yriSESKa tt$r JZmZ&LM WJtfcirii.glM . t im ' i" r1' " " BYBNiya LEDGEB p'gl&ADEIiPHIA., MONDAY, SEPTEMBEB 21, 191. irt 0 SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA "" . ' nwaiM.nri it i i - MISS SARAH DOBSON FISKE Miss Fiske, who is the daughter of Louis S. Fiske, lias lately announced her engage ment to Walter Jeffords, of this city. Miss Fiske, who is a granddaughter of the late John Dobson, lives with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Riddle. No date has yet been set for the wedding. MISS VIRGINIA HOUEItTS, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Ocoi-(?u W. 13. Roberts, of 1S05 De Lancey place, will be Introduced to society at a tea which will tie given In her honor tho afternoon of November :i. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Roberts will slvo a email dinner dance In honor of Miss Roberts unci Miss nioa Reath, who will also bo a debu tante, nt their home in Itlverton. the night of September 2'J. Tho guests will be 73 In number, and will Include only debutantes nnd the lounger men. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Porcher, of Nuvahoo ttreot, Chestnut Hill, have iisuccl Invitations for a tea at which they will Introduce their taighter, Miss Eleanor l.andl.s Poichcr, on TutfiUy, October l, fiom -I until G.30 o'clock. Mrc William Dlsstou will entertain In her bos At tho bribe show In honor of her daughter, Jllss Pauline nisshm. who will bo ti debutante of the -euson. MIah Dhsatou Is spending some time nt theli linn in Chestnut Hill. Mrs. Albeit Pancoat, who Is .ppeiidlnff the summer in Chrlhoa, hai been entertaining- her rouMu. Mis llow.ud MunnlMiujhen, of IJnltl moie Mrs I'm-v V. Smith, of -0.17 Walnut street, U Mitertalning her dauchter, Mrs. T. Truxtun llaic, nnd her little boil, T. Truxtun Hare, Jr., nt Iipi lOttfiRe in Vcntnor. Mi.- .lt.ander I'. Robinson, her daughtei. Silk- llrlena Robinson. Miss Catliaiine Roh Insuu .iinl Mi.sa Caroline Hoblnson, and her son, Alexander P. Itnblnaon, Jr., who havo been llv InK in Tiii m, Italy, for tho last year and hnvo rfntl. bi.en rravelincr in IZngland, will sail for rome Oittilici I, and will open their house at S&'Uc.t .Mmmniil lano, Ft. .Martin's. If- KoMiiHon'K brothet, Daniel Fair, and Mis r.n . wlio have also been abroad, will sad iui hum" a week later. Tiny will occupy a In 'is. in Chestnut Kill which lias been rcno vanu una which is sllunteil on the fcamn pleru uf isrounil m, tim house which has just lieui lanlt b Mi. and Mrs. William llenty Turner for tliei own use. I rit; fiiddla has, chosen Monday even Inc. 1'e milici II, no tho dato for his conceit, to li' .dvou at tlm Bolluvue-Htrutfoid. Tills cnniut h;n giown to be one of llio foremost annual events In society, and tiuinburx of pi ami nnit matrons will net as chapeicnies. Mr nnd Mrs. Cornelius Uodlne, of Springfield vwiiip st Martin's, nro beins cunKrutuUteil P" '. bin, (,f a duushter. Mrs. Bodlno will I"- 'in mlip.cii an ,MifH Dorothy Koiguson. Mi a i:iu:i 4ansdalo and her sister, Miss Maria l.jnxlah-, of 1011 Pine ."treet. wlm have b'on aijioad since the middle of July, ai ut Hath Ungland, wheio thoy will remain rtur hi? the full 'li- uid Mrs Kclvvurd I. Sparks ami Aplln B'..rK. nt u7 South :,Md street, who have spent Hie summer months In Cape May, will open their winter house about October 1. Miss Florence Slbloy has returned to tho city ftfr staj of several months at the Dermis. In Atlantic Cits. Mr ami m,-s. Thomas Huberts. Jr., who have teen i'iidins the summer at their cottage nt Cape jIa ,UH rPturn ,Q ,lQ OCU,t slteei Octobei i Mr and Mig Oeorgo n. VJvaria and ,Mlss Elth i:an, )mve cosea tUelr Cliei5w cnttngo na have returned to town. Mrs. Alice Randolph IHirdy has returned from in h0corse- ?; v . a"1' Is tho Rueat of Mrn iilcnaid De P. Montgomery at Hryn Mnwr fur n lioreo show. Mrs. avium m Sullivan and tier daughter. MUss ' " Su,van. liava taken an apartment at e uiciihPirn. s,.e,,teenth ami Chestnut "ets. fur tl,9 ttlMtPr. JIgg Su9 ,sullyan I present with fn.nds In Kucerpe. 'r Ooorge u. dc- Wchwelnlta inotoreil over tu !"te Su'rhur Spiiugs, W. Va.. jesterday n4 nwrtoliied as lunchiun Rueats Mr. and Mr. award Randall. Doctor da Schwelnlta will "turn to Philadelphia about October I. ton 0nU JUS' Jh" Scot, Jr- of ih0 alaii" e. are spending ten days In Atlantlo City M "t""UUK 'own for tlio winter. j.or" Syo" Carpenter ni'il Mrs IMbert k'C' J l at l'Unt in White Sulphur cur. wi fo tbty art taking ihe ALONG THE MAIN LINE Jii:itlo.N-Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Lee, Jr., and their two little daughters have recently leturucd to their home on Sycamore avenue, after a two months' stay at 'Magnolia, Mass. Mr. and Mis. Thomas F. Cunningham and family, of Meilon avenue, have returned from a tour through tho Xow Kngland State?. Mra. ncorge C. HIabon, who spent most of tho summer touilng, Is back In Morion again, after a recent motor tilp to Spring Lake, N. J. AUDMOHC Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Arnold, of Ardmore avenue, will leave tho last of this week for Cincinnati, O., whero the Doctor will attend tho meeting of the Society of Military Surgeon.". Afterward they will go further west, icturnlng homo about the middle of October. Mr. and Sirs. Howard J. Rutlor, Jllss Cleanor Rutler and Miss Margaret Rutler have returned from a -v Islt to W'lldwood. The Woman's Club of Anlmore gave a de lightful and successful domestic &ale Satur day afternoon on the grounds of tho future new cliilihotiho, on Aidmnto avenue. Mr. and Miw. Grant I.eo Knight havo re turned to their home on Woodslde road, after .spending the summer In tho Adliondaek Moun tains. IIam:i(K(i(U Mis. Mary Thompson iJryan, of Raltlmoie, with her son, will spend the winter at Ilaverfoid Coiut. Di. and Mis llniold Roberts mo occupying their new home in Huvcufurd, They leturned from Lake George n few days ago. IlADMJR-Mr. nnd Mrs. Homy Augustus Ber wind will entertain In their bo at the hoiso show In honor of their delmtanto daughter, Jllss Margaret Remind. Mis. James Prancls Sullivan and her daugh ters returned last wek from .N'eiv Kngland and art at the Woods, tbflr couutiy seat. ALONG THE READING Miss Hlcnunr lliock. ilauphtoi of Mr, and Mi's. J. Spencer lliock, has returned to her homo In Uydal, after spending six weeks as tho guest of Mi. and .Mia. Henry Kdward Dray ton, at their summer homo at Rockpoit, Mass, .Mr George I). Wldcnei, Gourge D. Wldener. Jr.. and Mi. and .Mr. nu-i:uRum Dixon will lioso tluir house ut Nowjioit today and lotuiir to Lilinowouil Hall, I'llkiutr Pink, foi tlie whi ter, on their jaeht. Josophlii". Mi. and Mrs. Uenigo V, Norils. of Gypsy Hill, PeuliMi, have ns their gufsts Mr. a. Gar cseiio .Noiris and her llttla daughter. Miss Wis iibeth Xurr U. A card party for tho benefit of tho Chlldien's Department of tho AiiliiRtou Memoilal Hospital will bo given at tho homo of Mrs. William J, AVeihennuiyer, at Itydal. Saturday, September K, nt I p. m , unilnr the auspices of tho Jenk Iritowu Choral. Mr. und Mts, William Hongen have returned from Atlantlo City to thejr home on Llndley avenuo, Logan. Kdwiird fl. Pony mul hte fnuilly, of Seventh street nnd fcSth avenue. Oak Uana Park, have returned from their cotlngo in Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Uehris. of Melroso hmj nuo. Oak Lane, havo rftunrcil from abroad. Mr. nirii Mrs. Joseph, s. I,nerlng Wharton, Charks Wharton nnd Joseph ?. l.nverlug Wharton, Jr., who havo boon spending (ho summer at Jamestown, It. I., will return to their home on Old York road today, Mr. and Mrs. William Steelo and .Miss IJsther Steel?, of Spring nvemio, nikins parj, returned on Wednesday from tlr Whlto Mountains and Iv'ennpbuukport. Mt whero they spent the season Mr. and Mre. Iteruiard Wilmsen. Jr., ut W tj!ih avenue. Q.ifc lane, roturneil yesterday to thtir Iwme. after a season spent at Ventiior. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Wagner, of Oak Lane, left on Saturday for several weeks at their inbitr at Lako HopAtcong, , j. Ms. Kdward L. Hanscom am her family, of tKth avenue mid Kleventh street. Oak Lane, returned jeterday to tlioir home after thre months spent on the Maine coast CHESTNUT HILL Mis i bait's C Biiiue. of Chestnut 1MI. wh 1 spsnt tho summer in Paris and England! wJU return to this country on Saturday by way of Montreal, Canada. S. Davis Page and Mrs. James Largo, of Summer Crest, havo issued cards for a debu tanto tea Wednesday, October ti, In honor ot Miss Isabel Wurts Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd Page. Friends of Mrs. Harry Nusbaum, of 112 East dowoii nvpnuc, will bo glad to hear sho is re covering from typhoid favor. Miss ntln. Kocolter, who has spont the season nt Spring Lake, returned Thursday to her home at 105 East Qowen avenuo. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. It. Holt, ot 7427 Boyor street, who have spent the Bummor along tho coast of Maine, will bo at Orr's Island, Me., until October 1, wheh they will return home. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas If. Call, of 119 East Mount Airy avenue, will bo glad to hear that thHr little daughter Is convalescent after a novel e Illness. Miss Allna Feldmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max TJ. Feldmann, of 218 Qowen r.venuo, who has been at Eaglesmere, Ta,, for several weeks, left Thursday for Scranton, Pa., where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell for this week. Miss Helen Dnrllngton, of 7143 Spragtto street, who has boen tho guest of her sister, Mrs. A. O. Ross, at Dedford, Pa., for the last month, will return to her home nt the end of Saptember, Mrs. Theodore M. Hlllsley and her family leturned last week to their home ot 39 East Gowcn avenue after a season spent at Ocean City. Mrs, Georgo At. Heller also spent the sum mer at Ocean City, and returned with Mrs, Hlllsley. Mr. nnd Mrs. George A. Henrlch and their rons, John Henrlch nnd Washington Henrlch, of "IIS Devon street, who havo been at Ocban City since August 1, returned to their home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Horton of 371 Gowon avenue, who spent tho season at Ocean City, havo returned to their home, GERMANTOWN Mrs. James Starr and Miss Ellon Emlen have returned home, having spent the summer at York Harbor, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Louis de Puy Vail are at pres ent In Italy. They expect to sail from Liver pool September 26. Mrs. C. B, Penrose and the Misses Penrose returned to their homo, Wayne and Chelton avenues, having spont tho summer at Avon-by-thc-Soa, K. J. Mr. and Mrs, John Mcllhenny, who spent the summer ut their Chelsea cottage, have re turned home. Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Rhoads and family have closod tholr cottage at New Hope, Pa., and aro occupying their house'' on West Coulter street. Dr. and Mrs. D. M, Stearns, who spent the latri summer In Castlnc, Mo are at their Chel ten avenuo home. After an extended trip to Sabbath Day Point, Lako George, Doctor and Mrs. Bonsall returned on Wednesday to their homo on Emlen street. The Rev. Henry W. Frost and family will leave Gormantown this week for Summit, where they have leased a house for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Grantham, of 178 Queen lane, returned to their home on Tues day from Boston, whcie they arrived from Eu rope. Mr. and Mrs. Grantham went abroad the 6th of July. J. Wilson Bajard, who has spent the last month at Seal Harbor, Me., returned to Phil adelphia last week und will occupy his home nt 105 East Johnson street after October 1. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. L. Howard Wcatherly and Miss Suzanne ElUubeth Smith, who have been spend ing the summer at WabcnakI Cottage, their summer homo at Seal Haibor, Me., will return to their town house, 3019 Chestnut street, this w eek. Harrison Townsend, Jr., son of Mr. and Jits. Harrison Townsend, of 1103 Baltimore avenue, has retuined to his home, after spending two years in Paris, where ho has been studying architecture. Jtr. and -Mis. William !'. Read, Jr., Jllss Frances Read and Jllss Ella Read have re turned to their homo at 4031 Spruce sticet. after spending the sumnwr at Beach Haven, Now Jersey. Jllss JIabl Wetter, of 4033 Pine .street, has leturned to bei home, after an extended tour through N"orwa. Sweden and Russia. Jlr. and Mrs. G. Francis Smith have roturned to their homo at 4021 Pino street, after spend ing tbo summer nt St. JInrtln's. Jlr. and Jlis. Flank Schley, Jr., of 213 South 3Sth street, nio tho guests for a month of Jlis. Frhnk Schlev, of ISI6 Spruce street, nt her summer home, Rockland, Va. Jlr. and Mrs. William .1. Boyd, of Stonolelgh Court, havo letumcd from Bala, where tiiey spent the siimniei. Jlis. Catharine i'etiie Jlucfarlane and Jlhs Helen Schley, of affi! Chestnut street, who hae spent tho summer in the Adirondack Jlountalns, will return to their home at the end of Sep tember. Jlr, nnd Mrs. A. S. Conway, who spent the summer at Cape .May, returned last week and opened their apaitment nt the Avondale, 30th nnd Locust streets, which they will occupy for the winter. .Mrs. Conway will shortly Issue Ini nations for a bridge to be given In October. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Benjamin F. Jlechling. of the lt.utr.im, Imv.i returned fiom the shoie. .Mr. and Jlis. William H. Gano havo taken nnarimenis it Hampton Coiut for the winter. Mr. and Jlis. William J. Shoehan. of I4 i Chestnut street, havo returned from Atlantic I City, where they spent tho summer. Jlr. and Jin. J. Henry Williams, who spent the summer abroad, have returned nnd will spend the winter at the Bartrnm. Jtr. and .Mrs II. C. Brunuer and Jllss Car He Hrumiei. of tho Normandle, have leturnM fiom Atlantic Cit. Mr. and Jlis. William Claiboruo Hicks, of Hampton Couit. have returned to their home, having spent the summer at Wlldwond. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA An nulimvibilo party whiuli left hero Satur day for a trip through Now York" state In cluded Miss Elsie L'lli. Jllss JJue VAUs, Mi ami Mrs. Nihil. Doctor Pannellj, JIUs Strut mutter Mr. and Jlra. Coir Frank I.escoo and Jlr. nnd Mrs. nerhleinan. Jllss dlaihs Mlutou. uf 1T0I Diamond street has leturned from the mountains. Jlr. and Sirs. Kauffmsn, jjtss ji Kauffmau, U Kauffmun and IV. Npblj, of North Ulgh teentli btreet, ha rournwl from tho pocono Mr. and Mrs William II- Jarden, Miss Hv. lino .latdoii a"d Alfred J. Junlen, 0 ISSJ North Fifteenth etret, havo returned from tladdjui Hull, Atlantic t'iiy. X J. where they passed the summer months. Mr. nrul Jlrs. Charles A. Weeks of 1S30 nia piond street, entertained at dinner Friday eve jilng, SepUmber S. Covers were laid for J2 Among thoso present were .Mr. arl Jlrs. o. I E, Schatte- and family, of Swarthrnore: Jlrs. Buc and Miss Katharine A. Bun. also of Suaithmore; Doctor Itellick and Jlis? C If AVeeks. Mr and Mis J Wallace HalloAell with their daughters and rod Miss Renins Hallow oil, Miss have returned to their homo, 2311 North Broad Btreet, having passed tho summer at Cape May Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Tulon, of 1519 Fon talne street, havo roturnefi from an nil-summer's stay nt Seaside Park. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gumpcrt, ot 1812 North 28th street, have roturned from Palmyra, N. J., and Atlantlo City where they passed tho sum mer, and are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Jtllton K. Pollock and Miss Frances Pollock of River side, N. J. Miss Eleanor Hunslcker, of 2321 North Thir teenth street, left on Saturday to complete her course in Smith College. She was accompanied by Miss Esther Bllckley, of Grand Rapids, Mloh.i who has been her guest for a week and for whom several entertainments were given Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott of 1807 North Camac street, havo returned from Atlantic City, where they have been staying since the early summer. Mr. and Mrs. Julci Mastbaltm and family, of 2307 North Broad street, will reurn frwn Wyncoto tomorrow. Miss Edwlna JInrron gave an Informal lunch con for the members of the Sigma Phi Sorority on Saturday afternoon at her home, 861 North Twentieth street. TIOGA A pretty wedding will take place Wednesday evening, October 7, In the Tioga Baptist Church, Broad and Tioga streets, when Jtl's Bessie RIttcnhouse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. If. Rlttcnhouse, will become tho brldo of Jlorrls Levis, son of Grant Levis, of Tioga, Jllss Rlttenhotise will have Jlrs. William Bawilngs, Jr., as matron of honor and Mlsi Helen E. Rawltngs as flower girl. Jlr. Ievls will have William Donaldson as best man. A reception will follow at Snundera', on Ninth Broad street. Jlr. nnd Mrs. Charlo L. Walter havo re turned from their wedding Journey and will llvo at 3639 North Fifteenth street. .Mrs. Wnl ter was Mlsi Elsie M. Haitman, daughter of the lato Rev. Dr. J. S. Hnrtmnn Jllss Florence JIcMorrls entertained at caids on Friday afternoon ot her home. Broad street and Allegheny avenue Her guests weio mem bers of n R00 club and Included Jllss Florence Kelkler, Miss Alice McFadden, Jllss Marian Jones, Jllss Beatrice Rottner, Miss Charlotte Fleming and Jllss Violet Carson. Jlr. and Mrs. Felix Stiousso and fumlly who spont the summer and early fall In Atlantic City, have returned to their home, 2227 West Tioga street. Jlr. and Jlrs. Bruce JlcFaddtn, of 3216 North Broad stroot, have announced the engagement ot their daughter, Jllss Alice JIcFadden, to James Brown. Jllss Eleanor Kay nnd her cousin, JIIs Nel lie Smith, of 4131 North Broad street, an- "pend ing several weeks with Jlrs. Thomas Tiodgers at her Bummer homo In Vcntnor, whero n number of entertainments have been arranged in their honor. Eugene Springer and ids daughteis, the .Missus Springer, have returned to thetr winter home, 122S West Erie avenue, after spending the sum mer In Atlantic City. Jlr. and Mrs. Charles Zlnk or ill.! Lindloy avenue, havo returned from Somer's Point and spent the week with Mrs. Herman Stack, of Sedgwick. Jlr. and Jlrs. Caleb P. Elfieth returned fiom their honeymoon trip to the Pocono Jlountalns on Saturday and will reside at 3313 North Six teenth street. Jlrs. Elfreth was Jllss Ethel Barclay, daughter of Jlr. and Jlrs. Joseph D. Barclay, of North Sixteenth street. THE DRAMA THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADELPHI "Tho Revolt," by Edward Locke, starring Helen Ware. A wife driven des perate by tho neglect of her husband, decides to seek equal liberty, but retreats In time. Review tomorrow. BROAD "Drugged." melodrama by w," Davis, with John Jtdson ns railroad magnnto with n penitentiary past. As llko real life ns the novels of Harold Bell Wright, but more thrilling than nriunl life, even under ap proximate elreumstnnces CHESTNUT STREET OPERA IIOUBE "C blrla," inovlng-plctuio drama by Oaliriellp D'Anntinzlo. of the third century B. C. A truly mnrvolous fent on the reel, with a con vincing oloanlo eruption, FORREST "Zlegfold Follies." a potpourri of songs, Jokes nnd spectacular effects; enter taining without consuming hraln-phosphorus. GARR1CIC "Allele," Fiench operetta, with cap tivating music. Reversals In love, with a husband falling In love with his wife. KEITH'S Jtr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle In their original dances. WALNUT "Rebecca of Suunybrook Farm," by Koto Douglas Wlggln. Return of this popular, unpretentious but nppeallng play. ROXBOROUG1I The wedding of Jllss Irene Horf, daughter of Charles F. Huff, of 62.1.' Ridge nvenue, and Charles Lentz, of Bala, will take place on Wed nesday murrilrif, at the homo of tho bride. The cerumony will be performed by the Row Churlcj S. Lyons, lector of St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Ridge and Fall thorn" o venues. The bride's father will give her in marriage and she will be attended by Jllss Elsie Edwards as maid of honor. Chester .fonts, of Narbeith, will be best man. On their return from n wed ding Journey the couple will live at 621.' Ridge avenue, and will be nt home nftei Oetnber l JI r a. I. llany Watklns, of 207 Roehellc ave nue, Wissahlckon, has closed her sumim r homo at Stone Harbor and has returned to her win tor residence. Jlis. Levis Robeson, of Wissahlckon. who spent the summer touring through Europe, ar rived home today Jlr. and Jlrs. Robert G. Jtooie have returned to tholr Wlssahickon home on Rochello avenue, after passing tho summer In Atlantlo city. Jlr. and Jlr3 Charles O. Struso and Jlr. and Jlis Charles O. Struse, Jr., of Rldgo avenue returned today from Wlhhvood. whore thoi passed the summer. The members of the Alpha Nil Soroilt of the William Peiin High School w.-ie enter tained on Saturday after noon by Jhss Jlnrl.ui Stout nt her homo. 1134 DeMer street The Rev. Albeit Stork, of 3913 Terinco itreot. Wissahlckon. has nrilved home from a sum mer's tour abroad. He returned by way of Quebec. Jlr. and Mis. W. A. .Miller and famlh huve returned to their home In D.vter strict, after p.ishlng tlie summer at Spring Mount. Pn. HONOR YOUR CHILDREN SAYS HELEN WARE Evils of Modern Life, Deceit and Dis honesty, Due to Parents' Tyrannous Training of Children. "Honor your father nnd your mother this has been the Injunction that parents have too often nnd too long held as a threat over their offspring. Honor yotlr children such a re versal of tho Fourth Commandment observed by paronts would do more good In the world, In my opinion, than a tyrrarilzlng ussertlon or parental authority. It is well for children to honor their parents when they deserve such honor. But parents should first seek to merit this by their treatment of their children. Wo may talk about the evils of modern life, of deceit and dishonesty In business, politics and tho ilomesllo relations; but these evils can't bo etndlcaled until the source Is removed, und the souico Is in tho home. Jlen nre what their parents have made them. CowaidlCe. tieachcry and dishonesty in llfo invariably develop from seed sown In the' child life." Jllss Helen Wure, who has distinguished herself by her c'hnrnotcrlzatloiiH In drumatf of modern life, was sitting in the reception room of htr suite In the Vendlg last evening. Jllss Ware had been discussing the problems of modern life as affording rnateilal for drama, and tho convrisatlon turned fiom marriage to the relation of parent and child. Jllss Ware, whoso personality Is as magnetic as It Is em phatic. Is trenchantly direct In her opinions. Life, to Jllss AVaie, Is a serious thing. "In life," she declared, "the absolutely greatest things aro truth and Justice. All our evils, all our problems, exist In the lack of truth and Justice. To get down to funda mentals, this applies to business, politics, the relations of men and women, tho inequalities, oppressions and wrongs of our social and economic life. And to get to tho cause ot untruth injustice, dishonesty, lying nnd deceit we must go light to the home wheie the child is i oared. Sparo tho rod and spoil tho child' is the veiy command which has spoiled char acter and spoiled life. If wo want to correct abuse we must correct the cause, and we must, therefore, conect parents. "Fear Is the fundamental evil, the original slu, hi human life. Now children are taught to fear their parents, and later to fear their teachers. Fear makes cownids. Punishment colossal malfeasances bf flnahclera are no more egregious than the criminal Ineonslderate ncss nnd unklndness of the parents that atari children wrong by making them selfish, fearful nnd Untruthful, "Husbands and wives generally lack full sympathy nnd understanding, nnd In nlna out of ten cases the husband Is not absolutely honest and frank with his wife. This results III antagonism, suspicion, lack of respect and Un happiness. Then these very couples, when they become parents, bring up their children In such n way ns to make it Inevitable that they enter similar conditions. Truth, and absolute truth, fchould bo observed In human relations, and married people should religious ly realize their responsibility to tho lives they bring Into tho world, and tho veneration and love duo those lives. Let parents first npply the command of honor and respect on their part. This would do more good than clvlo cam paigns, womnn suffrage propaganda nnd anti trust legislation. The reform of Incompetent, unloving, Irresponsible, misunderstanding par ents would mean the reform of the race." FLASHES FROM "STARS" Jllss Georgia Calne, playing with 'Adclo," at tho Garrlck Theatre, owns one of the finest kennels on Long Island. In this kennel Is a spaniel named Sherlock Holmes. "Sherlock Holmes," said Miss Caine, "Is tho champion burglar router of tho world. Why, ho can de tect o burglar a mile off, nnd is so bitter against them that ho cannot bear to see a bur glar even In moving pictures. Recently, before Adele' started on a tour. I took Holmes to a moving.plrture show In Elmhurst, where I re side. During the action of one of tho playa u robber appeared upon the screen AVell, I wish you could have heard Sherlock-he set up a howling that startled the house, and not until tin officer appeared In tho picture and threw tho thief Into a cell did my dear Sherlock cease his barking. Clever dog. eh?" Eva Davenport, bounding nnd buxom, spent the past summer at Jlount Clemens, whero she observed a painfully restricted diet, taking all the baths on the program, eat packed In ice an hour each day after a steam bath, and went through various forms of exercise guaranteed to leduco weight. I was feeling highly elated and thinking my old friends would notice my loss," sho said the other day, "until I came back to tho vicinity of Broadway and 42d street. The very first day of my appearance my conceit wns given a crush ing blow by the policeman who helped me across tho sheet back of the Times Building 'Why, how-d-you-do, Jllss Davenport,' he said '1 am glad to see you.' 'And I'm glad to see you,' I roturned. for I have a special fondness for policemen they have helped me over many a rough place. 'I notice fiat you havo gotten thin,' said I. 'Yes,' he answered, 'but 1 see you haven't.' And they talk about the gallantry of men!" 1 J ON THEIR WAY TO CHURCH With the opening of tho horso show today nnd the coming Octobei dm, society is fast returning fiom the vaiinus summer results, and esterdin unite a number of fiifbioimble pel sons wended their way up and down Walnut htreot toward the various ehuniies. Jllss Phoebe Williams Adams, who hits lately returned from a trip In tho mountains, was seen yesterday with her flaneo, George J. Hard ing. Jllbs ,U a ins was wearing a tailored unit of navy blue serge, nhich was made with a narrow sKlit and double circular ruffle over skirt, Tha coat was cut slightly shorter than hip length and was hung In a square effort, The sleeves wore in a tliree.iuaitcr length and wero Mulshed with cutfs covered wiUi a tollar und rovers of white pluue -Miss AdumV hat wns n hiKli-crinvned enllor model with a, iuir ruiv turned trim, ami was tiimmed with & one-incli band of blaeU piosgrain ribbon. Paili pnvy blue won Uo sclevled by Mb ClmrloUe Hiiro, whoso mt waa the plainer stylo of tailor-maila Bird vry smart and mnn. nisli in cut. The oklri wab pUiu ana narrow ami the coat was fastened with hre Wavk buttons. Slis tlBie's bat was riti.l struiglit'Urlmmed uuulut of u dove a nude of brown; the eruwn was entirely yujrioun bad fey q hamhsoMw otrtvh feather f b twmu almOt, one end uf which stood high up at Hit siav of the front. Sir aeo.gr 4. Harding b vtiuseu a stun ning suit VNlili.ii is h i-ambicuiUMi of blavk and White, it i taudlw with a tbree-riiirert fekin of P!a.k-3wi-wijiiB rtiepUer4' plaid The sjuort Alice Gale, who has scored a pronounced suc cess In "Today," which will be Men nt the Adelphl Theatre, does not believe in being pessimistic about anything and Is very op timistic as to tho prospects for general pros, perlty in this country, despite the European wnr. "If we lot the European war discourage us, what would wo do If the world should come to an end?" she asks pointedly. "Let us be cheerful. Nothing Is so bad It might not be worse." "Thoie's a good"deal of talk about how easy you can fool the farmer," said Raymond Hitch cock, "but they are right there with their answer, just the same. -,-- "Thls summer I spanr i few weeks In a little country town. I only saw three or four children d.iring tho entire length of my stay there. One morning, quite eailj. bb I was taking my con stitutional, I met a weazened old man who was evidently n native. ' 'How often,' I inrjulied, 'aie children born in this town?' ' 'Only once,' he answered, and proceeded on his wny" 1 AMUSEMENTS Katherine La Salle and Nan Campbell "Drugged" Broad. B. F. Keith's Theatre K.M'l I Ml E KN'l ViJCMENT1 ONE WEEK ONLY MR AND MRS VERNON CASTLE 'THEMSEIAESl RUTH ROVE HYMACK Al VonTilzer and Dorothy Nord others or Till-: Titri.y i'.hkat' CHESTNUT STREET ?&l,R4 Wi rlil h iiratt Photo Spe taWe PARIRIA w"hii..h"ira I'.'giseiunt ('.mime En If. s. irl.n, September Cfl. I'll f- Vl.iuilfpn HI I'. .".. Ev.nlnB" 10. i'5, Jllu. BEG. MON. SEPT. 28 1? &.'Jo'B PILATE'S DAUGHTER The Famous Miracle Play in the eaiitf of misdoing und eriinu. If, In stead of tbiL'iitenlna: vhildun, paronts encour ajjed thm always to tell Ihi truth Without fear of punishment thre would be leg wrong loine in the world today. If jurrents honored their children there would he more honor omoimr men. "What 1 th" condition In Hup avenue home? A I'ltild ia restricted by rirfid iriloa. it in trained to see only tiro twenty poirit of view. The father ami mother never consider tha child's point of viv. The child. In I'laytng. acci dentally brealw a vane, or has om mishap. It U then scolded or flowed, Tho reult is that th child. Instead of admitting trivial mlwluiius, tiiin to iu. tt blames, whatever 4M.tdetii happen ort tlir 8n ant, the dog or th oat. Tlun child continue to lie through life, itita the planc nature of the tmrnatura ! Forrest Last 6 Nialiis I . weu mat 1 . . . . 1 " ' , tip? Sl.lly CI wmii in premerit ot fear has been imnlantd -7inorT'i t-v i-.-. ,.'""' - . -.--. . , m . m. m ITAI f lUUlliLL' rKJL.L,l&S 1 , Trail, ia I. Uei 7f AM K 7, liu il In,; M WilON IIARMSY CON. srAM'i: iki.ij.i suu nm.A ovrs MAIT KTHEI. .,H end El.KAVOlt RI'bUKLI. PHK PS Kv.iiii. 2.-, .v. TV $t and fl 5u. Mailnoff, r.-l.i II in. ii. , ii .S'nturday 25c ate TV SI SKVTr. i us .-LE ffiEW's Knickerbocker IHEATKE -Ma"-!..'! Vlnn 401)1 Si nmiiiuib ffifotrnaut fr.ini 1 10 11 ii Mala. All hat 111. :v-ntntf lik. lit i'Ja In t'hurdir Snren jn.t'lmptfrion.iUons i.ioH.,1-: rtii-rt van.- ro THE UVN.'IS.i JUi'KS Q OTHER SELECT Q 3 VAUDEVILLE ACTS 5 WD M'KCIM. I'lttlllltVM OK PHTM-I'I,Ad SO aim nn rpur. iwceii nnd uvuwardtoe. All the later liindntjfs of life will not t-Umrnute u4l li0tt III Hie clratttcter. A chH4 KhouUt mver lw puriihiU, i would tuner coWI chiUJ 'Xow f j-0tt a0nt stop thiit I'll uaus you- uoW otun a ui hear tlrls? A chiM eliuuUt nt-er tu treaened ,V 4!hiW huuhl wer fee tMted ith outburin of tenner. ScoJ4J arJ u hipped. M tire aver tu chlW r. i c4not but Oevetep a bulging and untruthful nutun. ' H'forn art- not made vpowiaueoiwly or rU;,i'.-ulo"jly-uhr jt political affairs or hu man Uw ft'w ar Mil vthat &v rouji to Isw, and ibiWreu Ui be jmt. w train them to p "i'lve ureal reform to he actonj-ivlisht-d ut inorii life hi that of umhlnfcin-, uusymmhetu-, iimraru p4iente. il$t mu-H ki to be i-aniderate of (heir uKui ... .. a.a..fc ,I.i nltilW.. A ... .... ,&pBS ".w .,. mmmmwi, m ue aoie VTI) put f.i .H Mi.tKonirv i. M.m in ( tiitt I'hln Gsrrick Last 6 Nights I.H MAT 1 hi -.-,. t..A n I.ii iei I i, or J ,o NiSlur ;.iim1 :val ln I nlliBi.l A n P I P IVM M.i tifwima n U tljC, in V ., .V m Wrak Xcurly JUirif.1 l'li lir l lu Broad Last 6 Nights i Bfci; Oli',, JOHN MASON in Drugged I Nef k Uim iiillii in i.l Kroa I mt V Mi i"JIIl r 1 I" 4H I il I llil J rSS? LIBERTY AN AERIAL HONEYMOON Ma - & i, tim mi., v. ii Anm i r- t nv,i.i.. h.. in uin M-IY1 o III I pi THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE !" 'MI I V X , ' I' M I ' I J m 1 1 m i' riir GLOBE TR01TERS MXON ri ' " ."" nit. f . I 'EMPIRE cit. hu-l te Unshed at the biwu with a ' -'18 ' "' cbJWrett'a piac. mui j pn.vir, v1.Uj' .''''',' ' ?,',; ; ' roundt'U Uaro, is ccmnM entity f w,. I thw i'" "y t (". ami tole- i r ...;.. .. ,x,1 " " r, """c ' and Is fastened at the front with a lutge biacfc button. A small tomc or hUtk laomerci straw, vvhkh in trimmed' about tho top of th.' noun with tm nif lcui.v-Aing i. uhti ,. n. plerw this Kood-lookin lostuuie win. h i- wuiu Dorothj Hallowll aud Henry It Hallowell I vvitu .1 bi use of whits ucyt dt oii.t I T ,-iife i r raw. im iw; iiwuwh ana iniimldMie -ii,.... hoid Buh- .hiuireu fei thn. tVeU if they ADELPHI Beginning Tonight uu wn'iv u. j . m ira'iKiy admit it iii,... ' 1-1 W I. M a. W I. i I....I.... 1 ... ... 1 A A, " "' i. uiwciiirui vv iifii patent .'ii i i- ! lii .1 . . iii th. i. i i II. uliii - i I Iv. ill. in-, h . t,.. ilt'i Uiu i K' w jlvt m I III Vila und dif '""ly ia i, j in. mbi i and tho DUMONT'S l"tr MAI IM.I. Kill VV li v CASINO i.s;o w. i i. ,i llll l ir i m. vita cut: i j . 'U.N'IV.-I c i . tin. --.;,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers