Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 19, 1914, Postscript Edition, Page 7, Image 7

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    I tribuata JIO.CW
Churches Will Seek to Balso Largo
-i-imrnte nlftnfl ore. being made by tho
El w.er ana of ttitt city for tho cam
i T- in bo wagc.l this autumn to Help
? SP buds"? ot $H0.tWO for homo ml
c,btflinnd chnrch extension of tho. da
"""inATon The pastors of all churches
fmJ hSn requested to present tho criiso
r?hSonrcalloiw on Sunday. Octo
J f r,hc day tlmt has been set aside
!rcili JlSSlon Sunday."
US ' Lily ."" . ...,. i.enM aat.-r.i1 to rnn-
Ji0cal cliurcne. ..- -;- -
of the budget for homo
JET vtork during tW- year. Of this
'..., oi nor cent, is to h" ujwhiu iw
e,mt"nrk n tho presbytery. 10 per cent.
Blon 'ilnwMlc In tho synod and 30
tor Ent for national homo missions.
Ciwi". to bo mad to collect
,nK M'""-e 75 churches. 42,854 mem.
Ktcrl'1Cfirnnday schools having a total
a ape-
. . 4
' membership ,&:. Sundayl
,,0lrilnBl9 to be held In Calvary
Sire" when clergymen and laymen will
?.ik on tha lmo mission work, and
Ucularly on tho local Held.
Campaign tor "'"""""
to Bo Waged This Winter
a campaign for Increased service In tli
inlii of voluntcois and paid workers
.,raT.'i,. Stimlav schools, settlements,
InvV and glrU' clubs, tho Young Men's
i christian Awoclatlon. tho Young Won.
,n", Christian Association and other to
lous organizations Is to bo waged dur
ing the winter, with many of tho local
ideational, rrllglotis and charltublo oi
Banlwtlons uniting to further tho work.
. a normnnont co-operating committee
waa formed during this week at a meet
Ims hold In tho Central Branch Y. M. U.
a mong the organizations icpresented
en the commltteo are tho Baptist Instl.
into fir Christian Training, Templo Uni
versity, tho Y. M. C. A., tho Y. W. C. A.,
ho educational department of tho Re
formed Church and the Presbyterian
f powd of Publication
i The Rev. Dr. Charles A. Eaton Ex
1 pects Good to Flow From Conflict.
Tho European war 13 going to be a
leasing, In tho opinion of tho Rev. Dr.
Charles Aubrey Katon, pastor of tho
Jladlson Avonuo Baptist unurch, Man
hattan .N'ovv York. In his sermon on Sun
day Doctor Eaton said:
"This war Is tho gicatost blessing.
When It Is ended the world will bo bet
ter and moro enlightened than It has
iiMij since the days of Jesus. This Is tho
end of tho world of hypocrisy. Tho ago
of selfishness and bigotry Is gone, and,
irhen I think of those thousands of boys
rrho have been shot that this might be
accomplished, I feel they have found a
good place for what they havo done
toward It. Lift up your hearts, the dawn
Jj breaking." '
ounf People's Union Preparing for
Meeting in October
Plans are being mado for tho second
autumn convention and rally of tho West
District Baptist Young Pcoplo's Union,
which will bo held otiOctobor 17, Tho
board uf managers Is to decide on Iho
placo for tho meeting tonight.
Lloyd Parkinson, who represented the
district at llio national convention In
Kansas City this summer, is to make his
report at the rally. Plans for Increased
Interest among tho young people of
West Philadelphia In social service, will
be discussed.
Boclal Union Will Hear Address on
"Neglected Field."
The quaitcrly meeting of the West
Philadelphia Social Union Is to bo held
et Blockley Baptist Church, Fifty-third
street and Wyaluslng avenue, on Thuts
day evening of next week, Supper will
be served ut 6:30 o'clock, and Is to be
followed by nn address and conference.
The speaker will be the Bev. II. Watson
Earras, pastor of tho- Frankford Avenue
Baptist Chuich. "A Neglected Field"
ulll bo his subject. Tho topic for dis
cussion at the conference Is to bo "Chil
dren's Work In tho Church."
Allen Lowell, president of tho Union.
Is to preside, and It Is expected that tho
church will bo ovci crowded, In the Union
thero are men of 22 churches and the
total membership Is nbout 6000.
Many Mourn As Late A. A. U, Sec
retary is Laid at Rest.
NEW YOniC, Sent. 19.-More than 100..
000 schoolboys stood In lino and flags at
all -schools In tho city were nt half-mast
today, when tho body of James E, Sulli
van, Inte secretary of the Amateur Ath
letic Union, was taken through tho
streets of New York. After services wcro
held at the Catholic Church of St.
Aloyslus, tho body was taken to Calvary
Cemetery for burial.
Tho Executive Commltlco of the A. A.
U. attended the funeral In a body. Mes
sages of condolence poured In upon Sulli
van's relatives by the hundreds.
Publisher, Editor and Author Who
Regained Business Lost by Husband.
NEW YORK, Sept. J9.-Mrs. Frank
Leslie, publisher, editor and author, died
last night at her homo at tho Sherman
Square Hotel. She had been In falling
health for nbout six weeks. Mtis Mar-
ciuerlto Linton Olcntworth tho writer,
wa-i with her when she died.
Tho Baroness do Bnzusm, as Mrs. Leslie
preferred to be known, was born In New
Orleans, La In 1S51. She was of an old
French Huguenot family. Her father
gavo her a liberal education nt his home,
tutoring- her principally In French, Span
ish, Italian, Gorman and Latin. At the
ago of 13 she began writing for publica
tion, and her work attracted some atten
tion, notably that of Henry Sartor, who
was known by his pen name of Frank
Shs married Mr. Leslie, and when ho
died in 1SS0, leaving his estate $300,000 In
debt and his 16 publications in tho hnnds
of trustees, his wife under tho law as
sumed tho namo of Frank Leslie and
took personal charge of tho business,
By her personal management she suc
ceeded In placing tho properties on a
paying basis.
In tho middle eighties Mrs. Lcbllo mar
ried William Wilde, a brother jf Oscar
Wilde. Sho later obtained a divorce from
man, who Is In his 97th year, Is the old
est voter In Lehigh County. On August
23 Mr. and Mrs. Wilt celebrated their 71st
wedding anniversary. Sho leaves four
Maty Virginia Sagendorph died yester
day at her homo In tho Covington Ap.itt
mehtu, after an Illness lasting through
a period of five years. Burial will bo
at Claverlck, N, Y., her former liomtS
She Is survived by her husband, F. E.
Edward Brock, a Hepubllcan worker,
died yesterday nt his home, 3615 North
22d street, fiom an attack of heart' dis
ease. Ho was CI years old and had been
III for nearly two years. His widow
sut Vivos.
AMl V.,Tr7t1,'AS3UALH ALEVATA. 1 y.ar.
AJu"on,n:8USAN ALTIN0" 00 J"". 1851
AFKL. On September Is. M14. Mxnv .,
o Henry Apel Funeral on .Mondav, at an,
m from her late rc.ldcncn. site fioiitl
s$s:o&Sk&irmtM at Trlnl,y tu"""
AiTiiM7ii" U0 i10."" of thB funeral will b
..t;. V.0,t Philadelphia.
Ai'VINTLAy" """''enco. 211 North Ma
pie ale, .antidowne, Pa , on ScntcmhAr .a
lflH. JOHN O. BALDWIN? nwS 72 year
runoral "pnlcoa and Interment private.
..EW.WJPS!."1, '' rapcra'plcnso coov.
S0,rtNN-rTh,,IA1,S!Y.,,BKCKMAN' ,S
!,i,ffirT!?.1U Dm'AD'
BI.OCH. Oil September 17. 1014, 10NATZ.
liuslmml ix i;a niofh. m M Tint it.ir.
U',ttjcsnnd friend, alio Itappaport LmlKe.
No, 8, I. O. II. II.. and aim l.cah Lodge, are
Imltcd to attend the funeral, nn Hun.iay. at
i S imi " IJiriurB oi l.pinilllel .Miller
A: Hon. IWK Diamond st. Interitipiit nt Adatli
Jeshiiriin t'tmttm. Kin.ti.. ,n 5,i ''"
nuiMKIt.- On Heptemlicr 18, IBM m,I55A
I1UT1I HLOMKIt, wife .of (littHVs Hlnn.er
ORed il.l eurn. 1'unernl nerxkes nn Monday,
at I p. ni., Ht her late icildcnce. inn North
8d at. Interhirjit private, nt Westminster
nIiUi'V?ARAH BLUM, B8 jears, 221 North
iiandoiph st.
ui522?utiT2d,.AnLKS DnlTTON-no y.
,,l,0"p',T-."8cIitem.ber 1S- 10". EDWAHD.
f,u.ftf,?!i.of. Jve.'J;nJi ?roc.Wd '-8 year.
.,. au iticiiun aiH invitee io aiicnu
. m.
ino luncroi sprvicca, ou .Monday, at .T p. m
1'ici.isciy, ni jus lam residence, auio rit
i sit inifrmeni priaie.
The Rev Clarence Larkiu, -Histor of
Bethany Baptist Church. Fox Chase, Is
preaching a series of sermons on "Timely
Topics. on Dlspensatlonal Truth." His
subject for tomorrow Is to bo "The God
cf This Age." The special sermons are
to b given at 10:30 o'clock in the morn
ings through the remainder of this month,
October, November and December.
Will Preach on Revivals
In anticipation of tho visit of "Billy"
Sunday, tho baseball evangelist, to this
city during the early part of 1015, the
Jlev. Jamea Ramsay Swain, pastor ot
the Woodland Presbyterian Church, 42d
ana Pine streets. 1b in mnr,.i. i
ef sermons on Sunday evening on "Tho
HeUvals of History."
Chuich Greatly Improved
During the summer tho Tmplo Piesby
terian Church, Franklin and Thompson
In. i i1'13 becn rcut'y Improved, The
interior has becn repainted and deeont
a. and the greenstone walls on the out
U9 luvo been completely refaied with
Wee coatings of a patented cement that
"w mo cuinco the Himcaranco of
Atlantic City Pioneer and Pounder
of the Marlborough-Blenhelm.
ATLANTIC XIITY, Sept. 19,-Joslah
White, president of Joslah Whito & Sons
Company, also founder and principal
owner of tho Marlboiough-Blenhelm Ho
tel, died yesterday at his residence, on
Vassar Square, here. He was 74 years
Ml. White was one or a band of pioneer
hotel men who early In tho SO's inaug
urated the winter and spring seasons at
tho shore, Atlantic City having been prior
to that timoN a summer rpsort solely. Ho
erected tho Hotel Luray, which was
destioyed by flro in 1602. In 1885, with
his three sons, ho built the Marlborough
and six years later the Blenheim, of
which they have remained owners and
mnnagcrs ever since.
Mr. Whlto was a Krlend and his an
cestors were proijilnent members of this
iciigious society 'In Xcw Jersey and Penn
sylvania. In 1S62 Mr. Whlto married Mary Klrby
Allen, ot Haddonfield, N. J. Mr. Whlto
nnd the late Clement A. Grlscom and
Isaac H. Clothier, nnd the three git Is
whom they respectively maided wero
Intinmto friends and each of these three
couples lived to celebrate their golden
wedding anniversary.
Mr. White Is survived by his widow
and six children.
IIHOIVN. SAHAII nnoWN, 32 years. 3441
Bodlne st. ,
IIUItNB. On September IT, 1014, ANNA A.,
w clow of Thomas r Burns. Helatles and
friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on
.TjslJ?y'.?1 ? P; "'. from her late residence.
2(i:i7 Uraddoek at. Interment private, at .bast
Cedar Hill Cemetery.
CAMPION. On September 18. 1014. niCH
AIID SI., husband of Mary Campion. Fu
neral on .Tuesday, at H..1U a. m., from his
late residence, Francis ac. Ambler, Pa.
ltpuulem Mas at at Anthony's Church,
Ambler at a. m. Interment at West
minster Cemeterj.
1 year 0 months. MIS N. Capitol Ft.
CI.KfiO. On September I'i. 10U. ANNIU.
wire or, James Ciena;. Ilelatues nnd friends
are Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Sunday, at 2 p. m., nt her Into home, 1CU7
North 20th st. Interment private.
sutn and Lesser inc.
COM I, Y. On Scptomber 18,
i.iim II. CUJIL.1.
I,, ..: --..... ...o ,ijcuiaui:u OI
".un-iisione structuie. Tho Jtuv. Dr, Will
il?. J?ayt0" Koberts pastor, announce!
fnliv ?Vtumn WF '3 starting hope
..' idnd. ht anticipates a busy and sue
ceesful winter's labor.
S;j ,r,iri;eTa.1'-anj c'-
feV'ihS!". -15.1 nby nJ
iSS. yjrdtnnan. 4MB k. f,
ifiiaui,!- . 0"y' 'hetnut II
Ii fi 5, A h'"art. lau C
liiV; '''"". 774 S. I
,.i "u uii
Body of Former Tammany Chieftain's
Wife on Way Across Atlantic.
BOMn, Sept. 10. The steamship Tomaso
til Savol.i sailed from Genoa on Thurs
day with 400 passengers, mostly Ameri
cans, Includlyg Mrs. Thomas J. Preston,
Jr, (formerl Mrs. Cirover Cleveland) and
party; Mrs. W. II. Blssell and Howard
Crokcr and his sisters, who aro taking
tho body of their mother to New York
foi burial,
Mrs. Croker was tho wifo of Richard
Crokcr, foimerly the Tammany Hall
leader In Nov. York. She died recently
In Austrlu.
N. Front st.. and
'atharlns at . and
Illcku st.
St.nr.r "V..V".r ? Juniper St.. nn.l Slan-
tftrttrt v ii h' J""IPr st
In. I,uei 474i iTV 5It,'ro st.. and Mary
Elmer v" 4P4'Ml,,0
arlotto it i?m?f' nock'cJB''. Pa., nnt
Ar Quia .ar,,,n.f: 17'u Dotr st
. Suhec, - . i , ' Wlnton st and Anna
U ! "R"burs st.
Oion,, m:,1"' ' "iwalii at.
.."oUrloi is,7 iJ. ;"",Var'1 Bt" "''' Mildred
io k-ii ' . 'oiiibarU st.
Tho funeial of Mrs. Ada A. Cloud,
widow of tho lato Albert A. Cloud, was
held this morning. Interment was In
.aurel Hill Cemetery, with the Episcopal
Church service ut the grave. Mrs. Cloud
was 72 years old. She died last Wed
nesday at WIIUuooil, N. J. She was tha
daughter of the lute Congressman John
Hickman. Sho was born at West Chester,
but had lived most of her Ufa at New
York city.
ton. riLiw.
Funeral fin Mnmlnv tha
if., !... , ..m .. . . . .' .
-.,,. fiDL., .ii udu y. iu., irom ins iato resi
dence, 8038 Frankford ale., Holmesburg.
Sen Ices at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church
at 2:30 p. in.
CONROW. On September 14, 1914. DAVID
K. CONKOW. aited C4 years. Lato residence,
221 Leaguo St. Due notlco nt funeral will le
CIlIKjr.- On September 18,1014. GEOnGn
L. Citll'I'nN. Due notice of tho tuncral will
bo Klv.-n.
DeCAJU'. Near Chesterfield. N. J., on Sep
tember 18. 1!I14, GnoilHE II., son of the lute
Jordal II. and Catharine A. DeCamp, In the
Mth jear of his age. Funeral on Sunday, nt
- p. m.. from the residence of his brothor,
Thomas DeCamp. Interment at Jacobton.
Dl;"i)iil!f,-r.1DOMI?.N'ICO DE ROSSI. 02 yrs
710 South Marshall st.
DEAN. On September 14, 1914. CATH-
'wti.ti j. uls.., widow oi (jnariea v.
Dean, residence, 800 Union st. Funeral serv
ices and Interment strictly private
DEVITA. NICOLA DEVITA. 77 years, 1110
Wharton st.
DILLON. On September 15, 1014, IlOBEIlT
U., hunband of Norah Dillon (neo bulllMin)
ar.d son of Luke and Marv T. Dillon. Duo
notlca of the funeral lll bo glen. from
hli parents" real lence, 1413 South 13th st.
DIVAC LIZZIE DIVAC. 40 years. 1826 N.
18th Ht.
DOUOIIKRTY. On September 13, IBM, EL
LIE T., widow of John J. Dougherty (nee
Donohue). Due notice of the funeral will be
given, from her late residence. 1214 Cath
arine st.
DltUUGAN. ELLEN DnUCQAN. 70 years,
18th and Jeffereon sts.
-. . .01 "lehmonf1 t
EfiKIN. ESTHER ESKIN. 4 years. 3122
E1NOX. On September 10, 1014, GER
TRUDE, daughter of William N. and Mar
gtfret Eynon, aged 10 ear. Funeral ser
vices on Monday, at 1 p. m., precisely, at her
parents" residence, 174 Kalos st., Wlma
hlckon. Interment private, at Mt, Morlah
lears. 2245 William st.
rEI.DSTKIN. Suddenly, on September 17.
1014. CHARLES II.. husband of Jeanetti
Feldsteln, aged 71 jean Relatives aim
iricnus, ai-u jtailispnrt ixrflge, r. i. .I.J, I O
F. S. of I., are invited to attend the ftineril.
on Sunday, st 10 o'clock a. in., from his
late residence. 1S20 North Ontario t. Inter
ment Adath Jeshurun Cemetery.
"treoTANN,U F1NC' 2 ea"' 20S Bect
1601 s. Taney st.
C.AVL CHARLES QAUT 7 years. 3129
Charles st.
248 W Haines st.
UII.I.. On September 14. 1914, at Ills
io .-
residence. 302 N'nrth 41nr nr.
. . . . - .iz- - - -
nano or I'annie till r.
Dr. Matthew Comar Farrell, a dentist,
dltd yesterday at the homo of his
brother, Iiernard W. larrell, 1829 South
DSth street, in his S3d year. Dr, Farrell
was graduated from the Pennslvanla
Dental College six years ago, but for
tho last two years had been too ill to
puisua Mt practice. His death came as
tho result of a nervous breakdown that
was ilrst brought on by ovcrstudy when
at college. His widow survives.
PETEIt. lino.
Dun nntliA nt fliA .,.
iiriiii win oe El.rn.
GOEI'l-EUT. On September Ifl. lOK.MAIlEL
r"., oungest daughter of Mary and tha late
Remhard lioepfert. In her Istli ear. Fu.
neral services on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at 3I3S
North Helen st. Interment private, at Green
Mount Cemetery.
fn.I.ASIC. HELENA GOLASIC, 28 years.
220 Urovvn ct.
CHANT. On September 10, 101 1. THOMAS,
son of the late Thomas nnd Maria Carrlgan
(nee Grant). Funeral on Mondas, at 8:3(1
a, m., from 3!1S North Philip st. Solemn
Requiem Mass nt St. Veronica's Church at
10 b. m precisely. Interment Old Cathedral
GREEN. ALBERT GREEN, 2 years. 017
Watts st.
(lltEENtinnO. MAR If
year. Kin Treo st, .
1IAI.I.OU F.M,. On September 12. 1014. WIL
LIAM, husband of the late Catharine N.
Hallowell, nged 74 years. Due notice of the
funeral will be lren, from the residence of
ii .I.M.I.U. tola v.h -,
118 N. 16th t.
years, mil Poulkrod st.
)li;itrnit.- On September 13, 1014, MAODA
LENA, wife of Louis Herter (formerly IX'K
nrd), aged 48 years. Due notice of the fu
neral will be given, from her late residence.
If. 7 Rhunk st.
IK.iAl EH. Suddenly, on Ninth Month 18th.
Hill, ELEANOR it.. Infant diughter of
George L nnd Mary L. Holmes, aged tn
months. Funeral private, on Second'day,
Ninth Month, 21at, from parents' residence
near Mooreitovvn, N. J,
HtlNHINORK-On September 13, 1014,
CHARLES (I., huilinml of Mary H. Hun
singer (nee Cully), aged 00 yenrs. Funeral
on, Sunday, nt 2 p. m from his resHence.
1211 Pine st., Camden. Interment at Ever
green Cemetery,
HUNTER. On September 17, 101 f. JULIA
1)., widow of Thomas Hunter, Relatives and
friends are lnvl'ed to attend tho funeral
services, on Monday, at 2.30 p. m.. at the
residence of her on, Thomas II. Hunter. 221
llurklngliam Place. Interment at Wood-
lam's fenutery.
year, ears, 1121 Poplar at.
.iiii.-nu., un aeptemiier i?, iuif, iiaiuiv
YOST, hiislmnil nf Ellralth Johnson (nee
Wartman). Relatives nnd friend arc Invited
to attend the funernl, on Tuesday, nt 2 p.
m from his Inte residence, 1'I3 Louden it.,
Olncy. Interment nt Mt. Vernon Cemeury.
IIUKIR. THEODOn JUDGE. 01 yenrs. 913
1 ood st,
HANi:.--On September 10, 1014, ELLEN,
wife of Michael Kane nnd daughter of the
late George and nrldget Lynch, nged 41 years.
Funeral on Monday, at 8:30 u. in,, from 12.!
Juniata St., Nlretnnn. High Ata-n at St.
Stephen's Church at 10 a. in. interment nt
Holy Sepulchre I'empfery.
KEILE.- Of diphtheria, nn September 18.
11114. CATHARINE C. wife of Thomn- Kelle
nnd daughter nf l lie late Jaruen nnd Itrheecu
Lincoln Huti'hlnnnn. tteldence. 11117 Filbert
st. Inlerment ut Ml. 7.1 on Cemetery, Darby
No funeral.
KELLY. On September 17. 1014, ANNIE
TAGUART KELLY. Funeral on Monday, ut
8:30 n. in., from 18,8 North 23d st. Sol
emn Requiem Mass ut St. EHabeth's Church
nt 10 a. m, Intel ment Holy Croi- (Vmeterv
KI'.LI.Y.- On On September 17. 1014. ANN
K1!I,I,Y, widow of Patrick Kelly. Funeral
nn Mondnv, nt 8.10 a. in., frnm MM E.
IlnroM nt. Solemn ltpuulem Maea at St.
Ann's Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment at
llolv f mis Cemetery
KELLI. At her re-ldence. 10 South 3d t..
1'le.isnntvllln, N" J . on nupiomber 17, 1III4.
MAItGAill-.T M. KELLY inoo MaoDonald).
vvllow or Thomas r. Kollv. Funernl on
MmMhv, at s-,10 n in., frnm 1344 N. Marston
nt, 1'hlls. High Muss ot Rniulom at Church
of .Most Precious Mind, at 10 a, in. Inter
ment nt Old Cathedral Cemetery.
2700 rietLher st.
KURZKKNAIIK On September 18. 1014,
LCDWIG KURKEKNAIIE. husband of the
late Mary Kurzeknnbe. nged 84 years. Fu
nernl services on Mondny, at 2 p. m., nt his
daughter's residence. 4113 North 8th st. In
terment prlvnte, ut Mt. Peace Cemetery.
LEATHERMAN At his reildence. 437
lthaw n st , Fox Chase, on September IS,
1H14, JOSEPH, husband of Amanda Leather,
man Due notice of the funeral will be
2363 E. Sergeant st.
LII'IV LOUISA LIPP, 67 years. 2012 North
.. usi jut si
LLOYD. On Friday. September 18. at her
lala residence PJ1 Clinton st., ELIZABETH
OI1IHU.NS I.I.OYD. daughter of the late John
and K-thct II, Lloyd
MrllRIIIE. On September 18, 1014, JOSEPH
McimiDi:, son of John C. and Alice M. Mc
nrldj. aged 11 months 2 weeks. Funeral on
Monday, at 1 .30 . in., from the renldenr.p nf
his pnrents. 2121 Pierce st. Interment Holy
Cross Cemeterj.
MeCANUl.EtS.- -on Septcmbe." 17. 1014,
ELIZA, daughter of the late Hutchinson and
Elizabeth McCandless, aged 63 fears. The
relatives and friends of the family are In
vited to utteud the funeral services, on Mon
day, the 21st, at 2 p. m.. at her brother's
residence. Thomas II. McCandless, 2148 North
2d St.. Philadelphia. Interment private, at
North Cedar 1111! Cfmetery. "
MILLER. SARAH MILLER, S3 years, 1103
Flt7vvater st.
MII.LIGAN. On September 18, 1014, CAR
OLINE W. MILLIIiAN. Services ut tier late
residence, 3U'.i Ilryn Mavvr ave., Cynwjd, Pa,,
Monday, September 21, at 2 p. m. Interment
years, 3J2 E. ltlttenhotise ot.
MORGNEIt On September 17, 1014. RICH
ARD C. MOIWMlU. husband of Hedwlg "".
Mcrgner (nee Hertsch), aged 48 years. Fi.
neral services on Sunday, nt 2 p. m , at 2040
North Stli s:. Interment private, aienwootl
i.A-a'u. 4J vcars, a.1111 r. Howard st.
276'i Helen st.
MURRAY. On September 18. 1014, FRAN
CIS) II , huabind of the late Mary Muiraj
nnd son nt the late Charles and Ell-abetl,
Murray Funeral on Tuesday, at 8 30 a. m
Irom 118". South Clarion st High Mn-s ot
Itequlem at St Teresa's Church, nt 10 a. m.
Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
N,HSNO. -On September 17, 101 1, KLOR
rxi'B, daughter of Anthony nnd Virginia
Nassano, aged 30 jears Fui eral on Mon
day, September 21. 101 1, a: 8 a. in., from
r.'JH N. i!il si Solemn iteriulem Maoi at St.
Donato's Church, tilth and Callowhlll rts., at
10 a. m. Interment at Holv Cross Cemetery.
NOCTON. On September 18, 10 M, THOMAS
P , husband of tho late Elizabeth Norton
Funeral on Monday, at 8.30 a. m.. from
Woodlavvn ave., Aldan, Delaware County,
Pa. High Mass at the Church of tho Holy
Spirit. Sharon Hill. Pa., at 10 o'clock. In
terment private.
PAULS. On September 10, 1014, ELIZA
BETH, daughter of Alois and Elizabeth
Pahls. aged 21 ears. Funeral services on
Sunday, at 2:30 p. m.. nt 2:121 North 7tr st.
Interment Grecnmount Cemetery.
PASCHALL. On September 18. 1014. ISAAC
I'AhCHALL, aged 78 jears Funeral on
TUCHday. at 1 u. m. from Nentown Sounre.
Delaware County. Pa. Interment nt Great
alley Presbjterlan Cemetery.
ears. Ill 4 S. 3d fit.
PFAFF. On September 18, 1014, of dlph-
therla. JOHN c." . non of Philip and Anna
Pfaff. of 35J8 Ella St., aged 3 jears. No
I'.l.I,,,?,'I'irS"Cl'.u'I'IAN PHILLIPS. 48 years.
2LI2 North Nutruna st.
I'OTT.S. EDWARD POTTS. 13 jears, 2012
Turner st.
rnWDKulIAKEIt. At Atlantic City. N J..
eptt-mber li. 1014. ABRAHAM, husband of
Claire Pondermaker, aged .12 jc.iri- Inter
mom private Xorfollt. Baltimore and Wash-
'iis'vi' puiiera pieaso COpj.
nAX!,."ii',i'7At ,th.e -"sldence of her eon.
Howard I. Randall, at htoopvllle. Bucks Co,
a ",,u;'KA',n.t'sUay.'Jf'entcmb"r '" RACIIBI.
Ai.i,ADAI'1 Vdav) ot Kcuben Randall.
aiea S2 years S months. I'uneral from
ihompSjn Memorial Church Inner Snlehnrv
Pa , on Saturday, Sept. 10, at 11 a. m.
ear. ii North Woodstock st.
iolth'sT3AnAH nEIN 70 yearB" 0I South
ni,oSi'iTH"n"r?.n.?ap,tem.bfr ? 1314i FRANK,
in precisely
Interment at Holy Cross
!!, Kuiui
anl I.UzIo
jjf e.nU5?,,Si,18 Anilei- st an An
i- J Toner .'cA1,?,on,, "
.KnhrHY"iV.r. 2UI E. Thnmiiuin . .
n...l ..,
........ .., uu, m4
nllkn-rbrri Pa., ami
Ki..". "lln, n :. nir-.fi""'n t- l"l
srW;; ,HOTi5i-n .. ,
V.ll,.,n i 1 i.'J ,.'.7I. t-lirlmldn st.
lvS i&?m ' ana
V'siti,-',?' I'lrl
.Inh.: .." . i
Ibtni n'.'IWN
St; " "in i'-t',?.,1- 'lurpiiKik t.
'iJs1. i3i i'.'.uu"-'' ,'-'- a'1 t:""'y
fifi?" in 1,'j ,"'" '. mil tloldle
A?R 1" inSltt"" and AiwiHU
li-tA -;crr im. v ".:
'i. r-.?.Var ' ' ' "n,J W'1 3?'
'"IJ 1 7-1 . ..
a 'neiiAt j- '"ttLjirjivA ..
? -lAr1' : J la
B UL." 111 1 r.
I rS';., NO
iH .nl. " '1 'ft G
"hfi.";.' ' r st ' "" ' B"
Fri un
i.f. K!vent 1 .t., aud
J CMrl)!
ALLUNTjW.N. Pa, Sept. 19.-Dr. Jlah
lon II. He.iry, 71 yeais old, physician,
Uvvjer ami Civil War eteran, died jes
terduj". He served In tho 12sth Pennsyl
anU Voluntceia, und was one of the
orators at the dedication of the Pennsyl
vania monument on the battlefield of An
tlctnm For a time, after the war, ho
lived In Missouri. He owned considerable
property, and had a beautiful winter
home lu Florida almost within a stone
throw of that of William Jennings Bryan.
(JNTTY.sm'Ua. Fa.. Sept. W.-Emanuel
H. lleikheimer, Jtoglstor and Ilecordcr
11 ( Aduins t'ouutj, was found dead In bid
jestord.iy. A cilpplo or years," lie slipped
ami fell on tho k pavements lmt winter.
fcUlfirlng jililitlonal Injuries from which
lie never recovered He was elected
U fihtt'r iiiui Itecouler In 1911 on tho
Ijoiuurintli' ticket without opposition. He
was i'i years, old and leaves a wife and
tuu thlldrvn.
I'uthuluu 1' Kvile. bJ eurs old, died of
ui.i'ith. rU ut hur home, lt17 Filbert
strict, vcludaj Kho Is survived by her
liuabainl. u tiuiutUr. ISfvi Fnbert street.
t'l.MIUi .1.LIY Pa. Sept. 19.-Mrs,
farvlloK Wilt, 8 ars old. wife Qt James
Wilt died af t S an illness of 24 hours of
ajvricxy I lu-band, a retired hotel
Choice Properties
West Side Detached
Stona and brlch construction; high eleva
tion; one block to Penna. R, It.; 12 rooms;
modern and attractive Interior. Lot 60 by
100 feet deep, Old shade. This U one of
the good buys this fall.
Emlen Below Upsal
Three - story stone semi-detached
duellings, containing 11
rooms, including 2 baths. De
tached porches. Lots 32 ft
front Hot-water heal, gas and
electricity, gas Mullen, hard
wood floors, tile bath
Various Prices
Detached Stone
West Side
Twelve rooms, 3 baths; hot-Tiater heat,
electrlo light; large rooms, Southwestern
tjpoeure. Garage. Convenient to Penna
R. and trolley. Must bo sold before
October 1st.
Two-Story Modern
Homes, $3700
Seven rooms, including bath, hot-vvater
heat, open fireplace, hardwood floors, gas
and electricity, ga kitchen. These home,
Include every modem appointment Open
for Inspection See them before considering
elsewhere. Take Germantnwn or Willow
Orove car. over Chtlten a.ve. 100 feet Bou
je uru
J. H. CHADWICK & CO., 5618 Germantown Ave.
Your Want Ads today
for the Sunday
Walnut or Main 3000
S tears,
niFri,K,r-ilOYVARD IHFrLK, 28 year
2112 Arch st.
ItOKIlLINO. At Trenton, N, 3., on Septem
ber 17, mil. MARGARET UATZMER, wife
of Ferdinand W. Iloehllng, fir, Service at
her late residence, 222 Uest Mate st , Tren
ton, N, J., on Monday, at 11 a. m. Interment
ROGERS. On .Monday, September 14, 1914,
JtACIiEb WtSTKIl, daughter. of .the, late
Wl Ham Wvnne ftlvt Hannah t.enrU WIster
- , ,.1 - . ...." ..-...... - .....-- ...
na wiiiow 01 vviiuam IJ,
038 South 0th st.
ih.-on September 18. IBM, DANinii
FHA.NCI8, son of John and Catharine Itjan,
aged 10 lenrf. Funeral on Tuesday, at 8:30
a, m., from 230 North Robinson St. High
Requiem Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary
Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment at Ht. Denis'
( emetery.
SAGKNDOItPH At her apartments. The
Covlnrtton, on September 18, 11)14. MARY
VIRGINIA, wife of". L". Sagcndorph. Fu
neral services on Sunday, nt 4 p m., nt the
apartment of Oliver II. Hair, 1820 Chestnut
ft, Interment nt ClaveracV, N Y Rtaun'
ton, in., and Baltimore, Md., papers pleaso
8ALVIN. LOUIS SALVIN. 49 years. 738
Moore st,
fiAJX,.lU-rSu!,,1,'n,v' September 18, 1014,
FRANK A., husband of Man' J. Sankey and
son of Harrv W. nnd 1nin r-i r i- w ..l.
aged 32 vears. Relatives nnd friends, also
police of 2l)th District, Invlled tn attend f '
neral, Tuesday, 8-10 a m., from his lato
resldcnco, filO N. Vodgea st., West Phlli
Bolemn Mass nf Itequlem. Church nf our
Itdy of Motors, 10 a m, Interment Holy
Cros Cemetery.
Sr!!,'Vr0n..?cU,!mber I7' lf"' HDWARD.
son of the late Frank und Kophle chnd. 1 n
VlSi n Mnndav, at a, m from the real
$FJ)Z?.PJ lM. brother, Bernard .ehnd. 12T
nPiWiT.1??!? ". XrS"" or Requiem nt Holy
Jr.l,tS,hV'hl .nt n:3 n '" Interment New
Cathedral Cemetery.
sr,l)V,G.,.,Kll.'r0" .September 10 1014.
l.iiLlrJIl, vvldoiv of Ilenrv brhwelger (n-i.
Meyer), nged ,1 jears Funeral services mi
Monday, nt 1.3(1 p m.. at her late resi
dence, 223.1 North L'ber st. Interment pri
vate, at Northwood Cemctcn-.
SIIOOSMITH. !n Philadelphia, on fPlem
her IT, 1014, MAROARET. widow of Benja
.inln ahoosmlth, In her 83d year. Relative?
and frtondn are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Sunday, at 2:30 n. m., at Broth
rhnr,d Cemetery, Mbunt Holly, N. J.
8IIULL.--DAVID BHULL, 10 years, 611
North 8lh at,
vinrs, IHil North 11th ft .... . . .
6IIAIS. on September 18, 1014. BLI7.A;
BP.Ttl n HILVIH. Duo notlco of tho funeral
will be Riven
Flnrnt st
8TAI1LKR On September 18. 1014, CIIA3.
I, son of Charles O. nnd Pniillne It. Stabler,
nged 20 years. Funeral on Tuesday, nt 2:30
p tn., frnm 2R.10 Pleasant St., Camden, N.
J. Interment Bethel Cemetery.
1322 P. Stlllmau et.
STROUL. On September 10, IBM. PHILIP
.1 , husband nf the late Camllne Strohl, In
tho 75th year of his age Funeral servlte;
on Mon.!n nt 1 p. tn. precisely, at WU
Arbor t Interment nt Hillside cemetery.
SULLIVAN, At his residence., 323 Cherry
St., Camden, N. .1., Sept. 11. UI4, JOHN L.
hitKbnnd of Mary Pulllvan. aged 27 years.
Duo notice of tho "utieral will be given.
years, 1B34 Tromrson st.
lllin I'age st
TARIIA. SOFIA TAHRA, 8 years, 4B34 Mil
ler st
TAYLOR. linNHY TAYLOR, 30 years. 733
Lombard st, '
TF.KHR CAROLINE! TKESK, C7 years. 2213
East Cumberland st.
1731 Ellsworth at.
ytars. 2421 II. Boston avo
VIIAICH On September 17, 1B14. LAURA
vvlfo of George c Veutrh (nee DnvU) Itola
tlvru n-id friends nrr Invited to attend tho
fun.rnl services, on Motidaj, Keptrrnbir 21,
nt 2 p ni. nt the ro-ddrprr. of lirr husbn-id
413 Onrterct st., Camden, N 1. Interment
pi It ate
WALDNEIL On September 17, 1014. CUIUS
riANA. wlft of Anton Waldner tnee notch),
nd 07 years. Funeral services on Monday,
at 2 p. m.( at her late home. ,2344 West
Montgomery ave. Interment private
U'ALLACIL On September 17, 1014. MOSHS
A., husband of the Into Babotto Wallach,
need 77 yearn. Funeral on Sunday, nt 2 p.
m., precisely, from 3412 N. Palethorp st,
Interment at Mt. Carmcl Cemetery.
WALLML On September 17, 1914. AMK
LIA E wifo of Duvld Waller, aged ft4 yearn.
Tialn leavei Brond 6t. Station Saturday, at
10 a. m. Interment at Laurel, Del.
WKATIIEnnV. On September 18. 1814,
AMANDA WCATHERHY, widow of David
F Weatherby, aged 81 years. , Funeral sen
Iceit on Monday, at 1 p. ni.. at her late resU
dence, 810 Itaddon ave., Camden, N. J. In
terment strictly private
WHARTON. On September 17,1014. AONKS.
widow of Wesley Wharton and daughter of
Philip and Alleo Walsh, aged 211 yrnrs. Fu
neral on Monday, nt 8:30 a. m.. from 462
Collom st , Gcrmantovrn. High Mass at 8t.
Francis or Aslsl Church, at 10 a. m. In
terment at New Cathedral Cemetery.
WIIITI. On September II, 1014. nt his rest
dnce, on Vasrar Square, In Atlantle City,
.laIAH WHITE, In his 74th year. Tho fu
peril will tako place at his country house,
Wild Orchard." near Cardlngton, Philadel
phia on Second-day, tho 21st Inst., nt 8
o'clock p. m Carriage, will meet relatives
nnd friends nt tho Terminal, ttUh and Mar
ket sl., after 2 Iff p. m Interment private,
WILD. MALLY WILD. 83 years, 2500 North
Water st.
WILDK. On September 10, 1014. .lOSEPJI
WII.DE, age I id v cars Funeral Sunday, at
2 p. m.. from his late residence, llonsalt ave.,
Irpel Hill, Delaware Co , Pa Interment at
Mt Zlon Ccmeteiv
WILLIS. JAKE WILLIS, 34 jeara. 1317
Wood st.
WILSON. At centerton. N. J., on Septem
ber IS, Bill, HAMIIEU husband of Margaret
Wilson, aged sil jears. Funeral on Hunday,
Sptemt'r 20, at t p. in , Tram Onterton.
Interment at Brotherhood Cemeterj, Mt.
Zt'Itnif. LOUIS ZURCK. 48 years. 21
Brown st.
Store Opem 8.30 A. M.
Store Closes 5.30 P. M.
iKswijiftwiwfiwww !hH1 WH
Grand Organ Recitals 9. 11 and 5.15
s for Moimdaj
The formal opgoHnig off Fall and Winter milSSiniery,
dudling an extensive collection of brilliant new
ts from the great ateliers off Paris.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
The opening of a very precious collection off Paris gowns
for yoking- womenexclii3sive in America
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
10,000 books in a clear-way at 15c, 25c, 50c and 75c, being
the gathering op off all the odd Sots and left
overs from a number off special sales
Over 6000 books marked at 115c
(Main Floor, Thirteenth)
',' or
A great sale of famous American
Rugs starting some day next week.
1500 sample shirtwaists: many samples in a very onn
usual disposal going at $3 to $3.s
(Wen Aisle) , "
250 standard quality brass beds in a disposal a 25 to
33 fi3 per cent, below regular price.
(Sixth Floor)
sample suits for women and vnnno
WOTen at half price in the Lower-Price Store. Tfiese
suits are made off imported materials, 'finely
tailored, and marked $15 and $20 each.
(Subway Floor, Market)
""r '''' lilBlnn..,, m.1r
' """"iT-i -rnm" 'rm un n rni.niiiii is,,r