Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Appropriations by Congress
in Last Two Years Carry
Their Own Comment on
Professions of Economy.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Tho subjoined
table, giving tho amounts appropriated
by Congress for the support of tho Gov
ernment for the years 1913-M and 1011-15,
)s complied from the chronological history
of the Sixty-third Congress, propared by
tho clerks to tho Committees on Appro
priations of the Houso nnd Senate, cents
being disregarded:
.Army .....
jiiUomntlc ,
.Dlt. nl Col
,nit. nl Columbia,
Jumna .
Military Academy
roatntflco ........
Jlller mm imrwi ... .
Bur.dry civil 110.07O.!!27
r., 027,700
.IS 172,411
140, III M). 04.1
l!Kl,Rill 271
Former Dlmmlck Man Says Many
Will Follow His Course.
Further Indorsement of tho candidacy
of Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer for
tho United States Senate has been given
by It. )JI. Mttle, a member of tho City
Club, a lender In organized chsilty nnd
a Itepubllcan nnd warm friend of ,T. Uen
Jamln Dlmmlck. Many advocates and
supporters of Mr. Dlmmlck, Mr. l,lttlo
says, nro now working for Mr. Palmer.
In repudiation of Senator Penrose Mr.
I.lttlo declared that If Mr. Pcnroso was
a Itopubllcnn lie himself did not wish
to bo classed ns such. A list of names
of Dlmmlek's supporters, who hnVc ral
Hcd to Palmer, Mr. Mttlo said, would
soon bo made public.
Total ........
Totnln i
Miscellaneous ....
Annual totals.,
2S.074 012
Orand totals.. ,.$1,0",408,777 ? 1. 037, 003,00
N"o river and harbor bill has been passed
for this year and, therefore, this appro
priation for both years Is excluded from
ths grand totals for purposes of compari
son. Tho pension appropriation, for ob
vious reasons, Is decreased by $1,000,000;
tho Military Academy bill Is $100,000 less
than was allowed for last year; tho sun
dry civil bill Is down by ,723,000. But
generally thero are Increases, and tho
comparison of total appropriations, ex
cluding tho river and harbor appropria
tions, for a scries of years shows this
distributing record:
Year Amount.
1MI1 $!7S,r21,IIS7
1!U2 MI.'i,7ll0.4G2
ini.i iiSH,:i:vi,:t io
1!IM 1 ,( 137, co.-, not
l'llu 1,US!),)8,777
Tho appropriations which aro given in
detail above were made by a party In full
, control of tho legislative and executive
dcpaitmentH, which won power on n plat
form denouncing Itepubllcan oxtrava
Eanca nnd pledging Its candidates to
frugal administration. Tho laws carrying
them ucro passed by a majority -which
In the Houso today Is framing an emer
gency tax measure to maintain tho reve
nues of the Government, while In tho
Senate It struggles to onact a rlvor anrt
harbor bill bloated with useless and In
defonslblo projects which would appro
priate at onco $33,000,000, or $12,000,000 moro
than was carried by tho same measure
last year, and would entail future appro
priations of sums that no man can esti
mate. Xelther denunciation nor protest need
be added to this record. It carries wlfii
Jt a lesson no thoughtful man can escape.
John Robinson, Circus Mnn, 111
CINCINNATI, Sept. 21.-John Itobln
ton. known In ull parts of tho circus
and theatilcnl world, Is seriously ill
heie, with soveral physicians working
hard to pave his life.
Bun rises.. 5:10 a.m. Sun seta.... 0:01 p.m.
;usn water. L':2., a.m.
iAv na
Well i nter. 2: IS p.m.
natcr. u.sa n.m. Low w.itcr..lO:U3 v.m.
JIIth-nalrr.l1:37 n.m. I HlKh water p.m.
.low wjtrr. o:37 a.m. Low v.ater. 0:21 p.m.
".nuatcr. s.,7 ii.ni. nith water. 0::
II n.m. Low water, a.u.
Vessels Arriving Today
urtaiRi ii an (l!r), McKlllop, OlasKow.
patenters and merchandise,
Bt John. .V,
Allen I.li.
Jeijan. Jill,,, sugar, W. v. ltnsar .5.
Mia.) (.Nor.), i-ort Antonio, fruit.
Jllitncrotn. lint Antonto. fruit.
Stenmbhips to Arrive
Nnair. I.'rljiii
Jtonstilii (IUheow ...
Elnmcalla (Icnrai
DoniUilun Liverpool ...
lty ,f Durham Calcutta ...
AmSfirtVi HotUnlam
SE'Atf..- Jtottfrdam
? t.i- London
Reported Delay in Sailing of
Sommcrstad Said to Be
Due to Presence of Essex
Off Delaware Capes.
Mystery surrounding tlio delay In the
snlllng from this port of tho Norwoglan
steamship Sommerstud, which cleared
a weolc ago, hns aroused much specula
tion In shipping circles. Tho vessel Is
heavily lnden with coat nnd general car
go usually reckoned ns ship's supplies.
According to her clearance papers, sho
Is ostensibly scheduled to sail for Cadiz,
Spain. Tho causo of delay was not ex
plained by Captain Axelsen, mnster of
the vessel, or its agent, William J. Qrand
fleld. Men supposed to know tho port's busi
ness thoroughly when asked for an ex
planation merely slirutrirorl tliMr nhmii.
dcra and laconically replied: "Isn't tho
Urltlsh cruiser Ussex lying oft tho Dela
waro Capes?"
This remark Is taken to Indicate that
the vessel's cargo Is contraband goods
and liable to seizure. Somo shipping
men said that tho ultimate destination of
tho goods might bo tho German cruisers
Dresden nnd Karlsruhe, now playing
havoc with British and French cam
morco In the Caribbean Sea
It has been charged that theso cruisers,
which have never put Into any port
slnco war was declared for a renewal of
their supplies, have been receiving car
goes at sea which havo been shipped
from this port. An Investigation into
theso charges develop a possibility of
their truth, as four Norwegian steam
ships have sailed from this port within
the past few weeks carrying cargoes
consisting of canned goods, salt beef, salt
jiorK, uacon, nam, rice, sugar, cheese,
ordinarily accepted as ship's stores It)
shipping business. In addition to these
they carried several thousand tons of bi
tuminous coal.
Tho Ilrst vessel to leavo was tho Nor
wegian steamship Xepos, Captnln Nell
sen. She sailed on August 22 for Mon
lovla, Libera and Tenerlffe, for orders.
Ilor cargo was valued at S22.107.52. Sho
was followed on Septembor 2 by tho John
I.udwlg Mowhincklo, -with a similar car
go for the same destinations, valued at
$23,339.91. On September S tho Norwegian
steamship Unlta sailed for Cadiz. Spain,
with a cargo valued at J2G.332.3S. Tho
Sommcrstad, scheduled for tho samo port
as Is tho Fram, now being laden.
In the charges that vessels leaving this
port have been keeping tho German
cruisers In supplies, it was Indicated that
fabulous-sums aro being paid tho own
ers for tho risk. It was said that tho
vessels aro Instructed to go to a cortaln
position at sea and there await the ar
rival of ono of the cruisers which baa
been apprised by wireless of the vessel's
Tho Karlsruhe and tho Dresden aro
both light, speedy cruisers. They confine
their efforts to capturing and sinking
merchant vessels, as they havo no port
to tuko them to. Thoy decline to give
battle to tiny British br French warships
and their speed makes It easy for them
to eludo buttle.
Tho lollowlug was the manifest of ono
of ilio vessels:
Bull Moose Cuddle Up to
Both Republicans and
Democrats in Ocean Coun
ty Scars Certain to Show
After the Fray.
. Snl. HI
..Sept. IS
..Sept. 1I
itapMan .
....Pept. 1
...,Hpt. 13
....Pupt. 13
. ...HeDt. 12
. .Sapt. 10
.lluelvn. .... ....Sept. 14
ffcrtlusiiilari .
1'onilnlon . ...
uneiui. .. ::
J,Jnl .. .
J'it Point .."
CillfornU .....
fctananKer riept. 13
.1,eltli Sept. ID
Copenhagen ....Oct. ..
Steamships to Leave
,.1'or. Dale.
lilasKoiv S,'pt. 211
Liverpool Oct. .1
Naples Oct, 0
'"'ipenlUKen ...Hept.
Mutll'lleHUT ,..,Hcnt, IM
Ijinilon .........Sept. 2ii
Itotuiiliim Hept. 2'i
upenliiiRen ....Snpt. 2.1
Uiiiilnn t-ept. !!
t'lirlstlanla Oct, ::
fopeiilipijeii ....Oct. ,.
U I'auJ
Vessels Arriving- Today
Vessels to Arrive
S.I3 h, in.
Kloltr. 24,0110 lbs.
t-alt beef. .VOO lbs.
Salt rork. r,r, lbe.
Ilacon. 2702 lbs.
Hums, "(IX boxes.
Lard, -louo caaea.
'fallow, !lfl7 cases,
rneeee. ,'lli tubs.
Itlce, 1.'. liasa.
lltans, IS b.m.
I'runcH, 110 boxea.
alt, H btcs.
Cotltre. 12 ban.
Tt'U. tt c host.
If the stltiiilse ln Lorrei't that theso
ossels are suppbing the German cruisers
with provisions, tho tlmo of dcpaituro
of tho Sommerbtad will be governed by
tho futiiru whereabouts of tho British
cruiser. .j
Sugar, I, bacs.
Vinegar. 1 Uirrcl.
Milk. coud.. ft cases.
Sourkraut, S bbli.
HN-ulta, (M catea.
Canned egctubiai, 13
t'annetl meats, 25 cae-s.
1irar. .1U cases,
nil. 07 bbln.
Ketoeno, 2 bl.l..
'ittnn miate. Id bales.
Tlr lirlck. 1.10",
I'l-c l'Iuj, '! basa.
frnosi A stavp connrro.VDEM.
TmiNTO.V, Hept. 2I.-Tomorrow,s pri
mary day In Now Jersey, the day when
factional lights In nU parts of tho State
will bo determined. after which tho lie-
publicans, Domocrnts and Progressives
will settlo down to tho work of trying to
elect their respective candidates In tho
fall election. Tho Hull Moosers as n. party
aro virtually eliminated In Now Jersey
this fall. In I'nssalo and Ocean Counties
they havo combined with the Democrats,
which fact alone Is taken to mean tho
death knoll of tho Itoosovcltlans oa a
party of weight. Tho fights within tho
Democratic and Itepubllcan ranks, how
ever, aro numerous, and somo of thorn
nro bitter.
In the prlmnry fight In Hudson tho
voters will bo called upon to decldo which
of two brands of Wilson Democracy they
want. For tho time being also, at least,
will bo settled tho question, of tho su
premacy In the country betweon tho
factions of Is'nval Officer II. Otto Wltt
penn on oo side ad oGvcrnor Fielder on
tho other. Wlttpcnn has a complete
county and congressional ticket In tho
field, under tho standard of "ProgreBslvo
Democracy" and the ticket against him
Is tho "anti-boss" ticket. Governor
Fielder, who Is from Hudson, Is not tak
ing an active interest In tho pro-primary
fight, but It Is generally believed thnt ho
Is stalling his Interests on tho legislative
ticket in tho field which Is against Wltt
In the First Congressional District, con
sisting of Camden, Gloucester and Salom
Counties, Itepresontntlvo William J.
Browning, tho Itepubllcan Incumbent nnd
candidate, has no opposition within his
own ranks. Ho carried tho district In
1912 under tho most unfavorable party
conditions and he is expected to win the
election with small effort. Camden County
from a Itepubllcan standpoint Is In good
shape, more thnn GOOO names having boon
placed on Senator William T. Head's pe
tition. Senator Read, Republican, Is run
ning for re-electlou, In thnt county to tho
Stato Senate and ho Is believed to havo
every chance for success. It. Graham
Bleakley Is the Democratic senatorial can.
dldato for tho nomination, and B. H. Red
flcld, thd Bull Moose aspirant.
Sheriff Joseph 13. Nowrey, Democrat,
Is ono of tho candidates for tho Demo
cratic congressional nomination In tho
First District, and Harry C. Richmond Is
another Democratic candidate. Nowrey, It
Is declared, will get the solid Democratic
vote, eliminating Richmond almost en
tirely. George H. Hlgglns Is running as
a Progressive-Roosevelt candidate, and
Georgo D. Chenowlth as an Independent
Progressive candidate, but their voto it Is
believed will bo scattering.
In tho Camdon County Republican con
test for tho Assembly thero aro ilvo can
didates for thethreo places on the ticket.
Theso candidates arc Assemblymnn John
B. Kates and Garfield Pancoast, nnd John
H. Fort, Charles Wolvcrton and Dean S.
Prcssey. Tho Democratic candidates nro
Herbert W. Royal. Ralnh W. Weseott
and David G. McGenr. Tho Progressive
Assembly ticket consists of Louis B.
I.adue, Edmond West and Arthur Lltlor.
Senator George W. F. Gaunt. Repub
lican, from Gloucester County, who Is
seeking re-election to the State Senate,
has no opposition In tho primaries. He
Is prominently Identified with the
Grangers of the State and has never yet
been beaten in politics.
Salem County Republicans are reported
to be In good shape. The Democrats there
ato having a bitter fight over tho re
nomluution of Senator Isaac S. Smlck.
Ht Is being strongly opposed by tho Rev.
13. J. Gwynn, a Democrat, who Is seeking
senatorial honors. Collins B. Allen, tho
Republican candidate, has no opposition
In tho primaries. Chalkley Haines is the
Progressive candidate.
In tho Second Congressional District
tho fight Is very hitter In tho Republican
ranks. It is concentrated In Atlantic
County, although Bui Huston, t'ape Jlnv
and Cumbeiland, the other counties of tho
district. liavi been tirnwn Into it.
The four Republli-nu c.mdldntp.i In thf
field for the nomination In the Second
Congressional Dlatilct are Assemblyman
Emerson I.. Richards. ISanc W. Bacli
arach, ex-Senator Grlfllth W. Lewis and
Senator Blanchard II. White. Tho war.
particularly betweon Richards and IJach
nrach, Is to tho knife.
It Is not unlikely that Baeharaeh may
get tho nomination under the present pri
mary tactics, but Itepubllcan leaders, or
at least some of them, think that tho
nomination of Wh'te or Lewis would
probably bo tho host thing for the party.
Tho Democrats have no fight In their
ranks ns far as tho congressional nomi
nation Is concerned In the Second District.
Representative .1. Thompson Baker Is
their candidate for renomlnntlon, Tho
Progressives, whose stnndard bearer is
William II, Bright, arc showing possibly
more vitality In that section, relatively
speaking, than elsewhere In the Stato.
In Atlantic County all other Issues
aro dwarfed In the congressional battle
nnd Mio congressional candidates nnd
their friends nro lit each others' throats,
forgetting almost entirely In tho Intensity
of their flRht the Itepubllcan party. Carl
ton Godfrey and II. E. Whitman, Repub
licans, who nro running for tho Assembly,
will bo elected to thnt body, Tho Dem
ocratic candidates for the Assembly nom
ination are Richard P. Bloom, John C.
Magco nnd William Carlton.
In Cumberland County there Is n lively
fight on for Sheriff In both primnrles,
with general good naturo on tho Repub
lican side and some factional feeling
nmong the Democrats. Tho Cumberland
County Democracy Is divided Into the
Ackloy nnd anll-Acklcy factions. Sena,
tor John A. Ackley, Democrats will servo
until 1917, hut the faction against him
Is growing, It Is reported. The Assembly
candidates for tho Republican nomina
tion In this county are It. W. Sheppard
nnd Arthur S. Craig, who are opposing
each other. On tho Democratic sldo the
opposing candidates are L. W. Errlckson,
Wnltcr I Glaspoy and David II. Johnson.
Thero Is quite a fight over county
ofllccn In Burlington County. Assembly,
man Robert Peacock, Republican, Is un
opposed In the primaries. Ills Democratic
opponent will bo W. D. Cowperthwalt,
nnd Geurgo AV. Gllllngham will run as a
Cape May presents the usual normal sit
uation. Assemblyman Lewis T. Stovons,
Republican, Is unopposed for ronomlna
tlon as tho Republican candidate for tho
In the Third Congressional District, con
slstlng of Monmouth, Mlddlcsox and
Ocean Counties, Representative Thomas
J. Scully will ho lonomlnated by tho Dem
ocrats. Tho Republicans seemed unable
to get a strong candidate against him.
Finally W. Burtls Havens, of Ocean
County, was Induced to enter the contest,
but the Business Men's League, of Asbury
Park, thought tho nomination of Hetrlck,
a Progressive, advisable, and word has
been received here of Havens' withdrawal
In favor of Hetrlck.
There Is a bitter fight on in Monmouth
County among tho Democrats over tho
senatorial nomination. Henry E. Acker
son, Jr., backed by Secretary of State
Crater and tho Wilson Democrats, Is be
ing strongly opposed by Thomas P. Fay,
of Long Branch, who Is running as an
anti-Wilson, nntl-Crater candidate. Fay
claims that he has been pledged enough
support to get tho nomination. Tho Re
publican candidate in Monmouth Is T.
Frank Appleby, who has no opposition
for the nomination. Joseph G. Coleman
Is the Progressive senatorial candidate.
The Assembly situation In Monmouth
presents no unusunl featurcu.
In Ocean County the Democratic Assem
bly candidate, James 13. Conlcy, is also
the Bull Mooso candidate for tho nom
ination, tho Democrats and Progressives
having combined in that county. Assem
blyman David G. Conrad, Republican,
will be renominated to the Assembly.
Thero nro four Republican nnd live Dem
ocratic candidates for the three places on
the Middlesex County Assembly ticket.
Four Republicans, two Democrats and
a Progressive arc seeking tho congres
sional nominations In the Fourth District,
comprising Mercer, Hunterdon and Som
erset Counties. Tho Republican organiza
tion Is behind cx-Sentitor E. C. Hutchin
son, It Is said, but he will bo given a
hard race by William E. Blackman, a
young lawyer of this city.
Hutchinson, it Is declared, wilt lose
many votes because ho previously lined
up with the Bull Moose. William Dola
roche Anderson, of Somervlllo, and Fred
erick A. Pope, of this city, aro making
a fight for the Republican congressional
nomination, but It Is likely that tho nom
ination will go to cither Hutchinson or
Blackman. Tho Democratic candldato is
Representative Allan B. Wnlsh, who Is
standing on Wilson's principles to win
him ro-olectlon. Ho is opposed In the
primaries by Charles J. Drake, whose
candidacy Is not regarded seriously. J.
Wlggnns Thorn, a Progressive, will be
For the Mercer Assembly Republican
ticket with three places, there nro nlno
candidates, and on the Democratic sldo
theie uro flvr. Tho lighting on both sides
la lively, but friendly. There Is consid
erable bitterness, however, among both
Democrats and Republicans over tho
Sheriff's contest. The Republicans have
ten candidates In the field nnd the Demo
crats two. Tlicie is also a Progressive.
.1. Warien Fleming and Assemblyman
Horvey S. Moore, of tho Republicans,
seem to bo leading, while J. (1. Coleman,
a Ticnton undertaker, will ptobably gel
tho Democratic nomination. Sheriff Wal
ter Madden, ex-Mayor of Trenton, is run
ning for the nomination of County Clerk
on tho Democratic ticket and is unop
posed for the nomination. The Repub-
-". iimriia, from .Snpie.
Stenmshlps to Leave
Value. ,,.
"Iil. Marseille., ...
M. i-aui Ilmtenijiii
Irderli-b VII.
J J'-nrta .
HaliK ....
'"'Hie "
SeiUn,! ... "
iiierUu ..
Cameruuia ,',
Liverpool . ,
Nutlea . , . . .
I.tierpool ..
. Liverpool . .
..Havre ... .
. .N'aples
. .ltago ...
...sVut. 21
Sept. 22
..Sept. 23
.Sept. 2.1
.Sept. S3
.iept. -'.:
.Sept. 23
.Sept. 20
Sept. 2tt
..Sept. 2i
.Sept. 20
.Sept. 20
Vlirtnii,,,,. .
l'iin.1 for ton I'iJ m,'",k,c,s-. ,,u' Kvnerul de
'" .s..ir?iifc,!p,l0,;l",s,,eaJy. keeplni: rates
'url,et .lull f frc's''ta lecpa the Mil
1'iutiipi u''"un' 1 renclt-AilantIo ports, 2. 34.,
J1.'lur"j':' .!.'," !. '". 32.000 quarun. la
n. ...." :;: "or.
-..rj. , (
i '."'' iMuBOoi,,. -',., rra' ' I'1'! !?.
tr- uiw,.i..
Wl lr i
uu'j ijuaricra main.
't ions. i:omb.,i
i ... ' -"" on
"... 27, til k .!"m.1' ut -era,
"ikaiur i...r"2!!?T: ""obcr.
lo tuo
'' JIM. Keuerut . .-- ,""'. uJiuniore io
.,' Meull tu?- ill'1?'8 'mt., prompt.
'' t.Nor i XT ' '- ""' "iw. October
C".'.""- to i ni?,.1"'.'- Keuporl N w
I ;". iiiuC? su v'i bap'0 ,0 VulteJ hing
Oiwber ' ' a'" c''e Prt, feptembei
li u :' leraon. 700 inn. l.ri-..,. in. i i
m V ,,,,,., , , , ,, !1 1 NSt -rrrrs TJT nilOTUKIta
5S (ij , , r
Royal Appreciation of
The Pianola
The rulers ol fifty nations, with unlimited wealth at their
command, and with all the world's player-pianos to choose
from, have selected the genuine "Pianola" Player-Piano,
At Heppe's you may obtain a genuine "Pianola" for the
same price as an imitation, of which there are hundreds.
Pianola Pianos
Steinway, $1250 Wheelock, $750
Weber, $1000 Stroud, $550
C. J. Heppe 8c Son
1117-1119 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets
Terms Arranged for
Your Convenience
75c Fancy Feathers. 49c
In uliure, pheastint and hackle TUaik. tv-Mte
and iolors. FIRST FLOOR Non nr
S4 Petticoats, $2.98
t.r i
i.. ... -..-. .r '
black and plain . olors. In, lu.llns t m Uadii.a .hade"
Second iSqix
llcan candidate, -who la unopposed by" any
ono In bis own party, is the prwent in
cumbent, Samuel II, Bullock. Tlio Pro
gressive candidate Is Joseph T. Cotton.
Somerset has a senatorial contest
nmonK both Democrats and Republicans.
Speaker A. M, Beekman, of tho House
of Assembly; William V. Steele and P. G.
Thomas are tho Democratic aspirants,
with the chances probably favorlnr Beek
man, nnd on tho Republican sldo Hchntor
William V. Smnlley is unopposed ror mo
nomination. The Bull Moose candidate
Is Charles C. Konyon, who Is running on
ft ProKresslve-Ropublican ticket.
Kx-Reprcscntntlvo Charles N. Fowler,
Republican, Is fighting for tho Repub
lican congressional nomination In tho
Fifth District. He Is opposed on tho
Republican side by tho Rev. William
Torrence Stuchcll and John II. Capestlck,
but Fowler Is bellovrd to bo tho strong
est man. Representative William D. Tut
tie Is out for reimmlnatlon, and ho is
opposed by Thomas J. Plerson. Ocorse
W. V. Moy Is tho Progresslvo candidate,
and there Is also a Socialist In tho field,
In tho Sixth District, comprising War
ren, Sussex and Bergen Counties nnd
two townships of Passaic, Dr. John D.
Prlnco, Republican, formerly president
of the State Sonate, Is running to help
the party. He has nn eyo on the guber
natorial chair, nnd If ho wins his way to
Congress he may develop Into good Um
ber, Ills chances arc good over his Re
publican opponent, Major H. Wootl Mc
Clave. Representative Archibald C.
Hart has no opposition on tho Demo
cratic side for tho rennmlnntlon.
In tho Seventh District, Representative
Dow H. Drukker, Republican, who suc
ceeded the Into Robert CI. Ilremner, Dem
ocrat, to Congiess, turning tho district
Republican by an unusunlly largo ma
jority, will get the nomination without
opposition. The Democratic nominee will
be 'Vyrtltcr C. Cabell. Thero nro 12 Re
publicans seeking Uio Assembly nomina
tion In Passaic County, live Democrats
and Progressives combined and two Dem
ocrats. Passaic has five Assembly Rep
resentatives. Edward W. Gray, formerly secretary to
ex-Governor E. C. Stokes, Is believed
to bo a strong candidate for the Repub
lican nomination from tho Eighth Dis
trict, which lies pnrtly In Essex and
partly In Hudson Counties. Ho bus two
Republican opponents, and In the Demo
cratic ranks thero are two Wilson Demo
crats opposing each other. The Nlntli
nnd Tenth Districts, which llo In Essex
County, nre also interested In primary
congressional contests. Representative
Walter C. McCoy, Democrat, wants to
be renominated, nnd ho has clear sailing.
R. Way no Parker Is considered the
strongest of the Republican aspirants.
Representative Edward R. Townscnd,
Democrat, of the Tenth District, will be
opposed at the Democratic primary for
tho renomlnatlon by two Democratlo can
didates, Michael J Tansey and Colonel
James C, Sprlggs.
Thero is no primary fight on In tho
11th Congressional District, from which
John ,T. Egan, Democrat, Is tho present
representative. !o will bo renominated.
Jacob Straus will be the Republican nomi
nee. In the 12th District, which, like tho
11th, lies wholly within Hudson County,
thero Is a warm congressional light on
both sides. Representative James A.
Hnmlll, Democrat, Is opposed by Arthur
V. McGralh, and thero nre four Repub
licans seeking the nomination. J. Fisher
Anderson, another candidate, Is running
ns a Progressive and Republican.
The old Smith-Nugent fnetlon In Csses
will do lis utmost to control the Demo
cratic Assembly delegation, and tho Witt
pen and Fielder forces are at work In
nudjon. uno of tho greatest lights In Iho
northern part of tho Stato Is the Sheriff's
contest In Hudson, in which Itepresontn
tlvo Eugene F. Klnkcad Is mnklng a
great furoro In the Democratlo ranks. Ho
Is opposed by three Democrats In this
fight. There Is another light on In both
pnitlei over tho County Clerkship of Hud
son. In Essex a Sheriff and a Surro
gato are to bo elected this fall, and tho
pilmary contests there aro being stren
uously waged.
League of Anti-Penrose Republicans
Issues a Call.
Tho nntl-Penroso Republican league ot
Pennsylvania, which was formed a week
ago by men who supported the candidacy
of J. Benjamin Dlninilck, of Scrauton,
for the United States senatorial nomina
tion on tho Republican ticket last spring,
has Issued a call to all Republicans to
suppoit Glfford Pinchot, the Washington
party nominee, to rid the stntn of Pen
rose and Pcnrosolsm, "which has traded
too long on the fair iwrao of the Re
publican party."
Tho league ha also announced Its
committees, of whloh a majority of tho
members aro temperance leaders ot the
Conferees' Report Likely Will Reach
President Yet This Week.
WASHINGTON, S-pt. 21. Complete
ngreenicnt on tho Clnton omnibus anti
trust bill was In sight when the Sennte
and House conferees met today. Their
report probably will bo concluded to
morrow nnd tho bill placed in tho Presi
dent's hands before the end of tho week.
The Federal trade commission bill Is
now before the President nuaiting sig
nature, although, tho commissioners will
not bo appointed until December.
Iron Ore. Rivals In Quality tho Best
In Country.
WEST CHESTER, Pa., Sept. 21. Tl.
opening of tho old Iron mines nl Falls
of French Creek, this county, marks th
revival of an Industry which onco wfts
tho lending ono In tho northern part ot
tho county. Tho old shafts have been'
reopened In a scientific manner, and mod
ern mining for Iron oro nlll replace th
prlmltlvo methods used for moro than
ICO years,
ThousondH of tons of the finest iron ord
mined nro said to bo left In the mine.
Tho oro tests far better than nny mined
In tho rnstern part of the United States
and rivals In quality that from Missouri.
Much of tho oro shows moro than 90 pee
cent. Iron, nnd all runs moro than 73.
Tho vein Just tapped ii 40 feet In diam
eter and runs through a solid bed of
granite, making timbering unnecessary.
Tho entire bed of ore can be enslly worked
from tho fnco of tho gangways.
Jersey Pardon Bonrd Will Consider
Burd's Story in November.
TRENTON, N. J., Sept. 21.-Confcsslng
a second tlmo to tho murder of Manning
Riley In 1007, in order to savo John Ed
ward Schuyler, convicted of tho crlmo
but believed to bo Innocent, Frntik Durd,
a convict In tho State prison here, ban
again placed his own life In danger. Burd's
first confession was made on September
SO, 1012.
Tho first ronfesslon was Ignored by
Prosecuting Attorney Richard Kuhl, of
Flemlngton, and a Grand Jury, acting
under directions from Governor Fielder,
refused to indict Burd for the crime. The
second confession will be presented to
the board which will review Schuyler's
application for a pardon. The board
meets In November.
Rubbish in Ash Can Starts Blaze in
Her House.
NEW YORK, Sept. 21. During tho ob
soncj from tho home of Mrs. Russell
Sago, at 001 Fifth avenue, yesterday aft
ernoon, somo rubbish In a small room
caught Uro.
Policeman Downey saw smoke Issuing
from tho cracks of tho windows nnd
doors on the giound lloor and sent In
an alarm. b
Women's $1.25 &
$1.50 Cape j?j
Ono-clnsp, P. X. M.
sewn. Imported skins,
best American mako.
Tan, whlto and black.
STOnE OPENS 8.30 A. 31. AM) CLOSES AT .1.30 V. 31.
Lit Bmhmr
Market Eighth Filbert Seventh
in oLit inr; iinsT.iimANT-
nriST or i;vi;inTin(; t i.oi:.st
Best by Test
prove their worth by
tho superior mer
chandise you can get
with them. Double
Htnnipi here In (he
en s
& Misses'
Autumn Suit
Sketch Shows !;
Four of the&
Many Excep
tionally At
y 1 1
Cheviot and
If 1 jgjlll
(! The best values yet this fall!
4. Show the New Forty to Forty-Five-
'if Inch Rcdingote Goats
OME are plain and without an
atom of decoration to mar
their mannish smartness :
others are trimmed and exceedingly
dressy showing wide velvet folds
around hips, flat silk braids, velvet
motifs and cuffs. Lined to waist
with yarn-dyed satins.
Skirts' Are in the Smartest New
Plaited and Yoke Top Styles
You will also find in this exceptional
Two Groups in Styles Specially
Designed for JMisses
JACKETS in Norfolk style or fall in
kilts from the waist-line, and are
lined with fine yarn-dyed satin,
while skirts show yoke tops and plaits.
The color range includes new dark
greens, rich warm browns, navy
blue, a pretty Holland blue & black.
Every suit perfectly tailored, and rep
resentative of the choicest autumn fash
ions made up in high quality materials.
$1 C Today's Special Price for These Stylish Suits You
- Could Not Duplicate Under $25. second floor
Extraordinary Purchase and Sale of
Smart Plush Hats$1 QQ
Rvpontinnsil S3 Vsiliinc nt 'L
The Most Important Millinery Special Wei Have
Printed This Season.
'lheyr rich, limntlrul .inulllj,
Mlth silky lliilti-r'N pluxli criii,
n ml o(t pile phiNli lirtini,
Sketch Shows Two of thv Sew and
Ultra-Fashionable Shapes,
Manv have the latest dented and
slant-wise crowns, with brims that
becoinuiKb ripple, -urt Hare or are
snmrtlj- btlff and stiuiKht.
Include lilack, Black-and-White,
Navy and Taupe.
Extraordinary opportunity to eeon
omlzo on a new and smart Fall and
Winter hat.
fc1 QQ. Today's Price
tpL.ZJO At Any Other Time
You Would Pay 53.00
All Hats Trimmed Free.
Novelty Ostrich, Fancies and Pompons, SI.49 S SI. 98
I .arse aEsortment of plain and two-toned color
Inps. nlno black and white
Specials in
Women's $1.00
Flannelette Gowns
One ke(rbril.
Nral stripe I Mailed
olie bi-rflil-trlmmecl
neik ami l,-i vt-s. with
Ki allupeil edt!
$1 Cambric Gowns,
High unil -V neck
muileln with sokes of
laits, inbruidei v Inner
Won and neat edfes. ulso
home slipover models,
laie- nnd embroidery,
li limned.
Sofi-finlfihi1 cambrlo--
i,...,!,,.,, ,,,, , ,! irimmea will ein-
broidery beddings; drawers ede.J with iace
$1 Combinations, 09c
S3 Crepe Kimonos, $1.98
iL'sllA aVa lUrk 'Olois and pretty floral de
signs Raglan model tiiinmca with bands of
messal.ne One Ulutred.