r' EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 101. S lOVECRAZED YOUTH tit TIT fi ll 1 1 1 I'll A f I 1 1 FUHud mu mu INTO GIRL'S FACE hotman Pratt Makes Des ! Derate Attack on Fiancee iand Then Attempts Sui- cide In Hospital Now. tills love Pimtncu after having biic ,rcJcc! I" lending Ills sweetheart to the Threshold of tlio nltar. lO-yenr-olcl Noi- ,.rnit, of 5303 I-cna street, Gorman- ..,. .... nifiirlr mi nrnttv Thmcfln. muii. ninue " " Viifitiattln and members of her family ftllh carbolic acia. m- " i" .. 'mantottii Hospital )n dmiKcr of losing "ii nlfllit. Trait lias l'"11 employed "- ticket teller In the Spring Garden atrcot stn Rion of tho Heading Railway. Ills ut foclt uas tho culmination of a trip to Jlkton, Mil.. Mt ''I'ss i.' iizmarun, niai Tuesday. They dlffcicd on tho question 'if whether or not n pi lost should marry ffliem and returned without the ceremony IWng performed. E Miss FlUmnrtln's father heard of tho f.L nnd forbade Pratt to visit his tlaugh- Jui nrniln. I'ratt camo to tho Fltzmartln iter " . t iMit. u llnme W J. una nm-i-v. ....... ...D..H --.. mei his wny l"1"" J,r3- Norn Fitnar i,n and followed the girl to her room, Where he grapplid with her. The police Hit he tiled" to forco nold down the girl's ikroit M". Kltssmaitln solzcd Pratt's Vrli't l'er face and hands weio splashed 'ilUi'ncM. William, her 4-year-old son, Vis nlo geiloiisly burned about tho head If fKltlff dlOP1! Ol 1MB IH1UIU. jllsa .waiy i-iwuwiu.i, v . .., rl Mil SCI earning iroin mu ihjuhc nnu died I'olkenmti l.eo. of tho Gcunantown i.nnn lie iraciou me struggling youui jt time to kc Pratt spit most of tho fcnjlnder of the acid on his face and tfes In nn effoit to pour It down his ihroat. sPhyslcians at tho Gennantown Hospital .. ........ t Bnmn oinnll tinmn thnl Plntt'n treilght may be saved. Ho declined to mU a statement, other than that he loved Miss ritzmartln to distraction, invpstlcatlon revealed, tho police say, that I'ratt Induced the girl to leave her Million, being In tho employ of Dr. Frederick Heale, of Oak Lane, yesterday, ,nd when ho had her alone In n car riage tried to choko her. The marks cf Ms fingers aio still on her throat, ac cording to a physician In charge. Pratt got the acid from a drug store tt Bajnton and 1'ilec streets, German Iowa purchasing one and a half ounces, tavfnz he wanted It for disinfectant. As W it had previously bought three ounces the druggist was not suspicious. CLEARING THE JRACKS AT SCENE OF WRECK Injured in Hospital Doing Well. B. & 0. Trains Using P. R. B. Hails. CHESTntl Sept 21. Large forces of Tireck removers and brldgo builders nio ttlll at voik at the seem- of tho Calti jfiore and Ohio wieck west of Woodlyn and It Is expected that within tho next il hours the Hacks, which were torn up for a quarter of a mile, will bo rclald and a temporary Inldge elected on tho fouth side of the destroyed structure, crossing Crum Cieek, u Email stream. The Kaltlmoie and Ohio trains are Hill using the Pennsylvania tracks. connection being made at the Delaware Junction. With tho exception of Mis. Jnllii Ti. Wlraer, C, yeaiH old. of Itoanoko. Vii., nho is a patient at tho Crozer Hos- ipltal, all the injured passengers ni'o im , trovlnp. Thomas Shipley, of Ml. Vcr- 1 ion III., ana i:ugem- Stnken, of Bal timore. Jld., aie still lit tho Chester Hospital George U. Troup, who was treated at the ('Hester Hospltnl for lac erations of the stnlp, left last night for EL Louis, Jin, j0,u Tjose, of Haiti Wore; C. C Hippie, of Wnco, Tex.; John winters, of W'lieellnir. IV. Vn.. nmi it passenger named Johnson, of Taylor, Ter., who into wounded by broken class, also left for their respective des tinations, im"h ,lic r Ption of the interior fiminjrs, "nf of tho steel coaches was Patly il.im.iged It Is oxneetecl thnt nmalning derailed conches, lies on its aldn nt the WMmmm. 3 S mwM IWIb 1 AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER t the three i?Dt of lllMi HOW RULING HEADS OF EUROPE CAME TO EXALTED POSITIONS Outline of Origin of Power ful Prerogatives Is Ap propos of World's Ques tioning Into Causes of War. uuiiiini sir . ....i hi . ,--.. ... hi.- iuviiic, win no ratscu May, dciiieks now being elected for .u ijurfioe NEGRO'S DEATH MAY BE DUE TO LEPROSY, DOCTOR THINKS rd of Health Now Looking Into Case Causing Alarm. llZl31'""'" "-:is c-"li!eil ' the south Si'11; "f 'ho city today when It Kpo,tl that Owen Hall, CO years trenteen.h an,l Montroso streets, of JIDr"s:"!n,n,, "'"""''-'l fr several days 'io s dil, r"'0"' !-B l'nt"-lne street. ISUUtu, t surgeon. IIo Ral.l tn.lnv W.mi..I,:.,,lano,,c' ns Possible arm. fie IIoar.1 at thern was no oauso for fll tilt IHS,. W.I. r. mm &. I W.nS?f ,";llt," thta mornlnB Dl. l..tZ , "nt, nr "wtcll. of tto oil M?5. '" n'.ll(0 an Investigation. t wm f, ' . .' " reS"lar home d there wl m,, ''"' room here q "lcre whoever Iip had moiiey. ITALY'S CABINET DISCUSSES WAHCRISIS ALL NIGHT N S'ate,"tnt ln ReP1y t0 Austria's Denial of Hostile Attitude. Aaall-nl'ht .o i PJtB. Sept. II. offlclal demit1 "0tt;,.'.,s rcetPt "f I" UnB w T Vlen,la tn:" Atrla an fromler mepu,atlo"s Pon the wii.nl? w'L';'!',""" 0t th0 ,ncet,n ".Is tt!tudh,3, S!"!ve'1 't Italy's future "eBlto th. T V"uer lUeusslon. wnn I tS t, n"llal .of tl,e Austrian Gov asbMsiea UennaH ami Austrian HOUSE OWNERACCUSES BOYS WldoWs, PurntahtoBa nnd Roof of Empty Dwelling Mutilated, hJ- 'n"occ'nt ,ooUlns aPPcr C'KUln To?!1'"6 8U8P'cln of possessing EUtrau r, ;ndcI. were held by fWMa g" en t. ,nU6 S,atlon lhls morning, Sf! '5 the dWPii.w ak,l,s aU t'"1 wln- ft SnSSrjh,0 bScr of the " s. JI ai tt" la boys. Thov ar v .. 'Me. i, boya. They are ivank i. s 'J Vara m . . "3 "aK ".i Tb i.,"t.u?? l35 North 21th i. J mimatM,.....!.. v a tiro" , " f"i" 'ear o'J. o' ,. Sf vl of :,n'"t Albert Uenafold. it e tro-.e; V. uaKUa'e street Tl tn The whole world has united in ques tioning or berutlng tho right of certain Individuals chaiged with tlio icjponsl hillty of btlnglng on the conlllct of tho nations which fato has placed under their nominal leadership. They have been heatedly blaming each other, meanwhile. Who these persons aie, and by what warrant of authority they came to their exalted posts, with so many mischievous prerogatives, is set forth in the ensuing paragraphs. GCItMAN EMPIRE. The constitution of tho (Jet man Elli ptic dates fiom April 16, 1871. mid tho omplro consists of four kingdoms, Prus sia, baxony, J.'avnria and AVurtemberg, sis Grand Duchies, soven piinclpalltlcs, three fieo towns nnd one Imperial terri tory. Trussia Frederick III, Klector of Hramlenburg, declaied Prussia a king dom and nscended the throne as King I'reucrtc I on January is, 1701. and from lilm in direct descent conies William If, King of Prussia nnd Empeior of Ger man. Kuxonj In 1S0C, Elector Fiedorick Au gust III, on joining the confederation of tho Rhino, ascended tho tin one December 11, lMfc, as Fieuerlc August I, tho tltlo being recognized by the Congress of Vienna, 1815, Tho present King Frederick August III, ascended the throne October 15. ltilM. Havarla The Elector Maximilian Jos eph wus, niado King by Napoleon I, De cember SO, 1S03, and recognized at A'lcnna Congress, 1815. The present King Louis 111 ascended thu throne November 8, 1913. AVtirtomberg Tho Duchy of Wurtem berg was created a kingdom by Napoleon I with Frederick I on tho throne and lecogulzed at Vienna Congress, 1815. Wil liam II. nephow of his predecessor, Charles I, came to the throne October ti, 1S91. AUSTIUA. Francis II, of the Holy Roman Em pire, became Emperor of Austria as FrancH I, August C, 1S08, and was suc ceeded by his son, Ferdinand 1, .March S, 1SJ3, und abdicated December S, ISIS. On the same day his nephew, tho son of the Archduke Francis Charles, was pro claimed Empciot as Francis Joseph i ami King of Hungary, June S, 1S67. HELGIL'M. Belgium became an Independent king ilom by the deciee of the session of Octo ber 4, ISM. The National Congress elected on June 4, 1S3I. Prince Leopold of Kaxe Coburs as Leopold I, King of the Bel gians. At Ids death, December 10, 1563, his son ascended to the throne as l.o. pold II. At his death, December 17, 1909, the present King Albert I was proclaimed King and Is tho son of Philippe, Count of Flundeis, and nephew of the late Leopold II. RUS9IA. The reigning family ara known as the Romanoffs, dating from the accession of Michael Romanoff in 1613, as Michael I; from him for 309 years' descent we have th present ruler of Russia, Nicholas II, who was born Slay 18, 1S6S, succeeding his father, Alexander III, November 3, 1891. SERVIA. Pervia became a kingdom in 3S72 'with Milan I bb King, he being the nephew of Michael Obrenovic, who wag the last reigning1 Prince Milan I abdicated In 1JS9 n favor of his ion, who ascended tho throno as Alexander I on the night of June 11, 1903. lip nnd his consort. Queen Drnga. were assassinated by olll cets of the Servian army, who proclaimed Peter 1 King, coronation taking place ln October, 190). FRANCE. Slnco the execution of I.ouh XVI, January 21, 1703, Franco Iuih tried several forms of government. The llr.st lepubllc lasted till 1799, when n consulate of three wore chosen Decemhor L'l, 1799, und on May G, K01, Napoleon Uonaparte was elected consul for ten yars, and on Au gust 2, fiamo ear, for life. This foun lnsted until May 18, 1801, when he was decreed Empeior as Napoleon r. reigning until ills final abdication, July 3, 1SI5. Then came I.ouiH XVIII, Chailea X and Louis Philippe, who abdicated February 24, ISIS, nnd a republican form of govern ment established which on December 19, ISIS, chose Louis Nupoleon Ronnpaito as president. Tills lasted until November -'-', IS.".', when Louis Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor ns Napoleon III, abdicating Sep tember 4, 1S70. A Committee of Public Defense reorganised tho government as u republic with Louis A. Thiol h as presi dent. May SI. 1S71. Pince this period France has remained as a republic. Tho present incumbent is Raymond Poincnie, born August 20, 1SC0, elected president, January 17, 1913. ENGLAND. Thr jnesent ruler of England, (Seoigo IV, is of tho house of Ilanovei nnd is therefore, of Geimau origin. Georgn I, the first of the Ilanovei laus, came to tho English throno August 1, 1711, 201 years ago. IIo was, n thorough German and could not speak English. HIh light to the throne camo fiom James I, whoso granddaughter, Sophia, marrrled into the house of Hanover, BABY SLEEPS WITH BEARS PRESIDENT SATISFIED WITH MEXICAN STUATI0N Discredits Stories of Trouble, But Will See Personal Investigator. WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-Whllo tho Administration affects not to be dis couraged at tho reported turbulent con ditions In northern Slexlco, nevertheless Paul Fuller, of New York, the Resi dent's personal Investigator in Mexico, will mnke a report to the President Wed nesday on his recent inquiries Into con ditions south of the Rio Grande. The reiioit would haw been made tomorrow but for the Ptebldent's jouiney to Prince ton, N, J , to vote. Ml. Fuller arrived in tho capital today. Tho President e.xpressed to Inquirers today his complete satisfaction with the mnnner in which the now MoMean Gov ernment was conducting Itself. Tie said he was Inclined to plaeo tittle credence in the jeports of disturbances in northern .Mexico emanating from El Paso Tho State Department also refused to bo peiturbed by the tales of unrest In Chihuahua and Souotn. Olllcluls declared that they had no leports from United States mpiesentatlves of any movements indicating a now revolution or reflect ing any chances of a break between Gen eial Carramai and General Villa. "Big Doggie Play," All Lost Child Says of Experience. FIF1ELD, Wis., Sept. 21. Kept alive for two days by association with two bear cubs and tholr mother. Baby Ball, tho 2-year-old son of a settler north of here, was found late at night recently asleep in tho underbrush nnd, though starving, was not suffering from ex posure. The searchers saw the sign of hears near whero tho child was found, and old woodsmen declared that tho babo was kept nllvo by sleeping with the cubs and their mother. All that the child can say is: "Big doggio play: baby hungry." The child wandered away one night. Iho next day the entire county joined In n fceiiich for tho little ono. Tli day's work was resumed nnd tin searched s found their first trace of thf youngster when a scrap of his tornje.m lompers was found clinging to a rasp berry bush miles from his home. Tho place was all tiampled with bear prints ami the child's futher became li antic, thinking the joungstrr had teen killed by an angry she-bear. Instead, when at 9 o'clock at night the hunters stirred the bears in the nrusn, incy round the baby alone and unharmed. Tho crashing of the under biush Indicated that the bear and cubs left Just before the searchers arrived Tho Northern Wisconsin nights aro cold nnd the child would havo frozen had not ho been mothered by the old bnr, woodsmen declare. WOMAN FAILS DOWN STAIRS Injuries and shock teceived in a full down a Might of stairs at he homo this mornlnig may prove fatal to Sirs. Carrie Strobel, 72 j ears old, of 1741 Noith S"Hi street Slio is being treated at the Uci man Hospital, whero physicians say her condition Is seilous owing to her ad vanced age. AVIATOR CHASES WILD DUCKS E. K. Jaquith Rises 5QOO Feet nt Atlantic City. ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 2l.-Flylng moi thc ocean In sight of thousands of visitors yesterday, E. K. Jaquith in his new hydto-neroplane gave chase to a Mock of wild ducks. For three mllcB he maneuvred his plane trying to kill one, but failed. Several times ono or two stray ones shot through the wings of his plane but escaped unin jured. In one of tlieso IHchta Januith came within 300 feet of breaking the altitude record, going 5o.) fet. The record Is 5SC0 Icet. fAt the ftyFZS Sign of THE GREEN DRAGON "The Little Studio Upstairs" and the Tea House at 214 South Fifteenth St. will reopen for the season Tuesday, September 22. The service will in clude luncheon, afternoon tea, in formal suppers or dinners Meals served to those liunR in apartments. Rooms reserved for special lunch eons, teas or dinners. CONDUCTOR BADLY HURT AS SLEEPING Accident May Make Him Cripple and News Is Kepi From His Sick Wife for Fear Shock May Be Fatal. LOCAL BOND TRADING RULES ARE RELAXED Houses Permitted to Solicit Business. Transactions Must Be for Cash. P ft P T I? A Tn?C TB A PIT ' rm,rr rullns of tllc Committee on tTn VxUl Jjjjn ijjjj iRnUJi I "sted Securities bond houses In this city 1 will be permitted to solicit business by salesmen or by telephone beginning today and continuing until further notice by tho committee. The olllclnl announcement of the committee reads: First. On nnd after .Monday, September 21, mil, nnd until further notice, Phila delphia houses dealing In securltlM may sollelt lnislnts by sIe.tnien, of bv thclc phone, undei tlii- following conditions: All unlisted seeuiltles before being "f ftred must be submitted in wilting, to the Committee- on Fnllsted Seeuiltles, who will nlnif 'minimum prices at which sale I will he npptovrd. DenleiH mn offer only securities which they actually own. nnd then, only nt prlres not leas th'Ui tho I minimum wires lled by the committee. llH-ec Uueh und every sale consummated, must no promptly ropoiicn 10 inu uminiu'". Second. No circulars or lists of olTor lng4 shall lie mailed by tiny dealers until further notice, except nl the request of customers. Third. All tKinsHctlons must be made for cash, and no tnulu based on exchange of seeuiltles will be sanctioned. Fouttli. We wish to ftnphnulzo the fact that offulngs mndo must be of securities uctunlly owned by the dealers making the off clings. Fifth. All buying or .selling unlet H In securities not actually owned must he submitted to the "committee. If the com mittee have Inlying or selling ordertt In securities so submitted, they will try to complete tho transaction. The life of a Philadelphia woman hangs In the b.alanco today as the te sult of tho Baltimore and Ohio Rail road wreck Saluiday night cast of Woodlyn, Pu., where' u. southbound ex press tr.tln was derailed null sleeping cats wore lolled down an em bankment. She H tho wife of It. A. Ilurirlchouso of 1SW North 20th stteet, the Pullman conductor who was hurt In the accident, Huwrlchouso Is badly injuicd and may b5 crippled for life The wieck Saturday night wns the third ho has been ln Blnce ho went to wotk fot tho Baltimore and Ohio two years ago. About a year ago his spins was Injured In a wreck In Illinois ami he wns laid up six weeks. The old Injury has now returned nnd today ho Is in bed at his homo wondering if ho will ever regain tho uso of his limbs. Mrs Humrichouso has been undet treatment for nervous prostration for seven weeks. She does not know thnt her husband has been Injured nnd her physician has given strict ouIts thnt the news be kept from her. Any shuck at this time, ho says, might prove fntnl, Accordingly rvciy elTott is being made to keep tier unawaie uf tlic fact that her husband is lying on the t go of paralysis In nn adjoining room of their home. Humrichouso was In ought homo yes terday morning by Dr. K. J. Mollis, of the Baltimore and Ohio Rullio.nl. Tho physician found him lying unconscious alongside one of tho ovei turned coaches after all tho injured had boon taken out nnd cared for. When the' crash en me. according to the story tho conductor told Mrs A. Mundy. his mothcr-ln-law, who Is attending him and his wife, he hnd Just left the sleeping car nnd was In tho parlor cat. Thr. shock hurled Humrlhousc the full length of tho car and against n door. In splto of injuries to ills side and arm and the dull pain In his splno from the old hurt, he crawled through the window and went to woik helplns tho Injured out of tho overturned coaches. Pres ently a train arrived to take away tho passengcis. Humilchouse calmly made out the tiansfer tickets to this tinln. When his duty was completed he col lapsed. Bad Eyesight Retards School Children Various forms of h.id eyesight, most of which oculists can cute, are i Blind ing the progress of 23 per cent, of the school children In this city, according tn the latest weekly health bulletin of Director Ilnrte. Parents who cannot nftord to pay for tho treatment of thole children's ejes aro urged to bring tho children to tho Eye Dispensary of tin. Bureau of Health. AUTHOR HELD AT VIENNA llOJIC, Sept 21. It is olllcially announced from Vienna that Henry Slenclewicz. tho w liter, lia, been liberated nom prison, but Is foi bidden to leave tho ciU. All of the Imperial palaces in Vienna have been converted into hospitals. MIXED CHOIR AGAIN IN USE Church of St. Charles Borromeo First to Make Change. Pur the fltst. time In oisht enis, wnincii und girls sain? with the choir of the Church of St. '.'Inu les Iloiroincu, Twelfth and Christian (streets, yesterda, nnd It is expected that thetc wilf bo mixed choirs in many other Catholic chinches,'' in the neur future. When the Into Popo Pious asked that only men und boys sing in tho churches, the Church of St. Uorromeo was ono uf the firs? to comply with the deciee. Pluns aro alroadv being made for the Installation of ii mixed choir in St. Steph en's Church, Rro.id and Utttler streets. Musical dliectors lire glad to have the pilvllego of obtaining women nnd girls for their choruses un they havo found dllliculty In securing men and bos to .sing alto and soprano. BOY RUN DOWN BY WAGON .funics Comerford. 11 years old, of 12r.1 South iiucknell, suffered n fractured ankle and other minor Inluilcs todnv 'it 2,'ith arid Federal .streets. Uo es.u taken to the Polyelinic Hospital. HoskinS Office Outfitters and Commercial Stationers After you have seen The Vernon Castles at Keith's you will certainly want some of their danco records. Full line here. A lnlnTho new musical com VULMU Cliy hoio n,ia Week. We've Four of tho Popular Musical Hits Clinrux, SIjc Airs 9l.'J.i "Von mill Only You" 7."iu (icnis from "Allele" 91.1!.' Allele AVnltzes ?1.U5 SSPENN', Bte & Sound-Proof Hearing: Knoms At your Service Penn Phonograph Co. 17 South 9th St. (ii'i'OMTii I'ovninit i: Largest and most fair ly priced stock to be found anywhere. "First impressions are the most lasting." A tastefully furnished office creates a favorable impression a distinct aid to obtaining new trade. HOSKINS 004 -90() Chestnut St. G. Franklin Davis Co. Collings and Richey Aves. West Collingswood, N. J. Phila. Office, 240 S. 3d Street Collingswood, N. J. Corner lot. go.nl location for business Values Intrej'lne Fine lot raUng- the Knight Parle. 10-room dwelliiic. ll conenlenc. raclne Iho Knight Park 5I2SO win, njrualu- 2j-story brick ilnetllny. 1L'950 JU30 uash. lialutict, may umain on mort KHKe. payable an mil THE WAR M Dili WAKRU BULBS Iho HiiKrn (jir .'irmftMri - M. h pre 'I illinium; to i il"s ti, H iTuiiumij tn i ir "Wak-ru Quality Dutch Bulbs" at reduced prices .M,t perinie a f ,)i, , liuli,-. inuM c"i- so I it, in, i NiiltllliS hut b i'l -it our store in m h,t. Inths Ulft - nl ( ii,i in eli I'ir. . Mom our flpl.li In li,, la ml to sour s ir.leii 830 Chestnut Come uiul them oter. Gt. Van Waveren & Kruijff .luliii tun .iM. Mr Office 200 Walnut Place MONTENEGRINS TAKE STRONG POST IN RUSH ON BOSNIAN CAPITAL Rogbitza, Thirty Miles From Sarajevo, Seized and Vic tors Advance Within Ten Miles of Stronghold. CUTTIXJU Sept. 21. The Montenegilti army has occuplcil the town of HorrbltJia, Hosnlu, In force and li now within ten miles of Sarajevo, the capital of Ilia AtiHlrlun province. This wns oftlclnlly aniiotinceil by tho War Office today, nnd tho capture of Sarajevo Is now confidently expected. Hogbltsi.1 Is nn Important town on tha railroad leading to Sarajevo. It Is 3i) miles east of tho capital. After occupying the city tho .Montenegrin army then ad vanced 20 miles nloriB the railroad to ward Sarajevo. I BECOMES IBREMOVABLE RECTOB, The Hev. Thomas K. Burton htm been made iticmovublo lector of the Itoman Catholic Chin rh of the Annunciation, lotli and Dickinson streets. Ho conies to tills I'linrjffj from Frackvlllo, Pa , nhetn he was rector of St. Joseph' parish, vhhh he organized about 11 jr-its iiko. J'levlous to solnff to Frnnck illc leather liurtoti 3rrved as assistant in several cliurilies here Ho succeeds tlio Itev. P. .1. JJniley, who lias been transferred to the Church of Otrr Lady of the Itosnrv, C3J nnd Cnllowhlll streets. He will assurno Ills new dutlea next Sunday. Perry's Fall Suits Fall Overcoats $12 15, $18, $20 The values of material and making in them have passed into a household truth in Philadelphia At Perry' a We have always put such solid worth into our Suits and Overcoats at $12, $15, $18, $20 that big makers of men's clothes have frankly expressed their astonish ment! At Perry's We continue all thc time so to make them that our $12, $15, $1S, $20 clothes keep right on making good At Perry's Their wearers tell their friends, and they buy! These men in turn tell other men in an almost end less chain and every sea son finds us seHiiis more and more of them At Perry's 1 Ti Perry & Co., "n.b.t. 16th & Chestnut Sts. Baltimore & Ohio TO HAVRE DE GRACE RACES September 21st to 30th Irs e Round ,JD Trip k Coarhe. and Parlor Cari I.. Ciilh & Cheirnut at ) 1 Ileturolcg alter ibs race Special Ttabt e. u. gr DON'T MISS THIS SALE OF GLOVES Our complete line of summer gloves is tietni cloe4 out at (.out tirlcen. Some excellent alun at rprlces from c to, Vi 75. Many ar heay enough lor fall and uinter near Our duster, aro tlio b I n c cleaned out at rock bottom fljuree" Borne a tow aa CO cents A rtat opportunity. 12 MBMEfir B& MOTOR SUPPLIES OAllLDEIB SHPiBPrn t, 217 North Bmj1 Street J JTIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET I I.I i II Tt s, Wf& , WW ! 17 ! The "Gaiterboot Topmost Style Tho beautiful raruian ocrgaiter effect is perfectly realized in the "Gaiterboot." Its giuceful vamp out line, smarts jigm ami modish finish give it mS ntcd prominence. Patent leather or black Russia calf, with narrow receding plain toe, light welt sole, and leather Louis heel, the toppings are fawn, gray or black of the new imported Dreadnought cloth. r.aMea" Shoe parlor. iscoi.4 Floor, The Ig E'oe Store t .20406-08 ticket BU 8Uk Stocking and eatif " Shades School, College and Institution Accounts Solicited We are the largest buyers and receivers of fruits and vegetables in Philadelphia, and will be pleased to send price list or representative. You will find our prices in terest ing. "We will send for and re fund any unsatisfactory purchase," Free deliveries and prompt attention to out-of-town trade. Felix Spatola & Sons I'rulU uuil WKHMhlm Rending Terminal Market Private Exchange Boll and Keystone 'Phones Established 30 Years S, wl HijJ P'itaJ T tH2J B II li II li I CTk fflFl JF" '' iiT I " fiK crv "He do the ret" IIESTI DEVELOPINC mad FINISHING (Kocbeater Method) HAWORTH'S Eattnua Kodak C. 1 1020 Chestnut St. KODAKS MUuilo Clir Ih. W1 DoardamUt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers