Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1914, Sports Final, Page 6, Image 6

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District Attorney's Office ' Hospital in Northeast Sec-;
Talks of Another Crusade tion the Daily Scene of
in Latest Alleged Straw
Bail Scandal.
Hopeful Struggle Against
Diseases of Children.
Just nt present St. L'hrlslophei H"
Jjltnl. t,atvrenco and Huntingdon tr"ets
tins ) little tutlct.ts.
Uunotttitilt.v to study child life Is evei
An arrest In the latest alleged straw
ball Scandal emanating from the uillco of
Maglstiate "Joe' I'stll will bo mnde In
tho near futtuc, .ictoidlng to the ntnle
nient of Assistant Hlotrict Attorney
Uartlett toila follow In; the apfearnnif i pfent to the Msltor nt St. Ohrlstophei 8
before Judge Hoimlvvcll In the Criminal , Tr()dj Huosevelt Will not Krcet lilm ut t'
lltanch of tlio Muni pal Court of pnt . , , ., ,w , ......
and present attnehes of the MaSltrate' I dr- b'l rodll- tlooaevolt Wick vvi I we
orflce. eome Mm on Hie roof eauleti. Ti.i litt
This statement, and testimony lite- to. lIKe XIIm Jeffords, lurtd nui n-i
sented at the hearing. iiuilentiiiR that n ' lri ,. .,., ..,.. .. , , .....,, of .
plot was hateheil to lioodwlnh the court
into bellovliitf that Frank Uohtei had
one to Veta Cri 2. Mexico, as n salliu'
in tne L'htted States Vnvv, Were the
fatuies of the ene todnv llohiei Is
tht mart nose cace on the ihanie of
Veeplnp a tllrorderly house has been
called six times and ho has nevei ap
peared. Isaac Fiiednian, the tailor who denies
that tho signature of his name attained
to tho bond for Hohrer Is eonulnr. Ill
vlfe. Mrs. Minnie Friedman, Magistrate
Call. "Jake" Glllman, ills former ion-
hospital, ahd consequents he ill li u
for a half hour without a complaint aid
mille limine naking and sleepttiE Ik-mi
It is the build of a piixedBhtei 'n eni
bi.vo that TedUv carries w !, n lie s
strcu-h-ul In bed. Ho has hip dlea
Vrom his waist up he Is perfect Mi
Jcrtords does not think that Teddy w.il
ever be far-tained as an athlete, bm
eventually he may walk without a, false
step and mnlid a name Tor hlmsili
In the cot nest to Teddy on the roof
tahlo u'lm In iinu- llliilir ludictmetll I
Sn.Mt.Al T fmnna M ninety In fwll nlft... t
nd Joseph Plshman. all vvei-e mll-d to ' eardeu U Isabella Lawson, 0 venis ol
the witness stand b Judae n.'tiiiivveii.
Klshman Is said to hae bi en OlIlmanN
deputy constable, but he denies he ever
held that office.
Conflicting testimon was H'en h Mis
Friedman and lilllnion. The former o.
clared Oillm.in told her he saw Gioss,
the clerk, sljrnlns Friedman's name to
the Bonier bail bond and also to another
bond for 500 for a defendant numed
Benjamin Jocas Olllmnn flatlv denied
that he had eer made such a state
irent. Denial also was made b Gross that
he had signed the ball bonds In ipiestlon.
An Interesting; featute of the hearing wns
the news that Friedman had never pro
duced the deed for hW property in his
various ball tiansactlons bet ore MnRt--trate
Call, r.efenlns to the alleged plot
to fool the court. Mrs Friedman said:
"It was made up that Uuhn-r was In
the Mexican war, so in to set the cast
postponed, and Gross and another man
made up a letter. It was broucht to us
by Gross and Max Aron. the l.injer who
first represented us I'tider 'Iross in
structions I sent the letter to nn biothei.
"William Frommei. in Seff York, and he
ent it back to me."
The principal pait of Gtllman's t.stl
mony was his attempt to show that Glll
man was a martvr. Ho said he had been
blamed and criticised for things he Is
not responsible for. At the close of the
hearing Assistant District Attorney Uart
lett declared he had been instructed by
district Attorney Hotnn to pro'ie the ease
to the bottom, and he expected to rank"
an arrest In the near future.
Glllman was on the witness stind
twice. His second appearance on for the
purpose of contradicting some of the testi
mony of Gross, his tormer associate in
Call's office Gross, after declaring that
ho saw Friedman sign the Bnhrer ball
bond. decJg-ced that Glllman had bn-n In-
"iiriimenul in bringing one "RlacK Louie."
into the l ill 'ransaction. Glllman t.iid he
Iiad ne- ul Jin- dealings with "Black
Louie i i im case in which Friedman
was Interested
Max Aaron, the attomcv mentioned bv
Mrs Friedman. Is a member of the Legis
lature in the Twentieth Ward. He gave
out a statement after the hearinis deny
ing the "Mexican letter" story. He said
that Friedman had gften him the letter
and that he presented it to the tourt. but
that any statement t.iat hi advised the
uritins- f it Is "unqualifiedly faUe "
Magistrate Call's oftl' e has been named
in connection witn alleg. d stiaw bail
cases many timet in tlw last tw eai,
and In the recent crusade bv the Dis
trlct Attorney s office several hangers-on
and one official of tho office were impli
cated. The official was "Jake" Oilman. th
constable. He is no under Indictment
for extortion and haJ resigned his posi
tion. His trial is penilins Adolph Kocn
was sentenced to thr. years and thite
months in jail for Impersonating Frank
Berlosky "lay" Lipkin g..t four year-,
for Impersonating .i iun.-tuble and his
friend Edv. ard Bernstein. as sentenced
to two ears and nine months.
Frank Wallln pleaded guiit. to Miaiges
a unrerer from mtantue parai.vsi- sm
is walklne today, but It Is with tin
! hcsitutliiB steps of n old olnnn oi a id
just learning to walk. The fact is. hi i
Just learning over how to walk Mi.
confident, and when she f.ilN she mmiIi -in
an apologetic manner. She is the m -
senger anJ ertand girl for Toddy It. "si
ielt Wick. She is about as spicd a
the aveiage mu"setigcr boy, but she i
much more certain of nsults.
Ida Rudolph, 3 years old. Is also on tne
roof. She has been tlure two month
but shows little Improvement The due-l
tois see her eery day. There l ""iiic
thing ..rung witn Ida because he w. n t
grow Ktieng. Tho doctors have ,i lot u' x
names lnr her complaint.
Then there Is Beatrice, 1'- ear "II
Umtrlie is a favorite, hut the mii.fi
have tuiRotten her lust name s-he wil.
be operated upon tomorrow oi the da
after by Dr. i:. G. Alexander. There I-
tubercular condition of her spine and one ,
,r her lees. Miss Beatrice ha not
guessed that an operation is Imminent,
so she has not become htrikal a
some of her older sisteis might When
she Isn t sleeping "he is sucklni; her left
thumb It Is always the left one.
Fransico DIco has spent K of his
ten venrs in tlte hospital. As an old resi
dent he says that he ptefers the roor
gorden to a ward. There is moro air,
and then he can hear all the street noises.
He can tell just what - happening by
the cries of the newbos and he n!-o
Is n judge of the prices ft tomatoes,
peaches and such staples by the shouts
of the vendors. FranMco. who is on- of
the oldest patients, will never pun a
truck or sling a bale hook on the whnif.
He mav be made tor better things and
an easier job. He hits n hip disease.
Helen Horklns. 3 -.cars old, had a fall.
Hip disease and tubercular bones fol
lowed She ha been in many hospitals.
She smiles when she does not feel pain.
When she does he holds the hand of
one of the nursej. or bears the pain alone.
The nurses say that childien have moro
courage than most grown people they
have met. . , . ,
Clarence Wallace has started into train
ing that he may reach the roof garden.
He was opeiated on for appendicitis five
days ago. For three days Miss Jeffords
feated for her patient, but now since
Clarenco is always hungry theie must be
hope for him.
In the surgical ward lies Billy Garnett,
3 oars old. The tinv bov, who is the
mot-t .if the time In a Meep or a stupor,
u-ossed the path of a horse, on January
.-, and was knocked uown. He was
pick-d ur. and hurried to the huspltal.
i:ei one hut the phcMcian who re
i, ived him said that the child wus dead.
Il- i alive, but that is all.
The featherweight of the hospital Is a
-d"iv old baby Birl She U of Italian
panrtage. and at noon Wednesday
w ished exaitlv two pounds siic and one
half r-ur- Sh will lie. probabli.
under hospital .ai. hut if she hod been
lett with iKr m.'ther die would hao
pTISh 1
-fAr ' nQ vs v&m
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lragnn X$M!&&mLJ& wHlr
mmMmMstmmamammm. mk vmmmmms-
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wm? s)'&m mMKmmmt. y sHaMEr I
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XCEDNGL Y TfiM VOhJ J C7U& 'terry
Pennsylvania Has Completed Stone
Structure Over Schuylkill
The !', niisv Kama I t.illi u.nl has cuni
plet. il th. M-ik oi construiting the new
fle-tiaiU Hone ,u h bridge over the.
Schiilkill Kiv. r nt Girard avenue, and
the coinpun s woikmen are laing tracks
and lnstn'lng the interlocking (.witch sy
tern, which Is in use on all the lines of
tho companv.
Within the next two weeks one of these
tracks will have been completed, and It
Is exi ectrd that the four other tracks
will be laid down nml in uo by the tlrst
of the year If present plans do not go
awrv .
Work on the bridge was started about
a v-ar ap,n when tin- Pennsylvania Rail
road found that the old two-track bridge
was not huge enough to caro for all of
the d. mands of trntllc, both passenger
and freight.
Work on the bridge was carried on
under difficulties, none of the tinili-, being
Interrupted wnllo work was going on.
the new bilduc being built beside the old
one, and ns work on It neared completion
on one Hide the trnehs weie switched over
tempornrilv until the new tracks could bo
laid. The trains whirl! go over this
bridge an- those or the Chestnut Hill
branch. New York Pivision and tho At
lantic City bridge trains
in connection with the straw" bail s.-andal iFifth Annual Display of Horticultural I
and is awaiting sentence, while "Dlumon 1
Tooth" Eddie tinnier and Einr't Den
ttne. convicted on conspiracy charges,
have made a motion foi a new trial.
Friedman has been in this country 16
years, but cannot write .r lead Kngnsdi,
except to sign his name He declare that
& man emplojed in Call's office rtist Cot
him to sign a bail bond two v-ar ago
A fow das, later be was notified that
the case had been disposed of. Again t.ie
man applied fur his signature, and al
though he protested, Frifdman u. he
finally ogreed and signed again, This
happened a third time. Friedman is posi
tive that he nevt-i signed a bond for
The piopert offeied hy Friedman tn
the bonds he din sign ard also nanud In
the one he rails i forer. is at Fourth
nd Poplar streets. Friedman has about
11TO0 eqults in it. and the total amount I miATr- Aoonoen
of bail it co--rod at v.n..u times U FORMER INMATE ACCUSED
niOO. Seveial or tnese eas's nave lie. n
disposed of 1'i.e tail 'wndi are aid t ,
have been accepted fr m the man I ,
Magistrat" Call
Society Opens Today.
Tlviusands ff mime blossoms aie on
fMtbltinn todav at the fifth annual daft
ha show alven at the Devon 1m. under
the auspices of the Devon Hoiticultuial
So.i.-tv. Tho show opened this morning
ai.-t wi 1 Cose tomorrow evening
Although dahlias from the principal t
hil.it. other 'lowers are also shown.
Among these are aster hibiscus, antir
rhinum a id sveral other
t'rlises offered bv Mra, W. T. Hunter,
the Devon Horticultural Society. William
H. Dovle Powell Evans. Chailes I.ea
in in and others will bo awarded to mii
ie-,sfu. competitors.
Held for Robberies at Methodist Epis
copal Home Suiing Lsat Year.
A.cuned of robbing the Methodist Epn-
i copal urphunae of various sums of
Boy on Ii eland Writes How Oerroan I monev amine ti.e last ar, ctiailei
Fear Black Soldiers. 8chart. o- Sath and Locust puets. was
The youngest war urrespoudnt on held under W bail for comt b Maitis-
record has sent to Mary ' Hajei. of Jiti ' irate Bne toda.N
Spruce street, verification of a dispatch B"rl " aa JW H man
In the Evening Ledger nairatlnff how the lamacUintr the looms of the orphanage
yeafivryuy, bum oiHttuoi, oja mimicu w
Pardon Board Refuses to Commute
Sentence of William Abel.
The State Board of Paidons has le
fued to commute the death sentonco of
William Abel, of this clt. who was
sentenced to dio next week for the mur
der of Thomas Kane, 12 ears old. Thw
hoi was killed by Abel near SStli street
and Hunting Park avenue, on Mav G,
I'dl, after a desperate nttempt to release
himself from the grip of Ids assailant.
Abel will be hanged, ns his crime was
committed beforo tho pissa'e of the bill
prov.ding for the electrocution of mur
derers. A paidon was also refused to Alfred
S Von N'nldn. of this city, who was
sentenced to death for killing his wife,
Charlotte, in this cUv, Mav M. 1VJ-3. Von
Neid.i's sentince was commuted to life
Imprisonment in leJf
his conviction.
Organization of Huge Class Here a
Preliminary to Campaign.
An aimy of from 50.000 to 100,M) men
is to be oiganized here for the study
of the Bible as a preliminary pitpaia
tlon lr the campaign "Billy" Sunday,
the baseball evangelist, Is to wage here
ne.t year. The Rev. Geoige S. Dowey,
who insmed the success of the Sunday
campaign In Scranton last wlntet, Is
to have chatgo of organizing tho nimy,
which will bo composed of new Bible
classes In all parts of the city. The Rev.
Dowey will arrive here on October 21 to
assume his duties as the general secie
tary of the Philadelphia County Sunday
School i ssoclatlon.
Tho laut Sunday In October lOO men
who were converted in the baseball evan
gelist's tnbernncles In Scranton and
Wilkcs-Barre are to come hero In a body
to hold n monster mass meeting. They
will travel on a special train, and every
man who rides on it, Including the tire
man and engineer, will be one of Sun
day's converts.
Hurls Shoe Through Bnrber's Win
dow After Fight With Son.
Lifeless iat.- and an old shoo caused
I a flslit todnv In the bniber shop of Paul
Mariana Thlrty-thlld and Market sttcets,
which lcsiiltid In the arrest of Tom
Ilieiinan, "210 Satisoni street, who the
police say hulled a shoe thiough the shop
window, when the baibcrrs son lefuscd to
accept his lats.
Brcnnan rcccntli- enlisted ns an expel t
extetminator In the cinsado against lod
ents, He has been seen by many pei
sous aimed with u illlo and Is known
to have slain quite a number of the pests.
Today with a rlllo in one hand and a
pair of dead tats in the other he np
pioached Lnuls. the. seenteoii-vcat-ohl son
of linrliT Mariana and tugid him to nc
iciit the coips-es.
The boy iifiu-ed. nnd Riemiau Incensed,
J hurled the lat.s In his face, Louis re-
' tallatcd with his shoe. A lIMit followed
and Hicunnu, his nits and tho shoe were
ejected fiiim tile bat her shop. Two min
utes later the shoe clashed tlitough the
fiont window.
Maglsti.tte Hauls hefoie whom Brett
nan w is Intel niralsued in the Thlrtv
.seeond sticet and Woodland avenue po
lice station dischaiged him when tho
map ptomlsed to pav foi the broken
window as soon as he earned sulllclent
money killing moie ints.
Entire Team of Last Year Will Rep
lcsent Club.
The basketball plavois of the St Rita's
Catholic Club have been called together,
and a start for tho comlns seabon will
be made In a few daj.s. The club will
have the cntlio line-up of last year, lu
cluding"" O'Neill and Doneis, foi wards;
Waul, centre, nnd McBrlde and Scanlou
The five lost but three games during
last season, playing over -li) contests. Tho
second team, which went through the bea
son last ear without tho loss of a
single game, will also put the same team
on the floor Intact.
There has been some talk downtown
concerning the forming of a league among
tho Catholic clubs this year.
a short time after
French troops take advantage of the
German fear of dark-skinned soldiers bv
blackening their faces and giving vent
to unearthly "warwhoops ' when tht
"Tommy is the nam signed by tl.t
boy correspondent in a letter to Miss
Hayes, who Is his aunt, and his home
Is in Ireland He is 10 veara old, and
the tone of his letter indicates that the
children of the Old World are as deeply
Interested in the great war in Europe
as are their fathers and bi others at th
front Tne letter, which was written
August 29. is as follows
"My Dear Aunt Ma : I hope ou are
quite well. I have a lot of thing to
tell jou about war, politics and oar
Mi'ves. Well first of all, I think this
European war Is going to be a very bad
one, as the Indians are going to help the
Kngllsli, and the Germans feai black
awfully as was shown by the French
vvljfln tho were fighting against the Cier.
mans. The blackened their faces and
routed the German completed, and it
was found out by the surgeonk afterward
It i the blacking) was a disinfectant and
did not let the wounds do much liann
' Politics there isu t a 'iheep ubuut
tr I 'wm- not mu h t, a ui, u
If m i dldn t liea of it the Pope
,, u i We all well tvc to ,i
.51jne.li TOMMY .X.X
Banktfv. a special policeman of the Cist
and Thompson streets station. lie was
S. fot-mei- inmate of the home.
Prder Against Supplying Addi esses
Applies Only to Postals.
Fir'-class mall wi'l not be atferied 'iy
the order received vesterday from the
Postoflne Depaitment by Postmaner
Thornton directing that all postal caids
lacking full street address should in the
future be turned over to the General
Delivery, and nut to the t-ervke Depart
ment, to have the missing address sup
piled. Some unceitaint arose out of the
publication of the order esterday, it
being believed that first-class mall would
be affected by it. Postmaster Thornton
this afternoon announced that this would
not be the case.
, Death of Mrs. Louise Gladlng
I Mrs I-ouLe cudlng. widuw of William
lilading who for manv vears had traded
I i i the women hau business on Second
feet above Race, died sesterda at
lin home. ;fl Pim street She was 67
. aqr r.1.1 an, I tin.. V -i..
I , .... ...-, .... ,,.., u?ii if-uie i ji
irng time No children survive her
Fifty Exhibitions Tomorrow Will
Show Skill of Young Gardeners.
Inhibitions of flowers grown hy school
children during the summer will take
pa, e tomorrow in M school ards scat
tered over tho city from Byberry to
Point Breeze. Some of the flowers have
been grown in school yards, but a great
majority are ths refcult of the careful
and painstaking cultivation of open
maces in the vicinities of the littlo gar
deners' homes.
Tomorrow mornlntf will be devoted to
inspection by tho Judges, who Include
Dr V. T. Jaiabs. Acting Superintendent
of Scion's; William A. Steelier, director
of physical education; Dr. John T. Gar
ber, assistant Superintendent of Schools,
and Misa Caro Miller, superintendent of
school gardens. In the afternoon special
(tower day exercises will be held in all
the yards for the childien
They Show Wharves and Channels
According to Latest Surveys,
Adequate and complete maps of the
Port of Philadelphia are offered by the
Department of Wharves. Docks and Fer
riea. to tho delight of merchants and
shipping men of the city. The map Is
5S inches In length and 3J inches in width.
It shows the entire length of the Del
aware P.iver and portions of the Schuyl
will River within the city limits, their
wharves, bulkhead and pier head lines,
the channel and anchorage limits and the
depth of the water in the docks and
ihannel. at coidiug to latest surveys Ow-
I ing to the considerable cost of the map,
the department is sehmg it at Z cents
on paper and Jl mi-Jiited on paper Thes
Trices are exact
partme u to pr 'l
Police Dragnet Out for
Mamie McCtoskey, Who
Often Complained of Pov
erty's Trials.
Ten caioM Mamie McCloskcj, of 121
New strcot, lias mysteriously disappeared
ftom her home, and llicie is not the
slightest cluo to her whereabouts. Detec
tive Captain Cameron, with the McCnr
ilck boy mystery fresh In his mind, de
cided to take no chances and Immediately
snrenl a. dragnet over the city.
Plain clothes men In evciy district have
a description of the gltl and tan down
seveial clues which In ought no lesult.
Hat.lslilps ot povcit.v. It Is said, led the
Kill to foi sake her home, plnv mates and
school, nnd ko nwny to seek clsevvheie
n life ot better things. Today a grief
stricken molhct, who lolls dally In n
factory to earn enough to keep hctfclt
and her girl nllvc, wont to Chester cher
Ishlng a hope that her daughter might be
there with a godfather.
The girl disappeared from Hie public
school at Lawrence and Race streets
Tuesday morning. She slipped awny from
her schoolmates, during the reccsfl hour
and except by a fow persons, has not
been seen since.
Tho child went fiom school to the fac
tory nt HlRhtli nnd Arch stteels where
her mother vvoiks, nnd obtained 10 cents
fiom her patent, savins she needed It to
continue sew lug lessons nt the school.
Tho mother gave It willingly for It was
her ambition to hao the littlo gM fitow
up with a knowledge ot useful occupa
tions. Leaving her mother. Mamie went to the
home on Xew sticet, packed a small
bundle ot clothing and when last sien
was w-alklnr, In the direction of Delaware
Childien at the public school say she
has frequently told of her dissatisfaction
ut home. Sho did not want to be poor,
they said, anl seemed end because It was
not possible for her to have pretty
clothes and little trinkets like other gills
had. "She often said sho would have
betler things some day," one little Kill
Chua Biodeimati, a child who resides
In ono of the .ooms of the house on New
sticet w-hcie the McUloskeys live, said
Mamie fieqnent.lv told her of her discon
tent, and Intended to leave some day to
live with a rodfnther In Chester who
would give her nil she wanted.
Walter McMullcn, principal of the
school, 'aid he could not mulct stand why
the child wont away. He knew noth
ing of her unhappy life at home, and
flcclaied Mnmle to he one of his brightest
pupils. "Slit- was getting on famously,"
said the principal.
Neighbors s-.iy the little glri has a
sister who does not live at home. Her
tathcr, they sa, novel has been In
America and lives in Poland. It is
thought he Is in the Russian army.
The police knew nothing of the child's
disappearance until her motliei came Into
tho Fourth street and l-'alrmount avenue
station weeping. She siid the little girl
was the only Joy she had In life, nnd if
Mamie was gone there was nothing mote
to live for. Wringing her hands and
crying, she begged them to help her llnd
the child. Today she went to Chester.
When last seen the missing girl vvoto
a led sweater, pink dress, white stock
ings nnd black shoes. She had no hat.
The child has light hair, is light com
pleIoned nnd weighs about SO pounds.
She Is four feet four Inches tnll.
Germans Fall Like "Suffo
cated Wasps" Before the
Terrible Onslaught 0f
Africa's Dark Warriors.
PARIS, Sept n
The teckless bravery of tho Turcos,
the black troops that France has callti
to the front from Africa, Is tho them
of many n thrilling tale.
An officer of Zouaves, who took part In
the magnificent chnrgo of the dusky Af.
rlcnn warriors at Charlerol nnd wai
badly wounded, thus tefers to the fight
"You could tint If you tried exaggerate
the amazing bravery our fellows showed
right tip to tho Jaws of death. We htl
been fighting for four days around th,
walls of Charlerol. There were ICO.tw
of the enemy massed against our po.
liens pouring shot and shc.ll Into us My
splendid lads never flinched, although
thc.v had not a chance for a meal. Some
times tho advantage, was with lis, some
times wo had to givo way. Tho mors
our attlllcry mowed down tho mora the
enemy seemed to spring up, They
swat-med In nil directions, nnd that I
why their casualties are much heavier
than ours.
"Suddenly our colonel cried, 'dive th
Tut cos free rein. The avalanche be
pan. It was like hell let loose. They
tore along tho enemy's batteries for
full mile. The Prussian guard w.i? ex
tended over about a thousand yards. Ai
the charge continued the boys chantod the
'Mniselllalse,' but one comrade could
hardly hear the other. On they dashed
however, till they were within perhapi
fifteen Yards, when the batteries In the
wood ceased firing, or they would have
mowed down their own guards.
"Then the bloodiest of all bayonet
melees began. While one man was trans.
Ilxlnij a huge Prussian and could not for
the moment release his bayonet ho would
out with his pistol and shoot another,
while u comrade by his side would be be
laboring his foe with the butt end of his
rifle. So mad was the combat that mnay
of our men got hold of tho noses of the
Germans with their teeth. Giants though
these picked guards of William are, they
are as little children before these terrific
Turcos, They fell like suffocated vvnsps;
blood splashed everywhere. I think I
shot a hundred with my own revolver.
In the end. as you know, the remnant,
utterly bewildered, thtew down their
anus and fled for their lives. Tou can
guess how many escaped."
Another Frenchman, who Is, with eev.
eial Englishmen. In tho hospital tt
Rouen, tells the following etory:
"I was In tho battle In tho streets ot
Chatlerol 'This Is sure death said my
pal, as tins bullets struck tho ground
from every side. Wo came to a farm
wheie we 'heard cows mooing from hun
ger. We weie saved by Sengaleso sharp
.shooteis, who kept a whole regiment ot
Gimans nt bay. They aro black as dev
ils, and when the Germans see them with
their fiery eyes blazing from their Inky
faces they take to their heels like rabbits."
Chinese to Close Season Here
Roy Thomas announced yesterday that
the Chinese would appear again Satur
day at tho Stetson A. A. Ball Park. ThH
will be the Inst nppearance ot the He
vvaiinns In this city this season, as thev
ore to movo homoward within the next
week. Apau, one of the tensntlons in
baseball this season, will twirl for the
Chinese. Apau Is without question the
greatest tvvlrler of his nationality. Re
gal dle.s of hla iihunl performance, the
team as a wholo is a drawing card
Paymaster Orr to Leave for Philip
pine Islands Station.
Changes soon to be made at the Phila
delphia yard Include tho transfer to other
cities of two well-known officers. They
are Paymaster It. II. Orr, who is to be
.sent to Manila, P. 1., and Assistant Sur
geon A, 13. Man, who will go to the Navy
Yard Medical School, at Washington.
Other ottlcers will be sent to the navy
yard at League Island to fill vacancies i
caused by the transfer of Paymaster On
nnd Doctor Man. The former will bo suc
ceeded hy Pay Inspector 13. D. Ryan, who
Is now ttntloned at New Oi leans. As jet
no successor has been named for Doctot
Tne actual date of departure for the
officers has not vet been announced by
Navy Department officials nt Washing
ton. Tt Is expected, however, It will oc
cur shortly.
csts the d-
Extension Courses Will Be Estab
lished in Hnrrisburg and Heading.
Two extension branches of the Whar
ton School of Finance and Commerce, of
the University of Pennsylvania, will be
opened this fall in Harrlsburg and Read
ing. These schools will be Identical in
eviry lespect with the blanches estab
lished last ear In Wilkes-Uaiie nnd
Sciantnn. Tho purpose of these brunches
Is to glvn to business men the essentials
of the new tvpe of college education,
training ihem foi a successful business
SiiA" '
Believe Me
fp m THE fSSK
"The St.Paul Road," Shortest Route to Pacific
North Coast Now Passes Through Spokane
"The Olympian" leaving Chicago September i2th, and
"The Columbian" leaving September 13th, and
thereafter, for the Pacific North Coast, will be operated
over the "St. Paul's" new line through Spokane. The
traveler and tourist will appreciate the extension to
Spokane of the distinctive "St.Paul" service-one road
one management -one service -"St. Paul" all the way.
The Olympian ' '
Certain patrons of paint in Phila
delphia and vicinity don't have to
'stay around" to see that the job's
done right.
They're Kuehnle's "paintrons."
When you want to know that
your painter will always look out
for your best interests in every
thing, 'phone
Painting and Decorating
Qtt Our fjllmoto firtt
Both Phones 28 South 16th St.
all steel perfectly equipped leaves Chicago daily at 10:13
p. m., "The Columbian," another all steel train, leaves at
10:10 a. m., daily. Both trains through to Spokane, en route to
Seattle and Tacoraa via the
Chicago, Milwaukee k St Paul Ry.
Travelers over this route are afforded the double advantage of
"St, Paul" service antia route of great scenic variety the pic
turesque "Trail of the Olympian."
Dascrtom, books and fixll Information frc on request ta
G. J. LINCOLN, Commercial Agent,
818 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
,m;vzr4wmww.mmmimmmm&.-, - . M . ,,m m
tr" map. I ,,' - aa.Ji.'-'a zssr . f,r.i,, ..rnagyr.ri , ,, f7T- t , ff . , . WfKJf'lSK'F&SmV'--1 I
m- i