Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 18, 1914, Sports Final, Page 4, Image 4

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Treaties in Ink Violated,
Must Be Rewritten in
Blood, So Plucky Little
Kingdom Fights Against
Great Odds.
AN"i'Wi:ilP, fiapt. I illy Courier tu Os
tein and JJtt'l to New York.
The little Belgian soldier Who climbed
Into th" 'ompnrtniiit was dead Hied: ha
trailed Ids rlllo behind lilln, threw litnifulf
Into the seat and fell round asleep. Ho
wnb ieady to talk when ho awoke an
hour later,
"Yes. I was up till tilsht with Gorman
prisoners," he wild. "It was u bad Job.
There wore only sixteen ot us to handle
loo Germans. We had tour lio.cars, and
wo nut 15 prisoners In one end of the
tar and C5 at the other, olid then four
of ua with 'IHcs sat ctiard by the cardoor.
"Wo rode IHo hours that wai. and I
expected every minute that the whole 50
Germans In the ear would Jump on 113
four and Mil us. Foui lo : that's heavy
I'dds. Hut we havo lo do 11. You see
tli'ro ai-ti't enough soldiers In IUIrIuih
to Oo all tin- work, o wo hnie to main,
out the bctt wo can."
That's the plucky llttlo Bclslan soldier
nil over. In the first place he's different
lrom mo soldiers, becuuso he Is willing
to flehl when ho knows he's going to
"We hao to mako out the best wo
can," I3 his motto. In the second place,
liu's a common senso llttlo fellow. Even
whllo he's righting he's doing It coolly,
und there Is no blind hatred In bin heart
that causes him to waste any effort. He
gets down to the why and wherefore of
"1 really felt sorr for those German
prisoners," said a comrade of the first
soldier. "They were all decent fellow a.
They told me their officers had fooled
them. They ."aid the olllcers gave them
I'rench money on the German frontier
and then yelled to them: 'On to France"
They went on for three days and got to
Liege before they know they were In
Belgium Instead of Trance.
" 'We didn't want to hurt Belgium.'
they told ui, "because we're from Alsace
Lorraine ourselves.'
"You se" continued the logical llttlo
Belgian, "It wasn't their fault, so wo
couldn't be mad at them."
That Is the Belgian idea-cool logic.
"Why did you light the Germans?" a
high Government oftlclal was ajked.
"Because civilization can't e:lst with
out treaties and It Is the duty that a
nation owes to civilization to light to the
death when written treaties are broken,"
was the reply. "It mu.it be a rule among
nations that to break a treaty means, to
fight. The Germans broke the neutrality
with Belgium and we had to tight."
"But did you expect to whip the Ger
mans'."' "Hom, zaA we? We knew that hordes
"J. G4fmans wou'd follow tho first comers,
but hp had no right to worry about who
would be whipped: all wo had to do was
to fight, and we've done It tho best we
It has been a cool-headed, logical mat
ter with the Belt-Inns, from the start.
Treaties are umde with Ir.k. they're
broken with blood, and Just as naturally
and coolly as the Belgian diplomats used
Ink In signing th treaties with Germany,
so the Belgian soldiers have used their
blood In trying to maintain the agreements.
I - nun 1 I I . . . hum nil - T1 MWWMIWW'
' . ' 4
':'- - ' is, -'',' r ' i. 4
The photograph was made in the crucial hours immediately preceding the final check of the German rush toward Paris. D etcrmined attacks like this swept the invaders far away from
their objective. Throughout the campaign each army has piled up evidence of magnificent bravery in direct assault.
Documents of 1GOO Prophesied Con- j
flict With "Black Eaplc."
1'AIMS, ."pt. IS. -Tim Pljmro continue' ,
tndav tho Latin iirophri-i dated in Ii,
vhloh was written by an unknown)
outline mid transcribed h the Monk I
Johannes. Previous cxrerpls prtiphcdrd
tho coming of "Antlcliilst" as a inun- .
arch, a ton of T.uther, with the motto
"God With L'K."
The Instalment punted today contain?
these verses:
VeiMcle IS. "Antichrist will manifest
himself nbout tho year W. Ills army
will surpass, the Imagination fot munbi-i
mid will havo Christian, but the de
fenders of the Lamb will hae Moham
medans and sai ages."
Versicle an. "Tho Hlack Uagle (Ger
many) will hurl himself upon the Cock
(rrancp), who will loe muny feathers,
but whoso spur will stilke heroically.
Tie would soon be exhausted without
the uld of the Lopard (i:nsland)."
Versicle 21. "The Black Uairlc will
come from the land of Luther and will
surprise the Cock and Invade half of
the Cock's land."
Versicle IS!. "Tho White Hnglo (Rus
sia) will come from the north and will
Flaxner Declares Germ of Infantile
Paralysis Has Been Found.
SAItATOiSA. N. Y Sept. li. The flolc
1-Mile of discussion lodn among dele
' i,'iitc s to the convrntloli of Slat" lio.illli
ollleer-i in grKsloli hetc Is the announce
I nieiit niadp l Hi. Simon l'lcMier, dl
j reolor oC Hie Itoekofeller Institute for
' Medical Ileseauh, that the Infiintllo
I paruljsl.s germ had been found. He spoke
I on the "Iniluencp of Scientific Beseatch
on Public Health."
The iiileio-organlsm of this tertlble dls
I ease, he wild, had been grown In test
I tubes and were visible through poweiftll
microscopes when viewed in lnatscs. Ho
, Intimated Important tesults would bo
ptodtipi'd fiom thof.e PMieilments. He
' defended vivisection b exidalnlng that
tlu most modern facts of niedklne had
been dlsfoieied through tho use of nnl
111 ils foi experimental purpo.-es.
Attempt Eoveals Busslnn Military
Utile in Austrian Province.
HKttlitV (by way of Amsterdam), Sept.
A dispatch fiom Vienna states that nu
unsucces.iful attempt was made today
to assassinate Count Bobrlnskl, Russian
military governor of Gallclu. 1 lis assail
ant was n Ukranlan. He fired three shots,
ono of which struck tho Count In the
shoulder, before ho could be disarmed.
Tho foregoing1 dispatch reveals for the
first tlmo tho fact that Austria ndmlt.s
the Russians aro In coutiol of Gallcla and
have appointed n mllltniy governor.
Ptlvnte Writes Commander Is No
"Show Kan,'' But worker.
A high tllhutc was paid to I leld
Dr. Alexis Carrel Commends
contage of Cures.
FA HIS, Sept. lB.-Dr. Alexis Carrel, of
the Rockefeller Institute in Now York,
w ho lias been placed in charge of all tho
military hospitals at Lyons, declared that
he believed tho Trench methods of caring
lor the wounded could not bo surpassed.
only dangerous wounds with
surprise the Black Cil'Ii- and the othei 1 -w...,,..tt i. t..i, ivnnii in n winr m.
eagle (Austria) and will invade Antl-I ieiied from the fiont todav. It was wilt
christ's country completely." I 1,.,, 1... i:..,.,.o Uuabv. .1 nrlvate. and Is .
I Vrultil.. " '"in,., T5t....i. i.ni. ...lit u. ' . . ..'-.. ....,.. ...,., ... . ....
.v....... . . ,lv u.uv 1Mh,v win Uf a pinpinc jicii picture 01 me liriusn com- 1 wiucn wo nave to contend," lie said, "are
:,.',," ,. uuuu ""J -ock 10 ngiu uie I mandei in Kiauce. I tnoso caused by German siege artillery
"lto Lagle. The Cock will pursue tho! "Oucral French Is voiy popular with Others generally heal without dlfllciiltv
jjuiuii iafc-ie mio Aiuiciirmt'8 country." his men." Busby wiote. "There's no Mdc
crslclc -I. "Previous buttles will lu ....,, 1,1, n ,,,,.1 trii.n 1
Managers Decide to Continue Game
During Winter Months,
football and its relations to fie war
continues to be tne subject of earnest
discussion both In L'ngland and In Scot
land. Despito the recent statement of
Lord Roberts tint "this is no time for
Karnes," the trend of opinion among
football managers is that it would be
unwise, rather than the contrary to
abandon this scheduled winter sport.
J. Mclvenna. Liverpool, presided over
a meeting of the management commit
tee of the English I'ootbull League In
London yesterday. At this great crisis
In the history of the British nation, ho
said, they desired to malt? the following
public pronouncement:
When 6cores of thousands have
gone, and scores of thousands must
follow, there will bo millions of peo.
nli who must remain behind, and
111 othor wuys Und all possible aid.
Jti considering the course to bo
adopted with reference to our great
winter game, we aru not unmindful
cf the days of deep sorrow now with
us and yet to como, dayi when the
dark clouds that kurround us will
ipress and appal! us To sit and
ir an is tu aggravate the nation's
hi row.
Any national sport which can mini
mize the grief, help the nation to
tioar Its sorrows relieve the oppres.
rlon of continuous strain and save
the people at home from panic and
undue depression, is a great national
asset which can render lasting serv
ice to the people.
W. therefore, without the slightest
Kervutlutt uppea! to th clubs, the
press and the public that our great
vintfi mm should pursue Its usual
rourb. . Especially do we appeal to
the pres that thn eamo promlnenco
and publicity should ho given to the
reports of the game as of old.
It is reported and tha committees uctb
cratined to hear that sevra.l clubs and
their players hud arranged to make spe
cial weekly contributions to the wur
runns. in tome instances percentages
will be
nothing as compared tu those fought in
Antichrists country.
Versicle ffi. "Only princes and cap
tains will be burled. Hunger and plnguu
will be added to carnage. The battles
will mako too many corps-es to bury."
Versicle S7. "Antichrist will often de
mand peace, which will bo icfusvd until
he be crushed."
Vcislclc 30. "Antichrist's last baltlo
will be fought wher.- he forges arms."
Versicle SI. "Antichrist will lose his
crown and will die in solitude and mad
ness. His empire will be divided into
states, none haing any fort or army
or vessel "
The Flgaio adds that ersc C refers
to Essen, in Westphalia, which the other
prophecies fuietold
last battle.
about hhn, und when he passes along he
Is lust as leady to smile on Hip ordinary
Tommy as on tho highest olHcer. Ho
takes a keen Interest 111 our life in tin
, ti caches, and we all feel that ho Is Just
tile man to turn to 111 irouuie. aim mere
is not one of us who wouldn't go through
lire and water fur hhn.
"He never auks the Impossible from us.
but always acts a3 though he could lely
on us lo cct out of 11 tlcht corner. He
knows wo are doing our best for him and
the country in this wnr, and he alwuys
20 out of 10C0 wounded
We have lost only
nt Lyons.
"The German pavilion nt the Lyons
Imposition has not been touched, and Is
.till flying the German Hag. Above this
Hag, however, has been placed a Trench
banner and a notice on the pavilion -.js,
"Property of France."
rli no nu sifillf- (Vil If
t r no 1.1 v in v " i. i.sj . v . m 4
I "He is not one of Jour show men. but a j u-eporieu to janve .Been -.ratten in
I hurd fighter and woiker from head to ' Early Alsace Campaign.
I ion, uiiu no expi'eis rcrj man uimer mm
to bo the Mimo. No matter how tired wo
1 may be wo always turn out tu slvo him
.! the sceno of the ' .1 cheer when he passes through the llncs(
, uf lie docs now and then.
I "He stops when ho has time, for a chat
with us Just for the take of finding out
MM lKAAM noiwco nrrincnp 1 i,n. tiiini, ..v.,,. if nil -a i,.i,i,
111 ih.imniv UIHVL.O ji 1 iuuiio . . . . , ,., , ,- nppiinlpd Muelhausen. In Alsace In thp
A o irfl limine TiT-iinnriv iiiiikpu :u pr. lilt i ' -..
doesn't like shii Iters, and most of them ar'v days of tho war.
know they hae no chance In this army
nt any rale.
"Ho doe.-, his
BORDEAUX, Sept. 38.
The Foreign Offlce today exhibited to
1 tl e Trench and foreign newspapermen
UilBC'lliUlCU 11C1U tl IJUUlllJlJ Ul UUIIl-UUHl
bullets, which, it was explained, were
taken by tho French when they originally
Germantown Milk Dealer Kesents j
levy for Non-payment of Taxes,
As hl.s goods were about to bt levied
on S D. Johnson. 501 Allen lane. Gel-
mantown, u milk dealer, grabbed 11 shot
gun and threatened tu kill Constable . ,
I H. Super and Deputy Constable C. G 1
Super If they attempted 1o eurrj out I
the execution. As the conatubles pro- I
' PPl1pH A loW .l.llllfc.,il ff.fuA,l tll.1 ,.,,,, I
and drov- tliPin from the premises
The milk dealer was called to the front
door and found tho constables waiting
for him, and when they served him with
tlio notice. Johnson told thein to lemain
It was the discovery of these bullets.
and reports of tho French 3urgeons that
1 . . . i,. .. . , they actually had been used that resulted
best to see that we are ... ., ,ji i-v,,,.v, . ... .
i-oll nf.il.1,,1 r., .n.,,.,11,, ,.,..! o.l I "" "I'O""" ,.... ..u.d ui ,i.UUi Ul
,.t. J', u. ..., 1... lvnL.ulll, H'VII ,.11..
clothes, nrd if things do go wrong now-
August IS.
mid then Iff no: his fault '
Cunaul Liner, in New York, Gets
Hush Oi tiers for Halifax.
NEW VoRK, Sept. IS The giant liner
Lusitanla had hardly warped Into her
foi a few minutes. He ran into the house
find In n mnmput rpfitrtipil ii'lth n ,-.,,. It,
his hand. The constables stood amazed ! Iler cre --esan Immediately the work of
dock at 120 o'clock this morning when
and before thoy weio able to tecover
their wits Johnson grubbed the papers
from tho hand of Super, placed two
cartridges In his double-ban eled gun and
diove the constables from the piemsies.
The Judgment on which the levj was
to be made was grunted by the City
Treasury for a deliuqiieney in pament
of tho mercantile tux und was in favor
of tho Commonwealth of l'enuslvatiia,
Tho constables attempted the execu-
recoating tho spqedy Cunarder.
Although the LusltanU'B officers refused
confirmation, it was reported tho boat
would be rushed to Halifax tonight to
carr Canadian troops to England.
Tho Lusitanla arrived oft Quarantine
about midnight. She was to have re
mained at anchor in tho Narrows all
nltfht, and a big daneo had been planned.
Jtusn orders ti proceed to her dock un-
l Plnchot Tallt3 to Small Crowd.
i BRADFORD. Pa., Sent. 18.-Olfford
Plnchot was scheduled to address a
crowd on tho public square at noon to
day and the ciowd was there, but Jlr.
Plnchot. who arrived at 11:30 In an auto,
waited to eat his dinner and a good
part of his audience went homo as they
had dinners of their own to eat, so hn
lost some of his audience. The candidate
discussed the Issues to a fair sized
crowd. Others, who spoke, were Guy B.
May, candidate for Congress, and Messrs.
Smith and Watklns, Assembly candi
dates from this county.
tlon 011 Vifdnpsuai. when thev wi-re
- - . I --" v. .-... ... 'ti-viu .w ..v. uuvn uii-
drlven away, Johnson was arrested on u dor permission from customs officials
warrum irom -imgis-ruie Jicnsnnw, mm i-ided the festivities,
at a harlng today In tho central polite (ju board wero 1W3 passengers, C03 in
station ho was held under tjtOOO ball on the ealoon. Among the latter were Mia.
a charge of ahsault and batter, threaten- .ieorge Vanderbllt. .Mies Cornelia Van
Ing and attempting to kill and ltuer- derbllt. Chauncev M. Dmew. Jr.. and Mn.
' Thomas Bailey Aldrlch. Servants of An
I drew Carnegie, who were on board, said
the steel king would be In tho Baltic
The l.vehango Telegraph correspondent
at Bordeaux sas:
"t waw In tho hospitals heir among
the prisoners a beardless Teuton boy,
who was ID .eatn and D months old. Ho
was a student In the technical school
at Manhelin and was wounded and made
a prisoner at the battle of Marne. Ho
said, In broken English, that all the stu
dents of his school who wero over 13
ears of age had been mobilized and
placed In different regiments."
In a letter from Sergeant Cahlll to his
frlend.s in Bristol Is the tributo of an
Irish soldier to the "Red Cioss glrleens."
Cahlll wrote:
"The Germans give 113 no rest night or
day, and those of us who have como
tlnough It will never forget to our dying
day what it Is to havo to tight here. Tho
Red Cross glrleens, with their purty faces
ai d their sweet was, are as good men as
most of us, and better than some of U3.
Tei aro not supposed to venture Into
the filing line at all. but they get there
all the same, and devil the one of us durst
turn them away."
"Tommy Atkins" goes into battle
shouting an Inconsequent vaudeville jin
gle that h.ib In It not a word about death
or valor, glory or pathos.
And lest Americans do not know the
words of this epoch .making chorus hero
thpy are, fated for ioino unfathomed rea
son to become historic:
It's a long way to Tlpperar.
It's a long was lo go:
It's a lone way to Tlnpemry.
Tn the i.-petCFt -drl I know '
Onnil-liy, IMrcadlllv.
l"arp.vell, LcIccHtcr-ii'iuare,
It's a lontj, lonK wny to Tlp-erai,
Ilut mj hiait's rlulu there!
The author-composer of this Imperish
able lyric Is Jack Judge, a music hall ar
tist, and there Is probably no muii In tho
world more surprised than he unless it
Is his publisher, Bert Feldmau At the
"far flung" vogue it has &o suddenly re
ceived. The British hero sings It when
reveille sounds; ho sings It route march
ing tu drown tho monotony of "Boots-boots-boots-boots,
sloggln' up nn down
As they go Into battle the Germans
thunder their "Die Wacht Am Itheln,"
tho French chant their "Marselllalso"
sonorous and impressive, and tho Bel
gians fight gallantly with their beautiful
"Brabancoimo" on their lips, but tho
British sing no national air.
A British sergeant major says he be
lieves the regiments lecrulted In tho big
cities are proving the best on the battle
fields because they ate accustomed to
nolso. "It's tho quantity, not the nualltv
of the German shells that Is having- Us
efrect," he says. "Tho hellish noise Is
nerve racking."
A young artilleryman, writing to his
wife In London, tells of being left on tho
field for dead, but finally was found and
dragged from beneath his horse which
foil on him when shot. This alone saved
his Ilfo, as all other members of his
battery were killed.
"When the Fourth Middlesex regiment
was surprised by Germans whllo nt din-
fering with an ofheer attempting to servt'
legal documents.
Futurist Agitator Arrested ns King
leader of Milan Riot.
LONDON. Sfpt. is
A dispatch to tiie Exchange Telegraph
Company states that In a demonstration
of Italians at Milan, nn .-ustilan Mug was
b:rned ,n the centre of the tin.
wlsuoi Martnettl, the famous futurist.
was an ested us a ringleaOei
later today.
Tho Cunard Line officials this afternoon
I declared that tho publication of the
I stories to tho effect that tho Lusitanla
Mould be taken over as a transport was
cuuxina them a great real of annoyance.
! Thn Lusitanla will sail for Liverpool
i on Wednesday with passengers, accord
ing tu schedule. At no time, the Cunard
illlclals said, was there any question as
to the ensel being taken over as a
tranaport since her arrival here last
VKW YORK. Sept. 1.-A in', tine ol
the leal Irish oigunizutlons 11 ill I..' N Id
heie tonieiu in select dclegatm to th
of gates and peri-cntaete of wages were I national oiivntiun of th. Cnlted Irish
being contributed Tic committee heait. , Leajup ,.f nirrca, which will no held 111
liy commended s'K'ii tlons
Thoy furtlu r recommended each club
to arrange foi their players to undergo
special military drib, and ariange for
the provision of a iniidsturo rifle range
to provida ample shooting practice.
Gang Responsible for General De La
Key's Death Driven to Bay.
JOHANNE.SBITRG. Sept 18 -Quiet pre
vails here today following the dramatic
suicide yesterday of the gang of despera
does under the leadership of a man
known as Jackson. The. bandits had com
mitted many crimes and were Indirectly
responsible for tha accidental shootlr.g of
General Jacobus Hendrlk de La Rev, a
noted Boer general.
Jackson and his companions took ref
uge tn a cave on the east Rand, which
-was Immediately surrounded by tha pa.
lice. The bandits refused to surrender
at first, but later JucWson offered to give
UP tbelr arms to Jackson a wife. Urged
on by the police and Her husband, she
r'teied, tn cave and was immediately
Vt by Mut Th'-nJl the desperadoes
tuuunutcd suiuae.
Philadelphia t,giniilng Sipti-uibei 3".
City Soil. Ilur Mi. hail J. Iljun, of il at
ilt.v. Is president of iho league. fie
Hon. Richard McOp, M. P. alii speak
on rerent deye'opmpnts In tho home rule
4aestlun at tonight s gathering
AMdTKUDAM. Pept. 1S.-A dispatch
from atutttarl says that the King of
urttemliei g has left for Louvuln by
way of Htrasiburg.
Pi-TltuGliAD, Sept IS.-The Russians
have li -rutol m I,mhetK 15,000 prisoners,
most i.f thrm arrested fur sedition slncu
the outlueak of tha war.
Special Train Leaves Reading Ter-
minal 6.30 A. M.
?1 fj 9 R",nJ Trip Ticket,
V--VyArfJ Good return H l)as.
Lcflt anl PtrtK uHr of Agent;.
Sept. 22, 23, 24, 25
Round Trip Tickets
from I'lilladelphU, not CO OO
Including AdmIlon tu 'VV
I'roponlonste rt from other point.
l'ur Time of Trains Comult Acenti.
t-eave cnestnut St. and south St, berries
t- wvvwwv
One of the popular new hats.
Designed for the young man
who wants a very snappy hat.
1224 Chestnut Street
r.T with their arms Eta cited, thn British
toldlcrs, unable to reach their weapons,
lushed upon tho too and attacked them
wlrn their bnro fists. Tho Got dons nt
rhed In tlmo lo aid them and beat ofC
the Get mans.
A British seaman, writing of the recent
naval battlo off Heligoland, tetla of
slaughter on tho btldgo of tho Liberty,
when all except ono man was killed, and
ot a freak of the fight whero a clock on
one of tho boats had Ita glass faco
.smashed and ono hand carried away, but
kept right on running.
"Tho destroyer Laurel seems to havo
suffered tho most," the ncaman wrote.
"Sho had one funnel carried away und
the othei h riddled like pepper boxes. Ono
shell struck her right forward, went
through her bulkhead, through tho gal
ley door and out. Tho cookie was In
there at the time, but It missed him and
went out through the other sldo of tho
"It wan on tho bildge and around tho
guns where they suffered most. On tho
Liberty's bridge everybody except ono
was killed; in fact, they wero never
seen since, Thoy must have been carried
right ovei hoard. The skipper of the
Laurel had both his legs shot away.
"The scout Arelhusa came In last. Sho
brought In 100 Gcrninns picked up from
the cruiser Mainz. Two cooks wero In
the galley of tho Arothusa, Just having
their rum, when a ahot killed ono and
blew tho other's arm off."
Former Mrs. Cleveland leaves Genoa
GHN'OA, Italy, Sept. IS. Mrs. Thomas
J. I'restun, Jr., whoso first husband was
Orover Cleveland, was among tho passen
gers sailing today on the steamship
Tomaso dl Savola for New York.
Victor Emmanuel Declines (rj
Receive Imperial Reprci
sentativc and Is Called
i ruuur, according to
Report. j
B-OMU, Sept. II
Germany has played Its last card In tii
diplomatic game that hns been In progret
hero for weeks with tho assistance til
Italy In tho present war ns tho m.'
and apparently has lost.
It was learned from a reliable souttl'
today that a special messenger arnW
hero from Berlin on Wednesday evcnlfi?1
and departed last night. It Is ropetttl"
ho came as a personal representative t
Emperor William. Whether his audan
departure was due to tho refusal tf
King Victor Emmanuel to receive hit
ennot bo ascertained.
Several papers In Paris report thu
tho KalBor sent to the King of Italy tu
following telegram:
"Conqueror or conquered I ahill
never forget your treason."
Italian reservists havo been called Ut
September 2S, which Is taken to men
Italy's withdrawal from tho Triplo AM
nnlo on that date.
Tho Italian radical party today will voli
an orderc of tho day In Parliament asfclnt
tho Government to forsake. Its policy m
neutrality and to ally Itself wrltn th
Triplo Alliance Tho anarchist party hai
dcclnrot against war.
Demonstrations against tho Govern,
ment's policy of neutrality continue ant
the war fovcr Is aggravated by popular
resentment at unemployment.
The Italian military attacho at Berlin
lis been recalled and It Is understood that
the German military ttcho will bo with
drawn from Rome.
Missionary Tells of Preparations for
SYRACUSE. N. Y., Sept. 18.-Goneral
Italph E. Prime, a .missionary, who rt
cently returned from Italy and Syria,
today said extraordinary preparatloiu
aro being made In anticipation of war by
Italy, Turkey and Greece. Tho troopi
of thoso nations, ho declared, aro being
drilled constantly and the peoplo con
sider tho outbreak ot hostilities Incvlt
ablc. "Tho common belief in Syria and Tur
key is that the German cruisers Goeben
and Breslau wero sold by Germany to
Turkey to prevent their capturo by the
allies' fleet," said General Prime. There
Is bitter feeling between tho Turk and
the Greek.
Bonwit Teller &,co.
Ae bpectaij c5Acyb ofOriguiaticnA
Exclusive Fashions for
"Jeunes Fjjles"
Correct French and English Models for
School Girl, oil ge Miss, Debutante
The London Idea in
Flapper" Apparel
Introduced by
Bonwit Teller C Co.
Between the ages of 12 and 16 many girls
remain undeveloped. They are at an
"awkward period," difficult to attiie with
a proper chic.
In London these girls arc termed "Flap
pers," and apparel particularly suitable to
their type is designed.
Bonwit Teller have introduced the idea to
America, and have set apart a large col
lection of specially designed apparel very
girlish in character, yet distinctly different
from really little girls' styles.
"Flapper" Frocks
5.95 to 35.00
Models for school and formal wear, in sizes from 12 to 16, in serge
and pophn, Balmoral serge and charmeuse. pique, velveteen, repp.
Misses'& Juniors' Suits
Reproductions and modifications
of Lanvin, Cheruit and Premet
models of gabardine, English
serge, crepe and wale cheviots.
Typical "lailleurs" for juniors
and misses from 1 3 to 20 years
of age.
Misses' "Tailleur" Suits
Models that feature the new long
coat, the plaited tail coat, the
braided coat, the circular flare
skirt, the Lanvin Dutch trouser
skirt. I liese suits are developed
from broadcloth and gabardine
in the newest shades. Sizes 14
to 18.
Misses' "Demi-Tailleur" Suits
These suit, have the style feature revealed at the latest Paris
hashion Openings. Long Russian Coats, short coats, circular skirts
over velvet underskirts, braid binding. Byzantine beading, crow's
feet embroidery, geometnea stitching; Trimming of fur. j n cn
Made of broadcloth, gabardine, poplin. Sizes 14 to 18. 4" 5)
Redingote Serge Frocks, with
charmeuse sleeves, underskirt
and sash, pique collar and
cuffs; and others in Char
meuse and Taffeta. Sizes I J
to 18.
Misses' Utility Coats
25 00
Flare model of overplaid
boucle, braid bound; broad
belt, adjustable collar, blue
and brown tones. Also tweed
coats with large flaring collar
and broad belt of velvet.
Sizes 14 lo 18.
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