ESi ..WA-.' EVENING LEDGEbPHIIjADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1913: ' 9 SOCIETY'S DOINGS AT HOME AND IN SUBURBS M , 0E0HQE3 II. EARM3 has Issued Invl ..... rn. i larse dobutanto luncheon, LVX ... ... lvft in honor of hor daughter, itnnsell P. Carle, at their place In Bryn llW October 1. All th.e debutantes of the MaW.n will bo Included amonK the guests, e'i Charles Howell, Miss Josephine Howell j Miss Heatrlce Howell, of Torrosdale. who IB been motorlmr through New England on wir wny from Northeast Harbor, whom they Lye been visiting Mrs. O. Frederick Jordan, ill return to Torresdale next week. Mrs. Howell and ner daughters will move Into town .bout tha end of November. tor an1 Mrs' Joscph Ncff ,vho spent tlie .,ty summer at their cottage In Beach Haven, Md Intendod going abroad1 for a stay of sov . months. Obliged to abandon their plans '. t0 the war conditions, they spent the lMt month traveling through New England, ' lg Scveral weoks In Northeast Harbor. They returned yesterday to their house In CynwyJ. Mrs. William Dlsston, who lias taken apart ments' at the Rlttcnhouse, Is spending the day I New Tork. Miss Pauline Dlsston, who will t"c n debutante this winter, Is visiting friends In Chcitnut Hill. jfr und Mrs. Aithur II. entertained at dinner last night nt tho Mount Washington Hold, In Bretton "Woods, N. II. jjljS L'dlth Tlcasonton Is spending nK weeks us the guest of Miss Kitty Barrett, nt Fort Henry, Va Mis? Barrett Is well known In the younger set of this city. Mr. and Mrs. William Townsend Wilght and their fftmllv, who have been spending the sum irer at Paul Smith's, In the Adirondacks, have nhimed to their residence on Church load, St. David" Mr and Mis. Murdock Kendrlck, of Gulph road, StiafTord, have gono to Chicago for a- ..... t QAt'Mfil weelfs- JIB, w. -.. - ' Mrs Morris 1i. Clothier, who spent the stim- r,r at Watch Hill, It. I., I etui ncd yesterday to "Chili emonl," her subutban home at Villa- nova Major and Mis. T. 15. Baldwin, of Edgewatcr Park, have returned fiom Jefferson, N. II., and ne spending sonic tlmo at the Hotel Denis, Atlantic Cit . before opening their home, Gable Hall Mrs Heniy V Hall, of Cynwd, Pa., Is pasv r, Hie neck as the guest of Mr. and Airs. J. c'. Gill, at Udgewater Park. Miss lienc Cramp is spending several days In Lenox, Mass., befoio returning to the city. Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Peele, of 'Wallliigford, Fa, nlll pass the winter nt their new home it L'dsowater Pntk. ALONG THE MAIN LINE OVMIDIIOOK Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Castner hive closed their Capo May cottage and nte i lilting Mr. Castner's parents, Mr. and Mis. Samuel Castner, Jr., at Devon, before opening their home on Wynnowood avenue for the winter. Jlr. and Mrs. O. P. McCurdy have le turned liom a two weeks' visit to Ocean City, N. .T. Enio Anthony A. Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Klwa Schwartz, of Houpton, has just returned from a trip through New York State. Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Pcqulgnot and their (our children, who spent the summer at their Cape May cottage, have opened their home, corner Hazlohurst, and Forest avenues. Mis. Peqingnot's sister, Miss Katharine A. Mc Cloakey, passed the season with them. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Searing are at their hoimron Berkeley road after a five weeks' stay at Spring Lake, where they weie the guests of Mrs. Searing's sister. Mis. II. U. Wat dell, of Xejr Tork. MRBLRTI1 Mis. Clarence Faries, of Windsor and Xiu berth avenues, has leturned fiom a two weeks' stay In Chelsea, and Doctor Faries, ho islled Raquete Lake, N. T., is back in Karberth again. Mr and Mis C. K. lluinphieys, of South Narberth aeuue, who lecently touied to Bar Harbor are expected home the end of this month MM.vvoon-V. if. Wetherlll, accompanied b his son and daughter-in-law, Jlr. mid Mis. Abel V Hunting, of Kent road, will leave Tues day foi a week's travel along tho Hudson r.liei Vpon their icturn homo Mr. and Mrs. Abel Bunting will start October 4 for n tiip to Louisville. Ky Mr and Mis. Philip S. missel will lease Oclobei 1 for Detiolt, Mich., whole Mis. Mussel and the ihlldieu will spend sl weeks with her mother. .Mrs It. K. l'Hommedleii. WDMOHb Mis. Howard Butcher, Ji , who, ith her children, was lecently maiooucd In fleinuir, tabled fiom Holland that she e. Ifcted to sail on a liner leaching New Voik fcunda M iiiiteher will meet the steamei. Mr and Mis Auhiey Beeves Bunting, of I Uei load nie receiving cougiatulatlons on the liirm of a daughter, little Miss Jane Buut l"K Mis Runting will be remembeied ns Miss Jlar p I'ejne Mi and Mis R. ilaiohl McQuale have le turned from Cape .May to their home on Slmp on road DEVON-Mr and Mis. George Wliaitoii Pep lr. Mis Adelaide L. F. Pepper and Mhs3 Char lotte K Pepper, after passing the summer at Northeast Harbor, have leturned to "Fox Creek Farm," their country place at Devon, twre thH) ttl remain for the early fall. Mr and Mrs Hdgur V. Seelor, Miss Josephine J" eeler .Sidney p. Heeler and Kdgnr V. See. f. J' . who ..pent teveial weeks at Nantucket, s have rrturned home and are spending fall months at Wayside, their country PUce Mr and Mm. Henry Justice have returned "heir suburban home, after spending a por. n of the summer at Pocono Summit. r. and Mrs Jesse Williams, after spending SiH. , ."""' a W,nbl "1". have gone. f 5l0De 1Uit- fi shoit sojourn. ALONG THE READING a?!,,!'!!1 M" John Worre11 P'PPer. ho are t eir Me ' WUI retur to Fair Acres. 1 week"10' "" '" Jenklntow' h eml "f autum Jea"nC "Ubart ,n8eol' '3 spending the t I'enll'n Annanda, " ,,cr country placo Mui'j1h8rt,n HlnUIer Mla Klsle siM" a'ltf at thir b'"klr are sPendlng the eaily falf 1 thi t0Untry '"aC0 ln Wyncote before open nd of uctobe" hUSi Ut 16 Walnut 3,ruct "le Portaria.,SIrS l'har, Kdward Ingersoll, of "aught Ml'Cn"yn- Wl" 8,v a tea for thelr t,ft h' M,M Su8-in B. Ingersoll. at their of No.."! Un Hu'ut stieet the afternooil w ov ember u M flity U8e'6 w '' A,,e a 'arse tuneheon ' "uta ,sterda at the Huntingdon MISS PHOEBE WILLIAMS ADAMS Miss Adams, who made her debut last season, has just returned from a week's stay in the mountains with Mrs. George Jasper Harding, of 2215 Walnut street. Miss Adams' engagement to Mr. George J. Harding was announced last spring. Valley Countiv Club In honor of Mis. Melville G. Wilght. Mis. J. llcrbeit Ihvln, of Yoik load, Jenkln town, will enteitnln the menibeis of her GO) Club this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. .lames MacLeod, of Wjncote, will spend the winter In Mlnmi, Fid. Mr. nnd Mih. Joseph Knndall, of Ambler, Pa., will move Into their town house eaily In October. Miss Adelaide Gtcen and Miss Maiy Jenkins of Ambler, who have been spending a foit nlght at Cape May, will letuui next Monday. CHESTNUT HILL Judfie nnd Mrs. Edward A. Amloison and family have leturned to their home at St. Mn I tin's after upending tne Mimmei In Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mis. Joseph A. Janney, Ji , who huvc been spending the summer In Cape May, returned yesterday to their home, 37 Unot Summit struct. Mr. and 31rs. Chailcs Itovvlaml, MIs Fiances Rowland and the Mcssis. Rowland, of Xava hoe avenue, will close their house at Bay Hcud next week, and will lctuiu to tho city. Mr. and Sirs. Thomas U. Dunn, of Chestnut Hill, have returned fiom a visit to Hagles' Meie, Pa. Mi. and -Mis. Claience Wiay, Ludlow AViay nnd Alexander AViay l etui ncd yesteidny from Bay Head, wheic they spent the summer. Allss Hnli'ir durtley, dnughtor of Mr. unit Mrs. William 11 Gaitley, of 723S Boyer stieet, will letuiu to her homo on Saturday aftci spending seveuil weeka at Ocnn Cltj. Mr. nnd Sits. K. Rlttenhousu Mllloi and Dr. and Mis. Frank Wlster Thomas have gone to Swuneo on a motor tilp. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Pntteisoii have letuined to town fiom Cape Mav, where they spent the' summer. They have opened their house, 7101 Chew' stieet. GERMANTOWN Although the autumn gaieties have liuidly be gun, the Wednesday dinner dance was well at tended at the Geimnntown Club. Theie was one dinnei of lmpoitnnce, that given by William B. Km t and William .lay Turnei. Ainoiig tliose vilio attended the dance were Mr. and Mie, Wheclei l.oid. .Mr. and Mis.' William Jny Tuinei. Mi. nnd Mi.--. William B. Kuitz, Mr. and Mis. I lei belt Tilden, Jlr. and Ml p. Bolton L'jiiiMiaw, All. and Mis. Wlllluui .N'oldlt, Mr. and Mis. Josepli Reynolds, Mr. and Ails. Chniles I.loyil. All. and Airs. Warner i:.unshaw. Mi. nnd Aire. C. Peaison, Air. and Alih. Wnltur richw.utx, .Mr. and Alii.. Jainei Watson, Alibs L'nthcilno t'oopoi Cassaid, Alls Sunn .Myers, Allss Alaigaiet Bradbui). AIlsi l.niiin Alegaigei., AIis- 1,'dlth Wilson, Allss Al.iy AlliPlger, Aliss Glnd.vs lMwiuds, Allss Doiothy Daniel, .Miss Vligful.t Thuchei. .Miss Floieucu Hour, Don- New ton, Allen Smith, Lewis Tllge, Hnigout llublninii, Climlr WcUh, Joseph Ale Aieei. Stuuley Haton, William 11. Tuel.oi. Wcs r Knit. Stanley I'eaiton. I.ogan llownid Smith Joseph .Shoeuiiiker, Ouie Godwin. .Mi(, Agues It. Levi, who hna liteu siiendlng the last thiec weoks In Glen Summit, an the guest of Allss lllemior Alulligau, has letuined o hoi huuiH in AliC.tllum stieet. Air. and Alls. Flank It. Sh.ittucl;, of .'il West Tulpehocken .street, havo leturned fiom tho Thousand Inlands, where they bpeut the sum inei. Allss Allldied Sh.ittuck Is at present the guest of Alls. Nelson Wnrrlek, at their cot tngo In Cape Alny. Aliss Kathleen Shattuck will give a card party nnd fchower Filday. Septem ber :'3. In honor of AIIPs Allldied Vollrath, whoiu uiarii.ige to AlbeiJ J.uuicy will be nil event of the a nt mint All. and .Mis. William lleudiie Moi, who Willi Mrs. Idovd's slstei and biQlher.iri-law nud Alls. Joseph Flletas leased a cottage In Jleaeh Haven this Miinmer, have leturned to town nnd are occuping their new home, ill Weat Hortter trcet Airs. l,lod, before her maiiluge In June, was Miss 1. Milan Allison. Air. nnd -Airs. FianU J. Alunccly nnd their children, nf West Sclioollmuse Jane, leturned last week from a, stny of sevcial months In Buy Head. Alt', and Airs. Nelson Allison, of l.aughoiiie, will occupj their new homo. Queen lane and Wayne avenue, nlmiit October 15. Airs. AUN sou is Mill at tho Langliowio House with the child! en. Alls'? Dorothy Scott lias leturucil to her home, iW West Schoolhoui.0 lane, from tho 1'ocouos. Airs. Wheeler Lord, uf Aluiiliclm street, has as her guest her niece. Allss Sarah Alyers, of Bethlehem. Pa. Miss Katharine AI. Quiii, Albs M. .Madeleine Cji.iu and Alls Alury Craig, of 201 West Walnut lane, have leturned fiom in extended tilp through the Great Lukrw by way of Lake Champluin and Lake George and spending some time at Blult Point N Miss M Madeleine (Julii'v msufiement to Lvcrett t'olbouiu was unnnuiu ed lost spring. Aiiss Mary Boyu, of ItichuioacL a., will be. the- guesi for several weekB of Miss Elisabeth Meehan, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Franklin Meehan, at their home at 400 Dorset street. Mlsa Boyd lias been spending the season at At lantic City. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Green, of 4003 Flno street, have Issued Invitations for the wedding of their daughter, Miss Helen Green, and Wil liam Cooper, Saturday, Octobor 10, at tho Aldlne. The ceremony will take place, at 6 o'clock, and will bo followed by a reception from 7 until ! o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bement, who spent the summor at tholr camp on Lako Placid ln the Adirondack Mountains, will return and open their town house, 3817 Spruce street, to day. Br, nud Mrs, Isaac H. Jones, who spent tho summer nt their cottage In Chelsea, have re turned to their home, 4501 Spruce street. Mrs. Irwin N. Mcgnrgec, Mies Miriam Me gargee anil Jlles Lorna Megargee, of tho Essex will closo their cottngo at Atlantic City this week and return to this city. Miss Julia Young, formerly of Washlngon, D. C, nnd daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Rankin Young, has returned to her home, SOS South 60tli street, nfter an extended trip through tho West. Miss Margaret Alary Dempsey, of 4431 Battl moro avenue, Is expected to return on Friday from Bay Head, Mich., where she has been visiting Allss Katherlno May Illnes. M. A. Dempsey and his daughters are still at tholr summer home In Langhorne, and will not return to town until after tho drat of Octobor. Air. nnd Airs. Christopher S. Bonner, of 4505 Spruce street, after spending the summer at Chelsea, havo returned home for the winter. Mrs. Louis J. McCloskey and her family, of 4C08 Spruce street, will return to town next week, having spent the summer at Wcllflcet, Conn. Airs. Pedro M. Auza, of Santiago, Cuba, Is visiting her sister, Airs. George A. Bohen, of 617 South ISth Btreet. Air. and Airs. Ernest B. Stcbblns, formerly of Hampton Court, have taken apartments at Sunderland House for the winter. Airs. F. W. Wood, of 4033 AValnut stieet, left town a few days ago for Boston, wbeie she will lemaln for about two weeks. Dr. and Airs. If. If. Brown, of Ul South 40th stieet, ale spending a few days nt their cot tage In Cape May. Allss Olga Lops, daughter of Prof, and Alis. Wasslll Lep, who was In Russia at the dec laration of war, has returned to her home nt the Powelton Apaitments. SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Lieutenant Commander and Alis. Geoige B. Landenbergor have as their guests Air. and Airs. Claypool Vajen, of Indianapolis, at their home, KOI South Garnet stieet. Allss Rosalie Hoban, of ltVJ South Broad stieet, is visiting the Aliases Hutchinson In Fnhmont, W. Va. Air. and Alts. 1. F. Dally, ot !1 South Thh t'wnth stieet, have closed their tottage at Cape Atay and i canned to town. Alis. Dally will be remembered as Aliss Louise Junket. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Alis. Cliailes White, who spent tlie pen&ou In Ocean Clt.v, have i etui ned to their winter home, 193J North Paik avenue. The Rev. Russell II. Conwell, ot M-V Noith Bioad street, will letuin tomonow morning f loin a week's visit to his tountiy place. Eagle's Nest. South Worthlngton, Allies. He was accompanied on the trip by Alelvin Wiiglit. Allss Fidelia Heath, or 1430 WcstYoik street, has returned fiom an extended tour tluough Europe. Alls. Thomas AleKlnley (.'laic, of 2I.K Noith Twelfth stieet, has letuined Horn Baltimoie, Aid,, where she was a guc.n of hei cousin, Alls3 Ci owiey. Allss Fiances F. of lToS Aluunt Vei non stieet, is -pending Srptcmber at John vllle, Pa. Mr. nnd Alis. II. J. W. Smith have closed their slimmer Iioiik in Atlantic City and have letuined to theii town lesidence, UJi West Lehigh avenue. Air. nnd Alis. .lere L. Crcsse and theii daugh ter. Aliss l.vdle Crcsse, have opened their whi le i home, 2107 Green street, alter spending- the summer at Cape May. The P.ev and Alls. A. E. Hauls, ot 1S3J Noith Sixteenth stieet, have ictuined liom seveial weeka' sta at Winona Lake, Ind. Air. and Airs. Bruce AIcFadden and their daughters, AII.S3 Edna AIcFadden and Aliss Alice McFndden, of 3J60 North Bioad street, havo returned trom their cotage In Atlantic City, N. J. AIi6s Cora Tields, of 2141 Noith Nineteenth street, after visiting relatives In several of the Wejtein States, returned home by automobile. Allss Fleld3 wa.s absent about nine weeks. Alls. J. F. McLaughlin and daughteis, of 174J Diamond stre.-t, have i etui ned from Chelsea. Allss Nelllf AlcLaughlin's engagement was ie- I cenlly announced to Air. AVilllam II. Jarden. ! AIis3 Alatgniet S. AIcAlllstei, of 10.1J Noith Eighteenth street, after a tilp to Lake Cham plain ann .Montreal, haa gone to Atlantic City, to i emaln until Novembei. TIOGA Alis James Hilton and hei eon, Stautoid Hilton, of 2127 West Ontario stieet. who have been taking uutomoblto trips oveiy week-end, have returned from Alay's Landing. N. J. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Haltowell, of 1S22 West Tioga street, have leturned from a 10 days' trip through Matylajid and Virginia. Their son nnd daughter-in-law, Air. and Mrs. C. Haiold Hallowed, aie spending some time In Atlantic Cltj. Mr. and Alis. William It. Biehui, of JsJJ West Tioga street, have returned fiom Atlan tic City, where they spent tho summer. Mr. nnd Airs. C. Scott Bannister are visiting Alra. Baunistei's mother, Airs. Llver.y. in Wild wood. Dr. and Alis. G. Alorton Uillman, of Fifteenth and Allegheny avenue, have leturned from Alalne. Mr. and .Mis- Alusou Bakei, ot IS03 West Erie avenue, have leturned from an extended stay on Little Deer Island on the Alalna coast. All. nnd Alia J. W. Gamble, of 3i51 Noith Sixteenth street, and their daughter, Allss Dorothy Gamble, have returned from Asbuiy Park, where they passed the tummer. Mr. and Alia. Charles Amos, of J129 North Carlisle street, havo returned from Atlantic City, where they have been stajing slnca June. All. and Airs, lia D. Bertolet and their daughter, Allss Marian Bertolet, of North Eighteenth street, have been spending a short time at Buck Hill Falls since closing their oiiutry home at Perkasle, Pa. Air. and Airs. A. Lincoln Acker and Jlisi Emily Acker, of West Venango street, havo returned from the Alalne wood. Alis. P. Hartmuu Fox, of Austin. Pj , i$ visiting Mrs J Charles Wenrath. of 3136 North Eighth street Mrs Fox is the wife of the SUu. Furester of Penimivaula llr. aa4 Ara. Wiltsr Elnwhter, of, IHjJ North Sixteenth street, have closed their coun try place In Lansdowne and have returned to their winter home. Mr. and Mrs. George R. J. Burgert have le turned from their wedding Journey and will be nt home after September 81, nt 3412 North 2Sd street. Mrs. Burgert was Miss F. Emma Goforth, daughter of Mrs. Anna B, Goforth, of North 23d street. Dr. and Mrs. Milton K. Meyers will recelva after October 15, at 1529 South Broad street, Mrs. Meyers was Miss Ethel K. Altshulor, daughter of Klva Altshulcr. Doctor Meyers Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Slgmund Meyers, ot S(0t North 22d street. Miss Eda Stern, of North 21st stieet, has re turned from Atlantic City. ROXBOROUGH Allss Nellie McKean, of Mason City, Iowa, who has been touring through New England, arrived In this city today and will be tho guest for a week of Mrs. Chcfltor Hopkins, of 204 Rochello avenue, Wlssahlckon. Alexander Given and his daughter, Allss Fan nie Given, of Lyceum avenue, closed their sum mer homo In Ocenn City and returned to their winter residence on Tuesday. Mrs. George Wlckcrsham, of 30J Hochelle ave nue, Wlssahlckon, has gono to Somcrs Point, whero she will bo the guest ot Airs. Hannah Hayday, Several entertainments have been or ranged In her honor. Airs. Ella Bucock and her daughter, Allss Bucock, have returned to their home on Hochelle avenue, after spending the summer at Stone Harbor. Mr. and Mis. Robert Hays, of Lyceum ave nue, have returned from an all summer'p stay nt Eagle's Mere. Airs. Sarah Alegor, of Plttsbuigh, Is visiting Mis. Frederick Whitney, of Rochello avenue. Airs. Charles Straub, of Ridge avenue, who spent the summer In Europe, arrived home on Tuesday. Air. and Mrs. Eiwln Simpson and family have returned to their winter residence on Green lane, after passing the season at their Ocean City cottage. Airs. William Snear and her daughteis, Alis. Seville Yurnall, Alls. Harry Krohn, Ji., and Airs. Jacob Grow, aie spending several weeks touting through the Now England States. Dr. and Mrs. Ell G. Bcary have leturned fiom n tour of the Great Lake region. Airs, Christian Clcgg, formeily ot Roxboi ough, will make her future homo In Wildwood. Alis. Clcgg was Allss Alary noblnson, daughter of John Robinson, of Ridge and Leverlngton CHESTER AND VICINITY Tr.e niairlage of John R. Helms, of Chpslei, and AH&s Alaiio Estlin, daughter of the Rev. nud Alis. J. P. Estlin, of Boothwyn, will take place some time dining Novembei. Founer Alayor Samuel E. Turnei has re turned Horn a week's tour of Afaiyland and Vhglnla. Aliss Haniet Tuinei has returned to her home in Eddystone fiom Atlantic City, where she spent -i week. Josrph Ciamer, of Ridley Paik. has gone to Cumberland. Aid., wheic he will spend the winter months. Richard S. Pomeioy and family have re turned to tholr home In Ridley Paik from a summer's stay at Ocean City. Benjamin V. Smith, of Upland, is home after nn extensive toui of the West. Alis. Haivty T. Ogden, of Boothwyn. is cn teitainlng her mother, Alis. Alary Edwaid-s, of ppnuflcld, Pa. NEWPORT NEWPORT, R. I, Sept. IS.-AIis. Aithur C. James gave a dinner last night. Cr.unt and Countess de San Esteoun, who have been visiting Air and Airs. Jf. AI. van Bouren, nie at tho Aluenchlnger King. Airs. John Alayer, of Alorrlstown, N. J., who has been occupying the Aimstead cottage, will &pend tlie winter here. Alts. Nelson Brown, of Philadelphia, oc cupying one of the Plnaid cottages, will entei tain infoimally with a dinnei toda for the Russian Ambassador and .Madame Bakhme teff. Alis William B. Caporton and hei daughter, AII33 Alarsuerito Capcrton, will return to Phil adelphia on Saturday and join Rear Admiral William B. Capcrton befoio he assumes com mand of the citiiscr squadron. Air. and Alls. P.obwt K. Cassatt will leave foi Philadelphia today. Air. and Airs. Fiancls I. Gowen end their stay tomoirow. and return to Philadelphia. NARRAGANSETT PIER NARRAGANSETT PIER. R. I . Sept. JS.-A golf tournament was opened hre e.sterduy hPlween the Women's Golf Club of Watch Hill and the Women's Golf Team of Nairagansett. on the links of the Point Judith Country Club. The Nntragansett team won bv thie nnint A leturn match will be played at Watch Hill. Alls. E W. .Mason Pflzenmajer gave a bildge paity, followed by tea, at her villa on Central stieet. Anions the guests weie Alis, Newton Hutchinson, Alis. E. W. Robinson. Airs. R. Frederick Taj lor. Airs. Walter Richmond, Airs. Heniy Blanc, Alis. Waltei Comatock. Airs. Peicy Wright. Mid Heniy Bqweu, Alhs Caroline H. Fritz, Alls. Wallace Chandler, Allss Bush, Airs. Ernest Wilkinson, Airs. Byron S. Watson, Mis. Irving H. Chase. Allss Alico Foster, Mis. Haiold K. Knowlton, Miss Agnes Thompson. Air. and Mrs. Paul D AIHls, who spent tho summor at the Pier, closed their villa today and leturned to Philadelphia FRIENDS AT HADDOM'lELD Quarterl) .Meeting Ilrinas Out Impressions Against European War. I he Haddondeld Quarterly Aleettng of Friends met jesterday at Aloorestovvn, N. J, Tlie business meeting was preceded by devo. tional exeiclses, in which Daniel Batchelloi, ot Germantowu, aaid that the wai In Em ope was teaching a peace lesson which the world must heed. Othei messages were given by Maiy Brown. Ellwood Roberts, Keziah Wllklns, Dr. Franklin Haines, Alexander Thomson, of Ran. cocas, and Anna Templeton-De Con Tho clerks of the business meeting wero George Glllingham and Sarah L. Albertson. The political aspect of tlie drink question was Introduced by William Cole, who, urged the int. portauco of going to the piimary polls to nom inate men who would support the national prohibition amendment, irrespective of party lines. This met with general approval. Among those who took part in the discussion were Dr. Johu.i Janney, of Riyerton; Horace Ryb. crts and Daniel AVIIlets. of Trenton. Helena De Ciu. one of the lesident woikeis ot ihe Friends Neighborhood Guild, at Touitti and Urccn streets, told of the need of mure rehmtejr worktri. THE DRAMA LOUISE MEYERS As Petite Prunella, Forrest Theatre. EARLY LOVE A FROST BLIGHTS WOMEN'S LIVES Don't Fall in Love or Mnrry Early, Advises Peggy Wood, Operetta Prima Donna at 22, Who lias Never. Never Been in Love. A winsome maid, a detinue, a pretty maid a maid with cheeks as lustrous as the roseate shells of the sea, with piovocatlve oh, tan. tallzlug lips, laughing, dancing, mischievous eyes and ilotously curling brown hair. A maid in shlmmcry gray, pink loses In her bodice, weaiing a coquettish giay bonnet with pink loses on't Captivating, fascinating only 22! And never In love' "Really tiul." declnied Peggv Wood, the star of "Adeli," that chaimlng Fiencli opti elta playing nt the Garrlck. "I've never, never been In love. I don't want to fall In love. And I won't fall in love. There! You i-ce, I have seilous Ideas on the matter of plrls falling In love. It's a bad thing to do. a very, -very bad thing! Win, the trouble with most women the reason they never develop any personality, or asseit themselves in life, or cieate a career Is just tln Tlify let themselves foil In love too soon. Why, love to a very young girl Is like a fiost it destioj.s all the piomlslng buds of life." Allss Wood Is pel haps the soungest pliina donna of musical comedy In this country, and, while only "2, has played in "Naughty Alari etta," "The Lady nnd the Slipper," "The Alad cap Duchess" nnd other sutc-sees. Allss Wood the daughter of Eugene Wood, the cdebiated author of "Hock Home,' Is an unique In her never having had a lomance ns h is beautiful, enchanting;. It wa in hi difesing loom last evening-. She had just ilnWhcd making up for hei pait. Not that sh niTiled much make-up indeed, no. for hei complexion Is clear ns the dawn, ladlant, iosj,. Gently she patted her face witli a powder pulT. hole and theie. Out on the tige Wllniuth Alerkjl was singing tho opening mimbei, outside of AlKs Wood's dressing room, hanging with llouncy sp.tngled tilings and tedo lent of subtle perfume, the "catt" moved to and fro. Aliss Wood lose, and her nidid Fiench Algerian in Louiedan disguise gave the fin ishing touches to her dress. Her aunt. Allss Wood's compf.nion and chupeioue. solicitously s-eparated the curls of her hair ' I in :t seriou.s peison," declnied Allss Wood. "I believe in a futuie for women, in tholr dolus gieal work In the world. I'm oI.o a Socialist." A ci whether of amasement or dismay aiose trom lithe und lounging James Kodmond, who plays tho pan of Rnbeit Frlebur, in love with "Adele." All. Redmond Is an Englishman with Alona LUa hands. it's true'" Aliss Wood's ee tlanhod. "I'm serious. Young women should absolutely not pennlt themselves to fall in loe Thoy .should let young men full in lovo with them oh, yes' That's great fun It given experience! Girls need eNpeilenco' They should let all the yotmsr men fall in love with them tho can tease them, play with them, but hold them off and study them. Ah. study them' Verily the proper study for womankind is man'" Peagv Wood mado on Inimitable gesture. "Peggy has always had these Ideas ever time she was a child." intei polated her aunt. "I a.sme you she is qult geilous. rilie has had many beau mnny. indeed' Hut ho has kept herself quite remote." "Surely !" .clalmed Miss Wood I let them do all tho feeling and suffer emotion! Isn't that wise' It's what nil girls should do! i If I were advising girl I'd tell them to tlirt j nud coquette and be just, well, absolutely as , mischievous os can bo' Aid ever study men' ' They can use the knowledge they ui-qutro to j advantage latei You see. 1 don't believe in , early marriage. Girls should wait until they are mature before they marry Ami they Should create their fareer first ' "What happens when n girl lets herself fall in love.' tihe .'ust gets engrossed in & man ' vvhtn fchc should oe comentratiug in her own development. She is lj riled away by a gamut ot feelings. t)fteih and i that, and u yulte 'cut up.' Thou. too. Ii.-i iMjisonalm is crushed, obliterated, by that of Uie'man she loves. Con sider women, who many early the Wp.inisli and fletntan BBMu for .'ampl. What great women have emerged from Spain and Ger manyvery few, very few' i car. thtnk of I none' What have tlie a omen done In these. ' countries. Nothing They are household chat tels. Tlisy are dominated, by an arrogant hus- I band whi k.-k what he pleatos. b a class , they havo le- i ul! prunallt. They are aiul &We diudm? i.cuti. complacent, pitiful "Ye. I'm a suffragun I Uellevo in tt,e je. , velopraeut of v omen and women's sharing in ' the waik of tlie liwrW Falling In love early apd early cannot but blight a wo. nikn'i future hfe Youug vvoflieu should seek telf-e&prossion in wotk or swine form of art. ' The should let romance go by until they have MUceeded and established themselves 'then let them fall in love and man i ir th want lo itei all love ,s an inmg and ones upreme expression in art comes after some THEATRICAL BAEDEKER AnnLPHI "Help Wanted." comedy, drama. Perils nnd pitfalls of girls In business worl. Stenographers, beware' ... . , nitOAIJ ''Drugged." by Owen pavls, starring John AInon. Alystcry, murder, morphine eating wife, H1.000 theft, revolver. Bang! Hang! What more d'y'u want? CHi:.sTNt'T pTnnnT ophra nouan "Ca- lilMa," one of tho most spectacular moving- pirturo dramas ever presented. Love and war In the third century V. C. They kissed just the rame way. . .... FORREST- "Zlcgfeld Foltles " Wght, very light, In humor nnd clothes. Bert Williams tickles the funny convolution of your brain. GARRICK 'Adele," French operetta, roseate romance, siren singing. Delicate, dainty, with snge message don't kill yourself when a for tune's romliig to you. WALNUT "Siberia," thrilling ns It was 31 years ngo, certain to keep fair damsels from exploring the snowy steppes for romance. Breat emotional experience. Hut I want to dis tinguish between tho callow calf love of life's April and tho Intelligent and mature passion of hum! after twenty-two!" Allss Wood was Interrupted. A French maid entered. "Georgia Calne's run out of her face enamel. May we borrow yours?" "Take It," commented Allss Woods' duskv maid. "Strange how somo folks seem to drink tip face wash." Alias Wood continued- "Supposing I Bhould have already married. During the past years I've been developing I've been four years on tho stage. I've had to study hard, nnd I've Improved ns I worked. I expect to Improve further. If I had mar ried the man might have developed ahead of me I might have developed ahead of the man oh, that's quite possible! That would have been terrible. Yet, thal'B what Invariably hap pens with too early marriages then divorce' I believe In marriage being permanent. Tes. one great love In a lifetime that only Is wortli while. It's wortli waiting for. Women should steel tholr hearts lo nil romance until they aie perfectly grown mentally then let the Irre. slstlble come' "With the evolution of women and their de mand for expression manifested In one phase by the suffinge movement women arc becom ing moro Intelligent in matters of romance. They're not going to give themselves to silly calf-love nffalis and let their hearts be dragged in the dust. Nor are they going to submerge their personalities in early marriage. We're getting away from the Spanish-Gorman Idea, thank heavens' Think of me presiding over a cook stove, the laundry, preparing welner schnitzel foi 'my nunn' and rearing a family of chlldtPii! A typical complacent 'frau'' Inde pendence solf-expiesslon an individual career ln life! That Is what all women should strive for! Live for! Walt for' And foi this light love must go by. "Which Is most Impoitant, maniage or an nitlstlo caieer? To me, an artistic career! Success In my woik means more to me than maniage can, than being a mother can. I de. vole all my attention, my heart and my soul to my work, and the increasing mastery of my art is the most gratifying thing in life to me. "At my age I'd leally be afraid to marry afiald of how I'd icgard the man, or he me, a few years later. Karly marriage is dangerous perilous! As for mairlage later I'm not even consldeilng It! I've never been In love I re peat I've no Intention of marrying. And I don't want to marry! Of course," winsome "Adele" smiled oewitclnngly, "It Is proverbial that women change their finds." ".Mies Wood"' It was the call boy. PASTOiTpRAYS FOR PEACE Philadelphia Sunday School Association Hears Plea. Prayeis for the speedy lestoiation c" peace throughout the woild wore offered last night nt. the annual convention of the Seventh DIs ti let. Philadelphia County Sunday School As sociation, in Chambers-Wyiie Alemorial Pres byterian Church. Tne prayer was offered by tho pastoi, the Rev. Di John Grant Newman. The Rev. J. AI. Palmer, of Olive African Methodist Episcopal Church, spoke on "The Sunday School's Text Rook." and the Rev. A. ill Demenlca, of tho Baptist Settlement House, told of Sunday school work among the Italians. Uxercites were conducted by mem bers of the ."Mariners' Baptist Bethel School. J under the ducctiou of George W. Friend. ' SA11TH-G1USON A pieuy wedding will be solemnized tnls afternoon when Aliss Ueitutde Gibson, daugh ter of Air. and Alis. Joseph Gibson, will be come the bride of Leonard B. Smith The ceremony will be performed nt the home of th brides paients, 7S03 Norwood avenue. Chest nut Hill, ot 3 o'clock, by the Rev. Dr West wood. Alms Gibson will be unattended, and Mr. Smith will have Frank Rockenbnch as bet man. The house will be elaboiately deco rated witli white loses and palms About t.0 suen aie expecud Ul IS E.M E.N Ts. loew Knickerbocker TiiEvmi Me. i mii i m MRS LOUIS JAMES & CO. In llul ,, HI M1M C OTHER SELECT r J VAUDEVILLE ACTS 5 A.Vl.SI'KiiI. IMU .. HAM -r PjIUToJjI.ATS ADEI PHI1"' " T,.n'e K"mnf 8 50 HELP WANTED" ,.,$n,sft, VEX. r u Kl h -,1-VT- V.U SELI.I.NU ' HELEN WARE In III! UKM.I.i y - V k I .11 l.,i,d J- , , l.,.rl lo, . GARRICK '.: -&.W ; ADELE ;j: T FORREST vvY 'drafts,: w "- ZJEGFELD FOLLIES BROAD v,;,-,, ,,'.t JOHN MASON in Drugged ' "run I'vrtvMoiM I'jiiiitr.s STAN! EY FIRST SHOWING u to ii IACK LONDON'S "AN ODYSSEY of the NORTH" !cl (M. JIari. !ukrrrl SI f II A UTTLE QL'EKJ-. Coining, b' n - I' VTi HVVuhK i.lHl. OK 0i ul Ka it i ui Sj ii ytualc CHESTNUT STREET WFti TWK K l,A V n&l1 ECKH ' VV.'t Is l.realrfel I l.u n (,, rt, 9 C A R I R F A u n " "'"ii.sTR UiiJUfinnii PonltHl fn1 h4iunl4 bpitoibr '0 1'ikcs llttlincej lu ii .' Ewnliigs, (j is j,x B. F. Keith's Theatre Vi V&S&i1- B 4 Kelt. -TU, BrU Ic,'. Hn K,"" lJo hi'i"in & Ijiuiwii- Thr llclii.:i Tin Line Nm VV.-, Mr &. li V.iron i i, U , . ,,. ... Dl MONT'S 1 1 pi -,, CASINO ;,,,'., llt. .,w T.V.SUU tl.l.M,Jj CCMtil Hjlulll- m ;t . m T,' f.-.hlM. SHM ! x 8 it mum mm BflR-'B. ii ).- i i 1 1 1 j( ii i. ii i i 1 1 -- i i , i