I . jMr- 7" ,., ..,-,..I,.,,. SQ r-wl pp EVENING LEDGEE PHILADELPHIA, PBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914. 0 SOCIETY'S DOINGS AT HOME AND IN SUBURBS .. .-.r-ntidM it. HAHtiE has Issued Invl. M tatlons for a largo debutante luiiclieon, IPh le wl" glvc '" nonor ot 1,cr ,In"Bhtcr, J,'u Hnnsell P. Knrlc, at their place In Uryn iirtnucr ' ""- ' i "re Jlawr. nil) ic Included among Hie guests. U. Clmiles Howell, Miss Josephine Howell ml MI'S Beatrice nowcn, oi iorresuaic, who Jave 'been motoring through New Unglttnd on their way from Northeast llnrbor, where they liavo been vhltlntf Mrs. CI. Frederick Jordan. HI leturn to Tonesdalo next week, Mrs. Howell nml hrr daughters .wilt move Into town about the end of November. Dr. ami Sirs. Joseph Neff. who spent the Mry summer at their cottage In licach Haven, had Intended point,' abroad for a stay of sev eral months. Obliged to nbandon their plans onlng to tnc war conditions, they spent the lt month traveling through New ICngland, padslnff several weeks In Northeast llnrbor. They returned yesterday to their house In Cynwyl. Mrs. William Dlsston. who has taken apart ments at the nltlcnhouse, Is spending the day )n New York. JIIss 1'aullne Dlsston, who will be a debutante this whiter, Is visiting friends la Chestnut Hill. Mr. und Mrs. Arthur H. Lea entertained at dinner last night at tho Mount Washington Hotel, In Brctton Woods, N, II. Miss Edith 1'lcasonton Is spending six weeks as the guest of Miss Kitty Barrett, at Port Henry. Va. Miss Barrett is well known in tho younger set of this city. Mr. and Mis. William Townscnd Wright and their family, who havo been spending tho sum mer at Taul Smith's, In the Adirondack)!, lu'ic returned to their icsldcncc on Church :ond, St. D.ivldJ. Mr. and Mr. Murdoclc Kendilck, of Uulph road, Strafford, havo gono to Chicago for a stay of oevcrat weeks. Mrs. Mori Is L. Clothier, who spent tho eum mer at Watch Hill, IS. I,, returned yesterday to "Clalrcmont," her suburban home at Villa nova. , Major and Mrs. T. 13. Baldwin, of Edgewater Park, have returned from Jefferson, N. H., and arc spending some time at tho Hotel Dents, Atlantic City, before opening' their home, Gablo Hall. l! 8 V X,V ?V '.. ;i laratlon of war, hns returned to her homo at tho Powclton Apartments. ROXBOIIOUGII Airs. Gcorgo W. Shrador, of 232 Sumac street, Wissahlckon, lias returned with her daughtera after a few weeks at Wlldwood Crest. Tho Chafing Dish Club will reorganize about the first of October and continue to meet throughout the Winter. Mr. and Mis. James C. Hindlc, of 4156 Mana yunk avenue, have been tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cl. W. Clemens, of Jctiklntown, for a few day? .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elsenhart, of Hnrmon Itoad, arc receiving congratulations on tho blith ot u son, Gcorgo 11. Hlscntiart, on Sep tember 12. JVUbB PHOEBE WILLIAMS ADAMS Miss Adams, who made her debut last season, has ju3t returned from a week's stay in the mountains with Mrs. George j M'",""7,' !,t t,apo ,Mny' Jasper Harding, of 2215 Walnut street. Miss Adams' engagement to Mr. George J. Harding was announced last spring. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlcs White, who spent tho senfon In Ocean City, havo returned to their winter home, 1035 Nortli Park avenue. The Nov. Hussell It. Conwell, of 2020 Nortli Hioad street, will return tomorrow morning from a neck's visit to his country place. Eagle's Nest, South Worthlngton, Mass, Ho was accompanied on tho trip by Mclvln Wright. Mlsa Fidelia Heath, of H30 West York street, has rutin ned from an extended tour through P.uiupe. Mrs Thomas McKlnley Clare, of 2126 North Twelfth street, has returned from Baltimore, Md., where she was a guest of her cousin, Miss Crowley. Miss Frances P. Hnzcn, of 1703 Mount Ver non street, Is upending September at Johns vlllo, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. W. Smith havo closed their Bummer home in Atlantic City nnd havo returned to their town residence, 1220 West Lehigh avenue. Mr. and Mis. .Tore Ij. Crcsso and their daugh ter. Mis Lydlo Cicsse, hao opened their win ter luniie. 2107 Gieen street, after spending- the Mrs, Bannister's mother, Mrs. Llvczy, In Wild wood. Dr. and Mrs. O, Morton Olllman, of Fifteenth ami Allegheny avenue, havo returned from Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Baker, of 1803 West Krlo avenue, havo returned from an extended stay on Little Deer Istand on tho Mnlnc coast. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gamble, of 3231 Nortli Sixteenth street, and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Gamble, havo returned from Asbury Park, whero they passed tho summer. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Amos, of 3129 North Carlisle ntreot, have relumed from Atlantic City, whero they havo been staying slnco June. Mr. and Mrs. Ira D, Bortolet and their daughter, Mlfs Marian Bertolet, of Nortli Eighteenth street, havo been spending a short time at Buck Hill Falls slnco closing their untry homo at Pcrkaslo, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lincoln Acker and Mlsa Bmlly Acker, of West Venango street, havo returned from the Malno woods. Mrs. P. Hartman Fox, of Austin, Pa., Is visiting Mrs. J. Charles Wcnrath, of 3336 North Highlit street. Mrs. Fox Is the wife of the Stato Forester of Pennsylvania. Mr, nnd Mrs. Walter Elnwcchter, of 3716 North Sixteenth street, havo closed their coun try place In Lansdownc and havo returned to their winter home. Mr. and Mrs. George It. J. Burgert have re turned from their wedding Journey and will bo at home after September 21, at 3412 North 23d street. Mrs. Burgert was Miss F. Emma Goforth, daughter of Mrs. Anna B. Goforth, of North 23d street. Dr. and Mrs. Milton It Meyers will rccclvo after October 15, at 1C2D South Brond street. Mrs. Meyers was Miss Ethel K. Altshuler, daughter of Klva Altshuler. Doctor Meyers Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Slgmund Meyers, of 3loi North 22d street. Miss Eda Stern, of North 21st street, has re turned from Atlantic City. THE DRAMA THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADELP1H "Help Wanted." comedy, drama. Perils and pitfalls of girls in business world. Stenographers, bewarel imOAD-''Drugged," by Owen Davis, starring John Mason, Mystery, murder, morphlno eating wife. $11,000 theft, revolver. Bang! BangJ What more d'y'u want? CHESTNUT STREET OPEttA HOUBE "Ca blrla," one of the most spectacular moving picture dramas ever presented. Love nnd war In the third century B. C. They kissed Just Urn samo way. FOitrtEST "Zlcgfeld Follies." Light, very light, in humor and clothes. Bert Williams tickles the funny convolution of your brain. GAIUIICK 'Adele," French opercttn. roseato romance, siren singing. Delicate, dainty, with sago message don't kill yourself when a for tune s eomlne to you. WALNUT "Siberia," thrilling as It was 3.1 years ago, certain to keep fair damsels from exploring tho snowy steppes for romance. Mrs. Henry W. Hall, of Cynwyd, Pa., is pass ing tho week as tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gill, at Edgewater Park, Miss Irene Cramp Is spending several days In Lenox, Mass., before returning to tho city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peele. of Wallingford, Ta., will pass the wlntor at their new homo at Edgewater Park. ALONG THE MAIN LINE OUJlDltOOK Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Castner have elo30d their Cnpo .May cottago and aro Msltlng Mr. Castncr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Castnor. Jr., at Devon, before opening their homo on Wynnewood avenue for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McCurdy have returned from a two weeks' visit to Occnn City, N. J. JIUUO Anthony A. Schwartz, ron of Mr. and Mrs. Kiwa Schwartz, of Houptoii, has Just returned from a trip through New York State. Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Pequlgnot and their four children, who spent the summer at their Cape Muy cottage, havo opened their home, corner Hazlchiirst and Forest aenues. Mrs. I'equlgnot's sister, Miss Katharine A. Mc Closkey, passed the season with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scaring aro at their home on Berkeley load after u live weeks' stay at .Spring Lake, where they wero the guests of Mrs. Scaring') sister. Mrs. II. L. Wardell, of Xew York. SAnnEHTH Mrs. Clarence Paries, of Windsor and .Varherth avenues, has returned from a two weeks' stay In Chelsea, and Doctor Paries, who lsitccl nacjuctc Lake, N. Y Is back in Xarberth again. Mr. nnd Mr. C. K. Humphreys, of South Xarberth avenue, who recently tuored to Bar Harbor, are expected homo the end of this month. A.n.M.wood-AV. II. Wetherlll. accompanied ly lih boa und daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Abel P. Bunting, of Kent road, will leave Tues day for a week's travel along tho Hudson River. Upon their return homo Mr. and Mrs. Abel Hunting will start October 4 for a trip to LoulsUlle, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Philip s. Kussell will leave October 1 for Detroit, Mich., whero Mrs. Ilussel and the children will spend six weeks with her mother, Mrs. H. K. l'Hommedleu. AiimioiiE Mrs. Howard Butcher, Jr.. who, itli her children, was recently marooned In f-'crmany, cabled from Holland that sho ex peitcd to fail on a liner reaching Now York Sunday. Mr. Butcher will meet the steamer. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Beeves Bunting, of I'lstcr road, are receiving congratulations on "is birth of a daughter, little Miss Jane Bunt Ins. Mrs. Hunting will lie remembered as Mlsa Mary P. 1'caice. Mr. and Mrs. Jt. iiurold McQualo havo ro turned from Cipo May to their home on Simp 'on road. Uio.N Mr. and Mrs. George Wharton Pep lr, Miss Adelaide L. F. Pepper und Mls Oliar Iitta u. Pepper, after passing tho summer at "'ortlicuHt Harbor, have returned to "Fox Creek rami," their country place at Devon, where thoy wm rcmDjn fol. the early fall. Mr. ana Mrs. Edgar V. Sudor, Mtss Josephine p. Sorter, Sidney p. Seder nml Edgar V, Sce kr, Jr., who spent several weeks at Nantucket, 3'a., hava letuined home and are spending ' fall mouths at Wayside, their country Place. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Justice have returned JJ their witmrban home, after spending a por n of the summer at Pocono Summit. Jtr. and Mrs. Jesao Williams, a.fter spending fveral weeks at Wynburne Inn. havo gono to Wie Harbor for a short sojourn. GERMANTOWN Mrs. p. a. lirowu and her daughter, Miss "l Brown, of :i5 East -Mount Pleasant avc, . hayg returned from week's motor trip Lake Jlopitcong and S!iawnee-un-1lv J,!aiare. Martin's after spending .he summer In Nova Scotia. Mr, and Mis, Joseph A. Janncy, Jr., who havo been spending the summer In Cape May, returned yesterday to their home, 37 East Summit street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowland, Miss Frances Itowlajid and the Messrs. Kowland, of Nava hoo avenue, will close their house at Bay Head next week, and will return to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dunn, of Chestnut Hill, have returned fiom a visit to Eagles' Mere, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wray, Ludlow Wray and Alexander Wray returned yesterday from Bay Head, where they spent tho summer. Miss Helen Gartley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gartley, of 7233 Boycr street, will icturn to her homo on Saturday after spending several weeks at Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. E. Itlttenhouso Miller and Dr. and Mrs. Prank Wlstcr Thomas have gone to Swanco on a motor trip. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Patterson havo returned to town from Capo May, where they spent tho' summer. They havo opened their house, 7101 Chew street. wick' PhtM Tollrlson entertained the Scdg C lub at Avon-on-lhe-Sea for tovcral VI r" aml ,!rs- Henry d. Booth and family. May i tPC'" Wd'ns tho summer ut Cape 'fl"hr ri'lutnc(l hclr homo, 13H West - KUu,i,u. .-,,. Ju4- of J.1J0 W'ajne ae- he flrat uf nest month CHESTNUT HILL B,r'9 p,1''aku"i l'rt i'ar.uioiia to enter Swuith- " c Mr riwnr-i Ai 'fr."on and !! m St. WEST PHILADELPHIA The marri!ii.ro of Miss Marion S. Hamilton, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. John B. Hamilton, to P.obcrt J. Hamilton will take place Thursday, October 1, at the homo of the bride's parents, 4015 Hazel avenue. A cousin ot the bride, the Ilcv, Mr. Bcekman, will perform tho ceicmony. Miss Isabel Mauderson, who Is now in the Bcrkshlres, will reopen her home, 4011 Walnut Btrcct, nbout October 1. Miss Mac Johnson will entertain her friends at luncheon toduy. Mrs. Michael Evans ami her daughter, Miss Katharine Evans, have returned to their home after spending the summer lu London. Their pluns were to have Miss Evans attend school there, but on account of tho war the young girl returned homo with her mother. Mrs. II. L. Wayland, of 5lt South Forty second street, who has been at Bay View, Mich., Is now in Providence, It. I., for the fall. 51rs. Nathaniel Gildcrsleevo has icttinied from Bar Haibor to her home, 4732 Hazel avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delaplaln Green and their family, of 2H South Forty-sixth street, have closed their cottage at Ocean City and have returned to their home. Mrs. Victor G. Marqulssco, who spent the summer at Bay Head, has returned to her home, 1120 South Wilton avenue. Miss Leanorla Kuan will return to her home, 50th and Spruce streets, tho later part of next week from the Delaware Wntcr Gap, where sho has been spending August and September. Mr. and Mrs. Itobert M. Green, of 4003 Pino street, have Issued invitations for tho wedding of their daughter, Miss Helen Green, and Wil liam Cooper, Saturday, October 10, at tho Aldlne. The ceremony will tako placo at 6 o'clock, and will bo followed by a reception from 7 until 0 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. William P. liement, who spent tho summer at their camp uu Luko Placid in the Adirondack Mountains, will return and open their town house, 3S17 Spruce btrcct, to day. Dr. and Mrs. Isaac If. Jones, whu spent tho summer nt their cottago In Chelsea, liavo re turned to their home, 4301 Spruco street. Mrs. Irwin N. Megargce. Miss Miriam Mo Bargee and Miss Lorn.i Megnrgee, of tho Essex, will closo their cottage at Atlantic City this week and return to this city. Miss Julia Young, formerly of Washlngon, D. C, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Banklu Young, has icturned to her home, SOS South COtti street, after an extended tilp through the West. Mies Margaiet Mary Dempscy, of 4131 Balti more avenue, Is expected to return on Friday from Bay Head, Mich., whero she hns been Visiting Miss Katherlne May Hines. M. A. Dempsey and his daughters aio still at their summer homo In Langhorne. and will not return to town until after thu first of October. Mr. and .Mrs. Christopher S. Donner, of 4303 Spruce street, after spending the summer at CheUea, have returned homo for the winter. Mrs. Louis J. McCloskey and her family, of 41W Spruce street, will return to town next week, having spent the summer ut Welllleet, Conn. Mrs. Pedro M. Auzu, of Santiago, Cuba, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George A. Bohen, of C17 South ISth titrcct. , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Stcbblns. formerly of Hampton Court, havo taken apartments at Sunderland House for the winter. Mrs. P W Wood, of 4838 Walnut street, left town a fi-w lao afiD fi lost on. where she wdl niiiain fur about two ucrk Iji and Mrs II II Brown, ut 4.1 rifuth 10th street, aro spending a few dujo at their cot tago in Cape May. MIm Olga Lens, daughter of fro!, and Mrs. ...-iM L-p-f, who was m Kusia at tho dec- I he licv and Airs. A. E. Hun is, of 1S32 North j SKlocnth street, have ictuind from iecrnl i weeks' stay at Winona Lake, lnd. i Mr. and Mrs. Bruco McFadden and their I daughters, Mlaj Edna MoFaddou and Miss Alice McFadden. of KM North Brond street, havo lotutncd Horn their cotnge in Atlantic City, X. J. MIms Cora Fields, of 2144 North Nineteenth street, nftor visiting relatives In several of the Western States, returned homo by automobile. Miss Fields was absent about nine weeks. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughters, of 1742 Diamond street, havo returned from Chelsea. Miss Nellie McLaughlin's engagement was re cently announced to Mr. William II. Jarden. Miss Margaret S. McAllister, of 1020 North Eighteenth street, ufter a trip to Lake Cham plaln and Montreal, has gone to Atlantic City, to remain until November. Mr. und Mrs. M. Augustus Lcngcrt and their daughter. Miss Llda F. Lngert. who opened thrir Capo May cottago early In May, will remain at the shoic until late lu November. They arc thinking of keeping their Diamond street house closed and spending the winter In Germnntown Instead of In town. Mr. and .Mis. Thomas Hetzol and the lattcr'a mother and sister, Mrs. James Whltecar and Miss Blanche Whltecar. will return to their town house, 2211 North Sixteenth street, late In October. Thoy havo been spending six months at their summer home at Colllngs-wood. Miss Mary Hughes, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John J. Gruber, at her apartments ut Atlantic City, lias returned to her home, on North Twentieth sticot. Mr. and Mrs. Adolpli B. Hess, of 1921 Diamond stroct, havo returned, after spending the sum mer ut Atlantic City. Tho Misses Drclfus, of 1329 Diamond street, havo icturned from Atlantic City after spending tho summer at their Pacific uvenuo cottago. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Landls Detwiler and their &on-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ltlch. ard U. Ocllcrs. havo closed their cottage at Chelsea and aio occupying their city home, 1917 North Twelfth street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Smith, accompanied by their daughters, Miss Mary Smith and Miss Margrctta Smith, of 1513 North Twelfth street, luivp returned from an alt-summer stay at Ocean City. ROXBOROUCII Mli"s NVIIlo McKcan. of Mnsoii City, lown, who has been touring through New England, arrived in this city today and will be the guost for a week of Mrs. Chester Hopkins, of 20J nocholle avenue, Wissahlckon. Alexander Given nnd his daughter, Mis.i Fan nie Given, of Lyceum avenue, closed their sum mer home In Ocean City and returned to their winter residence on Tuesday. Mrs. Gcorgo Wlckcrfham, of 302 Bochclle ave nue, Wissahlckon, has Bono to Somers Point, whero sho will bo the guest of Mrs. Hannah Uayday. Several entertainments have been ar ranged In her honor. Mrs. Ella Eucock and her daughter, Miss Bucock, have returned to their home on rtochello avenue, after spending tho summer at Stone Harbor. Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Hays, of Lyceum ave nue, have returned from an all summer's stay nt Eagle's Merc. Mrs. Sarah Meger, of Pittsburgh. Is visiting Mrs. Frederick Whitney, of Rochellc avenue. Mrs. Charles Straub, of Ridge avenue, who spent the summer in Europe, arrived homo on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Simpson and family havo returned to their winter resldcnco on Green lane, after passing tho season at their Ocean City cottage. Mrs. William Snear and her daughters, Mrs. Seville Yarnall, Mrs. Harry Krohn, Jr.. and Mrs. Jacob Grow, are spondlng several weeks touring through tho New Englnnd States. Dr. and Mrs. EH G. Beary have returned from a tour of tho Great Lake region. Mrs. Christian Clegg, formerly of Roxbor ough, will make her future home lu Wlldwood. Mrs. Clegg was Mlsa Mary Robinson, daughter of John Robinson, of Ridge and Levcrington avenues. EARLY LOVE A FROST BLIGHTS WOMEN'S LIVES TIOGA The marriage of Miss Helen S5ane, daughter of M and Mrs. Anthony Munis Zane, of 2.'d and Tioga streets, and Harold MacGlbbon, of Santa Pc, Nuw Mexico, will tako place in No vember. Mrs. AVIlllam Shannon, of 2123 West Erie uvenuo, has returned from Ocean City, where she wa3 the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Ellwood Wick, at her summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel GrofT, who have been spending a fortnight In Maryland, havo vo. turned to their home, S3I7 North Sixteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Rowc. of 3315 North 21th street, havo returned to their winter re-I-denco after spending tho season in Ardmore. Mrs. Harry Rccs. of UK West Venango street, has been spending thu early part of the weeh In New York, wIicip sho was tho guest of Mrs. Charles W. Perry Mr. and Mr.i. Charles Smith Halgh, of Nrth Wurnock street, who liavo been spending somo time in London, havo sailed from Southampton to South Africa, where they will remain scleral months. Dr. and .Mrs. Charles H. Palmer, of 1211 West Allegheny nenuc, with their son, Iroy Pul. mer, and daughter, Miss Grace Pulmer, hao returned from their cottugo in Ocean City, where they spent tho wnimer. Mis. Samuel T. Pox, who spent the season at the Arlington, Ocean Grove, has returned to her homo on Ontailo sticet, we8t of Eighteenth. Mlbs .Mary Hnlderman, of Seventeenth and Tioga stieets, has returned from Doylestown, Pa. Mr- and Mrs. William Ross, of 3713 North Seventh street, havo closed thdr country place In Fort Washington and havo returned to their winter home. Miss Beatrice Smith, of 1530 West Venango street, has returned after spending three weeks in Wlldwood, N. J. Mrs. Simon Weil and her daughter, Miss Edith Well, of North Broad street, have left Atlantic City and have gone to Niagara Falls and tho Thousand Islands. Miss Helen Millard, of 3730 North Eighteenth street, haa returned from a. week's visit In Ocean City. Mrs. Jame.i Hilton ami her son, Stanford Hilton, of 2127 West Ontario street, who liavo been taking automobile trips every week-end, have returned fiom May's Landing, N. J. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Hallowell, ot 1??.' Wet Tlogu street, hao returned from, a 10 duya' trip through Maryland und Virginia, i'helr son ami Uaugl.tr-ln-l.iw, Mr and Mr l Harold lliilMwil, are spending om- tlm lu .Uijutu t'u Mr and Mrs. William 11 Brehm. of 1S2J West Tioga street, have returned from A'tlan tic City, where they t pent the summer. Mr and Mrs. B. Scott Bannister u visiting NEWPORT NEWPORT, R. I., Sept. IS. Mrs. Arthur C. James gave a dinner last night. Count and Countess de San Esteban. who have been visiting Mr and Mrs. M. M. van Beurcn, aro at the Mucnchinger King. Mrs. John Mayer, of Morrlstown, N. J who has been occupying tho Armstead cottage, will spend the wlntor here. Mrs. Nelson Brown, of Philadelphia, oc cupying one of tho Plnard cottages, will enter tain Informally with a dinner today for tho Russian Ambassador and Madame Bakhme teff. Mr3. William B. Caporton and hor daughter, Mls3 Marguerite Caporton, will return to Phil adelphia on Saturday and Join Rear Admlrat William B. Caporton before he assumes com mand of tho cruiser squadron. Mr. and Mrs. Robert It Cassatt will leave for Philadelphia today. Mr. und Mrs. Trancls I. Gowen end their stay tomorrow, and return to Philadelphia, NARRAGANSETT PIER NARRAGANSETT PIER. R. I., Sept. 13.-A golf tournament was opened hero yestorday between the AVomen's Golf Club of Watch Hill and the Women's Golf Team of Narragansett, on tho links of tho Point Judith Country Club. Tho Narragansett team won by throe points. A return match will be played at Watch Hill. Mrs, E. W. Mason Plizenmayer gave a bridge Pty. followed by tea. nt her villa on Central street. Among tho guests were Mrs. ' Newton Hutchinson, Mr.". E. W. Robinson, Mrs. H. Frederick Taylor. Mrs. Walter Richmond. Don't Fall in Love or Marry Early, Advises Peggy Wood, Operetta Prima Donna at 22, Who Has Never, Never Been in Love. A winsome maid, a demurs, a pretty maid a maid with cheeks ns lustrous as the roseato shells of tho sea, with provocative oh, tan. tallzing lips, laughing, dancing, mischievous eyes and riotously curling brown hair. A maid In shlmmery gray, pink roses In her bodice, wearing a coquettish gray bonnet with pink roses on't. Captivating, fascinating only 221 And never In lovel "Really truly," declared Peggy Wood, the star of "Adele," that charming French oper etta playing at tho Garrick. "I've never, never been in love. I don't want to fall In love. And I won't fall In love. There! You see. I have serious ideas on the matter of jrirls falling In love. It's u bad thins to do, :i very, very bad thing! Why, the troublo with tno.t women the reason they novcr develop any personality, or assert themselves in life, or create a career is Just this. They let themselves fall In lovo too soon. Why, love to a very young girl is ! like a frost It destroys all the promising buds of life." Miss Woods la perhaps tho youngest prima donna of musical comedy In this country, and, while only 22, has played in "Naughty Mari etta," "Tho Lady and tho Slipper," "Tho Mad cap Duchess" and other successes. Miss Woods, tho daughter of Eugene Woods, tho celebrated novelist, is as unique in her never having had a romance as she Is beautiful, enchanting. It was In her dressing room last evening. She had just finished making up for her part. Not that she needed much make-up Indeed, no. for her complexion Is clear as the dawn, radlunt, rosy. Gently sho patted her face with a powder puff, here and there. Out on the .stage Wll muth Merkyl was singing the opening number; outsido of Miss Woods' dressing room, hang ing with fiouncy .spangled things and redolent of subtle perfume, the "cast" moved to and fro. Miss Woods rose, and her maid French Algerian In Louisiana disguise gave the tin. lshlng touches to her dress. Her aunt. Miss Woods' companion and chaperone, solicitously separated tho curls of her hair. "I'm a serious person," declared Mifes Woods. "I believe in a future for women, in their doing great work in the world. I'm also a Socialist." A cry whether of amazement or dismay arose from lltho and lounging James Redmond, who plays tho part of Robert Frlebur, in lovo with "Adele." Mr. Redmond is an Englishman with Mona Lisa hands. "It's true!" Miss Woods' eyes flashed. "I'm serious. Young women should absolutely not permit themselves to fall In love. They should let oung men fall In lovo with them oil, yes! That's great fun! It gives experience! Girls need xcperience! They should let all tho young men fall In loe with them thoy can teubo them, play with them, but hold them off and study them. Ah. study them! Verily tho proper study for womankind l.s man!" Peggy Woods made an inimitable gesture. "Peggy has always had theso ideas ever sineo she was a child," interpolated her aunt. "I assuru you sho is quite serious. Sho has had many beaux many, indeed! But she has kept herself quite remote." "Surely!" exclaimed Miss Woods. "I let them do all tho feeling and suffer emotions! Isn't that wiso? It's what all girls should do! If I were advising girls I'd tell them to flirt and coquette and be just, well, absolutely as mischievous as can be! And even study men! They can use the knowledge they acquire to advantage later. You see, I don't bellevo in early marriage. Girls should wait until they aro mature before they marry. And they should create their career first. "What happens when a girl lets herself fall in love? She Just gets engrossed in a man when sho should be concentrating on her own development. She is carried away by gamut of feeling and suffers and all that, and Is quite cut up.' Then, too, her personality Is eruihed. obliterated, by that of the man sho loves. Con sider women who marry early the Spanish and German women for example. What great women havo emerged from Spain and Ger manyvery few, cry few! l can think of nunc! What have tho women dono in thseo countries? Nothing. They are household chat tela. They uro dominated by an arrogant hus band who does what he pleases. As a class perfectly grown mentally then let tho lrre slstlbto will comet "With tho evolution of womon nnd their de mand for expression manifested In one phaeo by tho suffrage movemont women arc becom ing moro Intelligent In matters of romance. They'ro not going to glvo thcmsclvea to silly calf-love affairs and let their hearts bo dragged In the dust. Nor nre they going to submergo their personalities In early marrlngo. We'ro getting away from tho Spanish-Gorman Idea, thank heavens! Think of mo presiding over n cook stove, tho laundry, preparing wclner schnitzel for 'my man' and rearing a family of children! A typical complacent 'frau'l Indo pendence self-expression an Individual career In tho life! That Is what all women should strlvo frol Llvo fori Walt fori And for this light lovo must go by. "Which Is most Important, mnrrlarc or nn artistic enrcer? To me, nn nrtlstlc rareerl Success In my work means moro to mo than marriage can, than being a. mother can I de vote nil my attention, my heart nnd my snul to my work, nnd the Increasing mastery of my art Is tho most gratifying thing In life to me. At my age I'd really bo afraid to mnrry afraid of how I'd regard the man, or he me, n few years later. Early morrlnge Is dangerous perlloust As for murrlago Inter I'm not even considering It! I've never been In love I re peat I've no Intention of marrying. And f don't want to mnrry! Of course," winsome "Adele." smiled bcwltchlngly, "it Is proverbial that women change their rrlnds." "Miss Woods!" It was the call boy. AID FOR ' SANTA CLAUS GIRL" Hears She May Receive National Recognition of Her Work. Miss Olive May Wilson. Philadelphia "Santa Claus Girl." whoso untiring efforts iluritiK past holiday senpons has brought joy nnd happiness to thousands of poor homes, may shortly receive national recognition ind assistance In hor work. Returning yesterday from Washington Miss Wilson told of an Interview with Postmaster General Burleson, who Informed her that n bill, providing franking privileges for Christ mas packages, is to bo introduced in the Houso of Representatives by Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer. Though the bill may not be brought up immediately It will not bo deferred very long-, Mr. Burleson told the "Santa Claus Girl," at tho same thno promising her tho co-operation of the department. Nest Tuesday Miss Wilson will leave for Boston, whero sho will call upon Governor Walsh to enlist his aid In a tnree weeks' cam paign for her work In Massachusetts and ad joining States. PASTOR PRAYS FOR PEACE Philadelphia Sunday School Association Hears Pica. Prayers for tho speedy restoration of peaeo throughout the world were offered lat night at the annual convention of the Seventh Dis trict, Philadelphia County Sunday School As sociation, In Clmmbers-Wylle Memorial Pres byterian Church. The prayer was offered by tho pastor, tho Rev. Dr. John Grant Newman. The Row J. M. Palmer, of OUvo Af rlcan, MnthrtHIo rnl.nnnnl rL . I. ... .V- "E .-..v..wi.,tj,. ..wtwii-u ...Muii-ii, ajjoitc on Tho Sunday School's Text Book." and tho Rov. A. di Demenlca. of the BantiKt f,vtii,,..- House, told cf Sunday school work among tho Italians. Exercises wero conducted by mem bers of the Mariners' Baptist Bethel School, under the direction of Gcorgo AW Friend. AN OPINIONOF MARRIAGE From the Now York Evening Post. A maid who had been employed in th Bonner homo for several ears took unto hcr.-elf a hux b.ind and went to a nearby town to live Una day about a month after tlie wedding sh. amj to call on her former mistress, who sukl "Well. Phoebe, I hope that you nio h.ippv in your new home. How is your husband?" To this the brldo of a month made rcpU "Well, I reckon I'm happy t-nough. but ths chimney In the kitchen don't draw none too good, an' the water In the well is so biaJJh I nln't never goin' to git used to it. As for m husband, well, mu'am. If with him ;i- it i with your man an' all the lost of Vm. i- iho Lord had 'em to tuaku over ho could impi.na somo on tho job. Ain't egKa turrlblo high " PROVOCATION From the Butfalo Commercial. "Rudolph." cnid tho Judge, not unkindly, "hero you are again, charged with drunktiinet-3. AA'hat have you to say?" "Judse," began the Teuton, "I tell im,. r vas painting a house in de nord Hide by u homo where dcr was a Freinh poodlo dog. !.n i lady comes in and su s t da poodle ' m a horc, Bismarck.' lien 1 " "Discharged !" mand tin- Judgi-. tor eat AM US E.M EM'S. Mi 9 M H I Loews Knickerbocker roMtnunu Prrfulliuii' from I ;., II I' .... .'it... ,.- .ULI ,C, Itl. 1., Mils Mrs. Henry Blane, Mrs. AValtcr Comstoek. Mrs. Percy AVright, Mrs Henry Bowcn, Miss tlH?y Mae loit "" Personality. They ure ami ' .- ,in.- it e..i... ir ,,. a. .. :ihin riritilAe nam.Hi. ...mnI ... l.l.... i . tiiMtiuu ,. i-1 ue, .urs. uiuce unancller. Miss Bush, Mrs. Ernest Wilkinson, Mrs. Byron S AVntson, Mrs. Irving II, Chase, Miss Alice Foster, Mrs. Harold K. Know ton, Miss Agnes Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul . Mills, who spent the summer at the pier, closed their villa today and returned to Philadelphia FRIENDS AT HADDONF1ELD Quarterly Meeting Rrinss Out Expressions Against European War. The Haddonticld Quarterly Meeting ot Friends met yesterday at Moorestown, N. J. The business meeting was preceded by devo tional exercises, In which Daniel Batehellor, of Germantowu, sold that the war In Europe was teaching a peace lesson which the world must heed. Other messages were given by Mary Brown. Ellwood Roberts. Kozlah AVilklns, Dr. Franklin Haines, Alexander Thomson, of Ran cocas, and Anna Templeton-Do Con. The clerks of the business meeting wero George Glllliigham and Sarah L. Albertson. Thp. political aspect of the drink question was Introduced by AVIlllam Cole, who urged the Im portance of going to tho primary polls to nom inate men who would support the national prohibition amendmont. Irrespective of party lines. This met with eneral approval. Among ttu'e who took part In th discussion were It Joshua Janney, of Riertun. Horace Bob- ru and Pamel AViUcta, of Trenton. Helena De Cou, one of the resident wurk-rs of the Friends" Neighborhood Guild, at Fourth and Orecn streets, told ot the need of mow volunteer worker. ablo drudges, negative, complacent, pitiful. "c. Im it suffragist. I believe In the de velopment of women and women's sharing In the work of tho world. Falling in lovo early and early marriage cannot but blight a wo. man's future life. Young women should seek self-expression in work or somo form of art. They should let romance go by until they havo succeeded and established themselves. Then let them fall In love and marry if they want to. After all, love Is a great tiling, and ono'a mi. pretno expression In art conies after some ifr.it emotional experience. But I want to dlstln- gulsh between the callow calf love of life's April nnd tho Intellent nad mature passion of hum! After twenty-two!" Miss AVoods was Interrupted. A French maid entered. "Georgia Caine's run out of her face enamel. May we borrow yours?" "Take It," commented Miss Wepds,' dusky maid. "Strange how some folks teem to drink face wash." Miss AVoods continued; "Supposing I should have already married. During tho past years I'e been developing! Pe been four ears on tho stage. I've had to study hard, and I've Improved as I worked. I expect to ImproNO further. If I had mar ried the man might have developed ahead of me i nngnt nave developed ahead of the man -oh. that quite possible' That would hue I been terrible. Ait. that a what Invariably hap- pens with too iailj marriages-then divorce' , I beliee m marriage bciiig permanent. Ye , one great lofo In a lifetime that only u worth ' while. It a worth waiting for. AVomen should I cteel their hearts to all romance until thoy ure The Sparkling Ojieretia MRS. LOUIS I AMES & CO C OTHER SELECT J VAUDEVII LE ACTS 5 "HELP WANTED" )'1 HELEN WARF , . -, Tin: hk'ui.t' l- A WI tll..tlullal !! f. .,iar, I.,,,,. GARRICK '-" -:,w-f- .. . ..i- "" "'' acill $1 .U ADELE v, FORREST wV!r,;.;,.;' - ZIEGFELD FOLLIES JOHN MASON in Drugced THE ri!ior st t'ir-ri hi-. STANI EY FIRST SHEWING ..axVUIU ACK I-ONDON'S "AN ODYSSEY of the NORTH" Nwt weJv. Mary Fk-kfoni. SI'CH I.IITU u'Hi coiiiin.-, sDt -js, r.vii mvouK .iki. .n WUinukul I'ai'v ii'- six -Ui Mine CHESTNUT STREET WJ't TWir-E DULY- ( A I v.'KI K ' Mori 1 drwrn I'uoto tpeuil C A FUR I A UJT" ORr-HESTKA, ftkf Matlmw?. to. 13. :;':. K.wi-i?l5. "' B. F. Keith's Theatre u)1 1 V ti f i'TI .Bii. -. , AH t !-,, A , I L I. Il.lt & I --, I.JiJ l ,, , , . -a IlIIu i Ml- arid t i Wk M 4. Mi. '. . a i!" ,t jrir DUMONT'S i I M '- T .S MIV-,,,11.' : ?yLEfcqi b- wirki.em.-i im.y "kaiiu a CA S T N O TIIEATRB MJ TAGO IMKCll COMkSt TQK MAT I,ftv AI'TV k.ki...i COM KMT TOMuin