Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 19, 1914, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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t l7rr-nio m ftfJ rnn
IPKESBT I ttimmo i .! i .
churches Will Seek to Raise Large
Jund ior .cx.i.c"'""" ....
-..trnto plans nro being made by the
Ellv.r Sns of this city for the canv
-'iSbT waged this autumn to help
tfiffn bSl"t of $HMM for home mis-
c . end I church extension of tho de-
'"SiniSlon. The pnHlora of nil churches
Bomlwn reauestcd to present tho cause
! ?JE conRregntlons on Sunday, Octo-
to illf.u jay "that has been set aside
T'-city Mission Sunday."
'rnl churches have been asked to con-
?. 110000 of tho budget for home
' lon , oTdSrlns this year. Of this
loin" MP" ccnt' ls t0 B ,XW"rd '
.W Tnrk In the presbytery, 10 per cent.
tnX Ion work In the synod and 30
f0.r Sent, for national home missions.
P rfforts arc also to bo mndo to collect
..SSi to be used In paylns off mort
"""'nn all missions and churches deslr
B'.Uta c In tho Philadelphia Prcs
l"JI,S th"ro 7S churches, 42,854 mem
Ks and Sunday schools having a total
lowing "City Mission Sunday" a spe-
lUilnff Is to be held In Calvary
Sire S clergymen and laymen will
particularly "
Campaign for Stimulation of Interest
to Be Waged This Winter.
i campaign for Increased scrvlco in tho
fining of volunteers and paid workers
n churches, Sunday schools, settlements,
LJs' and girls' clubs, tho l'oung Men's
Ch.stlati Association, the Young Worn
. Christian Association and other ro
Uiloui organizations Is to .bo waged dur-
ns the winter, with many of the local
ideational, religious and charitable or
wnbatlona uniting to further tho work.
A permanent co-operating commltteo
was formed during this week nt a mcot
i held In tho Central Branch Y. M. C.
A Among tho organizations represented
on the committee are the Baptist Insti
tute for Christian Training, Templo Uni
versity, tho Y. M. C. A., tho Y. W. C. A..
tho educational department of tho no
formed Church and tho Presbyterian
Board of Publication
The Rev. Dr. Charles A. Eaton Ex
pects Good to Flow From Conflict
Tho Europenn wnr la going to be a
blessing, In the opinion of the Rev. Dr.
Charles Aubrey Eaton, pastor of tho
Madison Avcnuo Baptist Church, Man
hattan ,Ncw York. In his sermon on Sun
day Doctor Eaton said:
"This war ls the greatest blessing.
When It Is ended the world will be hot
ter and- moro enlightened than It has
been since tho dnya of Jesus. This Is tho
end of the world of hypocrisy. Tho ago
of selfishness and bigotry ls gone, and,
when I think of those thousands of boys
who have been shot that this might be
accomplished, I feel, they liavo found a
good placo for what they have done
toward It. Lift up your hearts, the dawn
Is breaking."
Social Union Will Hear Address on
"Neglected Field."
The quarterly meeting of tho West
Philadelphia Social Union Is to be held
at Blockley Baptist Church, Fifty-third
street and Wyaluslnir avenue, on Thurs
day evening of next week. Supper will
be served at C:30 o'clock, and Is to bo
followed by nn address and conference.
The speaker will be the Itev. II. Watson
Barras, pastor of the Frankford Avenue
Baptist Church. "A Neglected Field"
will bo his subject. Tho topic for dis
cussion at tho conference Is to be "Chil
dren's Work In the Church."
Allen Lowell, president of the Union,
Is to preside, and It Is expected that tho
church will be overcrowded. In tho Union
there are men of 22 churches and the
total membership is about 0000.
The licv. Clnrence Lark In. iator of
Bethany Baptist Church, Fox Chase, Is
preaching- a series of sermons on "Timely
Topics on Dlspensatlonnl Truth." His
subject for tomorrow Is to be "The God
of This Age." The special sermons are
to bis given at 10:30 o'clock in tho morn
ings through the remainder of this month,
October, November and December.
Will Preach on Revivals
In anticipation of tho visit of "Billy"
Sunday, the baseball evangelist, to this
city during the early part of 1915, the
Rev James llnmeny Swnln, pastor of
the Woodland Presbyterian Church, 42d
end Pino streets. Is to preach a series
of sermons on Sunday evening on "The
Itevlvals of History."
Church Greatly Improved
During the summer tho Temple Presby
terian Church, Franklin nnd Thompson
fetreets, has been greatly Improved. The
Interior has been repainted nnd decora
ted, nnd tho greenstone walls on tho out
side have been completely rcfaced with
three coatings of a patented cement that
gives the edlflco the appearance of a
brownstono structme. The Itev. Dr. Will
iam Daton Roberts pastor, announces
that tho autumn work Is starting hope
fully, and he anticipates a busy and suc
cessful winter's labor.
Schml.lt, UUt Huntlns rrk avo.
i ln. " ". JUandou. Ia ami Emma
E JIanvv liter, Headline, I'a.
v cw "'"y. 411 N. K)th t.. and Clara
J- SUim-r, 411 N. COUi st.
i.la'n-,IEm,0sr' I" N. Ruby st.. and
Mary c Hurst, Lcnnl. Ta.
iSu, i cri,"mI,n. 40M N. Tront St., and
r. i ' ,rnno!ly. Chestnut Hill
i,2?J",..HnW8' "uniarmll. Ecquadcr, and
yi.LuS' iJii Melroj.. st.
uZ. 1 Siattr. Ardtnoro, Pa., and Mary E.
Mardcn 3.115 Kmcrald t
Carolina n"?-,' " Jfi st- ""nard t.. and
SHk M,,drcd
IKrearit MC C,',t"- 7, ." WlAard at and
Michael J lTonohn10"." ' ? Lelthitow .t
-Iunkn 2$tf,es ifi,i?anom and Sablna
Eir. Si?' - -
.Euln 5S?r?hni?1 ""mantown uvc.. ond
Louli 'j. orf2?nj9T,l? ,K- Shnrpnack t.
mSKS jtSrp".?"1 "' Emma
t eX)!neV,.e"'icn2.n ZY ve.. and
s fiV ;?"'nif-. Altoona. ra.. and Emllv
S Fibv ftnrln. Altoo
fl"rMi, if",1;'"'1" .?-: S nivlnlty at., and
KUar u-ei. ' von- i?"S Walton ae.
Jct'i?"'!' " )"rk c,,y- nna 0oIJIC
ffi WUr'-T N- 8fl l.t"f-and Ddlth Le.
llllaUmain vy:L''y'ood ,t.. and Teresa
"nn lfeinvin i.V':."
fi.a.,V,Ka..MQ N Junlnar . n T.-.ln..,
, . ' f UtT. KJUI
Bi.i '. ',a Creen it ' "'u OJr'"1
Un Mt. Airy. '"'' ana iMtu K 1Iel
Youijg People's Union Proparlhff r
Meeting In October
Plans are being made for the second
autumn convention nnd rally of tho West
District Baptist Young Pcoplo's Union,
which will bo held on October 17. The
board of managers Is to decide on the
place for the meeting tonight.
Lloyd Parkinson, who represented the
district nt Hio national convention In
Knnsns City this summer, Is to make his
report at tho rally. I'lans for increased
Interest among the young peoplo of
West Philadelphia In social Bervlce will
be discussed.
Many Mourn As Late A. A. XT, Sec
retary is Laid at Rest.
NEW YOniC, Sept. M.-'Morc than 10
OOrt schoolboys stood In lino and lings at
alt schools In the city wero at half-mast
today, when tho body of James E. Sulli
van, Into secretary of tho Amateur Ath
letic Union, was taken through tho
streets nf Now York. After services were
held it tho Catholic Church of St.
Aloyslus, the body was taken to Calvary
Cemetery for burial.
Tho Executive Commltteo of tho A. A.
U. attended the funeral In a body. Mes
sages of condolence poured In upon Sulll
van'B relatives by tho hundreds.
Publisher, Editor nnd Author Who
Regained Business Lost by Husband.
NEW YORK. Bent 19.-Mrs. Frank
Leslie, publisher, editor and author, died
last night at her homo at tho Sherman
Bqunre Hotel. She had been In falling
health for nbout six weeks. Miss Mar
querlto Linton Olentworth tho writer,
was with her when she died.
The Bareness do Bnzusm, as Mrs. Leslie
preferred to bo known, was born In Now
Orleans, La., In 1S51. Sho was of nn old
French Huguenot family. Her fathor
gave her a liberal education at his home,
tutoring her principally in French, Span
ish, Italian, German and Latin. At the
age of 13 sho began writing for -publication,
and her work attracted some atten
tion, notably that of Henry Sartor, who
was known by his pen nnmo of Frank
Sha married Mr. Leslie, and. when ho
died In 1880, leaving his estate' ttOO.OOO In
debt and his IS publications in tho hnuds
of trustees, his wife under tho law as
sumed the name of Finnk Leslie and
took personal charge of the business.
By her personal management sho suc
ceeded In placing the properties on a
paying basis.
In tho middle eighties Mrs. Leslie mar
ried William Wilde, a brother of Oscar
Wilde. She later obtained u divorce from
Atlantic City Pioneer and Founder
of the Marlborough-Blenheim.
ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 19.-Joslah
White, president of Joslah White & Sons
Company, nlso founder nnd principal
owner of tho Marlborough-Blenheim Ho
tel, died yesterday at his residence, on
Vnssar Square, here. He was 71 years
Mr. White was one of a band of pioneer
hotel men who early In the SO's inaug
urated the winter nnd spring seasons nt
the shore, Atlantic City having been prior
to that tlmo a summer resort solely. Ho
erected the Hotel Luray, which was
destroyed by lire In 1H02. In 1885, with
his three sons, he built tho Marlborough
and six years later the Blenheim, of
which they havn remained owners and
managers ever since.
Mr. White wns a Friend and his an
cestors were prominent members of this
religious society In New Jersey and Penn
sylvania. In 1S62 Mr. Whlto married Mary Klrby
Allen, of Hnddotifleld, N. J. Mr. White
and tho late Clement A. Grlscom nnd
Isaac H. Clothier, and the three girls
whom they respectively married were
Intimate friends and each of these three
couples lived to celebrate their golden
wedding anniversary.
Mr. Whlto is survived by his widow
and six children.
Body of Former Tammany Chieftain's
Wife on Way Across Atlantic.
HOME. Sept. 19. Tho steamship Tomaso
ill Savola sailed from Genoa on Thurs
day with 400 passengers, mostly Ameri
cans, Including Mrs. Thomns J. PreBton,
Jr. (formerly Mrs. Grovcr Cleveland) and
party; Mrs. W. II. Blssell and Howard
Crokor and his sisters, who nro taking
tho body of their mother to New York
for burial.
Mrs. Croker was tho wife of Richard
Crokcr, formerly the Tammany Hall
leader in Now York. She died recently
in Austria.
The funernl of Mrs. Ada A. Cloud,
widow of the Into Albert A. Cloud, was
held this morning. Interment was In
i.aiircl Hill Cemetery, with the Episcopal
Church service at the crave. Mrs. Cloud
was 72 years old. Sho died last Wed
nesday nt Wlldwood, N. J. She was the
daughter of the late Congressman John
Hickman. Sho was born at West Chester,
but had lived most of her life at New
York city.
Dr. Matthew Comar Farrell, a dentist,
died yesterday at tho home of his
brother, Bernard W. Farrell, 1829 South
6Sth street, In his 33d year. Dr. Farrell
was graduated from the Pennsylvania
Dental College six years ago, but for
the last two years had been too 111 to
pursue his practice. His death came as
the result of a nervous breakdown that
was first brought on by overstudy when
at college. His widow survives.
ALLENToWN, I'a., Sept. 19.-Dr. Mah
lon II. Henry, 71 years old, physician,
lawyer and Civil War veteran, died yes
terday. He served in the 123th Pennsyl
vania Volunteers, nnd was one of tho
orators at the dedication of the Pennsyl
van la monument on the battle II eld of An.
tletam. For a time, after the war, he
lived In Missouri. He owned considerable
property, and had a beautiful winter
home In Florida almost within a stone
throw of that of William Jennings Bryan.
GETTYSBURG. Pa., Sept. 19,-Emanuel
H. Beikhelmer, Register and Recorder
of Adams County, was found dead In bed
yesterday. A cilpple for yeais. he slipped
and fell on tho ley pavements last winter,
suffering additional injuries from which
he never recovered. He was elected
Register and Recorder in 1911 on tho
Democratic ticket without opposition. He
was 37 years old and leaves a wife and
two children.
Catharine C. Kelle, 6i years old, died of
dluhtheila nt her homo, 1617 Filbert
street, yesterday. She Is survived by her
husband, a teamsttr, 1S06 Filbert street.
CENTRE VALLEY. Pa.. Sept. 19.-Mrs.
Caroline Wilt, S9 years old, wife of James
Wilt, died after an Illness of 21 hours of
apoplexy. Her husband, a. retired hotel
man, who Is In his OTth year, Is the old
est voter In Lehigh County. On August
43 Mr. and Mrs. Wilt celebrated their 71t
wedding anniversary. She leaves four
Mary Vlrglnta Sagendorph died yester
day at her home In the Covington Apart
ments, after an Illness lasting through
a period of five years. Burial will be
at Claverlck, N, Y., her former hom.
She ls survived by her husband, F. E.
Edward Brock, a Republican worker,
died osterday nt his home, 3H15 North
22d Btreet, from an attack of heart dls
ense. Ho wns C8 years old and had been
III for nearly two years. His widow
A?,V;i,IIi,,,,0,TrlI:Tno AOUaLlAno.l year.
lw.2 Anmn at.
Ml fierce t.
AI.T1NG. 8USAN ALT1NO, 00 years, 1831
Judton at.
Ai'ISI. On September 18, 1014, MARY, wife
of Henry And. Funeral on Monday, at :i n.
m., from. hr late residence, 22,12 South
Oerehwood it. Interment nt Trinity Lutheran
Church Cemetery.
AYiIE!l0., 8P'embfr 12, 1014, MAHT
AYLMnn. Duo notice of tho funeral will bo
6lten, from her late residence, 4015 Warrn
at.. West Philadelphia.
IJAMmiN. At hi residence. 211 North Mil-
plo ae., Lmiadonne, r., on September '3.
11114. JOHN C. BALDWIN, need 72 yer.
Funeral services and Interment prUatti.
rrovldenco (It. I.) nnpcrii pleane conv.
nni:cKM.iN. ltAitnY heeckman. 12
:ienri, Oil North I'hlllD st.
years, 122 Ilnney st.
I1I.UC1I. On September 17, 1014, IONATZ.
huttiand of Eva Iiloch. In his 71st soar,
ltelatlvts nnd frlemH also ltnppanort IOdce.
No. 33. I. O. T. S, of l Hnx Slnal l.odne,
Nu. (I, I, O. II. II., and also Leah Lodge, are
Invited to attend the runernl, on Sunday, at
10 a. m from the parlom of Emanuel Asher
U Son. 1MI2 Diamond st. Interment nt Adath
Jeshurun Cemetery. Kindly omit (loners.
llI.OMKIt. On September 18, 1014, ELIZA
DETH IILOME11. wife of Chnrles lllomer,
need 03 Jcnrs. Funernl services on Monday,
nt 1 p. m., nt her late residence. 1R0 North
3d st. Interment private, nt Westminster
HI.ll.M. SARAH DLUM, 08 yenrs. 221 North
Itandnlnh St.
lilt 1 "TON CHARLES BIUTTON. (10 years,
1.-.22 South 2d st.
IIICOCK. On September 18, 1014. EDWARD,
husband of Eveln J. Drock, need US years.
Ilelntlvcs and friends nro Invited to attend
tho funeral services, ot, Monday, at 3 p. m.
precisely, at his late residence, 3U15 North
22d st. Interment private.
I1HOWN. HAKAH DROWN, 32 years. 3441
llodtne st.
lH'RNS. On September 17. 1014, ANNA A.,
widow of Thomas F. Burns. Relatives and
friends are Invited to nttend tho funernl, on
Tuesday, nt 2 p. tn , from her Into residence
2(ri7 Ilrnddock st. Interment private, nt .bast
Cedar Hill Cemetery.
CAMPION. On September 18, 1014, RICH
ARD M., husband of Mnry Campion. fu
neral on Tuoeday, at 8.30 a. m,, from his
late residence. Francis avo.. Amblor. Pa.
ltenulem Mnso nt St. Anthony's Church,
Amblor nt ll a, m. Interment nt West
minster Cemetery.
1 jear 0 months. 818 N. Capitol st.
CI.KCiO. On September IV. 1014. ANNIE,
wife of Jomos CIpkk. Itelatlvei and friends
nro Invited tn attend tho funeral services, on
Sunday, at 2 p. m.. nt her late home, 1G07
North Zflth st. Interment private.
8Uth and Lesser avo.
COLLINS. 3 years.
COMLY On September 18, 1014, FRANK
LIN H. COMLY. Funernl on Monday, the
21st Init., at 1 .30 p. m., from his Into resi
dence, 8033 Prnnkfnrrt nvo., Holmesburg.
Services at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church
at 2:30 p. m.
CONItOW On September 14, 1014. DAVID
K. CONItOW. ajted 04 years. Lnto residence
224 Lcacuo st. Due notice of funeral will be
CHII'PEN. On September 18,1014, GEOROE
E. CRIPPEN. Duo notice of tho funeral will
bo Riven.
Rct'AMI'. Near Chesterfield, N. J., on Sep
tember 18. 11)14, GEORGE II.. ion of the late
Wnrdal II. and Catharine A. DeCamp, In tho
ruth year of his age. Funernl on Sunday, at
2 p. m., from the residence of his brother,
Thomas DeCamp. Interment nt Jaeofcstown.
"in Fouth Marshall st.
REAN. On September 14. 1014. CATH
ARINE A. DUN, widow of Charles W.
Dcnn, residence, S00 Union st. runeral serv
ices and Interment strictly prlvato.
111! VITA. NICOLA DEVITA. 77 years. 1110
Wharton st.
DILLON. On September IB. 1014. ROBERT
V., husband of No rah Dillon (nee Sullivan)
ar.d son of Luke and Mary T. Dillon. Duo
notlcu of tha runeral will be clvcn. from
his parents' residence, 1413 South 13th st.
niVAC LIZZIE D1VAC, 40 years. 1828 N.
ISth st.
IHiroiIKHTY. On September IB. 1014. EL
L1E T. widow of John J. Dougherty (nea
Donohue). Due notice of the funeral will bo
Elven, from her late residence, 1214 Cath
arine st.
lsth mil Tcfferson stB
m i. 101 Itlehmond hi
ESKIN. ESTHER ESKIN. J4 years.- 3122
Moss st.
KYNON On September 10. 1014. GER
TRUDE, daughter of William N. and Mar
garet Eynon, aged 10 years. Funeral ser
vices on Monday, at 1 p. m... precisely, at her
parents' residence, 1.4 Kalos st., Wlss.i
hlckon. Interment private, at Mt. Morlah
years, 2JI3 Wllllnm st.
rEI.DSTElN. Suddenly, on September 17,
1014. CHARLES II., husband of Jeanette
Feldsteln, aged 71 years Relatives and
friends, also Rappaport Lodge, No. 3,"i, I. o.
I S. of I nro invited to attend the funeral,
on Sunday, at in o'clock a. m., from his
lato residence, 1S20 North Ontario st. lnter
nunt Adath Jeshurun Cemetery.
TINE ANNIE FINE, 2 jearo, 203 Beck
1001 S. Taney st.
GAI'I. CHARLES GAUL. 7 years. 0120
Chnrles st.
248 W Haines st.
GII.T.. On Soptember 14. 1014. nt his late
residence. 303 North 41st St., I'ETKU. hus
band of Fannla GUI. Due notice of tho fu
neral villi be given.
GOKI'I'ERT. On September 18, 1014 MAREL
C jnungcHt daughter of Mary and tho late
Rernhnrd Goepfert, in her 18th year. Fu
neral services on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at 3438
North Helen st. Interment prlvnte, at Green
Mount Cemetery.
220 11 row n st.
GRANT. On Soptember 10. 1014. THOMAS,
son of the lato Thomas nnd Maria Carrlgnn
(nee Grnnt). Funernl nn.Monday, nt 8'30
a. m.. from 3213 North Philip st. Solemn
Itequlem Mass at St. Veronica's Church at
10 a in,, precisely. Interment Old Cathedral
Watts st.
year. Kin Treo st. . , .....
HAI.l.OWRLL. On September U. 1914. WIL
LIAM, husband of tha lata Catharine vN.
Ifallowtlli sited 74 yenrs. Due notice of the
funeral will be given, irom the residence of
his daughter. 1848 Van Pelt it.
118 N. 16th St. .. ,.
years, l4T Foulkrod st. ..... ..,.
IIERTER. On September 13, 1914, MAGDA
LENA, wife of Louis Herter (formerly Eck
nrd), aged 48 yenrs. Duo notice of the fu
nmt will be given, from her late residence.
1MI Rhunk st. . .. .. ....
inn.MKR Suddenly, on .Ninth Month 18th,
1IU4, ELEANOR it., .Infant diughter of
George L. nnd Mary L. Holmes, aged 10
months. Funeral prlvnte, on Second-day,
Ninth Mnntn. i'lst, rrom parents rcsiuem-v.
near MonreMown, N. J. . ....
in'NRINflER. On September 18. 1014,
CHARLES O., husband nf Mary E. Hun
singer (nee Cullv). aged 01 ycnr. Funernl
on Sunday, nt 2 p. m., from hla resilience,
423 Tin" St., Camden. Interment nt Ever
arern Cemetery. ,,,,.
HUNTER. On September 17. 1014. JUMA
1)., widow cf Thomns Hunter. Relatives and
friends are InvPed to attend tho funernl
services, on Monday, nt 2.30. p. m., at tho
resldenco of her ton, Thomns H. Hunter, 221
Buckingham Place, Interment at Wood
lands Ccmitcr.
jenrs. 1 121 Poplar st. iw, ..,,,
.tOIINHON. On September 17, 1014. HARRY
YOST, huslmnd of Elizabeth Johnron (nee
Wnrtman) Relative and friend are Invited
to nttend the funernl, on Tuesday, at 2 p.
m., from his late reildonre, 133 Louden at.,
Olney. Interment nt Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
JUDGE. THEODOR JUDGE. 01 years. 913
KANE. On September in, 1014, ELLEN,
wife of Michael Kane nnd daughter of the
late George and Bridget Lynch nged It years.
Funeral on Monday, nt 8:30 n. m from 1.2.!
Junlatn St., Nlcetnwn. High Maes nt St.
Stephen's Church nt ll) n. m. Interment at
ltnlv SA,nIrhrn Cm,tprv.
KEILE. Of diphtheria, on September . 18,
1011, CATHARINE C wife of Thnm-vs Kelle
nnd daughter of the Intc .Tames nnd Hebecca
Lincoln Hutchinson Residence. 101, Filbert
st. Interment at Mt. Zlon Cemetery, Darby
No funernl. . ..
KELLY. On September 17. 1014, ANNIE
TAGOART KELLY, runernl on Monday, nt
8:30 n. m. from 183B North 23d ft. Sol
emn Requiem Mass nt St. Ellrnbeth's! Church
nt 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemcterv
KELLY. On On September 17. 1014. ANN
KELI.Y. widow of Patrick Kelly. Funornl
on Mondny, nt 8:30 a m from 2330 E.
Ifa'iild st Solemn Requiem Mass at St,
Ann's Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment nt
Holy Crois Cemetery
KELLY. At her residence. 11 South 3d st,
Plensnntvtlle, N. J., on bvplcmber 1.. 10)4.
MARGARET M. KELLY (nee MncDonnld),
widow of Thomns r. Kelly. Funeral on
Monday, nt 8:30 a. m., from 1C44 N. Mnrston
st., Phlla. High Mats of Requiem at Church
of Most PrecloUM Illind, at 10 n. m. Inter
ment at Old Cathedral Cemetery.
2700 Fletcher St.
KUHZEKNAHK. On September 18, 1914,
LUDWIO KrilZEKNAIli:, husbtnd of the
Intc Mnry Kurzehnalio. aged 84 yenrs. ru
nernl services on Monday, nt 2 p. m., at hlk
daughter's residence. Illn North 8th st. In
tcrment prlvnte, at Mt. Pence Cemetery.
LEA! HERMAN. At Ills residence. 437
Ilhnvvn st., Fox Chtsc, on September 13,
l'Jl I, JO.MKUH, husband of Amanda Leather,
man, Duo notice ot the funeral will be
23S3 E. Sergeant st
I.Il'P LOUISA LIPP, 87 years, 2012 North
Masohcr Ft.
LLOYD. On Trlday. September 18, at her
lole residence PJI Clinton st.. BLIKAHE'lH
GIIIIIONS M.OYD. daughter of tho lato John
nnd Esther 11. Lloyd
MrllKIDE. On September 18. 1014, JOSEPH
McIIRIDE, son of John C. nnd Alice M. Me
Ilrlda, nged 11 months 2 weeliB. Funernl on
Monday, nt J :30 p. m from tho residence of
his pnunts. 2121 Pierce st. Interment Holy
Crosi Cemetery.
MrCAMll.KfS. On September 17. 1014,
ELIZA, daughter of the lato Hutchinson nnd
Elizabeth McCnndless, nged 08 years. Tho
relatives nnd friends of tho family nro In
vited to attend tho funeral services, on Mon
day, tho 2lt, nt 2 p. m , nt htr brothers
residence, Thomas II, McCandlcss, 2110 North
2d st., Philadelphia. Interment private, at
North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
3IILLER. SARAH MILLER. 35 years. 1103
Flt7watcr st
MILLIGAN. On S.-ptomher 18, 1014, CAR
OLINE W MILLIGAN. Service at her Inte
residence. 30!) Ilryn Mnwrave., Cjnvvyd, Pa.,
Monday, September 21, at 2 p. m. Interment
MN riETH. IDA MONTIETII, 30 years,
.120 N. 11th t.
years, 3.12 E. Hlttenhouen nt.
M01IGNKII On September 17, 1014. RICH-
ARD C. MOIl'i.NEt:. husband of Hedvvlg C.
Morgner (nee Hertsch), aged 4S years. Fu
neral sorvlces on Sunday, nt 2 p. m., at 204U
North 3th st. Interment prlvnte. Glcnwoort
LAND 45 cnra. 2.11 N. Howard st.
J 7 oil Helen st.
aibKKAY. On September 18. 1014, FRAN
CIS H., husband of the Lite Mao Murra)
nnd son of the lato Charles and Elizabeth
Murray Funeral on Tuesdny, at 8:30 a m.,
trom 11.11 South Clarion st High Mass nt
Requiem at St. Teresa's Church, at 10 a. m
Ii.tcrment nt Hnl Cross Cemetery.
NA9SANO. On September 17. 1014, FLOR
FNCE. daughter or Anthony and Virginia
Navano, aged 30 years. Fui erul on Mon
day, Sintcmher 21, 1H14 ni S a. m from
12S N. reld st Solemn Requiem Mass at M.
Donato's Church, 03th and Callovvhlll sts., nt
10 a m. Interment at Holv Cross C,metery.
NOCTON. On September 18, 1014. THOMAS
P., husband of tho Into Elizabeth Nocton
runernl on Monday, nt 8 30 a. m.. from
Woodlann avo., Aldan, Delaware County,
Pa. High Mass at tho Church of the Holy
Spirit. Sharon Hill. Pa., at 10 o'clock. In
t.rment private.
PAULS On September 10. 1014. ELIZA
BETH, daughter ot Alois and Elizabeth
PahU, agod 21 jears. Funeral services on
Sunday, at 2:30 p. m , at 2021 North 7tt st.
Interment Grecnmount Cemetery.
I'A.SCIIALL. On September 18. 1014,'lSAAC
PASCHALL, aged "s ears Funeral on
Tuesday, at 1 p. m . from Newtown Square,
Delaware County, Pa Interment at Great
Volley Presbjterlnn Cometer.
ears. 1J14 S. 3d fit.
ri'AFF. On September 15, 1014, of diph
theria, ,'OHN C , son of Philip and Anna
I'faff. of 3S28 Ella St.. aged 3 jears. No
rilll.UPS. LILLIAN rillLLIPS, 48 years.
21.12 North Nntronn st.
l'OTT.S EDWARD POTTS. 13 years, 2012
Turner st.
I'OWRHRMAKER. At Atlantic City. N. J..
September 17, 1014. ABRAHAM, husband of
Claire Powdermaker, aged 32 v.irs Inter
mon private. Norfolk. Baltimore and Wash
lngtcp papers plcoso copy.
RANDALL. At the residence of her son.
Howard E. Randall, at bloopMlle. Bucks Co,
i'a., o.v Wednesday, Soptember 111. RACHEL
A. RAVDAI.L, widow- of Reuben Randall,
nged M' venrs 8 months. Funeral from
Thompson Memorial Church, low or Solebury,
Pa., on Saturday, Sept. l'l, at 11 a m.
jear, 302.1 North Woodstock st.
REIN. SARAH REIN. 70 years, 010 South
10th at.
RIDOLl'O, On September 15, 1014. TRANK.
husband of Catharine lll.lnlio, aged 47 iear .
Funeral on Mondnv. at S .'in a m . Irom l!i2(l I
South 8th t Solemn Requiem Mass at the
Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentlno. at 10
a. m precisely. Interment at Huly Cro
Choice Properties
West Side Detached
Stone and brick construction; high eleva
tion; one block to Penna. R. R-; 12 rooms;
modern and attractive Interior. Lot 00 by
100 feet deep. Old shade. This Is one of
the good buys this fall.
Various Prices
Detached Stone
West Side
Twelve rooms. 3 baths j hot-water heat,
electric light; large rooms. Southwestern
exposure. Garage. Convenient to Penna.
R. R. and trolley. Must be sold before
October 1st.
Emlen Below Upsal
Three - story stone semi-dt-tached
dwellings, containing: 11
rooms, including 2 baths. De
tached porches Lots 32 ft
front Hot-water heat, gas and
electricity; gas kitchen, hard
wood floors, tile bath.
Two-Story Modern
Homes, $3700
LOTS 22 8 HY 00 FEET
Seven rooms. Including bath, hot-nater
heat, open fireplace, h.vrtlivoo.1 tloors, gas
nnd electricity, gas kin hen Thesa homes
Include every modern appointment Open
for inspection. Seti them before, cimuldorlng
elsewhere. Take Geiinantown or Willow
Q rove car, over Chtlten ave. 100 feet Boulevard.
J. H. CHADWICK & CO., 5618 Germantown Ave.
Your Want Ads today
for the Sunday
Walnut or Main 3000
wmmT.vw m w.
2112 Arch t.
nOERMNO. At Trenton. N. 3.. on Beptem
bcr 17, 1014. MARGARET OATZMEK, wife
-of Ferdinand W. Roebllnc Sr. Services nt
her late residence, 222 West State t Tren
ton, N. J on Monday, at 11 a. m. Interment
nOOERS. On Monday, September 14. 1914.
RACHEL WI8TEH, daughter . of the lt
Wllllsm Wynne and Hannah Lewis Wlster
and widow of William B. Rogers. Interment
1I3S South 0th St. .. .....
RVAN. On September 18. 1014, DANIEL
FRANCIS, son of John and Catharine RyP,
nged 10 years. Funeral on Tuesday, t 8:30
a. m , from 2.7) North Robinson st. High
Reipilem Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary
Church, nt 10 a, m. Interment at St. Denis'
SAGENDOnnt. At her apartments. The
Covington, on September 18, 1014, MARY
VfnrilNIA, wife of F, E. Bagcndorph, Fu
neral services on Sunday, nt 4 p. m., at tho
apartment, nf Oliver It. Hair, 1820 Chestnut
st. Interment nt Clnvcraek, N. Y. Staun
ton, Va., nnd Baltimore, Md., papers pleaso
Moore st.
rJANKHY. Suddenly, September 18. 1014.
TRANK A., husband of Mary J. Sankey and
eon of Harry W. and late Ella 12 Hnk.-
nged 32 year. Relatives and friends, also
police of 20th District, Invited to attend fu
neral. Tuesday, 8:10 n. m., from his lato
residence, .110 N Vodges st.. West Phlli.
Solemn Mass of Reiiulem, Church nf Our
lAiy of Victory, 10 a. m. Interment Holy
Cro-s Cemetery,
SCHAIJ. Or, September 17. 1014, EDWARD,
won ui me iate itrhk ana popnie Hcuan. Mi
neral on Monday, nt 8 a, m from the real-
,.i. uu ..iijiiuiif , hi o a, m., irom tne rem- i YAY irrimimrlh mt
denco of his brother, llernnrd Schad, 127 J ,T31 Ellsworth st
Balntirldgn St. fn. of Ttrmitm nf Ifnlv
Trinity cnurrh, nt 0:30 a, m. Interment New
Cathedral Cemetery.
BCHWEIGEH. On September 10, 1014,
I.UL1HE, widow of Henry Schwelger tne,.
Jleyer), aged. 73 years. Funeral services on
Monday, at 1:30 p. m at her late resi
dence, 223 North Uber st. Interment pri
vate, nt Northwood Cemetery.
OTIOOflMITrt-In Philadelphia, on fim.
her 17, 1014, MAhaARET. widow of nnii
mm Snoosmlth, In her fJ ttS"l
nnd frlcndn are Invited t th filn,rSl
Kervlcee, on Sunday, at 230 p m.. t Broth
erhood Cemetery, Mount Holly. ..' ,,
BHtlLL. DAVID BHULU 10 years. 611
North 8ih st. . ..
venrs, inn North 11th st .,,,.
fjI.VIR-On September 18, iOU BtAZA.
BETH B StLVlS. Due notice of the funeral
will be given,
SIMON. rANNIB SIMON, K0 years. 140
STARl'inY. On September 18. 1014, CH AS.
F son of Charles O. nnd Pauline 11. Stabler.
ngeil 20 yenrs. Funeral on Tuesday, at 2 30
p. m.. from 2830 Pleasant ., Camden, N.
J. Interment nethel Cemetery.
1322 P. Btlllman st.
STItOlHV On September 10, lOK.-.r"!!'!!'
.1, husband of the lalo Caroline Btrohl. In
tho 7-,th year of his age Funeral e'vb-e;
on Monday, at 1 p m. .rrei-lsely, it Wl
Arbor l Interment nt Hillside Cemotery
BVLI.IVAV. At Ms residence. 82.1 Cherry
tt., Camden, N. J.. Sept. 11. 1014. JOHN I..
1iui.hind.nf Mary Sullivan, aged 27 years.
Duo notice of tho 'uneral will bo given.
jears, 1034 Thompson St.
ltllii Page st
TARIIA. SOFIA TAHRA. 8 years. 4834 Mil
ler st
Lombard st. .
THESE. CAROLINE TEESE, 67 years. 2215
East Cumberland at,
years, 2421 E, Boston ave
VEATC1I. On September 17, 1014, LAURA,
wlfo of Ocorgo c. Ventch (nee Davis) Rela
tives a-id friends are Invited to nttend tho
funsral services, on Monday, September 21,
at z p. m., at we resinoncc or nor nueuann,
413 Carteret st., tamucn, J.
U'AT.DNBR' On September, IT, 1914, CRRtfJ.
riArAj wlfi of Anton Waldner (neelwsch),
rSfffof ys. .Funer, sarvleej -n.ll.rAr.
Montgomery ave. Interment rrlvate
tf . . 'i. - --.
WAM.Aril-On September IT. 1014. MOBES
A.. ' uslmnd of the late Bfettg Walker.,
nged 77 ers. Funernl on Bunfly. at B p.
m. precisely, from 8412 N PAIethorp st.
Interment At Mt. Cnrmel Cemetery.
WALI.EIL On September IT, 10l. AME
LIA E wlfo Of David Waller, aged M I year.
Train leaves Broad St. Station Saturday, at
10 a m. Inrtrmcnt nt laurel, Del.
WKATIIEIinV. On September 18. J9M,
AMANDA WEATHERUY, widow of .David
K Wenthcrhy, aged 81 years. Funeral -rv-lees
on Monday, nt I p. m.i at her late resl
rtence, 870 Hnddon ve Camden, N, J. In
terment strictly prlvato,
WHARTON. On September 17,1014. AONES.
widow of Wesley Wharton nnd daughter of
Rhlllp nnd Alice Walsh, aged 20 yenrs. Fu
neral on Monday, at 8:30 n. m,, from '02
Collom st, Germantown. High Mass at St.
Franrls of AmIsI Church, nt 10 a. m. In
terment nt New Cathedral Cemetery.
IVHITE.-On September 14. 1014, at his rel
iPnce, on Vasear Square, In Atlantlo City,
JOSIAH WHITE, in his 74th year. The fu.
peril will taho placo at his country house,
"Wild Orchard," near Cirdlngton, Philadel
phia, on Sccond.day, the 21st Inst., nt &
o'clock p. m Carriages will meet relatives;
nnd friends nt tho Terminal, fioth and Mnr
ket sts., after 2 10 p. tn Interment private.
WILD. MALLY WILD, 83 years. 2660 North
Water st.
WILDE. On September 10, 1014, JOSEPH
WILDE, ngeJ 70 sears Funeral Sunday, nt
2 p. m.. from his late roildence, Ronsnll awe.,
Rrejcrl Hill, Delaware Co., Pa. Interment at
Mt. 551on Cemetery.
WILMS JAKE WILLIS. 34 years. 1817
Wood St.
WILSON. At Centerton. N. J on Septem
ber 15, 1014. SAMUEL, husband of Margaret
Wilson, nged S'l years. Funeral on fiunday,
September 20, at 1 p. m., from Cefiterton.
Interment at Brotherhood Ccmcteey, Mt.
ZUREK. LOUIS ZUREK. 48 yenrs. at
Brown st.
Store Opens 8,30 A. M.
Store Closes 5.30 P. M.
Grand Organ Recitals 9, 11 and 5.15
Aeinioiuieces for Monday
The formal opening of Fall amid WaoiLer miSSioery, in
cluding' an extensive collection of brilliant new
hats from the great ateliers of Paris. "
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
The opening of a very precious collection of Paris gowns
for young womenexclusive in America.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
110,000 books in a clearaway at ISc, 25c, H0c and 7Sc, being
the gathering up of all the odd lots and left
overs from a number of special sales.
Over 6000 books marked at IBc
(Main Floor, Thirteenth)
A great sale of famous American
Rugs starting some day next week.
11500 sample shirtwaists: many samples in a very un
usual disposal going at $3 to $3.65
(West Aisle)
250 standard
aualitv brass beds ira filiRiraTKll s
33 113 per cent, below regular priae.
(Sixth Floor)
5 to
200 wonderful sample suits for W0men &nd va.
women at half price in the LowerPrls Str T&a
suits are made of imported mterisls, finely
tailored, and marked $115 ancS $30 mk.
(Subway Floor, Market)