TTSSSWZS mllmammmm EVENING EBDQEft PHrTJADELPHIA, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. 0 SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA r " mwi'wwii mi mm i , ,- .. . . . . . - --, n MISS SARAH DOBSON FISKE Miss Fiske, who is the daughter of Louis S. Fiskc, ha3 lately announced her engage ment to Walter Jeffords, of this city. Miss Fiskc, who is a granddaughter of the late John Dobson, lives with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Riddle. No date has yet been set for the wedding. A J. DREXEL BIDDI-.E hns chosen Mon , day cvenltifj, December 14, as the dato for his concort, to be given at the Bellevuo Btratford. This concert has grown to be one or tho foremost nnnunl events in society, and numbers of prominent matrons will net as chap is rones. Miss Julia Berwlnd and her niece, Miss Mar garet Dunlaii, who aro at Munich, will sail for homo October 3 on tho rtotterdam. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bodlne, of Sprlngfiold avenue, St. Martin's, aro being congratulated on the birth of n dnuBhter. Mrs. Bodlno will be remembered as Miss Dorothy Ferguson. Miss Eliza Lansdalo and her sister, Miss Maria Lansdalo, of 1011 Pino street, who have been abroad since tho middle of July, are at Bath, England, where they will remain dur ing the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Sparks and Aplln Sparks, of 127 South 23d street, who havo spent the summer months in Cape May, will open their winter house about Octobor 1. Miss Florence Sibley hns returned to the city lifter a stay of several months at the Dennis, In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Jr., who have been spending tho summer at their cottago nt Capo May, will return to 2110 Locust street October 1. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Evans and Miss Edith Evans havo closed their Chelsea cottngo nd havo returned to town. Mrs. AHco Randolph Purdy has Tcturned from St Georgo, N. T., and Is tho guest of Mrs. Richard Do P. Montgomerlo at Bryn Mawr for the horso show. Mrs. William Sullivan and her daughter, Miss Evelyn Sullivan, have taken an npartment at the Blenheim, Seventeenth and Chestnut treets, for the winter. Miss Suo Sullivan is tt present with friends in Lucorno 26, at 2 p. m under tho auspices of the Jonk intown Choral. Mr. and Mrs. William Hengen have, returned from Atlantic City to their homo on Llndley avenuo, Logan. Edward n. Perry and his family, of Seventh street and CGlh avenuo. Oak Lano Park, havo returned from their cottago in Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gchrls, of Molrosa ave nue, Oak Lane, havo returned from abroad. ALONG THE MAIN LINE MERION-Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leo, Jr., and their two little daughters have recently returned to their homo on Sycamore avenue, after a two months' stny at Magnolia, Mass, AHDMonE Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Arnold, of Ardmore avenue, will leave tho last of this week for Cincinnati, O., where the Doctor will attend the meeting of tho Socioty of Military Burgeons. Afterward they will go further west, returning home about tho middle of October. Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Butler, Miss Eleanor Butler and Miss Margaret Butler havo returned from a visit to Wlldwood. The Woman's Club of Ardmore gave a de lightful and successful domestlo sale Satur day afternoon on the grounds of tho future new clubhouse, on Ardmore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lee Knight have re turned to their homo on Woodsldo road, after pending tho summer In tho Adirondack Moun tains. HAVERFOitn-Mrs. Mary Thompson Bryan, of Baltimore, with her son, will spend tho winter at Haverford Court. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts are occupying their new home In Haverford. They returned from Lako Georgo a fow days ago. nADNon-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Augustus Ber wlnd will entertain In their box at tho horso how In honor of tholr debutante daughter, Wls3 Margnret Berwlnd. Mrs. James Francis Sullivan and her daugh ters returned last week from New England and are at the Woods, their country seat. ALONG THE READING Miss Eleanor Brock, daughter of Mr. and rs, j. 8pCncer Brock, has returned to her noma In Rydal, otter spending six weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edward Dray ton, at their summer homo at Rockport, Mass. Mrs. Oeorga D. Wldencr. George D, Widener. J-., and Mr. and Mrs. Fltz-Eugene DUon will ose their house at Newport today and return , Lynnewood Hall, Elklnu Park, for tho win w. on their yacht, Josephine. Iflli pan1 Mrs' aeore W. Norrls, of Gypsy ' Fenyn. havo as their guests Mr. a. Oar che Norrls and hor little daughter, Miss Eliz abeth. Norrls. DnCa.rd Party for the benent of the Children's WW I Qt th0 Ablne'' Memorial Hospital w.ik tV6n at tne homo ot Mrs- William J. wtnmayer, Saturday, September CHESTNUT HILL Mrs. Charles C. Blnnoy, of Chestnut Hill, whd spent tho summer in Paris and England, will return to this country on Saturday by way of Montreal, Canada. S. Davis Page and Mrs. James Large, of Summer Crest, havo Issued cards for a debu tante tea Wednesday, October 21, In honor of MIS3 Isabel Wurts Page, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd Page. Friends of Mrs. Harry Nusbaum, of 112 Eas Gowen avenue, will be glad to hear sho is re covering from typhoid fever. Miss Ella Koecker, who has spent the season nt Spring Lake, returned Thursday to her home at 105 East Gowen avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. R. Holt, of 7427 Boyer street, who have spent the summer along tho coast of Maine, will be at Orr's Island, Mo., until Octobor 1, when they -will return home. Friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas H. Ball, of 113 East Mount Airy avenue, wjll be glad to hear that their little daughter is convalescent after a sovore illness. Miss Aline Feldmnnn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Feldmann, of 218 Gowen avenue, who has been at Eaglesmere, Pa., for several weeks, left Thursday for Scranton, Pa., where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell for this week. Miss Helen Darlington, of 7H3 Sprague street, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. G. Ross, nt Bedford, Pa., for tho laet month, will return to her home at the end of September. Mrs. Theodore M. HUlsloy and her family returned last week to their homo at 39 East Gowen avenue after a season spent at Ocean City. Mrs, Georsa M. Heller also spent the sum mer at Ocean City, and returned with Mrs HUlsloy, Mr. nnd Mrs. George A, Henrlch and their sons, John Honrich nnd Washington Henrlch, of 714S Devon street, who have been at Ocin City since August 1, returned to their home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Horton of 371 CJowen avenue, who spent tho season at Ocean City have returned to their home. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. L. Howard Weatherly and Miss Suzanne Elizabeth Smith, who have beon spend ing tho summer at Wnbonukt Cottage, their summer home at Seal Harbor, Me., will return to their town house, 3913 Chestnut street, this week. Harrison Townsend, Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. Harrison Townsend, of 4103 Baltimore avenue has returned to his home, after spending two years in Paris, where ho hns been studying architecture. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Read. Jr., Miss Frances Road and Miss Ella Rend have re. turned to their home at 4031 Spruce street, after spending the summer nt Beach Haven! New Jersey. Miss Mabel Wetter, of 4035 Pine street, has returned to her home, after an extended tour through Norway, Sweden nnd Russia. Mr. and Mrs. G. Francis Smith have returned to their home at 4021 Pino street, after spend, ing the summer at St. Martin's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schley, Jr., of 245 South SSth street, are the guests for a month of Mrs. Frank Schley, of 1816 Spruce street, at her summer home, Rockland, Va. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boyd, of Stonelelgh Court, have returned from Bala, where thoy spent the summer. Mrs. Catharine Petrle Macfarlane and Miss Helen Schley, of WU Chestnut street, who have spent the summer In the Adirondack Mountains, will return to their home at the end of Sep tember. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Conway, who spent the summer at Cape May, returned last week and opened their apartment at tho Avondale. 8th and Locust streets, which they will occupy for the wlnUr. Mrs. Conway will shortly Usu Invitations for a bridge to be given In October. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Mechllng, of the Bartram, havo returned from the shore. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gano havo taken apartments at Hampton Court for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bheohan, of 49411 Chestnut street, have returned from Atlantic City, where they spent tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry WUIIam9, who spent the summer Abroad, have returned and will spend tho winter at tho Bartram. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Brunner nnd Miss Carrie Bmnner, of the Normandlc, havo returned from Atlantic City. Mr. an4 Mrs. William Claiborne Hicks, of Hampton Court, havo returned to their homo, having spent tho summer nt Wlldwood. GERMANTOWN Mrs. James Btarr and Miss Ellen Etnten have returned homo, having spent tho summer at York Harbor, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Louis de Puy Vail nre at pres ent In Italy. They expect to sail from Liver pool September 23. Mrs. C. B. Penrose and the Misses Penrose returned to tholr homo, Wayno and Cholton avenues, having spent the summer nt Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Mollhenny, who spent tho summer at tholr CholBca cottage, havo ro turned homo. Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Ilhoads and family havo closed tholr cottago nt Now Hope, Pa., and aro occupying their houso on West Coulter street. Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Stearns, who spent tho late summer In CaBtlne, Mo., are at tholr Chel ten avenue home. After an extended trip to Sabbath Day Point, Lake Georgo, Doctor nnd Mrs. Bonsall returned on Wednesday to their homo on Emlen street. Tho Rev. Henry W. Frost nnd family will leavo Gormantown this week for Summit, whero they have leased a. houso for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Grantham, of 17S Queen lane, returned to their homo on Tues day from Boston, whore thoy arrived from Eu rope. Mr. and Mrs. Grantham went abroad tho 6th of July. J. Wilson Bayard, who has spent the Inst month at Seal Harbor, Me., returned to Phil adelphia last week and will occupy his homo at 105 East Johnson street after October 1. TIOGA A pretty wedding will take place Wednesday ovenlng, Octobor 7, In tho Tioga Baptist Church, Broad and Tioga streets, when Miss Bessie Rlttouhouso, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Rtttonhouso, will becomo tho brldo of Morris Levis, son of Grant Levis, of Tlopn. Miss Rlttonhouso will havo Mrs. William Rawllngs, Jr., as matron of honor and Miss Helen E. Rawllngs ob flower girl. Mr. Levis will have William DonaldBon as best man. A reception will follow at Saunders', on Ninth Broad street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles L. Walter have re turned from their wedding Journey nnd will llvo at 3639 North Flfteonth street. Mrs. Wal ter was Miss Elsie M. Hartman, daughter of the lato Rev. Dr. J. S. Hartman Miss Florenco McMorrls entertained at cards on Friday afternoon at hor homo. Broad street and Allegheny avenue Her guests wcro mem bers of a 600 club and Included Miss Florence Kelklcr, Miss Alice McFaddon, Miss Marian Jones, MIbs Beatrice Rottner, Miss Charlotte Fleming and Miss Violet Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Strousso and family who spent tho summer and early fall In Atlantic City, have returned to their home. 2227 West Tioga street. Mr. and Mrs. Bruco McFaddon, of 3236 North Broad street, have announced tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Alice McFaddon, to James Brown. Miss Eleanor Kay and her cousin, Miss Nel lie Smith, of 4131 North Broad street, are spend ing several weeks with Mrs. Thomas Rodgers at her summer home In Ventnor, whero a number of entertainments have been arranged in their honor. Eugene Springer and his daughters, the Misses Springer, havo returned to their winter home, 1223 West Erie avenue, after spending tho sum mer In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zlnk of 1432 Llndley avenue, havo returned from Somer's Point and spent tho week with Mrs. Herman Stack, of Sedgwick. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb P. Elfreth returned from their honeymoon trip to the Pocono Mountains on Saturdny and will reside at 3313 North Six teenth street. Mrs. Elfreth was Miss Ethel Barclay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D Barclay, of North Sixteenth street. ROXBOROUGII The wedding of Miss Irene Hoff, daughter of Charles F. Hoff, of 6232 Ridge avenue, nnd Charles Lentz, of Bala, will take place on Wed. nesday morning at tho home of tho bride. Tho ceremony will bo performed by the Rov. Charles S. Lyons, rector of St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Ridge nnd Fnlrthorno avenues. Tho bride's father will give her In marrlngo nnd sho will be attended by Miss Elsie Edwards as maid of honor. Choster Jones, of Nnrberth, will bo beBt man. On their return from a wed ding Journey the couple will live at 6232 Ridge avenue, and will be at home after October l Mrs. J. Harry Watklns, of 207 Rochello ave nue, Wlssahlckon, hns closed her summer home at Stone Harbor nnd has returned to hor win ter residence. Mrs. Levis Robeson, of Wlssahlckon, who spent the summer touring through Europe, ar rived home today. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Moore havo returned to tholr Wlssahlckon home on Rochello avenue, after passing tho summer In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Struso and Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Struso, Jr., of Ridge avenuo returned today from Wlldwood, whero they pussed tho summer. The members of tho Alpha Nu Sorority of the William Tenn High School were enter, talned on Saturday aftornoon by Miss MarWin Stout nt her home, 4131 Dexter street. The Rev. Albert Stork, of 3913 Terrace street. Wlssahlckon, has arrived homo from a sum mer's tour nbtoad. Ho returned by way of Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller nnd family have returned to their home In Dexter street, nfter pawing tho summer nt Spring Mount. Pa. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA An nutomnbllo party which left hero Satur day for a trip through Now York State in eluded Miss Elsie Ellis. Miss Mao Ellis. Mr and Mrs. Nairn. Doctor Donnelly, Miss Strut matter Mr. nnd Mrs. Corr Frank I.esco nnd Mr. and Mrs. Berkleman. Miss Gladys Mlnton. of 1701 Diamond street has returned from the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman, Miss M. Kauffman, L. Kauffman nnd W Neblg, of North Eigh teenth street, havo reurned from the Poconos Mr. and Mrs William H. Jarden, Miss Eve lino Jnrden nnd Alfred J. Jarden, of 1S22 North Fifteenth street, have returned from HadJon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J. where they passed tho summer months. Mr. and Mrs Charles A Weeks of 1S30 Dia mond street, tntertalned at dinner Friday eve- nlng, September 8. Covers were laid for 12. Among thoso present were Mr, and Mrs. C. P. E. Schntto and family, of Swarthmorej Mrs. Bux and Miss Knthntlne A. Bux, also of Swarthmorej Doctor Helllck and Miss C. II. Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Hnllowell, with their daughters and son, Miss Bortlna Hnllowoll, Miss Dorothy Ilnllowell nnd Henry It. Hntlowelt, havo returned to their home, 2311 North Broad Btrcet, having passed tho summer nt Capo May Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Tulon, of 1519 Ion tnlno streot, havo returned from an all-sum mer's stay nt Seaside Park, Mr. and Mis. Joseph Gumpcrt, of 1812 North 28th street, linvo returned from Palmyra, N. J , and Atlantic City whero they passed tho sum mer, and are entertaining Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton K. Pollock and Miss Francos Pollock of Itlver sldo, N. J. Miss Eleanor Hunslcker, of 2321 North Thir teenth streot, left on Saturday to complete her course In Smith College Sho was accompanied by Miss Esther Bllckley, of Grand Rapids, Mich., who lias been her guest tor a wrek and for whom soveral entertainments were given Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Elliott of 1S07 North Camno street, havo returned from Atlantic City, whero they havo been staying slnco the early summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Mnstbatim nnd family, of 2307 North Broad street, will reurn from Wyncoto tomorrow. Miss Edwlna Mnrrpn gavo an Informal lunch eon for tho membors of the Sigma Phi Sorority on Saturday aftornoon nt her home, SOI North Twentieth street. Mrs. Cyrus Adlor nnd family, of 2011 North Broad street, havo returned from Chelsea. ON THEIR WAY TO CHURCH With tho opening of tho horso show today nnd the coming Octobor days, society Is fnst returning from tho various summer resorts, nnd yesterday quite a numbar ot fashionable per sona wonded their way up and down Walnut streot townrd tho various churches. Miss Phoebo Williams Adams, who has lately returned from a trip In tho mountains, was seen yesterday with her flnnce, Georgo J. Hard ing, Miss Adams was wearing a tailored suit of navy blue sorgo, which was mndo with a narrow skirt and double circular ruftlo ovor- eklrt. Tho coat was cut slightly shorter than hip length and was hung In a square effect, The sleove.i wcro In a three-quarter length nnd wcro finished with cuffs covered with a collar nnd rovero of whlto pique. Miss Adams' hnt wns a high-crowned sailor model with a nar row turned trim, and was trimmed with a one-Inch bnnd of black grosgraln ribbon. Dark navy bluo was nlso selected by Miss Charlotte Hare, whoso suit wns tho plainer style of tailor-made and very smart and man nteh In cut. The eklrt wns plain nnd narrow nnd tho coat was fastened with largo black buttons. Miss Hare's hat was a soml-largo straight-brimmed model of a dovo shnde ot brown; tho crown was entirely surrounded by a handsome ostrich feather of tho eame shade, ono end of which stood high up at tho side of tho front. Mrs. Georgo J. Harding has chosen a stun ning suit which Is a combination of black and whlto. It Is made with n three-tiered skirt of black-and-white shepherd's plaid. The short coat, which Is finished at the back with a rounded flnro, la composed entirely of black and 1b fastened at the, front with n large black button. A email toque of black lacquered straw, which Is trimmed about the top of the crown with tiny mercury-wing feathers, com plotc3 this good-looking costume, which Is won. with a blouso of white crepo do chine. CHRSTRr? Arn vrnrvrrv Albort Dutton MncDade has returned to his home nt Park Place, nftor n several weeks' stay nt various summer resorts. Miss Mao Gordon, of Morton avenue, has gone to New York city, whero sho will spend a fortnight with friends. Miss Florenco Cox has returned to her home In Wilmington, Del., nfter being entertained for two weeks by Mrs. William Smith, of Edg mont avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Taylor, of East Fourth street, are entertaining James Taylor, nf Nor folk, Vu. Norman Illorth nnd Lesllo Maclntyre aro home from a week's visit to friends at Tren ton, N. J. Miss Loulso S. Hnnnum, of Brookhnvon, gave a 500 party in honor of her friend. Miss A. Gertrude Wilson, of Lnncnstor. PLANNING TO RETURN Mrs. Edwin Hall nnd her daughtor. Miss Florence Hall, will return this week from a four months' stny In .Massachusetts to tholr homo, Fisher's lane. Bryn Mawr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnntlo Fiolding will return from Jamestown today. Mr. nnd Mts. Hurry B. French nnd tholr sons will open their town house. 1503 Spruco street, October 1. Mr. and Mrs. William IC. Haupt, who upeni tho summer nt Haverford Court, will return to 2112 Spruco street this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross Smith will return from Chelsea today nnd open their houso, 2218 St. James place. Mr. and Mrs. William Allen wlli return to tholr homo this week from Vermont, whore thoy havo been spending August. Mr. and Mrs, II. Y. Burrows will return hom-j this week. They have been spending tho sum mer nt Sunapce Lake, N. H. Mrs. Burrows will entertain -Miss Katlmrlno Brown at din tier next Saturday night. RHETTON WOODS BUETTON WOODS, N. U.. Stpt. JO.-Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Frlck, of Bryn Mawr, will spend a fow days hero. Henry Clay Frlck has bo far recovered from his recent Illness as to take a dally motor tide. He drove to Waubeli nnd Mountain View today. Miss Mary Pnvts nnd Miss Nntalio Davis, of Philadelphia; Miss Wloliersham. of Now York; MliS Hopo Johnson, of Hpuytou Puyvll, N. V., nml Miss Porothy Londoner, of Colorado, wero among those toon nt tho ball at tho Mt. Wiuh liistmi, Saturday f veiling. Visitors aro interested In the onnuuneemont of the ongasemont of Major William luthery formerly on tho Governor's staff, und now practising law In Manila, P. I., to Miss Sarah F. Fooks. of Delaware, now living In Japan. Major Lutherly was graduated from West Point nnd la a brother of Adjutant General Herbert n. Lutherly, N. Jl. N. Q. WHITE SULPIll'K SPRINGS WIUTH Sl'LPHVn SPRINUS. W. Va., Sept. 20. Mrs. A. Sydney Carpenter and Mra. Robert Ferguson, of Philadelphia, made the gu-ep ascent to the summit of Kates Mountain this afternoon. Captain and Mrs. John H- Gibbons, of Washington, who spent tho afternoon playing tonnis with J. O. Sclbert. of Washington, and Miss Harriet Ely. of Bryn Mawr, were at one of the tables on the terrace on Saturday. Dr George 13 deSchwelnltz. of Philadelphia, motored over here today from a nearby rtaort with Mr and Mrs. Edward Randall, for whom he Cave a luncheon I Dg"Wa - wgjfct&rwV a' , 76wa ' , Katherine La Salle and Nan Campbell "Drugged" -Broad. HONOR YOUR CHILDREN SAYS HELEN WARE Evils of Modem Life, Deceit nnd Dis honesty, Due to Parents' Tyrannous Training of Children. "Honor your fnthor nnd your mother this hns been tho Injunction that parentH have too often and too long hold as a threat over their offspring. Honor your children such a re versal ot tho Fourth Commandment observed by parents would do more good In tho -world, In my opinion, than a tyrronlzlng assertion of parentnl authority. It Is well for children to honor tholr parents when thoy deserve such honor. But pnrents should first seek to merit this by tholr treatment of their children. We may talk nbout the evils of modern llfo, of deceit nnd dishonesty In business, politics nnd tho domestic relations; but these ovlls can't bo oradlcutod until tho source Is removed, nnd tho sourco Is In tho homo. Men aro what their parents havo made them. Cowardice, treachery and dishonesty In llfo Invariably develop from seed sown In tho child life," Miss Helen Ware, who has distinguished herself by her characterizations In dramas of modern llfo, was sitting in tho reception room of her suite In tho Vcndig last evening. Miss Ware had been discussing the problems of modern llfo ns affording material for drama, nnd tho conversation turned from marriage to the relation of parent and child. Miss Ware, whoso personality Is as magnetic as It Is em phatic. Is trenchantly direct in her opinions. Life, to Miss Ware, Is a serious thing. "In life," sho declared, "the absolutely greatest things aro truth and justice. All our evils, nil our problems, exist in the lack of truth and justice. To got down to funda mentals, this applies to business, politics, the relations of men and women, tho Inequalities, oppressions and wrongs of our soclnl nnd economic life. And to gut to the cause of untruth, Injustice, dishonesty, lying and deceit wo must go right to tho homo whero the child Is reared. 'Spare tho rod and spoil Mie child' Is tho very command which has spoiled char acter and spoiled life. If wo wnnt to correct abuso wo must correct tho cause, and we must, thurefore, correct patents. "Fear Is the fundamental evil, the original sin, In human life. Now children ure taught to fear their parents, and later to fear their teachers. Fear makes cowards. Punishment Is tho cause of misdoing and crime. If, in stead of threatening children, parents encour aged them always to toll the truth without fear of punishmont there would be less wrong doing In tho world today. If parents honored their children there would be more honor among men. "What is tho condition in the average home? A child Is restricted by riffid rules. It is trained to seo only tho parents' point of vluw, Tho father and mother never consider the child's point of view. Tho child. In playing, acci dentally bteolts n vaso. or has some mishap. It is then scolded or Uo.-ged. The result is that tho child, instead of udmltttng trivial misdoings, begins to lie. It b).,mes whatever accidonts huppen on the servant, tho dog or the cat. Thut child continues to lie through life. Into the plastic natuie of the Immature bUng the clement of fear has been Implanted, and with fear, deceit and cowurdlce. All the later kindnesses of llfo will not eliminate that poison in the character. "A child should never bo punished. X would novor scold a ohlld. -Now If you don't stop that I'll spank you' how of ton do ue hear this? A child should never be threatened. A child should never bo visited with outbursts of totnper. Scolded and whipped, as the aver ago child U. It cannot but develop a bullying nnd untruthful nature. "Reforms are not made spontaneously or iniraeuloualy-elthor In political affairs or hu. man liven. Wo aro aU what we have grown to c, anu our children will be what wo train them to be. The great reform to be accom plished in modern life Is that of unthinking, unsympathetic. Ignorant parents. urnu must learn to be considerate of their children, to respect their children, to be able to put themselves In their children's place and eee as their eh'lldreit see. Tluy must love and tole rate, und not frluhten and intimidate. They should make children feel that, even If hey THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADELPHI "The Rovolt," by Edward Loclte, stnrrlng Helen Wnre, A wlfo driven ties perato by tho neglect of hor husband, de cides to seek equal liberty, but retrents In time. Review tomorrow. HHOAD "DrugRed," melodrama by Owen Davis, with John Mason net railroad mag unto with n penitentiary past. Ah Ilko real llfo as tho novels of Harold Bell Wright, hut moro thrilling than actuat life, oven under npproxlmnto circumstances, CHlCSTNUT STRKET OPERA HOUStt !'c7lV,,rln'" movlng-plcturo drama by Ga- hricllo D'AnnunzIo, of tho third century , A 'nily marvolous feat on the reel, with a convincing volcanic eruption, POnitEHT "Zlcgfeld Follies," a potpourri or songs, Jokes nnd Bpertnrulnr effects; entertaining without consuming brnln phnsphorus. GAHRICK "Adele," French operetta, with captivating music. Reversals In love, with vtaMrn?.oalld.fa,l,n ln IoVo wlth llls wife. KMrHfe Mr nnu Mrs. Vernon CaBtlo In their original dances. i LN.T;(T-7"Hoborea of Sunnybroolt Farm," LfSnl0 1J0U " WlBRln. Heturn of this popular, unpretentious but appealing piny. do wrong, thoy can frankly admit It without harsh censure or chastisement. When parents do this all that seem tho greater evils and dif ficulties will solve themselves. Society la no greater thun Its weakest member, and the colossal malfeasances of financiers nre no moro egregious than the criminal Inconsldernte nesH nnd unklndt.rss of tho parents that start children wrong by making them selfish, fearful nnd untruthful. "Husbands and wives generally lack full sympathy and understanding, and ln nine out of ten cases the husband la not absolutely honest and frank with his wife. This results m antagonism, suspicion, lack of respect and un- lapplnc-a. Then these very couples, when they become parents, bring up their children n such a way ns to make It Inevitable that they enter similar conditions. Truth, and absolute truth, Miould be observed in human relations, nnd married people should rellglous hr.n, f ,C'r rcsf,onslblty to the lives they lo .1 ! " , WOrld' an" Ul "at!on nl ovo due those lives. Let parents nrst apply , Tunantl f ""or an(1 " n their nnLL W01"" d mre 00d thn cIv' cam- E .' ,TT m,flCra,ro ""wmnda and antl- unlovln? ,Ul0n' T,' r'f0nn "f ""Petent. unlo.lng. Irresponsible, misunderstanding par cuts would me,n the reform of the race FLASHES FROM "STARS" Miss Georgia Calno, playing with 'Adele." nt the Oarrlck Theatre, owns one of the flne" snan7of " L0"K rS,amL In thls Xonne. isa spaniel named Sherlock Holmes. "Sherlock Homes ." said Miss Calno. "is the chamPS bu.glnr router of tho world. Why. ho can de tect a burglar a mile off, and Is so bitter against them that ho cannot bear to see a bur gar eve., In moving pictures. Recently, before Adele started on a tour. I took Holmes to a niovlng.picture show in Elmhurst. where I re side During tho action of one of tho plays u robber appeared upon the screen Well I wish you could have heard Sherlock-he set up a howling that startled the house, and not until an racor appeared ln the picture and threw the thief into a cell did my dear Sherlock cease his barking. Clever dog. eh?" Eva Davenport, bounding nnd buxom, spent the past summer at Mount Clemens. wher hT I observed a painfullv restrfr,o,i i, ...... - -- ", fining nil the baths on tho program, sat packed In Ice an hour each day after n steam bath, nnd went through various forms of oxerclto guaranteed to reduce weight. "I wns feeling highly elated and thinking my old friends would notice my loss." she said tho other day. "until I came back to the vicinity of Broadway and d street. The very first day of my appearance my conceit wns given a crush ing blow by the policeman who helped mo nereis the street back of the Times Building. 'Whw hntv.,l.,-rti.i ti .. . ... j "'"""' "" i-avenpnrt.' he snld i 'I am glad to see you.' -And I'm glad to see I VflH ' T fAtlttlHA.1 -. 1 -""" lur nave a special fondness for pollcemen-they have helped me oer many a rough place. 'I notice that you havo gotten thin.' sold I. 'Yes,' ho answered, -bat I see you haven't.' And they talk about the gallantry of men!" Alice Gale, who has scored a pronounced suc cess In "Today." which will bo t- en nt the Adlphl Theatre, does not believe In being pessimistic about anything nnd is ery op timistic as to tho prospects for ireneral perity in this country, despit.- u,.- Kuropean war. "If we lot the w.u ,i -courage us, what would we do If the world should come to an end?" she asks polnte.llv "r.,t us bo cheerful. Nothing is so bad it miKht not w worse." A.MUSK.MKYrS CHESTNUT STREET 111 UK IMll 1 1. CABIRIA OI'KIU 'rwii'P r.m t i iilim .. .. . ..--, it ..-. c.rt Wtn ll iJl-uW-t I'tutit SLM-i.lii4.1a nei.gen. tit 1' 11 1 . s M il Ml With nrvhevtra and Chrtrutf ..tiel En U Saturday. bepimhr A. Opninc 01 th Urgular Suun The Famous Miracle Hay BEG. MON. SEPT. 28 PILATE'S DAUGHTER B FraiK-ls I.. Knzl CVST OK 75 MAIUON BARNET COS:. BT.M-K Moll.NKUX. fcAKA UHU AI1NFS MAl'i:S KUIKI. liUAV uml Ul.KA.NuIt RIS8EI i IUIH'Kjv Kv.nlna V" 64k.-. TSt 80i $i -u, , T5. 1 M !f MrtV n.V SALE ' ' "rfK- DUMONT'S " .V'aS M.llNEl: TODiY 11 ANU !!Oo CASINO T,ISftT.Bff.w-.w .BI.JP.AJL TA.NUU CAXONa CV-NTEST 'mm A r lUfJilT I AMLSK.MKVr.S B. F. Keith's Theatre Eri IS1VR PS., v,l Ml. NT ONEF?EKpNLY VERNON CASTLE 'THrM-KL i:si RUTH ROVE HYMACK A! Von 1 ilzer and DorothyNord OTIIKUS UK Till: IHI'I.V t,i!Kr loew's Knickerbocker TH"T! " Mi-kf Alfne 4Hi !- Iiilit . Ah .t- In, Ktiririiik l- , In h'lii, t, , S,.nK- mi !m ,. rmtli.n- l.Ki'Klin HU'IUHrS A Till: JMM-INI. MAl'k- - OTHER SELECT 2 - VAUDEVILLE ACTS J ANI hi'Kl IALI'H(i,illAM nF i'll.-r., 'IA- Forrest Last 6 Nights ...V,':1.'.,.1 J ZIEGFELD FOLLIES Ktil L". MttlUKi.iii. & func In Chin i h n Gnrrick Last 6 Nights! , U,J' " o,r-"" adele rr." X4?'.Uf''k" N,J' MnM url, it .- I it,. Broad Lnst 6 Nights , ,1K;V !; ,r ' ,u JOHN MASON in Drugged Nrt V,k M .1, I , l V mi I- ,i Mai4 I I BERT Y M' v -AN AERIAL HONEYMOON - i - i i 1 1 :s pi a ?KKiS"" OR PH RUM N-; '.. ',' -THE BLINDNESS OF VIRI UE K.'tt -. l.ih.HT ANU IMIi, HI. EMPIRF mx-iimi i.,i,tl vu m GLQQE TR0TTl,KS NIXON S GRAND 1 -' i ' I". 7 a ADELPHI Beginning Tonwht HELEN WARCmuu '1 I,,, lltl I I I I I , I- t I1 1 1 II .. I, 'kl" illlMHi '" "