Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 18, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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wo Victories Over Pirates j
Stirred Dead Hopes to i
Life 'Must Ovcrcomej
Seven-game Lead, How
Bnsobn.ll clubs, being composed for the
most part by humiui., lusemblo tho Indi
vidual. They nre never sntlsiled with their
standing- If a club la it the to, colloc
lively It wishes to inntte a record. If It Is
bccond It wishes to be first und soon. The
I'hllllea form a baseball team, hence the
or.ly logical conclusion that could follow
1, that Charles Dnoln'i men desire to
iioso out tho Cardinals, and tinlsli in tho
first division.
Tho twofold victory of the locals over
the IMrates yesterday has canned tho
Cardinals to worry a bit. Today the
Phillies encounter tho WnBncrlittis ago in.
This contest will be only a dnu affair.
With llio Graves ai-lnp aloiiK twl
lly, the rhllly follower" me expecting
llutfsins' i liib to fall brfoir th New
Kngland attack, theieb wiping out an
other Ban. prolilod. of course, that th
I'hlls defeat PlttsbuiKh. This moinlus
tho Cardlnnln were leading tho I'hlllles
by seven frames, the latter club haviiiE
displaced the Pirates during the last -4
Following- the Pirates' visit, which ends
today, the Bt. Louis club will arrive for
A series with the Phillies. A clean-up
of that scries would put our boys de
cidedly In the running for first honors.
Oust at present tho St. Louis pitchers
arc not going as well as th-y were some
weeks ago, whilo the Phllly hurlcrw, In
cluding even the Icft-huiided you"i,
Itlxcy. are setting a fast pace. Ken Tin
cup allowed the Pirates only five hits
yesterday, and It Is rcnoitab!c to sup
pose that he will go along at approxi
mately tho some clip until October.
McGraw's Gothamitcs seem to have lost
all save honor. They haven't been able
to gain on tho fU Ins Ilravca this week
and the chances for so doing are de
creasing hourly.
Connie Mark's one-time left fielder. Brls
Iord, who has been managing the Mobile
dub nf tlm Southern Association, will
tttni th 'Tmnhlj i1m! tiAYf Rnunn. TtrtR I
did well In Mobile, piloting his men to
hecond place. If the Dixie information is
correct, ho would have hold on to tlrst
place had not young Klrby, his star out-
flolder and hitter, Jumped to the rederal-
k. league.
ill? - --v iff iisill
Varsity Football Men Have
Had Experience Enough,
But for Most Part Candi
dates Are Unknown
Prize lemons In tho last few years aie I
commonor'n Texas steers, out they ain't
quite so cheap. These lemons in the
baseball mart come high as sin right at I
the start, an' that don t count their i
keep. O'Toole. of New York. Martin J.. I
lias gained a lot o' fame that wu. IIo !
roado tho Plr.itcs bite. He coat 11 quarter ,
million cold, ain't won a dozen games all '
told an' can't get goln' right.
In 1W7 Marty shtned for Brockton, '
Mass. IIo wab a tlnd for Cincy'n P.eda
tnat year, his right arm somehow,
though, sot miffed. In nuught-olght ho
vras cut adrift with no flowers mi IiIr
fXqier. No one couia ask a better ftart
than "fired from Ciney." Ho took heart,
burned up the A. A. trail. Tho homo
folks, back in Pittsburgh heard that
Marty was a fancy bird an' hustled forth
the kale.
That bargain, though, was pretty sad.
His quarter-million wing Wfiit bad an'
one-winged birds fly lame. But Muggsy
bought an' hopes a hope that Marty will
upset tho dope an' como through Juit the
jame. O'Toole's nn optimist, Ho thinks
he'll yot assassinate his jinx an' show
the high-priced stuff. Far be't from me
to play killjoy. You may star ret,
O'Toole, ol' boy. If given long enough.
Copyrighted by A. M. Corrlsan.
"Walter Trumbull, the New Tork Wor'd
writer, is the author of llio fal.owlng few
lines, a touching tribute to James E.
It's hard to realize you've left us, Jim,
For aome far country Mint we do not
That you have brushed aside the twilight
"Which bcreens that land fiom our dull
eyes; but go
Remembering we'll mtss your hand and I
smile; '
Knowing that could we- hold you you'd '
And, after all, it's Just a little while. i
Good hye, old friend, until we meet '
acaln. !
It Is indeed hard to rcalizo that Jim Ii , themselves for another battle with the
Bono. In passing It might not bo amiss , White Klephanti. Tho thought that De
to follow out the suggestion mado by j trolt might want to make a record num-
SecU SbSE 'bSSSSSS or ' vlcorlcs tv",enUy m not oceur
New York are to start a campaign for o the MacSwnen yesterday, Inasmuch as
this purpose. Let us help here. Sec- thoy made no effort to give the locals .1
retary Sullivan was a great frtf-nd of chance lo annes their ninth consecutive
Nothing could be more senseless right
now than to attempt nn appraisement of
the material which has reported for Penn
sylvania's football team. Those men who
have lind varsity experience with tho Itcd
and Blue In past years nre known quan
tities. So, to a certain extent, nro somo
who plajcd with the sciub eleven last
year, but for the most part it Is totally
Impossible to give any wort of rating to
men who played on last year's freshman
eleven or thoso who comn with football
experience from other colleges. When
sorlmmngo practice begins the coaches
will have a means to test their men', the
preliminary games will be a guide, but
not until the moic important games, such
I as the Navy and Swarthmorc, will experts
I be nblo to pass Judgment on the majority
of the new men.
Nothing would be worse for the final
success of the new players thnu too mush
praise at this time, Ovcr-cnthuslastlc un
dergraduate concspondents ate Inclined
to cxaggcrnto abilities of the men whom
they see running back kicks, making
long runs and lino plays against tho
scrub players. But tho real worth of a
man Is never known until ho hns been
In some real games. On this hypothesis
Pennsylvania's coacheo will have to con
tlnuo their sorting until they have nn
eleven w,hlch can hold Its own ngalnst
championship ilvals.
Pennsylvania's coaching staff Is pro
ceeding with Its sifting process In a bus
inesslike manner. Every man who has re
ported Is having a thorough test. In fact,
every player will have come under the
personal Inspection of Coach Brooke him
self befoie tho Initial game next week
against Gettysburg. Not only will every
player have to pass Brooke's scrutiny,
but he will have to receive tho npjiroval
of the assistant coaches.
In order that the men may have evely
facility for learning tho tudlmcnts of
the game ns well us the fine p. 1 is of
their own positions, they are divided Into
squads, first to practlco those rudiments
of the game which are common to all
positions, and then to specialize In tho re
quirements of the positions they hope to
play. Thus Dywcr drills tho lino nvn,
Dickson the ends, and Brooko tho backs,
In addition to keeping his cyo on tho
whole squad. Because this work Is being
dono so Ruefully is explanation enough
for tlio unusually eaily i eduction In tho
size of tho varsity squad.
Michael Dorlzas Is winning the ap
proval of the coaches by tho determined
e goes about the business of learn-
rVmcrlcan football. tVhllo all tho
that some
Oreck in
hand when Iip tlrst made his api;arnnce
on Franklin Field, they aro now trying
to make up for lost time. Since Inst spring
Dorlzas has probably had more Indi
vidual coaching than any two men com
bined. Football Instruction lias been
crammed Into him in such bl? ilnsi- timt
I his kucccss ns a lino player will depend
upon how much ho hns Deen able to ns-
, slmilnte. Football knowledge and intuition
i ate not to be absoibed as n rule in so
' short a time. In intelligence Dorlzas
ranks above tho average football player.
Likewise he hns athletic cleverness, and
theso qualities may overcome the handl-
t cap under which he labors.
' I Coach Burk continued his policy of two
. - , n i . T . ""'i J r ' tL' i practices yesterday. The afternoon ses-
Mackmen Meet ennmes vjcean Lity and orintnian sion was imgciy given over to signal
i This season Merkle has been putting up a great game for the Giants at
1 first base, and if McGraw wins the pennant he will likely be one of the leading
stnrs for the New Yorkers in the world's series. Last vear he was not able to
play against the Athletics throughout the scries because of an injury. While way h
i Mriftc nnm. has hrrnme the svnonvm for "bonehead." those who know him Ins A
...W,.W. ..H...V .. - ... -...-.- ,, rf . ... ,
personally are of the opinion that he is the brainiest player on the Uiants' clUD coacues comew me a regret
and that his notorious misplay in not touching second base on that famous , 0.r'f,d',l ot,. '"I0 this uoun,
occasion would have been pulled off by practically any player m the country,
had some one of them been in Merkle's place.
Yesterday's Result,
riillllc, m I'llUbiirKh, ft.
l'hllllrx, 2 riUMmrftli, 0 (2d Rnme).
New Vnrk, 10 1 Cincinnati, 1.
Chlmco, ."t llrneklrn, 1.
IloMon, D fit. 1,0111s, ft
Today's Games.
I'ltUbiirsh nt Philadelphia.
Cincinnati nt .New nrk.
Ht, I.011N at Ilnalnn.
ChirORo nt llrnokl.rn.
Tomorrow's Games.
Lotila nt Philadelphia.
CJtitrlnnnll Ht llrnnklvn.
ntlftbtimh nt IlnMnii.
Chleaitn at New York.
Club Standing.
v. 1.. P.O. v. L. p.a
notnn 7T r.r .r.H:i Plillllra.... nt 71 A'
New Tork 74 r.fl ,.V,(1 Plttali'Rli. (12 71 ,-107
Chicago.... 72 111 .R2tllrooklyn. Btl 74 .444
Bt. I.oul?.. 71 01 .BSO Cincinnati SO 77 .421
Yesterday's Results,
Athletic, 8 Delrnlt, 3.
llonlnn, 8t Cleirlnnd. 1,
New York, 7 C'lilrngo, 2.
WnahlnRton, 12) Ht, Louis, 2.
Today's Games.
Athletic nt Ilelrnlt.
Boston nt Cleveland.
WnahlnRlon nl St. Ixitda.
New York nt Chlcnico.
Tomorrow's Games.
Athletics nt Ilelrnlt.
Boston nt Ctoielnntl.
Wnslilnetnn nt St. I.nnll.
-New York nt Chlcnfto.
Club Standlno.
w. 1-. r.c. w. l. p.c.
Atliletlrs., RO 4 tsn Chlcnen... (13 72 .4BT
Iloatnn SO A3 ,002 Ht. Louts., (11 73 ,480
Detroit 73 (14 .MS New York nt 7B .449
Wnsh'et'n BD 03 .02.1 Cleveland 43 03 .316
Yesterday' Results,
Baltimore, Hi Kanaaa Ctlr 2.
Clilcnito, fl ritlaliurith, 9. . .
Imllanniiftllx. 7t ItrooM.rn, S.
Buffalo, it St. liOiili, 2.
Today's Games.
lian Cltr nt Unlllmore.
St. Lnnls nt Jlnlfalo.
Chlcajtn at IMtthnreh.
Indlanapolla nt UrooVljn.
Club Standing.
W. I.. P.C. W. L. P.C.
Chlraito... 7fl B9 .r.nsnrookljn.. (17 (14 .fill
Ind'npolla. 7(1 r.O .HOR Kan. City 02 71 .487
Tlaltlmore. 71 00 ..143 Bt Loula. BR 70 .433
Buffalo 08 C8 .510 Plltsb'ffh. 52 78 ,400
Club Standing,
tv, U. P.C. V. T. p.c.
Provld'c., 8H 117 .007 naltlmnr 72 ns .514
ltoeheater. 87 (18 .000 Newark... 02 77 .440
HulTnln 84 8 ,302 Montreal. 37 83 ,401
Toronto.... 70 CO ,315 Jer. City,, 40 07 .822
Yesterday's Results.
Nennrk, 7t .Irraer Cltr, 1.
rroWclenec, 0 Haltlniore, S,
Toronto, 81 HufTnln. 0.
Itoclicstcr, 7 1 .Montreal, 6,
Men Again Today Old-! Members Will Follow
ring and Barry May Be; Chelsea's Example by
Switched in Batting Order ! Building Several Boats of
for Series. ! This Kind During Winter.
! work. Vreeland waa out and alternated
I with Sulbaeli at left end. Tho men wero
I run ihroush tho plays with lotn of snap
evident. Coach Harold CJaaton, of tho
i aiTUbB, sent his men through formation;,
i io thinss look hrisht for a crlnmuge
wiUi the varsity within the next few
j dnyo. lie will have a Rood, scrappy as
I sregatlon nnd they will slve tho vanity
I a, Rood flBlit. Tho ecrubs a: to have a
i training table tliln year. Doc Irwin cot
. I off sevoral punts for to yards, and Tucker
The raemir of the. one.desicn fleet o' I n"a UaIlou T"'cre cIos b-v- 1,-wln nls
ine racing: or too one-aesign ucec o. j Bhowed ablllty ln ,andllns punt.". Ilughy
ooats, wjilih have been built by mom- continues to Miow form.
bers of the Chelsea Yacht Club, and ', Dr. Genrare Orton and Coach Vivian
ih nnr., ,hc uiii i,n hniit l.v tlm mem. i N'ckals. havinB heard fcuoh wonderful
DETROIT, Mich.. Sept. IS. Onue again
local Jans sur Connie .Mack's club a win
ner. Ills me!i set nn unbeatable pace
i A .1.. nil.nl. n..n3M In
jsicruuj. .in u uk ....". ..t-,-. .- , -- - - -. - - tales of the brawny freMimen. camo out
bo stronger than last eason. The hard l li of tho Ocean City lacht Club and nnrt tooKc them over. They wcie hlehly
and timely litttine. which lias not been , the Corinthian Vacht CIu, of Cape JUy, ' pleased, bclnsr pure of many good weight
a feature of nil their contests during tho
paet two ;eks, returned. This msans
mat unless a miracle happens to the Hed
Sos and nn unprecedented string of In
juries afflict tlw Mackmen, they will be
prepared for th nraves or tho Giants
on October 10, when the world's aeries
Thh afternoon the Tigers will brace
victor .
It was to be cscpertad that the or
ganized baseball oftUials would Ijniuro
the. request of Hip Tederal I.etirue to
ahare In the world's aeries rerelptt.
Connio Mack has not &tatud what line
up he will use in the world's serloi, but.
unless he lias reformed in the matter of
superstitions, lie will revert to his old
battlns order, puttlnK Oldrlns back Into
ths ncond notch and dropping Rarry to
his customary berth, seventh place. The
present elianje. with Barry battlns sec-
- and. was a departure which Hack tried
Directum T certainly paced a wonder- ; nut at a time nhen thero was really no
ful mile at Detroit yrsterday, completing jaCer of hla beln- headed for the flair
the route in 1 minute 5S; fccondu. The aa"Br ms belt), lieade.l ror too nag.
best Directum I had over paced was a i An Incident happened last seabon which
mll In 3 minutes flat. I shows that even a. senslbln man of Con
nie Hacks calibre can be Hiiperstltlous,
Coach Brooke's mind must be ror.sid
arably relieved slnc lie h rnsdo some
sort of beleitlon out or the big list of
candidates who reported for the football
team. Coaching :00 men Is not child's
this fall, will be a feature In ths dif
ferent regattas along tho shores of South
Jersey n:tt season.
It has been suggested by an ofllcial
of the South Jersey Taclit Itaclngr Asso
ciation that a special series of events b
nrrangcO to take place at the U regattas,
which will niako up the schedule of the
association. The membors of the South
Jersey rlubs will make a strong bid for
tho one-dckljfn events at tho coming
mcitlng- to bo held the early part of Jan
uary In this city.
Th Chelsea Yacht Club fleet, which
consists of mora than a doicn boat,
held a series of races during the latter
part of this season. There are tltreo
classes, namely, Chelsea locals, tS-foot-ers;
Chelsea express, iO-tooters. nnd Chel
tr.i flyer. Il-footere. Four series of races
will be held. In tho local class N'edene,
owned by B. O. Frazier, captuied the
prUe, winning the first two events.
In the JO-foot lass, Chedora J I, onnxl
hi Herbert G. Stockwell, won the series i wm ziVe Cornell a flery baptism at the
throwers nnd oarsmen.
Eddie Dennis, fullback In 'M, '03 and
member of the basketball hnd track
team, was a visitor at the afternoon prac
tice. Also Dutch Sommers, halfback of
'07, ', "CO and '10.
Cornell has the distinction of being the
first member of the "Big Six" to begin
scrimmage work. The Ithacans have been
at It now several day3. This was made
possible for them by the fact that they
had a full week's start over Pennsylvania
and nre now pretty well along- In the
hardening process. Another reason for
Doctor Sharpe' anxiety to start his men
at real football wati the fact that the
Ithacans have for their first opponent the
t'tilveislty of Pittsburgh team. Cornell
bus good reason to remember and fear
Pittsburgh because last year this eleven
beat the Ithacans 21 to 7. It Is true that
when Cornell met Pittsburgh a. year ago
tin Ithacans wero In the midst of a
.dump, but Pittsburgh was the better
team and If said to be just as fast and
powmul this year. Some Cornell men
aro even now wondering why th football
management scheduled this team for the
first same. No matter what happens It
Frnnklin nnd Marshall's Dig Tackle
Has Dislocated Shoulder.
LANCASTER, Pn., Sept. lS.-Thc
I'lnnlOln nnd Marshall vatbily lost a
much needed man ycstculay, when Slum
ma, n big tackle, sustained a dislocated
shoulder, which will keep him out of the
gamo this year. Near the middle of last
season the shoulder was flint dislocated
and Mummn, who had played ln all tho
contests up to that time, was lost. Ills
absenco from tho position on the line
nrcnln this year will be more keenly felt
with Hartmnn away.
Coach a.vkcs, of Frnnklin and Marshall
Academy, with SchafTner, last year's cap
tain of tho collego eleven assisting, had
tho prep school sijund on the field for
the llrst time lust night. Only three of
last jcat's varsity aro back, nnd these
men. Itartman, Spunglcr nnd Itvln must
form tho nucleus for llio team. Even of
tho st-iubs of last year only Alcsbury,
Foiguson and Ynder have come back. At
this cmly moment ttcose, of Mountvlllo
High, nnd Claik, who was at Bethlehem
Prop In 1513, look likely. Altogether the
team will lie light, hut tho conches, both
of whom arc new men, have hopes of
developing a speedy eleven.
Ni:V IIAVi:.V. Conn., Sept. IS. Though
the temperature was above SO degreep.
Coach Illnkey ordered tho Ynlo football
men to ecilmmaso yesterday and tho
vaisltv scored and was scored on, tho
second team flnnlly coming off with a
larger score, Alnsworth making a touch
flown and Logore scoring a goal from tho
field for the scrubs.
CAMBWDGK. Mass., Sept. IS. Har
vard's full force of coaches was busy
yesterday woiklns all of the SO varsity
tootball candidates to tho limit. It was
expected that tomonow It would bo pos
sible to divide tho candidates Into the
varsity and second squads. This, how
ever, will bo li n possible. Asldo from the
veterans fiom tho last year, the big
groups of candidates for tho various posi
tions aro so neatly canal that tho coaches
aro not willing to niako the assortment
at present.
ITHACA, Sept. 18. Cornell's ends Rot
Into action In great shape In yesterday's
practice. One of tho significant develop
ments of tho ptnctlce In tho lust few
days has been tho steady use of Collyer
at fullback on tho varsity team. It be
gins to look as though I.ahr, last year's
fullback, has Just nn outsldo chunce for
the position.
Ply New Indian Tackle
CAHI.I3I.B, Tn., S?st. !&. Wlnnlshek una
llawKeaBlo, the latter an aborlulne .f pro
nounced type, aro featuring stienuous per
formances at Carlisle InJlan football practice,
iinih i.han'lmr unusual activity lit centre and
guar J, respect I' ely. I'l yls a new tackle who
liasa dash unci spirit characteristic nf old
India nstam. Jn this cvenlns'a short scrim
mage all of the first team men held their
tround -viell against an overloaded scrub aggre
gation, which nometlmes included ntteen men.
Coach Warner nursed his candidates carefully
today because of the excessive heat, and did
little bejond condlllonlne exercises.
DETROIT, Sept. IS. Directum I paced
an unusual milo hcio yesterday in a trial
against his record of 2.00, ns an exhibi
tion In connection with the Stato Fair
races. Driven by Ttay Snedecker and ac
companied by runner driven by Tom
Murphy, tho chestnut stallion paced the
first ouarter tn 30 seconds, tho half in
1.01, tho thrco-nuartera In ISO and thon
paced the Inst quarter In 2S'i seconds,
making tho milo In l.KS. Minor Heir's
mark of 1.68b Is claimed to be the fastest
mile ever paced In the open.
NEW YORK, Sept. 18. Harold Throck
morton, thu Princeton Intcrscholasttc title
holder, won tho Junior tennis champion
ship honors In the singles yesterday on
the courts of tho West Side Tennis Club
nt Forrest Hills. Ho defeated H, W.
Forster, tho Yonkers High School staA
0 to 2, 7 to 5 and S to 1,
Shruhb to Coach Harvaid Aaln
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Serpt. 1!. The
Harvard athletic management yesterday
blgiied Alfred Shrubb, the well-known dis
tance lunner, to continue as coach of the
Crimson's cross-country team.
Pennsylvania and Massachusetts
Playors Ready for Match.
XUW YORK, Sept. lS.-Although tho
ofllcial announcements haVo not yot been
made, the make-up of tho Mnssachurctts
and Pennsylvania teams for the Lesley
Cup matches at Baltusrol on Filday and
Saturday of next week has been deter
mined. Soma chances may have) to be
made at the last minute, but, according to
present plans, tho members of the two
visiting teojns will bo those named be
low: Massachusetts Francis Oulmet, Wood
land; It. R. Gorton, Brao Burn; John O.
Anderson, Brao Burn: P. Gllbort, Brae
Burn: W. C, Clilclf", Brae Burn; F. H.
Hoyt, Woodland; Rodney Yv. iSrown,
Meadow Brook; S. K. Sterne, Tatnuck;
V. S. Lawrenco, Woodland; 21. II. Wilder,
Brookllne; W. II. Cady, Brae Burn; O.
II. Lyall, Bellcvue.
Pennsylvania W. C. Fownes, Jr., Oak
mont; E M. Dyers, Oakmonf, G. A. Orm
lston. Oakinout; C. B. Buxton, Hunting
don Valley: H. W. Perrin. Merlon; W. C.
Ilerion, Oakmont; L. M. Washburn, Phil
adelphia Country; J. B. Rose, Allegheny;
W. C. MacFarland. Huntingdon Valley;
J. C. Davis, Philadelphia.
Benfer With Albright Eleven
StYERSTOTVN, I'a Sept. IS. The first anil
second teams of Albright Collegn football can
didates -were lined up this afternoon for tho
llr-jt time on Albright Field and participated
ln their llrst scrimmage Captain "Hups"
Henfcr was In charge of the nrst team and
Coach Charley Kelchner directed the eocond
tc-tm. Captain Dcnfcr displayed much of his
ol.l-tlme apced and act a fast pace not only
for his own team, but Its opponents as well.
He proved a consistent gainer and was ln
cry play on the defensive. Coach Kelchner
U now driving the team with all speed ln
the hope of having It In the vory best sliapo
for the Carlisle Indian game on Saturday at
Carlisle. Seseral new candidates reported to
Coich Kelchner today.
1 after a splendid light with Foggy Dew,
owned by .1. I. Appleton.
! En Jay Kss, owned by Joseph Snellen
i burg. In t'.ie 4-foot class, defeated ths
Kama, owned by George. Degerberg.
It th next Wosty Hogan shoot Is
as successful as the ona held this week
at Atlantic City there will be no need
of grumbling.
American Xeague Holds Meeting
With six of tho original eight clubs
represented, the American League of
Basketball Clubs held a special meeting
at Our Lady of Mercy'j clubhouse laBt
night for the purpose of outlining tho
campaign for this season. No less than
five teams have mado application for ad
mission to the league.
NaUtottum Hall was again decided
upon ns the placo for the games, which
will take place Tuesda and Friday of
each week Another meeting will be held
next Thursday evening at the home of
William Allen. S04I BalU utreet.
even In small things. .Several of the
players and even Connie himself wore
not satisfied with the hotel at which
the Athletic had been stopping In New
York. Cdptaln Danny Murphy suggested
a mldseason change. But Connie could
not seo It- He was afraid that It would
change the luck. Henco he btuck to that
hostelry until the world's series was
over and won.
Kennedy Back at Ursinus
COLLEGEVHX.E. Pa., Sept. 18. The
much discussed question a to whether
little Kennedy, last season's quarterback
at Ursinus, was coming back to his old
college or would go to Muhlcnbmg, was
definitely derided yetterdaj wlyn the
player In question made ms appearand
on the Held In football togs The return
of Kennedy mis a. big gap m the ba-k-
f11H. an hit vai it. .., - i-a, &
Sommen to Conch Vlllanova. Ve. ,u,, "Vr "ti "U?'V.B,V. " '
riii.t.. tt4tntrriaf m Ha An -fStrilffVl tfl I H( did XlOi tike nirt In Vt rnoln -n - -
cuach th YUUnova, football .., 1. ." 9 ywterday because of unfamUlar.ty
New Yorker Wina Big Event of
Westy Hogan Shoot,
ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 13. The bis
event of the Westy Hogan shoot, the
singles championship, went to F. II.
WrlKht. of South Wales, N. V.. tho New
York State champion, who won the shoot,
off yesterday after tying with Walter 8.
llthm. of Heading-, the Pennsylvania
champion; Bnrt Lewis, of Auburn, III.,
and J. G. Hand, of Tower City, Pa., each
man breaking 9 targets out of a possi
ble 100.
In the shoot-off, Behm broke 1 straight,
but missed two In the second strinff. while
the New Yorker lost only one, giving; the
latter the title. Lewis finished third
and Hand fourth.
Orioles Sign Salisbury Pitcher,
SAI.ISBCnY Wd.. 6pt, 1, .rl HowarJ,
ho plt'hed winning b.t far a leail-profe-al'naf
team hero tb's ummar, hu been Jrtgued
br JfU Dunu. manager of th Oaltlmora, In
ternational!, lor nfzt reaaon. Tunn olrd
I J).it comra't cai ing ror sua a. moot .
veri start.
Cornell has beveral old scores to settle
in the first few games on the schedule.
Not only do thev want revemrn for their
:i-7 defeat at the hands of Plttsburch,
but the next week they want to wipe out
the memory of a 0-0 game wllh Colgate,
the next week the 7-0 defeat they
sustained at the hands of the Indians,
and one week later they hope to better
their 1913 score of 10-7 ugaln.it Bucknell.
Mrs. Barlow, of This City, One of
Pour Qlen Cove Survivors,
GLSN COVK. I I.. Sept 18.-The Coie
trophy emblematic of the womens' na
tional golf championship will o this
year either to Chicago. Philadelphia or
Boston. Players from all other cities
have been eliminated from the tourna
ment, the semifinals of -which will be
played today.
Tho four remaining player are Mrs.
II. Arnold Jackson, of Boston. Mrs. C. II.
Vanderbeck and Mrs. R. II. Barlow, of
Philadelphia, and Miss Elaine V Rosen
thal, of Chicago.
The defeat of Miss Lillian B. Hyde, New
York champion, by Mrs. Barlow was
the surprise of yesterday's playlp The
margin was narrow the match being de
cided by one hole.
Senators Win Again
WILLI AMSl'ORT. Sept. 1?. Hairisburg.
the Tiistate chnmplons, took the third
game of the tertes with Klmlra, of the
New York State League, played here
yesterday, ti to -'.
Penn Charter Schedule
Penn Charter football schedule has
been arranged as follows:
September 23 Cheltenham High, home.
October 2 Swarthmore Prep., away.
October 9. Chestnut Hill Academy,
October 16 St. Luke's School, away.
October 23 Radnor High School, home,
October 30 Lansdowne High, home.
November 6 Friends' Central, away.
November 13 Episcopal Academy,
November 0 Germantown Academy,
Interacademlc games.
OLYMPIA A. A. js? &.:'!&.
Frank l.oughrey n. Italian Joe Gans
adm.'ifUc. Hal. 11m SUc. Arena Ilea. Tic, tl.
National A. C. Jack MrUuIgan. National A. C,
four Other Contests Four OthT Contests
yivB 3iu.vr awns- ms great iioirra
bee ioung MiGaiern ! titU McCue Sa,
Roped Arena Notes
Harry Lewis, tho former middleweight pu
gilistic champion, whose active ring career
a cut abort In tho last contest with Joo
llorrell, lias decided to re-enter nstlc circle),
thin time rj a manager. LawIh ban fully re
covered his health and has selected "uuclt"
C'rouee, tho Plttsburch middleweight, an Ills
Protege and Id anxious to match him against
any middleweight In the country, particularly
Jack McCarron, Joe Uorrell or Eddie Itevolre,
of this city.
"I hio been watching Crou carefully ln
hla training, and think U'.at ho can beat them
all," explained Iwle. "That Is why I am
Issuing thin challenge. After maxtng good
horo in the En.st, I have planned to take
Croum to Colorado and later, when conditions
permit, to Uurope."
The National Athletic Club Saturday night
wilt stage a mlddlen eight battle between Kd
dlo Itevolre. the Kd who decisively defeated
Joe Correll. and Tommy llor.ell. Both men
have clamored for this match, and It will be
Interesting. In the sml-wlndun Jimmy Mur
ray, the New Torker, who fought Young
lMHglns off his feat, will battle Wlllla Mack.
The other boutu will be: Mickey Donnelly, r.t
Newark, against Al Nelson, Eddie Wagon and
Joo Welsh, and tho opener shows Ous Ir.li
and Willie O'Toole.
Paired otT In e cleer manner each one of
the five bouU arringeU for the weesly abotc
ft' the Oljinpla A. A., flrou! and Ualnbrldu
stteetp, next Monday night, should b produc
tive of some fine fighting. ,
ror the final bout of this all-star cut Man
ager Harry Edwards naa matched Franls
Loughrey, the Manarunk boy, to m! Italian
Joe Gans. of Brooklyn. Jloth boys hare long
and meritorious records.
The next bout of Importance presents Freddy
Kelly, the Ud who recently defeated the
clever Young Jact 0'Brln. and Willie Her
man, who, by his good ring work, has fought
hlmielf Into the good graces of all the fann.
htlll another claaw bout Is that between
Jol.nny Mayo, of this Uty, and Young -Eulton,
of New York. The latter Is the stable mate
of Jimmy Murray, the boj who made aucti a
lilt h'ro last week. Henry- Hauber, Falrmount'a
best bowr. battlee with- the fighting Jledjy
Holt, of the ficventeenth Ward. Jimmy Con
fer, of Houthwarlt. and Johnny Nel?on, of
Kensington, meet In the first bout.
Manager Bailey hu m&tched Eddie McAn
drens, of Manayunk'. and Johnny Miller, of
Manayunk, to box the ten-round wlndup at
the Palace A, C next Tuwdjy night.
The aeml.u lndtio at the Talaee A. C. next
Tuesday night nnds Dominic Poleralne, of !
Norrlstown, and Lew Stinger, of Philadelphia,
"Pop" Cllrien declares he has a wonder tn
tianders. a US-pound boy, who balls from
Memphis, "t'op" will start blm agalmt a
tool boy shortly.
Amateur boxlne Is soon to be revived at the
Gayety Theatre.
The ever-snilllns Tommy Keentn -will open
his Ktnslngton A. C. tonight, with a clusy
bout between Young McGotern, of Richmond,
and Nell McCue, of flouthnark, two of tht.
best bantam boxers In Philadelphia.
Bammy Trinkle, formerly of Ban JVanclico,
but now of this city, won from Al Thum, nf
South Philadelphia, at the Broadway A. (
last night. The bout waa fairly een for the
first four rounds, when Trinkle got started and
won out In the last two. In the last roun.1
Trtnkln scored two knockdowns. In the aemt-wlnd-up
Jim Hoojic, substituting for Big Joe
Smith, against nettling Jack Brooks, scored
s knockout In the fifth round after acltntllli -alls
lacing his man. In the other bouts I'hll
Chip heat Edlle Mcrionley, Pat Conway de
feats.! Tommy Auatln in three rounds, and
Young O'Brien and Eddie Morton went six
rounds to a oraw.
Terry Martin will tul.le a tough one In his
first encounter in Philadelphia sines hU re
turn. 1U is to meet Buck Crouse. of Pitts
burgh, at the Broadway next Thursday night.
Gutsle Lewis. wt.o meets Willie O'Toole at
the National 'A. C. li j, brother of Harrs
Lewis, the former middleweight champion.
Gussle Is said to be very clever.
English Sport Is One of Most
Popular Branches Amer
ican Football Squad Also
Getting in Work.
Northeast High School soccer playou
have bcrrun light training for tho com.
Ing season. Soccer has become ono of the
most popular sports nt tho Red nnd Itlack.
Institution, elnce tho team during th
past four years won tho Intcrscholiistta
championship of Philadelphia three times
nnd In 1013 tied with Central High fr,P
first honors. In 1912 the team won eveiy
game, except that with Princeton Unlv.
slty. Last (season they won fourteen con
secutive gamcB, tho cntlro schedule, and
averaged 7G points ecored to sis scored
against them.
This year's team will be coached by
Captain Dunn, an nll-BchoIastlo choice,
Sis veterans have tcturncd to school, In
cluding Captain Dunn. Tho most vat.
liable men lost by graduation nre Talnall
and Nassau. Captnln Dunn plays ccntic
full and Is familiar with the liner points
of tho game.
Tho Northeast High football inert took
the lightest ktnd of n workout yesterday
becaUEc of the warm weather. Cap.
tain Webb did somo punting, and
showed excellent form, propelling big
spirals 45 yards. A snappy signal prao.
tlce was held, but tho scrimmage uas
omitted. Heed took Brelthaupt's place at
end, as It was lenrnod that tho latter nlll
be ineligible until November. AUieelei,
of last year's scrub, was tho only new
man to report. He Is a good man, but
hns beon troubled with a bad hip. The
squadnow numbers about 35 men, Shock
and "Pat" miey, former Northeast star?,
assisted Coach Johnson yesterday.
Tho 'varsity lined up as follows: Ends,
Wilson and Heed; tackles, Itldpath and
Gardner; guards, Sickle nnd Jfassey; cen
tre, A. AViiltakcr: backs, "Webb, F.
Whltakcr, Clair and Hotter.
Northeast High School Runners Aw '
Practicing Daily for Races. '
Professor. Slgmund, of tho Nprthcast
High School faculty, will coach the
croes-country tcani'thls yenr. Only ono
letter man from last year's squad has
reported. Mitchell, the be3t l miner In
Intcrscholastlc ranks, has bcon graduated
and enters l'cnn this fall. Mitchell won
the junior and senior championship races
last fall and performed the big feat cf
the season, by capturing the rrlnceton
race. Fitzgerald Is nnothcr valuable man
lost by graduation, who will enter
Jluhlenburg-. Heck is tho only letter
winner remaining and ho will captain
tho team this year. Among the other
candidates aro Steele, Koch ami Yost,
second string men of the 1913 season, and
Bltts und Retenclcr of tho freshman
team. Aukcnrand Is a newcomer fiom
Vineland High School.
The mon arc practicing dally, but a
squad will not be organized until October,
when an Interclass run will bo held in
connection with tho Halc-Kllbutn athletic
meet. The Hale-ICIlburn Furniture Com
pany, of Eighteenth street and Lchlgli
avenue, will Include tho cross-country
event on tho schedule. Ten men for
Northeast's team will bo chosen at this
run. Cnptalns havo be3ii elected In eanli
of the four classes to organize clnss teams
with the Intention of stirring up rivnlrv
and getting out men. Thirty-five men
havo reported to the various captain
thus far.
Toy Dog: Fanciers' Association Ha
Its Inning Tomorro-w.
Tho Toy Dog Fanciers Association of
America will hold its idiow tomorrow at
the Black Horse Hotel. Hnla, notwith
standing reports to the contrary. After
several weeks of stienuous effort on the
part of the official, especially Secretary
JI. Caroy Corkhill, tin premium lbta for
the show were mailed to prospective ex
hibitors. Theee lists may ho had bv
communlcatint: with Mrs. Corkhill, at
1305 'West Montgomery avenue,
Tho best we have received in 30
veara. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Received in carloads, direct from
.he beds, freah daily.
Trice Not Adranced.
Matthew J. Ryan
S. 1J. Cor.
Front and
Dock Sis.
tu.f ': vu .nov ,y until i
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to $8
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