fc POSTSCRIPT EDITION EVENING LEDGER POSTSCRIPT EDITION VOL. I-jS'O. G PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT DETECTIVE'S PISTOL ENDS ROMANCE OF BURGLAR-INVENTOR Master of the 'Jimmy Brace and Bit Wooes Girl on Earnings From His Burglaries. 28 NEW CASES OF TYPHOID FEVER IN WEEK; TWO DEATHS Number Smallest Reported to Health Department in Several Weeks Total of Deaths 4 1 6. JOHN S. EDWARDS Burglar, inventor and pleasing gen tleman, when not forcing safes, faces a long term in the Eastern Penitentiary. In tne rough and ready language ued by the police, police court attornes, mis- i sion workers and those who associate The number of typhoid fever cases ic parted this week Is tho smallest for sov cral weeks. Twenty-eight new cases were reported to the health department this week, seven less than last neck's num ber. Two deaths were due to typhoid ."Incc Sunday. There were 410 deaths In the entire titv this week, of which 75 were due to com municable diseases. Last week there were 112 deaths tind (10 were reported dur- I ins? the corresponding week last year. I'orty-thiee new cases of diphtheria ' developed this wtek, an Increase of sl ovei tho number leportcd last week. Other rases of contagious disease In the city reported during1 the last seven dajs i am scai let fever, I'.'; chicken-pox, 11, menMi-s, 12. , Following Is the lecord of deaths from j I pll causes this week Tvpholi feter. ... vv hooplner eoupgli Dlphilicri.i IZn Mpelas Tuber miosis . t.unffs I Tuber, tilosl. acute i mllliirv , i Tutiori'uloiu Menlng Ills ' Abdomlnnl T u l e r cmosls 2 ' Caliper of slnui.iih ami liver 10 Cancer of Intestine ami peritoneum. . . 3 Caner of genltnl or gans (f em. lie) . .. 2 Cancer of breast . . 4 Cancer of kln 3 Cancer of other or ...2 UmbollsmantlTIiroin- . . 2 bosls 1 , .. I Acute broncliltln ... t , . . 2 lirontiiojmeutnonla 8 of t'ncumonla JT , ..n3 Pleurlu- ' Autumn - 1 Dentition 1 l'lcer of stomach.. 1 4 Olhpr itiseneH of "tomach S 2 Diarrhea, ntnl enter ing tumler one oar J Diarrhea and emer iti I lone to two pars 0 Diarrhea an'l enter Ill (two sears niul nieri ' tlyitnxeohnlus "-' un?Leclflecl orcana. a Otherconirenltal mal- Dlabetea ." formatlonn 1 Anpmln. .itft.nlu . . 1 T'f.mnlnp. l.trtli ... t( with tho men and women v ho are rather other cenral diseases 1 Congenital debility . ft undesirable citizens. John S. Edwards, who was held without ball by Magistrate Tracy at the Eleventh and Winter streets police station today, has had another fall. Tho underworld considers a fall as something that business men would styic a failure. Kdwards today admitted that Edwaids was only an assumed name, but that he had used It for the better part of Ills life. His real name, lie stated, was J. 1. V. Satok and he said that lor the most of the time since his releas-o from the East ern Penitentiary ho Uvea at 1513 Noith Twelfth street. At the close of the healing Lieutenant Smiley read a letter from George D. Pot ""tciTTJITSStor of Public Safety, commend ing Winnie and Kent, policemen, for causing the urrest of Edwards. , Edwards was caught attempting to bieak Into a saloon. Edwards is an Inventor. He lias made more money with the "'jimmy" and the biaco and bit, but tnen. although John lived off the earnings of Ills burglaries nrtd safe robbing Job., never boasted of t'lem but preferred to talk about his In ventions. Edwards was released several month ago from the Eastern Penitentiary, alter serving a sentence for burglary. He. mi never a model prisoner, but not withstanding ho won the friendship of It&beit J. MvKcnty, warden of tho prison. In 1!HK, while serving a term In the Eastern Penitentiary for robbery, Ed wards, with Charles Berger, scaled the walls. In the Jump from a CO-foot gate way. Edwaids received a broken leg. Guards who had teen tho escape came upon him while they were searching, tho Ilower beds outsido the prison wall by forcing the foliage, back vvit.i the barrels of shotgui.s. Edwards smiled w.ien ! Alcoholism Encephalitis . . . . .Meningitis Locomotor ataxia. Apnplev Senility .. 1 Suicide by polnn ... . . 2 Suicidally nuphyMa. .. 1 Suicide by firearms. . . 12 Suicide, J u in p Ins . . 3 from hlch places. Other diseases of Tturn.s brain 2 Drowning Upllepsy 4 Injuries b foil iplew . rnratsis . DKeaes of tho ear. I Kffeits of heat 1 Pericarditis t Homicide by flre- Kndocardltls 2 arms 1 Heart dl?eae 00 Homicide by cutting Angina pectoris . . I! instruments 1 Diseases of arterle. s Injuries at birth ... 2 ORANG-OUTANGS PASS CENSORSHIP AT ZOO Villn and Sylvia Declared Free of Tubercular Aliment. Villa, of liorneo, and his mate Sylvia, the orang-outang3 purchased by the Zoo logical Garden a little less than two months ago, have now pui-i-ed tho health censor at the Zoo and arc regular mem bers of society there. Although members of the higher npe families are dllllcult to raise In this climate, authorities at the Zoo now bellove that this pair will live at least flvo years. The animals were purchased from Louis Ithue. a Now York animal dealer, who got them from the engineer nnd boatswain of n tramp steamship. They enmo to tho local Zoo Juno 22, and were Immediately isolated for observation. Such animals aro specially susceptible to tubercular Infection, but Dr. Herbert Fox, the Zoo pathologist. Is now assured that Villa and Sjlvla arc sound ot lung. The orang-outangs will be placed on M&&i''aM f fIHHvHH' Wtzm&&milm PfnH ImSSMSSUaBMKfMIBWW POSTMAN IS JUST DUVED XBmKHKKKKMmBSSKk grewvg cu?ds to these g?ls A-tjjs-t,7K.i.n f vmffiFKMMmimu.. mBEEmmmtsm,ii & SmKmBmSKKBMtmKM JEWISH NEW YEAR BEGINS TOMORROW AT THE SET OF SUN Day of Rejoicing as We! as of Fervent Prayer ft Welfare of Family ar Friends. u fiuaiU yUBUeU avHIIi tl..n ,lfli in ih mmmvAA n inn, ftr. m. trim rvirtiirwr lil ..luwr ...1 ui. .t. . '. . . '. . wmw w i. I.... .. : i-.'". " . u.iu, i II, tobr I. Ilia, the male. Is equipped with "ll r,Zy- I? ?oat of coarse red. brow., nnd blac. li.ir. itiii- cjivtua vuak IQ Ul lilu famished, he went to the home of a rela tivo to ticg food. Since ills last release from prison Ed Tiards Is said to have had a love affair And also to have cherished a hatred to feaioonkeepers. As far as tho pollco know he has robbed none but saloonkeepers. IIo says ha was educated In saloona and he Is turning his education to uso against the keepers of bar room. V young woman who lived In the 2100 block on North Tenth street is also said tn have Interested Edwards He confl Initially told friends that he oxpected to merry tho young woman Sho hu left the home ot her mothr since Edwards' ar jest, and the mother nays that mere was but little between Edwards and hrt daughter. Edwaids left pilaun lust winter and went to the young woman's homo to bu.nd. IIo pnt n.arly overy night out, but always explained his absence In some plausible manner. Tho police say that nvery night he was away front his room hi was using his "Jimmy" and cold Uiltni forcing open windows, cash drawers and nail safes. All the time Edwards wag planning for V" marriage with his landlady's daugh ter, it Is also said. 'lo did not tell the girl that he was a Mail bird" To her he was a meihanie nuil a, mlsht guod one. tor he always had monej, spent with a smile, und K.ievv where to get moio money when a nisht was expensive. Then rarao the falL The Detective I)u reau, when Edwaids was released, de tailed u im.n to keep an ee on him. The man was able to tell how much Edward' supper bill was. what he spent for other tl,ing3, and all the othei minor details of life, but fould not tell how Edwards kept his iioi-ketbook filled and that was the main thing for "Rob" iJameron, thief of the Ilurt-au. Edwards khook off his detective shadow one night Ut w-k. drew his jimmy and started to woil; on the front dooi of WiU Union's saloon. Ninth and Filbert streets Edwards was keeping his ees open for e nootli and plausible Central station de tective. One, whom he called "harneis bull." swinging a club, slipped up behind John and pluced against his head the bar lei of u revolver. "Well. I guess you got me," saltf y,a, wrds, as he handed over his "Jimmy." ci-p, who is Kent, of the Eleventh and AVlnta" fctreeta tiolice station Etlwurds while In the Eastern I'enlten tiary took an Interest In the flower gar. dens and tli machine shop, lie was busy every minute of his waking hours. Jftt invented a doorknob which he said wjs burglar proof, because when it was futeneU and fct he could not turn It If Kdwaids could not work trie knob the polite aie of the opinion that no one ?Ke could. Kdwards made a new kind of a cane fat for i hairs and hitched up a motor win h he sail was as near perpetual -3tiorj as any engine would cine. Tne one rK. a I jrla.ee pjui auuc tno ntu same coloilng, but finer. Superintendent Carson, of the Zoo, is surrounding the pair with every &afe guaid to prevent a repetition of what happened at the Drcns Zoo, In New York, where the entire collection was wiped out by tuberculosis. In addition to being perfectly matched as to size, the orangs are well mated and so far their domestic affairs have not been, marred bv a single "scrap." The exact sum paid tor the pair has not been divulged, but Is said to be high. Each animal is two y-ars oil. The formation of their hands and .'.nger-nalls compares well with th? hutni.n hand. BROKEN NECK CAUSES DEATH Woman's Fall Downstairs Kesults Fatally. A brol.en neck catikoi) by falling down utaiiK lesulted in tne death today of i!rs. Anna Murlun, CO jears old, at her home, 1TJ4 Christian street. Tho woman was on her way to beij when she lost her balanio and fell backward from the set mid flout Tho a cldent happened a week ago, and for a tune In. Charles Hawkins, of 1D3I Tederal street, who attended Mrs, Jlnnon, thought t'lat she would roeover. Other complications, however, weakened her condition SAVES HORSES t?ROM DEATH 111 ' '" 't Fireman m i3tioj as any engine would cine. r-Hor was run b" oo)s. When vo). ra-t into ws wou J s.ni k irii' sool " 'j f t0i tue ar aaa aualc tho flxiU v V Begker Then Turns Alarm for Fire. Iierol. a Hon b, Harry IKclici. a flre mai of the "5tli and tine streHs station, saved three houes from uurulng touay In 4 fir" which destroyed a poitlon of the st:b,e of Josep.i Donnell. Woodland u ve il m and itli street. The loss was mote than i. Heckei wui on his uay to the tire hotie after bieaklusting at home wlit-n he saw moke coming from JUonnell's stable. IIo plung.-d lnt tiie s.noke-filled building and led tha three horses to safety. Then he turned in an ilurm When the engine company from his own station arrived Decker asslstw in es tlnguishing tue blaze. DEMANDS XAND HIM IN JAIL Insists on Gift of Money and is Sen tenced Instead, Persistent demands for money made by Fraik O'Bonnell. &SK) ustella street, at the offlco of Magistrate I'ennock, 9 East Che'ten avenue, Germantown. resulted In his airest He was sentenced today to 10 ua in the ounty prison by the magistrate e nad annoed According to Const4bIe Bradj who is attached to JIagistrate Pennoi-k s office, o Ponnell cou d rot be persuaded to leave the pla e and r.Cca.Tne, so Insistent and beUgfrert In v, r-, ,., tt,-r h. ,,. 4 vbgtX ta wtejt blB, Devout Jews throughout the world i pieparlng today for tho Jewish N Yea i. or the Eeast of Ilosh Hashan which begins tomorrow at sundown ; end.H on sundown Monday. This j ear, in addition to offering pra eis for the safety of loved ones lieic, u fervnnt ninver Mill h nffni ft fnr tlin ' ' safety of thoto who are In vvar-rlddcn Europe. Theie will be liupplucss and sorrow in the messages borne to every Jewlth household today on the New Year cards, and tho postman, especially In the Uhetto, will be anxiously awaited. It Is possible, too, that the conflict acioss thu tea will llguro largely In the messages. On account of the toll of war there are many here waiting with much foreboding for greetings which may nevui come. It will not bo necessary for the letter carrier to ring tho bell or knock' at the door of the homes In the Ghetto. Tho anxious ones theie havo been waiting too long for the eve of the New Year. Those loved one abroad who do not write at anj other time never forget to send gieetimiH today. When the evening Htar nukes Its ap pearance in the heavens tomorrow, thus marking the beginning of the worship, those who did not receive the customary annual Metltig wilt lift their oes to waid heaven and Invoke the divine Prov idence to protect those who have sent their last nicosuges. Tiie Postoiflce force Is working over time so that tho mall may be distributed before the advent (according to the Jew ish calendar) of the year WTJ. Tomorrow night at sundown, in accord ance with an old Jewish custom, the be loved Jewl'sh grandfather or the oldest member of the family blesses the rest of the family before leaving for the syn ugogue. This custom Is observed in every orthodox home throughout the world. At the .sinagoguo all will kneel In prayer, giving thanks for gifts of the la'st year and asking divine Jrfesulng fot tho ensu ing year. The obot vance of the Jewish New Year as u holy be.-i3on Is commanded In two passages of the Kio Hooks of Moses. In neither passage Is there any specific com mand as to how tho day Is to be olaerved beyond tho injunctions to blow the trum pet, to hold h holy convocation and to engage In no servilo occupation. The day is the first of the seventh month or t'io day of tho new moun of that month. The new moon was observed as holy season by the Jew's of old; the seventh month the sev week, month sIcmfleanLe of far holler import than the other new moon days of the year. The injunction to blow the trumpet on this day wa's to call the people to lemem btnnce before tho Lord. This ceremony of blowing the "shofar" became tho cen tra! figure of the elaborate tellgious ser vice conducted on the day. It is the prevailing idea that on this day God weighs men's actions In the scales of justice. New Year''s Day In the passing of the centuries has thus come to embody the great religious Ideas of divine Justice and humun jcspon'sl-bllity. NEW VE7P CJ?D - 8LE5SNG THE FJML V OM Sl OF ROSN JSIAA IMPRESSIVE SCENES MARK DAWNING OF THE JEWISH NEW YEAR FIVE FEET FIVE, BUT MIGHTY WITH HIS FISTS Giant Sharkey Has No Terms for McGee, Who Is Subdued by Two Policemen. Although he bears tho namo of tho great Sharkey, one time prince ot prlzo lighters, Flank Sharkey, So years old, who Is more than six feet In height, today Is nursing n pair of black eyes as a re sult of .t bout with James McGee, of 1M2 Harlan stieet, last night. McGco is only llvo feet live Inches In height, but this did not deter him from tackling Sharkey and defying two heavy police men who were sent from tho Nineteenth and Oxford streets station to stop the encounter. When the two pol.cmen, Italston and Klemmlng, arrived at the Hut Ian street address, the scene of the bout, McGco delled them to put hhn under arrest, saj- i ing that he could defeat any "cop" In a fair and squaie light. Whereupon he proceeded to prove his contention on Italston. AVrestllng the latter's club from him. McGco waved It dellantly over his head and dared the policemen to coino on. The latter accepted tho challenge and In a momnt had the live-footer under ar rest. Sharkey In tho meanwhile was sent to tho Jefferson Hospital, where his eyes wore treated. This morning. Magistrate Morris remarked that Sharkey had al ready received sufficient punishment and bent McGee to the countv piison for Jive days. $100 FUNERAL FOR PRINCE ALBERT; HE WAS A GOOD DOG Pet of the Little Adams Sis ters Will Be Buried in State Many Floral Tributes. liliSjsBe 9r iiiiiHP $BK PHILA.AUTOISTSHURTAS CAR DROPS THROUGH BRIDGE Injured In nn Accident That Oc curred Near Scranton. Tour Phlladclphlans were Injured yes toiday afternoon, when a touting car broke through the planks of a bridge spanning a creek between Glen Homo and Dalevillc, six miles east of Scranton. They are: Mrs. W. II. Walls, said to llvo at 2233 North 33d street, left arm broken; John A. Green, of Iht and Westmoreland streets, right anklo tpinlned and severe bruises and burns; Miss May Green, niece of Mr. GrKin, right wiist sprained and Hnveio biuUes: S. I. Miilllus, son of a Philadelphia hotel proprietor, who sus tained fractuics of tluec tlbs. Tho putty was making a trip from the Pocono Mountains to Sciantou 111 a tour ing car, suld to weigh 0CUO pounds, which Piovcd too heavy for tho bridge where tho accident occurred. Tho plunking gave way nnd tho car overturned, all but Mul llns bclnc nlnned beneath It. He succeeded ! In getting the two women out and wbb trying to help Green, when help came with the arrival uf another car. Tho In jured wcrf taken to Scranton on a Lack awanna train last night. STATESMAN'S SON WOUNDED ... n r. otlmttiiilii linltr tnnnfli r a I """ V .,', , .T V'tr- tween I'll adept a and New York that v-iith day w-as the holy day of the j ,m(I b C0,iPlcle,i by 0Iie of tein. a T'i". Srn,l ", I -nductor of the .'.,, h.u,la lUII.'oad STOWE SCHOOL GARDEN BEST Sun Dial Given as First Prize by Judges' Committee, following the inspection of ten public RShool gardens in this city yesterday aft ernoon, the committee of Judges awarded the first piUt, a sun dial, to the Stowc School garden, located at TOth street and Woodland avenue Honorable mention was given the South wark School, at Ninth and Mlrhin streets, while awards consisting of trees, tliruiia. bulbs and the like will be announced this afternoon In the lompctitlous between the schouls of the various districts. ACCUSED OF STEALING PURSE Pacing a Uidige of highway robbery Alfred Bray, of Camden. N J. wai held without bail lor the Criminal Court by Magistal Jiu - at tne 39t i itcet and Lancaster avenue ,ynce station ft Is alleged that Bray is the man who, on September t, snat bed a pocketbook from Mrs. J. I Bo'sev, of Nar'itb, as she was passing tte po-fr of tit- street and Woodbine, avenue. P. R. R. CONDUCTOR IS HELD FOR SELLING OLD TICKETS Old Employe and Local Bartender I PRINCE ALBERT EDWARD Charged With Crime. His funeral will be in the style be- Two men wero held In ball ror court to. fitting his title, day by Magistrate Morris. ;;0l Itidge axe- ,.,,,. vii.ert Fdward villi be hurled hue. on tho chance of selling tickets be- J. ": r"Vl in" ,Jf '2 iuuiaii. . -- -...- ... . ...,, placo was not chosen In Philadelphia be cause of tho present Iluropean compll- ff,tlnu fnr tin, l'linco Wilk the net pany, 1 ho men uro itobert Kitchener. Xr"";:. j,.., ,, f v... ..i,ii.. ,.... of Trenton, tho conductor, and A. P. Hum- i Jiam., M V. yne .venue. Gemantown mons. bartender at road and Ituce , nemoon ho Is Ijlng in a dainty St-H 1;neiMn3iani,i ? H" hT'" , ' aiJji.xiien.lve collln In the pa, lor of the Kitchener was held In JI'W ball and . AUal,w ,,omc. A sliver plato bears the .Sammons in Mn the conductor had b.-en lnx word "Prince." Hanked around the in the employ of t ho iuilio.id for about iO nro ,ha chorest flowers obtainable, years IIo was he d for a further hear ng huJ um, Jin, (J6t.s nnU carnations, in last Wednesday fo low int. ,an Invest gatloii I ,e, mingled with ferns, palms and other by railroad detective.. Sau.mons Is fald I ,, Ult'sl'rumb,le to make the funeral set to have disposed of the tickets secured by . ".s complete. Is.itcienei. ,r,t) (,0,.s funerai ,vm cost moie than SIM), and will bo In rhurge of Undertaker j William J. McUoldilck, 54M Grrnutiitowii avenue. TOOK BIG BILL FOR JUNK Church Janitor Must Explain Its Sale To a Dealer. ilecauss he thought that a 4ij0-pound chmch bell, belonging to tno Church of the Itedetnption. at &Hh anil Market streets, was a nice present InUmlt-il for him. Henry Brown, the colored Janitor of the church, is held under l1) hall to await further hearing by Magistrate Boyle, of tho 33th street and Lancaster avenue po lice station Hujle was recently given pc-i umbloii to sell nnd keep the proceeds of all the Junk which had accumulated in the building. He disposed of all tho minor articles, and tnen, thinking that tho bell was probably Junk, too, told It tu Mike Gold ste.n, a Junk dealer. 5&th and Itace streets, for J I. Tho bell was inied on Tuesday last, and upon being questioned the Jan itor freely admitted tli.it he was respon sible fur Its disappearance Although the Ilcv Albert cia, rector of too charcb, says that he will not prose cute the man. Mag'straf Boylo deems It advisable to hold both Brown and Gold stein batt until further tavtlia- 1 vpa can he wade. .-. .i Mhs Adams and her sister. Miss Martha Adanir, will icmaln by the side of Prince's body until ho Is loweied Into his last rotlng place under the red rote bush In tho yard. This spot was selected because it was the dog's favorite resting place. It was here that ho sought i-lielter when It was too warm to crawl Into his owji llttlu apartment in the yard. No millionaire's child could havo re eclved better treatment than Prince. liver since h was taken 111 two weeks ago, he has had the constant attendance of a nuree and a veterinarian. Dr. William II. Nlco did all In his power to suve tho pet, but an ho was over 13 years old it Is believed that his ego hastened tho end. Death was pronounced due to catarrh of the stomach. AH the children in the neighborhood knew Prince. Many of them called at the Adams home toJay with little lloiul onenngs aim cmuuieu i'u u;a mil tresses. Tho l'ttle, white bed on which the dog lay during the last two weeks wl'l be preserved, rn also wi I thrVJtt'e tn-s aid othe- s'ouvenl-s, w'l iKt'ill teep tue miniiiug memory file en,' Another German, Blincled, Begs Sight to See Paris Capture PARIS, Sopt. 19. Tint ( omit von Holicuthul und Bergen, a In iiten.'iut in the Saxon cavnlry of the Impei lal Guard and u son of tho For eign Minister of H.txony, is una of the Gei man wounded at tho hospital at Saint Mandticr. IIo was taken prisoner at Pcuit-a-MotiViou A German non-commUsloncd ofllcer named von Putiknincr, ron of n German statesman, died in tho hospital nt Com plegne. fragments of shells hud blinded botli eyes, one aim was crushed ami he hud bajonct wounds In the thighs. Ho begged the surgeons to save his sight bo that he could go on to Paris with his leglment. "JOKER" SENDS FALSE ALAHMS Six Companies Summoned to Fake Fire Early This Morning. Piactlcal Jokeis, who havo been turn ing in fal&o ulurms at vuilous lit o boxes In the Kensington section, will recclvo no mercy If caught by the police. The practice has been going on for the last few weeks, und the police and file com panies of that district have becomo des perate, declaring that a false alarm juug in at the B.ieder Adatnton Companj's box on Allegheny avenue, east of Richmond street, this inoining is the last straw. The tall was registered at 4:37 this morning, and bix eiiglnu companies re sponded two trucks, two battalion chiefs ono truck und one chemical engine but found that theie was neither trace of lire nor ot the perpetrator of the so called joke. NEGRO'S INJURY FATAL An tho result of a fractured skull, ie ciivid In a tight last Sunday, William It Johnson, Kl'J Baynton street, 32 years old' a Negro, dle4 lato last night til the Ger in.intuwn Hospital. He with a number of Negro'M got into a lluht last Sunday night, Johnson sustaining a fractured aevcr.il or the otlieia weie liuit They w-1 o 41 rested, but were released await ing the ri'Siit of Jo'ininn'K ii.... t . I'jaht they xvero rearr-st-J. und will he given a I'.int; before Magl-tr-tn Jt'-n- tiiav in tne i itrai ToWs Statin to-ttay. ASYLUM AND HOME SHARE EQUALLY IK ESTATE OF $63,0001 r i " i 3 Flings I .oft rn T nrnl T.i.V. . v.4 AUOIUU- I.' lions by the Will of Ka, 'f Worley Other Wills Jrrobated. An fstato of G3,O0O will tiltlmileiy t, enllnllv ,1ti,l,1o.l 1,nt,., ti. ,.. . . ''. 4 of Philadelphia, mid the Home and A.v! ;: i rv.v.?. "'. '",rn,t th ......bu,,.,,, "uuiciHii uurcii, uerman. fown, under tho provision of tho will o( Kntr Worley, who tiled recently n thi Episcopal Hospital. m Tho principal of tho cstalo will bo hH in trust for tho charitable Institution, and tho Incomo will ho divided as en. dowments. '" At present all properly of the decedent Is devised to tho Fidelity Trust Company In trust, nnd annuities aro to be dim various relatives nnd friends. At th dctth of tho last annuitant tho trust Is tn be continued with tho Income rcvertlnir tn the charitable Institutions. B M Charlcn It. Koch, of tho firm of p u Menglo f!r Co., who died recently at'llti North Hd street, leaves his estate of $S5,000 to his widow. Caroline Koch, chil dren nnd grandchildren. Of the Koch estate, fGO.OOO Is personal property. Other wills probated today are: Annx M. Newell, who died In tho Women'? Homeopathic Hospltnl, and whose cffccln valued at $T9,000, aro distributed In i,ru vatb benuests; Charles Wngndr, 523 South Second street, $S4I3: Ellrabeth J. Lilly 22H Lombard street, ?CI0O: Samuel J Clawell Ocean City. N. J $h.013j Peter II. Dorf, 40IS Aspen street JI2CD. ' Letters of administration were granted In the estate of Louis Zachuilas, COM Vino street, ?3I50. " The personal estato of Cecelia A. Mc. Clone has been appraised at 100. READING R. R. HEADS VIEW FIRST AID DRILL TODAY Leave in Special Train to See Com. pany Corps Work. More than CO omclals or the three Head ing companies left tho Beading Terminal on a special train at 8 o'clock this morn Ing to attend the tenth annual competl tivo first aid drill of tho Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, beln held at Lake Side Park, East Mahanoy Junction, Pa., today. Kach of tho 33 collieries of tho coal and Iron company will be represented by a first-aid corps. Fellow workmen will act as subjects. Tho drill Is under tho lead ership of Dr. G. B. Hubcrstadt, tho com pany physician. Included In the party who left on thu special train wero Kdwutd T. Ktotesburv. president of tho Beading Company and head of Drexel & Co.; Theodore Voor lices, president of tho Philadelphia nnd Rending Railway; Agnow T. Dice, vice president and geneial manager of the Reading Railway; W. G. Brown, secretary of tho coal and Iron company; J. p. Landls, purchasing agent of tho coal and Iron company; R. J. Montgomery, general coal agent, and George C. Coughlln. city am Southern sales ngent. Tho part? ..... iciuin iu um city mis evening. ESCAPES BY SCALING WALL Grieved by Separation From Sister, Man Forsakes Phila. Hospital. Grief because he was separated from a sister nt 1521 DIttmnn street led Thomas Mco to scalo tho wall ut the Philadel phia Hospital and journey to his sister's homo. He will bo sent back to the in stitution today. Xlco was at rested last night while at. . tending a carnival of the Shepherds of I ethlohem. Taeony and Margaretta, streets. Iho clothing ho wore enable! Special Pntiolnian Barrett, of the Frank roid pollco station, to recognise lilm as nn Inmate at tho hospital. Xlco said he nnd another man wham he knew only as Bill climbed over th wall surrounding the hospital ground and went to Ninth and Market strut?. Mco borrowed carfaro from Bill ana went to his sister's house. THE WEATHER OiTicial Forecast WASHINGTON-, Sept. . I or Lustcrn Pennsylvania and Ke1 Jersey: Fair tonight and Sunday: not much change In temperature; moderate variable winds. High baromotrlo pressure continues t overspread tho ea'stern hulf of tne coun try and tho eastern Canadian province, the crest of the trea being noith of Lake Ontario this morning. Fair weat.Vr has prevailed under Its Influence in all northern districts, while showeis iiavs been iulto geneial in the southern 'ilaUs. Tho temperatures nro geneiallv teason nble in tho Atluntio states and In the Lake region, while n moderate excess Is icported from the Ohio valley In the western half of the country the Imioiii etcr Is generally low and r.ilns luve con tinued In tho far Northwest. U. S, Weather Bureau Hulleliii OUicrvatlona made at S p. m , t.a.iru HoM Iiw lafat Ilain. l flue Station. 8 a.m. n't. lull. Wind in rteaihM Atilluie. Tex ill nil vi Atlantic lit... l.s lit .. xi; llUuurcL. N.U.. V-i T- .. ,s liustuii, iljm... I'..' i,S .. Ni: llulfalo. .N. V... U) .. (if: ChlcaKo, 111 US l.t .. NI Cleveland. Q. ... ni III .. NT Denver, Col Wi Wi . S Ilea llolneu, la. ill H..' .. .si: Detroit, MUIi... IS! .IS .. NK Duluth, Minn... ,'.' nj .01 Ni; liUliebtuIl, icx.. 71, i n 1 I t ar It r I md 11 i Ipur h i (ear I i Icai tu i ,ea , I I 1,81 4 i Itai h i leai 4 itiar I luUd 711 Vi .OS i uli.1 t.i i.u i: i: i- x s MJ !.' S i: xi; i: N If i leai I luJ i it leji , i ui Ilutteras. X. c.. 70 t,S .so siv s t luuJy Helena, Jlgnt... li u .ut h Huron, H. Hal:, .'.s r.s . . se JackBonvlllc ... Kan Cltv. Mo. I.oiils!lle, Ky.. TO UI Meiu.lil. renin. 7U its how inicuiu , . , n New utU . .. r.S iil .. N Platte, Neli. mi M .. OklulHiimi. Cl.la. r.il lit! .. I'lillailelphU ... I'-S u .. I'hnentx. Atlz... So 7S .. Plttktiumn. I'u.. f.S Jit .. 1'urtUn.l, Me... 5ji .'.-' .. 1'ortUnJ. Oie... m r,l ..Vi Qui tec, Cuu r.J M St. I.oula. Mo. . 7." 70 St Paul. Minn., in '" . tit 1 akv. I'tah IVI Hi fc'un Kraiulnu.. .'' '-H Siranton, I'a .. lo .'.I Tuniua 71 7'.' .t'i WafHlnstuu aw .. Winnipeg . ... I HI ii ud t i leu- ' le' ,, Hi H luJJj 11 I- MW 4 V u. NK I.' ir rf ni IUIU S I UU47 I i liar 10 I' lo'V I ' w. 1 i: ni: XI' .-i v si h uf I u I. i i .ui LOCAL FIRE JlECOItD Tune. U JO li di Residence, 2Hi ' Ulavij le 17 p, ni Auiuiuobile btfi i o u i:?tblehem rHi 10 JO p. ni Dump. 07lU ' u I ' in ae 11 00 p in I-ivie.llnff. I4 il i H' iU r r i- a i-t i tli. n 4i 2Wa r Inur -'I -" -M vt II. J JUyu'-J. i i- s. T'I11 I -eti I S i"