nc: BsaJ EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. m f FB4R OF BRITISH HOLDS NORWEGIAN SHIP IN PORT HERE Reported Delay in Sailing of Sommerstad Said to Be Due to Presence of Essex Oft Delaware Capes. Mystery surrounding the delay In tlie isltlne '""" th'9 port of t,le NorncBan dtcarrislilp Sommerstnd, which cleared wcek aBo. lias nrousccl much specula tion In shipping; circle?. The vessel Is heavily la1011 wl"' coa' antl general car' ga usually leckonrd ns ship's supplies. According to her clearance papers, she i ostensibly scheduled to sail for Cndlz, snolii The cause of delny was not ex plained hj I'aplalu AxelHCit, master of Ihe vessel, or Its agent, AVIIllam J, Grand- Htld. Hen supposed to know the cort's bust nfss thoroughly whon asked for an ex planation merely shrugged their shoul ders nnd laconically replied: "Isn't the llrltlsh cruiser Kssox llng oft the Dela ware Capes?" This icnmik Is Inltrti to Indicate that (he vessel's cargo Is contraband goods tnd liable to seizure. Some shipping men said Mint the ultimate destination of the goods might be the German crulscro Dresden nnd Karlsruhe, now playing jiavne with Hritlsh ami French com merce In the Caribbean Sea. It Iisb been charged that these cruisers, which have never put Into any port ilnco war was declared for a renewal of tlielr supplies, hnvr been iccelvlng car joes at sea which havo been shipped from this port. An Investigation Into these charges develop a possibility of their tiuth, an four Xorweglan steam dilps have sailed from this port within the past fow weeks carrying cargocn consisting of canned goods, salt beef, salt pork, bacon, ham, rice, sugar, cheoso, ordinarily accepted ns ship's stoies In iblpplng business. In nddltlon to these they carried several thousand tons of bi tuminous coal. The first vessel to leave was the Nor wegian steamship Nopos, Captain Ncll im. She sailed on August 22 for Mon rovia, I.lbeia and Tenerlffo, for orders. Her cargo was valued at 322,107.52. She as followed on September 2 by the John lAidvilff JtowhlncUIe, with a similar car lo for tho same destinations, valued at J3.5M91. On September 8 the Noiwcglan tleamshlp Tnltu sailed for Cadiz, Spain, lth a cargo valued at ,'26,332.33. Tho Sommerstad, scheduled for tho same port it Is ihe Kiam, now being laden. In tho charges that vessels leaving this port havo been keeping the German cruisers hi supplies, It was indicated that libulous sums are being paid tho own ers for the risk. It was said that the vessels nro Instructed to go to a certain josltlon at sea and there await the ar rival of one of the cruisers which has teen apprised by wireless of the vessel's calling. The following was the manifest of one of the vessels: PRESIDENT SATISFIED WITH MEXICAN STUATION Discredits Stories of Trouble, But Will Bee Personal Investigator. WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-Whlle the Administration affects not lo be dis couraged at the reported turbulent con ditions In northern Mexico, nevertheless l'aul Puller, of New York, the Presi dent's personal Investigator In Mexico, will mako n report to the President Wed nesday on his recent Inquiries Into ton- dltlons south of tho Itlo Grande. The report would have been made tomorrow but for the I'icsldent's Journey to Prince ton, N. J., to vote. Mr, Puller arrived In the r-apltal today. . The President expressed to Inquirers today his complete satisfaction with the manner In which the now Mexican Gov ernment wns conducting ItRcIf, ITii said he was Inclined to place little credenco In the repoits of disturbances In northern .Mexico emanating from CI Paso. The State Department also refuted to be perturbed b.v the tales of Unrest In Chihuahua and Sonota. Officials declaredy that they na:l no reports from United Slatei representatives of any movements indicating a now revolution or reflect ing any chances of a break between Gen eral Cnrransn, and Geneial Villa. ODD FELLOWS' CHIEF DECLARES AGAINST SECTARIAN SPIRIT Grand Sire, in Opening Sovereign Grand Lodge, Says Order Seeks No Con trol Over Political Religious Beliefs. or BABY SLEEPS WITH BEARS "Big Doggie Play," All Lost Child Says of Experience. P1FIEMJ, Wis., Sept. 21.-Kept alive for two days by association wltlt two bear cubs and tholr mother, Haby Ball, the 2-year-old Bon of a settler north of here, was found late at night recently asleep In the underbrush and, though starving, wn not suffering from ex posure. The searcliorr paw the Blgn of baars near whore the child was found, mid old woodsmen declared that tho babe was kept alive b.v sleeping with the cubs and their mother. All that the child fan say Is doggie play; baby hungry." The child wandered away one The next day the entho county in a search for the little one. day's work was resumed and searchers found their first trace of "Big night, joined Tho the the Flour. 51,000 lbo. Sill beef, noon lbs. Mil f'l! "' lbs. Bacon, STCJ lb! Htmi, "OS boxes. Ird, 4CO0 cases. Tillow, "C7 cases. Cheese, "' tubs. Rice. IS bans Emm. "8 bass, mines, no boxes. EiX 8 bats. Colee, 12 bags. Til, 6 chest''. Susnr, 43 bass, VlncRar. 1 barrel. Milk, cond., 0 canes. Snurkraut, n bbls. Jtlsrults, 111 cases. Canned vcsetables, 11 cases. C nniietl meats, 23 cages. Ignrs. "3 cases. Oil, 57 bbls. Kerosene. 2 bbls. fotton waste, 10 bales. Mre nricK, -isuii. Klro clay, 3 bagf. youngster when n scrap of his torn jean tompers was found clinging to a rasp berry bush miles from his home. The place was all trampled with bear prints and the child's father bocamo frantic, thinking the youngster had been killed by an ani?ry she-bear. Instead, when at 9 o'clock at night the hunters stirred the bears In thn brush, they found the baby alone and unharmed. The crashing of the under brush Indicated that the bcai and cubs left just before the scaichers arrived. The Northern Wisconsin nights aro cold and tho child would havo frozen had not he been mothered by tho old bear, woodsmen declare. GIRL'S PLEA OPENS PBISON It the surmise be correct that these eIJels aro supplying the German cruisers with provisions, tho tlmo of departure of the Sommerstad will be governed by tlit nihil o whereabouts of tho British cruiser. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA SU.N AND TIDE3. Sunrises .. 5:li5 n.m I Sun sets.... 6.01 p.m. PUII.ADKL.l'IlIA. Hlth water. 2:25 a.m. lllsh vatcr. 2:18 p,m. water. 9: a.m. Low water.. 10.03 p.m. ItBDDV ISLAND. llllh ater.ll:37 a.m. I Hlsh water p.m. LBV nater. 3:37 a.m. Low water. 6:23 p m. UIIEAKWATEU. Jllia niter. S.57 a.m. J lllsh water. 9:22 p.m. water. 2:31 a.m. Low water. p.m. Vessels Anlving Today Carthajenlan (Br). M-Klllop. UlaBgow, via. "lien II Passengers nnd merchandise, tojsn. Hllo, suirar. W. t Ha car & Son. Clouj i.Nor.). Port Antonio, fruit. Wnncota, Port Antonio, Irutt. Steamships to Arrive I'AsaKNann. u.lmf.- From. Jlonsollan OUiskow .. wmlnlon Liverpool ... FrtEIGIIT. SSli.?LDllrl,m Calcutta Sept. 1 AniiAlfr. Itotter.lam Sept. 1.1 iS , &; ,...Itotterdam Sept. 1.1 uJJ' M.ln,' ....London Sept.12 ;J!1"ltf -Manchester ....Sept. lu ??.j Huclva Sept. 14 J.""1!?1 ralcutra ?ept, .. ItiSfilS Ptananser Sept. 1.1 CafirJSi,' Ltl"' Sept. 10 c""ila Copenhagen ....Oct. .. Steamships to Leavo passunoer. rife,.,,,.. For. Date.., Doff infin V !???. P.- Secures Helcaso of Her Fiance, a Federal General. MKXICO CITY, Sept. Sl.-Eliiiabeth Woods, a cousin of Speaker Champ Clark, succeeded yesterday In securing the release from Santiago prison of her fiance, Cicnera! Jimenez Castro. Castro was arrested 10 days ago, with execution apparently ahead ot him. Jllsa Woods citmo up from Vera Cms! and besought Secretary Sllllman's aid and Insisted on an Interview with Car rsnza. She got Castro's case before tho First Chief of Constitutionalists dcsplto repeated discouragements, and finally, through tho intercession of Luis Cab rera and J. H. Belt, Secretary Sllliman yesterday carried away from the pa' ace to the prison the precious document giving Castro his liberty. Castro Is one of tho bravest and best known of tho Federal generals. HI arrest by the Constitutionalists had been a great surprise, owing to Castro's prominence In opposing ex-Frcsldent Huerta. Date. Kept, lfl Sept. 13 Sept. 10 -X:.::-;.::::::m.:. . FrtniaiiT. ann,enJ?Kr,r Copenhacen Mifn.B"hang Manchester . SmaerdVi? J!"' Danra iioiwrqnm &pa0,n''.v: CtlKornla, ... .Oct. .Oct. .Sept. .. .Sept. 19 .Sept. 2fl .Copenhagen ....Sept. 23 i.oncon ...Sept. 30 ....Chrlstlanla Oct. 3 ....Copenhagen ....Oct. .. TKOOF'S EEMOVAL CONTESTED Proposed Evacuation Along Mexican Border Calls Forth Protests. WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-Protests be lieved to bo inspired by Governor Col quitt, of Texas, against proposed removal of troops from tho Mexican border coin cident with American evacuation of Vera Cruz ore duo there tomoirow or Tuesday, War Garrison today by Itepresentatlve Gamer, of Texas. Delay in removing the border garrisons is indicated by army officers. Six transports for tho trooos at Vwa Cruz aro due there tomorrow or Tuesday, but complete evacuation will not bu ef fected before early next mouth, ofllclnls generally believe. AVIATOR CHASES WILD DUCKS E. K. Jaquith Rises 5600 Feet at Atlantic City. ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 2t.-Flying over the ocean in sight of thousands of visitors yesterday, E. K. Jaquith In his new hydro-aeroplane gave chase to a flock of wild ducks. For three miles he maneuvred his plane trying to kill one. but failed. Several times one or two stray ones shot through the wings of his plane but escapod unin jured, fn one of these nights Jaquith came within 300 feot of breaking the altitude record, going 560O feet. The record Is 6300 feet. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Sept. 2l.-.ludge C. A. Kollar, of San Antoonlo. Tex., Grand Sire of tho Independent Order ot Odd FellonVj, throw down the gauntlet to intolerant followers who would drnw sectarian lines, In his annual address at tho opening session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge this morning. Itcspondlng to an nddresb of welcome by Attorney General John W. Wcscott, of Now Jersey, Ginnd Sire Kollar B.iltl: "Odd Fellowship draws no distinctions botween Moslem nnd Christian, between Jew and Gentile. Tt Is non-toectarian and non-political and will remain so ns long as the order lasts. That Is a fundamental law. We make no attempt to control a member's religious belief or action but wo do say he shall not attack Catholicism or any other religion in the lodge room or In the column of a publication hearing the name of the order." The Judiciary Commission, it was unld todny, would report adversely on tho action of Grand Sire Kollar In over turning Jurisdictional lines in Oklahoma, a move resulting In the dissolution of 32 encampments. J. M. Gowdy. Coloiado, has taken tho lead In the raco for deputy grand sire. Women, who attended the opening ses sion In large numbers, wero not per mitted to enter when the Soverlgn Grand Lodge went Into business sesBion. "We are happy to have had you with us, but are forced to leave vou now." tho chairman said. Many of tho Indignant sisters remained, peering through the windows. ACCUSED OF TAKING $90,000 President of Oil Refining Company Declares Charge Is "Frameup." PITTSBURGH, Sept. 21. D. Heeler, president of the High Grade Oil Refining Company, of New York, with offlcei in this city, is under an est hero today on an Indictment handed down In St. Mnrv's, W. Va by tho Grand Jury of Pleasant County, Vn. Ho Is charged with em bezzling stock certificates, bonds, monev, gold bullion nnd chattels valued at ?90.000. Details of the alleged crime have not been divulged, but the prosecuting attor ney of Pleasant County says two indict ments wero filed against Heeler several weeks ago, charging false pretense and forgery. Heeler states he Is being "framed up" by several men becauso ho discharged them from the Petroleum Products Company, of St. Mary's, ot which ho was president. MORE FUNDS FOR THAW ?142,124.28 Paid Him by Orphans' Court Order. PITTSBRUGH. Pa.. Sept. 21.-IIarry Kendall Thaw will not lack fundH to contlnuo his fight for freedom and to prevent his belnz tnken back to New York State, as an order for payment to him of $142.12-1.2'! was made in Orphans' Court this morning. This amount, It was stated, was due him from the trustees of the "Coke Trust," a trust created by the will of his fathor, William Thaw, placing all of his coal lands In the hands of three trustees. The money turned over is the accumu lated Income with interest due him from the trust. Last .Tune J160.7S0 was turned over to Thaw by the decision of tha same court, being the accumulated Income on thn personal estate held In trust for him by the Fidelity Titlo and Trust Company under the will of his father. Moyementlng avenue, died yesterday on the way to the Jefferson Hospital, Uallbcch was employed ns a stage hand ot tho Chestnut Street Opera House, Tenth and Chestnut streets. He was ar ranging the files pjroparatory to the open ing of "Pilate's Daughter" at that thea tre next week and was standing on n high platform. He lost his balance and fell forward head first lo the stage be low. Other employes picked him up nnd hn was rushed to the hospital. He died on the war. IDA MAY WOODWARD Ida May Woodward. 4 jears otl. died yesterday at her heme, 1239 Tilahttia avenue. She wbb uio who ni vjcuihi- Wood w.i rd, a machinist engaged the Baldwin Locomotive Work, husband nnd four sons survive. nlth Her REV. J. K. LLOVD Wtl.MAMBPOIlT, Pa , Fept. t. 'rhe itov. .1. K. I.lo.vd, a prominent Methodist minister, died suddenly yestcidny of heart disease. THOMAS ELWOOD BUNTING mmiJBNTOWN, N. J.. Sept. 2l.-Tliomns Klwood Bunting, who has rr sided on n farm nenr Ciosswlckfl till his life, died todnv hi his eighty-third year, tin was a member of the Oithodox friends. Ho leaves a widow nnd two son. Beatfjs DEATHS OF A DAY STAGE HAND DIES FROM FALL Tumbles From High Platform at Chestnut Street Opera House. As the result of a fall while nrranglng Ballbech. 1117 East scenery William A It ltd IT.-Oil September SO. toll. JhAAC AHIliTI, liinlwml of" far.tli A rrntt. In hl TSIIi jear. funeral pcrvlcei nt hH lal" tdltlencp STOO Nnrtli I'nrk ne iiiie. on WnilnnHav mornlnn. Septrmner J.I, at toll) o'cIol'k. Interment nrltale. ANDHKWS. On September in. ItlH. W1L Kl.V.t P. ANDItfAVS. ItelnlliC! ami rilrnds nro Imltrd lo atlcnr .ti- Mineral. on Wednesday, nt a-W p n, , nt his Into resi dence, Tuckerton N. J. lntcrmint at lucK ertown. AlI.SIKIt. On September 12, IBM. MAUI AYI(Mnn. Him notlco d the funeral will bo Ellen, from hr lute residence, 101!! "WaL-ta it. Went I'lilladclnhla. IIAI.IIKCK. Miirlrlxnlj. on September 20.10M. WILLIAM. Mill of Mni ami til" late flcorce n.-iluock. funeral Wednesday, nt !! P m.. from the residence or liH cnimlu. P.ivld ThlnH 2410 redcrnl street Interment at FVrnwood Cemetery. IIUIINb On September IT, lfill, ANNA A.. widow of Thotnnn K Hums. Kelntlves nnel frlendi aio Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, nt S p. m , fiom her lato rrvdenco, Sir.T Braddotk st. Interment prlnte, at t.ant Cedar Hill femetery. CONOIEII On September 20, 1011. fLAK- KNCK I'ATTON. son or rinrence V. nnd Martha V. Cnnover, need n vpnrs " monthj. Funeral Wednesday, nt 2 P. m . from tho residence of bin (trandparent, William P. I'atton, Hcrllti. N. .1. CONROW. On September 11. 1014. DAVID K. CONROW, need 01 years. Late residence, 224 League st. Due notlco of funeral will to Elien. I)K U'AKI.R. On September 20, inH.MATtlR K 1)11, wifo of (Jeorsc 1.. De Waele. Interment private DI5AN On September II, 1014. CATFT Am.VK A. DI.AN, widow of CIiS'Ips W. Dean. ret,ente. Ofl Union Tt. funeral -i-lces and Interment strictly private nilNNER. On Heotcmber 20. 1014, KltCD nRIPK DENNBR In his IK.tli senr. funeral on Thursd-i' -afternoon. Peptmhei 24, tit I o'clork. from Odd fellows' Home southeast corner Pvrth nnd Tioga Mrecls. Interment Ureeninounl femctcrv. DOniHNS. At I.nnp Drnnrli. N. J. Septem ber 10. WILLIAM E. noDBIKi. Itel.dlves and frlendi ar Invited lo nttend Iho funeral service, nt his late rcsldonce. on Ashbourne road, Elklns Park, Tuesday, nt 2 p, m. In terment In tUo family mausoleum, Central Laurel Hill. DOrr.IIEnTY. On September IS. 1014. EL I.IE T vildow of John .1. Dougherty (nea Donohus). Due notice of the funeral will be Blven, from her late residence, 1214 Cath arine st. DUFF. At her residence. 4312 Phostnut st , on September in. 101 1. I.Aim ANTON KTTE WELIJ3. v.lfo of J. Cna'pbcll Duff. Kuneml nnd Interment at the ( menl-nco if tho family. GIIAHAM On September 20, 1PI4. FRANK M., son of the late Itoblnson T. and Mary W. Graham. Duo notice of the funeral will ba given, from his late residence, S727 Cath nrlne 3treet HAT.nEWAK. On Rentember 1R, 1014. ELIZ AT1ETH, widow of Thomas Haldemnn, nged 00 years. Funeral sen-Ices at 2941 North 24th st. on Tuesday, at 1! p. m. Interment private. HALT. On Seotemher 10. 1014.VAN CLEVE. son of Annie J. nnd the lnti Walter V. Hall. Relatives nnd friends of tho family nre In vited to nttend the funeral services, on Tues day morning precisely it 11 o'clock, nt his late residence, 800 North 21st st. Interment private. Remains may he viewed on Monday evenlns". between the hours of 7 and 0 o'clock. HAT.I.OWELL. On September 12, 1014, WIL LIAM, husband ot the late Cnthnrin N. Hallowell, aged 74 years. Duo notice of thn funeral will be given, from the residence, of his dauehter. 1SIR Van Pelt st HENDERSON. At his lato residence. 6138 Mofnllum St.. Qermantown, JAMES P. HEN DERSON, aged M yonrs, Funornl services nnd Interment private. 1IERTER. On September IS, 1014. MAGDA LENA, wife of Louis Herter (formerly Eck nrd), aged 43 years. Due notlco of the fu neral will be given, from her lato residence, HV7 Shunk st. HOUSEMAN On September 20. 1914, SE- LIBNA, wife of Harry Jl. Houneman. funeral Wednesday, at 8 a m,, from tho residence of D. P. Coi, 4241 Tarkawannn, street. Frankforrt. Mass nt St. Joachim's Chun'h at 0 o'clook Interment private.. JOHNSON. On September 17, 1014, HARRY VOST, husbano of Elizabeth Johnson free wartman). negatives and friends nr Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, At 2 r m., frcm his late res'danea, I'M J-ounVn si , Olnev. Interment at Mt Vernon rvmeterv JONES. On Sept-mber 17. 1014, LUCT. widow of Caleb W Jones, aged 74 years Due notice, of the funeral will bx given, from her lato residence, 2mo routh 8th si. KELI.EY. On September IS, 1011 ROBERT J. KELLET, bolovefl husband of Lljala E. Kelley (neo bmith). mineral on Toesdny, at 2 p. ra.. from 2140 North 10th st. Interment at Mount Peace Cemetery. KINO. On September 18, 1014, WILLIAM P., husband of Lottie King (no Jonner). Dus notlco of fnnoral will bo given from his lata residence. ES24 Market st. HEATHS KLENTNElt. LAZE It KLENTNHrt.tia yearsT aioO Fletcher tt. I.KATIIKHMAN. At his residence. 4D7 ithnwn it., fox chase, on September 10, 1014, JOSEPH, husband of Amanda leather man. Due notice of the lunenl will bt git en. J.lllIIELT,. HARItT LIDDELU B years. 2303 E. Sergeant it MI'I'r LOUISA Llrr, 87 years. 2012 North JVaacher st J.I'HATry.- MARY LUBATTT, 22 months, 1II2M N. Hilton st. MARION. On September 18. 1014, ANNA C. MARION, widow of John Morion nnd dnugli tcr of the Inte .Michael and Margaret Itmldy. Due notice cf funeral from her late residence, 17J4 Christian st. MrOIIATH. ELEANOR MoORATlI, S yenrs, iBSii N neeee st McKI:ON. On September 20. 1014, TERESA MAlUIAHf.T, daughter of James nnd Ellri ,eh MrKeon, In hor 18th ear. Funeral Wi-dtinsdav at 8..'to a. m , from the residence of her parents, MJ2 Hillside avenue Jenkln tonn, 1 JfeMANTEIl.- On September 10. OEOIltlK IJI.VN8 tnungeft son of .1. William nnd Ethel M. McMaster. In hie 3d jiar. Funeral , service n Tuerduy, m 2 p. m., nt th resl- ' cento of his parents, ;o South X.'ld st. in terment Mount Morlnh Cemetery. ! MARTIN. On September 20, 1014, JOHN, i husband of the late Elisabeth Martin, In his fijth vnr funeral set v lies Wednesday at i II n. m , nt the parlors of Mrs, Olto Ihir It. k. 1041 North fourth street. Interment i rirlvntn. Mount Morlali r'en,etry. i Ml f.I.ER. SARAH MILLER. 35 jears. 1103 i l-'ltsnntcr st ' MINERVA-On HeptemLer 20 1914. HAN- , N Ml wife of cfiorles- .llnera Funeral pervlTs on Wedne-idaj ofternoon. nt 2 n-cloik nt the resident? of hr son, Elmer Mef.,n. 1SS2 South 4th stieot. Interment M;l,Nl'n,th"stDA MO'ST,KT' 30 Vars. MOHESnil -VlrTORIA MORESCHI. 0. Iran, M2 E. Itltlenhoiue st. MJI.IIJII.LAMI -CATHARINE MULHOI- LAND. 43 senrs, I'.iau ,N Hownrd st. MtiRI'irY.-.MI('liAEL Mb'ltWir" "u lean. avi.u lleln st Mril'l'Ailllr--pn S-ptembcr 10 ION. MARK, uuv ,ii,i in ueion m .Miirtn'ijr.'i r-unoral lursiiny, at 8 ",u n , , from aia Wat- WKATIIS Mas? at .Ft. .Edmond's Interment at Holy Cross PEELINO. St. oml kins st. High riiurrh, at 10 n. m -eincierr TEKMNO. CASANDRA 1 ears, l.JH a. .Id el. I'M'TBItSOS. On September 10, 1014, CHAllLEH FETTERSON. Funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m nt his late residence, rear of Tl'i Monroe st Interment nrlvnte I'ETERHON. On September 20, 1014, MARY A., wife of the late Joseph Potorrnn nn,1 daughter of Mary nnd the lnlt, Patrick 'jrlnn. riineral Thursday morning, SepKm ber 21 nt H:'ii) o'cloik from hr mother's residence. 1017 South Thirteenth street. Solemn 'Mass of Requiem nt Iho Church of Hie Eplphnnr nt 10 o'clork precisely. In terment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. I'l'lPr, On September 15, 1014, of rtlph therla, ,'oitX c, s.jn of Philip nnd Anns F'fntT, .of IIKJ8 Ella St., agod . jears. No funernl. rillLLIPS. LtLLIAN PHILLIPS. 48 yenrf, 2l'(2 North Natrona st. POTTS EDWARD POTTS. 18 years. 20t2 Turner st. rCMWIEHUAKEH At Atlantic City. N J. septmer 17. 1PI4. AURAIIAM. husband of Clair Powdermnker, ngd ",2 vrars Intr-. men' private. Norfolk, Ililtlmore and Waeh- Inrt'.n papers plcnre copy. IIKI'CAKIA. DOMENICO RECCARIA. 1 jeir. :i(wi North Womlftork st. REIN SARAH REIN. 70 J ears. 010 South Kith t. IIICKAIII).--On September in. Hill. ANOE- I.fNE HICKARK lliee Willi, lor), tt lie rf W. H Ill"knrd. Resldtnre, 24'ii Pitttnn street l)u nallro of funeral will be given ItCHIERS. On Monday. September 14, 1014, IJAi 111", WINTER, dnugh'tr if the lats Ullllem Wynno nml Ifsnnah Lewis Wlster and nldow of William II. Rogers. Interment Mlvute SANKEV.-Suddenb. September 18 1BI-I, f RANK A , husband of Mary J Pnnkey Hnd "en of Harry W. and 1m I'll i i - i.k, ag'-d R2 venrs Relatives nnd rrrnd nlso police o' 2lith Dlstrht. Invite I ivtt- ml f i neral. Tuc-Msy. 8 "0 n m . from his late residence. 610 N Vodeen st West Phlla Solemn Mnss cf Lenufern. churr-l, nf Our Jtulr of Vlrten. 10 a m. Interment Holv ' ?oe Ceinetcty, KniALMOLL. -On September 20 1014. nA- v-niii. jasi; mm ' itniiuinl Slllllllnll DEATHS ngd M years. Funeral services on Wednes rtav, at 2 p m.. at her late residence, K4 Suth Third street. Cwlwyn, Delaware Connty Pa Interment private, Fernwood Cemetery flfl.MMAN. On September 10. 1914, at Ms Ute residence, 020 West Hpssl St., Uermnn town, ALFRED DAY StLLlMAN. aged 40 years. Funeral services nt his late, residence, on Tuesday nfternoon, nt ft o'clock. Inter inout private. HTErlllJNSV-On September 20, 1014, ANNA or me .rat JOiin mepmv, nied l--inerai on vranesany, sepMmb F,.. tvlfn 72 years. ir. 2H, at I o'clork, from tho retldenc of her son, John Stephens, .hb nam avmus, Aunn- bon N. J Interment nt Evergreen Cemetery, Cnmn. N. J. HKICKTON. At Dlxvllle Nolelu New llwnr- slilro on Hnturdaj, Stptrnrtir 10, ANNA K. STor'KTON. Nr.llro of the funeral will b rlvi-n Inter. SII,I.I ASV- At his reslde.nce.a2fl Chrry St., Camden, H. J , SM. IS, ldtl. JOltN L, nusonnu i;i .nary aviiuvin, hkcu i yevrs. Due nnllce of the 'unernl vrlll bo given. i MiNfi is,- iin ssntcmijer ZU.IP14. -"V MlN'iT'i.V, wife df James Symington nnd .MS ii-i-iehter of the Mte Jotm ,r. and Mary Rar funeral Wednesday mnmtnr at 8:.Vi o'eloUt rriitn the residence of her crandmothnr. Mrs. Jnnir Riiv, 34 IS Pine street. Interment nt C'nttiwlrsl cpmrferv tXnIII.KR.- On Beplember 10, 1814. nt the Hianitwiod. ATlRAltAVt, husband of Tlllle, sged 01. Relatives nnd friends nr Invited to attend the fuiwal on Tuesday at 10 a. tn., nt lic ti''"" "f Emanuel As tier A Son, K12 Diamond st. Interment nt Mt. SInal fen c-terv 'lll')ill"ON. of diphtheria, on. Beplembsr IP 1014 MATtr-iA ALICE, oMr child of F.nrl .1. and Mnlvlna Thompron, nged 3 jearn nnd 7 month' misrmeni privnte, at TVtsl- xunerni Vo fu mlnfil UOOHWARII. On September 20. 1814. IDA MAY "'He of Ueorge F Woodward nnd fij igh'er or Mnmuel nnd Jennie Hnffelflnger. n.-ed 4." years. Funeral em-vices Thursrtav nt 2 I", m nt her lato residence. 42T.0 Mantua, nvi nur. Interment nt Fern-wood Cemetery. WfllTII. On September 18, 1014, CHARLES p., nusnann in ijurnof-vn vvurrn, ,in formerly of 12ir Mnrston st- rrv I, on Tunsdny, Srntnmber 22, I need 04 Funeral -inu a ? n. m., at 272H W utiles st. Intn-mnit at Hillside Ci-mrtM-y. via foneral troller. u Be Sure to Get Your Copy of Indoors and Out i ? POUT OF NEW YORK Vessels Arriving- Today t'ul . r rom' , o Time. ' Liverpool ... 8. IS a. m. Vessels to Arrive "r: Amn,ri?a!,0,ro'r;0nNi"erdam' Steamships to Leave w aine. r, Fttsrli ''or- rotidJm ' Marseilles . . . ft. piJS ...Rotterdam . fcultanii H erP0l Jl"lirltk Vil Wverpool ... Mrta . Copenhagen . BUlc ....Naplts ...,,; wte .'.':.';; Liverpool ,,, J'elam ., Naples 9hlc,o ..;;' Liverpool ... rlca . Havre ' OlasEow . ... Date. .Sept. 21 .Sept. 22 .Sept. 2.1 ..Sept. 23 .Hept. 2 J .Sept. 23 .Sept. 23 .Sept. 2ti .Sept. 26 .Sept. 29 .Sept. 2d .Sept. 29 FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Jl'W.&'i'fffi, " nearly .11 trade. M for tonnim hnirf ,'.bu.t "' 8nal de " Scarcity g?fbol,d.Jiai1)'', Plm rates arlit dull. "eights keep tbt sail "own ,a , STBAMSIIHa. fe"1 Kingdom "luffi9 t0 . P-kd Port "Si0" "' Vn" "or,.,r8J,n' 3d!! 2""f '''"?re: S2'uo JU"t"' ' lSJ,KIni5ora',TuS5rMl ,0 P''1 "" "mber wm- -'.000 ijuarters eraln. 2s., J?" UnlteiBs,:ej!5n0I ion; Bombay to two ,!''ra of Ilatt.ras, general jvltor (Nor f S1Vr'. 'ober. P?,n-.neril carw ".'h'?'', Baltimore to ilSu Mndi iBuaS?' KtVJ"8 ,er"1 Promp'- Tuaunl4 (Uttn' ?&", l"nj. Beptembor. Ci,Jr wr.) kTK -,'s:! t0". ame, October. 4oSu?"-Hn irjutnSi J.,rm."' Prompt. o. limb", siSU2rf' b4P1 United King. wujbt,, "' 3d-, one port. September, lUWi. P i JSCHONERS. MHS. SAGE'S HOME APIHE Rubbish in Ash Can Starts Blaze in Her House. NEW YQUK. Sept. 21.-Durlns the nb. aenca from tho home of Mrs. Itusscll Sage, at C04 llfth avenue, yesterday aft ernoon, some rubbish in a small room caught fire. l'ollceman Downey saw smoke Issuing from the cracks of the windows and doors on the ground floor and 3ent In an alarm. John Roundtree. 55T1 Ludlow st Jones, 40TO warren si. Robert MuDonnld ToriesJale lllvker. 1141 Dunton st. Daniel P. Frver. lua I'orter st Morris. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES and Mibel and Anna and Ida A. and Katls sni Ellen If ave , and HI Aames Stewart. 4Mt TtaVer John Lauvhlln, 2U10 North iteei. at and Sarah A McAillough. 32IT North 6th it B l'aul Whetstone. r18 Walnut Vt nnd Maude E. Orr. Mh Wolnn, ., Ul st v"1 Frank Kramer. 1401 Lennox ave. and Marths Novls, 1743 North Front st Juartaa and Kath- nd Anna, Jiorris, i-i jj soutii watts st. Joseph Cohen, 1415 bouth 5th tt Josle, lint Bouth Klkln st. Ignatius I.. Ihiffy. IMf) Sliver at., A Iari, tl)5T American si. David Ualmfortli, M'J3 Wialusln Mary A Lupton. 2T20 Falrhin . Lloyd A. Btrouxe BI6 East Dunont st . an laLa. .. ' ' -. ,IIIUm N Brady. W4 Hart lane, an erlne Relnr. S24 East Orleans st aim T Klnj. 22J4 I'umberland tt. M Malonav. 23S1 Fait Alhlnn .,, uhi. Kline. Jr. 3413 sunnyaide ava , and Ada, SuKden, 'firt Leverlnston ave. ' A0 ;ihn F. Mullen. 2WO Oxford st.. and Kathnn Murphy. lOd 1-alrmount ave. atnrjn and Bib! Jot Juhi. Kline. Jr si Juh M fairies: J snarKey. toj N. 3ih st funnlnebam. 161T Poolai st. Eamuel P Huntslager, Cape May Court House N. J, and Margaret Draun, 61MI) ( beatnut st John A Harris. 4T2 Gerhard t.. and EUan I'etewon !!M0 N IBth at a 'u,n Charles K. riacher SOI S Mth st . and Kath- ryn M. Jensen. 827 B. Mat st. ,n Edward lUblne. 63 E. Coulter at., and Ellen liowlay. Sk Church Una. "u &uen John Levenitsin. 2245 N Camge at., and Adl (Jottahatk. 221S N. Camao ai ' a Aai John F. Iupold. Jr.. 1W2 Orthodox t.. and Clementina M. Gunn. 4938 Mulberry ot. Ira S Warren, Trlnceton, N. J and I-aura. A Blrchall. 815 S 60th t. u ur A' Walter B Rleharda. 4303 Westminster ave and Kathryn U Poll. 7.-J N. 03d st. Robert A Craig-. 1110 S. 22d tt , and Laura Slrvault 24 Nicholas st, u" WllUam C. Weiss, 14ION Both st and Florence- M. Half ( cany. 1733 S. 10th st. William H H. Ruunlnaer 2153 N goto, a and Jant C CrulJ, 4iJ Weatmlnatcr ave, ' PublishiHi as a Free Supplement to tomorrow's Public Ledger "Indoors and. Out" contains 16 pages of important real estate, house-building and home -beautifying information, to gether with many photographs, draw ings and plans of successful operations. Its subjects include: "Seashore Cottages and Mountain Bungalows," "Furniture," "Ama teur Gardening," "Interesting Door ways," "Typical City Apartment Houses," "Pictorial Story of a Suc cessful Suburb," "Real Estate," "Helpful Suggestions for Property Owners," "Interior Decoration" and "Suburban Operations," If you think of building or remodeling your house, or have the work already under way, this big supplement will give you many good suggestions. "Indoors and Out" is issued only on the above date with the PUBLIC icisfXlSKMS LEDGEE gymanara nuBLseijiemiiiawjtJEr Store OficiiH S.30 A. M. WANAMAKER'S Store Closes S.30 P. M. s , , i i 1 I 1" - it lilll lfiKli& i iSli Grand Organ Recitals Tomorrow 9, 2 and 5.15 W$t Wanamahtv Btmt aonoumices that it wsDfl have in Egyptian Hal! at U and 2.30 tomorrow a posing of 99 brilliant new gowns and wraps Just received ffronl Paris, all very fine things, from Bschoff David i& Co. W)t anamalter Btott calls special attention to the large numlber of new French hats in the Millinery exposition opened today. These hats set the fashions of the Fall and Winter. (Second Floor, Chestnut) W$t anamafeer Btovt s arranged for a special bargain sale tomorrow some 263 men's tweed overcoats in BaSmacaan style, at $9.75 and $12 (Lovier-Prioc Store, Subway Floor, Marktt) fyz Wmwwxdfotx Btovt calls attention of the Daughters of th& RevoSmlioji and other patriotic societies to a very asimiusiuiaS coliectiosi of historic fornitmre copies on the Fifth Ftear, (Fifth Floor, Cantrat) je Wnmmaktv Btou Um made a special purchase off SOOO feQx: eaiighes and cedar chairs to sell at a prise below the usual wholesale cost. $9.75 for box coucfies, cloth caveredj er IIS ceveis In s.ny 3,50 tapestry ysw may cheese, $12.7S for cedar13aied box cQuchm, mtm Jirgg, f Sja,? eovered in mny $2.50 tapestry yeu my cfessg, Firesfdg afiajrs in the mm pififchsss e mmk& $P 73 $12.79, $15 and $18. ' ' ' (Fifth Floor) , ' I Ml J III SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBsSSBsBBBHsIs II " ' leer. ,.J! -niTHTrtl'- ' -J.Jtt I JOHN WANAMAKER Hi - 4"!figi2.i -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers