EVENING LEDGER VOL I NO. 5 PHILADELPHIA, FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT GERMAN STAND , ON PEACE PLAN AIDS MEDIATION president Wilson Hopeful That Further Negotiations Will Result From United States' Offer to Act. WASHINGTON. Sept. 18.-Prcsldetlt Wilson Is "extremely hopeful" that prog ! towanl pcaco In Europe will result on Informal sounding of Germany and iiie allies .. This was tho situation today regarding ,Me and mediation overtures, according i to M8li authority. It Is still too early 4. fllscuss terms, but by careful and ,,.-, discussions through both official and ' 'j.. sources, tho Piesldent, It Is said, ? L, reason for hopo that somo donnlto cace overtures may bo presented at an Nearly date. I The I'rculdent characterizes tho sentl fjnents expressed by German Chancel lor Bethmaiin-Hollweg to Ambassador irerard, "as non-commltttal." It was all JjttoriWIvcly a'a-tcd today that the, i chancellor's convoisation with Uernifl did kjiot touch upon terms or even suggest iposslble occcptanco of the President's mediation overtures. t n la understood that the Chancellor only went so far as to Bay (whether with L without tho Kalser'H knowledge and "consent Is unknown to offlclals hoi.o). (fiat Germany could not consider or even 'Vlscuss mediation until the position of jibe allies una known. ' Xo reply was made by Emperor Wll 'fllam himself, nor did tlie Imperial Chan cellor Indicate whether or not ho spoke !cn behalf of his monarch, Ambassador Gerard cabled President Wilson tho Chan cellor's remarks from recollection, which rero substantially as follows: Germany was appreciative of tho American Government's Interest and offer of services in trying to make peace. Germany did not want war, hut iin1 It forced on her. Even If ! the defeats France, Bhe must Ilkowlso anqulBli both urcat uritnin anu iins l.i. n all three have made an ugrce- I ment not to malco peace except by common consent. Similarly, liiigianu has announced through Premier As- ....i.u ..n.l 1, flfnlnmnifRtn null neV3- H papers that she intended to -fight- to the limit or ner enaurance. ' In vlow of that determination on the part of Great Britain, tho United States ought to get proposals of peace from the allies. Germany could ac cept only a lasting peace, one that would make her people secure agaln&t futuro attacks. To accept mediation now would be Interpreted by the allies ss a sign of weakness on tho part of Germany, and would be misunderstood hy the German peoplo who, having made, gicat sacrifices, hnd tho right to demand guarantees of security. While tho greatest official secrecy sur rounds the peace negotiations, It was ac cepted today that tho President will thortly make guarded Informal Inquhlca from tho allies, advising them of the German Chancellor's position. It was re ported that tho President would osl; If the allies could present any tentative counter-proposals, or other suggestions In Mew of the Chancellor's stand that might bring tho nations together upon some plane of nrellmlnary discussion. It was evident today that President "Wil n himself Is personally handling the mediation ami peace overtures to tho ex clusion of Secietnry of State Bryan and other officials and even excluding the dip lomatic lepresentatlvrs hoie of tho war ring powers. That lie expects, to take an active personal tole In the ultimate peace proceedings h forecasted. Stirred by the Issuance of the latest "white paper" from London, dealing with the rupture between Russia, and Ger many and F.ussla and" Austria, both Count Johann von Bernstorff, tho German ( Ambassador, and Dr. Conatuntln Dumba, Austria's Ambassador at Washington, de nied today tho assertion of Sir Maurice ' K Buneon that Germany had made peace ImpojslblB. 1 iJ1 German and Austrian representa tive relteratrd former declarations that Russia, not Germany was the teal ag Eresior. They Intimated strongly that the British "white paper" containing Maurice's insertion was written from a jartlal point of view and was untrue. on Bernstorff Bald the atrocities were Munlse false. TWENTY-FIVE THOUGHT DEAD IN ALABAMA TRAIN WRECK Seven Bodies Already Becovered 80 Miles From Birmingham. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Sept. 18. Twonty flvo peoplo are believed to havo been killed early today In a wieck o( fast train No. 2, on the Alabama and Groat Southern, near Livingston, Ala., about M mites south of Birmingham. Seven bodies havo been recovered. It Is believed matiy moro are under the B. wreckage. WEAK TEADEADS TO TRAGEDY Chicago Man'KIUs His Wife and Commits Suicide, CHICAGO, Sept. Ig.-Bcoause Mrs. Marie Noort failed to mako his tea strong enough her husband shot and killed her early today and then commit ted suicide. PENROSE AIDS PLAN TO QUELL REVOLT BY1NTIMIDATI0N Orders to Break Up Meeting of Italian Political League Issued by Manipulators of Machine in Downtown Wards. ISAAC CLOTHIER URGES ELECTION OF MR. PALMER Great Philadelphia Mer chant Ranges Himself Se verely on the Side of Morality. Indorses Stand of the Ledger and Says Economic Issues Must Give Way to Higher Considerations. The Penrose and Varo machine in South Philadelphia has started a campaign of intimidation to put tho Italian Politlcul League, formed last Monday night to urge a lovolt among tho Italian voters against Penroselsm In tho Varo district, out of existence. This was tho accusation made today by officers of the league Tho men say Republican Organization waid leaders in South Philadelphia havo called upon them and upon other mem bcis of tho league, and have threatened them personally unless they Atop agitat ing against the political conditions in their district. Paul Tranchltelll, a city employe and a Republican leader In the Second Ward, Uay said, Is organizing a crowd of mom Vho havo received oiders to cause a dis turbance -at the meeting of tho laaguo next Monday night, at which a campaign of levolt against Penroselsm will be plnnncd. The orders to break up the"Wcting In order that tho movement will become a failure camo from Harry C. P.ansley, piesldent of Select Council, said Andrew Moiclll, a member of the executive com mittee of tho league, today. He said that some of the men who have been asked to help break up the meeting told him this. Mr. Ransley could not be tpund today. Tho league has warned tho Re publican leaders, said Morelll, that noth ing can stop the movement. Since the league was formed, said other officers today. Republican ward leaders havo canvassed every Italian division In South Philadelphia and given the voters promises for their support. The general response, they said, has been that tho Italians are tired of conditions as they exist today, and that they have nlready received too many promises which have not been kept. At the meeting next Monday nlgV seven flying squads of oiators will he formed to conduct the league's campaign. They will Invade evciy dlstilct In the city inhabltated by Itallaus, stattlng within two weeks and continuing their campaign until election day. Thcic will be five oratois in each squad, It Is planned, thico who speak Italian and two who speak English. Isaac II. Clothier, one of Philadelphia's most prominent citizens and merchants and a lifelong Republican, In a letter to tho Evening Eedger, advocates tho defeat of Senator Penrose and the election of A. Mitchell Palmer, Dcmocrntlo nomine Tor tho United states senate. In his letter Mr. Clothier said that In tho issues between Penroso and Palmer ho must vote for the Democratic nomi nee. Mr. Clothier's letter, in part, follows: "I havo been personally friendly for many yeatrfQvlth Senator Penrose, and white I approve of tho economic polices ho teprcsents, I feel that In tho Issues between him and my young friend, A. Mitchell Palmer, r must voto for the latter. "I have caiofully considered both tho questions between them and the men personally, and I shall be glad to hear that tho powerful Influence of the Lbdokh has been thrown with Mr. Palmer. I havo known him for many years, and I esteem him as one of tho hlghcst-mlndcd men In our public life. "I think you know that I tako a great pride In the Ledger, and nm one of Its most Intel cstcd friends." PRESIDENT REFUSES TO MEET CHICAGO GERMAN-AMERICANS Reception of Protesting Delegation Would Violate His Neutrality Policy. WASHINGTON. Sept. IS. President Wilson today decllntd to receive the Ger man Americano from Chicago and other points In the Middle Ve3t Who have come to Washington to piottst to him against ciucltlcs on Germans by Belgians and others. Tho President made known his declina tion to receive the delegation to Senator Lewis, of Illinois, and 'promised to wilto a letter to them In which Jio would ex plain his position fully. It Is understood tho Piesldent believes tifit it lb a lio latlon of tho spirit of neutrality whlflb ho has urged upon all Americans, to come to him on behalf of any of tho belligerents In the prebent war. The spokesman of the delegation was Horace L. Brant, a newspaper publisher, of Chlcugo. Tho President's action was not unexpected, since ho is determined not to lend the slightest support to any Americans of whatever descent who take sides In the war. MORGAN'S ART TREASURES THREATENED BY FLAMES Fire In Small Library Destroys Bare Books Damage $3000. NRW VOUIC, Sept. 18,-I'rlcelesfl art works alucd ot mote than J1,000,000 weio threatened with destruction shortly af ter midnight, when fire was discovered In a small library on the 37th street side or T. P. Morgan's lesldcnce at Madison ave nue. Quick work by a policeman got tho' firemen on tho scene before tho- flames had gained much headway. Tho damngo was $3000. All the valuable tapestries which had hung In tho flro-senrred room wero removed several weeks ago, when painters camo to redecotato tho place. Many tare books wtro destroyed, several of which had been collected by Mr. Mor gan's father. The War Summary ADOLPH SEGAL, INSANE, TO BE SENT TO ASYLUM Physicians Say Financier Will Not Live a Year and Family Will Ask Commitment. Meteoric Career Ended by Men tal Breakdown Which Began Six Years Ago and Precipi tated His Downfall. HOME RULE BILL NOW LAW RUSSIA INSISTS PRUSSIA MUST BE DESTROYED No Peace Overtures Will Be Con sddeied Until Then. PETROGRAD. Sept. IS. "?Im RusMun Foreign Oflico Is In full cord with the Government'! of our !l!s and therefore will decllno to admit ll consideration any form of negotia tions, direut or otherwise, i elating to the conclusion of peace until tho neat or militarism in Germany lias been ut lrly destroyed." says the L'venlnff eourta Gazette. "That means neccssauly until Pius- ! ""tea to play tt Drednmlnnnt rnl GrP01Snhe. Geimai states and also until ' .i. Bram .md France are battened !",;. K,ul"s tnclr personal demands, Signature of King- Georga Places It On Statute Books. LONDON, Sept, 18. King George today signed the homo rule bill, which thus goes on tho statute books as a law. The Irish Homo Rulo bill received Its third passage by the House of Commons over tho veto of the House of Loids .sev eral months ago. By the "Parliament act," which lemovcd the power of veto by the House of Lords of bills which had been thrice passed by the Commons, It then needed only the King's signature to become a law. By ngieemcnt of Ptemler Ascrulth and the leaders of both parties It will not become opetatlve until after the end of the war. HAGGIN LEAVES $15,000,000 TO IMMEDIATE RELATIVES Will of Knauciro and Turfman Is Piled for Probate. NEW TORK, Sept. lS.-Jamcs Ben All Haggin, financier and turfman, who died September II, loft his fortune of $10,00,. OCO to his widow, daughter and grand children. His will has been filed for piobate. "From our own point of Mew we must 1I! (h-l ..." '"" " ievr we must r IUtw. 1 0luLia ,it lasl a u"lcd and ' !!ii.u,e .nbl ta "In the complete ttions ,,. ,f our ow" HUM!" asplra- .. .7. "J " aa Uie Lrenpinl nsnlrnl nn It Cf Sladum rttort ,,r , "3 c'm he accomplished every Uplom,f ,ePrcetatlves of Germany. Hcem?3t,0nrp,tl'iso, to bring about " is foredoomed to failure." . BHa uri'.,i w "--The Corrlere Delia i, ,, prints an rMni . .. I lmlnar ., """ Buying lliui pre Fo SSL,'T ,MV" bee t"Ken losing declare ti'.t 'fuas'a tt,,a Austria. t be or.L: , tubUcl a compact would &a toiW?.M? b Hanu and France oui,i SI ' '" Pfbable that Auitrld iOrn from ' IK!"satc1 w,t, te""ory IftornVJ0?? ny should she retire 4 war now .. WEATHER FORECAST rJJ" .Pkklphh and vicinity caange m temveratur. u,,i,t -------j ; v CLUBWOMEN WONT TELL "SECRET" OF MEETING PLACE They Just Aien't Talking About Se lection For Next Convention, ATLANTIC CITV, N. J , Sept. IS.-Just to prove that women really can keep great big bunting secrets, nften mem bers of the Roajd of Directors of the National Federation of Women's Clubs, sweetly but emphatically declined this morning on the even of their departure for New York or Atlantic City was selected yesterday for their next biennial convention of the National Federation. "To demonstrate onco and for all that women can keep n, secret we aro going to make our decision known by the mailing In Philadelphia of letters to the chairmen of tho respective committees which urged New York and Atlantic City's advantages as meeting places," ald Mrs. Eugene Itellly, of South Carolina, secretary of tho National Federation. Mis. Percy X. Pennybacker, of Austin, Texas, said the committee thus hoped alio to avoid tho slightest cutplclou of faoritUm. The thirteen other contmlt tcewonun nodded their heads sagely. The identity of the messenger selected to mail the important letters was not disclosed. As the committee left nere for New York to attend a luncheon and other so cial f-stlvitM. It was Inferred la, one 'iuart ra that New York hd vanquished Atiant'c City la the cg&vcntiou race. UNCENS0RED MOVIES ARE BARRED IN PHILADELPHIA Order From Sunt, of Police BoMnson Is Nov Effective. Moving picture? which do not bear the stump of the Pennsylvania Board of Cen sors are not to bo shown In Philadel phia from now on, according to an order Issued this morning by Superintendent of Police Robinson. The step is taken fol lowing the decision of August 6, 1SH, by Judge Martin, of Common Plca Court No. 5, to the effect that tho Im posing of censorship on moving pictures Is constitutional. The act which provides for such censor ship nas passed In 1911 and went Into effect on Juno 1, J911, at which time Su perintendent Robinson Issued an order similar to that of today. Picture pro ducers then appealed to the courts, claim ing tho enfou'ement of such an order unconstitutional, whereupon the order was recalled, pending tlid findings of the CQUlt. SHOOTING OF MEXICAN Terrific fighting; continues along tho Olsno River, tho allies attacking tho German defenses. Losses aro re ported as stupendous, tho allies nd- mlttlng tho slaughter of vast num bers. Frcndh War OfTicc announces that the allies' forces are "progressing slowly" and that tho British havo repulsed the German counter-attacks. German War Office statements declare that the Germans are "advancing I slowly but surely into Franco," and that the allies' attack Is falling. Doth offices, however, ngreo that tho gigantic struggle thus far has been of no decisive advantage to cither. BrltiBh War Office reports admit the allies havo been unable to break through tho German lines, but claim successes against tho German right wing under Goncral von Kluk. Belgian forces engaged battlo with the Germans who attacked a bridge near Termonde. It Is reported tho Belgians, nided by British forces, havo annihilated a detachment ot Uhlans near the French border. Vienna admits that Russian troons have captured Kraslezyn, the chief southern defense of Przemysl, which yesterday was reported Invested on three sides. The occupation of this strongly fqrtifJylposltlon is Immi nent. The Austrian, according to one report, havo withdrawn toward Cracow, leaving only a small garri son to hold Przemysl. The Austrian War Ofllce discounts the Importance of the capture of Kra siczyn and teports that tho united aimles of General3 Danke and Ouf fenberg command the lino between Przemysl and Cracow. It also states that action is still vigorous along the San, though the Russians, out number the Austiians a to 1. General Zleglcr is reported wounded in tho operations near the River San. The presence of his corps in this con flict Indicates that some of the Vienna garrison bus been withdrawn to reinforce the army in Galicia. The Servians havo abandoned Hemlln (tho town across the Danube from 73elgrade), which they stormed a few days ago. Tho Servian plan of cam paign has been changed and Bosnia made the objective instead of Sla vonia. Austrian forces aro reported as crumpling beforo the assaults of the Servian-irontenesTln coalition. German war office issued a statement declaring that the Kaiser's lino nloug tho Aisne thad been under terrific assault, but had .stood firm. Heavy losses wero admitted but attacks by tho allies wero declared to havo boon lcpulsed all along the battlo front. Italy's entranco into tho war la ex pected hourly. It Is teportcd a mes uonBcr from the Kaiser was refused audience with King Victor luminal -uel and that this was the final dip lomatic move by the German Gov ernment. Emperor William Is bald to have termed Italy's attitude as treason. Washington officials were encouraged for the success of President Wilson's plans of mediation by the reply from Germany through Ambassador Ger ard. Germany's attitude was re garded as receptive, refusing, how ever, to Initiate peace proposals. GERMAN LINE HOLDS FAST UNDER ALLIES' FURIOUS ONSLAUGHT British Advance Slightly on Extreme Left Against Von Kluk, But French Attacks Along Main Line of Battle Are Repulsed With Terrific Loss. Armies of Crown Prince and Ruprecht Abandon Several Small Towns, But Maintain Strong Positions Allies Admit They Have Failed to Dislodge Germans. ADOLPH SEGAL The meteoric financier, who has been adjudged insane, and probably will be removed to the Norristown Asy lum today, Adolph Begal has been pronounced In sane by two physicians. The man whose operations brought about the failure of the Real Kitate Tiust Company a dozen years ago, the suicide of Its president, Frank K. Hippie, and Indictments against tho Sugar Trust, will be taken to the State Hospital for the Insane at Norris town today or tomorrow to spend tho last years of his life If commitment pa paics aro signed by a Judge ot Common Pleas Court. His physician says ho will die within a year and may not live longer than two months. Tho end of Adolph Pegal's meteoric cf.ioer has been us .sudden us Its stall. Ill health has crept upon him step by ttep with hH financial ruin. His col lapse, financially and mentally, bus been as inpld us his rise. Adolph Segal, the young soap bolter, became Adolph Segal, tlui millionaire, the daring financier who startled the Industilal world with his exploits. Now at tho age of CI years. when white is showing In his one-time Klossy black hair and his fortune and financial wizardry are gone, even his mind has failed him. Today he Is incoherently telling his at tuidonts In the pilvato room he has oc cupied for months at St. Joseph's Hos- . pital that he wants to go back to IiIr i beautiful 'suite at the Majestic Hotel. J He has been told that he Is to be taken ' Into tho count! y for an nutomobllc ride In tho hope it will benefit his health, but he does not want to go. PARIS, Sept. IS. "Tho battle continues. Our lines hold everywhere." That was the comment at military headquarters today. The allied armies arc still unablo to mako any serious impression on the new German defense line stretching almost across northern Franco along tho north bank ot the Alsno River and eastward to tho Jleuso, where for six days the great battle has been raging. The fighting Is especially desperate on tho left, wheio tho joint armies of Generals von Kluk and von Buelow have been compelled to extend their extreme right in order to meet a flank ing movement in foice. No news of the outcome at that point is as yet available, but the military experts be lieve that tho most significant develop ments must soon be reported there. The French and British aitillery has failed to dislodge the invaders from their strongly entrenched positions on the heights along tho Aisne and north of Hheims. But on the other hand, tho vigor of tho allies' assaults has com pelled tho invaders to remain upon tho defensive. General Gallieni, the French military governor, believes that tho battle will continue for some days yet upon the present field, but ho feels assured that tho Germans will bo dlt-lodgod ".- tho British and French secure rein forcements of heavy artillery along tho front. "The Germans aio far from their ammunition depots and they are com pelled to keep up a constant bombard ment," paid General Gallieni. "Tho al lies can afford to wait and to refresh their troops before making a grand as sault al along the line. At tho present time the conflict seems to be little moro than an artillery duel, but I look for a decisive turn when our heavy bat teries at the front are reinforced. Tho Germans now hold strong positions, but I think they will not be able to main tain them." It is estimated that at least 2,700,000 men are engaged along the mighty bat tle front from No yon to Ktain and Thiaucourt, east of the Mouse. So far, however, there has been but little work; for the infantry and cavalry, tho issue being waged with heavy artillery. While the British and French av thus engaged along theit-"lSrtT and upon the centre, tho troops n tha right wing, from Suippes eastward across the Jleuse, aic cxertingr tre mendous pressure against the armies of tho German Crown Prince and Ciown Prince Itupprecht of Bavaria. The Germans have showed their teeth In several counter attacks, all of which the French War Ofllce claims were repulsed. 'X3f GERMAN LINKS H ,LD FAST, REPORTS BER1 IN POLICE DECLARED FICTION F0ULKE DECLARES GERMANY HAS MOBILIZED 5,000,000 Contradiction Sent to White House Prom Official Source, WASHINGTON. Sept. lS.-Infoimation received at the White Hose today from a high oftlclal source In Mexico declared there was no truth In recent published stories of ehooting of a group of Federal police. It was explained that the trouble arose fiom a clash In a carousal In Mex ico City, but that there had been no serl t'lly, but that there had been no seri ous violence. Federal officers, the report baid. had all the liberty that po.slbly could bo granted, there was no disorder attending dispersal of Federal troops. Orders for seizure of propertj, the re port continues, were Issued merely as a safeguard against any person who sought to start a revolution. The Information said the Zapatista bands were being routed. Villa was xepoited in perfect harmony with Carranza, and has been promoted to division general in recognition of his sup port t'i the Flrat Chief VfhR White House today was in receipt of a message from Villa which Is yet tin translated. Head of Municipal League Saw War Preparations, NEW YORK, Sept. 18 -According to William Dudley Foulke. of Richmond, Ind., head of the Municipal l.casun of America, Oermany has mobilized 5,000,000 men, Mr. Foulke, who was In Geunany when tho war broke out, ana who wit nessed the mobilization, declared today: "It will be a desperate task for the allies to defeat the exquisite military or ganization of Germans-. The war will doubtless go on until one side or tha other Is exhausted. Only tpday is Eng land Awakening to the tremendous gra vity of the situation. Her resources are Inexhaustible! so the balance of chance ia on her side. I understand that Ger many has mobilized five million of men " Mr. Foulke arrived from Europe la-t night on U LusitwU. PHYSICIANS CBllTirY INSANlTi" Application will be made today or to morrow by attorneys for Mrs, Segal and Betl Segal, the son, for Adolph Segal's admission to the State Hospital for the Insane. A statement to this effect was given to the Hvenlng Ledge this morn ing by Dr. Pioire N. Hergerou, of 1509 West Gliai d avenue, chief of staff at St. Joseph'.-. Hospital. Doctor Bergeron nnd Dr. William 11. Bunn, of 5iS Noith 22d btteet. for fifteen years tho Segal family physician, certified to Adolph Segal's insanity. Tho law requires that one week before tho commitment of a patient to tho State Hospital for tho Inaano two ftyslclans who havu been piacticing ilvo cais in tho State shall certify to insanity, nnd thH tormallty lias bten compiled with. Doctor Bergeron said today that Mr. Segal never will leenvor. MBNTAI.IA' UNSOUND 1'OH C YKARH. Segal has been mentally unballanced for the last six years. In the opinion of Doctor Bet geron. and tho physdeian bays he believes thu financial collapse of the man was duo to this condition. He thinks the sumptonib of nn unballauced mind were not sufficiently pronounced to aroiibo tha suspicions of his family. Adolph Segal always versed on tho er ratic, and when he did what would bo called foolhardy in another man it was looked upon only as another evidence of (Us unaiu'iai genius If he wort. The crowning blow to tcgal came last July when ho was thrown into bank ruptcy and lost tho Majestic Hotel. Be fore that he hail auffeied lunumeiable re verses and had startled financiers by some swift, unthoughtof coup that made him rich again. But the los3 of the Majcbtio destroyed whatever trace of fighting power ho may hao had at that time. Ho was firet taken to St. Joseph's when ho was subpoenaed to appear at his bank ruptcy hearing. The physicians In charge kenw then that ha was insane, but the secret was well guaided and not tho slightest inkling of it was permitted to become known to the public. Sincj that time Segal has been under the care of Doctor Runn and two tialned nurses hi a private loom at the hospital. SF.G.UVa HALLUCINATIONS. "Adolph Segal will be taken to the Nor ristown Insane Asylum today or tomor iow," said Doctor Bergeron today. "Ho la hopelessly Insane. Ho will never be any better. Ho may live a ear and It may be but two months. His mind is piactlcally gone. Tho other day lie said to Doctor Bunn, who has been his at tending phsiclair " I lent you t50 yesterday ana you promised to return it to ma today. Will you give It tii-ina now7' "T erc had been no eNei-ange of money. H was a hallucination on Sejsl'a DUBLIN, Sept. IS. The War offleo official statement, Issued today, admits the Get man lines are being subjected to enormous pres sure, but declares they are holding fast, it says: The battle m France along tha new linos occupied by our forces rages with uninterrupted ferocity. Tho only advantage that has been gained by our forces duiing tho last two days has been the repulse of several French attacks In force. We are, however, holding Intact all of tho important positions re cently tuUen. The spirit of the army is excellent and tho work of tho German artllleiy. especially, Ib spreading havoc in tho ranks of the enemy. In tho battlo of September 17 be tween the Glee and Meusa Rivers, there has been no decisive victory yet. Tho indications, however, arn that the resistance of tha enemy is beginning to decrease. "An effort made by the French with great bravery to breaK through the German extreme right has failed. The centre of the German army is slowly advancing. Rallies by the French in tho vi cinity of Verdun have been repulsed without much trouble. Tallinn cognisance of the demand for more Information as voiced by many of the newspaper, the T'a.v Office is sued this htatement: Referring to the opinions ex pressed heie that in her own intei cst, Germany should publish a larger number and moro detailed leports from the battlefield as the, foreign press is daily getting such reports from our enemies. Military considerations will not permit such publications, ns a pre maturely published dispatch might mean aravo danger to the German armies. That l the only reason why the General Staff Is keeping operations on the battlefield secret. Unofficially, it is stated that the French have been directing their atten tion to the army of the Crown Prince which, it is said, has suffered very heavily. However, it holds a position of enormous strength and has lepulscd evety attack. Tho German artillery, it Is explained, is causing- enormous losses to tha French who have been unable to make any impression on the German positions at any point. The several attempts of the allies to envelop tho German nsht wing havo been repulsed with great loss. Measures have been taken in Berlin to protect works of art in Belgium. Superintendent-Director Falke, of tho Berlin Art Museum, has been charged to take all proper measures. BRITISH ADMIT GERMANS HAVE REPULSED ATTACKS FT E tlLIUI t A h f 'I'HBinr . it --" "urtaofe uinds fc48L"faWlwqel4. Concluded on fi S LONDON, Sept. 18. Advices from the lighting front in France indicate that the German lines are holding under severe pressure from the allies. The Gorman centre, especially the army of tho Crown Prince, has been heavily reinforced by troops from Lux emburg and all efforta of tho French to break its resistance have so far failed. It is stated that an artillery duel is m progress at many point along the line. Among the casualties reported is the death of the French General Batallle, who was hilled in action The official account of the operation of the British army in France, written by a member of tho fctaff of Field Mar shal Hir John French nnd Issued through the Government Press Bureau, has greatly strengthened the confi dence of the British public. Also, It has heightened the pride of tho Eng lish in their soldiers across tho Chan nel for it shows that they hae been held upon the battle line at the critical point, where fighting quallles wero at a premium. According to the narrative all ihrte British corps were maased against tha German right wing and the western part of the Qtman centre. Courageous veterans were needed there, for they
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers