Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Invitations for a bridge to bo given In October.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Xttohllngr, of the
Bat-tram, have returned from the shoro.
Mr. and Mrs. (Wllllftni II. Gnno have taken
apartments at Hampton Court for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bheehan, of 4914
Chestnut street, have returned from Atlantic
City, where they spent the summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs, J. Henry Williams, who spent
the Bummer abroad, have returned and will
spend the winter at the Bartram.
Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Brunner and Miss Carrie
Brunner, of the Norniandlc, havo returnod
from Atlantic City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Clalborno HIckB, of
Hampton Court, havo returned to their home,
ha vine snent thn summer at Wlldwood.
Miss Fiske, who is the daughter of Louis S. Fiske, has lately announced her engage
ment to Walter Jeffords, of this city. Miss Fiske, who is a granddaughter of the late John
Dobson, lives with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Riddle. No date has yet
been set for the wedding.
A J. DIIRXUL BIDDLB has chosen Mon
, day evening, December 14, as the date
for his concert, to bu given at the Bellevue
Stratford. This concert has Brown to bo one
of the foremost nnnuul events In society, and
numbers of prominent matrons will act as chap
eroncs. Miss Julia Herwlnd and her niece, Miss Mar
laret Dunlap, who aro at .Munich, will sail for
lome October o on tho Rotterdam.
Mr. and Mis. Cornelius Dodlne, ot SpilnRfield
venue, St Mai tin's, are bein congratulated
in tho bit tli of a daughter. Mrs. Bodlno will
Ic remembered as Miss Dorothy Ferguson.
Mls Eliza Lansdalo and her sister. Miss
Maria Lnnsdale, of 1011 Pino street, who havo
been abroad since tho middle of July, ore at
Bath, England, where they will remnln dur
ing the fall.
Jlr. ami Mis Edward K. Sparks and Aplln
Sparks, of 1.'7 South 23d street, who havo spent
the summer months In Cape May, will open
their winter house about October 1.
Miss Florence Sibley has returned to tho city
after i stay of several months at the Dennis,
I In Atlantic ntv.
Mr atiil Mr. Thomas Ttolieits, Jr., who have
been pemlliiR the .summer at their cnttaco at
Cape May, will retuin to 2110 Locust street
October 1
Mr ami Mrs. fjeorse II. Dvana and Miss
Edith r.vans have closed their Chelsea rottace
nd have returned to town.
Mrs Alice liimlolph Turdy has returned from
St. Georice, X Y.. and U the Riiest of Mrs.
Klcliard De 1 Mnntfiomerlc at Bryn Mawr for
tho hone show.
Mrs. VII!i:nii Sullivan nnd h&r daughter, Miss
Eieln Kuiilvin, have tnken an apnitment at
the Blenheim, Seventeenth and Chestnut
itreets. for the winter. Miss Suo Sullivan Is
t present with friends In Lucerne.
26. at 2 p. m., under tho auspices of the Jenk
lntown Choral.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hcng-en havo returned
from Atlantic City to their homo on Ltndley
avenuo, Logan.
Edward R. Perry and his family, of Seventh
stieet ami Kth avenue. Oak Lano Park, havo
returned from their cottage In Ocean City.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gehrls, of Melrose ave
nue. Oak Lane, hao returned from abroad.
MFIHON-'Ur. and Mrs. .1, W. Lee, Jr.. and their
two little ilnughters havo recently leturned to
their homo nn Syeamore nvenue, after a two
months' stuv ut Magnolia, Mass.
AiTOMoitr. -nr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Arnold,
of Ardmore avenue, will leave tho laet of this
aeelt for Cincinnati, O., whero tho Doctor will
attend the meeting of tho Society of Military
Burgeons Afterward they will go further west,
f'turnliiff home about tho middle of October.
Jlr. and Mrs. Howard J, Butler. Miss Eleanor
Butler and Miss Maigarct Butler have tcturncd
from a Mt to Wlldwood.
The Woman's Chili of Ardmore gave a de
lightful and successful domestic bale Satur
da afternoon on the grounds of the future
cimiiioine. on Ardmoro avenue.
Mr jpd Mr3- arant Lca Knght ,,ave rf.
turned t theh homo on Woodsldo load, after
pending tho summer In the Adirondack Moim
tains "AHRHiitn-Mrs. Maiy Thompson Bryan, of
naitimo.e. Wlti, her son, will spend the winter
t Hawford Couit.
Dr. and .Mrs, Ilaiold Roberts are occupying
'"' new home i Uaverford, They returned
Tom L-iko fiPOrSfi a fcw flays ago
nADvm-si,., and Mrs. Henry Augustus Ber
'nd win entertain in their box at the hmeo
now in honor of U)elr (lpImtailt0 ,,ll)g,lt,.ri
'" M-4'""et Unwind.
Mi, JaKs l.-,ani.ls KmVIin na ,er (laugU.
ar ..".""'" ,-,!,t woeIt froin ew Kn&ma and
'he Wo,U. ,helr CQUllt u
Sirs ':S"'W nroo'. daughter of Mr. and
tome , ?"'"" ntqcl;' aas ' "
theBllJ, lU,or ceding six weeks as
ton ' ,, f M' a,,a " "wry IMwa.d Drnx
M'r, ,r -'"nmer home t Rockport, .Mass
it a'T,'W l XViden-. Oeorgo d. widencr,
una iii f,,i . ....
Uote ti,i , " s- '-uerno Dixon will
' t. Lynno' T ftt cwlrt today and return
r. o,, ,i ' ",w,le ''ant, lor the w n-
j thtir acht, Josephine.
"".'iCvU'T GCrS9 W' Norrl3' of Gy
cha v ,' lmve as thlr ewsta Mr. a. Gar-
,llb NorrlV""1 "" "t,le UauBhtor' u,ss Ellz'
rtmen?" 'r UlC beneflt ot u,a Chlldren'e
Ul e tiv ADi8ton Memorial Hospital
Welh-" n at tne nome of Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Chart's C. Blnney, of Chestnut Hill, whs
ipent tho summer In Pnrls und England, will
return to this country on Saturday by way of
Montreal, Canada.
S, Davis f'ngo and Mrs, James Large, of
Summer Crest, have issued cards for a debu
tanto tea Wednesday, October 21, In honor ot
Miss Isabel Wurts Page, daughter of Mr. and
Mis. William Byrd Page.
Ki lends of Mrs. Harry Xusbaum, of 112 East
Gowen avenue, will bo glad to hear she Is re
covet Ing from typhoid fever.
Miss Ella Koccker, who has spent the season
at Spring Lake, returned Thursday to her homo
at V)r East Gowen avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. R. Holt, of 7427 Boyer
street, who havo spent the summer along the
coast of Mnlno, will bo at Orr's Island, Me.,
until October 1, when they will return home.
Friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas H. Ball, of
HU East Mount Airy avenue, will be glad to
hear that their little daughter is convalescent
after n severe Illness.
Miss Aline Keldmann, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Max B. I'eldmann, of 21S Gowen avenue,
who has been at Eaglcsmere, Pa., for several
weeks, left Thursday for Scranton, Pa., whero
uhe will he the guest of Mr. and .Mrs. Duncan
Campbell for this week.
Miss Helen Darlington, of 7H3 Hprague street,
who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A.
O. Ros. at Bedford, Pa., for the last month,
will return to her homo nt the end of September.
Mrs. Thecdoro M. Hlllsley nnd her family
returned last week to their home at 39 East
Gowen avenue nfter a season spent at Ocean
Mrs. Georgo M. Heller also spent the sum
mer at ucean uy, and leturned with Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Geotge A. Henrich and their
fons, John Henrich and Washington Honrlch
of 7413 Devon street, who havo been at Ocmtn
City since August J, returned to their homo
last week,
Mr, and Mis. Allen F. Horton of 371 Gowen
avenue, who spent tho teason at Ocean City
have returned to their homo.
Mr. and Mrs L. Howard Woatherlv mi miu
Suzanne Elizabeth Smith, who havo been spend
lug the summor at Wabenakl Cottage, their
summer home nt Seul ILirbor. Me., will return
to their town house, 3310 Chestnut street, this
Harrison Townsend, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harrison Townsend, of 03 Baltimore avenue,
has returned to his home, after spending two
years In Paris, where ho has been studying
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Read, Jr., Miss
Frances Read and Miss Ella Road have re
turned to their home nt 3l Spruco street,
after spending the summer at Beach Haven.
Xew Jersey.
Miss Mabel Wetter, of 1033 Plna street, has
returned to her homo, after an extended tour
through Xorwuy, Sweden and Russia.
Mr. and Mrs. q. Francis Smith have returnej
to their homo at 4021 Pino Miect, after spend
ing the summer at St. Martin's.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Schley, Jr., of 215 South
rath street, aro tho guests for a month of Mrs.
Frank Schley, of 1SI5 Spruce street, at her
summer home, Rockland, Va
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boyd, of Stonelelgh
Court, have ictuincd from Bala, where they
spent tho summer.
Mrs. Catharine Petrlo Macfarlane and Miss
Helen Schley, of 3921 Chestnut street, who have
spent the summer In the Adirondack Mountains,
will return to their homo at the end of Sep,
Mr and Mra. A. S Conway, who spent the
summer at Cape May, returned last week and
opened their apartment at tho Avondnle, 3th
nnd Locust streets, which they will occupy for
the winter. Mrs. Conway will shortly Ijsu
Mrs. James Starr and Miss Ellon Emlen have
returnod home, having spent tho summer at
York Harbor, Me,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis do Puy Vail are at pres
ent In Italy. They expect to aall from Liver
pool September 2(5.
Mrs. C. B, Ponroso and the Misses Ponroso
returned to their home, Wayno and Chelten
avenues, having spent tho summer nt Avon-bv-the-Sea,
N, J,
Mr nnd Mrs. John Mollhonny, who spent
tho flummer nt their Chelsea, cottage, have re
turned home.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Rhoads and family
have closed their cottago at Now Hope, Pa.,
and aro occupying their house on West Coulter
Dr. and Mrs. D. M, Stearno, who spent the
late summer In Castlno, Mo., nro at their Chel
ten avenuo home.
After nn extended trip to Sabbath Day Point,
Lako Georgo, Doctor and Mrs. Bonsall returned
on Wednesday to their home on Emlen street.
Tho Rev. Henry W. Frost and family will
loavo Germantown this week for Summit, whero
they havo leased a house for tho winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Grantham, of 178
Quoen lano, returned to their homo on Tues
day from Boston, whore they arrived from Eu
rope. Mr. and Mrs. Grantham went abroad
the 6th of July.
J. Wilson Bayard, who has spent tho last
month nt Seal Harbor, Me., returned to Phil
adelphia last week and will occupy hts homo
nt 103 East Johnson street after October 1.
A pretty wedding will tako placo Wednesday
evening, October 7, In the Tioga Baptist Church,
Broad and Tioga streets, when Miss Besslo
Ritteiyiouse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Rlttenhouse, will become tho brldo of Morris
Levis, son of Grant Levis, of Tioga.
Miss Rlttenhouso will havo Mrs. William
Rawllngs, Jr., as matron of honor and Miss
Helen E. Rawllngs as tlower glr). Mr. Levis
will havo William Donaldson as beBt man. A
reception will follow at Saunders', on Ninth
Broad street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles L. Walter have, re
turned from their wedding Journey and will
llvo at 3639 North Fifteenth street. Mrs. Wal
ter was Miss Elsie M. Hartman, daughter of
tho lato Rov. Dr. J. S. Hartman
Miss Florence McMorrls entertained at cards
on Friday afternoon at her home, Broad street
and Allegheny avenuo Her guests were mem
bers of a 500 club and Included Miss Florence
Kclkler, Miss AUce McFadden, MI33 Marian
Jones, Miss Beatrice Rottnor, Miss Charlotte
Fleming and Miss Violet Carson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Felix Strousso and family who
spent the summer nnd early fall In Atlantic
City, have retitrned to their home, 2227" West
Tioga street.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McFadden, of 3236 North
Broad street, have announced the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Allco McFadden, to
James Brown.
Miss Eleanor Kay and her cousin, Miss Nel
lie Smith, of 1131 North Broad street, aro spend
ing several weeks with Mrs. Thomas Rodgers
at her summer homo In Ventnor, where a
number of entertainments have been arranged
In their honor.
Eugene Springer and ills daughters, tho Misses
Springer, have returned to thejr winter home,
122S West Erie avenue, after spending tho sum
mer in Atlantic City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Zlnk of 1132 Llndlev
nvenue, havo returned from Somer's Point and
spent the week with Mrs. Herman Stack, of
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb P. Elfreth returned from
their honeymoon trip to the Pocono Mountains
on Saturday and will resldo at 3313 North Six
tecnth street. Mr-". Elfreth was Miss Ethel
Barclay, j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Barclay, of North Sixteenth street.
The wedding of Miss Irene Hoff, daughter of
Charles V, Hoff, of 6232 Ridge avenue, and
Charles Lentz, of Bain, will tako place on Wed.
netdny morning at the homo of the bride. The
ceremony will be performed by the Rov. Charles
S. Lyons, rector of St. Alban'a Episcopal
Church, Itldge nnd Falrthorne avenues. The
bildo's father will givo her In marriage and
she will bo attended by Mlbs Elsie Edwards
us maid of honor. Chester Jones, of Nnrberth,
will be best man. On their return from a wed
ding Journey the couple will live at 6222 Rldgo
avenue, and will be at home after October l
Mrs. I, H.tiry Wntkins, of 207 Rochello ave
nuo, Wissahlekon, has closed J;r summer home
nt Stone Harbor and has returned to her win
ter it-sldence.
Mrs. Levis Robeson, of Wlssahlckon, who
spent tho tmmmer touring through Europo, ar
ilved homo today
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Moore have returned
to their WIsMihickon home on Rochello avenue,
nfter passing tho summer In Atlantic City,
Mr. and Mis. Churles O. Struse and Mr. and
Mrs. Chaile.s o. Struse, Jr., of Rldgo avenuo
returned today from Wlldwood, where the.
passed the summer.
The members of the Alpha Nu Sorority of
the William Penn High School were enter
tained on Saturday afternoon by Miss Marian
Stout ut her home, 4131 Dexter stteet.
The Rev. Albert Stork, of 3913 Terrace street.
Wlssahlckon, has arrived homo from a sum
mor's tour abroad. He returned by way of
Mr. and Mis. W. A. Miller and family havo
returned to their home In Dexter strett, after
pawing tho summer at Spring Mount, Pa.
nlng, September 8. Cover were laid for 12.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs, C, P.
E. Schatte nnd family, of Bwarthmorej Mrs.
Bux and Miss Kathnrlne A. Bux, also of
Swarthmore! Doctor Helllck and Misg C, II.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Wallace Hallowell, with their
daughters and son, Miss Bcrtlna Hallowoy, Miss
Dorothy Hallowell and Henry It. Hallowell,
have returned to their home, 2311 North Broad
street, having passed tho summer at Capo May.
Mr. and Mra. Homer V. Tulon, of 1619 Fon
taine street, havo returned from an all-summer's
Btay at Seaside Park,
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Gumpert, of 1812 North
28th street, have returned from Palmyra, N. J
and Atlantic City whero they passed tho sum
mer, and are entertaining Mr. and Mra. Milton
K. Pollock and MIsb Frances Pollock of River
side, N. J.
Mlsa Eleanor Hunslcker, of 2321 North Thir
teenth Btroot, left on Saturday to complete her
course In Smith College. Bho was accompanied
by MIsb Esther Bllckley, of Grand Rapldg,
Mich., who ha been her guest for a week and
for whom several entertainments were given.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Elliott of 1S07 North
Camac Btroct, have returned from Atlantic City,
whero they havo been staying since the early
Mr. and Mrs. Jules MaBtbaum nnd family,
of 2307 North Broad street, will reurn from
Wyncoto tomorrow.
Miss Edwlna Marron gavo an Informnl lunch
eon for the members of the Sigma Phi Sorority
on Saturday nftcrnoon nt her home, 861 North
Twentieth street.
Mrs. Cyrua Adlor and family, of 2W1 North
Broad street, havo returned from Chelsea.
With tho opening of tho horse show today
nnd tho coming October days, society Is fast
returning from tho various summer resorts, and
yesterday quite a numbor of fashionable per
sons wended their way up and down Walnut
street toward tho vaitous churches.
Miss Phocbo Wllllnms Adams, who haa lately
returned from a trip In the mountains, was
oeen yesterday with hor (lance, George J. Hard
ing. Miss Adams was wearing a tailored suit
of navy blue serge, which wbb made with a
nnrrow skirt and double circular ruffle over
eklrt. Tho coat waa cut Bllghtly shortor than
hip length and was hung In a square effect,
The sleeves were In a three-quarter length and
were finished with cuffs covered with a collar
nnd revere of white pique. Miss Adams' hat
was a hlgh-crowncd sailor model with a nar
row turned trim, and was trimmed with a
one-Inch band of black groBgraln ribbon.
Dark navy blue was also solected by Miss
Charlotte Hare, whoso suit was the plainer
style of tailor-made nnd very smart and man
nish in cut. The eklrt was plain and narrow
and the coat was fastened with largo black
buttons. Miss Hare's hat was a semi-large
btralght-brlmmod model ot a dovo shade of
brown; the crown was entirely surrounded by
a handsome ostrich feather of tho same shade,
ono end of which stood high up at the sldo of
the front.
Mrs. Georgo J. Harding has chosen a stun
ning suit which is a combination of black and
white. It Is made with a three-tiered skirt of
black-and-white shepherd's plnld. The short
coat, which is finished at the back with a
rounded flare, is composed entirely of black
and is fastened at the front with n large black
button. A 6inall toque of black lacquered
straw, which Is trimmed about the top ot tho
crown with tiny mercury-wing feathers, conn
pletes this good-looking costume, which Is worn
with a blouso of white crepo de chine.
Katherine La Salle and Nan Campbell
"Drugged" Broad.
Albeit Dutton MacDado has returned to his
home nt Park Place, after a several weeks'
stay at various summer resorts,
Miss Mae Gordon, of Morton avenue, has
gone to New York city, where she will spend
a fortnight with friends.
Miss Florence Cox has returned to her homo
in Wilmington, Del., nfter being entertained
for two weeks by Mrs. William Smith, of Edg-
mont avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, of East Fourth
street, are entertaining James Taylor ot Nor
folk, Va.
Norman Hlorth and Leslie Maclntjre are
home from a, week's visit to friends at Tren
ton, N. J.
MIhs Louise S. Hannum, ot Brookhaven. gave
a M0 party In honor of her friend. Miss a.
Gertrude Wilson, of Lancaster.
Mrs. Edwin Hall and her daughter, M33
Florence Hall, will return this week from a
four months' stay in Massachusetts to their
home, Fisher's lane, Bryn Mawr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mantle Fielding will return
from Jamestown today.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry B. French and their
sons will open their town house. 1502 Spruco
street, October 1.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William K. Haupt, who spent
the summer at Havetford Comt, will return
to 2112 Kpiuce stieet this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross Smith will return from
Chelsea today and open their house, 22lfi St.
James place.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William. Allen will return to
their home this week from Vermont, where
they havo been spending August.
.Mr. and Mrs,. II. Y. Burrows will return horn
this week. They have been trending the sum
mer at Kunapeo Lake, N. h. Mrs. Burrows
will entertain Mlsa Katharine Brown nt din
ner neM Saturday night.
An automobllo party which left hero Satur
day for n trip through New York State in
cluded Miss Elsie Ellis, Miss Mae Hills, Mr
and Mrs .Yihn. Doctor Donnelly, Miss Strttt
mutter Mr. and Mrs. Corr Frank I.esroo and
Mr. mid Mrs. Berkleman
, Miss Glads Mlnton, of 1701 Diamond street
has returned from tho mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman, Miss M. Kauffman,
L. Kauffman and W. Neblg, of North Eigh
teenth street, havo reurned from tho Poconos
Mr. and Mrs William H. Jarden. Miss Eve
lino Jarden and Alfred J. Jarden, ot 1S22 North
Fifteenth street, have returned from Haddon
Hall, Atlantic City, N J. where they passed
the summer months,
Mr, and Mr. Charles A, Weeks of 1830 Dia
mond street, entertained t dinner Friday evo-
. -. at Rydal, Saturday, September
BRETTOX WOODS, N H , Sept. 20.-Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Frlck. of Bryn Mawr. will spend n
fow days here. Henry Clay Frlck has so far
recovered from his recent Illness as to take
a dally motor ride. He drove to Waubek and'
Mountain View today,
Mlsa Mary Davis and Mis.s Natalia Davis, of
Philadelphia; Miss Wlckersham. of New York;
Miss Hope Johnson, of Spuyten Duyvll, N. Y.,
and Miss Dorothy Londoner, of Colorado, were
among those seen at tho ball at tho Mt. Wash
ington. Saturday evening.
Visitors are interested In tho announcement
of the engagement at Majur William Lutherly,
formerly on the Governor's staff, and now
practising law In Manila, P. I , to MiS3 Sarah
I. Fook.s, of Delaware, now living in Japan.
Major Lutherly was graduated from West
Point and is n brother of Adjutant Geneial
Herbert E. Lutherly, .. H. N n.
Evils of Modern Life, Deceit and Dis
honesty, Due to Parents' Tyrannous
Training of Children.
"Honor your father and your mother this
has been the Injunction that parents have too
often and too long held as a threat over their
offspring. Honor your children such a re
versal of tho Fourth Commandment observed
by parents would do more good In the world,
In my opinion, than a tyrranlzlng assertion ot
parental authority. It Is well for children to
honor their parents when they deserve such
honor. But parents should first seek to merit
this by their treatment of their children. We
may talk about the evils of modern life, of
deceit nnd dishonesty in business, politics and
the domestic relations; but these evils can't bo
eradicated until the source Is removed, and
tho source Is In tho home. Men aro what their
parents have made them. Cowardice, treachery
and dishonesty In life Invariably develop from
seed sown in the child life."
Miss Helen Ware, who has distinguished
herself by her characterizations In dramas of
modern life, was sitting in the reception room
of her euito in the Vendlg last evening. Miss
Ware had been discussing the problems of
modern life as affording material for drama,
and the conversation turned from marriage to
the relation of parent and child. Miss Ware,
whose personality Is as magnetic as It li em
phatic, if trenchantly direct In her opinions.
Life, to Miss Ware, Ih a serious thing.
"In life," she declared, "the absolutely
greatest things are truth and Justice. All our
evils, all our problems, exist In tho lack of
truth und Justice. To get down to funda
mentals, thl3 applies to business, politics, tho
relations of men and women, the Inequalities,
oppressions and wrongs of our social and
economic life. Ajid to get to the cause of
untruth, injustice, dishonesty, lying and deceit
we must go right to the home where the child
is reared. 'Spare tho rod and spoil uhe child'
Is the very command which has spoiled char
acter und spoiled life. If we want to correct
abuso wo must coriect the cause, and wo must,
therefore, correct parents.
"Fear 13 the fundamental evil, the original
sin, in human life. Now children aro taught
to fear their parents, and later to fear their
teachers. Fear makes cowards. Punishment
Is tho cause of mlfcdolng and crime. If, in
steud of threatening children, parents encour
aged them aluuys to tell the truth without
fear of punishment there would be less wrong
doing In the world toduy. If patents honored
their children there would be mure honor
among men.
"What Is the condition in the average home?
A child is restricted by rigid rules. It is trained
to see only the parents' point of view. The
father und mother never consider the child's
point of view. The child, in playing, acci
dentally breaks a vato, or has iome mishap.
It is then scolded or Housed. The result la
that tho child. Instead of admitting trivial
nilMlomgs, begins to llo. it blames whatever
accidents happen on tho servant, tho dog or
tho cat. That child continues to lie through
life, into the plnstic iMtuio of th,. imn,t...
being tho element of fear has been implanted.
.." .. ear. qeceit and cowardice. All u,o
later kindnesses of Ufe m not ehmlnate that
poison In tlte character.
A child should never be punished. I would
never scold u child. -.Vow if you don't stop
that I'll tpank you-' how often do we
hear this? A child should never bo threatened
A child should never be Malted with outbursts
of temper. Scolded and whlptted. ns tho aver,
age child I?, it cannot but develop bullying
nnd untruthful nuture.
"Refouns aro not made spontaneously or
inlraculuiiBly-eitlier i political llffalls or ,,.
man lives. We aro all what we havo srown to
be, and our children will bo whut wo train
them to be. The great reform to bo uccon,.
Plished ti. modern life is that of unthinking,
unsympathetic, Ignorant parents. Parents
must, learn to be constderato of their children,
tu respect their children, to bo able to put
themselves in their children's place qnd seo as
their children oE. They tmt3t loV unil tole.
rate, und not frighten ami intimidate. They
should make ihlldren feel that, oven If they
A DELPHI "Tho Itovolt," by Edward Loctto,
fitarrlnff Helen Wnrc. A rvifo driven dea
pernto by tjio neglect of her husband, de-
cldcs to seek equal liberty, but retreats!
in time. Review tomorrow.
BIi?A.D-"drugged," melodrama by Owen
Davis, with John Mason ns railroad mag
.x?,th a Penitentiary past. As llko
X?r. ,'lfc. M the novrta of Harold Bell
Wright, but more thrllllnn than actual life
oven under approximate circumstances.
Cablrla, rnovlnp-plcturo drama by Qa
brlello D'AnnunzIo, of tho third century
,'ui A tr,1!y marvelous feat on tho reel,
with a convincing volcanic eruption,
FormEST-'-Zlcgfcld Follies." a potpourrt
or songs, lokes nnd nnontnniiu. .v-..
Phoaphor'u"? w,thout wsumlne bralni
OAHKICK "Adole," French operetta, with
captivating music. RevcrsalsTn low, w t
KEtTH'anATrfal"n,f ' 'VO With hWlfc
,ili Sr?tr', n,nd Mrs' Vernon Cnstlo lr
'nelr orlglnrtl dances.
i 'NUT ''Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm "
by Knto Doiifr ns Wlggln. Return Tit tL
popular, unpretcntlouXt appelSling'pteSrl
do wrong, they can frankly admit it without
harsh censure or chaetisement. When parents
do this all that seem tho greater evils and dlf-
Acuities will boIvo themselves. Society Is no
greater than Its weakest member, nnd th
colossal malfeasances of financiers aro no
more egregious than tho criminal Inconsiderate-
new and unklndness of the parents that start
chl dren wrong by making them selfish, fearful
and untruthful. "
"Husbands nnd wives generally lack full
sympathy and understanding, and In nine out
of ten cases the husband Is not absolutely
honest and frank with his wife. This results a
antagonism, suspicion, lack of respect and un-
applness. Then these very couples, when
hey become parents, bring up their ch.ldr
n such a way as to make it Inevitable that
they enter iml,ar condltlons. Tru
Son's '""I1' i,10U'd b bsCrVctl ' 2
ly real! nnth rnQrr,ed P0P,e 8hould "'o
y rcalizo their responsibility to tho lives thev
ovo due those lives. Let parents first apply
PartCThT,awouMHhn0r Md Wrt "
part. Thl, would do more good than civic cam-
tr s"S;clTr SUffra "!-. -d anU-
unlo viil ' T"e reforn, of '"competent.
unlowiisr, Inesponsiblc, misunderstanding nar
enta "ould mean the reform of the race
Miss Georgia Cnlne, playing with ' Adele at
burglar router of the world. t
tect a burglar a mile off, nnd ta . mm
-jmln., them that he cannot, be" to sce a b""
Blur even In moving p,cturcs. Rcccnt
'Ade e' started on a tour. I took Holmes to a
moving.p.cture show l E,mhurst. whTr r
one of tho plays tt
side. During the action of
-.'.. eu upon the screen, w.n t ...,.
you could have heard Sherlock-he 'set un
owllng that stal,,ed the hous0i UP a
an officer appeared In the picture and threw tn
"Si T c,ce11 dld my denr Sh"lot S
oancing. Clever dog, eh?"
Eva Davenport, bmTin7 and hu
the pas summer at Mount Clemens, where sha
observed a nainf.m,. ,...,... B"
,. . ,, " """'" uiec, taking air
the baths on the program, sat packed in ice an
hour each day alter a s,n ....... . " an
through various forms of exercise 'guaranteed
to reduce weight.
0MIwB',fM,,ns 1,,B"I' eIattd a,!d thln'tlnE y
0 d friends would notice n,y loss," she said the
other day, "until I came back to the vicinity oJ
Lroadway and d street. The very first day of
my appearance my conceit was given a crush
ing blow by the r-oliceman who helped ma
ncroM tho street back of tho Times Building.
hy. how-d-you-do. Miss Davenport he said
1 am glad to seo you.' -And I'm glad to see
you, I returned, for I have a special fondness
for pollcemen-they have helped me over many
a rough place. 'I notice that you have gotten
thin, said I. 'Yes.' he answered, 'but I see you
haven't.' And they talk about the gallantry
of men!
Allco Gal-, who has scored a pronounced sue
cess In "Today." which -v.Hl be 0en at th.
Adelphl Theatre, does not believe, in belnff
iwwslmlstlo about anything and is very op
timistic ns to the prospects for general pro,
perlty in this country, despite the European
war. "If we let the European war discourage
us, what would wo do if the world should
come to nn end?" she nsks pointedly. "Let us
be cheerful. Nothing is so bad it might not bo
B. F. Keith's Theatre
Al Von I llzer and Dorothy Nord
iTHi:H.- ,i- Tim Till l.y (iUIJAT'
loew's Knickerbocker
ru'wr iii'i t i.n .- ci ...'' v
---- -- - ur.cu
Vrltfc ini4iii riinii fertti!al
MirkAi i I,a.u An i. -.
ttinuniiiMin riturnmicA from l 10 11 i i
Fin: iix.Ni'ixu macks
WHITE SfLPIirit Sl'IUMiS. W V . Sept.
M Mrs. A. Sydney Carpenter nnd Mrs. Robert
Ferguson, of Philadelphia, made the steep
ascent to the summit of Kates Mountain this
Captain and Mrs. John H. Gibbons, of
Washington, who spent tho afternoon plaing
tennis ith J O. Selbert. of Washington, and
Miss Harriet EI. of Bryn Mawr, were at one
of the tablts on the terrace on Saturday
Dr. George B. deSchwelnlti. of Philadelphia,
motored over here today from a nearby resort
with Mr, and Mrs. Edward Randall, for whom
be save a luncheon.
Stptmhr ifa
bteaetnhiu 1" . , Kill- .-atur4.i Stpti
fill" Ma II - I" l- .V l'illl)J J
BEG. MON. SEPT. 28 '? &
X A J I J. X 1 J kJ II
lUrftiK- I'g
. 60. 13. $1 all,, ,15u
l.i-.l!i und .Samr.U) i'Sc S(L
Framlj 1. Kfnwl
CAST OF 71 IrKlulme S1AKION II nvnv
MAl'KS KTm:i. i.K.W and El.RASoii : jtfsHi:i;i:
J'llIV i. uni'V. . .. out T3,
MuUntvi, TLy-ni im.!i,t nnd
T6c tl hKAflj NOW UN 6ALE
3 OTHER SF.r n-r-r
AND M-i:i-J U. J'UljriHAM nt' .,OTy PL-VYS
Forrest Last 6 Ninhts I ...n?lD T
h-l -" M.iiij.,,ui, ,t S' rie in I'hmfhin
Gnrrick Last 6 Nights
urn mat
N'llhlMHI ...., .... , .,"-.'..".. '0
rl,,"Bl ADELE ':VJr
k N....H M 11. I n h I , , . v i..B
WE1 Ml ""
I f 1 . i 1 i)Q
Ntt W
Brand Last 6 Night!
JOHN MASON in Drugged
M W '. . ill,. ,, t n , I . 1, U I , . 1 ,
Ul.-a.l j,i, t
mv u
I IBERTY M . .:,
1 ' - 11 Mm iwim n
k;;x"u QRPHEUMw-'t k,' " -;-
. hew 'J- HU ..II. Ut) I'AIII IMK
EMPIRE MAima. ,,i.w"
MXON to "' "
grand ;; :
T'-Iiv IS TiU lur.
ADELPHI Beginning Tonight
lb II
. 1
1 u