Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 19, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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SCOTT, of Media, Pa., announce the an
ient of their daughter, Mies Arabella
Morris 8cott, to Allen Hunter, Jr., eon of Mr.
"d Mrs. Allen Hunter, of Chestnut Hill.
No dftte htt been sot tjor the wedding.
Invitations have been sent out by the llaco
Committee of the Whttemarah Hunt Club for
luncheon to be given nt the clubhouse Satur
day October 3, before the races. The guests
Hl' Include owners of horses entered In the
races and stewards, Judges and other officials
d the raco meeting.
Several four-ln-hand coaches will be driven
to the races, Including those of Edward D.
gmllh( Frederick Strawbrldge, Captain E. B.
CMsatt and It. Nolson Bucktey.
Among those who have already reserved park
ing spaces are Edward D. Toland, C. Bradford
Fralley, Edwin N. Benson, Jr., Stevenson
Crothers, James G. Lolper, Jr., Miss Emily
Barclay, J. Stanley neeve, Jesse Williamson,
jd, Captain E. B. Cassatt, Mrs. H. Howard
Ellison, Jr., James W. Cooke, F. 8. Whlttnker,
Augustus B' BtouBhton' Daniel D. Wentz, John
j, Packard, 3d., MrB. Arthur Blddle, Fred
erick H. Strawbrldge, Cloment N. Williams,
Ilobert K. Cassatt, George K. Tyler, William
If, Ellis, Henry Frasler Harris, Theodore C.
Voorheos, R. M. Cadwalader, Hamilton Dlsston,
William 0. Warden and R. Nelson Buokloy.
Tho Huntingdon Valley Club will give a din
ner dance tonight at tho club house. A dlnnor
dunce was given last night, also, which was
very well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Howard, who nro at
Amblosldo, tholr summer home nt Bar Harbor,
Me , will return to Merlon on Monday.
Sirs. J. A. JohnBon, who has spent the sum
mer abroad, Is now at the Boltovuo-Stratford for
a short stay. She will return to her homo In
Virginia nest week.
Sir. and Mrs. J. C. Megargee, who have been
pending the summer at the seashore, have
taken apartments nt the Blttenhouso Hotel for
the winter. Admiral and Mra. W. P. Harris are
also nt this hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Brud, of 0220 Wayne
avenue, will glvo an Informal dance for tlio
younger set tonight nt tho Philadelphia Cricket
Club. There will be about 123 guests present.
Mrs. B. D. Blair, who has spont aoveral weeks
at Fishers Island, has returned to her homo
on Lovers' lane, at Edgewatcr Park, N. J.
Mrs. Henry Lewis Wood, of Williamsburg,
Va., Is tho guest of her mother, Mrs. David
Smith, at her home, Tho Appledon, at Edge
Rater Tark.
Ml1 Marlon II. Ctcsswell, of Edgowater
farls, Is". J., Is the guest of Mrs. Worthlngton
Scranton at SCO Monroe street, Scranton, Pa.,
during tho tonnls tournament at the Scranton
Country Club.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Alfred llelneberg and Mis.
Moeltcr, of 1642 Pine street, have returned from
Europe on tho steamor Potsdam.
Miss Anna J. Nccker, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Julius Nccker, of 4723 Klngesslng avenue,
ulll bo married to George Krler, of 1115
Pine street, at 8t. Francis de Sales Church, 47th
street and Springfield avenue, Wednesday, Sep
tember 23, at 4 p. m.
Mr. Krior, who is a sculptor, camo from Gei
many about flvo years ago to make his home
in this country. He was Introduced to Miss
Nccker shoitly after his arrival by Mr. Theo
dore Frlendoofer, who has since returned to
Germany and has Joined tho Kaiser's forces
In the present war.
Miss Necker was attending school when silo
first mot Mr. Krler, and Just finished her prepa
ration to become a teacher last term.
After the marriage the couple will reside with
the bride's parents at 4723 Klngsossing avenue.
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Parkin, ac
companied by their son, Harold Clarke Parkin.
returned last week from their seaside cottago
at Oak Bluffs, Mass., on the Island of Martha's
Vineyard, to their apartments in tho Nether
lands, 4310 Chestnut street.
3Irs. E. F. Kelly, of Tobyonna, who spent
the summer abroad, has returned and has
taken apartments at the Normandle for the
winter. She was accompanied by Miss M. A
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer, of Ventnor,
motored to this city early in tho week and
pent several days as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward S. Stackhouse at their homo, 4617
Cedar avenue.
Frank Rommel and Miss Helen Rommel, who
Pent the summer abroad, have returned to
me uartram for the winter.
Mrs. O. M. Eldrldge. of 4107 Locust street,
has returned from Klttery Point, Me., where
she spent the summer.
Mrs. James E. Stokes and her daughter. Miss
ary C. Stokes, of 3642 Chestnut street, will
close their cottage at Cape May the end of
ine week and return to town.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Off, of 4202 Walnut
"eet, have returned from Asbury Park, where
they spent the summer.
i G8.0rSe C" Sc,,oft and ,,tr 8' Lawrence
avi,fi J Pin8 8treet' hava retuJ "
Mrs. William G. Moffett. of 4'42 Chestnut
s Met. has returned after having spent the
summer at Ocean nitv. .. ,',..
f .. , ..iioo uiauys juor-
1 " i i 1 1 ii i i '
Mr "' i. . f!t ( i if 'i
who today will marry Mr. Scaton Schrocder.
Her sister, Miss Laura Llnd, is passing the
wcok-end with Miss Marian Ollpln, of River,
ton, N. J,
Miss Elsie Slnshelmer, of 132t West Erie nve
nue, Is giving a llnon shower today for Miss
Olive Fulton Gemml, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Gemml, who will bo married to Hector
Alexeiider Slnahclmer early In 'November.
Mrs. William Jennings and her daughter,
Miss Alice Jennings, of North Nineteenth
street, have returned from Seaside Park, where
they were the guests of Mrs. John Weaver.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fisher Dnlrymple and their
daughter, Miss Alice Dnlrymple, of 3300 North
Sixteenth street, who spent the season In Ocean
City, returned to their winter homo today.-
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Barbor, of 1816 West
Ontario street, have returned from a fortnight's
visit In Gloversvllle, N. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosensteln and family
havo closed their cottago in Atlantic City nnd
have returned to their winter home, 2131 West
Ontario street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W, Dotts, of 2037 West Tioga
street, havo returned homo after spending tho
season on tho const of Maine.
Miss Helen Rpllly gave a luncheon on Thurs
day at her homo, 1011 West Venango street.
Tho guest of honor was Miss Elsa Sonsa.
uel K, McDowell, Jr., who havo been spending
thrco weoka In the Pocotio Mountains, nro ex
pected home tho early part of next week,
Mrs. George H, Glfford, of Woodsldc nvonuc,
has returned from a six wcolts' tour through
Now England. Mrs. Donald Frnzler, .Miss Helen
Gllmore and Miss Agnes Qllmorc, of Lynn,
Mass., also made tho trip with Mrs. Glfford. .
WYNNEWOOI) -Mrs. John W. Coles ha8 ic
turned from a visit to Cape May, and Mrs.
Guorge Trotter Tyler, who spent tho summer In
England, Is also back nt Orfric. Mre. Coles
wilt open her town house, 2114 Pino streot, tho
6th of October. Mis. Tyler, ns usual, will spend
the winter with her.
Mr. and Mis. Webster King Wetheilll have
closed tholr summer residence nt Jamestown,
R. I., and are now visiting Mrs. Wctherlll's
fnther, Caleb Crcsson, nt The Oaks, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. David Gootibread havo letumcd
from Atlantic City.
AIlDMOIir. -Dr. mid Mis. Ilniold S. Colton, of
Singing Wood, are receiving congratulations on
tho birth of a son, Joseph Forrcll Colton. Mrs.
Colton will be icmembered ns Miss Mary It,
Mr. and Mrs. George Clymcr Biooke havo
retuined from Watch mil, R. I., and uie now
at their home on Glenn road.
HAVEniortD-MlGH A. C. Russell, of Lake for
est. III., is tho guest of Miss Alice Granger.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum and their daughter,
Miss Kathcrlne Baum, have taken apartments
at Haverford Court.
n0SE.M0.VT -Mrs. W. V. Allison and her
daughter, Miss Marcolle Allison and Miss
Mary Allison, of Rosemont, have returned from
Bur Harbor.
Mrs. Joseph F. Slnnott and Mlsa Mary E.
Slnnott havo icturned after n motor trip
through New England.
MlXAisovA-George W. Packard and family
have retuined fiom j. summer's stay at Sarunac
Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown liase ictuincd
from Bailey's Island, Me.
came homo last week, hnvino- ., i.
summer In Virginia.
t;TiZa ,aBt week af,er a auramer
ciVERBnooK-Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Du Mee
nd Miss DuMee, who went abroad early in
0rhUm?er "aVe rtUrne1 thelr h "
Overbrook avenue.
r'u' Clarenca White, of 6387 Lancaster aye-
' Vlrrtnta,UrB'd h0m 8'tBr month'8 Btay
fro'vP' "' Robert8. who has Just returned
jj Mr Salter F. Thompson.
fml' r"d StrB- " Loa McCoy havo returned
"on, Jamwtown. R. i.
binelV,."' Br0k and fan,lly' of B10 Wooa"
in.. Ue" aro home from Mount Klneo, Me.
Furon. CTfet "arrU haa "turned from
CL W Will,am p- nwlty nd her
pasasi St"1 abroaJ' but llP " oba"
wage nest month.
whn n and Mrs- l'lncl' Godfrey. Jr..
" ar . at Northeast y
Z llom the lest of this month.
tVllhno ar SlM- John W Buckman and MUs
at th.i I5ucI"nan, who spent tho summer
turncdi W " North HBdleir' Canada, re-
their i, rton last wek ad have opened
Mr, , n South Highland avenue.
heme' T," F,n,etter has returned to h"
tit,. m,r'1 road. aer a visit to Atlantic
laBnBUfn" "Mr- and M,s' Samuel R. McDow.
ie u . ",y recentl' "turned from the Dela-
h,, . alor GaP- Miss Margaret McDowell.
r. Mrs Sylvester Megargee, and Sann-
Mm. Walter R. Eastburn, of Jill North
Eighteenth stieet, will give a dinner tonight
in honor of Mr. and Mis. LewH Eckel. Coveis
will bo laid for ten. Mrs. Eastburn has Just
returned from Ocean Citj.
Mrs. Eastburn und Mrs. J. Ulading. of 1'Jlj
South Btoad street, will leave on October a
to visit In New Yoik. Rldgowood, N. .1., and
Englowood, N.,Jf They will vHIt also Mrs.
James Hinchllff at Fuller Terrace, Otange.
Jlr. and Mis. Benjamin Dale, foimerly of
211G North Fifteenth street, aie occupying
their new apartments at Queen Lane, German
town. Mr. and Mis. Walter F. Coles and their
daughter. Miss Ivu Coles, of 13J1 Dauphin street,
havo returned from Bluekwood, N. .., wheio
they passed the summer
Mrs. J. C. Klteheumau, of 2",1" West Oxford
street, has Jiibt returned fiom n sojomn at At
lantic City.
Mr. and Mis. William Rawlins, Jr., and their
daughter, of 2141 North Eighteenth street, have i
returned from n tour through the Thousand
Islands, Montreal, Quebec.
Clarence A. Hutton, of 1S34 North Willington
street, has returned home. Mr. Sutton spent
most of the summer at the Rho Delta Kappa
Fraternity House In Ocean City.
The Rho Delta Kappa Finteriilty closed their
house nt Ocean City, N. J., September 13. The
Fraternity Is now making uriangemeuts for
the annual series of dances to take place dur
ing the coming winter.
Tho first dance will piobabty ha held the
latter part of October.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Zlmmeimau, of .241 North
Eighteenth street, have returned to their liomg,
having spent the summer at their cottage In
Ocean City, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Geggeuheiiner and Mis.
M. Green, of 2217 North 33d stieet, haso Just
returned after spending the mmmer at Wild
wood. Mri. Geneva Elliott and her daughter. Miss
Florence Elliott, of 1S07 North Carnac street,
returned during tho week from Atlantic City,
where they spent the summer. Edward Elliott
has returned from a tour through the West to
Mr, and Mrs, William E. Kuen, of North
Eighteenth street, have returned from Atlantic
City, where they havo been staying since the
early summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levy nnd their daugh
ter, Miss Nana Levy, returned from a Bummer's
stay in Chelsea on Wodnesday and have opened
their winter home, 2223 North Park avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. John It. Young, of 1S55 North
Park avenue, have opened their winter home
after spending tho summer In Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Sawers, of North
Twelfth street, have returned from Bay View,
Long Island Sound, and Bridgeport, Conn.,
where they passed the summer, nnd have gono
to Atlantic City over the week-end. Their son,
Alexander C, Sawers, has returned home fiom
an extended yatchtlng cruise on Long Island
Miss Margaret Lomls, of North 2-d stieet,
has returned from Northfleld, Mass.
Mrs, Jacob SaVada and her daughter. MIsa
Ruth Sallada, of 1933 North Eighteenth street,
havo returned fiom several weeks' visit in
Milton. Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stoer have closed their
cottage In Chelsea and have been spending a.
few days in town prior to their departure for
Michigan on Monday.
Tho Flat Rock Motorboat Club gave a tango
party last night at tho club house In Shnw
mont, which was beautifully decorated with
fnll flowers hnd ferns. Tho members present
were: Commodore nnd Mrs. A. II. Bradley,
Miss Floicnee Bradley, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene
Swayne, Mr. and Mrs. Vandegrlft, Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Vnndorsllce, Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles
Lenlnger, Mr. and Mre. Gcorgo W. Sands, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Harry Rldler, Miss Sue Price, Miss
Florence Rldler nnd Miss Bertha Rldler, Mr.
and Mrs, William Matthows, Miss Wolf, Miss
May Price nnd MIsa Elizabeth Price, Mr. and
M J. Stanley Nelson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Thomas, Mrs. 'William Field, Miss Gertrude
Field, Miss Alice Rldler and Miss Mabel Rldler,
Mr. and Mrs. Josepirwinkler, Mies Grace Ed
wards, Mrs. Charles Miller, Miss Stnlcy, Roland
Bradley, Leslie Kruscn, Elliott Krusen, C.
Hairy Aires, Thomas Markle, Walter Vande
giift.P. William Ridley, John Wolf, John Field,
Ivan Field, Joseph Winkler, Jr., Earl Har
lan, Albert Lawson, John Kelly, Frederick
Stnley, William Price nnd Georgo C. Krueon.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swager Potts, of 6011
Ridge avenue, have returned from Ocean City.
Miss Mildred Z. Holt, daughter of Mr. and
Mis. James . Holt, of 145 Sumac street, WJssa
hlckon. has returned home after spending sov
eral weeks In Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mra. D. Soter Cornog, who spent the
summer at Cape May Point, havo returned to
their winter house, E951 Ridge avenue,
Mr. and Mrs. Mllford Fox, of 203 Rochelle ave
nue, Wissahlckon, havo returned fiom a
month's stay at Beach Haven.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rlghter. of Ridge ave
nue and Gorgas lane, have returned fiom an
all-summer's stay at Wlldwood.
NEWPORT, R. I., Sept. 13,-Mis. George D.
vVidener, of Philadelphia, has purchased the
Ilaitwlck estate on Coggeshall avenue. Mrs.
Wldener plans erecting greenhouses for fiults
and flowers.
Mrs. Nellson Brown, of Philadelphia, tonight
entertained a dinner company Informally for
the Russian Ambassador and Madame Bakhme
teff at the PInard cottages.
Mis. Ficnch.Vanderbllt gave a small dinner
at Harbor View tonight; as did Mr. and Mrs.
John Thompson Spencer, of Philadelphia, at
their cottegc.
Mi. and Mis. Geoige Penbody Dustls had for
theii dinner guc.-.ta tonight Mr. and Mis. Philip
Boiikard, Mr. and Mrs. T. Shaw Safe, Mrs. Hun
tington Wilson, R. I. Gammell and Mrs. Tomp
kins Mcllvaluc.
and tennis were rival dlvcislona In the open to
day. Those who made the rounds of tho links
weie Mre. Phillip E. Stevenson, Mrs. David
Stevenbon, of New York; Miss Beverly James,
Mrs. John It, Fell, or Philadelphia, and Miss
Hannah Randolph, also of Philadelphia.
Dr. and Mrs. Aichlbald G. Thomson, of Phila
delphia, closed their cottage, "Bass Rock
Farms," hetc. today nnd left for New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Mills have leturned tc
Philadelphia alter spending the summer here.
Acting Superintendent Jacobs Re organ
izlng Course and Giving Aeia Proced
ure Over Europe in tho Teaching.
With a view to accommodating geographical
Instruction to tho results of tho present war
In Europe, Dr. William C. Jacobs, acting Super
intendent of Schools, Is rearranging the courses
In that branch of study. This is a relief to the
teachers, who face a puzzling situation ns long
as the map Is In a fair way of being materially
Doctor Jacobs' Idea is that tho war may be
settled before the geography classes get around
to Europe. The pupils in the schools havo alt
China, India, Eastern Siberia, Japan and tho
Pacific Islands to study first, at any rate. By
that time, Doctor Jacobs hopes, peace may
have progressed so far that blackboard maps
and hurry slips got out by publishers can bo
lined. Tho Powers can fight until the end of
January without upsetting geography courses
In Philadelphia schools, he figures.
"Usually the geography classes begin by
studying Europe and then go on to Asia," said
Doctor Jacobs today. "But I have Issued or
ders that they shall begin on Asia Instead.
Europe Is usually covered by the middle of
October. But under tho now system the classes
will not begin studying It until January." Ev
erything In the book will bo gone Into thor
oughly before Europe Is mentioned, according
to Doctor Jacobs.
Geography books will not be wasted, no mat
ter what happens In Europe. "Whenever there
are changes In the map, publishers issue single
leaf corrections, and theso arc pasted over the
old ones," he explained. "Wo havo about 100,000
geographies In use, but I sco no reason to think
that any of them will havo to be discarded."
Evon If the armies are still fighting when the
googiaphy classes get to Europe tho teaching
staff will bo ready to meet tho situation.
"In that event," said Doctor Jacobs, "teach
ers will bo instructed to omit all references to
boundaries and to confine tholr efforts to topog
raphy tho mountains, rivers and lakes," Spe
cial stress will be laid on the study of all
Immovable features of tho landscape and the
boundaries will bo passed over with at little
trouble ns possible.
School book publishers aro planning to meet
tho emergency as quickly as possible, though
tho plans have not got very far as yet, "Wo
may print slips, but there Ii a disposition to
wait until the war has progressed further and
peace is in sight before anything Is done," sold
the manager of a prominent publishing house.
Sl.y Visitor, Like Others, Said by SuperMitious
to Accompany the Wars.
Every war In history has had Its comet, and
it Is to bo tho privilege of Paul T. Dclevan to
have his name attached to the comet of the
present struggle. ' Although at the time Mr. Del
evan made his discovery at La Plata Observa
tory, in Argentina, eight months ago there was
no sign of trouble, the travelling body has be
come steadily brighter, and astronomers pi edict
that It will bo visible to the naked eye duilng
the present war In Europe.
When Mr. Delevan first saw the comet, on
Decemoer 17, 1913, It was 370,000.000 miles away
from the sun and was not very clear even with
the telescope. Now It Is about 220.000.000 miles
away from the sun and can be seen with opera
glasses in the northeast section of the sky late
at night or early In the morning. Scientists
have said that the comet will be observed In
telescopes for about six years. It will come
neatest to the earth In October, when it will
be about 117,600,000 miles fiom thp orbit of the
The tail of "Delevan's comet is a bushy one
and Is about three degrees long. The new comet
Is not far fiom Capella and from Castor and
Pollux. During the Frnnco-Prueslan war tho
comet Tempel II was visible. Olber's comet was
the one which was seen at the time Napoleon
suffered his downfall at Waterloo. During the
Russo-Japanese war Brooks' comet was visible.
r i.r
Fighting Race Cont!tuUn tho Flower of tlio
Belgian Army
Who are these people who etand against a
German onslaught wholly unexpected is the one
outstanding feature of the first -week of n war
already heralded ns tho last among those na
tions whose proudest boasts are civilisation nnd
But three weeks ago we read how German of
ficers, with not too extremo a courtesy, sent
tho youthful ruler of Luxemburg about her
business and took possession, with no more cer
omony than If she had been a Grand Duchesi
of Gerolsteln. Right away Belgium knew that
her very existence was threatened, hor auton
omy at stake. And she knew, too, that on her
own self she must rely to stand the brunt,
since, -with the best Intentions In the world,
neither Frenchman nor Briton could lend as
sistance until many days were past.
Industrial, commercial, agricultural, with
more to lose of actual wealth, per capita, than
any other nation In Europe; Incurably bour
geois and pedestrian; neither volatile nor vain
glorious; Iron masters of unexcelled skill; sell
ing their output all the world over; wedded to
the land that la their very own, hero surely
vai n population, peace-loving and patient,
thrifty and frugal, that woul drather cat the
bread of compromise than fight. Nothing In It
for them unless annihilation, nnybody could
flguro that out why work themselves Into a
passion of excitement? And, after all, was not
their makeup somewhat nnomalous? Might
they not bo considered quite as much Teuton
as French, their tongue Walloon, not French,
and belonging to that family from which w
derive the word Welsh In Its sense of foreign?
A folk given to careful deliberation and slow
mental processes; disliking hurry and bustle;
old-fashioned nnd odd-mannered, here surely
was easy vlctoiy for tho most perfect of mili
tary machines. Oddly enough, they conceived
of themselves ns an ndvnnce guard, theso pa
triots who have held legions at bay np did the
ancient Gallic Belgl. Thcro In those provinces
of Hnlnaut, Liege, Namur, In Belgium Luxem
burg and French Ardennes, they have pre
pared a reception that will go down In history
ns well for the surprise of It as for the pluck.
Their literature Is said to conserve the style
and taste of Beranger In a day that haa almost
forgotten that Inslpred ballad singer. Certainly
the fight th-y have put up recalls that other
grLat Frenchman, that lieutenant of artillery
who became an Emperor and who declaied his
Btcadtcst troops to be tho Walloons.
Helen C. Frlck and Miss May Allen Dixon
were out on thu golf links today.
Henry C. Frlck, who arrived In hb. private
car justerday, took a motor tiip to several of
the neighboring resorts today.
Mrs. Arthur H. Lea, of Philadelphia, wao
hostess at a supper tonight in the Forest de
Airiving by motor today were Mr. and Mrs.
N. Davis. Mlbs Muiy L. Davis and Miss Natall
Davis, of Philadelphia.
Neutrality in the Schools.
From the Ileadlng- (Pa.) News-Times
Tho announcement by Superintendent Fooi
that teachers of tho Reading public schools
havo been Instructed not to discuss the Euro
pean war with partisanship Is Indeed timelv.
When we consider the fact that manv of the
teachers possess divergent sympathies, and
thero are pupils In the Reading schools whose
parents have come from all parts of Europo,
the wisdom of the restriction Is obvious.
Let me quote only two Incidents out of many
which show that the Austro-Servlan war was
only the spark that sot off the explosion which
was bound to come anyhow, snys a writer In the
Outlook. The first Illustrates the Russian at
titude: When In the spring of this year the
aggressive tone of tho Russian press and of
numorous public utterances assumed an un
precedented violence. Professor Hans Delbruck,
the editor of tho Preusslsche Jahrbucker, a
periodical which might In general character and
standing be compared to the Outlook, wrote to
Professor Paul von Mltrasanoff, who had been
a student under him In Berlin University at one
time, asking what It all meant. Professor von
MltiasanofT's leply was published In June. It
Is a sober, scholarly statement of facts. It
gives the history of the relations of the two
countries and tells of the Russian will to
possess Constantinople, and then says: "It has
become clear to tho Russian now; If things
remain as they aie now, the way to Constantl.
nople leads through Berlin. Vienna Is only of
secondary consideration." In other parts of
the letter the Germans read of "tho Instinctive
but tho more persistent antipathy of the lower
classes for the 'Nlemzy' " I contemptible name
given to the Germans by the Slavs), of "deeply
rooted antipathy against tho German character
and ways," and bo forth. Professor Delbruck's
comment on the letter was as unpassionate
nnd bober ns was the letter commented upon.
Heie is his closing sentence: "If Russia takes
It as Its mission to rule Europe nnd Asia well,
then, we take it as the mission of Germany to
save Euiope and Asia from this rule of the
Muscovite. T iannot give another answer to
my esteemed filend. Professor von Mltrasanoff."
That this letter made a tremendous Impression
all over Germany goes without saying; It Is
the most Important document, pcihaps, in the
pre-hlstory of this war.
Marvelous Development of Fnthcrlnnd
Places Germany in First Rank of
Producing and Consuming Nations.
Thn ImnnrlnnrA 4n thn world nf ihft Gnrmnn
Empire with Its colonization work nnd vast 94
manufactures, and tho black result which must
come to Germany nnd indirectly to tho other
countries, whether the Kaiser wins or loses In
the European Armageddon, is Just beginning
to be realized.
The Empire of the Kaiser Is made up of four
kingdoms, six grandduchles, five duchies, seven
principalities, two provinces, Alsace-Lorraine,
and three frco towns.
Tho population of Germany, by the 1910 cen
sus, was 64,923,093, or 310.4 to the square mile;
32,040,16i males and 32.SS3 827 females. In June,
1913, the population was estimated at 66,096,000.
Germany hns four colonies In Africa, ono In
Asia nnd eight nmong the Islands of tho Pa
cific, with a combined population of 24,389
whiles, 12,041,603 natives; total, 12,065.992. This
makes tho total population of tho German Em
plro 78,161,992.
The area of Germany is 203,780 square miles,
which, with 1,027,820 square miles of the col
onics, brings the area of the German Empire
to 1,236,000 square inllnp.
According to the last census, there were
1,259,873 foreigners In Germany; 13,433 subjects
of Belgium, 19,140 French, 18,319 English and
Irish, 101,201 Italians, 14,356 subjects of Luxem
burg, 144,175 Dutch, 667,13) AUstrlans and Hun
garians, 137,697 subjects of Russia and Fin
land, nnd 17,072 Americans.
The German Empire has seven cities of more
than half a million population. They are:
Berlin, 2,071,257; Hamburg, 931,035; Munich, D69,
467; I.clpslg, 659,850; Dresden, 54S.30S; Cologne,
510.527, nnd Breslau, 612,10.".
The latest available figures show tho annual
births of Germany to avnrnirn 1.M.; iih
1,035.936 deaths: the normlnttnn iium in.OI.
Ing at the rate of 833.587 a year. Tho German
birth rato has Bhovvn a marked decline In re
cent years, as follows: In 1S7G It was, per 1000
Inhabitants, 42.0 per cent.; In 1896 It was 37.3;
In 1900 It was 34.1; In 1903 It wns 32.0; and In
1911 only 29.5.
Where formerly many thousands of German
subjects emigrated annually, In the last few
years the emigration has been cut down con
siderably. In 1912, the last figures available
19.336 Germans left the Futherlnnd: 13,706 to the
United States, 2.'5 to Brazil, 41DS to other North
nnd South and Central American countries. 901
to other countries of Europe, 322 to Australia,
four to Asia and none to Africa.
A year ago the estimated total wealth of the
German Empire was 160,500,000,000 as compared
with United States, $130,000,000,000; Great Britain.
JSO,000,000,000; France, $63,000,000,000; Russia, $40,
000,000,000; Austria-Hungary, $40,000,000,000; Italy,
20,000,000,000. and Belgium, $9,000,000,000.
Tho last occupation census of Germany, taken
In 1907, showed that In tho empire there were
31,497,100 employed, as follows: Agriculture and
stock raising, 9,732,472; mining, metal work and
kindred Industries, 11,256,251; commerce, trade
and manufacture, 3,477,526; domestic and othei
service, 1,736,450; professions. 1,738,530; forestry,
hunting nnd fishing, 150.7S5; without profes
sions, miscellaneous. 3.101,953.
In the last general elections In Germany, there
tv ere 14,412,357 voters on the Mats and 12,260,731
actually cast ballots, as follows: Socialists,
4,250,359; Centre party, 1,996,818; National Lib
erals, 1.652,670; Radicals. 1,497.011; Conservatives,
In the German Parliament, the Reichstag, on
Apill 1, this year, there were 112 Socialists,
Conservatives, 44 Radicals, IS Poles and 13 - Hri"k S
Conservative!,. re of M
In 1500 theie were 65.199,330 acres under ci'
vatlon In Germany with 21.397,300 acres ".ro
mendows and permanent pastures, those b J. 'i1 .
the latest returns available. ttl
Last year Germany, in tons, produced ,0, j''US
following crops: Wheat, 4,653.956; rye, 12,: ."?
391; barley, 3,673,254; oats, 9.713.965; potatoes, '. v
li.Hb; nay. 23.lS4.934: hops, 10.617; tobacco. ,
902. The latest reports showed there were ll-eV
43J.O0O fruit tiees In Germany, 4,516,297 norst-i
20.15S.73S cattle, 5.7S7.643 sheep, 21.SS5.073 svvlf.
and 3.383.971 goats "
In 1913 Germany's total impoits amounted ts
$.',673,750,000, against exports of $2 478,150.000, as
follows: Agricultural products and foodstuffs.
I ImportsA .753.184,500; exports, $43J.033.250; textile
materials and manufacturers. Imports, $201,127 -230,
exports,, $3.137.500: leather and 19h
(Jasioii Jollivet, an old Parisian journalist, de
spite the "entente cordlale," does not take
kindly to tho Britannic Invasion of the language Roods, imports, $40,911,250. exports $13S.304,750;
LENOX. Mass., Sept. 19. Ml. and Mrs. Giiaud
Foster will have 20 guests at a dinner entei
talnment at Bellefontaiue on Monday.
Mrs. Joseph Choate entertained at tea in the
Naumkeag Gardens thla afternoon.
Edward Payne Stevenson, of Paris, and Mre.
J. R. Little, of Philadelphia, have arrived at
Mra. Edwin Wilkinson. Jr., will give an in
formal luncheon at her home, 1302 Hunting
Park avenue, Thursday, September 24.
Miss Mabel Llnd. of 1723 West Tioga street,
left Thursday for East Orange, N. J., where
the is the guest of Mrs. William Parkinson.
During this In-between season, when sojourn
era at the summer resorts are returning and
town houses are being opened and made ready
for the winter's festivities, many persons take
to apartments and hotels.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fetheraton, who have
taken apartments at the Clinton for tho winter,
will return to town October 1, after a summer
spent at Atlanic City.
Miss Mandersan and her nephew, Manderson
Tioth, are at tho Aldlne for a tew weeks be
fore opening their Ardmore house. They had
the mlsfoitune, in common with many others,
to lose all their luggage between Switzerland
and England.
Mr. and Mrs. Park Painter are closing their
Watch Hill home this week and will return to
tho Register House, at Ardmore, which they
have again rented for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schlosd and family and
airs. i). Merz aie occupying apartments at the
Sunderland. Thirty-tlfth and Powelton avenue.
Mrs. P. D. Wlllingham, Jr., and Miss Francis
Willlngham have returned to the St. James
after spending the summer In Macon, an. Mr.
Willlngham, who Is in tho Jefferson Hos
pital, is feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs.
Willlngham. Sr., are staying with their daughter-in-law
at tho St. James.
After spending the summer In Cape May. Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Dougherty have returned to
the. Rodman Hotel, where they m apend the
Gumblnnen A town In the extreme north
cast of Germany. 22 miles inland from the
Russian frontier and about 63 miles east of
Konlgsberg. It has a population of somo
15.000 and is located In a rich farming sec
tlon. It has a number of lion foundries,
machine shops and textile and tunning
Marklreh (Fiench, Sainte-Maiie-Aux-Mines)
A town in upper Alsace. German),
with a population of about 15,000, wheie
desperate lighting is leported to have taken
place between the Fiench and Geimans. It
commands one of the passes of the Vosges
Mountains nnd la tltuated In the valley of
the Leber. It Is famous for its textile and
dyo works.
The Ardennes A plateau legion extending
over the Belgian Province of Luxemburg,
the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, and the
French Department of Ardennes. The Bel
gian Ardennes may be said to extend from
tho Meuse above Dlnant on the west to the
Grnnd Duchy of Luxemburg and Rhenish
Prussia on the east, with the northern
boundary represented by a line drawn from
Dlnant through Marche to the German fron
tier, where the Marche River crosses the
Belgian boundary On the south the boun
dary Is the French frontier and the Semols
River Valley. Soma of the finest forests In
all Europe are to be found In this terrltoiy.
The country Is tolling and offers Itself to
military strategy. The French Arde.inos at
some points reach an elevation of 10) fett.
Met A city of some 70,000 population, the
capital of the German Province of Lorraine,
on the Moselle, leas than ten miles from tho
French frontier at a point nearly opposite
Verdun. It Is SO miles, air line distance, or
99 miles by rail, from Strassburg. The Seille
Joins the Moselle here. There aie fourteen
bridges spanning the Moselle. Throughout
Its entire history down to 1870 Metz never
surrendered to an enemy, thus winning for
Itself tho name "La Fucelle," It now ranks
with Strassburg as one of the two great
fortresses of western Germany. After the
French lost It In the Franco-Prussian War
the Germans strengthened Its fortifications
to make It the principal pivot of operation.
against France. It la nearly surrounded bv
strong outlylnr fort.
of la belle Fiance. He is of tho opinion thut
the only language that may be called upon to
"enrich" the French In which only two vocables,
one German, "sauerkraut," and the other Ital
ian, "dilettante," havo become acclimated, is
the English. Many of the new terms, among
which Is the woid "atajer," come fiom the
boxing ilng.
"I do not,' he sav., "iwolc ncalnst tim
i adoption of 'wagon- and 'mil I even under-
stand that 'sport' must bu admitted, being
j shorter than 'exeicises du corps.' but I do re-
, volt agaliibt 'select' when 1 ma iay 'choice.'
j or of 'first late,' when 1 have 'de premier
I choix. I revolt against the mania for import-
base metals and manufactures thereof, Imports,
$17.353.000, exports $176,399,000: machinery and
electrical goods, imports, $:!5.0S4.750, exports,
$217,131,250; chemical and pharmaceutical prod-
ucts. Imports, $107.G96,230: exports, $249,103,500.
j In 1912 Germany produced a mineral output
j of $392,250,000 In coal. lignite. Iron, zinc, lead,
J copper, rock salt and potasslc salt. Her foun-
dry products that year were- Pig Iron, $212,627.
j 7f0; zinc, $2S,E:9,750; lead. $11,035 000; coppei, $11,.
003.600; tin. $9.874,00u Two vears ago the nsh
cries of Germany ieldcd $103,916,190
from ids Strand Masajlne
aupatcn from England reports that, 'anions:
lug woids. holding them a Impeitlnences when . lh8 bodies of Indian troops that have reached
tho writer who emplojs them forces me to
tecognUe that I do not know English, or that
knowing It 1 do not know as much of It as he
does. I bring this modest contribution to the
ecellent work of the 'Amis do la Langue
Franealso' (Friends of tho French Tongue),
which bears the interesting subtitle 'National
Society for the Protection of French Genius
1 and the Protection of the French Tonguo
j Agalnht Foreign Words and Useless Neologisms
vvuii .in ineir menacing Deformities,' 1 read
with pleasuie in the last published number
that a French f.unilj should blush to Invito
one to a 'garden party" or a '5 o'clock tea.' "
Tho Ocimaiuj should be able to get very
good service out of those electric motortrucks
they are now using, considering their oxneri.
j ence in charging batteries.
The Czar's emphatic dedaraUun thai he will
go to Berlin If it takes his last moujlk has
so far not been very enthusiastically ratified
i by the inoujiks In question.
Now that the German troops are forbidden
alcoholic drinks. It will be interesting to note
1 their experiments with water as a beverage.
i Despite tho war, the bountiful grape qrgp, n
i California Insures a plentiful supply of im
ported champagne
' Persistent and tiresome quotations of Gen-
I .n. uiiciumu 9 ornnuion or war help make
it Just what the General said It was.
The turn of the tide In favor of the allies
gives ground for suaplclon that Johii Bull must
have sent a company of militant suffragettes
to the front.
A Correction
T.mrerheead,fnrdS SmSo ".-I -The
Indianapolis News is irlihi ih- v, ,.
of reason when It remarks, "That's seme stunt"'
But you've heard of backtllding Proiresslves
J JweA't ypu? ""
the Continent. Is a camel corps " The camel
has for centuiies tlguiert in the vvaifare of the
East, but ho seems a little out of place In
modern Europe. Hliory contains no mors
Interesting example of thf, use of camels than
that devised by the conqueror, Tamerlane.
This warrior, bom in the summer of 1336
son of a humble Asiatic chlcftuln, rose b
sharpness of wit and strength of arm to ho
master of 27 kingdoms, extending from what
U now the region of Moscow clear through In
dia. Tamerlane was n terrible figure and a
mighty warrior. In those days men fought
with brute force rather than with engines of
war The sword was the chief weapon of
After a mighty struggle, Tamerlane made
himself potentate, over tho Immediate nations
of Asia, and gave to the city of Snmarcand a
brilliant place tn history. One by one the
Asiatic Sultans came under his sway. India
was tho ilch prize, and against It Tamerlane
determined to move. This was in 1398.
With his host ho crossed the Indus, marched
to Delhi, and a 1004 In arms before the gates.
The Indian Sultan, at the head of 50.W0 sol
tilers and a herd of elephants, whose tusks bore
poisoned swords, rciished upon the Invaders.
Tamerlane was soro presaed and the battU
might have gone apalnst him hail he not faller
back on his cameU Ha.tilv Katharine a trno.
I of the boatettf he had tbem loHdd with hay.
Then, setting tje hay 011 fire, Tamerlane's aol.
diers stampeded thu camels tuward the ranka
of the Indian. The elephants, at sight of
the blazing haj. wheetei round and fled In ter
ror, scattering the Indian Sultan's army and
injuring tb success of Tamerlane,
32,0(HJ words Hhead." -Life.