f. f n 4. EVENING LEDaEft-PHILADELPHIA, MOffDAY. EPTEM.BEB 21, 1,914. 2,000,000 TROOPS AGAIN GRAPPLE IN THIRD GREAT BATTLE OF GALICIAN CAffPAIGl FRANCE PROTESTS TO U.S. AGAINST RUIN OF RHEIM'S TEMPLE "Wanton Vandalism" in rifles and held up liln hniuts. "Do not shoot them, mv friends " lm cried. JUSt then R UertllAll Ahetl dtlllck Hip Wnll of the Oitl.eilrnl nnd Hip nrlnitt i I showered bi dlrl and mortar The bursting of ix slirnrmol drowned his voice, but his lips could be seen inovliifr "Kill tliotn' ' Detrained the mob nenlti, curslns' the nerimiiis nnd slinking their fists A tew women In the ciowd bowled In their mse nnd pnt upon the wounded soldiers ns tlini were carried throush the tbrnnir In n nrnrlu liulMtHtr "Don't fire." cried the lltllo tiis D. - p, ... , BRain "ion uomu mtiKe lUiiirselvcs as cstrucion oi Beautiful "V'!1'' ,8,llll' "" The picture wan one never lo be fot ".. I. J .-I T tL - J Rotten as that enlm-fnceil priest. fuinilltiK Cathedral Is Charged. ti. dune of ms i,i om,e, .mod i.mveiy ijeiure ini' mien oi ms coumrMiien with -, a , ... .. .. ... ..... iwumi mini null Lierman CJrdpr to havp . ,np ""',1 f cnnnonutir. in bis en. pI0- vjcnuail VIUU IU Jdve tectlns the enemies of his country No Building Too Late. WASHINGTON-, Sept. 21,-The protect of the French Hepubllc tifclnt what Is consider' d the wanton destruction of the beautiful Cathedral at Ilhelms by the Oer tnans was cabled to the Kronen Kmbassy by Fc.rclKii Minister Delcusse, nt Hor detiux. I nicy, to be transmitted lo the State I irpurtnu-nt. The olllelal statement reads. Kiim the llnlter of 1'orelBn Affairs of the Vrrneh HepuMlp to the French Ambassador, WnililttRton. "ttoideaux, September 2n, mil. "Without the possibility of oven the shadow of a mllltnry necessity helmj In voked, and for the mere pleasure of iMUsIni; destruction, the Herman troops have submitted the Cutlii dial of tlhe'ms to a relentless and systematic bombard ment. At the present moment thi" fa maits baslllcu Is nothlns but a heup of lulus "It Is n dutv for the o rttment of th. TretiLh llepnbllc to -uhmlt to the Judir meiit of the world suih a revolting not of viiiiliillsin. which, while conslenitiB to the llamea thU Mtnctunr) of French national lilstory. Uepuwi mnnklnd of a unique part of Its artistic patrlm tiy. (SlKtie.lt "DinCASSF " Ambassador Jussetand conveyed this message to the State Department today TCMl'U: URDEHUD Sl'ARDD. ULT.L1N (By way of The Hasuei, Sept. 21. The bombardment of Hhelms was necessary because the heaviest French Are was comlnK from the direction of the city, an olllclnl statement Issued by the "War Ofllce today declared, tt l.i stated that orders were Issued that the artillery should spare the Cathedral of Notre Darao, which d-ites back to the 13th century, and which Is reported de stroyed. BORDCACX, Sept. 21. President Folncnie today directed a formal protest to all neutral Powers ntralnst destruction of the historic cathedral of Rhdnis by th German artillery. The bombardment Is declared to have been conducted "for the "oU pleasure of destroying " The piotest of the French Government states: The Gorman troops, without mili tary necessity, but for the sole pleas ure of destroying, subjected the Rhcims cathedral to n systematic nnd furious bombardment. The fa mous basilica Is now a mass of ruins. The Government denounced the "re volting act of vandalism." and declared It should arouse the Indignation of the world. Destruction of the historic Cathedral of Notre Dame, officially announced by the Minister of the Interior, Louis J. Malvy. has stirred France, and the Government Is preparing to make pro tests to all the Powers nalnst the de struction of ancient bulldlnss. Other historic edifices destroyed or ruined are the 12th century Church of St. Jacques, the 15th century Arch bishop's palace nnd the City Hall, erected In the 17th century. On Thursday the Germans were throw sotlous Injury was Inlllcted on the Cier-tnans. CROWN PRINCE ESCAPES CAPTURE BY FRENCH Moved His Headquarters One Hour Before Arrival of Enemy. tttilll.Vll TUG AT.LinS' LINUS IN i FRANCE, Sept 21. It Is reported that the German Kaiser , came to Monlmedy nnd penetrated Into I French territory with the hope of estab lishing himself In one of the conqueied tow ni, but the retreat of his army on the I Mnrnc compelled him to beat a hasty re- I treat I Fiom n Wounded French soldier mn I correspondent learns that the nounl Prince himself soon afterwnrd narrowly , escaped helnff taken n prisoner In a I French chateau The soldier lnments ! that he and Ilia ennuadns misted what ' would have been one of the finest cap- I tures of the war. The had learned that the Crown Pilnce was In a small chateau near Farm, and nt once si t out In the I ho.ie of tnkliiR him prisoner. They reached the chateau, but, to their regret, found It empty. The Crown Prince had left onlv an hour before for Salute MenehouUl, whence he aifnln decamped to move his head quarters further not tli tt- . " " ' v.avsrj& " ' ., v v vXfe' I . Z . i ',- ADVLNTURE, PATHOS, HUMOR FROM SCENES OF NATIONS WAR Photo by Pnderwood & 1'nilenvood. RED CROSS DOG SEARCHING FOR WOUNDED GERMAN ARTILLERY I BRIMONT STRATEGIC RUSHED TO ANTWERP ! POINT IN STRUGGE TO CRUSH BELGIANS i ALONG AISNE RIVER BALKAN STATES EAGER FOR EARLY ENTRY INTO WAR Plan to End Harassing of Flanks Fortify Line of Retreat to North of Brus sels. Germany Admits Inability to Obtain Their Aid Against Allies Rumania Waits for Expected Change of Italian Neutrality. OSTtJNI). Sept. 2t. According to reports received heie to- da ,10 German sIcbc guns hnve arilxed t Brussels and lite helm," sent tow aid iVntworp, the chief Belgian foi tress. This indicates that the Geimans will at tempt to reduce that tlty and captuie the Belgian army. With King Albelt's tioops harassing the Germans' flank, they have been uu able to send their full forco to France. Capture of Fortified Hill Would Break von Kluk's Direct Line of Communica tion' With Centre. Ni:V YORK. Sept. 2I.-Thu fuilous tlRlitlng nt Rhelms Indicates an Import ant development of the Allies' efforts to eut off G.neial von Kluk's right wing from the main Germnn army. Von Kluk's line of communication with the centre Is maintained by the railway that runs from Loan thlrt miles southeast of Rlielin". This railway is dominated b three pet manent fortifications on the hill of Brl mont lo the north of Rhelms. If Brlmont Is taken by the French, Von Kluk's dliect railway connection with JtOJIK, Sept. 21. Entry of Rumania Into tho European war js believed Imminent The strictest censorship has been established In that country, but the tcport has reached here that Germany has acknowledged Inability to persundo Rumania to Join with the Austilan-Germnn forces and that the Ger man Minister has been recalled from Bucharest. It Is believed hero Rumania will cast her lot with the Allies became of her chnnce of acquiring Transylvania, a part of Hungary which Is more than half peo pled with Rumanians nnd which she, has long coveted. The Rumanian army has been held ready for more than three weeks and military supplies have been lequlsltluned. BOUPEAFX. Sept. 21. The greatest Importance is attachtd by the French Government to the resigna tion of thp Rumanian Cabinet', especially as It coincides with this sending of a I t Vifi fOhtrn 1 nnrninn n m tiitll imtilati In addition to the s,unlclioular line or !ef(.CPnient3 for him will have to fortifications to the north of Brussels ' nuiko a circuitous Journey by rail of three nnd I.ouvaln, the German forces have ' times the distance now- separating tho constructed a huge Hue of foitl.lcatlons. - "".Tr. i, V,. ??"n .l'1"" frn tlie Germans to keep open a route for rapid stiengthenlng of their light wing nt an time that the enveloping movement of the Allies becomes danger ou This accounts for the desperate effoits or the French to seize Hrlmont and tne tenacity with which the Germans are holding fast to the bill. The Allle 'lie carefully concealing the works, from Nnraiir thiough a line passing across Mons to a point near Vnleneiennes. I.Ike tlnlr northern de fensive works, thef-o ramparts are re markably stout and efllcicntly guard the lines of communication through Bel- glum, as well as leaving a road .V, i plnccs occupied during the Olse ndvance. kllometieR wide, whereby the northern The progress repoited. If consistent. German a.mles would he able to renln , i"1,'"1;, LIOW?cr; S0" ,l,rKi" tl' tc,"- As pt. these western gains have not com the rntherland. C,P(1 m, thp Kreneh nt Rhelinh. If the It Is leported that the Germans are Brlmont hill falls Into tho possesion of rushing big hiege guns foiward toward ,thc ''"'": and at the same time the Al ,,,., ,r, x-, !l'S reach their objtctlvo along the Olse. Antweip from Namur. I Von Klllk.H ,,(ltion nm t)C ln tho MKhPHt Your correspondent has received in- degree precatloup. Four highways will formation ftom two independent sources " "l"" lo "'" tor heeplng In touch with mo mam i.ciinan iorce. out tne loss oi big shells into Rheim from batteries nUsion ft that coumrv to coir with stationed six miles north of the cto. Then they moved to the eastward, get the Italian Government. This lends be lief to the probabilltv that Rumania s Ung'aTJed posumn-commandrng w 1".. atIuad the city Austria-Hungary. rne caineurai 01 .oiru uume k .h-i-ji ..i....i i i.,. ,..,ii.i ,.. turned into a hospital and a Red Cross u,amondJ., ono of the Rumanian dele- flag was tllng from the roof. Insiile .,. hn .' ' , tome an,i ,..1,0 3 ie were about sua wounded German pri.on- , L'ISiat while Rumama is neutral at present, the Rumanians t.in not permit any oppuitunit.v to pass whtieby they may be nblo to obtain tiieir The first shots shattered the windows 11 ud fragments of glass fell in showers upon the wounded holdiers, who luy on bundles of btraw ln the aisle-. It soon became apparent that tho Ger mans were making a tnrgat of the ca thedral for the shrapnel began crashing through the roof and wuIIm at regular Intervals. Of tbu wounded prisoner inside, at "'ro "ln1'- national alms. Bulgarln. too, is repoited as showing signs of sympathy with Russia and u de sire to go to war. As soon as the r.eivs of Russian victories was made public many demonstrations against AustiU respecting the prlsoneis at Mnubeuge. In that city 3fl.ol French prisoners ate guarded by 2i0 Germnns. The captives are territorial at my troopers. Seven Ungllsh prisoners are also mnong the captives and are carefully guaidcd by 30 Germuus. The Germans flicd heavy projectiles Into Mnubeuge at the late of 70 a minute. Visitors at the Hotel Metropole, In this city, are inking up a subscription list for the Belgian soldiers, rfomo le- tn.11 kable deeds have been levealed by the Rhcims railroad will bo n serious handicap, p.irtleulnilv at tills time when the heavy rains have made road travel so dlfllcult. WORLD PEACE MOVE NOW RIDICULOUS, SAYS WILSON Would Be Futile to Call International Congress, President Says. WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. "Nonsensical" nnd "ridiculous" were n perusal of this subscription, or more , terms which Piesldent llson today used propel) prie list. For Im-tume. The In discussing with his callers reports that first Belgian soldier to captuie a Ger- ! ho was about to call a world's congress man flag icoied l.V) funis and the I 'n the Interest of peace, first tu -, is,, a siege gun lerelved 13J Tll President Is disturbed over icports francs. R-'gium hns now enrolled a new army of more than lu.uuij volun teers. motl old soldiers TONGA ISLANDS NEUTRAL, The result of tho mission from R imnnla to Italy Is being watched with much In terest, tt Is the general opinion among Kiem'h Government officials that sooner least 130 suffeied further wounds as h result of the bombardment of the building. 4 REPORTED DKAP Four hundred Inhabitants of the town or later tne neutral policy or uaiy nui are reported to havo been killed by tier- hove to eho way to one of actl m he man .shell die. ' cause f public opinion, vvlihli is lepmtel At times the city would he 011 file In to be stionglv In favor of war. dozen different places and at night it The Balkan States are 111 sxnir-athv made a grand but awful sight to watch with the allies and onlv await a faver.ible tie shifting sUre of red aliine toe town ' and plausible opportunity to open h.'stlli ond the flaming shells, snaring like ties aiialust Austria, their her.-ditar mntnr. into the burning ill. At times I enenn Tnes already have mile a ".m- as a shiapnel struck a biirnitu rui!dinii, , pact to declare for the allies if TuiKev millions of spaiks would tloit upward ir.mes to the aid of German ari.l u through tie smoke. 1 trla. Italv's abandonment of her present The population began tu fl on Thi.rs- neutral attitude, it l believed, woul.l in ill. Ttneinis oelng a oig citv of HO.'.iO tluence tn Balkan States to Iminf. l ite fouls I' djv Fnua, Saturday alio Sun- 1 delaiatins of wnr. day the evodus went on, Th fugitives .. .... 1 . tned their portable effects and most of CIRelT Tfl FlMFl "PEACE" them wee in tears at the thoutiht of HUti I IU tlIU, rtHW. leaving timir homes at ne mercy of the ATTITUDE OF KAISER German artlller. Vltho igh the hlstnrn edlflie had been poundd bv shells all dy Fnda. and , Germany Thinking Only of wai, Saturday tt did not tateh fire until jes 1 Says Berlin Newspaper, teiday. Mvre than M shell fell around AMSTKRDA.M .-ept 21 the cathedral esterdy. ' . rtiioatch frotii Berlin quote.- ii,. O.i 1 Building, in different quarters of the D ul'ca" Zemmg u rl foqlow, KilltMlt city were flaming and th ind was -ar, h(. , onv,riaollJ for peaCe ,nio . ring the Are from street tu street when . have tvn place: a shrapnel set fire to some e tffoldlng on -According to a report from )iii the eastern end of the churca where I lon ene German Ambassador is stand woikmen nad been making some repairs , tn have els dared that German a in Soon the whole network of poles and cllned to maHe peace on B bais w hh h planks was burning brisklv would Insure German terrltoi remain- Then the old oaken Umbers of tho oo inB intact. began naming ond the nove and nansepts "Such reports am calculated to g e began to burn. the Impression that German, rotwith- Withln a short time the upper pait of standing the victories at its armies in the cathedral wus a roaring furnace both the West and FJagt, is exhausted Blazlna pieces of carved woodwork were f (iermany at ,e moment Is not think dropping to the flooi, setting Are to the , nB ln un way of peace and it mav Ii straw upon which the won rid td Gorman well to lepeat tliat Germany has but one soldiers were !ing Then the paneling purpose-to fight '" the end this war and alt4rs caught Are Nest the pews I which has been reckl. asly ihrust uim and other furniture were in rUnie. us " The German wounded, practically all of 1 whom were too weak to rise to their feet ' began calling piteously far help. "Save u' Save us'" cried the wo .tided men. struggling weaMv to crawl from their perilous position In the straw. Tho French doctors and nurses at once began the work of carrying these help Uss captives from the building Some of the Germans were still in uniform Outside of tho cathedral wag a knot of , townspeople and soldiers When they auht sight of the German uniforms the broke into furious cries of denunciation. ' "Kill them'" cried the angry French line French soldier leveled his gun at a Mounded German officer The other sol- dlers in the ciowd hoisted their rifles to 1 their shoulders and for a moment it j looked as though there would be a whole-f-ale slaughter of wounded Germans S'lddeid a litt - rrlest. Abbo Andrleux . i name, Jeaiied m fieat or the leveled. ' which mlsreptesent Ids attitude on pence, because he ftars they may nullify his oppoitunlty to act when the proper time comes. He told his visitors today that he never had been so foolish as to dieam of calling a world's parliament at this time, for he believes such a sten would TOY MONARCH PROCLAIMS ljo fl,tll- I U I WIUIMHnun rnUULHIIVIS .rPa,j0nt Wilson tool, the stand that all ' p.itilntlc VmerlranH should Join with him George II Just Learns of War and ' In preset vim; strht neutialltx until the Henssuies Geot'Ke V ' P''lfii chance comes for this nation to , ,-.... , . ' act as mediator for the warring nations LONDON Set .'I n Kmope. It was oiil" a few uiiv.s ngo thai one . of the klngi, of the woild learned of tlie Furopean war. Onl when a sailing vese from Auckland arrived at port In the Tons 1, or Friendly Islands, did K'n George II of that tin domain know that eight nations are at eai h otbi s th.-oats King G'orge II Immedi.itf Iv nnnouno'il j to Kini: George V that he vvi uld 111,1111- t iln bis nuitralitv." King Uforge II ! 1 ule ovei ''i odd subject Ji. I'i mi g.1 1 ininr ,1 ;' 5Lp EBiSJa SUMMER'S END llndft ,vou nllh n rornntit tonth hrutli nml a dentlfrlc hortaK. Our 13c lirtifth Ii depfnclahli. Our l(nih and Mrrrli, 2c, N a inutl eltlrlent looth-vatli tronil for Ktim. too und our Cilyi n rormalin Tnntli lft, S.lr. d-fr-nd HKalnftt illcae n ire 1 1 a ilcrus. LLEWELLYN'S l'hlladelnhln'ii Standard lime Store 1518 Chestnut Street I'liuni Urdfrs rromnllr I illetl r???',,;jR it 'iwir ''''' SUNDAY OUTINGS From Market Street Wharf SI nfl Ailontli- 'li, T3U a. in. llUU Wllduoo.1 Anelciira. 7 .') a in until lf-t T. iriclu Five. Slone Ilatboi Sen Isle I'lly Am Inn 7 30 a m until Ort 4. Incliidve CI 0 R Hurnegat l'lrr, Ii,u I It-art vlibv I'nlnt Plfamnt T '.'0 u. m until Oct. L'.l. Inclunlve. Q I Cfl Aftbury 1'arU. Ocean Gravs, Q I iwll I. nns Rrniuli, I it 1 mar. Sea Olrt, 7 'JO a. m. until Oct. 1!5. inrlutlve From Broad Street Station CO nfl IfaitUuQre. 7 55 a. 111 , Stin UfciUU doys 01 4, '.'A, .uv L'l', Dec 2(1 An Ct Washlnston 7 r., a, ni ; QLlUU Sun.Ulu. Ik I 4, ' . Nov t'S Dee. 20 09 Kfl fow Yrk 7 43 a ni : Sun- O&iuu Ihm. Seplember 27 and Oiiober 23 Pennsylvania R. R. 1. . '"i1 """'fv-ui i 11. ... y wyywfs.t.11111 ii niiwiw in vi"1 U' "S '! !T'!wmf7?mP&m!F!!TT21m1?mVTQtl " I itlfflllP ARDMOJRE PARK II InillllllllllllnSfooA1 Olili p II Si llllllllllllllillll k'J1. BBB j ii'ifif life TT IIITV. " r- ."it. m 3 Our Tile, Slate, Metal and Slag Roofs Are Standard RESIDENTIAL WORK A SPECIALTY Crescent Compound keeps roofs watertight for five years, and is also guaranteed. Real Estate Roofing Co. 2343-2349 WalUc St. BtV ropfar toil Kryitani Raci .1917 Visr'i'-, -r' 'ifSViS-" iic WmY S34-' y wV w m m tjr ill V There are less than 160 lots at rdmore Park and, due to -ruling the Wood estate, any one of thent at half price and less Homes, schools, churches, shops, high-class improvements, 3 stations on property. Ardmorc Park is part of Ardmorc go by way of Phila & Western from C9th St. Elevated Ter minal in 0 minutes for a 5-cent fare, or by rdinorc trolley get off at Ardmore I unction. Homes for sale at your own price representatives on ground daily. But you must act quickly, while the opportunity is here! Wood, Harmon & Co. 1437 CHESTNUT STREET C,E'1 riffl it- .&.. !:SnK ,1 r T GERMAN EAST AFRICAN BASE DESTROYED, LONDON SAYS Important Nnvnl nnd Commercial Centre Shelled by PegnsuB. LONDON, Sept. 21. Great Interest wnB expressed Iicro to dny In the Admiralty's passing reference, In n report of nnvnl operations In tho Indian Ocean to the destruction nf tho Ocrmnn llnst African bnso of Dar-Es-Snlnnm. The Admiralty Rnvo no details, merely mentioning that the cruiser Pe Knsus, dlsnhled by the Germnn cruiser KoenlKsbnrs off Zanzibar, bad previously "rendered useful service, Including the destruction of Dnr-Es-Salnom." Dar-ns-Snlanm Is a German military station and naval bnso 40 miles south of Zanzibar, tt Is the terminus of nn Important caravan routo nnd one of the moit Impor'nnt commercial centres on the East African const. Government telegraphers nt either end of tho Berlin-Home telegraph wire wore testing It. by gossiping over the line. "What nowi7" nsked tho nome operator. "We'll be In Paris In two days," answered tho German. Tthn Italian responded with the first veise of the .Marseillaise, and was promptly suspended. "I could not stand to sec your English face," wni the reason given to flit Eng lish woman when she was dlschaiged from the position of governess to a Ger man family In Merlin. Posters announcing conditions, under which the annual Intel national baby show nt Folkestone, Eng., will be held, contain the following line In lnrgo black type: "Germans nnd Anitrlans not eligible In conttst." A Havnrlan general tells this story of a oung Alsatian's heroism! Toward the ond of August Germans appearing nt the village nf Durgund, near the Sslnte JIarle Aux Mines, In quired of n boy nnnicd Theopbllo Josgout If there were any frenchmen nearby, Tho young fellow giving a negative response, the Germnns advanced nnd Im mediately were the object of a vigorous fusillade from a party of French soldiers lodged tn many houses. After n smart skirmish the Germans retired nnd in- .otnntly sought out .tnsgout nnd mado him a prisoner. Upon being questioned, Jnsgotlt declared frankly he was perfectly well nware of tho presence of the French soldiers when ho gave them n misleading answer, dnd had deceived them purposely. Considering thnt, ns a German, nublect, he had boon guilty of nn act of high treason, the Germans shot him. Valerie Dl Jlarttnelll nnd Leonlo Van I.lnt were telephone operators before the Germnns entered Belgium and destroyed the city of Louvatn, Now thy are na tional heroines, for with shells bursting ntound them and flames cracking on every side they remained nt their svvltchhonrds until tho telephone wires had boon cut, torn down by shells or carried away by the falling wnlls of buildings. Shells began tn burst In the town and then shrapnel rained ngnlnst the build ing In which they were working. FUm sprang up from buildings about them. Still tho wires held nnd still tho two young women sat nt their switchboard, making connections for tha hurried orders of tho Belgian officers. Everybody else had long since fled from the town when the last wlrn snapped nnd Valerie and Leonlo knew they could do nothing more. Then they crept from the building and sought every possible means of shelter ns they hurried from the zone of death and destruction. They escaped wltHout njury. joined the fleeing rerugees -and tho story of their bravery Is told by Belgians with ns much pride as that shown In the daring of the- Belgian soldiers, - A letter found on the person of a lieu, tenant of tho Twenty-slxth Gorman Ar. tlllcry said: ' "Wp "Sht each day from 5 In tho morn, lug until 8 at night without drinking. 'v. get so tired we cannot ride a horse e'ven 01 n vvHiK, rimriy nu our Horses rmvn fallen. The Tenth Corps has been enn" stnntly on the action since tho oponln of tho campaign. We hope for a dcclilve hnttle to end tho situation, for our trootii cannot rest." The confiscated letter of another soldier said! "It Is necessary to have lived through 1 battlo nnd to find ofieself In the evenln without food nnd only the hard earth for a bed to appreciate the truth of thi wordB! 'Warm the day and bloody thi battle: cold Is tho evening arid calm Ii IC..V ln.l.l ' CALL FOR WELSH TROOPS Completo Corps Being Organized by Lloyd-George. LONDON,, Sept. 21 David I.loyd-Gcorge, Chancellor of the Exchequer, today headed a movement to organize a complete army corps from Wales. . Recruiting hns progressed rapidly, in Wales, but heretofore the men have been distributed among the regular British forces. Mm Karly arrangements through our Paris office for fall Silks have placed this house as one of tlie few to show tlie correct model weaves. The ideas advanced hy Paris houses at the com mencement of the model season arc shown here in the correct weaves, and draped in reproduc tion of thoic shown by famous dressmakers. Weaves in Silks and Velvets as follows: Moire fialochc Moire I.yunaisc Diamantina Victoria Drap Marocain Faille Sofft Evctta Moire Grcsil New colors advanced for l; Chutctlo Velour Chiffon Uoman Bcngaline Satin Algeria I'repc Prcmct Printed Crepe Chinois L'rcpe Duvet Printed Warp Taffeta ;all and Winter wear Tctc dc Negre, Graphite, Grape, Bordeaux and Midnight. ., Black Silks from abroad and American mills-with the guarantee of pure dye and fast color. All the newest shapcjj in high collars of Organdie and Pique, trimmed with black ribbon and velvet. Special Hand-Embroidered Organdie Collars. I land-embroidered Vestees, high or low collars. Plain and Embroidered Yokes. Hand-Embroidered Net Guimpes with military collars. ADVANCE SHOWING FROM American aod Foreign Fashion Sources Ready to Wear Apparel for Womraen. Masses ainid Chflldree WOAIRN'S OUTER GARMENTS embrace beautifully Tailored Suits of Gabardine, Cheviot and Broadcloth. MonuDRESSY SUITS of Velveteen, Chiffon Velvet, Broadcloth and Peatt de Souris. Included Are SpecSa! Models for SmniaS! Womein AFTERNOON. DINNER and THEATRE GOWNS, of Satin Moire, Chiffon Velvet and Charmeuse. DANCING FROCKS of Ucc, Net, Chiffon, Crepe de Chine and Crepe Meteor. COATS of every description, suitable for all purposes, MOTOR COATS of English Tweed ami STREET COATS of Duvetyne, Velour, Zibeliiic. EVENING WRAPS of Faille, Bcngaline and Velvet. "Cording Coats" Imported English Waterproof Coats from the celebrated makers, J, C. CordJng'& Co,, Ltd. The e.xelusive sale of these Coats is confined to this Store. SMART BLOUSES in EXCLUSIVE MODELS, COPIES FROM LATEST PARISIAN STYLES, also Tailored Waists adapted to the prevailing modes of dress,. Children's and Young Girls' Dresses and Coats Special attention is directed to our assortment for schood wear, in Serges, Checks and Plaids, n wool and cutton materials, at moderate price, including the new Gingham styles. 11261128 Cljeatmtt Street Founded 1837 "Men Make the Times, Not Times the Man"' - In our policy to MAKE USE OF TIME and LET NOT ADVANTAGE SLIP, we have prepared extensively for a large season's business, and our stocks of New, Fresh Merchandise are almost better than ever before at the beginning of an Autumn season. Tn spite of the war conditions in Europe, we have received the bulk of our expected importations, through the heroic efforts of our Paris organization; therefore. ' ' SMARTNESS AND APPROPRIATENESS Will Be. as Usual, the Keynote and Mark of Distinction Characteristic of Our Stocks, and Which Invariably Commends This Store to the Discriminating. In Addition to Our Regular Autumn Openings in All Departments We Announce the Following Extensions and Imiprovements Now Complet; A NEW DEPARTMENT FOR MOURNING, Third Floor, in which a collection of Suits, Gowns, Millinery, Veilings, Gloves and Accessories expressly made for mourning (purposes will, be ar ranged for ready inspection. A competent attendant will take charge of a complete order ready to wear or made to order in our own workrooms. , MATINEES, NEGLIGEES AND BOUDOIR APPAREL have been removed to the Second Floor, immediately adjoining Muslin Underwear and Lingerie Department. CORSETS are directly connected to this section and are in greatly enlarged and more attractive surroundings than heretofore. DRESS GOODS of wool and silk-and-wool in the colored materials arc on the First Floor centre, west side, and a permanent Cotton and Wash Dress Goods section immediately adjoins. THE NOTION DEPARTMENT has been greatly enlarged and improved. SPECIAL ATTENTION TODAY IS DIRECTED TO French Marabou Neckwear Marabou, plain and in combination with ostrich feather, in Boas, Collars, Capes and other new conceptions fashioned in Paris. Maline and Net Collars, Ruffs and Capes, in black and white and novelty combinations. Hand-Embroidered Net Collars, high pleated m back, some with revers; white and ecru. 1 laud-Embroidered Organdie Collars. Hand-Embroidered Organdie Collar and Cuff Sets, sonic with hemstitched edge; some with plain edge, and others lace-trimmed. U; ',;.:,. i2fe-iS(j-