Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1914, Postscript Edition, Image 1
m iwiiiir im nr-i-anT wi mi- MniBmiiiimriinnH irni - r -rmwar' mmv pimmm mu u ', u jiiiy --? - n wfpwwjiyi ijpMpPiPWfWW'W11' Wl'W y- WflPWWIWJPP1 "' WV-'WIM1 J!pMIJUJ m ' --- -T-' ?--.-.. 1wmrir. - - mmfqiw'"""" -''wir,,tT " r -, ,... VOL. I-NO. 7 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT PROGRESSIVES WILL ASK ROOSEVELT'S AID IN PURGING PARTY Housecleaning Faction Pre pare Appeal to Leader for Personal Investigation of Alleged Betrayal in State. Preparations arc being made for an np I peal to Theodore Itooaovclt to come Into ' Pennsylvania and Investigate the alleged ', fcetrayul of the Progressive party here by ' William Fllnn, of Pittsburgh, and 13. A. ' Vn Valkenburg, of Jhls city, arc under This move on tho part of the faction t In the Washington party, which Is con ' ducting the State-wide movement to , throw off the Fllnn-Van Valkenburg con trol and rehabilitate the party, came ( simultaneously with their rejection of I Gilford Plnchot as the Progressive can ' dldate for United States Senate. Richard II. Quay, of Pittsburgh, joiinded tho note of protest against tho candidacy of Mr. Plnchot,., Intimating i that he regarded the former Ghlcf For I ester for the Government ns a "squat ter" In Pennsylvania. He further do I clared thnt ho favored a genlllno I'enn I sylvanlan as a candidate. Mr. Quay's ' attitude. It Is pointed out. Is particularly I significant In view of his personal frlond i ship for Colonel Iloosovelt and his posl . tlon as a leader In the Progressive move t went In the western end of tho Stato. f The stand taken by Mr. Quay was ' promptly seconded this afternoon by WU illam F. Deakyne, of this city, the formor treasurer of the Washington Party Coun ty Committee and a heavy financial sup Sorter of tho Progressive movement. Mr. leakyno said, "While ns yet I am not ' fully advised as to tho reasons behind Jlr. Quay's move, stHl I feel well enough , acquainted with the situation to take my stand by his side against Mr. Pln chot" The plan to have Colonel Roosevelt come into Pennsylvania and make a pei feonal Investigation of the nctlvltles of Mr. Fllnn and Mr. Van Valkenburg ha3 lien under consideration lor several days, although the sponsors of the "party clean-out' movement are not willing to state who will make tho first move. Mr. Deakyne agreed this afternoon that Mr. Quay will In all probability be the man to go to Mr. Roosevelt and lay the problem of party regeneration before him. "We in Pennsylvania," Mr. Deakyne ad ded, "cannot afford to have Mr. Roose velt sacrilled to tho treachery of the Fllnn-Van Valkenburg Influences." While as yet" no one has given any reason for tho unexpected opposition to the candidacy of Mr. Plnchot, It Is be lieved In political circles that the oppo nents of the Fllnn-Van Valkenburg con trol feel that Mr. Plnchot s so tied to' these men that. If successful, he could never be Independent enough to stand m a true representative of the' Pro gressive party. Mr. Deakyne said this afternoon that from the number of personal calls he Is receiving In regard to his stand against ilr. fllnn and Mr. Vun Vnlkenburg, he feels that fully SO per cent, of the Roose velt supporters In 1912 are ready to Join In the revolt to purge the party. BELGIAN VILLAGES ABLAZE, INHABITANTS IN TERROR Germans Keported Continuing' In cendiary Work in Interior. ASTWRHP, Sept. 21. Dispatches from the Interior say that the Germans continue to destroy villages. Near Heyst-op-den Berg, the village of Tremeloo was tired by a detachment of German cyclists. More than H house? llrl; r2l nnd the Population tied In ik at ilotzlaer. which was PRESIDENT'S OFFICIAL FAMILY COMING TO AID OF PALMER Senators and Representatives Also Will Speak in. His Behalf. I from STArrconnr.sroNiir.NT. WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. - Colonct Thomas C. Ponce, assistant to William F. McCombs, Democratic national chair man, has gone to Pennsylvania to con fer with Representative A. Mitchell Palmer, Democratic nominee for ' the United States Senate. It Is learned that arrangements nr'c being perfected for tho Invasion, of Pennsylvania by mem bers of President Wilson's Cabinet and prominent Senators and Representatives, who will speak In tho Interest of Mr. Palmer's candidacy. Washington friends of Oifford Plnchot, tho Washington party nomlneo for tho Senate, Insist that they have received no Intimation of his Intention to with draw from tho field In favor of Mr. Pal mer. Those who enjoy tho confidence of Mr. Plnchot have been led to believe that ho will remain In the contest until the end, and somo of the most arden Pro gressives hero pretend to feel confident that Plnchot will dofeat both Penrose and Palmer. SEGAL'S CREDITORS FIGHT COMMITMENT TO INSANE ASYLUM Trustee in Bankruptcy and Attorney. Will Ask for Proof That Former Finan cier Is Mentally Incompe tent. PRESIDENT REA 59 YEARS OLD Head ofthe Pennsylvania Itetilroad Keeps to His Desk, Stendy work Is conducive to longevity. Samuel Ren, president of tho Pennsyl vania Railroad, who Is 59 years old to day, believes In this Idea. He was con gratulated by a number of his official start today, but went right on with his I UNDERWOOD BRINGS WAR TAX MEASURE BEFORE THE HOUSE Liquors, Amusements and Fuel' for Motors Bear Brunt of Levy Close Imi tation of Spanish War Legislation. terror. The Germans continued their In cendlary- work at Rolzlnr- ,i,i,.u .. " t'artly destroyed. WOMAN STAYS IN HOLE TO KEEP ELECTRIC POLE OUT Workmen Cannot Move Her, So Comts Will Decide Issue, Mill th,. Pennsylvania Railroad Com Pany place an ugly old post on her prop rty? TV,- wl noti t JIrgj B peIcoff anything to say about It. That Is ny i. lH established in a new post "Ole. dug by the employes of the com pany, and she does not .Intend to get out until they ,mVu Ueparteijt W ,h0 Policemen kindly make the lady got out the hole, 8Q tnat thB men mnJ. fio hSleW,U!rWOrkT Cer,a""y not! Tho right LI, Un '"""I16"-"', and she has a ht ln.ay .there ,f 8,,e wa to, "nd Jo .d ttHnt t0. s that's all there Is This In iho sitmiHnu t..i,i. i I..U,. .. Mlli, Wtators at Twelfth street and S '. "-venue, where tho Pennsylvania thl , ' c,ec,l"S Poles necessary to ranrnl'le.r,0r' of,u Bt,"etcl' of electrified own. .1 ,Th0 cof"Ptt"' believes that It wni tn land upon which the poles aro th. i '?": and Mrs- Palllcoff believes nat her husband own a particular piece designs UPn whk'h tl,e conlPany liaa ,h"rK..PIllc.ofr ls fitting in the hole; .L! . "?" ntr lunch and says that she u .. : '"'" "'" "?a. rina VTki , ' " urwara to enjoying a nice chicken supper tonight. Of course fLi ..rathe.r. awkward, In having the iin't v. , out t0 ,,cr- mit then It voiim ? a'1 wllen vou consider what Emni-Bppn ,f 8lle Kt ot. Mr. PmS Cf t,,e "llroad say that that Pelllcqff can sit there. If she feels have ,? i ?b0Ut "' "n"1 the courts hav tnlf '' wh0 owns the land. They ate tried every possible means in .n. udlei, ,L ,?,n(l 8re now resigned to a , ..-. iiiciuviii or the affair. WAR 'PLANE FOR CANADIANS "yKl'V1? S?P- il-Avlator Javey. tt Plant '1.rr1"a"e bought at the Cur- t the ES?tby ,he Canatllan troops going WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-The Admin istration's emergency war tax bill was In troduced n the House today by Repre sentative Underwood, chairman of tho Ways and Means Committee. The bill Is a close Imitation of the Span ish war tax of 1898 except for the ' tax on beer, wines and gasoline. The stamp tax on che"' sf not Included In the pres ent bill. ,-i'he telephone nnd telegraph companies aro to keep account of their taxable messages and remit for them. The prlnclpnl taxes will be levied on beer, domestic swcot wines and dry wines; gasoline nnd naphtha and other products ulsed In motors. Amusements will be tax ed In cities of more than GOOO where thea tres will bu tnxed $100. This Includes moving picture houses, The bill has u provision whereby retell cigar dealers will be taxed J4.S0. Bonds of tho United States or those of any state, county or town are - exempt from taxation. Bonds and stocks of co operative building and loan associations with a capltnl stock of not more than J10.000. and building and loan associations making loans only to shareholders are exempt. Tho taxes under the so-called "stamp tax' section of the bill, borrowed largely from the Spanish war bill, are: Bonds, u cents for each $100 or fraction; stock certificate-; 5 cents per $100; bills of sale on stock a'nd bond transfers, 2 cents. Bill of sale of merchandise, 1 centfor each $100 or fraction. Promissory notes, 2 conts per $100. Kxpress nnd freight receipts and bills of lading, 1 cent each. Indemnity bonds, GO cents; certificates of profit, 2 cents per' $100; certificates or damage, 25 cents; other certificates. 10 cents; contracts of all kinds, 10 cents; deeds nnd conveyances, 50 cents for first $100 to $-'00; each additional $500 an addi tional o0 cents; entry of goods at Customs House, 23 cents to $1; entry for with drawal, SO cents. Life Insurance, 8 cents on each $1000. Life Insurance policies on weekly pay ment basis, 40 per cent, of amount of first weekly premium. Marino, inland nnd fire insurance, -one-half of 1 per cent, on each dollar or frac tional part; mutual nnd purely co-operative fire insurance companies exempt. Fidelity, casualty nnd guaranty Insur ance one half of one cent on each dollar,. Mortgages on real and personal prop erty of all kind 25 cents If above $1000 ami not nbove $1600, and 25 cents on each $500 above $1500. Passage tickets on vessels leaving United States ports, $1 If costing not more than $30; $3 If costing between $30 and $60, and $i " more than $60. Power of attorney and proxies, 10 cents; power of attorney to sell real cstnte, bonds, etc., 25 cents; protested paper, 25 cents; all seats In parlor nnd Pullman cars, 2 cents. ASSERT THUGS WERE HIRED TO BREAK UP THE MEETING A fight by creditors against the com mitment of Adolph Segal to the State Hospital for the Insane at Norrlstown Is Indicated tod-ay In statements by the trustee in bankruptcy and his attorney. Segnl'fl attorneys, according to these men, will be called upon to furnish proof of the one tlmo financier's Insanity at a meeting 'of creditors to be held next Thursday afternoon In the Drexcl Building. Walter T. Douglass, the trustee In bankruptcy, declared today that he be lieves Mr. Segal has some money. Henry M. Wcssels, attorney for the trustee, said that he has his own opinion, nut will say nothing Until the Investigation, now under way goes farther. He de clares his belief thnt If there aro any unscheduled assets they will be hard to find. Segal swore In bankruptcy court ' last July that his assets were 75 cents, al though his llablltlles were close to $3, 000,000. Since thnt time the trustee has been investigating to determine If any thing has been forgotten or concealed. Segnl ls still In St. Joseph's Hospital. Just when he will be taken to tho State Hospital for the Insane at Norrlstown has not been divulged. At St. Joseph's it Is believed that tho trip will be mado to morrow. The delay ls believed to be duo to the Jewelsh feast days, .as Jacob Lift man, who has been acting for Berl Sogal, Is not in his office today. "The fact that a magistrate has com mitted Mr. Segal does not take him out of the Jurisdiction of the Federal Court." said Mr, Wessels today. "It will be necessary 'for Segal's attorneys to show at the creditors' meeting Thursday why he was sent to Norrls town, If he has beon sent by that time, and to furnish proof of his 'insanity." Two physicians certified to the In sanity of Mr. Segal ns the preliminary step to his Incarceration at Norrlstown. and they probably will be called to the creditors' meeting In the ofllce of Joseph Mellors, the referee in bank ruptcy. When Mr. Wessels was asked today If he believed Segal has any assets out side of the 75 cents scheduled, he said: "I have my own opinion as to that, but I cannot say until the investigation goes farther. If thero are any assets they probably will be hard to find." A similar statement was made by Mr. Douglass. He said: "Though we feel that Mr. Segal has" some, money, ' the creditors are tired of putting up funds on such a slight chnnce of recovery. I think it will be up to Segal's attorneys to prove that he Is insane at the meeting Thursdny." EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA AGAIN REPORTED DEAD work tho same as any other day In the year. From the position of chalnman Mr. Rea rose to his present post. He was born In Hollldnysburg, Pa., September 21, ISS5, nnd entered the employ of the railroad when he was 18 years old. Fol lowing the resignation of .tames McCrcn, Mr. Rea was elected to the presidency. 2,000,000 WAGE THIRD BIG FIGHT ON GALIGIA LINE The War Today Russians, Reinforced and Victorious at Jaroslaw, Press Austrian Forces Back Toward Cracow. News Said to Have Been Suppressed to Prevent Revolution. LONDON, Sept. 21. The report that Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria Is dead, was revived today In a dispatch to the Chronicle from Geneva, The dispatch quotes a high otllclal re turning to Lausanne from Vienna as stat ing that the Emperor died a week ago. but the news waa suppressed to avoid a revolution. ROME, Sopt. 21. A dispatch from Vienna says that the Emperor Francis Joseph visited tho hospital in the Au guraten Palace yesterday and spoke to a hundred wounded officers there, PETROGRAD, Sept. 21. Two million men arc grappling today In tho third genornl engagement In Gallcla. Russian forces, reinforced by fresh troops nnd fired with victories In tho occupation of Jaroslaw, Sambor, Grodcck and Dublocko, are engaging the entire Austrian front on the line from Cracow to Przemysl. General Dankl's army has been forced still further back ward. Przemysl, invested on three sides, now Is being bombarded with heavy Russian guns, but so far still withstands the at tack, and an artillery duel Is In progress In which the casualties are very heavy. The general Russian advance today fol lows tho eight days' fighting culminating in tho capture of Lemberg, and the nine days' fighting around Rawa Ruska. Siege guns used In the assault on those posi tions have been put Into emplacements around Przemysl. Meanwhile the cavalry and Infantry, supported by quick-firers and the smaller artillery pieces, are with the forefront of the Russian advance. A BUpreme attempt Is to be made to annihilate the Austrian armies of- Dankl and Von Auffcnberg, tho first move In which Is the endeavor to ' cut General Daniel's forces off, . . The Austrian' losses have been stagger ing. The weather continues cold, with rain and sleet. The Bpood of the Rus sian advance has forced the enemy to re treat without many of their guns, which are mired In the swamps nnd roads, many of which are Inches deep In mud. ITALY'S CABINET DISCUSSES WAR CRISIS ALL NIGHT No Statement in Reply to Austria's Denial of Hostile Attitude. ROME, Sept. 21. An all-night session of the Italian Cabi net was held following receipt of an official denial from Vienna that Austria Is nviklng war preparations upon tho Italian frontier. At the conclusion of the meeting this morning no, statement was Issued, but It generally is believed that Italy's future attitude had been under discussion. Despite the denial of the Austrian Gov ernmnt the tension Is getting higher, nd the government has placed guards at the disposal of both the German and Austrian Embassies. WEATHER FORECAST tninlt'111'1 ttntl vicinity-Fair SS mf Tu'da; ot much tilZnl PemtUre entle Vari' lOKdttaiU, see hit page. . X Italians Protest Against Organiza tion Leaders' Move. Republican organization leaders aro re ported to have hired a number of thugs to break up a meeting tonight at the Italian Political League, 721 Carpenter street. The olucers of the League have asked tho protection of the police. Tho meeting ls to bo held to protest against political servitude in the Italian colony in Philadelphia. Certain candidates will also be indorsed to be Voted for at the elections in Nevcmber. The speakers tonight will be M. Charle3 Mariello, who will speak on "The Political Evils Existing In the Colony Today"; Joseph Pumolio, on "The Necessity of Organization"; Thomas S. Russo, on "The Results, Consequences and Benefits De rived from Such an Organization," and Henry Di U;rardlno will revise the Bppeches In Italian. The meeting is scheduled for 8 o'clock. REPORT GERMANS RETIRING Air Scout Sees Withdrawal in Region of Soissons. LONDON. Sept. 21. A ParU dispatch to the Express re ports that an officer, who has, just re turned to that city from Soissons, states that an aerial scout saw a large portion or me uermau urtuy rcunag. KAISER'S SON WOUNDED Prince August Wilhelm Shot in Arm, London Hears. LONDON, Sept. 21. A dispatch from Berlin to a news agency here, by way of The Hague, says that Prince August Wilholm, the fourth son of Emperor Wilhelm, was shot in the left arm during tho battle of Marne. It also stntes that the Kaiser has conferred the Iron Cross of tho first class on him for bravery in that action. PETROGRAD. Sept. 21. The Russian troops have begun most important operations in the fortified re gion of Przemsyl und Jaroslav. Of the two, Przemysl is considered much the stronger defensive position, more Im pregnable even than Cracow. The Russians already are attacking tho garrison of Przemsyl, which ls reported Invested on three sides, and the Aus trians have retired from the fortifications of Jaroslav. The Austrian rear guard has again been badly beaten and has suffered heavy losses In attempting to withstand the Russian ndvance. The Russians are now in pursuit near Baranow and Ranlshoff, villages in west Gallcla near the Vistula. Further ndvanco of Russian forces waa announced by the War Ofllce today. A daring night attack, the culmination of a day's bombardment, overwhelmed the Austrian defenders of Dublecko, on the San, and the Russian forces captured thousands of prisoners and a score or more of guns, together with large quan tities of supplies left behind by the Aus trlnns' retreat. "Przemysl Is now under attack from three separate directions," the War Of fice statement declared. "The bombard ment Is continuing, with our forces stead ily ndvnnclng on the outer intrenchments, Grodek, on the east of Przemysl has been occupied; Sambor, to the south, has fallen before our armies and we have es tablished a line of further communica tion on the west through the capture of Dublecko. "The retreating Austrian forces burned Jaroslaw before their evacuation." ELECTRIC WORKER KILLED Pennsylvania Railroad Employe Run Down by Express. Bewildered by the approach of two ex press trains on the eastbound tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad, between Bryn Mawr and Rosemout, this morning, Michael Barber, a workman employed on the electrification project. vas unable to gut out of the way and was killed. The trains, one from Parkesburg and the ""Other a Pittsbuprgh train, came around a curve. Barber was attaching binding wire3 on the rails as they ap proached. Fellow woikmen shouted to him. He started to run across the tracks, then darted back. Tho Pitts burgh train, on the No. 1 track, struck him. Barber was about 45 years old and lived at Utt Marvlne street. He was mar ried and had two sons. INQUIRY INTO ARMY STRIFE AMSTERDAM, Sept. 21 -A dispatch from Brussels says that General Von Der Goltz is conducting a personal Inquiry Into the fighting recently between soldiers of the Bavarian and Prussian forces In I the German army. AUSTRIANS QUIT JAROSLAW FOR STRATEGIC REASONS War Office Concentrates Forces for Defense of Przemysl, VIENNA, by way of Rome tcensored), Sept. 21. ' Evacuation of Jaroslaw by Austrian forces was accomplished because of a desire to concentrate forces for defense of Przemysl, according to War Office statements today. The statement says: Our battle line In Gallcla has never been stronger. The new battle Una from Przemysl to Cracow Is engaged. For strategic reasons our forces have retreated slightly along this line in order to occupy stronger positions. The evacuation of Jaroslaw wis de liberate, the city having lost Its strategic importance. The city was fired on our leaving It. Gloom was caused here bv the offlclnl udmlsslon that the army of General Dankl has been compiled to take the de feuslve against the Russians in Gallcla. This was the first ofliclal admission that the Austrian arms have suffered any re verses in the fighting against Russia. At the same timo Field Marshal I von Hoetzendorf. chief of the Austrian Gen eral Staff, made public a report from General Dankl, pratsing the bravery of his troops, but explaining that the Rus. slam had been encountered in over whelming numbers. FIFTEEN LOST ON AE-1 Admiralty Abandons Hope of Locat ing Australian Submarine. .. . , MELBOURNE. Sept 21. The Admiralty announced today that it had abandoned all hope of locating the submarine AE-X because of the depth of i me water in wnicn It tank. I, Fifteen mea were 'ost Dayone't charges by the Germans In another determined effort to pierce tho Allies' centre nt Craonne have been repulsed. The Invading Teutons had renewed the assault along the entire 120-mlloo front of the Alsno battle line. The French and British continue their attempt to outflank Genernl von Kluk's forces on tho ex treme German right wing. Belgium forces, harassing the German right llanh, have interfered so with operations against tho Allies that heavy artillery hns been rushed to ward Antwerp to crush the army led by King Albert. Tho Germans aro fortifying their line of retreat through Belgium. Two million men are engaged In the third Important Gallclan hattlo 6f the war. The Russians, reinforced by -fresh troops and encouraged ,by the evacuation of Jaroslaw, the In vestment of Przemysl on three sides, the capture of Dublecko and other smaller fortified position, aro engag ing General Dankl's army and have continued successful In various en gagements with his rearguard. In dications point to Russian numeri cal superiority on the field, as the Southern Poland nnd Gallclan armies aro co-operating as a unit, and the Austrian.1) have again been placed on the defensive In order to protect tho line of communication to Cracow. In East Prussia three German army corps (120,000 men), under General Hlndenburg, have started an ag gressive movement against Russian Poland. Grodno, on the main line between Warsaw and Potrograd, ls the immediate objective. The de feated Russian armies of Grodno and Vllna have Joined to resist tho ad vance. Montenegrin troops seized the town of Rogbltza, 30 miles from Sarajevo, I i the capital of Bosnia, and continued their march to within ten miles of the stronchold. The capture of Sarajevo Is confidently expected. Berlin War Office reports successful attacks at several points along the line and announces arrival of heavy reinforcements. The French have been repulsed -with heavy losses wherever they assumed the offen sive, it was added. Further proof of superiority of German artillery Is said to have been given in the engagement along the Alsno. London War Office reports the arrival of 100,000 men to save the wavering army of von Kluk, with the Allies continuing their flanking movement. It Is admitted that the casualties of the allied forces are heavy, largely because of the difficulty in locating masked German batteries. Vienna admits the evacuation of Jar oslaw, which was burned before the army left. The Russians have won several engagements with the rear guard of General Dankl's reinforced army, which Has again been put on the defensive. The evacuation of Jaroslaw is ascribed to stategic rea sons, involving aid to Przemysl and protection of the line of communica tion to Cracow. Reverses to Dankl's army have caused gloom in Vienna, where hope ran high tlint Its junc tion with that of Von Auffenberg would result in stopping the Russian advance In Gallcla. Petrograd War Ofjico reports continued success In the Gallclan campaign. Grodek, Sambor and Dubiecko al ready are taken, the capture of the last named clearing the way to an advance westward. Przemysl, cap ture of which Is prerequisite to mov ing west on Cracow and carrying tho aggressive Into Silesia against Ilres lau and Poson, has been Invested. Some of the Russian troops aro pro ceeding westward. Investment of Przemysl and evacuation of Jaroslaw have left the Russians free to move nearer Cracow, where the fiercest Aiistrian resistance is expected. British Admiralty reports both sue-. cesses and reverses. The Carmnnta sank an armed German merchantman off South America. The KoonlBsherg disabled the English cruiser Pegasus near Zanzibar, and the German crui ser Kmden captured six English ves. sels in Bay of Bengal, the Ailinir alty admits. The German Baltic fleet, flying the flag of Prlnco Henry of Prussia, is reported to have, seriously damaged the Russian fleet near the Gulf of Finland. The Allies claim control of the Atlantic, Mediterranean and North Sea. Rumania's entrance Jnto the war on the sido of the Allies is expected, it being admitted by German authori ties that efforts of the Kaiser to gain aid of the Balkan State have been futile. Further Balkan complications are expected if Rumania, take up arms. ALLIES HURL BACK BAYONET CHARGE OF THE GERMANS Strong Forces Rushed Foward to Check New Advance Continue Flanking Movement Near Soissons, Endangering Von Kluk's Army. French Move Heaviest Artillery East of River Oise Teutons Renew Bombard ment of Rheims and Soissons With Unabated Fury. PARIS, Sept. 21. German forces, in a series of desper ate assaults In the region of Craonne, today resorted to the bayonet, but were repulsed by the Allies with consider able loss. Tho invaders' assaults were espe cially violent east of the Oise and north of the Alsne. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the War Office issued this official statement: On our left wing, on the right hank of tho Olse, wc have advanced to the heights of Lassigny (west of Xoyon). East of tho Olse and to the north of the Alsne the Germans have shown an Increase In activity. Violent attacks turning into bay onet charges have been delivered in tho region of Craonne. The enemy has been repulsed at all points with considerable losses. Around Rheims the enemy has made no infantry attack, but has confined his efforts to bombarding our front with his heavy pieces. At the centre In Champagne and on tho west side of the Argonno, beyond Souoln, we have taken Nesnllleshurtus and Masslges. In the Woevre region the enemy holds the region of Thiancourt and has bombarded Hnrron-Chateul. On the right wing (Lorraine and the Vosges) there Is no change. The Germans are fortifying them selves on Dclmtet Hill, south of Chateau-Sallns. The British troops had taken up positions In the Craonne region, and It is supposed that the forces of Sir John Frencli are bearing the brunt of tho attacks made by the German Infantry. Today's announcement is the first since tho battle of the Alsno began statins that either side had resorted to tho bayonet. This indicates that on this, the ninth duy of the battle, tho artillery duel which has been raging for many days, resulted in a drawn battle and that tho other forces have now been brought Into action. Tho Allies have thrown forward heavy bodies of men to engage the attacking forces. Activity of the French and British around Soissons shows that the Alllei are continuing their flanking move ment against the troops of General von Kink, who appears in Imminent danger of being surrounded. Heavy reinforcements have been rushed to von Kluk's aid. The French have been able to move their heaviest artillery to the firing line east of tho Olse. near Its junction with the Aisne. and n continuous night and day bombardment against the German positions ts In progress. Ac cording to the official announcement. Only a few walls of tho famous ca thedral, erected in the Mlddlo Ages, re main standing. Both Soissons and Rheims are re ported to bo in flames. Soissons hofl been under Are since fighting In tho present battle began. Rheims has been bombarded for 84 hours. Farther to the east, near the Ar gonno district, In the Mouse Valley and the Vosges, fighting ts less severe, but is still going on. The destruction along tho vulley of the Alsne is appalling. Wounded sol diers, returned officers and prisoners from the front describe tho loss of life as colossal. The stretch of lowland between the hills flanking the Alsno is described as a valley of death and desolation. Day and night the bombardment goes on until one wonders in amazo ment how the Germans are able to bring from their distant base of sup plies sufficient ammunition necessary to keep their batteries in action all tho time. It is confidently believed by the French military authorities In Paris thatthe German positions can be a thoroughly weakened by the cannonade" that tho French and British will be able to sweep the Germans from their entrenchments at the Dolnt of the bayonet, despite the reinforcements. Already, it is said, the French have been ablo to silence several of the Ger man batteries at that point, compelling them to take up new positions. Tho effect of the German artillery fire upon the French and British troops has been terrible, it is admitted. Some of the heaviest German guns have been shelling the allied positions from a dis tance of seven miles. All are cleverly masked. It is admitted that one of tho largest guns, which has done great damage, is so successfully concealed thnt the Allies have been unable to locate It. So far the fighting has been a fierce artillery duel, partaking of the duali ties of a siege. Now, however, with both sides beginning to use more and more Infantry, the fighting should be near its end. Tho present week should see the tide of victory and defeat flow ing in clearly marked channels. Whether it will result in the Germans taking the offensive movement In an effort to ptereo the French and British lines, or whether the Allies will be able to roll back tho German legions to thu frontier, remains to be seen. No matter how tho present battle the hardest lighting Is in progress near I ROes' a" ot northeastern France, from Soissons, on the extreme western end of tho battle line, and near Rheims, in tho centre. The bombardmont of Rheims con tlnued today with unabated fury. The heavy German guns, mounted on tho heights three miles from the city, are knocking down tho walls of the prin cipal buildings of the town and many noncombatants have been killed. The Hotel do Vllle, the museum, the sub prefecture and nil neighboring build- Paris to tho Belgian and German fron tiers, will have been ravaged, dpvas tated and scourged It is as though the hands of God. sweeping In divine wrath, had withered and wasted the land for the sins of Us people. The French and English have been successful in taking big bodies of pris oners, but It seems that the gaps in the German ranks aro filled as soon as they are made. More than lo.ooo prisoners of war now are interned in lugs have been destroyed almost com- this city, all having been brought in pletely, It was announced today. within the last week. ONSLAUGHTS OF GERMANS UNCHECKED, BERLIN REPORTS l (by way of Am- BJ3KM.V. Sept. sterdam). The following offleial statement cov ering the general situation in France was issued today: "Success is meeting our offensive against the allied British and French forces. We are making progress at several points. Heavy rains for a few days compelled the German troops to withhold their attack, but we are now moving forward with the enemy mak ing an energetic defense. "The reinforcements Pent to the front have given a good acvount of themselves and have strengthened our lined by replacing tho soldiers, who were almost exhausted by the terrific strain under which they have been fighting for many days. ''Our artillery again has demon strated its superiority. "We have repulsed attacks made by French troops on Donon. near Kaales, in the central Vosges. "The height of Primont, near Rhtlins, was taken by assault, the al-