !,? sank an armed German merchantman ! heavy German guns, mounted on the this city, all having been brought m on souin Amenta, ino tvoenfgsberg heights three miles from the city, are within the last week, disabled tho English cruiser Pegasus near Zanzibar, and tho German crui ser Emden captured six English ves sels in Bay of Bengal, the Admir alty admits. The German Baltic fleet, flying the flag of Prince Henry of Prussia, Is reported to have seriously damaged the Russian fleet near tho Gulf of Finland. The Allies claim control of the Atlantic, Mediterranean and North Sea. Rumania's entrance into the war on the side of the Allies is expected, it being admitted by German nuthori- ONSLAUGHTS OF GERMANS UNCHECKED, BERLIN REPORTS v BERLIN. Sept. 31 (by way of Am sterdam), The following official statement cov ering the general situation In Franco was tssuetj today: "Tha reinforcements sent to tha front have given a good account of tJTemselves and have strengthened our lined by replacing the soldiers, who were almost exhausted by the terrlflo strain under which they hate been 'Success is meeting our offensive against the nllled British and French ' "ehtlng for many days, forces. Wo are making progress at ' ''Our artillery again lias demon- ties that efforts of the Kaiser to gain ' several points. Heavy rains for a few I stratert Its superiority. aid of the Balkan State have been dais compelled the German troops to "v,e have repulsed attacks made by Further Balkan complications , withhold their attack, but we are now I trench troops on Donon, near Saales, moving forward with the enemy mak- , '"rT Primont. near Ing an energetic defense. ' Rhelms, wa taken by assault, the al. futllo, are expected if Rumania takes up arm. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers