Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 19, 1914, Postscript Edition, Image 1

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King George's Address to
Parliament Regarded as
Meaning War to Finish.
President Will Cease
Overtures for Present.
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WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. Feeling here
today In official circles Is far from hope
ful for mi cnrly mediation among tlto
nations of war-torn Kurope.
"Watchful waiting," President Wil
son's policy In Mexico, liaa become 111
policy toward Buropoan peace. This
became known officially today. From n
source In closest touch with Wilson, It
was learned his ambition now Is for a
permanent peace, not alone In Europe,
fctit throughout tho world.
He does not wnnt a truce that would
merely halt the fighting for n month or
tno, only to linvo It break out again
jnoie violently Ills position was analyzed
; in llio terso comment that ho will not
'( now put out to tho country each morn
ing peace "when It la not in tho cards."
That this Government has had Indefi
nite assurances that a truco might pos
flbly bo affected nt this time, It was in
terpreted from a statement that it might
tip possible now to havo "a truce, but
rot eace."
The address of King Georgo to Parlia
ment yesterday has strengthened tho Im
pression that England is not yet ready to
entertain overtures. In ills speech, read
by deputy, tlio King stated:
Gentlemen of the House of Com
mons, I thank you for the liberality
rlth which you have met a great
My Lords and Gentlemen, we arc
fighting for a worthy purpose and we
shall not lay down our arms until that
purpose has been fully nchleved.
England's non-receptive attitude Is con
firmed by n cable which Ambassador Sir
Cecil Sprlug-Rlee received from Sir Ed
ward Grey, the British Minister of Fore
ign Affairs, Eaylng that Great lirltnln had
received no proposal for peace directly
or Indli cutis', lrom either Germany or
Austria, and, therefore, was not in a po
sition to consider terms of pcaco.
Russia, too, Is at present opposed to
consideration of peace terms. Petrograd
hpMliapcrs express tho Russian view that
tlurc can bo no peaco until the Kaiser's
3iir,lsters appear nt tho tents of tho allied
commanders and .ask for terms. In an
Utterance yesterday, which was obviously
Inspired and bears tho earmarks of Gov
ernment decision, they declare that Rus
sian diplomacy Is fully in accord with
that of the allies In tho refusal to enter
into any negotiations.
The activities of President Wilson In tho
effort to get the warring Powers In Eu
rope In a mood to listen to peaco pro
posals have come to a HtandBtlll.
Whether tho President will resume hlfl
Inquiries on tho subject In tho near future
will probably depend on developments.
The Government, however, probably
tv 111 seek to keep alive the movement for
peace by transmitting, without comment,
the report inndo by James W. Gerard, tho
American Ambassador at Merlin, of his
conversation with the Imperial Chancel
lor, which was Initiated by the inquiry
ui mis iiovernment ns to whether Em
Auxiliary Schooner Francis H. Lcg
gett Sunk in Dale,
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 10.-A wireless
teport was ric.'ivcd here today, sup
posedly from a Japanese cruiser, saying
that the steam nuxlllnry schooner Frau
ds It. Lcggctt, with hor crew of 15 men
niul 37 passengers, foundered In a Bale
nt 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon CO miles
south of tho Columbia River, All on
board are reported to have pcilshcd.
The message was received by the Port
land Port Commission. No confirmation
of tho list has reached here.
Tho Eeggett Is a three-masted schooner
of J60C tons gross leglstry and 1ms a
capacity of 1,500,000 feet of lumber. She
Is owned or chartered by the Charles
R. McCormlck Company, of San Francisco.
Say 40 Per Cent, of Equip
ment Is Old and Should Be
Replaced Raps Political
Domination of Camden
Pays Glowing and Eloquent
Tribute to Pennsylvania in
Address at Paoli Memorial
Peror William had indicated that ho was
j" iavor or peace, to the British. French
find Husalnii Governments. Tho trans
mission of the Gerard report to the allied
Governments will bo simply in the naturo
if a reminder that the United States will
lie ready to net as the friend of nil par
ties concerned whenever they reach the
joint of being willing to discuss terms
for an amicable settlement.
The position of Gieat Britain was made
clear In a conversation between Sir Ed
ward Grey, tho British Minister for For
eign Affairs, and Walter II. Pago, the
American Ambassador In London, in
vhlcli the Cabinet ofllcor said that Great
Britain would consent only to a peace
that would bo permanent, and that ono
er the basic pilnclples of any peaco
jsreement must bo solemn assurances
f ir'.Pm.a"yr,t!mt repnwtloii would bo
furnished to Belgium for tho violation
of her neutrality and tho damage done
l the German troops.
n is Known mat the Administration Ii
Jiot encouruged over tho outlook and Is
Incllnea to the belief that the war must
continue for a considerable period before
1 'resident Wilson will i, ',,',. 7,Y.V
pivlne offense, to make further advances.
bIEum1 ZVlUm "US Bala lllat "
Earns tin- Gciumii Chancellors ,-n,,,,,,,,i.
ration to
For th
man Chancellor's cmmmmi.
Ambassador Gerard Oh non-
lirrannf Mi ,AnM .
lll h ii , w muve meill
HI he allowed to minnii, i..
J'nce th- tiaiumisslon of tho Chuticelior's
iPZZT. ."" n111 Governments
iub.t ... ,7 iT '" rorm "otl'InB moie
ubitamial Mian a polite acknowledg
Bays They Do Not See Need
Social Legislation.
T HITA, Kans., Sept. 19.-Addiessimr
teXf 'r ,ul,pttrt8 ? k- "
?I . a' u,0'el Hoonevelt attacked
arte'" aind. "'.USt P"cles of ""' oU
I'fHe and declared they had failed to
"' '",ef ",e!,t ""leratandlng or le
nuu favnT,'. declareJ that Progressives
turn r,he 'novement BradSally to
cm .? iahoter Into a capitalist by
", hJ"J-?" 8l""-e In the 'capital. ,he
Zllt TLl "aVa".t .' tho In.
for Philadelphia and vicinity Gen.
2Ii ffr tonioht md St""tu; not
"a'e winds, moatlu northeast.
?!''" V'lrdau-88i time, 3 p. m.
- - -..uscf, 9ee iaj pans.
Vr. Martin G. Brumbaush, Republican
nominee for Governor, pleaded for fewer
laws and for a strong cltlzonry at the
137th anniversary exercises of tho Paoll
massacre, hold on the battlefield at Mal
vern Station tills afternoon. The exer
cises wcro held under the auspices of
tho Paoll Memorial Association In front
of tho monument Erected many years ago
over tho burial place of tho victims of
the midnight assault on the troops of
General Anthony Wayne during tho Revo
lutionary War.
"One of the greatest sifts a human
being can receive Is tho gift of citizenship
in this great American Republic," said
Doctor Brumbaugh. "In no phico, In tiny
tlmo or clime, has tho world witnessed the
supremo spirit of democracy as it is to
bo seen here In tho United States in tills
beloved Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
"The political strugglo of tho centuries
has been to Widen tho circle of the com
mon citizenry. On this spot men heroic
ally gave their nil that a universal de
mocracy with a quality of civic rights
for all should bo the heritage of unborn
"Countries, liko individuals, can pros
per only as they give gloriously their
best gifts to thoeo who need them. It
Is because our forefathers gavo so
splendidly that we havo prospered bo
phenomenally. It Is Just ns necessary
today tlUit men should glvo their lives
In service for tlio nation as It ever was.
Tho man who love3 his country honors
It by living under Its laws, a decent,
orderly. Industrial life. If any nro to
bo denied a part In our civic procoduro
let it be the lazy, the willingly Idle and
tho criminal. Theso are unpatriotic.
They aro not real Ameiican citizens.
"The first test of a good cltlzeu Is
that lie obeys tho laws, not through
fear but through sincere love for tho
country whose laws ho obeys. This love
must be an intelligent love. It must bo
based on a thorough knowledge of the
great sacrifices of the past.
"Wc are always In dangor of thinking
our tivlo Ills aro cured by legislative en
actments. Tho beat citizens need fowest
laws. They know how to apply tlio gol
dan rule In their daily conduct, and care
little for tho restrictive Issues of public
assemblies. Tho weak citizen la always
clamoring for much statutory support.
The strong citizen could cheerfully forego
much of tho agitation for new laws and
glvo hlmsolf gladly and heattlly to con
duct of such a putrlutlc and noblo char
actor as to win the respect and support
of his fellows.
"A few laws honestly nud Impartially
applied will niako for tho progress of a
people. Vnguo, Intemperate, propulsive
and radical enactments lend Inevitably to
confusion, distrust and disaster. Theic
should bo stability hi ordered procoduro
jiut aa surely as in individual conduct.
Leglslatuies should, like Individuals, be
sure they lire right beforo they go ahead.
"I am pleading for that typo of man
who has respect for social and civic or
der, who has the courage to doubt wisely
before acting, and who, when the light
tiling Is cleat ly vlsioued, will dovoto bis
energies, his fortunt;, his life, his bacred
honor to Its accomplishment. When
would-bo leaders cry Mo here' or 'l,o
there." ho will say 'Prove all things, hold
fast that which Is good.'
"Theie Is another matter that I wHali to
piosent for a minute. When I taught
school In Pennsylvania yours ago I be
gan to leaiu the lesson that thero was
a great deal of New England nnd Vir
ginia hlbtory in our aeliouU, unci wry
little Pennsylvania history, becauso those
who had written the text books of our
publto schools the bookH you studied mid
1 studied wcro men who knew the New
England history and the Virginia history,
but they did not know tho story of Penn
sylvania. We have not taught It to our
childiL'ii as wo should.
"Gradually there haa to come into the
conscience) of the people of this great
Commonwealth tho fact that hero In
Pennsylvania we have a hUtoiy of tho
founding of a colony and the develop
ment of u Commonweu th a iturj ui
splendid service by men and women,
that is as lino and splendid as any peuplo
In the world luivo written into the an
nate of time, und today. In this political
campaign. I rejoice that 1 am u. Penn
sylvania boy, and that you are citizens
of tills great Stato that we all ought to
"The moral of that is allow no man
to speak III of our family, your home,
your church, your town, your country!
your Commonwealth. These ouht to tj
the sacred t hint's for which you otand
Frequent bursting of hose at flies in
this city is duo to lack of proper tests
by tho Klro Department, according to
a repoi t Just made by tho National Board
of Tiro Underwriters, which recently con
ducted an investigation of the hose supply
hero, Forty per cent, of the hose, tlio
board points out, Is moro than five years
old nnd should be replaced.
Results of tho Investigation Indicate
that while the supply of hoso in tho de-
pat tment Is generally sufllclcnt to pro
vide proper shifts, It will bo necessary
for the department to purchase nt least
18,000 to J,O0O feet annually to rcplaco
discarded sections. Tlio board urges that
systematic tests be made of the older
hoso In use and arrangements made for
that which Is found defective.
This report confirms tho statement
made recently by Dliector Porter, who,
following a similar Investigation, urged
the Importance of purchasing new hose
to rcplaco that worn out becauso of old
The board's engineers have Just finished
an Investigation of flro-lightlng facilities
in Camden, N. J. In discussing the con
flagration hazard there. Its report says:
"The weak structural conditions, com
bined with the narrow streets, numcious
overhead wire obstructions nnd Inade
quate fire-fighting facilities, would nor
mally create a sovete conflagration
hazard; however, as congestion Is lack
In?, private protection Is provided whore
most needed and powerful outside aid Is
available within a short time, tho re
sulting conflagration hazard as a whole
Is low. Owing to weak construction and
somewhat inadequate flre-llghtlng facil
ities snvero individual and group fires nro
piobablo. The hazard in tlio residential
dlstilcts Is slight."
Tho board calls attention to tho practice
of Camden politicians dominating ap
pointments and promotions In tlio dcpait
ment. This system it condemns. It
points out also that there Is laclt of
proper training among tho flro ciews
and that the engines are not well cared
for. The flic alarm nystom Is In poor
miupe. according to tlio board's leport,
and the building Inspections being made
Gale Endangers Boat in Storm Off
Pacific Coast.
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 19. Ships were
rushed today to the assistance of tho
steamship Francis 11. I.cggett, reported
In distress off the coast south of tho Co
lumbia river, with 37 passengers and crew
of 20 men aboard.
News of the vessel's troublo came by
wireless from n Japanese cruiser, sup
posed to bo the Idzutno. Early rumors
said that tho steamship had Bunk. A
heavy gale Is blowing oft the coast.
The War Today
In C'lindcii arc of Utile valuer -'. ?AlJutant Xleto, -fUUacatlK.Hrcncli-Jn-LB.-.,,
wSll'lS.. tntry. led his section under tho most ??$
water supply. Urn depai tment and flic
ami m system follows:
. n!a.ttT. HnPI'ly rumplnc equipment not
siilllelent, even considering smalt renerve
at,a .." Foreo mains artiiiate. Ptnndplpo
of nllglit vnlne. Consumption moderately
high. Prepfurea Ion-. .Mutn arteries nn,
secondary feeders of booiI tie and well ar
ranced In moat nectlonf. Mlnnr distribu
ter!, generally well Rrldlrone.1; cunstdcr.ihlo
J and 4-Inch pljie, but belnn replaced. OM
pipes apparently In poor condition inter
im ly. tlato valves generally well spaced
niul In ffooj condition. Hydrants fairly
won spaccl, mainly of satisfactory sto
and In good condition.
Klre Department Full paid; under su
pervision of Council committee: chief ex
perienced. Only fair financial suppurt. Ap
polntrnents nnrt promotions subject to po
litical Influence. Companies slightly un
dermined nnd strength not well main
tained. Distribution of coinpanlen malnlv
gooil. Total englno copnetty slightly Inad
equate: engines not uell card for and
crows poorly trained. Apparatus, except
tun older trucks. In gou.l condition. Mtnur
equipment ami nppllnncen for Imndllnir
largn streams detlctcnt. A cowl supply of
suitable engine fuel. Ample m,s. supply,
Lilt not regulaily tested. Hespmmo to box
alurnis good, except In i:t Camden: too
few enslnes on telephone nnd Beeond
alarms. Discipline fair; drills and train
ing larking. Hre methods fair. HulMIng
Inspections nf llttln nluo.
Fire Alarm R stem. Under supervision
of the electrical bureau. Automatic .sys
tem. Insecurely housed Apparatus at head
quarters fairly complete, with ollonancn
for growth. Wiring nt headquarters and
houses cood to very poor. Batteries and
charging circuits mainly sailsfactorv.
Boxes mainly of good typ. but not prop
erly conspicuous at night: distribution
mainly good. Extensile additions to un
derground system In recent years; over
head wires part bare and pirt Insulated:
some on poles with high and low poten
tial light and power wires. Duplicate
alarm circuits to tire stations. Telephono
aystem adequate. Tests freauent. In
complete, records of testn and troubles.
Complete maps and records of circuits pro
vided. The National Board of Fire Under
writers haE been making similar Inves
tigations In nil parts of the country In
an effort to cut down fire losses.
No Patriotic Celebration This Year
in "Washington.
WASHINGTON, Sent. 19,-Gcrman Day
In Washington this fall will bo observed
as a dny of prayer, and all Germans In
Washington will gather In churches. This
announcement was made today by Martin
Wlegand, president of the United Ger
man Societies. The wlllliignoss of tho
Germans to meet exactly tho spirit of
President AVHson's request for observance
of strict neutrality In this country led
to tlio abandonment of the usual patriotic
President Wilson Is much gratified by
the nation-wide response to his proclama
tion designating, at the suggestion of tho
Pltdmc LuDtinn, Sunday, October 4, as
"a day of prayer for peace."
"I Am Happy," Gasped French Hero
Who Fell Leading His Troops.
PARIS, Sept. ID.
Details received concerning the death
of General Batallle, whoso Iois was
mentioned in yesterday's dispatches,
showed that ho died as an Ideal soldier.
Ho fell on September 8 nfter leading his
men In tho thick of the fight, cheering
them on with word and action.
Brigadier Volterult, of the Dragoons,
cried as he fell mortally wounded by a
fragment of shrapnel: "Viva la Franco!"
To a Red Cross doctor ho muttered: "I
dlo for Franco nnd I die hnppy!" Ho
tried feebly to sing the Marseillaise as ho
Another Frenchman mentioned for gal
lantry was Lieutenant Blanc, wiio was
killed In battlo on August 29,
Property Damage Bounds $331,082
During First Six Months.
Coincident with the leport of tho
National Board of Klre I'nderwriters, It
becr.mo kuuwn this afternoon that there
has been a tiemondous Increase In Phila
delphia In fires and fire losses during this
year. Tho losses have been exceedingly
heavy, there being n substantial Increase
over the cot responding peiiod of last
Charles H. Hill, secretary of the Flio
Insurance PatroJ, 1?) Walnut street, le
ported this morning that for tho lii-dt
fho months of this year there had born
an Increase of f&il.ou los.i icsultiug
from fires over the snmo peiiod In I9i:i.
Tlio estimated total loss for tho (list flvo
months ul' this jear had been JU'W.ojJ,
as compated with a total los of l.T',47l
ill VA3.
The number of Urea has also greatly
Increased. During the first si mouths of
this scar thero have been -IS moro than
tho coriespoiidlng period in lust ear. Tha
total number of tiles for the first six
months pf this year Is "M. Thero have been
320 mote alarms rung in during the first
six months of 1911 than in that period
In 1913. The total number of alarms for
that tuno this je-ar is 2512.
violent flro. Finally all his men were
killed or wounded. Then Adjutant Deto
grabbed a gun and continued firing as he
retired. A shell hurst near him and he
was killed with his face to the enemy.
Lieutenant Maqucst. of the 2;sth In
fantry reservists, nlso was mentioned for
bravery. Although wounded, he con
tinued the direction of hiVi troops until
all tho other ofllcers of his section had
Two explanations are offered for the
great number of French officers killed:
Ono Is tlmt the officers showed extraor
dinary zeal, leading their men Into tho
hottest fire; another Is that the Germans
purposely picked off the ofllcers. mo as
to leavo the French troops leaderless.
Rehearing of Petition for Increase
Will Begin October 10.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 19.-TIie Inter
stato Coinmorce Commission today grant
ed the application of Eastern railroads
for a reopening of the five per cent,
freight rate Increase case.
Hearings, to begin October 19, the com
mlslon said, would bo confined exclusively
to Information and evidence arlslny since
the recent decision granting only partial
Meanwhlleihe rate orders of the recent
decision will remain In efTect.
Berlin Heport Declares Army Ex
tends Over 200 Kilometres.
A private dispatch from Berlin mv
that the Germans In France, like the
Austrian In GalUia, ars spread over a
front of almost 3M kilometres. Reports
from tho west nro still very scarce, and
It Is Impossible to obtain a complete Idea
of tho en tlio situation.
Preaches First Sermon Here After
Touring the World.
Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, after a tour
of tlio world that lupt him awny eleven
months, today preached to his conglt
gallon at Keneseth Israel his first ser
mon slnco his return to Philadelphia last
Rabbi Krauskopf said his trip had taken
him over 57,00) miles into nineteen differ
ent countries und actosa savon great
bodies, of water.
Ho commented particularly on the new
Alumni Undoing that stands next to the
synagogue, which was built and dedicated
during his absence, and congratulated the
congregation on the splendid monument
to their endeavois.
German forces, ulonu the Itlvcr Alsne,
continuing the gigantic soven days'
battle, crushed through tho allies'
lines nnd captured tho town of
Beaumont, according- to Berlin ad
vices. In the seizure 2500 French sol
diers wero taken prisoners. It was
stated nlso, unofficially, that Rhclms
was being bombarded and part of
tho town was In flames. Tho Teuton
forces concentrated their attack on
the tillj.es' centre to relieve the se
vere pressure on the army of General
von Kluk on the German right wing.
Losses of approximately 1CO.000 are es
timated In tho seven days' fighting.
It Is said the allies have sulTcrcd tho
heaviest casualties In attempting to
storm th Teutons' fortified positions.
Night attacks have characterized tho
fearful onslaughts against tho allies,
tho Germans using searchlights to
guide their movements.
In Kast Prussia's campaign Berlin re
ports tho advnnco of General von
Hindcnburs's army from Lyck to
Invade Russian Poland, with Osowicc,
a strongly fortified strategic point,
as the Immediate and Wnrsaw as the
ultlmato objective. Success In this
campaign will mean German aid for
tho Austrlans in Gallcia.
Vienna War Ofllce states that Austrian
armies have concentrated on a lino
connecting Cracow, Tamow nnd
Przemysl. Under the strategic direc
tion of the German General Staff,
and with German reinforcements,
they will resist tho advance of the
Russians, who havo reported winning
constantly In the region between "'c
San and.the Vistula. Vienna char-
as exaggerated the-ioports
of declslvo Russian successes In this
vicinity, but admits nn attack against
Przemysl Is expected momentarily.
Furthor claim Is made that tho de- j
cislve battlo In Gallcia has not yet I
been fought.
French War Office announces satisfac
tion with the progress of the nllled
troops and officially reports tho rout
of tho determined German night as
sault by English forces.
Tho War Offlco adds: "On the left In
the valley of tho Olse wo occupy
llenarque Egllse, Carlecont nnd Cuts.
To the north of the River Aisno we
have advanced slightly. Three at
tacks attempted by the Germans
ugnlnst tho English army havo been
checked at Troyon between Solson-j
und Crnonnc."
German General Staff expresses confi
dence In the outcome and states that
tho French are weakening, while the
Kaiser's lines are being strengthened
and the troops mora numerous. The
reported shortage in ammunition Is
denied. Reinforcements are reported
onHheir way to Join the Germans.
Petrograd War Ofilce In briefest state
ment of the war says: "Military op- I
cratlons continue successfully." The j
main attack on Przemysl awaits the
arrival of Russian siege guns.
British War Offlco statements express
confidence In tho outcome of the
strugglo along the Hue, but admit
losses of the allies have been ter
rific. British forces repulsed ten at
tempts of tho Germans to assault
their positions by night.
Italy is the scene of popular demon
strations against the Qovernment'a
neutrality. The Russian and German
Ambassndors have engaged In an tin
diplomatic war of words In the effort
to enlist Italy's aid. The Ger
mans have distributed broadcast a
pamphlet urging Italians stand by
the Triple Alliance and "win with
Washington officials wero somewhat
discouraged over prospects of media
tion the warlike attitude of the al.
lies strongly Indicating that efforts
for peace at this time were futile.
Fierce Onslaught by Teutons in Mam
moth Array Opens Seventh Day of
Combat Determined Assault Made
to Force Back Advancing British.
Storming Force Takes 2500 French
Prisoners, According to Reports.
Rheims Said to Be Burning as Result
of Terrific Bombardment.
PARIS, Sept. 19.
German forces today broke through
the RIO-nille battlo line, along which
3,000,000 aro In death grapple, according
to news received here. They captured
Beaumont with 2300 French prisoners.
It Is unofficially rrported that Rheims
Is undergoing terrific bombardment,
with tlio city burning In various sec
tions. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth and parts
of several other German corps havo
conducted a successful operation soutli
of Noyon, it is stated.
Contrary to the 'eported reverses
along the allies' centre, it Is officially
announced that the allies' left wing is
making progress nnd that the German
Crown Prince's army continues Its re
Unofficial, but apparently reliable, re
ports received here today say that tho
Germans have taken up a position near
tho Sulppo River, cast by northeast
from Rheims, and aro bombarding that
Several sections of Rheims aio le
ported to have been set on fire from
bursting shells, which were directed
I against the French troops In that city.
Unofficial estimates placo the Gor
man losses at 100,000 men, and tho
allies at half that numbera total
150,000 In killed, wounded and missing.
The fighting on tho left, where com
bined armies of Generals von Kluk
and von Buelow are mnssed, Increases
In Intensity, but the allied lines aro
slowly being pushed forward, accord
ing to reports received by General Gal
lienl. Tho Germans retired to now
positions consjructed in the rear of
their original ones as the pressure In
creased. But at no point have they
actually been defeated.
Along tha rest of the line the great
battle continues as an artillery duel.
There has been almost no lighting by
the Infantry for 86 hours, both sides
realizing the futility of sacrificing men
while tho entrenched positions remain
Intact. Connoquently every effort Is
being brought to bear to demolish the
German batteries. The French ar
tillery fire Is Increasing in intensity
nil along the line, according to the
reports reaching here. It was kept up
nil night and there are Indications of
a coming charge from the German
The German assaults of the last five
days havo been tremendous. At a
dozen potnui on tho centre they havo
tried ngaln and again to take the of.
fentdve. Division after division has
been hurled forward en masse, only to
bo shattered by the nllles' shell fire
and forced to give ground. And every
time the German lines havo bhown
signs of wavering the allies have been
thrown against them with the bayonet.
As n result at a number of points
gunjml has beon gained, ss tha Ger
man soldiers do not relish tha bayonet
fighting, But tho main German en
trenchments, escept on the extreme
left, temain intact, as their artillery
Cwicluded im rse 8
Rescue Gangs Working to Release 12
Men Heard Tapping
KrrtKKA, Utah. Sept 19 . Tapping
heard in tho Centennial mine today gave
hope lo the recurs that noma of the
IS! men eiitonibJ Thursday by a cave-in
iiif htlll alive.
Thf iC5CUi' Bans uoiklns in lmuij
, huts, aro (uruivhtig theli to t n
eij.r. wherri these uppins sounrii origi
jm ani, expert t-j ica'ii it fc'foi
& j'tfaJU
Six Steamships With GOOO Americans BLACK SEA FLEET REPORTED
.ueuve .uruisu asies in Day,
LONDON, Sept. 19.-Andrew Carmx-u
sailed for Nuw York todai. Six in, i ". ". '.
ship with u0 Americans left the n,m"h I Said t0 Be Rettdy t0 AttaCk Turks
fire Is too deadly to bo faced up to tho
present time.
Additional reinforcements have been
sent forward to the loft. Tlio general
situation, as described in tho first offi
cial statement posted todny, Is satis
factory, but practically unchanged.
An English correspondent who ha
succeeded in getting through from
Rheims gives the following account oC
the situation near that point:
"The stronghold of the German posi
tion Is the height of Nogent l'Abbesso,
three miles due cast from Rheims.
Theie the Germans occupied the sito
of what UBed to bo the forts of Rheims,
and from there they are bombarding
the city, which was on firo In eight
Places nt i o'clock Thursday afternoon,
when I came down from tho tower of
the Cathedral from which I had been
watching the fierce battle slnco morn
ing." At many places on the Alsno lino tho
Germans wcro successful In masking
batteries upon the wooded hills. The-
heax-y honitzcra .of the3ebattrl'jEtj;:
".opt up an incessnnt cannonade, -a
shells doing havoc among the Frei ti. 'of
and British troops on the south side ;P
the valley.
When tho British and French neiJg.
planes went up to discover theso plac' ,
mentfl they were met with a murdcroi I ne,
tire from the hilltop batteries of tlh,i
invaders. In several instances, hov,t J
ever, the Germans guns were locateU
and the British and French artlllerj
concentrated ngalnst them, compelling
them to move.
In order to prevent the location of
the hidden batteries being discovered,
the Germans used smokeless powder In
their cannon.
Some of the flenches are half full
of water from the heavy rains, and the
troops ate soaked through and
through. The soggy condition of tho
clay soil is impeding the work of dig
ging fresh trenches, but the German
6oldlers are held to this task, and
night nnd day the labor goes forward.
These lines aro being constructed all
along the front. They are covered
with screens to protect tha Rnhiir
from shrapnel, and at Intervals pla
toons of machine guns are stationed
to sweep the ranks of tho French ami
British If they should try to capture
the German batteries by storm.
The French and English also arc
building redoubts, although theru
seems llltlo chance of the entire right
wing of tho Germans attempting an
It Is the opinion of many military
men here that tho only places where
tho Germans havo moved forward from
their trenches to charge tha allies me
points where the allies havo succeeded
In getting to tho north sido of tha
The German line has again been re
inforced and at certain points the Ger.
mans outnumber the nmes. The fresh
troops vthMi havo Just reached tha
front ara supposed to ho part of th4
three corps under General von Bochn.
which were rushed through Belgium
at top speed.
'"" ivuuj- mi- me l tuteu States. This
makes the total of American departures
dining the week 13,0. and slnco Augusts
Soccer Season Opens Today
The local soccer season will be ushered
in this afternoon In an exhibition game
between the Hibernian and Vivtor teams
of the American League, on the Third
street and Lehigh avenue grounds. Other
gimes scheduled for todaj follow Pea
body v. Putnam, at AVashlngton Park,
and Fulls Y. M. l A vs. Smiths, at nnr,.
4oas Fie'd. Falls of Svhu) IkUl,
But Ships May Be British
NAPLES, Sept. 19.
Onbeii of the steamship Favignana ie.
ported today that the Russian Black Sea
fleet of twenty units U crulsins off the
entrance to the Dardanelles, ready to
attack the Turkish squadron If Its leaves
Us harbor.
It U improbable that the Rassian fleet
has succeeded in pasir-g through tn
Bosphorus and the Dard inehes, out the
KaignaU may hie eig-ted a Brltlih
fleet, wtl "h Is reverted to ha o s-eurtd
a lUtlon on the bland of Lemno.
BERLIN. Sept. 19 -(By wireless to
SayvHIe. U 10 The following official
statement was Issued at headquarters
A decisive attack has been made
by tha Thirteenth and Fourth
Corps and parts of other divisions
south of Noyon. They suffered
untie loss.
Beaumont has been tormed.
Twent-ftc hundred French pns
oners have been captured.
tThere are three towns of Beaumont
ihat might be meant by thla dispatch,
but it probably refers to Beaumont in
the Ardennes region not far from Ke,
dan There Is another Ilaaumuni ubout
twenty miles north of Pari. Tina
town Is IS miles southwest of Noyon
and It Is hardly probable that the Qer
mans have been able to get so clone
to Pans. Thirty-five miles souths
Is another to o ut Beaumont It itt
In the mo miaujoa? region of NaiT-- j
Attacks a.rg ma entire batt'a
Ia hae Tfccr easily repuUel,