POSTSCRIPT EDITION EVENI NG LTnTxnX I postscript MhU KJM2I Jti EDITION VOL. l-'iN'O. o PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1M. PUIOE ONE CENT GERMAN STAND ON PEACE PLAN ;AIDSEDIAT!ON president Wilson Hopeful That Further Negotiations Will Result From United States' Offer to Act. TVASHINGTO.V, Sopt. IS. President Wilson is "extremely hopeful" that jitou rcss toward pence In Europe will result from Informal sounillnB of Germany and the alllcs Tlils was the situation today rcgnidliig peace and mediation overtures, noeoidlng to a high authority. It Is still too early to discuss terms, but by careful und ,low discussions thtotigh bulb official and pilvato sources, the President, It Is bald, I,(i3 reason fur hope that some deflnlto peace ovciturcs may bo presented at an ea ly date. The President ehmnclcilzes the senti ments expressed ' by Herman Chancel lor Hethmanii-Hoilwcg to Ambassador Gerard, "as iiun-cnirmllltul." It was nu thorltalIely slated today that the chancellor's eonvetsnllon with Gerard did not touch upon terms or even suggest possible coceptancu of the President's riediiitlon ovci lures. it Is understood that tho Chancellor only went so fur as to say (whether with cr without the Kaiser's hnowledKo and ton3cnt la unknown to officials here), that Germany could not consider or even I'.lscuts mediation until the position of the allies was known. 'o reply wan made by Emperor Wil liam himself, nor did the Imperial Chan cellor Indicate whetltcr or not ho spoke on behalf of his monarch, Ambassador Gerard cabled President Wilson the Chan cellor's icmarks from recollection, which ncre substantially as follows: Germany was appreciative of the American Government's Intel est and offer of services in trying to mako peace. Gei many did not want war, but had It forced on her. Kven If i-he defeats France, she must likewise vanquish both Great Britain and Rus sia, as all three have made an aRree ment not to mako pence except by common consent. Similarly, England has announced thiough Premier As qulth and her diplomatists and news papers that sho intended to fight to the limit of her endurance. In view of that determination on the part of Great Britain, the United States ought to get proposals of peace from the allies. Germany could ac cept onl a lusting peace, one that uoulJ mako her people secure against futme attacks. To accept mediation now would be interpreted by the allies is a alga of weakness on the part of Germany, and would be mlsundotstood by the German people who, having SJaaHe grout sacrifices, had tho right to ftemand guarantees of scouilty. While the greatest official secrecy sur rounds the peace negotiations. It was ac cepted today that the President will ihoitly make Ruatdpd Inrormal Inquiries from the allies, advising them of the German Chancellor's position. It was re ported that the President would ask It the allies could present any tentative counter-proposals, or other suggestions in view of the Chancellor'!) stand that might bring the nations together upon some plane of preliminary discussion. it was evident today that President Wll on himself Is personally handling the mediation and peace overtures to the ex clusion of Pecietnry of State Bryan and other oflidals nnd even excluding the dip lomatic representatives hero of tho war rlns powers. That 1ih expects tV take an active personal role In the ultimate peace proceedings Is forecasted. Stirred by the Issuance of the latest "white paper" from London, dealing with the rupture between Russia, and Ger many and Russia nnd Austria, both Count Jnhann von llernstorff. the German Ambassador, and Dr. C'onstantln Dumbn, Austria's Ambassador at Washington, de. nled todav the assertion of Sir Maurice Dr nunsn that Germany had made peace lmiioslhle The German and Austrian representa tives reiterated former declarations that Pus-sla. not Germany was the real as sessor Thev intimated strongly that the British "white paper" containing Maurices assertion was written from a partial point of view and was untrue. on Bernstorff said the atrocities were likewise false. BELFORT NOT ENDANGERED BY GERMAN MOVEMENT Kaiser's Troops Approach Within 10 Miles, but to Attack. bordeaux, Kept. is. A dispatch fiom Brlfort says that that city Ins not bad to resist a serious Ger man atlnck, ns the enemy never ap pioached nearer than hi miles. It Is confirmed that tho French have occupied Thann and Altklrch, a district the enemy seems to have abandoned with the Intention of attacking llelfort. GERMANS RUSH GARRISON TROOPS TO BATTLE LINE Alsace Reported To Bo Practically Abandoned by Kaiser's Forces. BASEL, Switzerland, Sept. IS. German ganlsons are being withdrawn from practically every town alone the upper llhlne and rushed to tho front, ac cording to reports received here today. Alsace Is said to be almost clear of Ger man tloops. Travelcis arriving licio state thai lonB tialns are being dispatched to tho Luxem burg frontier and thai nil pi operations have been made for nit orderly retreat to tho second line of tho German defenso If the allies roll back the Gcrmnns between the Olse and the Mouse. ADOLPH SEGAL, INSANE, TO BE PUT IN ASYLUM Physicians Say Financier Will Not Live a Year and Family Will Ask Commitment. Meteoric Career Ended by Men tal Breakdown Which Began Six Years Ago and Precipi tated His Downfall. PRESIDENT REFUSES TO MEET CHICAGO GERMAN-AMERICANS Reception of Protesting Delegation Would Violate His .Neutrality Pol'cy. WASHINGTON", Sept. IS. President Wilson today declined to receive the Ger man Americans from Chicago and other points In the Middle Wat who have come to Washington to piolest to him agalnit cruelties on Germans by BclRluns and others. Tho Piesldent made known his declina tion to receive the delegation to Senator Lewis, of Illinois, and promised to write a letter to them In which he would ex plain his position fully. It Is understood ADOLPH SEGAL he has insert upon all Americans, to coma to him on behalf of any of tho belligerents In the present war. The spokesman of the delegation was Hoi ace L. Brant, a newspnper publisher, of Chicago. The President's action wan not unexpected, since he is determined not to lend the slightest support to any Americans of whatever descent who take sides in the war. CHRISTIANA. Sent. K The ften Pnsten today published a telegram rrmi Berlin, passed bv the Ger man censor, announcing at a con ference soon m he i,rl,i m Washington a Hasis for peace will be reached. RUSSIA INSISTS PRUSSIA MUST BE DESTROYED No Peace Overtures Will Be Con sidered Until Then. PBTROGRAP, Sept. 11. "The Russian Foreign Oluce Is In full word with tiio Governments of our tllk-s and therefore will decline to admit to consideration any form of uegotla. ions, direct or otherwise, relating to the conclusion of peace until the nest f militarism In Get many has been ut rly destroyed," says the Evening Bourse Gazetto. iiT,1. me3llS .necessarily until PriH ,l. ,,lay a Predominant role Great tUw 'crman sacs und also until In iuii lJrUaln. nlw Franco are satiated "Fri Kar'"'"? t,u'lr I'rsonal demands. 1.1?? ,,olnt of vlow wo 'ust that wV ,n?? nt ld3t ' "l a"1' ealU.1 'e .ublu t0 ""'" he complete ttoni 1 'If "l"ow HiiMlnn as lira- Slavdom aS KCneral nsp,raUonK flolrtor!hL3.C!,n ''e acco"UHshed every diplomat r "rMVM of Germany. "e ts foredoomed to failure." Mil.Av c... ... Eerra ,.;,.l 'i ":7e Cnrriere Doha HOME RULE BILL NOW LAW Signature of King Ge.orge Places It On Statuto Books. LONDON, Sept. IS. King George today signed the home rule bill, which thus goes on the statute books as a law. The Iilsh Homo Rule bill received Its third passage by the House of Commons over the veto of the House of Lords sov eial months ago. By the "Parliament net," which lemoved the power of veto by the House of Lords of bills which had hcen tin Ice passed by the Commons, it then needed only the KlnR's signature to become a law. By agreement of Premier Asqulth and the lenders of both parties It will not become operative until after the end of the war. un article ravin- i,o .,... steps lune been taken looking It n.;,. " .MV-" "ussla au.l Austria. ot be n,.7 . t uc" a compact wou'd "miiurj w iieatp .,,.. . tn,l ,, --- uj i.UKiailll and Kmiwe ! & miij.,h. ihi u "?l " I nrohuhlo th:i And, in i ih.inked thtni fur d. ' 1' col"lwnsatP. with terrltorv At (lie same fiom ,1, !'. l,"ny shouhl she retlro . Ivvlare.l. war iiiuu ... WEATHER FORECAST tii tVhl'fl'clpUhl '"' vMnitu u A '"ff" "Ud Saturday not i2lTU'J'' "' '""Ptrntum light to f '' l,'-6'c niuda. the President believes that It is a llo- The meteoric financier, who has been latlon of the spirit of neutrality which , adjudged insane, and probably will be removed to the Nornstown Asy lum today. Adolph Segal lias been pronounced In sane by two physicians. The man whose operations brought nbout the failure of the Real Estata-Trust Company a dozen years ago, the suicide of Its piesldent, Frank K. Hippie, anil indictments against the Sugar Trust, will be taken to the State Hospital for tho Insane nt Norrls town today or tomorrow to spend tho last ears of his lite If commitment pa pares are signed by a Judge of Common Pleas Court. His physician says ho will dlo within a year nnd may not live longer than two months. Tho end of Adolph Segal's meteoric caieer has been ns sudden ns its start. Ill health has crept upon him step by slop with hi-' financial tuln. His col lapse, financially and mentally, has been as rapid as his rise. Adolph Segal, the ouiir soap boiler, became Adolph Segal, the nillllonalu, tho dailng financier who startled the Industrial world with his exploits. Now at the age of (il years, when white is showing in his one-time Klossy black hair and his fortune and financial wizardry arc gone, even his mind has tailed him. Today he is Incoherently telling his at ttndants !u the private room he has oc cupied for months nt St. Joseph's Hos pital that he wants to go back to his beautiful suite at .the Majestic Hotel. He has been told that he Is to he taken Into the country for an nutnmobllo rido In the hope It will benefit his health, tut he does not want to go. PHYSICIANS CKUTIFY INSANITY Application will lie made today or 'to morrow by attorneys for Mrs. Sc?nl and Hrl Segal, the son, for Adolph Segal's adiul.'sion to tho Stnte Hospital for the Insane. A statement to this effect was given to thu Evening Ledger this morn ing by Dr. Plerie N. Bergeron, of 1009 West G Irani avenue, chief of staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. Doctor Hcrseron nnd Dr. William II. fiunn. of v2H North 22d Rtieet, for fifteen years the Segal family physician, certified to Adolph Segal's insanity. The law requires that one week before the commitment of a patient to tho Statu Hospital for tho Insane two piysiclans who have been practicing rivo jenrs In the State shall certify to Insanity, and this formality has been complied with. Doctor Hi rgeron said today that Mr. Segal never will recover. Mn.VTALLY I'NSOL'ND FOIl C YKAUS. Segal has been mentally unbalanced tor Hie last six jears, in the opinion of Doctor llergeron, and the physician says he billeves tho financial collapse of the man was due to this condition. He thinks tho symptoms of an unbalanced mind were not suflleienth pronounced to arouse ttie suspicions of his family. Adolph S" always wrged on the or ratk, and when ho did what would be called foolhardy in another man it was looked upon only as another evidence of Us financial genius if he won. Tho crowning blow to Segal came last July when lie was thrown Into bank ruptcy and lost the Majestic Hotel, lie. fore that he had suffered Innumerable re veififs and had startled financiers by some Hwlft, unthought of coup that made him ilch again. Hut the loss of the Majestic destroyed whatever trace of flKhting power he may have had at that time. He was first taken to St. Joseph's when he was subpoenaed to appear at his bank ruptcy hearing. The physicians In charge kenwithen that he was Insane, but the secret was well guarded and not tho slightest inkling of it was permitted to become known to the public. Sine that time Sesal has been under fhe caro of Doctor Hunn and two trained nurses in a private room at the hospital. SKOAL'S HALLUCINATIONS. "Adolph Segal will be taken to the Nor. ristown Insane Asjlum today or tomor iow." said Doctor Hergerou today, "He Is hopelessly Insane. He will never be am better. He may live a year and It ina be but two months. His mind is piactlcally sone. The otner day he said to Doctoi Hunn. who has been his at tending physician: 1 lent )ou w eaienuy and ou promised to leiuru n 10 me loaaj ou kio It to me nowr Tne e bad been no e$ciange of money It was a hallucination on Segal's SIX ARE DEAD, 20 HURT IN ALABAMA RAILROAD WRECK Passenger Train 13 Ditched by Run ning Into Broken Rail. MOMLU, Ala., Sept. t8.-Slx person weio killed nnd 20 Injured In n wreck ut 3 o'clock this morning on the Ala bama Great Southern llallroad near Livingston. Ala., wh-.n passenger train No. 2 was ditched by running Into n biokcti rail. Those killed were In the flist-class concJi. Mnny had mntvelous escapes. Unrly icporta reaching here placed M-' dealh toll much higher. RUSsTANAffEMPT TO STORM GALICIAN LINE A-FAILDRE The War Today Austrians, Aided by Ger man Strategists, Rally After Loss of PrzemysFs Southern Defenses. UNCENSORED MOVIES ARE BARRED IN PHILADELPHIA Order From Superintendent of Police Robinson Is Now Effective. Mo Iiir pictures which do not bear the stamp of tho Pennsylvania Hoard of Cen sors are not to lie shown In Philadel phia from now on, according to an order Issued this morning by Superintendent of Police Ilobiuson. The step is taken fol lowing tho decision of August (!, 1311, by Judfie Mai tin, of Common Pleas Court No; 5, to the effect that the Im posing of censorship on moving pictures is constitutional. Tho act which provides for such censor ship was passed in 1311 and went Into effect on June 1, 1011, at which time Su perintendent Hoblnson Issued an order similar to that of today. Picture pro ducers then appealed to the courts, claim ing the enforcement of such an order unconstitutional, whereupon the order was lecalled, pending the findings of the com t. SUFFRAGISTS OF WORLD PLEAD FOR PEACE MOVE International Representative Urges President Wilson to Action. WASHINGTON, Sept. IS. Madame Rosika B. Sehvmniei of Iludapest, leprescntlng the International Woman's Suffrage Alliance, this after noon ptoposed to Piesldent WlUon that tho I'niltHl States bead a Lommittee of dlslntcretted neutral nations to work for peaco In Km ope. Her proposal contem plated the dispatch of daily offers of me diation to tho warring nations. Madame Schwimmer quoted Presidnnt Wilson as replying that he was occupied with nothing else than peaco, nnd that her tcquest would bavo great wcloht and luflueiur with lilm. "He said that day and night his solo thought wa-3 how 10 end these terrlbla massucirs," she said. Her organizations repicscnt fully 2,W,00l women throughout tho world. i Aftir receiving Mine. Schwimmer. President Wilson glided a delegation of the Society of Friends. Thej presented t him a memorial appiovlm; of his ef fotts for peace thus far and making sug gestions fur further mertures. The Presideni told the Friends he was in their suggestions, and thu3 calling on him. lm the Friends nftei- he held out little en- ii.iki.0im i,l r.r IrMme.ltnt iliprci i-r i IWIH.n'." " -. --... -.. . miv ... ... mediation. His general attitude, they I detland, was tint he mujt wait until the i I tide of .itfalrs turned moio declslvel thin at pie3ont in other words until the I ui is iHdil uier. or until the nations , ore Itss otlliuertni and in a more recep tee kv od Hi Indicated he stood rcad at an) tme to ussUt In the solution, nnd that hf wli. spate no efforts to bring I about peac?. VIHNNA. by way of Home, Sept. IS. It wai officially announced here todny that German high officials have joined Grand Duke Frnncl Ficdcrlck In com mand of the combined Austrian nrmlcs, nnd are dliecthiR a Ricat bnttle, now In progress west of Lombeig nil olig the line of the San River. The Austrian nttempt to carry the forti fied lines extending from Przemysl to Jarosluv by stoim fulled. Tho Austrian Hues held fast nnd the Russians were thrown back with enormous losses. The fighting Is now Roncrnl all along tho line. The Austrian nrmles have combined and are now heavily reinforced. They are following out lines of defense deter mined upon by the Gorman General Staff, which has now accepted the ic sponslbllltA of dhcctlng the campaign In Gnllcla. The Russians aie In great strength, but they aio now facing the first real de fensive stand by the Austrians. Hcrcto foie the Austrians havo hcen fighting In the open country, where the superolrlty of the Russian aitlllery has placed them at a mateilal disadvantage. The defense was nlo weakened by the invnslon of Russian Poland, which drew fiom GYilicl.a tioops that were badly needed theie. AUSTRIAN ARMIES I'NITED. This has been remfdled. Not only aie the Austrian armies united, but they have boon reinforced by flist-line German artillery, and it is believed they will now be able to check the Russian invasion. Tho German reinforcements tne con stantly arriving. .Meanwhile, it will bo the object of the Austrians to hurrahs the Russians nnd prevent them concen tiating their enormous armies until tho coinblnea Austro-Gcrmanlc line is strong enough to withstand the shock of a gen eral assault. PKTItOGRAD, Sept. IS. Russian tioops have captured Kr.isiezyn, tne chief defense of Przemysl op tho southwest, anil the fall of th Austrian stronghold is Imminent, according to latest reports from tho front. Hoth sides of tho River San at Kraslszyn arc- strongly fortified, but the redoubts were taken by nssuult after a battle of ten hours. Samboi, W miles southeast of Pizcmysl, has also been occupied. It Is reported that the greater part of the ttoop3 ut Przemysl hae retreated toward Cracow, only n small garrison being left to cover the. retreat and prevent the Russians fiom pressing too closel upon the rear. Hefore i caching Krasiezju, Ueueinl Ruzsky's tioops defeated n largo forte of Austrians at Jaw row. The Sixth nnd Fourteen Au&trlun .irm.v corps', com manded respectively by General Zlegler and General Hoioevlc. suffered lieuty losses before they retreated. The Rus sians took ."Oil prisoners. 03 gunn and laigo quantities of arms and ammunition. The appearance of General Hlegler's forces In the battle line shows that tho Austriuii3 have rushed to the front troips designated for the defense of Vienna. General Hlcgler. who i3 one of the chif strategists of thu Austro-Hunenrlan ann, is reported to hao been wounded. ASSAULT ON AUSTRIANS. The Russian armies led by Generals Rusky und HrusllofV are todn.v making a determined assault on the Austrian centre which holds the line from Jaioslav to Przemysl. The chief points of attack aie tho other forts at Przemysl, which com mand the San Ulver. Tho Russlnns are admitted by Vienna to have occupied part of the Przemysl defenses to the south of tho town, tiut so far they haye been unable to make any Impression on tho main defenses. The fighting continues everywhere with unabated ferocity, but the Vienna War Olllce specifically denies that at any point havo the Austilan forces been routed. The united nunles of Dankl and Auffenberg command the railway lines leading to Cracow, so that If the exigen cies of the situation should demand, they can withdraw in pooci order on the fortress at Cracow Terrific fighting continues nlotiR the Alsne Ulver, the nlllea nttnckiiur the German defenses. Lcjshch arc re ported as stupendous, tho nllles ad mitting tho slaughter of vnst num bers. French Wnr Office announces Hint the allies' forces aro "iiroRressliiff slowly" and that the llritish have repulsed the German counter-attacks. German Wnr Office statements declare that the Germans aro "advancltiR slowly but surely Into Krnncc," nid that the allies' attack Is fulling. Uoth ofllccs, however, nprree that thu KlRantlc 'struggle thus far hua been of no decisive advantage to either. British War Offlce reports admit tho allies havo boon unable to break through the Gorman lines, but claim successes against tho German right wing under General von Kluk. Belgian forces engaged battle with the Germans who attacked n bridge near Tcrmonde. It Is reported tho Dclglans, aided by 13rltlsh forces, have annihilated a detachment of Uhlans near the French border, Vienna admits that Russian troops have captured Kraslezyn, the chief southern defense of I'n-.emysl, which yesterday was reported invested on three sides. The occupation of this strongly fortified position Is immi nent. Tho Austrians, according to one report, have withdrawn toward Cracow, leaving only a small garri son to hold Przemysl. Tho Austrian War Oltlcc discounts tho Importance of tho capture of Kra slezyn nnd reports that the united nrmlcs of Generals Dankl and Auf fenberg command the line between Przemysl and Cracow. It also states that action is still vigorous along tho Sau, though the Russians out number the Austrians 3 to 1. General Zleglcr is reported wounaod In the operations near thu Ulver Sau. The presence of his corps In this con flict Indicates that some of tho Vienna garrison has been withdrawn to reinforce the army In Gallcla. The Servians have abandoned Semlln (the town across the Danube from Belgrade), which they stormed a few days ago. The Servian plan of cam paign has been changed and Bosnia made the objective instead of Sla vonla. Austrian forces aro reported as crumpling before the assaults of the Servian-Montenegrin coalition. German war ofllce Issued a statement declaring thaf the Kaiser's lino along thu Aisne had been under terrific assault, but had stood firm. Heavy losses were admitted, but attacks by the allies were declared to have been repulsed all along the bnttle front, Italy's entrance Into the war Is ex pected hourly. It is reported a mes senger from the Kaiser was refused audience with King Victor uel nnd that this was the final dip- lomntlf move by the German Gov ernment. Emperor AVllllnm Is said to have termed Italy's attitude as treason. King George, in his speech proroguing Parliament, which was not delivered in person, declares the allies aro fighting for n worthy cause and can not lay down their arms until thnt cause Is achieved. Washington officials wero encouraged for tho success of President Wilson's plans of mediation by tho reply front Germany through Ambassador Ger ard. Germany's attitude was re garded as receptive, refusing, how. over, to Initiate peace proposals. ALLIES FORCE BACK GERMAN RIGHT BUT CENTRE HOLDS FIRM British Compel Von Kluk's Army to Slowly Give Ground French Attacks Along Entire Line Are Repulsed With Terrific Losses. Berlin Reports Forward Movement of Allies Has Been Checked and Raiser's Armies Are Advancing Again Both Sides Admit Losses Are Terrific. MORGAN'S ART TREASURES THREATENED BY FLAMES Fire in Small Library Destroys Rare Books Damage $3000. XUW YtlRK. Sept. IS -1'malens art works valu.d at mine than Jl.HWiO wero threatened with destruction shortly af ter midnight, when tire was discovered in a small library on the ."7th street sldo of J P. Moigan's residence at Madison ave nue. Quick woik by a policeman sot the firemen on th scene lfore the flame! had gained much headway The damage was 13'xi. All the valuable tapestries which had hung In tho fire-searred room were remowd several weeks ago, when painters came to redecorate the place. -Many rare books wcio destroyed, of which had been collected by Mr. Mor gan's father. LUNPON. Sept IS. A Reutcr dispatch from Petrograd says a report from the fiont declares that Ger man troops destrojed a hospital at Janow, Gallcla. filled with Austrian wounded In the belief the patients were Uustlansr I Concluded on Fax 1 PREPARING TO FLEE VERA CRUZ VKRA tjtrz. Sept. lS.-Fcarlng for the safety of their lives after the American troops are withdrawn from this port. Frederlco Gamboa, once Foreign Mln ister; Knrlque Creel, formerly Mexican Ambassador at Washington, and several other former official, locethrr .iih Will I dozens of other men once high In public auaira oi .Mexico, are preparing to flee on the first ship leaving here Th be ileve thsy will be subjected to arrest or Indignities as soon as the Americans are ciabarktd or the United states. FRENCH TAKE ALSACE TOWNS Official Statement From Bordeaux Confirms Reports. BORDEAUX. Sept. 1 The French War Office announced 0tll clally today th.-jt Thann and Altklrch. Alsacs. had been taken by French troops, confirming the news which was cabled from Paris several days ago DENIES TRANSPORTING TROOPS MONTREAL, Sept. IS In view of the statements circulated in the United States that Australian, New Zealand and Indian troops have been passing through Canada In enormous numbers, inteiferins with oidlnar pas senger traffic. G M Bosworth. ic-e pres ident of the 'anadl.wi Pacific Raild stated It was absolute' untrue that any troops irorn, tne eoWmes named PARIS. Sept. IS. Ofllclul announcement was made here at 3 o'clock this afternoon that the left wing of the allies Is making slow progress at certain points, nnd that counter attacks by the Gormuns against the English army have been icpulsed. The statement says, how over, thut there has been nol mportant change In the situation. The official statement follows: The battle has continued along the whole front from the Oise to tho region of Woevre during the entire day of the nth without Important changes In the situation at any point. On our left wing on the heights nt the north of the Alsne we have made slow progress at certain . points. "Three attempts by the Germans to take ' the offensive against the English army have met with de cisive checks from Cnronnp. "At Hhelms we have also re pulsed with great vigor three violent counter attacks made at night. The enemy has vainly tried to take the offensive against Ithelms. "At the centre, from Rheims to the Argonne. the enemy has strengthened its position yvlth im portant fortified works, and has adopted a purely defensive attitude. "On the east, from Argonne to the Woevre region, the situation Is unchanged. "On our right wing (Lorraine and the Vosges) the enemy occupies positions organized for defense In the vicinity of the frontier." The attempts of the Germans to take the offensive near Craonne were evi dently .intended to fcjrcc back the allies that had succeeded in crossing to the north side of Alsne. (Craonne lies about 21' miles north west of Rheims nnd 21 miles from Sois sons on tho north bank of tho Aisne. To the northeast of Sraonne lies thf famous Soissonne drill ground, used by the French at my, where big sham battles havo been fought in the past.) Tho Germans havo mounted search lights along tho bluffs overlooking tho Aisne and the river is swept at night to prevent nny surprise movement. The fighting is especially desperate on the left, where the joint armies of Generals von Kluk and on Buclovv havo been compelled V extend their extreme right In order to meet a flank ing movement in force. No news of tho outcome nt thnt point Is a& yet available, but the military experts be lieve thnt the most .significant dovelop. meats must soon be reported there. Tho French and British artillery has failed to dislodge the invaders from their strongly entrenched positions on tho heights along the Aisne anil north of Rheims. Hut on tho other hand, the vigor of the allies' assaults has com pelled tho invaders to remain upon tho defensive. " General Uallieni, tho French rhllltary governor, believes that tho battle will continue for some days yet upon tho present field, but he feels assured that the Germans will bo dislodged when the British and French secure rein forcements of heavy artillery along the front. "The Hermans aro far from their ammunition depots nnd they are com peiied to Keep up n constant bombard' ment," said General Hallleni. "The nl lles can afford t wait and to refresh their troops before making a grand as sault all along the lino. At the present timo the coniltct seems to be llttlo mure than an artillery duel, hut I looH for a decisive turn when our hpavy bat teries at the front are reinf-jreed The sure against the battered right flank of tho German army under the sturdy General von Kluk. it is reported that the French endeavored to seize sev eral hills around Solssons which would command the heights held by Herman batteries In that region, and the move ment Is believed to bo proceeding even yet. The British troops have been inspired by an address delivered by General French. The British Field .Marshal rode in front of his troops and deliv ered a stirring nppeal to them, mod eled somewhat after the nature of Na poleon's electrifying proclamations. Words from this silent general had double effect. The troops stood at at tention, and when tho general had ceased the soldiers broke Into cheers The Herman lines at Varennes havo been moved northward into another position It Is not believed, however, that tho evacuation of the position for merly held in that district means that tho German left has begun to give way The towns of Ferrotto, Moosoh and Himlngen are also reported to have been abandoned by the German left Wing. The Hermans are believed to be hom bardlng both Thann and Belfort, tha former in Allace and the latter in France The Germans are fortifying Muei hausen again. Along; the northwestern end of tho battle lino, discomfort has been caused troops on both sides by cold weather Which has followed the rains Tlia nights are especially chilly and tha soldiers are compelled to sleep on tarn soaked ground under conditions, which threaten pneumonia or severe influenza. m A d i iw Mf m Germans now hold strong positions, but 1 think they will not be able to main tain them." It Is estimated thut at least L',700,000 men are engaged along the mighty bat tle front from Xoyon to Etaln and Thiaucourt, cast of the Mouse. So far, however, there has been but little work for the Infantry and cavalry, the Issue being waged with heavy artillery. While tho British and French aro thus engaged along their left wing and upon the centre, the troops on the right wing, from Sulppes eastward across tho Meuse, are exerting tre mendous pressure against the armies of tho German Crown Prince and Crown Prince Uupprecht of Bavaria. The Gcrmr.ns have showed their teeth in several counter attacks, all of which the French War Ofllce claims were repulsed. The Third BritiMi Army Corps, under Major General W. V. Pulteney. sta tioned east of Solssons, has suffered some through the inability of the Eng lish artillerymen to locate hidden Ger man batteries immediately ufter tak ing up their position. They are sup ported by heavy bpdles ofVar ' troops upon their left. The Second British Army Corps, under General Sir Horace Smith-Dor-rien, took up Its position on the south bank of the Aisne. east of the French troops supporting the right wing of tho Third British Army Corps. The First British Army Corps took up a position still further to the east, north of tho River Vehle. This corps is commanded by Lieutenant General Sir Douglas Halg. who has done such gallant service since the battle at Mons. The British and their French sup poi ts have been exerting strong pres- 1 i i$ rji GERMAN ARMY SLOWLY FORCES BACK ALLIES BERLIN. Sept IS hi the bttle which is still "fflcial announcement was made at I France iruop irm vne ioiome named nave , .,,, ,,- ,,,.. ... .. . , passed through Canada In connection with -..- ., .ai ule uerman "The battle between the the present war, trmy is adanclnsr slowlv hut -,,k. h. xt .,., " - w ara r liiu uc UJC a LI II 11 III! lllll MM raging Jn oisee and There ara
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