Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 19, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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CdUftsfr OF ftlE
The Sldsl Important Batllc So Far
and "What it Menus to the Gen
eral Situation.
DurinR six dnjs a titanic struggle, upon
Wjilch tho final outcome of the war may
rest' has been In progress nlong a 120
mlle battle line in northern France. To
comprehend tho situation as a whole It
Is necessary to eliminate single engage
merits, the ebb and flow of Mctorles and
defeats, and regard the battle of the
Alsne as a whole.
This battle Is, Indeed, tho most Impor
tant thus far fought in the vvnr. t'pon
the outcome shall rest the fate of Gorman
arrrfrf In. .Ffahce. In one short week tho
world has seen the mightiest army ever
gathered virtually routed, driven from the
Vsry gates of I'nrls and forced to take
the defensive at a time when victory
eeetaed certain. For more than sk weeks,
not counting the temporary check at
JJege, the Uormitin swept everything be
fore them The seventh week saw a turn
In the tide, when the allied ,irtn admin
istered a crushing defeat to the (ternmns
alohg the Marne September n saw the
high-water ni.irk of the Invasion From
that date the French and Uritlsh have
boeti victorious
At the beginning of the present week,
the olghth of the war, the allies were
found pushing the Germans far from
rarls. routing tho German light wing,
renewing the campaign In Alsace and
driving the German centre away from Its
positions near Verdun. Tho Alsnc vvns
crossed by the. allies, the Germans were
dislodged from the hills to the north of
thn river and forced to take entrenched
positions between t.ie OIe and the JIeue.
covering a terrltoiv bounded bv the rivers
and tho storied forest of the Argonne.
I'pon this battlefield the armies arc silll
engaged. Again taking the offensive, the
Germans have repeatedly, hurled theh
forces against the allies, but, nppatentlv,
to no avail Tin lmttl Ib one of artil
lery, of long-range lighting, or m.incovor
Ing for positions. The outcome will prob
ably not bo known for several das-
Disinterested military experts the world
over are of the opinion that the allies
aro In a favorable position to drive the
Invaders Into tho Valley of the Moue
and oventuall.v out of FraiKe Should
tho present battle become a vlctoiv for
Germany, tho situation would be vir
tually the nm( as existed three weeks
ago. Another slow retreat would bo made
to the fortifications at Paris. The Urltlsh
and French have proved thennelve mas
ters In tho art of retiring, while tho
panic which followed tho flanking move
ment of the British demonstrated that the
Germans failed In conducting a with
drawal. Tho losses of the allies upon
their retirement from Belgium were intlnl
teslmal as compared to those sustained
by the German", while thn continual har
assment of the armies of von Kluk. von
Buelovv nml von Ilauson, the withering
lire of the French artillery upon the
fatigued soldiers and the dogged lighting
of the British and Indian troops wrought
frightful carnage In the German ranks
upon their retreat to the present position-Should
the tide of battle turn to the
allies, a 'omplete de'eit ? ' li'irr-ui
is virtually assured The Kaiser realizes
that victory is never attained by those
on the defensive. France and Russia
must be brought to terms before Kngland
can bo reckoned with. With the French
campaign ft failure, with Russian victori
ous In Gallcia. with Great Britain master
of the sea- and in a po'ltlon to reinforce
the French line-) for at least a year, the
position of Germany would be untenable.
- Thus the crisis In the war ban been
i-K- nr. er maj tie the contents or the
ofches paislnjf between Washington
' The American Ambassidor at Ber
f.(ufflcient official confirmation has
maae puonc to warrant tne Doner
fliriinni" i'i-ifll n alAimfi t Ii A rr. -w1
''i of this country In bringing about
do The moral effect of the commu
coons made public at Washington has
flections in London nnd Paris
tin week has also seen vast strides
to by the Russians in Gallcia While
tin rejoices over the check of the
ialgn of Invasion In Eastern Prussia,
tklefeat of the Austrlans, the concen
ton of Russian troops against Ger
y Silesia and the panic at Vienna can
received alone as Indication that th
ar's forces are attempting the German
ivasion from Poland rather than from
ussla. This week has bi ought the hosts
Russia to the ver door of Germany.
Cracow alone bars the way t' enter the
1 Kaiser's domain on a line to Berlin which
is far easier to take than along tho
stromal v fort'fled northern route.
Servia. however, has lost ground dur
ing the taut hx das on Austrian soil.
Remlln, from which the Aui-trlans bom
barded Belgrade, later taken bv the,
Serbs, has been evacuated Against Bos
nia the Servians are now marching with
the Montenegrin troops. For four dnv
they have lwen victorious.
In the Far Cast the theatre of war
presents a drama of remarkable heroism
a mere handful of men entrusted In de
fending the city of Tslng-Tao In the
German Province of Klao-Chau. holding
the Japanese fleet and land forces ut
bay. The developments of the week have
been of littlt ranii'ii' n' e ;. , fir ns t.tn
be ascertained
The most Important diplomatic feature
of the week has been the failure of Ger
many to Induce Italy to remain In tho
Trlpla Alliance. Iuil has mobilized her
arm. tho reserve force has beep 'ailed
to join tho colors on Feptember !S nnd
the participation of the country In the
tvar with the Tiiple Entente, demanded
toy popular tentlment. will probably take
place during the present month
In short, an unbiased scrutiny of tho
events of the p it vveelc sli-.u th'it '8t
many Is In a perilous position, that she
must administer a quick defeat to the
allien or be driven hewind the Rhine
nnd that, encompassed by foes, unaided
bv Austria, she faces the crisis of her life
The mighty army lias proved to be falll
hie, the spirits of the all leu have limn
raised and the Katser. Instead of riding
to victoi In Paris, finds his own throne
In danger
In England the course of events this
t cek has Illustrated the remarkable flexi
liillty of the Constitution The leader of
the parties in Parliament talked of mall
I us,- an agreement whorebv the proient
Government tduiuld be kept in power until
the end of the wui
There was not am h iamion. however,
hcn "ii Tuesdaj 1'iemier iniuiths bill
lur suspending the npeiatlon of the Home
Rule bill for one eai was presented to
fie House of Commons. Bonar law.
. lender of the Unionists, made a speech
ln which he charped the Government with
breach of faith in taking advantage of
the lojal desire of Unionists not to credit
trouble in the present national erUU, and
at Its conclusion led the members of his
partj out of the chamber The Suspen
sion bill In connection with the Homo
Rule hill oaFted the House of Commons
that evening, and the House of l,ord3
agreed tu the suspension bill on Wednes
day, The Home Rule bill was signed by
Klnft George esterda
John R4mcju. the Irish leadei, i.sucd
a manifesto Wednesday evening in which
be tailed on all Irishmen to ber thilr
share In the war tit which the eiuiuie U
engaged. The deuiocruo of iic4t Brit
ain' have kept faith with Ireland and It
U now the dut of liunoi foi Ireland to
keep faith wit'i them, li naiJ
JKWil5 f I cwcAao osuy tribune '
ffit4'gfXto cS, .X. -i 1 Q
wi .wr o-raunr i, ;. -j yij r,s,sj,srf . -rr
sm&iMmr e-Hc.'rtr. SBgsgK? ...3 s. K
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'metwMsanaewsjTttAr tntlL? - -BCv Hs t I
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&CPL i-v i ,- ww-f-jft mmsu8Z5cAazMmmi &&o
7Z M ',fh. yOfiC.x
THfPJW JOV. o wsjr&ew
motto Is "No vote, no tax,'- notified the
Government Thursday that lt.s members
have decided to pay taxes this ear on
account of the war.
. . -! . 1'. '- . W l.-'.SfO
C" BB4TI C,Bii. ,. - -SlTfil tvi'
fiLyfsurTC ?or';rrr
." ' rtJ rw&
SS -ffli"sk
The favor of the United States, Its Gov
ernment and Its people continues to be
courted by the warring nations of
On Wednesday formal notice was given
to the world by President Wilson that the
United Stateb at this time cannot rnss
Judgment upon or take am part in con
troversies between the warring European
nations over alleged violations ot the
rules of civilized warfnre nnd humanity.
Ho said that settlement of those ques
tions would have to wait until the end of
the wai, which he prayed might be very
soon. The President announced tho posi
tion of the American Government first In
an address to tho commission sent to him
by King Albert of Belgium to protest
against alleged atrocities committed by
the German army. Later In the day ho
sent a cablegram containing similar ex
pressions to Emperor William, repljlng
to the latter's recent protest that the
allies wore using dum-dum bullet"-
A resume of the finding of the Belgian
Commission of Innuirv appointed by tho
King of the Belgians to investigate the
alleged atrocities committed bv German
troops was mide public by the Belgian
legation at Washington Wednesday
after the report had been piesented to
President Wilson.
VOW ( CM LO A &?? r W?& yCTrr
cannot yield to another while makiti
tpeech, except by unanimous consent.
A seilous attempt to bilng to an end
the Republican filibuster by means of a
cnmpromi.se was begun esterdoy A
lump rum npnioprlatlon, amounting to
S:0.t0O,i.'0 to $:3 000.OX). to be expended
of War in continuing and mauing tivtr
and harbor ImproveirentH, was the sug
Tuesdav wan the occasion of a most im
pressive object Iejsm in behalf of peace.
Treat'es between the United States and
four other nations, Great Britain, France,
Spain and China, wen- signed slmultane
i usly at the State Department by Seue.
tai.v Bi-v.m nnd representative- of the
foreign countries named. Thev have
bepn called, vcrj aptlv, "breathing spell
treaties,' the iason for this designation
Iving In the fact that thev provide that
all disputes which cannot bo settled by
diplomacy shall bo refers e! to n perma
nent i ommlsslon for Investigation, and
that m no cne shall hostilities henln be
frie the expiration of a veui.
The Cabinet officers. Ambassador and
Ministers who witnessed the signing of
the treaties wero given a luncheon at the
Universltv Club, nt which Secretary
Bryan provided the following menu of
his own arrangement:
t Neutrality Snyp , UKCL.E SAM AND MEXICO
Preni h olives While rHdihe
Spanish omelet i The subject of American occupation of
III.. er0qU.?eS.li0hmUl"u?neI,0PKre...h neas ' Vera Ciuz bus had. In the last few weeks,
Corn O'Brien Miami aalad i considerable prominence in the editorial
American be cream . . , , .
Oolong tea columns of tin- press, and thu events of
I'nder the Ice cream the Seiretaij had this week seem to have answeted the
this quotation: "Dlplomao is the ait ' questions most fioquentlv asked. On
if keepliiB cool,' At tho end of the . Tuesday It was announced in Washing
menu card v. us written, "Peace hath her ton that the troops would be boon vvlth
vlctorles no les lenowned than war." I drawn and tho city und poll ietoied to
and nt the font In heavy type was "N'oth- ' the Mexican Goveinment. The decision
!!. 13 final between friends." The last ivaa cubled Immediately to Consul John
ciuolution was tho answer which Secre- f It Silliman, at Mexico Clt, who de
tary Bryan save to Viscount Chitida. the llveied the message to Geneial Car
Japance Ambassador, last jear when i ranza The poople were coUbratlng
the latter limulred If a certain noto on Mexico's Independence I)a, and the
the alien land controversy wus "the last news was received by them with en
voi d." Uiuslastlo demonstrations. Rafael C'ul-
The four "sober second-thought trea- va Garcia, tho olllclal orator of the
lbs" which were signed Tuesdav aro like , da. referred to tho United States und
the li previously made with Central and President Wilson In teims of the highest
South Vmerltan and a few Europeun praise. "I Invito ou," he said, "to give
(ouutues Germany, Ru.ssia. Japan, ' 'viva' for Piofessoi Woodrow Wilson.
Turkes and Greote have Indicated thir I Pmsldent of North America." The in
approval of tho principle involved in I vltation was quicKlv and loudly acccpt
thegr instruments nnd tho American ! d Garcia made slighting refeienccs to
ritpnrtment 'of State expects them to i European Inituente in Mexico,
become parties to similar compacts ' 'J" the next dav Sir Lionel Carden.
formerly Bliiish Minister to Mexico ano
wrii mt-i'r-s i vTrw.r-.rw " recently appointed Minister to llrnil.
WAR TAMiS AND PORK ' was quoted as saying, that "It Is a des-
Xews from Congress during the week I perato ehame that the United States has
v. .. j ., ,.tlt , i seen lit to ubandon the decent people of
Han iv uu iiioaiiv Dim iuv jnuijuscti war
tax and the .Senate ftiibubter against the
rivers nnd harbois bill Tho war tax
measure which was agreed upon by the
majority of the Democrats of the Ways
and Means Committee of the House last
The pending rivers and hnrbois bill will j that we should not be in a huir to veij unfavorably with the .same month of
draw a large part of the lire of tho Re- leave. the previous yeat. but this is to be cx-
publlcans. and they also wUI battle The so-colled seizure of the National i ncct In view of the European war. Tho
against expenditures this jeat In the Railways system by the Constitutionalists meuhniidlsc trade decieased In lmpoits,
erection of public buildings. It will be I took place early In the week. Thnt there I and fell oft vciy heavily In imports, with
shown also that it cnrvlim of WVHJO.OUO I nad been n confiscation was denied lat r, the lesult of an excess of Imports of J1U,
with the statement that new omclals had
been substituted for tho Clentlficos In
control: "The Mexican Government owns
about 3J per cent, ot tho controlling In
terest In the National Railways, a cor
poration chartered by the Mexlcun Con
giess With Its majority Interest tin
Government has the right to icmove the
directors und officials of the compniiv and
to dictate Its policy."
The information that Geneial Cunntua I Rending Railway and the Chicago, Mil
would not assumo otllco its Piovlsional j waukee and St Paul. Tho St. Paul earn
Piesldent of Mexico caine simultaneously I ed 151 por cent, on $116,853,100 common
with tho announcement of the early evnc- , stock, as compared with S.RS per cent, on
uatlon of Vera Criu. It Is his undct- $nc,JkS,:tiO stock in 1913, while tho Rending
stooil purpose to tut n over the executive Coninanv earned 12.17 net cent on $70.-
to compel him to continue ids icmurks power in Mexico to the Pinvisioual PresI- (OO.ii'd common stock, against 17.57 in tho
without turthei interruptions fiom his j dent to be named nt the Constitutionalist previous year. The gross and net earn
colleaguep, who were thus allowing him j Convention of military lendeis to oe held I ings of all fell below those of last vear,
hrlef rest-. Tho lesurrected a prece- , on October 1. This Carianz.t Is doing so while opeiatlng openses geiiPinlly in
dent establlslied bj e-Vlce President that ho mnv bo a candidate at the subsc- t teased.
Jlorton during a Democratic filibuster quent election.
against the "Force" bill. On Frlduv the Early In Oetuber, It was said Tliuifcdav.
uuestlon pending was whether the Senate tho American Government will be ror-
should reverse Its decision that a Senator j ninlly asked to evtend recognition to tho
could be made in tho anticipated ap
proprlatlons should the State Department
abandon Its plan to pay Colombia $23,
000,000 as u balm to hei wounded pride
for the loss of Panama and $3,000,000 to
Nlcuinguan Canal route and other naval
privileges in these waters.
A "conference" of all House Republi
cans was called for last evening to form
a united front In opposing what they call
a "war tax In time of peace "
When the livers and harbois bill came
up in the Senate Thuisday the filibuster
was continued. Senator Kenjon, of Iowa,
made his fourth day's speech ugnlnst tin
measure, and tho Democrats attempted
' it,.! 0.1 ,,, ,i , Inn. ,,.1(1. n, nvia rf mnfi
.'1.,1, LUlll)(lllh 11,11, , v"' u- lllk,
, clundlso e.xiiorts In tlic samo month of
the previous ear of $rA2i7,r,7. The value
of e.vpoits was less than In any other
month foi five vcirs. The expott of gold
during the month was $lS,123.fil" as against
M 19l,ir,7 in August. 1!H3.
Among the nnnual lepons of railroads
issued dining tho week wcie those ot tho
Reading Company, the 1'hlladelphla and
Slnte Commlttco of the resignation of
Dean William Draper Lewis, the Wash
ington party nominee for Governor, and
the ratification of Vanco C. McCormlck,
Democratic nominee, as the Progressiva
gubernatorial candidate, gave added Im
petus to tho fusion movement.
Charges of n "deal" behind tho with
drawal of Dean I,ewlg were made by
United States Senator Boles Penrose, who
declared that tho Dean Is to bo made
Attorney General If McCormlck wins.
That tho withdrawal has not met with
universal sanction In tho party was In
dicated by tho action of Richard R. Quay,
sou of the late M. S. Quay, In branding
B. A. Van Vnlkenburg nnd William Fllnn
ns foes to tho Progressive cause. WII1
Inm F. Dcaykno, of this city, nnd othor
noted Washington party men followed
' the lead of Quay and Indicated the be
ginning of a Btampcuo from tne party.
Fred E, Lewis, Progressive Congrcssman-nt-Large
and Washington party candi
date for Secretary of Internal Affairs,
predicted that thcro would bo general
fusion against Penrose.
Gilford Plnchot, the Washington party
nominee for United States Senator, in ono
of his speeches of the week. Indicated
that he would withdraw If ho believed
Palmer hnd a chance to win.
In tho Democratic ranks the Federal
Administration took its Ilrstxactlvo utcp
In tho Stato fight, Secretary of Labor
William B. Wilson delivering' a speech
at tho meeting of tho Stato Federation of
Democratic Clubs ut Scranton.
Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, the Repub
lican nominee for Governor, met the offer
of support by the North American If he
would declare against Penrose by re
fusing to be a party to any "deal." In
so doing ho called attention to the plat
form on which he Is making his cam
paign. The action of the Anti-Saloon League in
Indorsing McCoimlck and Tlnchot camo
as a surprise, ns It is Bald Mr. Palmer
had been slntcd for Indorsement. Charges
have been made by Independent tompcr
nncc men since that the convention of tho
league was "padded" to favor JlcCor
mlck and Plnchot. During tho week tho
Riumbnugh supporters gave out copies
of an address In which he aligned him
self definitely In favor of local option.
new Government then In executive ou-
trol In Mexico.
The end of one war, fut Innately seems
i... ,.. ..!. rri...i t .1... ,.., .. .. ,
..- . .- - I tu oe ill .sialic, iiiul i me moor nur in
largely at the discretion of the- Secretary (."dorado. On Tuesday Pusldent Wilson
received a letter from the officers of the
United Mine Workeis of America, ac
eptlng the President's plan for an ad
justment of the dllfeiences between the
mine owneis and the worker, such uc-
Tlio Htnis and Stilpes were hoisted to
the masthead of ono of the steameis of
the United Fruit Company, and the com
pany plans to place all of Its own "5 ves
sels under American teglstry. In addition
to 37 other essels which tho company
"ontrols. Tho Metropolitan Ufe Insur
ance Company reported one ot the largest
lealty loans In yenrs, tho amount being
$1.J).0ii0, while in Philadelphia a loan ot
i0,000 on a pleco of realty was inado by
the Glrard Trust Comptny. Philadelphia
gialn men will apply for a charter for a
new expoi t company to engage In ex
porting wheat nnd wheat flour.
The New York, New Haven and ll.ut-
ford Railroad Company and the New Eng
ptancc being subject to the approval of . ln,1(1 Navigation Company filed their Joint
., n,ii. i,.miJ, ,.,. i.. r , answer to tho Government's suit under
the mlne-ia wus hold the following dav, l" pueimuii .iim- ",''. '' inai
nt Trinidad and the letter of the officials ie ln,v lmd been violated. 'I lie llllitg of
was formally latlfied,
The Piesidcnt submitted his plan to
the parties concerned on Septcmbei 3
Tlie basis of agtooment offered by the
President includes the establishment ot
a three-year truce, subject to tho inforce
incnt of the mining and labor laws or
Colorado, tho return to woik of mineis
who have not bi en convicted of luw vio
lations, the prohibition of intimidation of
non-union men, the- publication of the
current scale of wages and rules und tho
appointment of a Grievance Committee
bv- the employes The agreement pro
v Ides that In cases where the officers of
the company or the Grievance Commit
tee cannot settle differences, a commis
sion of three men named by the President
shall step In nnd act as tho final referee
uf all disputes.
That the request of lepiesentatives of
tho Colorado coal operators for a con
ference with President Wilson next Wed
nesday had been granted was made
known jeutetday.
Mexico wnen they most need help." His
alleged statement was a very severe
criticism of President Wilson's action.
He had previously while In Mxico Cit.
ciitlclsed the Mexican policy of the
I'nlte,! States In the utroncest language:
week was held In abayoneo until the ot t Wltb through President Wilson'a In
return on Tuesday of President Wilson, ' tiuence that later he was not handed lilts
who had been at his summer home In
Cornuh, N If. Much opposition on th
pert of the Democrats of House and Sen
ate, us well as uf the Republicans, had
arisen ov?r the provision for a J per cent,
tux on freight shipments.
TutieUy evening a caucus of House
IxmocraU withdrew the fi eight tax
provision Loin the bill, and ac
cepted terms which had been agreed
upon at a White House conference
b President Wilson, Mr. Under-
wood, chairman of the Ways and Means !
--cmmiiiee, tsenaior slramonSt chairman
of the Stnate Finance Committee Setre
t, ry M' Adoo and Postmaster General
Tlgrlcsou. To Mi Underwood fell the
task of lev lain.' the measure In accord
ance with the decision of the caucus, and
It was said Vi eatiesday tnat the new bill
would call for taxes on beer, domestic
vines, licenses for tobacco manufac
turers and dealers, gasoline, a Special tax
along the lines of the Spanish-American
war tax on bonds, certificates, shares of
stock, bills of sale, drafts, checks, mort
gages, telegrams and the like The total
estimate revenues fiom these sources
would be JlWOiAOiX)
With part differences smoothed over,
Administration leaders vesterday were
determined to push thj bill to a final con
clusion la the House On the Senate
side, however, the bill is expected to be
delated because of the opposition from
me jvepuoucani They rlan to attack
rassnorts by General Carranza, who be
lieved that the Englishman was largely
lesponsible for Huerta's dogged resls
tace to diplomatic pressure. The Ililtlsh
Ambassador at Washington, Sir Cecil
Spring-Rice, expressed to Secretary
Uran tho deepest regret for the latest
Carden incident, and characterised the
statements attributed to the formei Min
ister to Mexico as "unauthoritative"
Spriug-Itico has made u report on the
matter to the London Foreign Office. The
American Government, It wus said
Thursday, has decided to ignore the al
leged lnd'scrttton rievetal newspapers
ceclaro that If Great Britain wishes to
satisfy our people It should put Sir Lionel
out uf the business of so-called diplomacy,
and iny assert that lie did not represent
the British Government In Mexico, but
Lord Cow-dray and the Pearson oil Inter
est H.
The news of oui decision tu withdraw
from Vera Cruz was received with great
favor in South American countries, ac
cording to dispatches
On Thursday Secretuiy of War Garri
son ordered transports south to bring the
American troops back to the Uuitod
States. President Wilson had expected
to remove tho troops before October 1,
but General I-'unston suggested that Oc
tober 10 would be a more suitable date
on account of the large number of ref
ugees in Vera Cruz In some quarter
it is asserted tnat tnere is yet no ade
quate assurance of protection of lejitl
., , , ,,. ,., . , I u' measure on the ground tliat Demo
II. WtOtei 'lax Jteslslan , l.-as ,c I crane revision nf ti. -, . , .im.
j per d plainly of . uifratKU' s, tthojjJ fot tne large Ullinjr off of the revenues, mate European Interests In Meilco, and made public during; the week, compared
Optimism of the most unmistakable
kind was this week injected into the
financial situation of the world. The
European war, of couise, naturally con
tinues more or less of a disturber of tho
geneiul business equilibrium of this coun
try and the world at large, yet tho dark
clouds of financial and commercial do
piesslon aie slowly but surely being
pushed aside, and there has coino in
their stead a brightening- on the horizon
which forecasts an early return to nor
mally even where.
Among the moie Important events of
the week were the floating of a $luO,00d.fiCO
loan of the cltv of New York with which
to p.iv olf the city's obligations maturing
abroad, the shipment of $3,009,Ce In gold
by J P Morgan & Co. to Ottawa to help
in t 10 tamo purpose; a fall In foreign
exchange rates being tho first general
decline since the unpiecedcnted high
rates which have been prevalent since
the outbreak of hostilities in Europe:
the application of the Eastern railroads
to the Interstate Commerce Commission
to reopen thu 5 per cent, freight rate
case ,and the agreement to a conference
between the Governors of nine Southern
cotton States in Washington on next
Monday to discuss a plan tu take tills
year's cotton crop off the market and
thus save it from low price destruction.
Tho plan of the buying up ot all South
ern cotton is that the nine States involved
shall Issue J2MXrf).0X 3 per cent, bonds
and buy and store S.bCO.OuO bales of cot
tun, the purchase price to bo 10 cents a
pound. Tho plan ulso includes the cutting
down of next year's cotton acreage CO per
tent. By another plan. Introduced In the
"buy-a-bale-of-cotton" movement, a large
quantity of cotton has already been dis
posed of at 10 cents a pound.
The reports of the foreign trade of the
United Btates for the month of August,
the answer was largely formal, ns tho
suit, by agreement with tho Attoruov Gen
eial, is to be settled out of touit by dis
solution of the New Haven.
A better feeling In tho -Philadelphia
monev market was show u during tho week
nnd out-of-town banks niadn inquiries of
their city cortespondents for good name
commeicial paper, thus showing that the
better feeling has iienotrated to the roun
tiy Institutions and that they have de
cided to let go of some of their surplus
funds. There was no change In rates,
however The lates for call and time
monev In this city aie H per cent., the
highest legal rate In Pennsylvania, nnd
commercial paper is quoted 7 to T't per
cent. The rate for commercial paper In
New York Is 7 nnd S per cent., but paper
has been finding a sale In New York as
low ns 7 per cent.
The piospect of general fusion against
Penrose furnished the main topic of
political speculation In tho week Just
ending, which has been maikcd by events
of ronsldeiable Import. Gubernatorial and
senatorial nominees continued their up
State campaigns and made speeches In
numerous towns and c-ltles
Figures obtaluablo for the second ieg
istratlon day on Tuesdav Indicate that
the Republicans have held theh lead In
both city and State. The enrollment for
the second day In the city Is given as
SJ.07S, making a total for both days ot
approximately 180,000. Of this number tho
Republicans claim 123,000, the Democrats
I.' 000, the Washington party 000 and
about 33,000 are non-partisan.
In the State the Republicans also held
the lead, but the proportion is not as
large as In the city, due ptobably to tho
lack of the same effort made here It Is
i lalmed, however, that tho Republican
State figures are larger than for the (list
two registration days of 131!
The acceptance by the Progressive
Hefore Theater,
After Theater,
In Fact, Anytime, nt the
Hotel Adelphia
mttt with the Idea of tht tnott
The election held In Maine Is significant
of tin co things- the decrease in tho Pro
giesslve vote, the corresponding increase
of the Republican vote and the fact that
the State, which Is consldeted a political
barometer for the whole country, went
Democtatlc by an Increased plurality over
that obtained by Mr. Wilson In 1012.
The Republicans gained 31,541 nnd the
Progressives lost 30,401.
Hnlnes, the Ropubllcnn candidate for
Governor, lecelved 57,CG2, as compared
with 20.121 votes cast for Taft in 1912;
while Gardiner, tho Progressive candi
date, received only 17,443, ns compared
with 47,901 votes cast for Roosevelt In
Tho campaign In Now York State haB
reached tho mildly excited stage, due
principally to the indorsement by Mayor
Mltchel of John A. Hennessy'a candidacy
for Governor on the Independent ticket.
on which Fiankllu D. Roosevelt Is run
ning for United States Senator.
Progressives were greatly exercised over
the possibility of William Sulzer's obtain
ing the nomination for Governor on their
ticket, and many are reported as having
threatened to bolt In case of the ex-Gov-ernoi's
Newspaper straw votes seem to Indi
cate tho success of Glynn and Whitman
at the primaries.
Ambassador Gerald has sent woid from
Berlin thnt ha Is willing to run for
I'nlted States Senator on the Democratic
ticket provided that he can remain at
his post so long as the situation de
mnnds It.
William V McCombs, chairman of the
Democratic, National Committee, visited
President Wilson and discussed the New
York situation. It Is announced that tho
President will remain neutral In the light
betweou Tammany and Its antagonists.
McCombs is said to favor Glynn and
A committee of locat business men rrini
nnmen to go nicer tno eoutn Amwlemv
trade. Dudley Barllett, chief of the w7l
clgn Trade Department ot tho PhIladei.-3
phla, Commercial Musoum, detclarcd thff
Canada was fertlto field for Amct-ii"-i
, "- "
Dr. William C. Jacobs was mentioned
Monday ns tho successor to Dr. Martin
Viovernor, air, usuras is now acting; 8u.
G. Brumbaugh should tho latter ba elect,
Dorlntondcnt of Schools.
Monday night tho Franklin Instltm. a
oc-iiuui ui ihji;iiiiii.ui juib cscariea us giu
C'UI ? i
Tuesday Secretary Redficld, of the D. i
parlment of Cominereo nnd Labor, named I
Allin T1 Tnlitinnn nrnatitnnl , 11.. s. .. 1
win Locomotlvo Works, as a mombr of i
tb VUUUIUllUU UL uunillOTB 1UBI1 io 0O0D-
erato with existing bodies In snoklni
trndo with South America.
Business men from nil parts of the city
attended tho meeting; called by Transit
Director A, Merrltt Taylor to proteit
against further delay in getting improved
trnnslt facilities for Philadelphia,
Appoals from tho South to Philadelphia
for financial nld In handling; tho cotton
crop wero made Wednesday. On th.
samo day tho Philadelphia Rotary Cluh
started tho "Made In America" movement
nnd urged a study of trade conditions I
South America.
Councils made possible a start on tht
sower work preliminary to tho subway
on Thursday by appropriating $500000.
from tho $11,700,000 lotui for tlila purpose,
Drastic cuts wero mado in other appro
priatlons to secure this and tho total of
the loan was reuuecu iw,ww. Tho Art)
Musouln projoct may bo crippled as thn
result of a $300,000 cut mado In the ap
proprlatlon for it.
Mayor Blnnkenburj criticised Counclli"
efforts to hinder him, donounced dual
ofllco holding and summed up plans for
South Philadelphia dovolopmcnts In lt
annual message, to Councils.
A port boom began -with the sailing
of two vessels with full cargoes of grain,
another with oil and a fourth with coal.'
The price of citric acid droppod 40 per
cent,, breaking tho "corner" that had
been started In it. Orders for largi
quantities of blankets, saddles and
bridles for tho armies In Europo were
received by local firms.
Study of tho plans for tho scdlmenta
tlon basin at tho Torresdale filter plant
indicated that tho cut of 1100,000 In th
municipal loan appropriation for this
work will not crlpplo tho project.
A city-wide war on rats vvns called fo?
by Doctor Harte, Director of tho Health,
The liner Ancona. soiled with a Iarg
number of reservists for tho Italian army.
Political Campaigns in Other Stales
In the Mni-jland primaries, held last
lucsday, i'nlted States Senator John
Vv alter Smith was renominated bv the
Demotiats. Tho Republicans had no pri
mary contests and their candidates will
be icrtitied bv the Uoaitls of Kiection
Democrats of Connecticut met in Slate
.onventlon In Hartford and Indorsed tlie
Administration's policies Governor Bald
win was selected for United States Hen-
Ai'kansas went Democratic by the usual
b'j! fi' G0Ver"r Uas "" selected
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$1.35 Net, Postage Extra
William Dean Howells,
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The Edinburgh Review:
Cable poesses the vein or poetrv anJ
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Charles F. Richardson.
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A le ii observer an 1 a feail,s in''
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