Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1914, Night Extra, Image 1

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i :
Appears in Seal There for
First Time in Many
Weeks Resolution of In
quiry Indorsed Throughout
Senatois nntl KepieBentntives Also
Will Speak In Mis Behalf.
I trow i niti count sins i f st 1
WASHINGTON", Sept 21 - Colonel
Thomas 0 Pence, assistant to William
r McCombs, Democi.ttlc national chnli
man, has gone In Ponnsvlvahlti to con
for with Representative A Mitchell
Palmer, Deinoci title liomlncp for tho
United States Senate. It Is lcntncil that
niiangcmciits nro being perfected for
tho Invasion of Ponns.vlvniila t inein
bos" of Pieslrlent Wilson's Cabinet nnd
piumlneiit Scmtois nnd Representatives,
who will speak In tlio Intel est of Ml.
Palmer's c.indldac. '
Washington fi lends of Glfford l"nchot,
the Washington part) numlnco for the
Senate, Insist that they have icelvcd
no Intimation of his Intention to with
draw horn the Held In faor ot Mr. Pal
mer. Those who enjoj tho confide) to of
Mr. Plnchot lime been led to believe that
he will lcmaln In the contest until tho
end, and some of tho most allien" Pro
gressing hero pretend to feel confident
that Plnchot will defeit both Pentose and
n.4t etit-t rnnnEflroVr)?NTtl
WASHINGTON", Sept. 21 -Senator Pen-f
rose was picsoiil In the senate louay ior
the I"1 llmc '" 80Veial "evks- u ,s
understood that he will lcmaln heie until
the Norrls lcsolutlon, providing for a
.enatorHl investigation of the primary
contests In Pennsylvania and Illinois,
the object of which shall be to determine
whether mono) was uieil unlawfully In
the prlmarj contests In these Stutcs, has
been consldeicd by the Committee on
Privileges and Elections Senator Kern,
the chaliman, hopes to set the membcra
of the committee together tomorrow.
"Telcgiams nnd letters aie pouring In
from ever. section of the country, Indors
ing the Resolution for tho Investigation
suggested hi Senator Norrls," tho lnttor'B
lecieUrj today asserted.
These communications will be presented
by Senator Noirls to tho Committee on
Privileges and Elections, which Senator
Kern will convene In special session
lther tomorrow or Wednesday.
Senator Penrose's friends Insist that
the Norrls resolution will not be favor
ably reported by the committee. Op
ponents of Pentose and of Hogcr C. Sulll
T&n, the llcmocintlc nominee In Illinois,
tailed attention today to the fact that
nine members of the Committee on
Privileges and Elections, as constituted
it present voted to unseat William Ltl
ner, while one Senator, Dillingham, of
Vermont, oted In faor of J-orlmet re
taining hH seat Tho senators who voted
asalnst Lorlmer were: ,vern, Indiana,
chairmin I.ea, Tennessee; romerene,
Ohio Iteed, Missouri, and Johnson.
Maine. Democrats, and Clap, Minnesota;
Sutherland, t tnh, Kenvon, Iowa, and
Fall New Mexico, Republicans
Five memheis of the committee Vnr
daman MI'sWslppl. Hughes. New Jersc ;
Walsh. Montana, and Thompson, Demo-
Aot. nnrl Sherman. Illinois, Itepublicnn. Richard It On.iv. of Pittsburgh
erc" not members of the henatc when smnd , the t t t t ,,salI13, tho
Lorlmer was unseated on Jul n, 1912 ,, , . ,
2,000,000 WAGE
Russians, Reinforced and
Victorious at Jaroslaw,
Press Austrian Forces Back
Toward Cracow.
Housecleaning Faction Pre
pare Appeal to Leader for
Personal Investigation of
Alleged Betrayal in State.
Picparatlons arc being mado foi nn ap
peal to Theodore Koohcvclt to coinu Into
Ponnsjlvanla and Investigate the alleged
betiajal of tho Progressive pait heie b
William rilnn, of Plttsbutgh, and E A
Van Vnlkenburg, of this city, nie under,
This movo on the part of the faction
In the Washington party, which is con
ducting the State-wide movement to
tluow off the rilnn-Van Vulkcnburs con
tiol and ichubllltato the puity, cumo
simultaneously with their t ejection of
Glffoid Plnchot as the Progiesslvo can
didate foi United States Senate
fjermans Reported Continuing In
cendiary Work In Interior.
ANtWKRP, Sept 21
Ditnatclies fiom tile Interim i,a that
the Germ ins continue to dcstioy villages
Near Kevst-op-den Berg, the vlllago of
Tremeloo was fired bv a detachment of
German cvclists. More tlmn lido houses
ert set ablate and the populutlun fled In
terror The Germans continued their ln
ctndlarv wuk at HoUluer, whlcn was
Vartlj det-tiojcd
German Ciuisei Also Captures Vessel
Near Ceylon.
COLUMrn 'lept 21 A Ueiman war
ihlp Is lepiited to have sunk the British
cteamtlup Diploma neai Celon and to
have i apt Med anothei vessel.
Colossal Russian Victories in Gnlicia
Called "Pme Inventions."
MANl'llUSTBR. Mass . Sept 21
Denial of the "annihilation" of tho
Austrian aimv as imported In Petiogrud
neusp-ipu ,,, made by the Atistro
HunganiTi inibmg) heie todaj. Am
baasadoi liumba mado public the follow
ing nini,l wlieless message, received
from Vienn i
' Foren )vpeis are publishing agnlu
reports timut eolossal Russian vlctmles
we air. ,j to Imve oat njo.000 denl
and w(,mi, ,i inn too piisonera and SCO
guns The uiwle Austiian nimy Is said
KMiave In en defeated
"Thei jip, of couibe, i)iiro Inventions.
Our arnn i.pe.itedb has defeated unil
commudllv wrukened tho Russians We
are ricii Uo lo 1(,lt l)ew littles."
Conferees Tnko Recess nnd Expect to
Finish Work Tomouow.
ttAsMIr,TO. Scpt ;,.T,le ton.
frees .n tht ens ton niul-trust bill f.illul
to lompletH then work today as thev had
Piannel m rn .mrl tnnV FU...inii
nooi, tminiimv
,'"' e,'''(", e will wind up tho oii
Se tmnri,w.- saifl Representative
th ti " Nr""' Carolina, chairman of
founn .I' Ju"i,li" Committee "Wo
of ol "J lh,t ,,lere "3 nunibei
"ecm,..a ,P,,ls to ,,B seltle'l and that
e coulijiot btt tinough"
Decision Under "Seven-SIsteis " Act
Acquits Company.
Mon under one of the "beven sisters."
court , t,"r,ll;in "' tlle common tdeas
comnlnln, 'Iu'ls,0 cu dismissed a
H ' h-irelng discrimination bv the
htt , on,f,ny- of "New JerW
lh 's., .,0 c,eate u monopoly.
t htvt Jl'i"? .'"! ''"'P'l'J- as alleged
niob iV'1 "rimlnatorjr rates on
the rtu i ,',"1,laint bel"S brought l.y
"umvan V MW.L.k m co"'l'-ny Judgo
i$to& U'e eWde"te "W not
candidacy of Mi. Plnchot, intimating
that he legarded the former Chief 1 or
estcr foi the Gnveinnmnt as a 'siiu.it
tot" in Pennsjlvunia He fuithe. de
claied that he tu voted a genuine Pcnn
bjlvanian as a candidate. Mr. Quay t.
attitude, it s pointtd out, is paiticulailv
slgniiicant In view of Ills peison.il fric nd
ship for Colonel ltoosovelt and ids posi
tion as a Ieadoi in the Piogiesslvo move
ment In the western end of the Stale
The stand tnUt u bj Ml. CJnaj was
piomptlv sciondid tills afternoon b Wil
liam P. De.ikvne, of this cits , the toimcr
ticasiuei ot the Washington Parts Counts-
Committee and a heavy I1nnnci.il sup
porter of the Ptogresslve movement. Mr.
Dcakjne said. "While as jet I am not
full advised as to the leubons behind
Mi Qua s move, still 1 fel well enough
acquainted with the situation to take
mj stand b his side against Mr. Pln
chot "
Tho plan to have Colonel Hoosevelt
mint tntu I'enusvlv.iniu nnd make a pei
sonal iuvestlgition of the netivitics of
Mr rilim and Mi Van V.ilkenburg h.iu
been under conuideialloii for seveiat
diss, ult'liiugli tlie Mponsois of tin "paitv
clean-out' inovemcnt aie not willing to
stute w ho will make tho flrht movo
Ml Ueaksne agteid this utteinoon Hint
Mr Quns will in all ptohahilltv lie the
man to go to Mi Itiwovelt and las- thu
pioblem of party icguneiatlmi befoio lilm
"Wo in I'ounsslvania," Mr L)t.ikue ad
ded, "cannot ulfoul to have Mi. rlonse
vlt sactilled to th" tieicliers of th
Fllnn-Vnn Valkenbuig Inlluenccs "
While as et no om lias given any
reason for the unexpected oppnibitloii to
tne eiindidncs of Mr. Plnchot, It is be
lieved In political cire-les thu tlio oppo
nents of the Flinn-Van V.ilkenburg con
tiol feil that Mi. plnchot Is so tied to
these men that, if successful, hu could
nevci be independent i nuiili to htnnd
as a tiue lepiesentatlio of thu Pio
giesslvo pa i tv
Mi Ueakvne said this afternoon tint
fiom tho niiinliei of ieisnuil calls lie Is
receiving in leguid to his stand ngalust
Mi Fllnn and Mi Van VnlloMihurg hu
feels that full so )ti runt of the Hooje
vclt supportois In 111.' aie teadj to Join
In tho revolt to puigo the p.titj.
Auto Bandits Shoot Cleik nncl Es
cape With Loot,
CHICAGO. Sept 2!-'ulter Joss, a
clerk, was shot bs foiu automobile
bindlts who held up the Fi.inkliu I'aik
State bank In tho uoi thwes,tein section
of the citj shoitlbefoie noon todaj
The bandits obtained some mone, the
amount at inesent bein, unknown
?hlladell'hia and vicinity Fair
'V'i7ftt an(i 7'ue.. ,.,- ,
'""tf fVt
STSw. ""P"" O'ntle van.
F" details, see tost page.
King Albert Continues to Head Ag
friessive Movement,
ANTWKHP, aept. .'1 -fcltiimlshea me
of dally occurrences between tho tleiiiiqi)
and Belgian ttoops, but lepurts Issued
at the War Ofllco ritate that Kins Albert a
tioops liuvo tuffcu'd no check 111 their
offensive uioveniiint
A fchirp flwhi oceuued Sunday between
Alost and Coideahem, and the Oemnns
retlted No extensive upeintlons tlio
posiihlo beeaube of the ten (tic downpour
that has turned n. great section of the
counlis noithwcit at Bnuseki Into
consignment of Fiench rlltus has ai
rived heie Thej. are fo Belgian iccuilts
who otheivvlse would bo without aims.
pirrrtocinAD. Sept. 21.
Two million men tiro ginppllng today
In the thlid geneial ctignscincnt In
Gallcla, Jtusslan foiccs, lclnfoiccd by
ficsh troops nnd filed with victories In
the occuptllon of Jaioslavv, Sambor,
Giodcck and Dublccko, nic engaging the
entile Austrian front on the lino from
Cincow lo PrzennsrT" Ocnernl Danltl's
aimy has been forced still further bnek-
wnid. 1
The ltusslans now occupy virtually nil
of Gallcla, cast of the river San and hnvo
In placet nossed that stream In-thelr
pursuit of the Auitrlaus
The Car's tin 1 en nre sweeping to the
west and south of Generals Dinkl nnd
Von Aulfenbeig The latter Is dltectlng
a dlcorg.inlzrd ictieat tovvuid Crneovv, but
Geneial DankI Is reported to be In a
position from which he cannot eti lento
lilmself. Ills surrender is expected In i
few das.
Tho bombardment of Pizsseml contin
ues, but their failure to force a capitula
tion of this foi tress has not detened
tho Russians In their advance. They
hnvo left a foice to hold the city nnd
foits I a stnto of siege, while the aimles
lelnfoired by fresh troops from the
1101 th, aie continuing tliclr advance to
the west.
The Geiman I-andwehr Corps, which
stilted eastwaid In the south of Ilus
siin Poland to open n wav of cseipe for
tha AiiFtrlans, his been met and defeat
ed at Pandomir on tho Vistula
Pi7emvsl, Invested on thiee sides, now
is being bombdidcd with heavy Russian
guns, 'but so far still withstands tho at
tack, and an nrtllleiy duel Is In progress
In which the casualties are vers" lieavs-.
The general Russian advance todas' fol
lows the elht divs' fighting culminating
in the capture of I.cmbetg, nnd the nine
divs' fighting around Rawa Ruska. Slego
guns u.ed In the assault on fhose posi
tions nave been put Into emplacements
mound rremssl. Jteanwlille the cav llrv
and infant) v, supported by rpilck-llreis
nnd the mnllcr artillery pieces, nie with
tho fotefront of the Russian advance
A supiemc attempt Is to be made to
annihilate tho Austrian armies of Dankl
and Von Auffenberg, (he llrst move In
which is the endeavor to cut General
Dankl s forces off.
The Austrian losses have been staggei
Ing. Tho weatliu continues cold, with
lain and sleet Tho speed of the Rus
blin advance has totced the enemy to le
ticat without many of their guns, which
are mired In tlio swamps nnd roads,
man of which arc inches deep In mud.
PnTROaRAI), Sept 21.
The Russian troops have bigun most
Import int opentlons In tho fortified le
sion of Pi ems 1 and Jmoslav, Of the
two, Piemvsl Is consldeicd much the
strongei defensive position, moio i.n
pieii.ihlr even than Cineow.
Tlie Kusslnns aiuad nie attacklnc tho
gairlson of Prremsj I, which is repoited
Invested on three sides, and the Ai.s-
tinns hive lotiied from the foitlikntions
of Jnoslav
The AiKtiiin ten pruatd tins again been
bidlv beaten and lias Miff pre d lieav
losses in attempting to withstand the
Russian advance- Tlio ltusslans are now
in pui suit neai Bnanow and Ranlshoff,
villages in west Gallcla near the Vistula.
I'm thei advance of Rmsiiin folios win
announced bv tlio War Office todav V
dining night attack, tlie culmination of
11 di's bomb iidment, nveiwhelrind the
AUHtii.iu defendeis of Uubiecko, on the
am. and tlio Russian fmces captured
tlioufc.inds of piisoiiejs and a scoi or
moio of guns, together with laige ciuaii
titles of supplies left behind b tho Aus
ti Inns' ictieat
"Prernvsl is now undei attack f)nni
tllieo tepainto dlieetions," tlie War Of.
flee stalement ileelmul 'The bombard
nifiiit is continuliig, with our loue.s stead
ily advmiclus on the outer inttenehments.
Giodek. on tho (list of Pi ems si has
Ik en oceupicd. Pambo). to tlio MUith. has
fallen befme our armies nnd wc have es.
tnbllshed a lino ot furthei communica
lion 011 tlio west tinough the eiipluio of
"Tho letreating Austiian nuees builieil
Jaioslaw heioio theii evacuation."
Head of tho Pennsylvania Rnllrond
Kpeps to Hin Desk.
Ktcadv work Is cimdudie to longevity
Samuel lira, pi'sldint of the Pennsyl
vania Rnllroad, who Is 59 scms old to
dav, lelleves m this idea He wnn con
gintulitcil h n number of his official
Mart todaj, but Went light on with his
woik tho sume as any other day In the
Fiom the position of ehnlnnun Mr
ilea lose to his piesent post. He was
hoi 11 In Hcllldusshuig, Pa , September
21, WX nnd entcied tlio employ of the
iiilliuad whin ho wns in wars old Fol
lowing the leslmiutlon of lames McCrcn,
Mr Rea w.io clteted to the ptesldelie.
Trustee in Bankruptcy and
Attorney Will Ask for
Proof That Former Finan
cier Is Mentally Incompetent.
A Pght by creditors ngilnst the com
mitment of Adolph Segnl to the State
Hospital for the Ini&no at Norrlstown
Is indicated today In statements by the
tiusire In hankiuptcy nnd his attorney
S'gal'a attomcis, accotdlng to these men,
will bo called upon to furnish proof of
the one time Ilnnnclei's Insanity at a
meeting of ercdltois to be held next
Thin sday afternoon In tho Drcxcl
Walter T. Douglass, the tlustce In
bnnkiuptev, declined today that he be
lieves Mi Segil his somr money. Hour
M AVessCls, attoine- for the trustee,
said th it he Ins his own opinion, nut
will say nothing until the Investigation
now under .va got s fnttHei. Ho de
clires his belief tlmt if there are inv
unscheduled assets they will be haul to
Segil swoii in bnnkiuptev court last
Julv tlmt ills a-sets whip T'i cents, al
though his ililiiltlies vvcie cloe to W,
nro.OOO. Since that time tlie trusleo his
been liivestlgitlns to deteimlne If nns
tblng has been forgotten or conienled
Segil Is still In St Josephs Ilospltnl
.Fust when lie will be taken to tho State
Hospital for the Inane nt Nmrlstovvn
has not been divulged At St luscph's It
Is believed tint the ti In will be made to
monou. The detav o believed to"l)e due
to tlie low psh feast davs. as Jacob Lift
man, who has been acting for Bcrl begal,
Is not in hi3 oiiiic todas
'Tlie fact th.it .1 magistrate bus 1 om
mltted Mr. See-al d"ei not lake him
out of tile' juriwllctfurr of the Federal
C'cuit'' said Mr. AVessels todas "It
will bo necessai foi Segnl's attomess
to 3how nt the- creditors' meeting
Thursday v hv ho wns t-ent to Noiris
town. if ho has been sent by th.it. time,
and to furnish proof or his insantt '
Two phsslclans cettlfied to the In
snnlty ot Mr Segal ns the prellmlnars
step to his Inenrcoiatlon at Nonlttown
and thev probabi will be called to th"
creditors' meeting in tlie office of
Josepli Mellors, tho referee in bank
ruptcy. When Mt Vessels was asked today
If he bellevpd Scgtl has an assets nut
sido of tho T'i cents scheduled, he said
"I havo 111 own opinion as to that, but
I cannot say until the Investigation goes
faither If theip ai any assets they
probablv will be lint et to find '
similar statement was made bv Mr
Douglass He bald
"Though wc feel that Mi Segal has
some monev the creditors are tired of
putting up funds on such a slight ch.inca
of 1 c covin I think It will he up to
Secnl s nttotnevs to prove that he is
Insane at the meeting Thui-dn '
MONTRFAl.. Sept 21-AvkUot laves,
ftslng In u hsdroplane bought at tile Cur
tifcu plant at Haminotidsport. N V , ar
vlcd at Cliumbh todav on his was to
alcarliei un p u Juetue H btt
Haininundport ctte dn iint the nlsht
pear Rouses I'oim N V 1 lid n snl
the twdei tn s nicnuus ine machtit
will be used Dy me vaunuian troops golr
t9 the front.
War OfficQConcenttntes Forces fQt
Defense of PiHeinysl,
VU3NNA, b wu of Homo liensured),
Sept 21.
Kvncuatlon of Juioslaw by Austiian
forces was ntconipliahed becuuso of a
deslio to cuncentr.ilo forces for Uefenso
of Pizemisl, nccuiillns to Uor QHlcu
statements today The bttttemont sal's:
Our battle lino in Uuliel.i has never
been strongei. Tho new battle lino
from I'lvcmSiil to Crueuw Is tng.iged
For sttateslc reasons our forces havo
letie.iteil slightly nlutin this Uut In
order to occupy ttionger pojition.
The evacuatlun of Jmustaw ws de
liberate, the cits having lust Its
strategic Importance Tlio city vvaa
fired uu our leaving it.
Ulujin was . luitt I here- b the olilciut
iidinission that th urmy of Geneial
Dankl has been campelh-'d to take tho do
fciistvo nnalnst tho Russians In Gullcit
This was the fiut otlUUI admUblon that
tho Austrian arms have suffered an re
vertes 111 Hit fighting nsuinat Itiusin
At the same time Field Matshal Ivon
Hoet4endorf. chief of the Austrian Gen
eial Maif, mule public a rpoit from 1
Ills troops, but explaining that tho Itus- ,, , . . , , .
sisns hid been encountered in over- 1 J"" August WtlhcllU Shot Jn Arm,
No Statement in Roply to Austria's
Denial of Hostile Attitude.
ROMF. Sept 21
An all-night session of tho Italian Cabi
net was held follow Ins tecelpt of 1111
oflleiul lmul fiom Vienna that Austria
Is making wm piupaiatiotis upon tho
Italian ftontloi.
At the conclusion of tho meeting this
morning 110 statement "as Issued, but it
geiunilly Is believed that Italy's futmo'
attitude had ben under discussion.
Pciplic' the denial of the Austrian Gov
ernment tlu tt-Dklon its getting higher, nnd
the govornmnnt has placed suaitls at the
disposal of both the Uei inun and Austrian
A pioces-slon, receded by bands p'avlns
pnttiotto nl3, mar bed to the Foita Pla,
on Sunday to celebrate tho anniversary
of tho entis of th Italians Into Rome.
The mm chers ehened wildly utU pass
ing the iiiitiah embassy, whe'l'e the
Fnlon luik was lis ins
A deiuonsttntion against neutrality was
to hnvo been hold tn Naples, but was
called off ouing to the objections of the
Negoti itions, (he nature of which Is
unknown, aie pending hi'tween lta! nnd
Rumania It is possible that a notv
Rallvtin alliance mas l.. formed to in
illldo Ituls inneud of Greece
The Rumamun tiovernroeut has placed
nn o)der for i0O.UM.fjoo cartridges with
Italian factm lea,
A teleainni from Ruelwrest s.is:
"llemonstiaiioiis aie being made in sup
port of the demand that tlio present
Rumanian 1'nbiuet be dissolved because
it allowed MM ticim.in aalluis and -10 car
loads of ammunition to s through the
coimtri en loute for Turkey King
Charles is considering seriously the dis
solution of hih Cabinet There is also
a popular demand for ,1 K.ilUun federa
tion to Include Rumania and Ituls and
to havo the mot al support of England.
France and Russia '
whelming numbers;
Loudon Konis.
, dinpatcli from Ileillu to a uws uwrtev
here, bs was of 'Ilw Hagu. ias -i tliat
fi.iiuh iin
,.... ..,.w .,. ...4. crpi DJ wa of -lllv lUlfU,
,v.Mfc.fKi;i t Si m jl dii,patih Jiiiic .ugust vv tineim tl
irJin uruosiio tue tMut liciut 11 v on Utr i r-nitioi vviintun vvao -h .1 m tbs
ti. it u conduiliii-, 1 ni una! iniiuirs M at"' duim-, the bilte of Slurne It
into th" fighting rettttily between stditr uluo ct tea that ihe ivuisn h t c 'iifcncd
Hayonet ch.irgei liy tho aermnns In
another detei mined eTfort to pierce
the Allie")' contie nt t'rnonno hnvo
been repulsed The Invading Teutons
had Renewed tho nDsault alone: tho
entire 120-nilloo ftont of the Alsne
battle line. The French and Hrltlsh
continue their nt tempt to outflank
General von Kluk'o forces on tho ex
treme German right wing.
lfelglum forces, harassing; the German
tight llnnk, have lnto)fered en with
operations against the Allies that
heavy mtllleiy has been tushed to
wnrd Antwerp to crush the army led
by King Albert. t The Germans nro
fortifying their lino of retreat
through Belgium.
Two million men are engaged In the
third Important Gallclnn battle of
the war. The Hussions, reinforced
by fresh troops nnd encouraged by
tho rvncuntlon of Jaroslaw, the In
vestment of iyzcniysl on three sides,
the capture of Dublccko and other
smaller fortified position, are engag
ing Genernl Dankl's army and havo
continued successful In various en
gagements with his rcnrguaid. In
dications point to Russian numeri
cal superiority on the field, as the
Southern Poland nnd Gallclan aimles
nie co-operating as a unit, and the
Austrlans havo again been placed on
the defensive In order to protect the
lino of communication to Cracow.
In East Prussia three German army
cocps (120,000 men), under General
Hlndenburg, have started nn ag
gressive movement against Russian
Poland, Grodno, on the main lino
between Warsaw and Petrograd, Is
tho immediate objective. Tho de
feated Russian armies of Grodno and
Vllna have joined to resist the ad
vance. Montenegrin troops seized the town
of Rogblt7a, 30 miles fiom Sarajevo,
the capital of Bosnia, and continued
their march to within ten miles of
the stronghold. Tho capture of
Sarajevo Is confidently expected.
Berlin War OlMcc reports successful
attacks at several points along tho
line nnd announces arrival of heavy
reinforcements. The French hnvo
been repulsed with heavy losses
wherovcr they assumed, tho offen
sive. It was added. Further proof
of superiority of Gorman artillery
p H said to have been given In tho
engagement along the Alsne.
London War Ofllco reports the arrival
of 100,000 men to savo the waveilng
army of von Kluk, with the Allies
continuing their flanking movement.
It Is admitted that the casualties of
the allied forces are heavy, largely
because of tho dtillculty in locating
masked German batteries.
Vienna admits tho evacuation of Jar
oslaw, which was burned before tho
army loft. The Russians have won
several engagements with the rear
gued of Genernl Dankl's reinforced
aims, which has again been put on
the defensive. Tho evacuation of
Jaroslaw is n.scilbed to statugle rea
sons, involving nld to Przomysl and
inotectfon of tho lino of communica
tion to Cracow. Reverses to Dankl's
army have caused gloom in Vienna.
where hope ran high t at its Junc
tion with thin of Von Autfeubers
would result in stopping tha Russian
advance in Gnlicia.
Pctrogtnd Wnr OUico jopotts continued
hiitCL'ss In the (lulicln 1 campaign.
GiodeH, fc'amhor and Dubiccho nl
reaily nro taken, tho capture of tho
last named cleat ing the way to nu
advance westward Pizemysl, enq
uire of vvhicli is prereuuisito to mov
ing west m Cmcow and euro ing the
ngsresive into Silesia ngainst Hres
lau nnd Posen, 1ms been invested
Some of the Russian ttooiis mo pro.
t ceodlug woHtvvnrd. Investment of
Frsemjsl nnd evacuation of Jaroslaw
havo loft tho Russians fieo to movo
nearer Cracow, where tho fiercest
Austrian tesistanco is epectctl,
Urltish Admiralty remits both stio
ceases and revers.es Tho Carmania
ennli tin armed German merchantman
off South America Tho Koenlgsberg
disabled the English cruUer Pegasus
near gunzlhat. and tlio German crui
ser Umdtn captured sU English ves
sels in Day of Bengal, the Ailmir.
alty admits. The Uemian Baltic fleet.
Hying tho flag of Prince ilonry of
Prussia, is reported to have seriously
damaged the Uutslan fleet near tb
Quit of Finland. Tha Allies PlaJm
control f the Atlantic, Mediterranean
anJ Noith Sen.
Rumania') ontrancs into tho war on
Craonne, Near Centre of Long Battle Line,
Is Point of Most Desperate Assault;
London Reports Von Kluk's Retreat
On Allies' Left. .
French Move Heaviest Artillery East of
River Oise Teutons Renew Bombard
ment of Rheims and Soissons With
Unabated Fury.
PARIS, Sept. 21.
German forces, in a soles of desper
ate assaults In the region of Craonne,
today resorted to tho bayonet, but were
repulsed by tho Allies with 'consider
able loss.
The Invaders' assaults vjore espe
cially violent east of the Oise and north
of tho Alsne.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon the "War
Office issued this official statement:
On our left wing, on the right
bank of the Oise, we have advanced
to tho heights of Lnssigny (wet of
Noyon). East of the Oiso nnd to
the north of the Alsne the Germans
have shown nn increase in actlv lty.
Violent attacks turning Into bay
onet charges have been delivered
in tho region of Craonne Tho
enemy has been repulsed nt all
points with considerable losses.
Around Rheims the enemy has
made no infantry attack, but has
confined hi-? efforts to bombarding
oui front with his- heavy pieces.
At the centre In Champagne and
on the west side of tho Argonne,
be ond Soualn, we have taken
Nesnllleshurtus and JIasslges.
In tho Woevre region the enemy
holds tho legion of Thlancourt and
has bombarded Harron-Chateul.
On tho right wing (Lot mine and
the Vosges) thero i.s no change.
The Germans are fortifying them
selv es on Delmiot Hill, south of
The British troops had taken up
positions 'n the Cinonno region,
and It ifc supposed that the forces
of Sir John Trench hro bearing
the brunt of the attacks mado by
the German infantry.
Sixteen wotds constituted an addi
tional oflicial statement issued at Bor
deaux this afternoon. It follows:
"We nie conlldent that tho Allies
hold a favorable position In the great
battle now progressing"
Today's announcement Is tho first
since tho battle of the Alsne began
stating that olther side had resorted to
the bayonet This indicates that on
this, tho ninth day of tho battle, tho
nttlllery duel which has been raging
for many days, tesulted in a drawn
battle and that the other forces hava
now been bt ought Into action.
Tho Allies have ihlowu forward
heavy bodies of men to cngago tho
attacking forces.
Activity of the Trench and British
knocking down the walls of the prin
cipal buildings of the town and many
noncombatnnts have been killed. Tha
Hotel do Ville, tho museum, the sub
prefecture and nil neighboring build
ings have been destro)ed almost com
pletely, It was nnnounced today.
Only a few walls of the famous ca
thedral, erected in the Middle Ages, re
main standing.
Both Soissons and Rheims nre re
ported to be in flnmes. Soissons has
been under fire since fighting In tho
present battle began. Rheims haa
been bombarded for 84 hours.
farther to the cast, near the Ar
gonne district, in the Jleuso Valley
and the Vosges, fighting is less severe,
but is still going on.
The destruction along the valley of
the Alsne is appalling. Wounded sol
diers, returned officers and prisoners
from the front describe the loss of llfo
as colossal. The stretch of lowland
between tho hills flanking the Aisnn
is described as a valley of death and
Day and night tho bombardment
goes on until one vvondera in amaze
ment how the Germans are able t
bring from their distant base of sup
plies sutliclent ammunition necessary
to keep their batteries in action all the
It is confidently believed by the
French military authorities in Pari
that tho German positions can bo so
thoroughly weakened by the cannonade
that tho Trench and Biitish will bo
able to sweep the Geimans from their
entrenchments at the point tsf thu
bayonet, despite the reinforcements.
Already, it is said, the Trench have
been able to silence sov oral of the Ger
man batteries at that point, compelllns
them to take up now positions
Tho effect of tho German artlliery
flro upon the French and British troops
has been terrible, it Is admitted Some
of tho heaviest German guns have been
shelling the allied positions from a dis
tance of seven miles AH are cleverly
masked. It is admitted that one of tho
largest guns, which has. done great
damage, is so successfully concealed
that tho Allies have been unable to
locate it
So far tho fighting has been a fierce
nttlllery duel, partaking of the quali
ties of a siege Now, however with
both sides bcc-inniriir to u.sn mntn nn,
mound Soissoni, shows that the Allies mora infantry, tho lighting should bo
nro continuing their Hanking movo- near its end. The present week should
ment ngainst the troops of General ' -ca l"e tide of victory and defeat How -
von Kluk. who appouts in immlnont ' ins ln clerly marked channels.
danger of being surrounded, Heavy
1 elnfot cements have been rushed to
von Kluk's aid.
Tho French hae been able to move
their heaviest artiller) to tho firing
lino east of the Oise, near its junction
with the Alsne, and a continuous night
and day bombardment nsoinst the
German positions is. in progress. At.
cording to the official announcement,
tlio hardest fluhtiiiB is In progress near
Soissons, on tho extreme western end
Whether It will result in the Germans
taking tho offensive movement In an
effort to pierce the Kronen and British
lines, or whether the Allies will bo able
to roll back the German legions to tho
frontier, remains to be seen
1 No matter how the present battle
1 goes, oil o northeastern France, from
Paris tu the Bolgtati and German fron
I tier, will havo been ravaged, devas
I taied and scourged. It is as though'
the hands of God. sweeping in divine
wrath, had withered and wasted the
lami for the stns of its people
The French and Gngltnh have been
of tho battle line, and near Rheims, successful In taking big bodies of pus
tn tho centre.
The bombardment of Rheims con
' i,nin hut it fiflPms flint tha ,., in
the Herman ranks are filled a soon
nt thev arn mode. Mm a rhnn mono
tinned todu) wth unabated fury. The prisoners at ttBp now aro intrnel' ,
heavy German guns, mounted on the ths rity, all having been brought in
heights three miles from the city, are ( within the last week.
The following oflicial statement cov
ertn'g tha general situation In France
was issued today.
"Success is meeting our offensive
the side of the Allies is expected, it ogl the allied British and French
31 (by way of
"The reinforcements sent to the
front have given a good a count of
themselves and have strengthened our
lined b) replacing the soldiers who
were almost e.hauted by the terrific
strain under which the have been
fighting for many days.
'Our HrtiUery again has demon-
being admitted by Uerrnan autrtori- 1 forces. Wo are making progress at
tie that efforts of the Kaiser to gain 1 several points. Heavy rains for a few stwed its superiority.
td of the Balkan State have been davs 1 .impelled the German troops to. "We n'e "epuued attatks made by
lutile r'uuliw Balkan complication ' wuhh. 1 1 their atta. k. but we are now tre,"'h trooP on n. w Saales,
re 1 into in ngnitng rettttuv eetw ecu tidier U)iro ci lea mat me ivuisn h i c nftncd I ... ., . 1 r r , , . , ..,.., '" lne 1 !"" v osjsejj
'j of the Bavarian and Ttubviun forces In tha Imn Cros-j of the dm elas on him P.vUd if Rumania takes up moving forward with the enemy mak- The height of Primont
' the Qwnwn army. f for bravery in that action. I arms. ms an enerjetlc defense. Rheims. was taken by assault.
the al-
fe fe &- $&rLm.
W amffrBttiTi "If -1 - -r .-,:...-:- -