" J" "- m EVENING LEDGEB-PHILADELPHIA, FBIPAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1014. 11 -i l BELGIANS REPULSE GERMANS IN BATTLE AROUND TERMONDE Offensive Movement Against Invaders Continues and Raiding Bands of Uhlans Arc Destroyed. ANTVEIU Sept. 18. The Uelslmi army continues Its of fensive movement nnd Is attacking tlio Germans with great success, according to un ofllclat announcement made by the War Ofllco today. Fighting lias been sevcro around Tormondc. Bath sides aro unliiR artillery and tho guns have been booming day and night slnco lato on Wednesday. The Germans attempted to cross the river Termondo after tho Hctglnns had destroy! the bridge and were met with a wltlu ring lire that forced them to fall back. The following ofllclal communiquo has teen Issued: Xcnr pres tho German forces wero defeated and retreated to France, wh,o tlvy wero annihilated by tho Frem.lt. Near Ttpcrlngho a column of 3000 German tiivutry with mitrailleuses and wagons of provisions and other ohlcles woro nttTTcked by 1000 French cavalrymen. The fight lasted two hours. Fifty Germans were killed had 113 taken prisoners. Tho remain der fled to France, whero thoy were attacked tnd defeated by tho British. Uii Wcdnc.duy night tho 18th Oer nmn tiif.intiy, an artillery corps, a pontoon corps and some Uhlans re turned unexpectedly to Termondc. They burned the bridge, but were dis covered by Belgian soldiers, who were masked on tho left bank of tUe Sclietdt rtlvrr. Flerco fighting occur icd, and on Thursday morning the Germans foil back In disorder toward Llbboke, leaving a number of dead and noundtd and six guns. The Belgian casualties wero ono killed nnd 18 wounded The Germans bombarded Grcmbcr gen and Ttncsrod. The Belgians liavo blown up tho railway bridge south of Dendre, cut ting off railroad communication be tween Tcrmonde and Brussels. The Germans nro paid now to have bout 150,000 men In Belgium. Their avia tors havo been very active during tho last 2 hours. Three Taubo aeroplanes linvc been sighted from tho Antwerp forts during that time, leading to reports that the Germans uere planning nn attack on the city, but the Wax Olllce statement ro assurcd tho pcoplo, declaring that thero was no danger of an nsiault or bombard ment while tho Belgian army stayed In the llild. One of the aeroplanes was pursued by three Belgian aviators, but It escaped. The German airships seem to bo much faster than tlioso of the Belgians. There nic tumors that Important de icIopmcntH may be expected In North Belgium shortly. It Is permitted only to state that tho Germans aro apparently anxious t ) drive the miglnn army Into '""" ''d are fortifying positions west ef Brussels and between that city and Luuvain. Nuiueiou.1 scouting parties of Uhlans hae been reported west of Brussels re cently. All Geim.in wounded In Brussels have been removed to Havre In anticipation of mi attack on tho city. KEEN COMPETITION MARKS BIDDING FOR CITY CONTRACTS Improvements to Streets and Country Iloatls Will Aggregate $200,000. Contracts aggregating $200,000 for Inv piovments to country rondo nnd city streets, to be let by Director Cooke of the Department oC Public Works, brought proposals fiom a largo number of con tractors today. The keen competition that has marked evciy letting under tho Blankenburg ad mlmstiatlou d velopd In all items, which Include grading, asphalt paving, vitri fied block paving, asphalt rcpavlng, wood block repaying, icpalrlng and patching bituminous paving and surfacing and resurfacing country roads. Among tlm streets to bo paved with asphalt ;(.; Klmwood. from COth to Kd; Utthig. from Tasker to Morris; Jiont, from Itltner to Porter: Moore, from mm to mll. AVarrlngton. fiom Mb to SSth; Second, from Rltner to Por ter, Ninth from Cuyuga to tho North east boulevard. itrlfled block paving will bo placed en u,d street, from Imsdowne to Jef rersuii: on U.iynton. from Qupcii to Penn. eoutitry roads to be surfaced aro: J!lue Clratts street, from Welsh lo lied Lion. yrlM street, from Enroll to M.igee. n! "rect- fr," Charles to Frankforrt. Ol-ViJi?u,.,'tr"',V from "llml Walker. rih u b,el. f'n t.anlner to leereau. ii.."" ""'" 'rum Homier to Ilevereaux. iu,,lJ!Y ""J"1' tr"'" JneK'O" to Hitman. ton!, "ct' fr'"" ',0brouBh to James. Longshore, street, from Stale road to Wlssl. niniliic. Rntor street, from niJge to Henry. work on resurfacing country roads hj. -j- ;, w ..&, - v MWf! S i" -A.v '. ' f K'V''"1"' y "?"'i n 1 ,k'fTttjl, , 1 u J, . $ t jf &i-f iiX'''JS " ' ... " v " 'jj 'jli ittiikiiHL. B'''W'"'8SLIILIIIIIB frTt23wsa'fcifcl't "" pA " tv..-t.?v .-T ?? A MOST MODERN GUN-CAR NOW IN USE IN EAST PRUSSIA IN DEFENSE OF THE GERMAN CITIES ENGLAND AGAINST INCREASE IN U. S. MERCHANT MARINE Transfer Controversy Over of Steamship Robert Dollar to American Registry Shows Britain's Position. WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. Tho contro versy over tho transfer of tho steam- BERLIN CAMP HOLDS 100,000 ALLIES AS PRISONERS OF WAR Cretic Passenger Describes Scene at Fort Dobritz. Kaiser's New Guns to Carry Thirty Miles. EXPLOSION BLOWS WALL OF.BUILDING INTO THE STREET Grocery Store Is Destroyed and Proprietor and Wife Are Injured by Jump From Second Story. Morris Simons, of Htrect, and his wife, 203: Christian Jessie Simons, NEW YOKK, Sept. IS. That Germany has under guard in one of her military ship Itobert Dollar from British to camps, near Berlin, more than 100,000 Rus- wero Injured early this morning by American registry, which Is occupying slnn, British, French and Belgian prls- Jumping out of a second-Mory win tho attention of tho Stnto Department, oners was asserted by a Chlcugoan, Au- t,ow' when a gasoline tank explosion Is expected to be the flrst of many such differences. Great Britain Is prepared to make a strong fight against tho Increase of the American merchant marine. In tho caso of the Robert Dollar, which Is being held at ltlo do Janeiro, pending tho settle ment of the attempt to placo this Ameri can owned ship under American regis try, British opposition has not yet ap pealed. If Germany consents to tho tiansfer, however, it is reliably reported England will refuse to acknowledge the new registry. v The Stale Department admits that tho situation Is a delicate one. Tho Admin istration's wish to increase the merchant marine is swaying the department, but tho fear of tho seizure of tho vessel on tho high sens by either German or Kngllsh ship Is caut.tng worry. Should tho ship bo taken, either or both countries refusing to recognize tho transfer of registry, tho United States would bo put In a position whero It would have to permit tho selzuro without a protest or run tho risk of becoming embroiled with cither of these countr.es. Dngland, in refusing to permit tho trans fer of British registry ships to registry of neutral powers, will clto us authority the convention of Tho Haguo which pio hlblta such transfers after the commence ment of hostilities. RIO DE JANnmoTscpt. 18. Merchant ships flying the Hags of belligerent coun tries which enter Brazilian ports because of the war must bo detained until tho war ends, according to tho decision of tho Government. gust Pfaff. who tcturned today from shook the entire building and destroyed Europe on the liner Cretic, which brought , their grocery storo on the first floor. Tho tank, In tho front part of tho store, ex ploded with such power that tho cntlro !T7G first class passengers from the Eu ropean war zone. "I was In Paris when tho war began, said Mr. Pfafr "and I Jumped to Berlin i rro"t wall of tho building was blown whero I stayed until September 6th. T i Into tho street. fcaw the mobllLzatlon of tho German uimnna ni i.i ,i, , , . forces around Berlin and It was a moat I blrn0n3 Md his wife occupied apart inspiring sight. The morale of tho Ger- I ,nents above tho store, and in their at mnn troops Is excellent. j tempt to escape from tho smoke nnd "Germany Is now building guns that flames thr-v lumneil nnr nf thn n-inrinw will reach thirty miles. Her intention Is to a shed In tho backyard and thenco 16 CAMDEN COUNTY LIQUOR MEN ARE GIVEN LICENSES Fl'i.,ighih street, from Blmmwd to Wood. IdllU. J urns street, from nisln- Ban to Nw Second, jl-hton street, from Welsh to tiront. n,.ip'l' "eadlns Hallway. 1,'r.1 L'r,r roal1- fr" berry to ronuess. "Iff i r eu. Se."onfn0' 'rm Sevemh t0 cou of New TM'H?kjr;eU -tom Princeton to Unruh. Pin. i 'V ,roni J'Onsshoru to DlMton. line " ' f""1 t0 MontBoniery County ;vanrnaV.wraroym K1!eo-to l,',l,ade,p,,ia fi'rll avtnuJ""' Uu,,le,0 av"u I'. MIDSHJPMEN HAD' EXCITING TOUR JN EUROPEAN WATERS Missouri and Illinois, at League Isl and, Sighted Foreign Ships. il.V'ii"r ' "rl" k"'-'1 Blu,,t battleships. "jui. to,!,! 7.VT . -""K'lo tsiaim ai : r ' ; v ",""'' ,l ""ee-mnntl, tour of H. i,m, ,? , ,lPrr- hrvnl hundred inl.l "MUn ,..."!:: l,,p1 NvI Academ, wliu In "!hH1' IanUc(i at Annapolis earlier teI""JT "'0 nl''-'lineii l"'t tho their . ..."". Jui,H 7- "'" 'he end of ... : . ' !lPe?l o-oe woi Court Hears Applications, nnd Two Protests Are Also iled. I.hiuor Ileenses wero granted to 11 retail and two wholesale dealers today by Judgo AVIIIIam T. Boyle, in tlio Camden County license Court. Remonstrances wero heard against two applicants, Edwaid Fisher, of Watcrford township, charged with soiling llnuor on Sunday, and Alfrrd 51. Hlnfer, of Clem enton, whose place, residents contend, Is not needed. Hearings on these applications will bo held next Wednesday. The retail Hocuses granted follow; Frank V. Tobey, Berlin township; Georgo Axford and August Mrndol, r'hesllhurst: John Pfizeniialer, Centre township; Mnttlii Thomas, Cleni enton township; Catharlno llg, Delaware township; diaries II. Daubmau, Glouces ter; Pancoast and Scott, Morcbuntvllle; Frank V. Wcldemaun, Frank II. Sterker, Alfred Herr and Edwin J. Cazcnder, Pen sauken township; Trank Skalla. Water ford township; Thomas Holland, Wind slow township. These wholesale licenses wero granted: Rudolph Klchne, Berlin township, nnd Harry Kayser, Centro township. to reduce tho entire French coast and from Cnlals she expects to bombard Dover with these new guns. "On September 5 I went outside the city to tho great military fort of Dobrlts nnd there I saw !W,000 Russian prisoners, C000 British, SO00 French and a large number of Belgians. Tho Russians ana Belgian odlcers were quartered together until a fight broke out among them in which four Rusblans wore murdered. I was also in Cologne, whero I saw 6000 English prisoners captured In tho battles around Paris, and 4u00 French. TURCOS MUTILATE PRISONERS. "I visited tho German hospitals ana saw many wounded who had been In humanly mutilated by the Turcos, whom the French are using on the tiring line. Some of the German wounded had their eyes gouged out. "Tho allies, if they reach the frontier, will have a terrific time advancing through Germany. Cologne Is guarded by nine Zeppelins and Frankfort-on-the-Slaln by fifteen.'' Madame Lala Vandervold, who Is here In behalf of Belgian women and children, also was a passenger on the Cretic. She was met down tho bay by tliu Belgian Consul of this city, and stated that she would give out a story of German atroc ities in lier country tomorrow. On Wed nesday night she delivered a lecture to tho passengers on board the Cretlo and collected a sum of money, which will bo devoted to tho Belgian orphans. "When the war came," said Paul Van dervcld. of Dallas, Tex., another pas senger. "I thought I would go along and sue a little of It. I tried It for 31 days, and was In the battles of I.legc. Haelcn and Tlrlemont. and then I decided I had enough. It was a great experience. The Germans disgraced themselves with their drinking, The atrocities committed by them would turn hair gray." into tho yard Itself. Thev suffered In ternal Injuries, and were taken to the Polyclinic Hospital. Their condition is not serious. Policeman Winifred Ferguson, of the r.0th and Fltzwater streets station, wus. severely cut by falling glass while helping the occupants of the third floor of the building to escape through a rear exit. lie was treated at the Polyclinic Hospital. None of those whom ho assisted wa3 In jured. The teport of the explosion' was so stent that ncnrlv nil the lesldents of the imme diate neighborhood rushed out of their beds Into the street. Tho loss Is estimated at W. ' ARMED MEN FORCE WOMAN TO HELP IN $50,000 ROBBERY Surrenders Combination to Safe When They Threaten to Use Explosive Take Her $4000 Earrings. KANKAKEE, 111., Sept. IS. Five armed robbers entered tho home of Mrs. Nellie Clark early today and escaped with money and Jewels valued at more than JM.000. Armed posses In nutomobllo3 and blood hounds aro hunting the thieves. Tho robbers bound and gagged the housekeeper, Murjoilc Miller. Mrs. Clark, hearing tho noise, locked herself In a room on the second lloor, but tho 10b bers entered tho room, using a skeleton key. As they came In Mrs. Clark offered them JS0, saying, "This is all I have." Tho robbers took tho money and ordered her to open a small Iron safe standing In the room. She refused, but when they produced nitroglycerin and a fuso to blow It open sho gave them tho com bination. While three robbers wero emptying the safe of Its contents, including diamond rings, lavullIercH, bracelets and pins, the other two forced Mrs. Clark to give them the diamond earrings sho was wearing, threatening to cut off her cars if she did not comply. Tho earrings arc worth ?i.00. DIRECTOR HARTE NOT HELD FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT tllPle Was Hnmollilnc- nf In. 'wry 'hy. Tho loutliful officers. UratWin I p ?"Ci,or ' ,' "-" or ThU hiCIU",e" B'wtand and Germany. aK" trn. .. "" ,ecvocl a wireless mes- ?.. V0m President Wllsnn In remnl,. ilii l .as S0(m as hy Icavh " llei-'a-'l. the mi 111 J'.'?VT',a, the next "'oniing. Porte lo,!"el ,mtew of the "arshlps tJa: tv? .. f,',rel across tho Atluntlc Bpok.,', ;1 e cr,,wn crulsor Bremen was Just hr' uul "" reply received. 'Pokcn to. 'uevM.1?8, "tc.r,,, American waters IeSaS!f,8l,;,',e'1 a" Knifllsh "hip which ? tUJZT rrc,e",cr t0 t,,e 14 litireH.aS b.y Ur Ule '"03t exciting "liu eu ,""S of '-' t"l' naU by mld- 'rtck a mJtn4.a by Commander Fred. -'rUt wa3l,r,fuV wl,i' Commander H B. 'llttbl in0 of ,he Jll'nol". oth fof nn in ir,BU1..reln4ln - th navy yard ADELINA PATTI HOOTED BY MOB OF AUSTRIANS Singer Held Prisoner in Hotel at Carlsbad Off for London. PARIS. Sept 18. Adelma Pat'-t, ho was made a prisoner In C'arlfbad with her husband. Baron r'edarstorin, was besieged In her hotel by a. howling crowd of Austrlaus, jelling Down with the Flench and English" Tho polhc intervened, but Insisted on making a minuto search for documents. The prisoners wei questioned and for bidden to leave their hotel. They were kept In tho hotel and guarded (!, several weeks, but were eventually released on condition that nil their ser vants be held as hostages. The singer and her husband hart to bo protected by troops when they left. The crowd threw stones at their curriago and shouted at them. Paul left Paris today for London. CnAPEL EXERCISES AT V. P. Students Must Attend Two Sessions a Week This Year, Attendance: at chapel services twice a week will bo required of all undergradu ate students of the University of Pennsyl vania. This action comes at the request of the student body. Attendance at chapel exercises has been optional heretofore and only a mere handful ever attended dally services. Leaders of undergraduate activities feeling tho need of well supported devo tional extrdses last spring started a movement for compulsory chapel. A peti tion, bigned by the majority of the un dergraduates, was addressed to Provost Smith. No action was taken until today. when the provost granted the petition. It wt'l go into effect next Friday wherr col lege opens. WEST CHESTER'S BEST FAIR Attemlnnce Record Established at Exhibition Closing: Todny. WEST CHESTEK. Sept. IS.-Tho clos ing day of the races here of the Chester County Agricultural Association finds tho management Jubilant over th success of tho present exhibition, which has ex ceeded expectations. Good weather has featured eery day and tho attendance has been larger than at any previous fair, notwithstanding the fact that the admission was SO cents, one-halt that charged nt Lancaster, Wilmington, Del., and other much larger fairs. Tho man agement explains this by claiming that tho rato was so fixed in order that ex penses might be met in case of bad weather after two days of the exhibition. Tho association will close Its fair with u full purse. It had little actual expense by reason of having had a big fund from last season with which to pay for the new stabling and other buildings erected during the summer for thia fall. It will havo a tieasury far from depleted when the receipts have been counted and ex pcnsvB paid. The race pluses were small, most of them being ?300. with but two of 5000 during the week. Tho judging of tho lunges in tho big show will be closed today and the rac ing of the afternoon includes a L'. It) trot, a 2.25 trot nnd u ".30 pace, wltli 3 purses. Most of the exhibits will be taken from the ground during this afternoon, going to other funs on the circuit. Tho decisive win of "Joe Boy," tho fast local juicer over "Pickles," tho fast entry of James Bell, of Philadelphia, has aroused the enthusiasm of the horsemen of this placi1. "Joo Boy,-1 In addition to defeating the Bell horse, lowered the truck record to 2.091;. His Explanation of Child's Release Satisfies Judge Gorman. Director Harte, of the Department of Health and Charities, appeared before Judge Goiman, at tho Houso of Deten tion, today in company with his attor ney. Assistant City Solicitor James Gay Gordon, Jr., and explained, to the satis faction of Judge Gorman, the circum stances In tho discharge of Max Miller. I a neglected child, from tho Philadelphia Hospital, contrary to the orders of the court. It was for this leasou Hint Judgo Gorman summoned Director Harte to show cause why he should not bo ad- Judged tn contempt of court. Speaking for Director Harte. Mr. Gor don explained that the Philadelphia Hos pital received tho boy with th" bare commitment as n neglected child, with no Instructions as to his future care. Following the Investigation of tho child's homo by the hospital authorities, .Mr. Gordon said. It was found that his par ents wero able to support hlru and were willing to havo him home. The bov was then returned to his parents with tho understanding that should ho violate hit. probation ho was Immediately to bo re turned to the hospital, counsel told the court. Judge Gorman accepted the ex planation and, drawing an order of J2 u week on the county for the boy's sup port, recommitted him to the hospital. YOUNG MAN KILLED WHEN HE WALKS IN FRONT OF TRAIN Settlement Payers to Estate Only Clue to His Address. Walter Shuefer. a young man, whose address the police have not yet been able to cstubllsh, was found dead along the rullioad tracks east pf Xeshumln Falls yesterday. According to eyewit nesses, Shacfer had been walking along the tracks when a train arrived from tho rear. In his attempt to get out of tho way, ho inn in front of the locomotive. The police arc cndeavorlmr to locnto Howard Shuefer, who li thought to bo his brother and Is employed by the Penn sylvania ltailroad. ' Settlement papers of tho cstato of .Motrin Shuefer were found on tho body. WILL WED ON CRUTCHES New Yorker, 04, to Marry Woman 40 Years Old. Limping Into the Marriage Ucense Bu reau on crutches thH morning. Johnson G. Ward, til years old, of New Yoik, uc eompinled by Amy H. Puttlsun, 19 years old, of Easton, Md , akcd to be dliccted to tho one little ottico In ail City Hull known to almost overy married couple In thts city, happy or otherwise. Enfiing the small room occupied by Chief Cleik Ferguson, the coup!.) Imme diately iuformtd him that they wanted a marriage license. They answered all ques tlons to the entire satisfaction of Fergu son, who made out their p.ipeis without a moment's loss. After teeins the eldeily couple departing all Rintlei, Wnid hob bling along by his wlfe.soon-to.be, the many clerks In the bureau returned to !'iulier Whatman mm hwsi ineir worn, more certain than ever that love will And a way. Ward, after asking to bo directed to tho nearest rectory, started In the direction of Old St. Martin P. E. Church, where tho ceremony will be performed this evening. TO STOP SALES TO MINORS Tho prohibited sale of cigatettes to minors today prompted Director Porter to IsDiie a general order to all policemen to the effect Unit persons charged with such violation should be brought before President Judco Charles L. Browti or Judge James E. Wurman, f the Municipal Couit. WIFE BEATER SENTENCED PARALYTIC ASKS DIVORCE Brooklyn Man Tells Court He Should Never Have Married. NEW YORK. Sept. 1S.-A spectacle unique In the history of the city was seen in the Supreme Court In Brooklyn when Dr. Joseph Hand, a helplesi paralytic, pleaded from the witness stand for a divorce (or his wife. With his wife hiding her face In her hands nud sobbing. Dr. Hand told the court she should have her freedom. "I should never have married her," he said, "for I knew I would become a rarslytlc But I loved her so much i foolishly hoped I might be saved. Now I know I did wrong and sha ihould not be burdened by me." Jp Decision was withhold. Howard Thomas, of Camden was be fore Judge Boyle in the Criminal Court today on the charge tf wife-beating and wus sentenced to one to three years In mo Miate prison. The Judge remembered that Boyle hart been before lilm threi times during tlv lust few maltha on various charges Abide Thomas, wife of the prisoner, said that he knocked her down when any thing displeased him. Thomas looked at his wif with au apparent appeal for sympathy In his ecs, but Mrs. Thomas did not relent. Homeless Man's Body at Morbus The body of a homeless man. Frank Munay, W years old, was found in tho yard of the Standard Charcoal Company. Washington avenue and Fifteenth strct-t, by Frank Kennedy, an emploje, this morning. The body was taken to the Howard Hospital, where death was declared duo to natural ratues, and later removed to the morgue. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Solomon ,-rgal. l.HS fcouiti 7th tt , and Ucrtlia SMoiofsk.-. M.VJ South (ill. t. " Hoy s. Uaklo, llafcratoun. Mil., and K. Jennie IIuMii. till Nunh .'iSd t. Ueiijumln 1". Jvieet. - North Allien St., and Mury U. n.-oulf. :it: Wnllaro tt. Dunal iloiKicrton. ix I North 12th st., enJ Sllimlo t Try. BiVI Xonli 12th st Jojtipli V. linrrU. 1SH! Sgvl at., and tarah I'uiTdn. ttn Site' !. Milton P. art. Natarrlh, l'a., nnd Mnbil (.roll. N.viurctn. I'a. Eitnsnl A. Hoi'Smaii. ;'! We.t Leh!Kh avt.. and llluiclu i:. Wucner. '.'It -South Mh at. UnroM p. I'o'tmun. I.Vi.l North Opal t.. and Addle 11. llallard. iviil North HliitrKoKI m. John W. WnBtier ltl.1l Dltmuti si., and Linda M. Barren, '.'Tils North llowar.l t. Itobert KIiir. II.VJ fr'nmom St., un 1 nva C. Johnson. "''I I ill. Vornon st. ro.vcll N. llav .VMS Irving st., and lMlth M Unlhik. t'olllnKsrlnle. Prv. Kdnnrl K. Tliompsoii. U'm'O, Texas, ant KJIth V. Orvwtlwr. OSlO North Tin t. KfUo 1. lltniielt. 1003 dinarlue st.. and Hutli Wllllums, '.'t lt I'arpeiUti st. nUward JenVra. lain ItoUmuu at., and Lillle Ni. kluas. !3tr. Itudnian st. Morris Iilckittiu. sU' Noith KronKlln st . sml Arum nu-kstein QIS North uih st. CUrriue T. Ilaile, U. North lGth st . and IjiutJn II M rsnri Will 1'htstnut st. John Urn. ti. t'.'lu North I.tliii;o si . and Magdalen Mami'ler '.MUO Kjul LiearfieUl st. John I. Knihh. ol.' North mil st,, an.i .M.trio 1.. iJ I or iMi' nj 4,11. .fururit st eiuiir unntoiuii oiiii uiaee ave Helen It. Katnses. Ml Collin an. Patrick M'-Cltll-tn. J9AI ,Mt. t ernun it, Mlniito hlmtinon. lulu Itiu-a-iier ae. William I' M llitnoo. 1104 Walla, e st Mary MeUlnnlr 1101 Walla.'. i. Danlfl J. SI. Brl.l.-. yiy M Al.in st.. t-iao f H Sl.litM':, S'Ki VS'I Jatu4 UillUini. Tin . In.llaiib a Am il Tol iKi? r"T t . InilUna in.. Il.irry ltoU. yif WooJIanii ae , and Laura Thomas. Snurun Hill. I'a -wu fiHiuU A. C'onlin. Ill North Veuilei) ,t an.i i;Hmteiti nurke VIII Toronto t lwit'l J. MaKUir. , 1130 'r-sun st , an'l lie. h-na r Wej. 131 iarson si J. hosoii ii. WarJ. Nvi Vork. ent Amy II Patlls-n. lsslou. JM. J "' Ja e; Itlimecr. IV7 N Kislt in st . anJ Frieda M KotineUe. l."A) N Keltun t. Albm U Drjng. jJTiu N 13th and Tv-r- riitu. M Ihinls. IVd N. llouWer si. n Itaxtnon-l l'orter uai lamaitir ave. ani Ainu A. Tal r. NX Prestin st. UuU-rt k Vutes SMS Ih'gli av., and Sura M Wise Sin St. UernarU t. Rowland t' Smith. SOU N l4rli ave , an-1 Mat el II fluckftkUr. UtS N. 4th st Ileiman KlitKbern JffJ East St.. nn.J Iltlvn T. Ittiker. UK East st n Phlneas i Wiaver, 4147 Pevhln st , an4 Pa- Jle M I'shner. 4'. Martin st aeorito J Kr,;,.J,r 11us Siru.e st . nnd Ann. fl. Nei'ker, ir.t KlnK'essini aenut. William O schrrrvl. MI K t-eillln ave.. an J Jan n McKadden, 5T1 Jatne-ton ave Henri M llannon, Jenklntoan, t'a , ami i:thr O Ittddy. 6IM Nortvlk s:. ana and and and an.i DEATHS OF A DAY EDWARD J. HALL Vice President of the American Tele phone nnd Telegraph Company. WATKINH, Jf. V Sept. 18. Edwatd J. Hall, "father of the lone distance tele phone" and a vice president of the Amer ican Telephone nnd Telegraph Company, vllcd hero yesterday. He came here from New Vork some weekn ntfo for his health. Mr. Hall's death was sudden and unex pected. .. .. Although Edward Julius Hall was a leading personality In the comparatively brief history of the development of tho Bell telephone commercially and, more than any other Individual, active In the growth of the long dlstanco telephone throughout the country, his name was next to unknown to the public nt large because of a lifelong aversion to publi city. tfo wna horn at Pnrth Amboy. N. J . whore his father was a manufacturer, In October, 1653. Tho boy attended Buffalo elementary schools and then entered Yale, being graduated from the Shelllold Scientific School In 1873, or two yearn betoro Alexander Graham Ucll perfected the telephone. Tho Invention of tho telephone was of much Interest to him. When In 1877 tho parent company of tho Boll company was organized he decided to get Into the new Industry nnd a year later he organized a local opcitttlng company In Buffalo, hold ing the olllces of vice president and mali nger. On New Year's Day. 185, Theodore !s Vail, now president of "Tel & Tel." held a conference, as a result of which Mr. Hall took over the management of tho new company Just organized, the Amer ican Telephone nnd Telegraph Company. A year rnrllcr. In 1831. an experimental long distance llnw hail been tried out be tween New York and Boston. Mr. Hall took up the development of the long dis tance telephone lino enthusiastically nnd within two months was directing tho work of the first long distance lino between Xew York and Philadelphia. CHARLES H. FELDSTEIN President of Charles H. Feldstein & Co. Charles II. Kcldsteln, 71 years old, presi dent of Chas. II Feldsteln & Co., who for more than thirty years had been trad ing In the brush-making and hair busi ness, died at his ofllce, 1833 E. Madison Street, yesterday from an attack of hwirt disease. Mr. Feldsteln was at his desk at his usual duties yesterday when he suddenly fell ovor. A physician was Im mediately called, but Mr. JAIdsteln dlod shortly after his arrival. Mr. Feldsteln was a member of the Temple Keneseth Israel, and was loved for his kindly nnd charitable disposition. lie Is survived by his widow, two sons nnd four daughters. His sons, Adolph M., Secretary and Treasurer, nnd Leon V.. Vice-President, of the lirm of Chas. H. Feldsteln & Co., .succeed him tn the business. WILLIAM LUMPP DEAD For Twenty Years Connected With City Fire Department. William I.umpp. 1212 South Fourth street, a retired fireman, died yesterday at the Mt. Alto Hospital near Harris burg, wfci're lif had gone to be treated for tuberculosis, llf wax 50 years old. I.umpp had been with the Philadelphia Flro Department for 20 years. Ho had been on the pension roll for the lust year. Ho was last attached to Station No. 4, 53d street and Lancaster acnue. His wife and two sons. Harry, secretary to the principal of tho West Philadelphia High School, and George, an electrician, survive. IONATZ BLOCH Ignatz Bl )ch. 7o years old. a retired clothing mei chant, died yesterday at his home, 3123 Wcstmont street. He emigrated from Austria IS years ago and settled In Philadelphia, whero for 3S yonrs he uas engaged In tho clothing business. Mr. Bloch retired 12 years ago. He hh,i Interested In tho work of several Jewish societies. His widow and two sons survive. RICHARD C. MORGNER Itichard f. Morgiifr, 4b years old, a mason and for many vtars an active member of the Uotman-Ameiicun Repub lican Club of the Nlneteonta Ward. dl-d yesterday at his homo, :0M North Fifth street, lie had been a member of many German Singing and fraternal societies. DEATHS KKINBTEIN.' AM1KRT FKIN8TEIN. 1 years. V24R Wllllnm st FKI.TISTI51N. Hudctenlr. on HeptemW IT, 10H, ciIAItMSB H.i husband of, Jcnnett FtlAsteln, niied 71 years. IttlallvM amt friends, also ItflPPiprtrt Tvlire. No. 53, I. F. R. of I.. nre invited lo attend the funeral., on flundny, nt 10.30 a, in., from his tat n-l ilenco. 1S20 North ehilnrlo at. Interment Adath Jrliurun Cemetery. FINE AXNIH FINE. 2 years, 203 BeeK llRHErt. On OptemW . 14. 19N. MAnT, latichter of Manrnret and tho Mlo William Flshrr. Itelatlies nnd friends are Invited jo attend the funeral, on Fnturday, nt 2 o'clock, from tl.o mother's recldenre, 30!) HeUradrt st. The remains may r vldwed after S o'clock Friday eenlns; Interment at North C'edf FortESTETl. JOREm FOnESTBrt,43 year, 1001 p. Taney ft. . FltASEIt. On September 1(1, 1014. EMIItf U . fe or fleorre M Fraeer. Funeral on Prfturilay, at 1 p in., from her late residence. 2001 Wharton t. Interment Ml 1 tor I all OAFI.t'-'rilAnl.ns OAUU 7 years. 0129 OENAVElV Tf AtlHIET OENAVEn.ST years. 24R W Balnea et. ., ... Clf.T,. On Peptemter 14. 1011, at his lats reefdnre. 3D.. North 41nt tt. PETEIl hunt tinnd nf Fnnnln Oil!. Duo notice ot the fu neral Mill he plen. Oi.T.APIC -HELENA aOLABlC. 2S years, 220 Hrown et. OHEKN. ALBBItT OHEEN. 2 years. 017 Watta nt CJItEENIIEItll MAUY OltEENBEnO, 1 vear. mo Trre et irAI lOWnr.I.. On Sentember 12. 1014. Wtr, 1,1AM. htnnnd nf lh late Cothnrlnn N. Ifnllon-ell. need 74 yenm. One. notice of th funeral nlll l. ulven. from the residence or hie rteiicliter. 1J Vnn Felt et. HANSEN. On Rtptemlier 17. 101 1, Captain JFNP I1ANPON liuhnnil nf fill .T Han sen ni'ed 01 venrs. Tunernl on fonl1ay1 at 2 p m . fnni TI'tT Oxford plltp, Fo-S Chaee rhlladelnhli. Interment private at Orewn'rnorl femelery. IIAItKIH On Septcmt-er 1T. 1014. JANT-1 AXNOItli. wife oi ilr Ilhirla ntjed W 5 earn. Fitnernl fer.,ps n rnturdiy ot 3 r. m . at her Into reakUnie, 1T12 Manton st, Inlermrnt private IIAFSElt. WII.FrtED IIAUSER. 152 years, 118 N. 10th at. IIEI.VKI1SON. HAHIllET HELVEllSON. 00 enrn. 1fl'l Foulk'wl et. 11KII1IEIIT -On September 17. 1014. FI.OK ENf'K HERllEIlT, nited tVt years Funeral services mm MniKii, nt 2 p in., at tho apartment ot Ol er II. Hair. t2u hestmit (. Intermrnl at Ffrnwoorl Cemetery. IIEnTEIl.- On September 13. 1014. MAODA-, LENA, wife of Louis Hertcr (formerly EcK ard), aged 18 yeara. Due notice, of the fu nral will be given, from her lata residence, I02T RhunU at. JEFFEHSON. - - I.OVINK JEFFEIlbON. B c.irn, 1121 Foplnr St. JOHNnON. On yoptember 17. 1014. W1L-. I.1A.M .'!.. husband ! Ha Ilk' M. Johnson and son of the late Ch.irlei nnd Johanna Johnson. Funeral srrU'es "ti Sunday, nt 2 p. m nt his late refldem.e 2721 Oakford st. Inter ment ut Ternwood Cemetery. IF1K1E. THEODOIt JUUOE, 01 year. 013 Wood Bt. KELLY. On fceptember IB, 1014, JOHN', husband of Mary A. Kelly (neo rilmpeon). Relatives and friends, also Leo-rolumbus Po ciitv. are Invited to attend funeral, on Hat urday. at v "0 a nt., from his late residence, 2M3 N. Lawrence st. Solemn Henulem Masi ut St. Edward's 'h.in-h. nt 10 a m. pre clroly. Interment liordentc-wn, N. J. KENNEDY. On Reptemher 17. 1014. JOHN, husband o Mary Kennedy. Funeral on Mon dav. at R 30 a. m., 'rom 7.'2 McAlpIn st.. West Fhlladelrihln Holrnm High Masi Bt St. Acatha Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. KI.ENTNKK. LAZEK KLENTNEIt.GO year. 2700 Fletcher st. KFEN. On .September 10, 1014. SAHAII A.. wlfp of f ii n ' I. Kuen. in th- "ld jear of her ay. UeiutKes and 'r. en-Is aro In Mted to attend tho funeral servli c. on Fninrf'sy arternoon. th l!'th Inst. a.t -o'rlocU. at her late resident e. Mountain and Prospect acs.. Melrose Park, north ot Oalt Lane Mntlon. I and It. It Interment i.ttiati- in Ivy Hill Cemeterj LEATIlKltMAN. At his residence. 43T Ithavvn "t . V'jx ("base, on September 15, 1U14, JO.SEI'If, hustnnd of An un n Lenther inn. Due notlco of the funeral will bj Klven. I.IIinET.L. HAF.r.T LIODELL. 0 years, 2JS5 E. S-etgeant st LL'.MI'I'. On September 17 111-1. WILLIAM Ll'MI'F. aed ' veut. Fun.ral on Satur day, at 2 p. m., frum 124J South 4Cth at.. West I'ld'adclpbla. Intcrni- nt at Muntroe Cemetery. MAXWELL. At llammontnii .V J . on Sep tcmber 17. 1011, WILLIAM M MAXWELL. OK' 1 .1 ar'. Srrl(rs on 'un lay nt A p : i . at til' r.Mden- of aH on ln-ta.w. HoMurd C l'r rfh. Intent eir prixnte, at 'Jtcntmojiit Ccmctvry. liammuuton. N J. Mrr.NULE--. un September 17. 1011, ELIZA, dautjliter of the iat.- Hutchinson and Elizabeth McCamlless. nsed OS years. Ths relutUes and friends of the fumily ure In vited to attend ttn funerul aerviees, on Mon da. the 2tt. at J p ni . ai her brother's residence. Thomai II. Md'an.lless, 2140 North 2d st . I'hila JelphKi Intenntnt private, at North Cedar Hill Cunetery. McEI.HENNKY. On Sopif.ber IB. 101 Uu.MI.Mi.. eon or Alexander V"iu "irga MtElh'iiney, ae"'i '' years 8 ino.-T-ii;:sli3 on Satiirdn. a- s " a. m from 4007 Kldta me. Falls of S.-huylklll. High Mast at Set HuilKetk hu'ih. at U.30 u. m. Intrnii?&t Wcstinl'ister -emetery. XT' Mcl.ALfilll.IN. On September 17. 1014, EH. 'Lui.ijJ. t... 'jduni-irr fir uiuv and ioona ' MiLoughlln and jruiidd.iuKhter of S. Vlr BlnUi and -he late Thnmux K HerRcr, until ears I ui'eini ervtfes un Monday at 12 m.. pi n i I'Mii'tn.-. i.'ij4.in.e. itiii aie- j-ii. rtiifin ,jr4ai4.' MRS. THOMAS H. HUNTER Julia U. Hunter, SI years old. v.Idow of Thomas H. Hunter, an insurance bioker, died yesterday nt her home, 221 Uuckingham pla' f. ?he will bp buried tomorrow In tho Woodland Cemetery. CAPTAIN JENS HANSEN Captain J-ns Hansen, fl years old. died yesterday ut his home, 711 Oxford pike. Fox Chase. Ho tlll iw buried in Green wood Cemetery on Munddy afternoon. AfilN. mi tfentet.il.er 13. 1014, HAUItY F husband o' ftJili . win uuj an it tti late llarrx b aril Mar .Bln, ased 4t jears Funeral sril n on S.iturda. at 1 u in i hli lte rr.llwi ,.. .us i: t. litt-r .wit i.rlat- at lll.lelle i ftneieM. "er-''n ALE,1. FAHQUALB ALEVATA. 1 year. n. 1 fierce m ' AI.TINti. SL&AN ALTINO. CI years. 1851 Judson st. AYI.MEIt. On (September 12. 1314. MA11Y AYLMEIt. Due notice of tha funeral 1J ta e'le". fm hr l;.u rciljenic. 1015 Wa.-'ta st.. West I'hlUdvlihla. llAI.DWIN. At his renldence. 211 North Ma. pie ave. IjinslJne. I'a. on September '3 till 4. JOHN C. BALDWIN. aeeJ 72 ye-i Funeral brnhes and Interment prl.ato. Providence tn. I ) rapers please cony. ItAltTON. On September I". 1011. LMII Y -'.- "I(" u' ll,'irrv Hirton. o- Voriiijni.'.: .. u i.,4 .qi mvvj un Boiuriiaj , at n. m . at th tariors of J B. rftlle & Ij.in . 141 1 oact ftus'iuehanna ave. Interment i l. i. t lllnn st MII.l.KH. "AUAII MILLEH. 35 years. 1103 Fltzivater st. MOOItE. On September It., 1011, 8 JENNIE, ultK uf Tlio'naa I. Mooru und daughter of tho lat. Nathan V,'. nnd S.irah M Luteh, sued I'm ears Funeral nn Saturday, at 1 P tn.. from huttband's resldente. In Marple. Uelava'a iJj., I'a. Intcrnn.nl Media Cemo- aioKi:.ciii. vicToniA jiohescih. et ears. r:2 E. Itittenhouse st. MOItl.NEIt.-Ou September 17, 1014. ltlCXN .ttlJ l" M'liM.NKll. husband or llednlg C. M-.rcner mec Herts.hi. aKiM lb ears. Fn teral torili.i on Suimj;, ut 2 p in at 24'J North .'til st Interment private Ulcunood JIFKFHY. MICHAEL MURPHY. 70 Jears. 7l.I. Helen t I FA1ILS. On September 10, 1011. ELIUA- UIMH. .jaiiBiiter or Alois ami i:iliatietn I i'ubU. aed .'I yeais. Funeral sen.ics on Randa;. at 2 .. ,. m, at :iji N rth 7tt et. Ir termini Onen i unt emcterv. I PEELINO. I'ArlANDIlA FEELING. 8S i jeais. 1 '14 S. !ii et i l'FAFF. On September 15. 1UI4. of diph I '.!,erJ.a' 'OH-'S l" " ' Fhilip an.i Anna I I'tan" r.f ,;.VS Ella st.. usTcd i i.ar. No luueral. " I.Ll.HU I'UTTB. 13 )iun. 2013 Turner ei. liAMI.M.I.. Ai ttie residnn.-e of her son. Hawirrl 1- Kandii, ai Muoinilli- 1 n s . . "i "'eitiitsd.1 neptenil.r I". ItM'IIUI, A. ItANPALI. Kid. w ..f Ki'o.ii llunJal.. iiced ej varj M munlha. l-unnil iroin rhomps-.n Memorial Imr.'n. I.tiw. r solebur . I'a. un Sturda, .-ept. IM, at II a in "KIN. SAKAH UE1N, 70 years. 010 .riouih loth et. KIIIIll.ru. on September 1.1. 1014 I'llANh, huobiiil.r . ailtrri Id lull . is.-1 17 .ar Fur.eral n Mon nit at s 'tn ,i n ti n 1ii2tl bjutli ht,h -' -nil. mi Hi. ii.Wn !b - .' thw I 'lunch ii' M MdU- Ii. rndn i .n In u n pu li't. I:. l rn.u . ut II i ii l tn e:er ItOtiEKS. on Monday, September 14. 1914. HAi HI L W IM I Ii dauKhier .1 lie lai wilUoni V.ire u-J llnt.!. I.k'- u r "nil Wluow of WUIUia il Hog i- ln.ir-ncnt I -It tte IV,il,-JNt-AJ',EI-- noilAVO. S veurs. '.OS feouth nth M. "I'lJ-l'l -in September 17. 1011 f.l IZA 11ETH ti , .In filter t.f Fioi.cls 1 .i id Elln. beth u. Hul?rT Funeral Mrvlna in Mi'irday mornlne. m lo ..'d.i-I,. at Hie r-d n. . ,f her parents. .1.1 I'l.Mdn st Iniermi i i uni, at Arlmiituii fVmt. ry. Frl.-u ! nuv view lemalns un Krplu etenliig, iit.ui 7 un il 9 o'.liKn SAI.VI.N LOF1S SALVIN. 40 ve.-.rs. 7ai j Moo:u at I MH. -on pleiill.r IT. H'll l.DWARD. I "ii .if the lat I'm ii i n I , ii urru on m n uj ai k . ni . Ir.nn ti i m-I-'.'." '. :''" th,r. llernarl - !i. I2T Uaint:. . ; Muhs ot Uclij mi. i 'I v Trliint i ,ur i. ut Ii .'! nt. Ii.iiiiii ' Nw wtwiFti fit t?ler !jr I., lull at or. I Ml III (ll'II On .nl.n... 1 toil .... I ' '. '.' '.V?... ' ll.l'IM j cf Wi:"i.. ih'hiViiiVar hu"'-; "-ml m'"q ;"'-.', r !, i'': f: I o: V au0le- ?,', te'JRi i m. -.;,;.;, Kr.tJ ne - ' N "" the tuneral. on.undat, .t 10 h. iii , Vi" Ulllll iiUIIj iMl'i I if . .. mi i th r : i cf EnwniKi -wher A. Son. Iw j &"rVl ih A U Hl U" "' " Oen:?.?r."r;-h.I'Xl,SiAC,"h J"h' 1H!HK M'.I.p,,; ,,:, , -FANME IMO .! , ,r Hi ""odlneN-TSA"A" "UWN' ' . SlU CANAtl.V -- On Septemhrr IB. 1914 CHAULES f lK.band of Martha Ct. Vum Mil ne Moor i. Funeral on iur.la. at P. in., from 1713 nrtl tt. Inurmtnt at Fenmiio.l innvier). ClIAKMKrnKI -WAI.TEH CIIARMI3TSKI. I ear 0 months. sl N. fpitol ii "" COI.I.IN.s.--FHANC'lS COLLINS. 3 far., Mih and Ltt,er ae. " '''''i'. A :!'?" Fa., ou b'eptember 10. lllli t AIlltUM1 BirA ... M i.h, .V..U7 aced n 'eaia. Fum-ral ou t-aiurdav. at 10 .11 a. .... .to ih l'liiUdIihU -ud "tea'hn? Terminal, on th. arn.al of lb. train "win "la' .ien -. jBUn""lt 8t ' wry CVmelir?! rilNlllltV. -On September 14. 1014 Dlvin '.4 League t. Uue natlc .f finer(l i I. "' OOIMINKS. On September 10. 1014, HUOII o-i r. JamiM an I cat In lii-'u'.i ni KU' neral on PamrJi , at 7 to a. m.. from hi. i i.,,J?;. .',,,'."'. "' ihurch. at i 111 I'll!! IF 1 Ml 'I 1. e 4,21 c'herrr I'M! " '.v I. . . 1 .'T tr. M. LI 1 .V in '1 :V-0.i September TS "S ? . AllIXE V LEAN w.dotv 1,1 i'liatieV W bean, rt-art. , M rrun ,, v.","i . Ices and Interment strictly nriiata "JviilrorTit lCUA OEVITA. 77 year.. 1U0 "L1:.1 SScg," i,,;Hfe,rn.,,T,.--. kprbbt ir.il son of i.uv an7rt;VU"tt,"."K.. ?. n.lln, nf ,tvl (,,.i .. .,1 .' I7'lw". ...... w. . .ixi.i n ill Due 'rotll HEI.lCIOl'8 NOTICES Jcwlsb. KuDEPIl SHALOM Seek Fea. ej bcohts Sturday IV a m southeast fmntr iir a t .11 I Mount ern"tt ti. Marking THi, bv Bat llenr Ilerkonitx. All c" ? Servl" i for tu New Yer Sutay v r'n Se- a by IUbl Fit Mayer M -day morili?-. "Th. Urei. ttdlusica. by I.atxl llnry I erkol t. tnu '. nil ., .. hi. parents' rslluc HlV tfoiii? lift ., m "ist.tT"22"1 UIVAC- ' N- DUFOIIERTY. .1 nn, ' 14 JI'U I' II V I.. 1. 1. n. blMOV SslHUIH- On " pttMiher . tot! ., ,o'" : 10 1, ir 1, '.uj ,s b i.ai o. ! I , . I 11 .. 't ' . t I p HI til Alt"' . ti ' . ..... ' I (. . o!"ll H W At Ms ri4 t . t a.miri .v 1 . - . i In ln I . f M..i . -i.iht l4r until il. j .1 , 1 Si l...fe - K Vfll MlIN ear t'"li Ti mt mi (. 'I l.lltll. llnANA '1 I i t -44,1' t TAHII l. SOFIA TM1KA, s Ur st TA'lll. On Kpteinl,-r IT lait a ol iVU'i' i hi 1 1 'lait in ni utn imi r in 1 1 1 . n ouiula) i .' p u 11 Hi. .. 14 Irbthet in u .. 1 i . ii 1 . 1 l. .1, ' ri st flit rn viii .it I -ri v mi 'i... TAYIJU1 MUMII IUI.IIII r ,. fij ir.E'! fitO.Ii: TEESE. :.7 .ar- SJll 1 ail c uTUrljB i st 1III.IIEIIV in K T01.WEBT 10 vcar. IT. ili ( 1 th st THUNt f-'T"fVR TltEISN 31 .t. V-l"! F ItostOB i .Ji.,y,ilst'N'l " Wm""-r 11 19H, MAHV F.. h i,f Uii.1. II 1, 1 . ,,' l-uleul tr . n S 4 . J 1 4 .4W:!v. 4t l.i iat iv I it n v '.'In ., j 1 x 1 si Intrrir nt I'tluK, nt l.mnl II 1 . lftv WAI.IINEH.-Oa Sept.tnber IT 1UI4 11113, i IAN l . or Ai n n v ..p .... 4i,t(l 07 5ai Fui. ral uli.i m , 1' .11 1 1 in ..,.., ...... t-. . .... t tit.. I-.. V 'comer nt- !'(.ri.nt UII II MALLY WJI.P )., .., OFnilERTY.- On , S.pternb.r is. 19U EL- "AVt:;".?- ""'" ')":,, -"J''' SrlnS'.rm h" Ut "". "" "ith lUTIIlC.U ., ,.,,,1 . -. P,rMI iiiiir.tv etivu . . .. ( i w 1 t 1 1 1. , EA8TL.4CK.-CATHA1UNE EASTLAFK. BJ U !- r EyI?.t.ESTiIER y.. -he"k Y ! 2111,1.. 4 1