Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1914, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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Gorman Pralt Makes Des
perate Attack on Fiancee
and Then Attempts Sui
cide -In Hospital Now.
. Hl 've Purned aftcr 1,avlnB BUC
Veeded I leading nis Bwceineari 10 inc
. it thA atfar. 10vinrnld "NnTm
Il'Jn Pratt, of 6305 Lena street, German
" made an attack on pretty Theresa
i?i.,mttln and members of lior family
-h carbolic acid. Ho Is In the Gcr
minlown Hospital In danger of losing
Pratt liaa been employed as a ticket
..." i- 1 1, snrlncr Garden street sta?
lent' "'. ' . n.iiwoii ttla o.
V.rk was the culmination of a trip to
Piktan Md.. with Miss .Fltzmartia, last
Say. They differed on the question
whether or not a priest should marry
!?. ..i turned W.Uiout tho ceremony
,e'."..PlM?I!ii'M, Either heard of th
irln a forhado Pratt to visit his dauglv-
i.r isaln, Pratt came to the I'lumarttn
forced his nay past Mrs. Nora Fltzmar
In and followed tho girl to her room.
There he grappled with her. The police
iiv ho tried to force acid down the girl's
Kroat Mis. Fltzmartln seized Pratt's
rrlst Her face and hands were splashed
llh'acld. William, her 4-yenr-old son.
ris also seriously burned about tho head
lv flying drops of the liquid.
Miss Mary I'itzmartln, a sister of the
tin. ran dm t...".e .. ......
m nea I'oiiteiHi.. vw, . ..w -......-....
ititlon. He reached the struggling youth
in iJrni to sco Pratt spit most of the
rimalnder of the acid on his faco and
,v, in an effort to pour It down his
. Physicians at tho Germantown Hospital
ll '.t Im MYin oMinll linna tt.n( f enlfa
lay mere in pu.uk ...... ..w,- .. .n o
Vrt'lslit may oc Bnved. He declined to
tie statement, other than that he
lovea .mas .v........ .,. ...........
riiNeitlgatlon revealed, the police say,
L. .. tl.M, Inr1l,.arl fllft tH rt tn IftFIVA llnK
Ulil nun umiiwu ...- o.. .... ..,.,
'position, being In the employ of Dr.
frederlck Brale. of Oak Lane, yesterday,
ind when he had her nlone In a car
riage tried to choke her. The marks
'(his finders arc still on her throat, ac
eorillng to a physician In charge.
Pratt got the acid from a drug store
.. d.vhIaii mid Prlfn atrnnte nnrmnn.
(own. purchasing one and .a ha4f ounces,
Wins he wanted It for disinfectant. As
la had previously bought three ounces
'the druggist was not suspicious.
: : - - - ' . - - - -.-. .- -" r j zv jz rr..- ..
Chinaman Gets Knock-o'ut From
Dennis McGovern.
When reading European war news Den
til McGovern, of 2810 Mllloy street, does
tot like to be disturbed. He was follow
ing the movements of Germany, Russia,
Trance and Japan this morning, when he
I8 Interrupted by a representative of
China, who said his namo was Joy Wing.
Wing objected to SIcGovern's presence
because he wanted to clean the fltcps of
Hi laundry, at 2317 Bast Clearfield street.
As McGovern wns sitting on the steps
he refused to move, and said If there
ms'any cleaning up to be done ho would
take part It In himself. The Chinaman
Tint In the laundry and got a blackjack.
! raised It over McGovern'a head, but
It jot no finther. There was a crafih
andJoyvient to the ground. McGovern
then-neat on reading his paper.
He ivas not Interrupted again until a
policeman noticed the Chinaman lying on
the-sHenalk Jnv was token Inside and
Mciover,n accompanied the policeman to
the Belgrade and Clearfield streets station
to explain.
Board of Health Now looking Into
Case Causing1 Alarm.
Some alarm was caused In the south
western part of the city today when It
was reported that Owen Hall, BO years
old, a Negro, had died at his home,
Seventeenth and Montrose streets, of
The man na attended for several days
by Dr. S. i' Boston, 2213 Catharine striet,
who Is dlstiiut surgeon. He said today
tnat the case was diagnosed as possible
leprosy and that theie was no cause for
ilarm. When the case was reported to
the Board of Health this morning Di
rector Harto sent Dr. -Hartzell, of Uio
board staff to ni.ike an Investigation.
Owen, It Is said, had no regular home
for some time, and hired a room hrfre
iM there whenever he had money.
ft . , III
Harry Freburg Has Physicians on
the Hunt Now.
A pin swallowed by Harry Ficburg, 16
Tears old. of 1T27 South 21th stiet. Is
"Jffllng physicians at St. Agnes' Hospital
So far they have been unable to locata
It, but Frebuig has shown no alarming
Louis Club Members to Get
Further Hearing.
Jack Miller and Albert Dolan, members
of the St. Louis National League base
ball club, vvero oach held under $S00 ball
this morning by Magistrate Ronshaw, of
the Central Police Court, to appear for
a further hearing In Allegheny County
on a charge of assault and battery. Ball
was entered for the ball players, who
vrero held on charges preferred by William
D. Gasper, of Pittsburgh.
Church Bodies Issue Call for Suppli
cation October 4.
Tho Federal Council, which Includes all
the Kvangelleal Protestant churches of
this fountry, has Issued a call to nil the
churches of tho United States, asking that I Atlantic avenue, whero tho Pennsylvania
Workmen Gannot Move Her, So
Courts Will Decide Issue.
Will the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany place an ugly old post on her prop
erty? They will not, If Mrs.,B. Pelllcoff
has anything to say about It. That is
why she Is established In a new post
hole, dug by the employes of the com
pany, and sho does not Intend to get out
until they have departed. Will the
policemen kindly make tho lady get out
of the hole, so that the men may go
on with their work? Certainly not! Tho
hole Is on her property, and she has a
right to stay theie It sho wants to, and
she does want to, so that's all there Is
to It.
This Ih tho situation which is holding a
crowd of spectators at Twelfth street and
The regular fall sessions o the I'nlted
flates Distilet Court for the trial of
criminal laces weie opened by Judge
Thompson today In the Postofflce Build
.?; Edtt"''1 Jl Hirsh, a newspaper man
and postmaster at Tamao.ua. Schuylkill
wunty was appointed foreman of tho
urand Jun.
Nominations for county offices of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians will be
wade at the first session of the Blen
bm VtM,l "''vntlon to bo held to
e.r.L ' 31,,Norlh "mad street. The
i,.,,,?"8 W1U take I,,ac! t "cond
lin0r.U nf,7 Sl,n(Iay night. Several
---... .,.,, c submitted tonight.
olGMr,gaUMTh0;.nas' M- 9 'ears M. n
6un'e "v '" norse - Thomas. Jr.. of
"c-Idenut .i,I '" the ,,sht haniS " he
ring a ',h ' uha,r,!e of a rlfle' la cv
buuft was ?0,a.a'."?mann HPlal- The
wed h. im1 by ,he x'ray an( -ftw
rtu. ' leave the h08Plta' n a
Ribs Broken by a Fall
&i,eb,&.te? ,'' w. - -
hserond 7n.h rlbs when he fe Tom
l"g demo ih.? tst floors ot a building
Thomson ,hl d " Carl,sle 8tr"t above
hhi?J morning. He stepped
h chut. H CUt ln ,he noor 'r a rub.
awyltaL "e WBS taken to st- Joseph's
Naval Officer Recovering
?'. ClFn" at rl0hef Nv.l Hospital in
Lltenant raa todu' alt "a
rul,r K.n,:um3f1ier Roner. of the
,c recover ' ki; " we" on ,he oa.
W enV,S '01Iow'"K n operation.
!hll' in th. ,. h omcer ,0 rejoin his
they Join In prayer on Sunday, October 4,
as requested by President Wilton. In the
call there Is Included tho'' following
"Let us pray that the war spirit may
be suppressed as dueling has been sup
pressed; that nations dhalt think of
nallom not as enemies, but as co-workers
together with God for the establishment
of His kingdom on earth."
Muny special prayeis have been pre
pared for churches of different denomina
tions, to bo used on the "Peace Prayer
IJav," among them being one by Bishop
David If. Greer, of the Protestant Episco
pal Dioccte of New York.
September Term of Court Opens To
day at Media,
MEDIA, Pa.. Sept. 21. September Crimi
nal Court opened In the new Court House
here today and eighteen grand Jurors
were worn to pass upon 171 new cases
and about SO continued fiom tho June
Four murder cases are Included, tho de
fendants being George Johnson and Alex
under Moore, charged with killing
n Negro; Muggle Smith, charged with the
murder of her daughter's child; Mary
Kreeney. charged with the shooting of a
man at Prospect Park, and Ferdtnando
Spllitino, charged with the lahootlng of
his brother-in-law at Glen Mills.
Contrary to expectation no opinion will
be handed down at this term on the ap
plication for new trials for George II.
Match and Rowland S. Pennington, con
victed at tho last term of the murder of
S. Lewis Plnkerton. Tho case of How
land S. Pennington 1ms not yet been
Throat Trouble Causes Retirement of
the Rev, ArnoM H. Hord.
Throat trouble has caused the retire
ment of the Hev. Arnold H. Hord as rec
tor of St. Michael's Protectant Episcopal
Church, Germantown. His resignation
waB lead at the services yesterday morn
ing. The Hev. Hord la also the registrar
of the Diocese of Pennsylvania and Hs
well-known among the Protestant Episco
pal clcrgmen and working laymen
throughout the East. For almost 14 years
he had been in charge of St. Michael's
Previous to going to St. Michael's the
Rev. Hord was rector of the Episcopal
Church In llolmcsburg. and before he be
came rector there lie eerevd as assistant
at St. James" Church. Twenty-second
and Walnut streets, and at Christ Church.
Edward Saunders, of 105 Peach street,
has i30 today unless he has spent It,
despite the fact that he has been out of
work for some time. Saunders rented
park benches at 20 cent a seat Saturday
at the field day of tho Knights Templar
Magistrate Uo)le lined mm J. .'J. but be-
Railroad Is erecting poles necessary to
the completion of a stretch of electrified
railroad. Tho company believes that It
owns tho land upon which the poles are
to be erected, and Mrs. Pelllcoff believes
that her husband owiih n particular piece
ot land upon which tho company has
Mrs, Pelllcoff Is sitting In the hole;
she has had her lunch and says that
she Is looking forward to enjoying a
nice chicken supper tonight. Of course
It is rather awkward. In having the
food brought out to her, but then it
Isn't so bad when you consider what
would happen If sho got out.
Employes of the lallroad say that
Mrs. Pelllcoff cm sit there. If sho feels
that way about It, until the courts
have decided who owns tho land. They
hae tried every posslblo means to dis
lodge her and are now resigned to a
Judicial settlement of the affair.
Third Call on Optical Goods' Store on
Schedule Time.
Tho regular monthly visit of the un
known thieves who rob the optical supply
storo of A. II. Harrison. 59"0 Germantown
avenue, took place enr'ly this morning.
A large puinber of glassus and optical
supplies were stolen. Just why tho thieves
slngli) out tho optician's pKice e.tuh month
Is a matter of conjecluio. By way of
novelty, the Intruders entered thlrt time
through tho rear window. When they
called In July -they gained entrance
tluough a front cellar window, while a
vUlt In August wns made through a side
window leading from the yard. Tho
police believe that the thieves are
students. S
Ardmore Man's Disappearance Puz
zling the Police.
Seated beside a cradle in which tiny
twin boy bableB laughed, Mrs. George S.
Plttlngor, of Haws Terrace, Ardmore,
wept this morning as she told of the
disappearance Saturday night of her hus
band, and pleaded for assistance ln find
ing him.
Leaving Haverford Court, an apart
.ment house nt Haverford whero he Is
employed, Plttlnger failed to return to
his homo Saturday night. Lnter, when
she became alarmed over his nbsence,
the wife left her home and appealed to
policemen on the Ardmore beats to search
for him.
Not a trace of Plttlnger has been found.
Because of Mrs. Plttlnger's request, the
management of Haverford Court em
ployed a private detective to take up the
As they arc known In their little com
munity In Ardmore, tho Plttlngers are
logarded as devoted to each other nnd
to their children, which makes tho dis
appearance of the husband still more
Plttlnger enmo originally from Balti
more. His children nre nine months old.
When he loft tho npartment house he
worn a navy blue suit, low black button
shoes and a gray soft hat.
Thousands See Priests Take Part in
Solemn Services.
Tho new Roman Catholic Church of
Our Lady of Victory. 54th and Vine
streets, was dedicated yesterday morning
with severnl thousand persons present for
tho exercises. Bishop McCort headed a
i ritual procession of l."00 persons. Arch-
biBhop Prendergast occupied the throno
during the Solemn Pontifical Mass which
The sermon was preached by the Rev.
Mgr. Charles F. Havana ush, chancellor
of the diocese. Assistant priests at tho
Mass were the Rev. Richard F. Hanasan,
the Rev. George-E. Orr, the Rev. John J.
McMenamln, the Rev. Francis J. Shee
nan and the Rev. James J. Conway.
Solemn Vespers, with n sermon by the
Rev. Wlllam J. Garrlgan, took place In
the evening.
tack of gastritis which caused Frank
Days, of 220 Haynes street, to drop un
coniclous In the street at Manayunk
avenue and Harvey street, Germuntown,
this afternoon.
Days is "I years old and a stone cut
ter. He was taken to the St. Timothy's
Hospital for treatment.
O. G. Hempstead & Son. conducting
Son of Mrs, Barlow, Golf Expert, Will
Enlist in Canada.
Lovcl Ilnrdwlck Barlow, of Haverford
Pa., son of Mrs. R. II. Harlow, the golf
expert, will leave for Canada todav whem
Man Falls Unconscious in S,,,!
Alter sausiymt, xuusi.
Drinking too much Ice water In an
endeavor to satisfy thirst caused by
the heat today brought on a serious at-
meiits about to depart for the front
born In England, but not long after his
birth his father and mother came to this
country, whero they have resided ever
since. Tho young man has never been
naturalized and feels that he should go
to the defense of his native land.
Aged Man Struck by Trolley
Michael Nearo. 71 years old, or 'S05
Wharton street, was struck by a trolley
car at Gray's Ferry road nnd Washington
avenue, while on his way to work early
thld morning. Nearo became confuted
when llndlng hlmsidf between the trolley
car and a wagon. At tho Polyollnle Hon.
.wppi i.;r,. ., S...I, B.h ," ,, ii-KSa" C" ffSffi ' ;
Liquprs, Amusements and
Fuel for Motors Bear
Brunt or Levy Close Imi
tation of Spanish War
Windows, Furnishings and Roof of
Empty Dwelling Mutilated.
Three boys, Innocent looking In ftppenr
nnce, but exciting suspicion of possessing
. Captain Kldd tendencies, were held by
Magistrate Grclls at the Ridge avenue
nnd Mldvale avehuo station this morning,
accused of entering nn empty house at
Ccltzer lane and the old Philadelphia nnd
Heading Rallwny, breaking nil the win
dows ln the dwelling, mutilating tho fur
nishings nnd tearing off part of the roof.
John Dobson, owner of tho house, testi
fied against the bojs. They ale Frank
Meade, li years Jd, of 2M5 North 21th
street, Thomas Monahan, 13 years old, of
2712 Judson street, and Albert Uenafold,
15 yearn old, of 2227 Oakdale street. They
will bo brought hefoie Judge Gorman In
the Juvenile Court.
W.iriIXOTO.V, Kept Sl.-Thc Admin
!OAtlon's v.v.eigcney var tax bill was In
troduced 'n the Ho'iie today by Repre
sentative Underwood, chairman of tho
Waj's and Means Committee.
The bill Is n close Imitation of tho Span
ish war tax of ISS except for the tax
on beer, wines nnd gasoline. The stamp
tax on chocks is not Included in the pres
ent bill. Tho telephone nnd telegraph
companies nro to keep account of their
taxable messages and remit for them.
The principal taxes will he levied on
beer, domestic sweot wines and dry wlncas
gasoline nnd naphtha nnd other product!)
used In motors. Amusements will be tax
ed In cities of mole than MOO where thea
tres will bo taxed $100. This Includes
moving picture houses.
The bill has a provision whereby retail
cigar dealers will be taxed $I.S0.
Bondo of thr- United States or those of
any State, county or town are exempt
from taxntlon. Bonds and stocks of co
operative building and loan associations
with a capital stock of not more than
ftif.000. and building and loan association!
making loans only to shareholders are
exempt. The taxes under the so-called
"stamp tax" section of tho bill, borrowed
largely from tho Spanish war bill, are:
Bonds, r, cents for each $1M or fraction;
stock certificates. 5 cents per $100; bills of
eale on stock and bond transfers. 2 cents.
Bill of sale of merchandise, 1 cent for
each $100 or fraction. Promissory notes,
2 cents per $100.
Kxpress and freight receipts and bills
of lading, 1 cent each.
Indemnity bonds, 50 cents; certificates
of profit, 2 cents per $100; certificates of
damage. V, cents; other certificates, 10
cents; contracts of all kinds, 10 cents;
deeds and conveyances, 50 cents for first
$100 to $500; each additional $500 an addi
tional 50 cents; entry of goods at Customs
House. 25 cents to $1; entry for with
drawal, 50 cents.
Life Insurance. S cents on each $1000.
Life Insurance policies on weekly pay
ment basis, 40 per cent, of amount of first
weekly premium.
Marine. Inland and fire Insurance, one
half of 1 per cent, on each dollar or frac
tional part; mutual nnd purely co-opera-tl-c
fire insurance companies exempt.
Fldclltv. casualty and guaranty Insur
ance one' half of ono cent on each dollar.
Mortgages on real and personal prop
erty of all kind 23 cents if above $1000
and not above $1500. and 25 cents on each
$500 above $1500.
Passage tickets on vessels leaving
United States ports, $1 If costing not
more than $30: $3 If costing between $30
and $60, and $5 If more than $W.
Power of attorney nnd proxies, 10 cents;
power of attorney to sell real estnte,
bonds, etc., 23 cents; protested paper, 25
cents; nil scats In parlor and Pullman
cars, 2 cents.
Man's Mind May Be Unbalanced
Magistrate Thinks.
Charged with threatening to kill his
omplojer, John Harry, of Merchantvillo,
N, J Is being held by Justice of the
Peace Longstrcth, who will Investigate
tho man's sanity.
Barry was employed as a stable hand
by Isaac Ferris, Jr.. president and treas
urer of the Iaac Ferris, Jr.. Company,
a shoo manufacturing concern of Cam
den, In Ferris' Merchantvllle home. It
Is alleged that Barry had threatened to
kill his employer several times, and that
last night ho came up to the house nnd
began destroying property, breaking two
large windows. Ferris, fearing the man
might try to carry out his threats of
murder, caused his arrest.
District Attorney to Go Deeper Into
Magistrate's Tangle.
Max Aron, a member of the Legislature
from the 20th Ward and the lawyer
whoo name wns mentioned In the latest
boll scandal, Involving Magistrate "Joe"
Call's office, will be Invited by District
Attorney Rotnn to tell anything he may
know of the alleged forging of the
name of Isaac Friedman, of 1120 Cllrard
avenue, to a hall bond.
The Iawcr formerly represented Fried
man aB supposed bondsman for Frnnk
Bohrer, now a fugitive from Justice on
a charge of keeping a disorderly house.
He wns spoken of In proceedings before
Judge Bonnlwell last week as having some
knowledge of a faked letter used to ob
tain postponements of Bohrer's trial.
Aron's namo wns connected with that
of Samuel J. Gross. On Saturday Call
promised the District Attornoy that he
would dismiss Gross from his place as
clerk. The lawyer will be requested to
call at tho District Attorney's oflleo to
morrow, Mr. Rotnn Is going over testimony pro
duced before Judge Bonnlwell concerning
the alleged forgery of Friedman's name,
but thus far has found It to bo so con
flicting that there seems to be small
chance of It being substantial enough to
warrant an arrest on n forgery charge.
Synagogues Thronged With Wor
shipers to Hear Sermons.
Rosh Hashann, the Jewtoh New Vear'n
Day, wns Ushered In last night In every
Jewish household in the city, and by
special religious obsen'anccs In nil the
synagogues. Today Is the first day ot
the holiday, which will last until Bunset
tomorrow and Will Inaugurate the fall
cycle of Jewish holidays. The syna
gogues were thronged with worshipers
last night, and special sermons weio
preached nt all the temples.
Rabbi Joseph Kraukopf preached his
flist sermon nt Keneseth Israel, Broad
street nnd Montgomery avenue, since his
return from the European wnr zone. His
suhtect was "The Failure of Our Civiliza
tion." He arraigned bitterly tho Christian
nations of Europe, and said thnt the
pxoplcs of Europe, in entering upon the
bloodiest combat of history, have dealt
a death blow to the structure of Chris
tianity The sermons In all tho other
flynngOrtiics were along tho same line.
Rosh Hashona is followed In ten dnys
by "Vom Klppur," the Day of Attone
ment, which ln turn Is followed, five dnys
Inter, bv "Succoth," tho Feast of the
The Rev. Thomas K. Burton has been
made Irremovable rector of the Roman
Catholic Church of the Annunciation,
10th and Dickinson streets. He comes
to this charge from Frackvllle. Pa .
where he was rector of St. Joseph's
parish, -which he organized about flvo
years ago. Previous to going to Franck
ville Father Burton served as asslstnnt
In several churches here He succeeds
the Hev. P. J. Dalley. who has been
transferred to the Church of Our Lady
of the Rosary, 63d and CallowhIII
streets. He will assume his new duties
next Sunday.
Bad Eyesight Retards School Children
Various forms of bad eyesight, most
of which oculists can cure, ore retard
ing the progress of 21 per cent, of the
school children In thl city, according to
the latest weekly health bulletin of
Director Hnrta. Parents who cannot
afford to pay for tho treatment of their
children's eyes are urged to bring the i
children to tho Eye Dispensary of the '
Iiureau or Health.
Office Outfitters and
Commercial Stationers
Our complete Una of lummer
gloves Is being rlnel out at cost
prices. Some excellent value at
prices from 43c to $'J 78 Many
are heav enough (or fall ami
winter near
Our iluitera are also being
rttanel out at rotk bur rum figure
Some aa !m us ft) cents
A real opportunity
UAUL, UtKK a ltltKtK CO. I ,
217 North Broad Street JE i
Largest and most fair
ly priced stock to be
found anywhere.
"First impression! are the
most lasting." A tastefully
furnished office creates a
favorable impression a
distinct aid to obtaining new
904-906 Chestnut St.
Arthur Hotaling Attracted Officer
Making Too Much Noise.
Arthur Hotatlng, 25 years old, 2237
North Franklin utreet, was held under
$2000 ball for court by Magistrate Kmoly,
nt tho Park and Lehigh avenues station,
this morning. He wns accused of com
pllclty In trying to break open a safe in
Ihe oflleo of the Rising Sun Ice and Coal
Company, 101G Dauphin street, yesterday.
Hotallng was arrested by Policeman
Nickels, of the Park and Lehigh avenues
station, who, attracted by a noise In the
ofllce of the company, heard voices Inside.
A peep through a break In tho shutters
convinced him that thero were two men
In tho ofllre who had no business there,
Drawing his revolver, Nlokels darted
nround to the rear of the building. Hear
ing footsteps, tho two men made a dash
to escape through tho rear door, where
upon Nickels flred, hitting Hotallng In the
elbow and bringing him to. a stop. TJi
other man, who, Hotallng says, Is Clar
ence Mutchler, a former fireman, succeed
ed In making his escape. His arrest, how
ever, In expected.
After Investigation of the company'
premise this morning, policemen found,
In an adjoining stable, a check protecto
grnnh valued at tV). nnd a small sum ot
money which the burglars, In their flight,
left behind.
Mrs. John Hotallng, the prisoner's
mother, said that her son was undoubted
ly Influenced tn attempting the robbery
by a man named Lawrence. This man,
sho asserted, was well known to the
police. "My son worked,' said Mrs.
Hotallng, "whenover he could obtain em
ployment. He went out with mo on Satur
day night to aee about a position. Ho
left mo finally and mot Lawrence, who
I know coaxed him Into entering tho
building. I nm glad that he Is allvo for
I understand the policeman who nrrentcd
him fired five shots although the ishootln
was all unnecessary."
Trio, Seen by Detectives, Mlnglt
With Church Thronff.
Supposed pickpockets mingled In the
crowd yesterday at the dedication of
the Parish School of the Church of th
Holy Rosary, at Haines and Morton
streets, Germantown. They were seen
and recognized by Detective McCarthy,
who placed them under arrest.
They were held by Maglstrato Iten
shaw at the central police station this
morning under $500 ball each, to await
any cases that might develop against
them. Tho men gave their names aa
Milton Crevlllc, David Llpman and Isa
rloro Cohen.
Fall Suits
$15, $18, $20
The values of material
and making in them have
passed into a household
truth in Philadelphia
At Perry' a
We have always put such
solid worth into our Suits ;
and Overcoats at $12, $15, j
$18, $20 that big makers of '
men's clothes have frankly
expressed their astonish- '
ment! 1
At Perry's
We continue all the time '
so to make them that our
$12, $15, $18, $20 clothe3 '
keep right on making
At Perry's
Their wearcrs tell their
friends, and they buy!
These men in turn tell
other men in an almost end- ;
less chain and every sea
son finds us selling more 1
and more of them
At Perry's
Perry &Co.,"n.b.t.
16th & Chestnut Sts.
Incorporated 'n tho Statu of DoUware
with a cupltal of Siu.OU. Mr. Hemp- ;
stead said that the step, contemplated
for some time, was only a preliminary
one and that no definite announcement '
could jet bo mado ui to when the In- i
corporation would go Into effect.
Juines Oomerford. 11 stars old. of 1253
South n-'cknell sticet. buttered u irac-
lutprl nnkli, nnd nthoi Inlmld. tr.,-.. .. ..
fore he arrested Saunders had col- j h was run dvvn by a wnjon at 23th and
lectea aooui . u " ureiuny pam i fefleral streets tie was taken to the
the nne, I Polyclinic Hospital. I
Pi 4lfifSSlsr
Kss!iijwdt,L IjQx
"H'e do the rt" I1KST:
(Itocbrtter Mttbodi
EilmnnJlodk Co
1020 Chestnut St.
AtUntlo City Store 1837 UoarJwlk
i W
" fr3
Ladies Shoe Parlors,
Second Kloor
The "Gaiterboot
Topmost Style
The beautiful Parisian overgaiter
effect is perfectly realized in the
"Gaiterboot." Its graceful vamp out
line, smart design and modish finish
give jt undisputed prominence.
Patent leather or black Russia calf,
wjth narrow receding plain e, light
welt sole, and leather Louis heel, the
toppings are fawn, gray or black of
the new imported Dreadnought cloth.
The Big Shoe Store
1204-06-08 Market St.
Silk Stockings and Satin Slipper In Seventeen Shades
School, College
and Institution
Accounts Solicited
We are the largest buyers
and receivers of fruits and
vegetables in Philadelphia,
and will be pleased to send
price list or representative.
You will find our prices in
teresting. "We will send for and re
fund a n y unsatisfactory
Free deliveries and prompt
attention to out-of-town
Felix Spatola & Sons
I'rult nnd rattulilc
Heading Terminal Market
Private Exchange
Bell and Keystone 'Phone3
Established 30 Years
- ljfc.xW A tr ?,
. ;,-- -t r trr ,