Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1914, Sports Final, Page 2, Image 2

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Continued from fage 1
north of Vllle-sur-Tourbo and from
there through Verennea tn the northern
part of the Argonne region to Meuse,
north of Verdun.
General Galllenl, tho Military Gov
ernor of Paris, declared that dis
patches to the military authorities
here from tho front show that the al
lies have been gaining ground since
tho fight opened, although slowly.
LONDON, Sept. 17.
Germany Is striving desperately to
resume the offensive In France, but
so far every effort has been nullified
by the fierceness of the British-French
attack. This fact was emphasized at
the Foreign Office th' afternoon,
where It was also stated that the gen
eral battle continues, with the slight
advantage so far noted entirely In
favor of the allies.
The German forces are being heav
ily reinforced all alon the line.
Troops withdrawn from the Prussian
border and all of tho first line regl
ments that previously had been held
In Germany and In Belgium are being
rushed to the front In France.
Especially Is the army if tho Crown
Prince being hammered, ' already
his battle line has been forced back
between eight and twenty miles at
various points. He is reported slowly
falling back on Stenay and the fa
mous Stenay gap.
Sweeping 60 miles north of Paris,
a French army commanded by Gen
eral D'Amade Is striking at the rear
of the German right wing in a- at
tempt to cut General von Kink's army
off from the main German forces, ac
cording to reports that reached Lon
don today.
There Is a possibility that the aim
of General D'Amade's army has al
ready been accomplished. A corre
spondent telegraphing from Amiens
"The German right wing Is encir
cled. I was able to Join friendly
French Zouaves a little south of Pe
ronne. Near tltcie n Fiench battery
was In fiction about ''OO yards on our
1'ernn.io Is 52 miles southwest of
Mnubeug nnd IS miles west-northwest
of St. Quenlln. If Maubeuge Is
uncaptured, as tho Fiench Govern
ment Insists, a sortie of ' - gairlson
there in co-operation with the attack
of General D'Amnde's army would put
General von Kluk tn a perilous posi
tion, from which he might be unable
to extricate himself.
A dispatch sent by Geoffrey Young
to the Daily News from Amiens says
It is reported there that General vn
Klttk's army has been surrounded, and
then continues!
"His right has been overlapped by
an army advancing from Rouen and
passing through Amiens, which led to
the eastward -turn from Complegna
and his cvacuitlon from Amiens.
One Russian Army Hems
Austrians On San, While
Another Proceeds Through
Poland to Silesia.
PARIS, Sept. 17.
A Pelrogrnd dispatch to the Matin Rays
that the Russian army Is reported to
hnvo occupied Przemysl, tho Austrian
fortress on the river San, -
(If this Is the case the Austrians will
be obliged to take a last stand at Cra
ccw). The Paris war ofllco late this after
noon Issued the following statement:
The Austrian armies are evacuat
ing Gnllela. They are In full retieat.
It Is estimated that they have loot
secern! hundred thousand men In
killed, wounded 'nnd prisoners. The
German army corps coming to their
assistance are retreating."
The War Office at Petrogind has re
ceived Information that the AustrlntiB are
ccnecntratlng at Cracow and that they
will hnve the assistance there of German
forces that could not be sent forward
Into Eastern Gallcla. It Is stated, how
ever, that no opportunity is to be given
the Austrians, who have been so badly
defeated, to retire In older from the San
river positions. Instearl. the Russians nr
crossing the river In force and planning
a general attack on the flanks of the re
ti eating Austrian armies.
Berlin Accuses Czar's Forces of Cruel
ty in. Campaign. ,
BCRMN (by wireless to Sayvllle, L. I.),
Sept. 17.
The War Office announced today that
It had re'celvcd' .advices from Vlcnha
showing that 1S00 Gnllclan traitors had
been arrested and' -taken to Grat In
Styrln, where tltey are now held awaiting
sentence They are reported to hae con
fessed and to have admitted thit they
were paid by Russian agents to signal the
Positions of the Austrian armies.
In support of Its charges of alleged
cruelties by the Russians the War Office
declares that Lieutenant Tledcmann, of
the Fifth Prussian cuirassiers, found 21
German recruits lying helpless on the
highway. They had been surprised at a
point In East Prussia- the day before by
Cossacks who had In some cases severed
hands at the wrist, In others tho feet
below the knee, and In still others had
out oil ears and noses. One Russlni of
ficer who wa enptured had cut off a
woman's finger with a valuable ring on
It and it was found In his pocket.
BERLIN, Spt 17
This official announcement was made
here today: .
"The attacks of the allied British
and French forces on our front con
tinue without success. Some advan
tages" have been gained by our troops,
but they will not press the offensive
(.until the enemy has exhausted itself.
"Stenc'h" attacks at a number of
points on Tuesday mem ana vv eu-
nesday were successfully repulsed by
the emans, who made a number of
victorious counter attacks.
"Owing to Illness, General von Hau
sen, who is 6S years old, has been re
nin -d bv Geieral von Eine-n, former
Minister of War. Another change in i
leadership has taken place in the
by Quartermaster General von Stein,
the well-known editor of official war
"The rapidity with which the Ger
man armies accomplished the Invasion
of France made it necessary that they
should bo given a brief respite. This
they are obtaining."
The General Staff today declared the
French attack is spent and that the
German positons are well maintained.
Meanwhile, all needed supplies are be
ing concentrated at the front.
The official announcement declares
that the French are everywhere again
on the defensive and that at no point
of the line are the German forces
threatened. The Investment of Paris,
it is stated, while temporarily halted,
will take place when the present cam-
crTcsntli Reserve Corns, where Gen-
ral von S.hube-rt has been replaced palgn is completely worked out.
After almost a week of complete iso
lation from its Governrfer
man Embassy today
tical maneuver not affecting the
strategical position.
the Ger- "French attempts to ureaK tnrougn
received as its i the centre of the uerman position
first dispatch by wireless irom me ""'''' " -
Forei-n Office In Berlin a mveepins "German successes nt several points
denlaF of the claims of French and j of a long-extended battlefield have
British victories. The communication ben confirmed.
follons. I "The Temps, a Parts newspaper, re-
"Reports of tho allies victories in I pons that the losses of the British in
France are untrue. The Germar re. I th- rcent fighting amount to la.O'.n
treat of the western wing was a tac , drad and wounded."
Advanced Age, 68, Cause; von Schu
bert Also Loses Command.
BERLIN, Sept. 17. by wireless to Say
vllle, U I
It was officially announced at the War
Office todny that, owing to his great ace,
is, Geneial Von Hnusen, who lins com
manded the German army which has been
operating between those of General Von
Ruelow and the Crown Prince, has hepn
replaced bv General Von Elnem, tho
former Minister of War.
At the ame time General Von Schubert,
who has been In command of the 11th
Rosen e Corps, has boon replaced by Gen
eral Von Stein, the well known editor of
the ottiela! war reports.
Railroad Station in German Lease
hold Taken With Little Loss.
TOKIO, Sept. 17.
The capture of the railroad station at
Klao-Chau was effected with slight loss
to tho Japanese because of the daring
of an aviator who flew In a hydroaero
plane from a warsnlp outside the bay.
Fllng high above the German troops
gatheteri to resist the seizing of the rail
wn terminal he d'npped five bombs
among them His aim was so good that
three of the bombs exploded among the
Germans, killing and Injuring many.
While the Germans were In disorder
the .lapnnese charged and drove the de
fenders back toward Tslng-Tao.
Holland-American Liner Carried Ger
man Reservists and Contraband.
LONDON, Sept. 17.
The Holland-American liner N.oordam,
which sailed from New York for Rot
teidam on September . has beep taken
Into ""ork harboi by a British warship.
She has German and Austrian reserv
ists on board and also conditional contraband.
Downs Mrs. H. H. Burrell in Play-off
of Golf Tie.
In the play-off of the tie which occur
red vesterdav in the qualifying round of
the Stenton Country Club's annual closed
golf tournament, Miss N. Thackara scor
ed a vlctoiy over Mrs. H. H .flurell over
the club course this morning, and by so
doing advanced to the flrst round. Miss
Thnckara's score was 114 for the eighteen
moles as ngnlnst 116 for her opponent.
The victor showed great Improvement
(ner net plav of yesterday, and she Is
expected to figure prominently in the suc
ceeding lotimK
Belgian King nnd Servian Prince
Made Chevaliers of St. George.
Emperor Nicholas has conferred tho
title of Chevaliers of the Order of St.
George upon King Albert of Belgium and
Prince Alexander of SerMa In recognition
of their military deeds.
Weeks New A. A. TJ. Secretary
r.OSTON, Sept. 17, It was announced
heie last night that Bartow S. Weeks,
connected piomlnentlv for many years in
amateur athletics, had been appointed
tempoiary scretar of the Amateur
Athletic t'nlon In place of James E. Sulli
an, who died suddenly yesterday.
King Albert JLeads Army
Against Foe Kaiser's
Veteran Troops Rtisned to
France Reserves Replace
ANTWERP, Sept. 17.
King Albert led his army away from
Antwerp today for another offensive
movement against the Germans, while
Belgian volunteers are carrying on an ac
ini: inrnpaign in me extreme norinwcai
ern part of Belgium against Uhlans who
are raiding Isolated districts In west
Fights arc reported from Waercghem,
St. Eloi and Inglemunster, whero the
Belgian volunteers wore successful. At
Iseghem 1W Belgians attacked S00 Uhlans,
who were ambuscaded In houses, 64 Ger
mans are reported to have been killed and
a number wounded, while 30 others wero
made prisoners. The balance fled.
The Belgians lost four men killed and
14 wounded.
Another German detachment Is reported
to have been defeated by Belgians near
Alost. The Germans lost a number of
men In killed and wounded and seven
One hundred regiments of German In
fantry (about 100,000 men) and artillery
forces with 40 guns passed through Liege
toward Franco on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Plank Driven From Mound
After Two Innings of
Play Macks Knock
Dauss Out in Fifth Frame,
DETROIT, Mich.. Sept. 17.
Line up:
Murphy, rf.
Barry, ss.
Collins, L'b,
Haker, .lb.
Mclnnis, lb.
Strunk, If.
Oldring, cf.
Lapp, c.
Plank, p.
Continued from Pnse 1
ed. Carey stole second. Slglln popped to
Lobert. No runs. No hits.
Paskert lined to McCarthy. Martin
walked. Burns (lied to Collins. Tincup
struck out. No runs. No hits.
Bvrne threw out Collins. A great play,
I.uderus to Tincup retired Costello.
Koney filed to Cravath. No runs. No hits.
1-obert sent a long fly to Carey. Byrne
walked. Magee's fly went to Collins.
Cravath walked. I.uderus doubled to
right centre, scoring Byrne, and Cravath
came home when Slglln Juggled the
throw In. Paskert lined right at McCar
thy, Two runs. One hit.
Wagner went out, Byrne to Luderus.
Collins singled to left. Costello hit Into
a double play; .Tincup to Byrne to Lu
derus. No runs. One hit.
Mnrtln filed to Wagner. Burns went
out, Wagner to Konetchy. McCarthy
and Koney retired Tincup. No runs. No
Hyatt batted for ' McQuillan. Hyatt
Bkled to Paskert. Carey bunted, but
Bums' throw heat him to first. Vlox
batted for Slglln. Vlox struck out. No
runs, no hits.
Vlox went to second and Knntlehoner
went In to pitch for the Pirates. Lobert
walked. Byrne was called out on strikes.
Mngee sent a long fly to Costello and Lo
bert was doubled on" first, Costello to
Wagner to Koney. No runs, no hltB.
Collins filed to Paskert. Costello
doubled to left, Koney hit to Martin
and Costello was out at third. Martin to
Lobert. Wagner tiled to Magcc. No
runs. One hit.
AB. R.
Lcbcrl, 3b 4 " 1
Becker, If 4 0
Luderus, lb 0 0
Magcc, lb, If 4 1
Cravath, rf 2 2
Byrne, 2b 3 0
Paskert, cf 3 0
Mmtln, ss 4 2
Dooln, c 2 0
Jacobs, p 1 0
Mattlson, p 3 0
1 3
Lubln Stnrs After Games
The Lubln Stars have open dHtei on
September 2n, 26 and 27. Teams desiring
thl attraction communicate with Butch
Ebmger, Lubln Studios,
Hesults at Belmont
Thieves Take Machine of
Philadelphia Manager.
Thieves, who did not realize the humor
of the act, late last night stole a five,
passenger automobile belonging to E. n
Conkllng, Philadelphia manager of the
William J. Burns Detective Agenc.v. Mi
Conk.lng had been gune but fifteen min
utes when his car, standing on the corner
of Tenth' nnd Chestnut streets had dis
appeared The lns wa- Immediately re
ported to detective headquarters. The oar
license nunihr l leM us 32,111. engine
Timt-er Hlni, milker's number. 122, 545
Peter lives arP n the trail nf a ganc
ot aiitomn iile thletes said lo be operating
between ,vw York and Wilmington.
rirt race. Felling, mile anl a sixteenth
Camellia. lni (Sumter), H tn 1, 2 to 1 anl
4 to .". non Kins nox. 101 (Mcfnhcy), (i to
1. 2 to 1 ani 4 to .-., second. Nnrtherrv'r. 1U
(MrTdltrcrl) 4 to 1, s to .'., 7 to 111. thl-'l
Time. to rerth Hock. l.orrn anrl J'rriKrei
?ie alyi r.in.
.eionil rate fnr all apes hlKh neicht han
rikdp. ' furlorms Mmlcht- Korum 1 J-t iNot
tt I, 1 to ,- It to ,". nut, won. Yankee Nj.
t'nna I.'.", I Hutu rill. 7 tn 2 II to .".. 1 to 2,
Fcinn'l True as Steel, nil M(.i'ahe) 4 to 1,
.-, to 2, rm. third Time, 112 1.,-.. Flltter
Kel'l and Jii'lK WrlRhl also ran.
Thlnl rti e, fnr ,'!-eir-oMs an.l up i.ellin?
C, furloiiRS. main course Water I.tt, il
(Mimter). 15 to I, .1 to 1 H to n won strik
er, HIS (Hutwelll. I tn .'.. nut, sernri'l l"nn.
I nemara. 1H OtrCaheyi r, tn 1, I to s, nut
Rnrnn' I tHrd. Time, 112.1-5. Mr. Space. Humiliation
Fourth race, Xursen Handledp, 2-vear-oM,
r. furlnnKS stralpht Sharpshooter. 110 (Kar.
rl, k ,i to 2, fl tn in, 2 to 7, unn, Coquette,
112 (Nathan). 7 tn 2, li to , .Itn ." second,
Mn.i Po. Iii7, third. Time, 1 11 l.,'. Privet
Pei.il also ran
Ktf'h race, steeple luse .elhnR l-vear-nlds
nnd up. alinut 2 milps Sism. 112 iTlKhei,
It to 1I, 2 to , nut, won Itnland Pardee, 142
iKeatlnK), :S0 to 1. in I, I to I. second,
nerseer, 112 (Klenk). 2u tn 1 7 tn 1 .'I tn 1.
third. Time. 4 HI. Swish Fred r.rfn. HlKh
r.rldse and Astute also ran
Hesults nt Lexington
First rate, selllnc for three. ear-nlfis 11
fi rlnncs Tho Slercs 10 Pool ''4 'in, ji s.n,
$14 V) won Mttle Dean 102 Mnrphv. $13 .Mi,
V1- II) sh' nnd t'hnrlei Mi Perron, lia Meehan,
Jll imi third Time. 1 1 1 ::'. TliMli riciie,
Miie Taft, rinjil Dalntv, KalKce. Louise Paul.
Merrt kttoinl Tea and Sun Queen also ran
Se, ond rate purse two-jear-nlds V,, fur-lime-
Snllv. int. Tavlnr, J2 SO. ,Vi out.
..n MIhs Fielder. 102. Md'ahe I ft, nut,
se nn I rjenrc Iloesch 100 rinnse out, third,
"lime 1 02 2-.'i. nr I'arman also ran
rntro tare purse tnree-car-nins and up. 1
mite I. Sinlm 112 finoe S2 SO
s.' "li ton Trin norttdtlon. 102 Pool
1 in e. nnd. 'Hi! Hen Hrl Kroch
thlid Time 1 ' ti lndnnre, nnbert
lnil.trlt and ti tl lloebel nlsn ran.
SJ on
in. 40.
-'! 10,
News of the continued a Ivan
the French and English ip"H
the new Ge.man line
( ..f
w ard
f defense a
reported to the French Embassy "
In an places they were stronglv
I lii-'dl
The French advance guard Is fa
miliar with the country about Noyon
' The allies are on the high hills on
- . - n I-.,. ' U. W St.. ...... V-n, ...... C....
day fro.n the war 'JlJVe purww. in nrm "i cbujibh. puimiiw
and confirmed earlier reports that th and !jon and on tho high hills of the
battle now begun is at 1' 7 mil" , north of Franca. They are also on a
to the north of the most advanced o- line r.n the north o a place called
Ution by the German invaders. i Ville-sur-Turve, which Is situated on
The dispatch reads. j th west of the Argonne mountains.
"On September li and 1 the rear ' "The line continues over the Argonne
of the enemy as forced to encounter mountains from the north of Varennes.
the adance guard of our arm Other This latter plae has been evacuated
German troops reinforced the enerm by the enemy, who have reached the
rear guard' anci they were comPeUed n'ver Meuse close to the forest of
to accept battle along the entire front Forges on the nurth of Verdun-"
Tense anxiety prevails at the War
Announcement May Be Bit
Premature, As Athletics
Management Has N o t
Been Consulted Recently.
omce today. Minister of war WW
lerand went to Pans on a fPiai train
last night shortly after a statement
was issued declaring that the French
had not been forced from any position.
The statement was not regarded as
reassurirg and was taken rather to
indicate that the German armies, or
and were pressing heavily upon the
Tha sudden departure of the Sinis
ter of War was aceompanicil with con
siderable mystery, ('omins so soon
after the statement from the War Of
fice it was taken a? significant that
51. Slillerand was not completely satis
fied with conditions at the front.
No official news has been received at
the War Office today, and the attaches
say that they had no information re-
Rart 61 tnejn. Jiad tasn & offensive f gardlng the battle along the Aisne.
If the Army and Navy football teams
pliy their annual name ot Shibe I'ark in
thli cit.v the raturiln folluwins Thanks
giving, ttn.v hav mile their plans with
out consulting the Athletics' management
since the first negotiation were on ev.
era! months ago.
John D Shlhe, when seen this after
neon, stated that last spring they rpftito
an offer to the Athletic Committee of.
flclaU of the Arm ami Navy, which still
remains unsettled. He says that if these
oillclals intend to decide on Shlas Park
that their answer most be forthcoming
within the neu few davs. In order to
give the needed time in which to install
the necessary supplemental seatg. The
normal stating rapacity of the park is
about Sl.Wfl. and with the additional scats
added as planned tht otal apaeity can
b extended to from 33.'fO to 33,0X1 The
largest crowd of the vyoild's series at
the park numbered a shade over JJ.UW.
Commander Prlngie and l.leuten.vit
Fairfield conferred with Secretary PSniels
today, and Colonel Wilcox and Captain
Koehler conferred with Secretary Garri
son at Seabright The agreement readied
in Washington jestenlav should devolve
into a positive decision In favor of the
location of the game within the next
5 ho'urs.
Attell to Get Another Chance
LOS ANGEI.KS. Sept lT-be Attell.
former featherweight champion was
givsn a thance to regain his lost laurels
yefterdav when he was matchfd with
Johnnv Kilbane the present title holder
tor a twenn-rouna n?nt at Vernon on
for 12
Hesults at Dorvnl Park j
KirM rai e celling. fiie-elnhts mile.
Si hnrp. ln-. I'allahan I lo .1, Out. Rrnnk t
i ress AT . Aeinn .1 tn 1 2 to 1 and even
seinnd. vnna llnse. HJ, Metcalfe 3 to 1,
even and 1 t" 2 third Time. 1 ni 2-,-,
Hdherdasher fiartle and I'ied Piper also ran
Hhonil rare, fnr :i-ear-nlds and ip sell
lnc p'nse f.nii. .'.!, furlongs Nadamast. 112.
W.rd. .Mo I Sin 2. 2 to .1 nn; Charley
llrnnn Hi": Callahan. 1 0 tn 1. 3 to I, .1 tn
2 innd. Aurlili. 112; Amhrose. m 1.
2 in I even, thlnl Time I in. neheit. Cap.
Nelson Slajax and f-ind also ran
Third r.ie, fnr ,'1-iear-nids and up. selllnc.
purse f.lno, r4 furlonc" Fpohn. 1(17 Van
Uusen. !l tn 1, even. 1 to 2 won; l.amhs Tall.
10.1, fallahan, H to 1. -' to I, even, second.
.Miss Harn llarhnr. tn.' Metcalfe. . tn .1 ;
to S. 1 tn 3. third Time 1 in Mallklk
Hiirsar Klnu Smlwari. Cgo McCllntock also
Fourth race Ulndrsta, B to S and I to I
won, Euterpe, 3 to I. place, second. The
Sph)i third Time t IT 1-5. Non starter -,
Anste D
Klfth rare, five half furlnnsn. flrajeile.
1 in 1 and II to r,, nn: Arran I to 2 place. '
urfnd SacUclhih. third. Time t .OS Non
narifr The Splril.
hlxth iaie for i-year-oius gna up. seilinB,
prse I .inn 0 furlonss Armor 111. Am-
. nrote S to t even. I in 2. wen. Fprlnxmass.
I IV. Siefalf S lo ' even. I to 2 .seiond,
Pamptvea 10. Action. 13 to 1 3 to I. 3 to 2.
1 third Time I t!l 2-"'. Pnntefrrfct, nidge
land. Ileiente Amoret alio ran
Hush, ss.
Vltt, 2b.
Cobb, cf.
Ciawford, if.
Vench, If.
Burns, lb.
Motlarty, 3b.
Hdker, c.
D.iuss, p.
Attendance, iOOO.
Umpires, Dlneen and Egan.
Mtuph.v doubletl down right field foul
line. Harry sacrillced, Dauss to Burns.
Collins hit to Hush, who tried to throw
out Murphj at the plate, but Murphy slid
under. Baker grounded to Burns. Molar
ity threw out Mclnnis. One run.
Bu.ih walked, Vltt filed to Oldring.
Buch look second on a passed ball. Cobb
singled through short. Bush scoring.
Cobb look !,econd on Strunk's fumble
Cobb stole third. Crawford filed to Mnr
phv, Cobb scoring, Veach filed to Strunk.
Two runs.
Strunk grounded to Bush. Oldring
also grounded to Bush. Lapp walked.
Plank hit In front of the plute and was
thiown out by Baker. No inns.
Burns doubled to left Moriarity singled
to left scoring Burns. Baker sacrificed
Plank to Mclnnis. Dauss hit over sec
ond base, Barry making a wondeiful stop
and throw and Mclnnis relay to plate in
time to dnuhlo Moriniltv. One run, two
hits, no errors.
Murph.v singled to left. Murphy stole
econd and took third on Baker's bad
tbiow. Barry popped to Bush. Collins
giountled lo Bush, Muiphy scoring. Baker
filed to Cobb. One run. One hit.
Pennock now pitching for Athletics.
Vltt popped to Pennock. Cobb grounded
lo Collins. Crawford filed to Strunk. No
runs No hits.
Moriarity threw out Mclnnis Stiunk
walked. Oldring singled past Vltt.
Strunk taking third. Lapp grounded to
Vltt. Strunk scoring nnd Oldring taking
second Pennock got a lucky hit to
right, the ball bounding over Burns' I
shoulders. Oldring scoring. Pennock took
second on wild pitch Murphy filed to I
Bush. Two run. Two hits.
Veach grounded to Collins Oldring
giabbed Burns' fly. Barry threw out
Moriarity. No runs. No hits
Hairy giounded to Moiiait. Collins
walked. Baker singled to centre, Collins
stopping at becond. Mclnnis forced
H.ikor. Vltt to Bush. Collins scored
while Bush was trying for a double play
on Mclnnis. Strunk singled tn left, Mc
lnnis taking second. Oldring doubled to
left field, Mclnnis and Strunk scoring.
Lapp struck out. Thiee tuns. Thiee hits.
Baker struck out. Ileilman bats for
Da iws. Kellman walked Bush lined to
Brfkci, who doubled Hellman off (list. No
runs No hits.
30 6 9
AB. R. BH. PO. A. E.
Carey. If 4 2 12 0 1
Slglln, 2b B 0 1 4 0
Collins, cf 4 0 2 2 0 0
Costello, rf 4 0 10 10
Konetchy, lb 3 0 0 11 1 0
Wagner, ss 4 12 15 1
McCarthy, 3b 2 0 0 14 0
McAuley, 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gibson, c 3 0 12 0 0
Harmon, p 3 0 110 1
Conzelman, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vlox 10 0 0 0 0
tHyatt 10 0 0 0 0
JSchweeren 10 0 0 0 0
Totals 35 3 9 24 15 3
Batted for .McCarthy In eighth.
tBatted for Gibson In eighth.
tBatted for Harmon In eighth.
Phillies 20010310 X 6
Pittsburgh 00110010 03
Stolen bases Paskert. Two-base hits
Cravath. 2; Paskert, Carey, Becker.
Struck out By Jacobs, 1; by Harmon, 2.
Sacilfice hits Dooin, Byrne. Sacrifice fly
Dooln. Base on balls Off Jacobs 2; off
Harmon, 2; off Mattlson, 1; off Conzel
man 1. Hits proportioned Off Jacobs, S
In 3 2-3 innings; off Mattlson, 3 In 5 1-3
Innings; off Harmon, 9 In 7 Innings; off
Conzelman, 0 in 1 Inning. Time 1 hour
and 49 minutes. Umpires Eason and
17. The Phillies took the first game of a
double-header with Pittsburgh this after
noon by a score of 6 to 3. Doubles by
Cravath and Paskert and Dooln's single
in the sixth gave the Phils a pair of runs
which helped toward a victory.
Jacobs was relieved ln the fourth by
Mattson, the latter held the Pirates safe
thereafter, with the exception of the.
seventh when Carey's double and Collins'
single gave them a run.
In the seventh Clarke made a desperate
attempt to turn the tide of victory by
sending a ciew of pinch hitlers to the
plate on the weak end of the batting
order. Vlox filed to Paskert when hitting
for McCarthy; Hyatt fouled to Lobert
when batting for Gibson, and Schceren,
the former Lafayette college catcher,
filed to Magee when ho batted for Har
Carey fouled to Lobert. Slglln filed to
Pakcrt. Collins singled to right. Cos.
tello got an Infield hit off Lobert's knee.
Konetchy filed to Paskert. No runs, two
Lobert filed to Wagner. Becker fanned.
Magee singled to right. Cravath doubled
to centre, scoring Mngee. Bsrne singled
to left, Cravath scoring and Byrne tak
ing tniru on Carey's wild throw to the
Paskert out. Wagner to Konetchy.
Washington Hears Presi
dent's Second Mediation
Offer Has Been Accepted
by Emperor.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. There is a
persistent report In Administration circles
(hat Emperor William has accepted con
ditionally President Wilson' second
proffer of mediation, ,
These conditions are said to Insist that
German territory be preserved and Ger
man commerce afforded full protection.
President Wilson told callers he had re
relved an acknowledgment from the Ger
man chancellor, Von Bethmann-Mollweg,
of his recent note. Ho said It was ac
companied by non-commltal comment,
but did not go further than that ln dis
cussing It.
Ambassador Gerard at Berlin has not
communicated to this government hla
views on the timeliness of peace propo
sals nt the present time, according to
tho 'President.
BORDEAUX, Sept 17.
A Fournlor news agency dispatch from
Munich quotes the Neueste Nachrlchter
rb saying that Germany has empowered
the United States to Intervene with the
Belgian government for the purpose of
suggesting an armistice. The messnge at
tempted to give the proposed conditions,
but they were rendered unintelligible by
the censors.
v COPENHAGEN, Sept. 17.
The official newspaper, the Nord
Deutsche Allegcmelne Zeltung, says that
the stories from hostile sources that Ger
many Is Inclined to make peace and Is
tired of the war are entirely falBe.
"The German people will never lay
down their arms ln thlsi war," It says,
"without guarantees necessary to its fu
ture In the world of nations."
A military expert has Inquired directly
of the Krupps at Essex If 42 centimetre
guns (guns of a calibre of 16.5 Inche9)
exist. The Krupps' reply was that such
guns, transportable over land, have been
manufactured but that they regret they
are unable to give details at present.
The reference is to the immense slegs
guns which the Germans have been re
ported as using In bombarding the Bel
gian and French forts, for which they
are said to have to lay tracks along roads
and streets.
Two runs,
1 I
., ., i
Joe Boy Breaks Becord
In the free-for-all here today. Joe Boy,
of West Chester, broke the tr.ick lecord.
making the mile in If?'. In the sernnil
heat against Pickles, the Philadelphia
entr. The former record was J.iJU
Summaries No 1 Irce-fur-all iure $Y0
Joe Po., bill g Daniel Leary, West
better ,. . . -II
I'll hKI. u .... .,aiiip .lfi ft "II
nnila.lelnhta . . . .If
Time :io, St. SHIR "
2.21 trol purse. f".W
Ijwmon. b g , Joseph Shirks. "Mia..
deltihia . . ... . 1
mirk vl? WK. s Daniel I.ery. West
r'hestcr Pa ... ..
Mis Pell, hi' m A Rron. Ph'lo'iel-
Phi . ... 3
fai.i iJu. Arrihs or Arthur Nils.
liflltimore I '.
Vn Dodrl b R., i A flbvie. Phoenl'i-
vlPe . 3ii
fl-irron 4r oik K.. William H Hollett.
Wllminston dls.
Time. 2 l! - 1H'
Hal, b Daniel Leary
Lexington Entries for Tomorrow
First race, selllnc .'l-vrar-uMs awl up tl
furlenes Molala, tn. Chaimeuse us. Anna
Heed lot Fl) In Yankee inn. Wllhlte HI.
Secnnii rie, selllntt. Allies, 'l-far-nHs
' lurlflnm "folfe. li". 'Boston Helle (n. nil
Inns ln.1 Ressle l-allmtr, 10.1 Miss Kruier
, int. wisher 101. f'laioneile. 101 K'llth W,
lio Olaitvs V . IIO
Thiri raee hanikap '1 furloriBS, 'I e,irs
fi llacan OR, Tranepirtaliin !!, Korfhje
im rihello, 1H7. Hoinlr 107.
Fourth race, purse, lillles 2-ear-olti, ill,
fi rlnnEi Hattle r . inn. Pan Jlahl. lir, linr
mhv Perkins lot Sunset In"! Orertan. ii.
Menlo Park H"l Sweetheart Sue. 112
Fifth rare, selling inai'len 2.eur-nlrls, V,
lurlonj;s-Hatile nurinn tin l.Ha Karl 101.
i Maiile Morgan Wi. !.iiv Powers pi'i. Hank
I ri imv i: l.lken. lf"i fin Kasy, Ui'i l.u-
cllle. WK Christie Ui'i, Tlllouon 112. Tale
Hiarer. 112. Paul rjaines 112
SlKth rare, selling. ."-sear-oll and up. ml. a
ana a slsteenlh flustlliin Mrass !4 iranta
Vnna Ml. Hula Welsh, llti. Star ORvan Ui'i.
While Wool, liri, (ieorse SMI. 1 1 I. Wi-va-r.oke
Aprrentiie alloaam . lalme.l clear an'!
three hits.
Belmont Entries for Tomorrow
2 19 pace purse evo-
15 The weight agreement calls I ' , pf ": "
pounds' rlnsslde, I gu'ln:ft2?i
blk ar Daniel I-ear- West
h h William H Wallace
' .A
Kiitrr Besure b
D S K b i Dau1 Mariner
F-Mle Brook
First rate, for :i .ar-ol'ls uml up sellln.
r,y. furlons main eourte I'nile Mun.
i Iloyal Jieteor. n. r.ua t.rjson. inf. rode
I ling 02: lln'-le Jlmmle. Itn Aliamah. I07.
I Water Welles 107. 1,11 iirme in'.', ln.(er-
1 ! eever 0"' el'mlaunlei 07.
, ' Second raie. all ases nial lens I mile -De-
voter li. l-okomls Ui'i Maraaret Meife HO.
, Mils ravanaugh lot Nonhern Uglits. '),
' I Hernamot'" lCi Astrolojj V
Third race, for 2 vear-olds hmrli.dp sell
- inn '- furlongs stralght-Alhena U4 Mam e
K ti iieanmasi ii. i.aeuc, in, idro
plane. W
Fourth race for all ages handicap mlle
Siromboll 1Z1 Fllttergold 106 Thornhlll. lisi.
Charlestonian. Ill Tartar 107 C, M Miller.
lw, Flglnny 10fi Garbage 00
Filth race for 1-e4r-old and up selllna
H. mllea fluy Fisher 111 Spearhead, 107
Easier Star at Virile. 10 Flglnnj 107
rrogrlt lei
FUtb raie for 2-year-olds teaing 84 fur
Irnga stralghl fjoodaoid 10.1 Gammon toi
Coat 102 Mamie K 101 Ihdroclane 115.
1 Eimnt 1"H 'Change 03 Astroiogj ioj,
' 'Apprentice, allowance claims,! Weather
cltir, track flat.
vvagner fanned. McCarthy filed to
I'askert. oibson filed to Cravath. No
runs, no hits.
Martin singled to centre. Dooin sacri
ficed, Konetchy to Harmon. Jacobs fan
ned. Wagner threw out Lobert. No runs,
one hit.
Harmon singlfd to centre. Carey forced
Harmon, Mngee to Manln. Slslin singled
to left, and on the slow relay Caiey
scored all the way from first. Colliiih
walked. Costello tiled to Becker. Byrne
threw out Konetchv. One run. Two hits
Slglln threw out Becker. McCarthy
thiew out Mngee Cravath walked.
Hyine filed to Carev. Nt runs. No hits
Wagner hit the ball a mile for a single
MCarthv sacrificed, Jacobs to Magee.
C.lbson singled to right, scoring Wagner
Harmon filed to Becker. Carey walked
.Mattlson now pitching for Phillies. Sig
lln out. Magee to Mattlson One run.
two hits.
Paskert filed to Collins Wagner fum
bleij Martin's giounder. On Harmon's
wild thiow Martin went to third. Dooin
filed to Collins. Martin scoring. Wagner
threw out Mattlson. One run, no hits.
Hrne threw out Collins. Costello filed
to Heckei Konetrhj "walked Wagner
bounced a single off the scoreboard but
was out, Cravath to Martin. No runs
One hit.
h'iglln threw nut l.obert Siglin also
threw out Becker. .McCarthy threw out
Magee. No runs No hits.
threw out MeCarthv Mai tin
Harmon died to Mar-
Makes Remarkable Score in
Invitation Golf Test at St.
Martin's 'Today Played
Well All Over Course.
ST. MARTIN'S. Pa., Sept. n.-Although
the condition all around could not possi
bly have been more favorable, for some
reason or other the enrly starters In the
qualifying round of the annual Invitation
tournament of the Philadelphia Cricket
Cluh here today turned In very poor
Playing wonderful golf, Walter H Rey
nolds, of the Aronlmlnk Country Club,
turned in a score of 75, a store that
easily won for him the medal Play
ing with clockwork precision, he never
made a mistake all the way round, hl3
score for the flrst nine holes being 37 and
for tho last nine, SS. He played par golf
on the fit st, fifth, sixth, seventh, eleventh,
twelfth, thhteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth,
seventeenth and eighteenth holes.
He was one under for the second third
nnd eighth holes. On the short holes,
nine, ten and sixteen only was he above
par; his card? was as follows:
Out t.tt 511 53.-.-.17
In 1.14 14.1 444-:iS-7r.
One remarkable featuie of the tourna
ment so far Is the success of the Aronl
mlnk representatives. In nddltion to
Reynolds, Cecil B. Calvert. George u
Klauder. G. V. Statzell, Spencer D
Wright and Norman H. Maxwell are
practically certain to be In the rtrst sixteen.
15,000 Appropriation Requested
From Councils for Unemployed Men.
A 15,0O0 appropilation to be applied to
the eu-ctlon of a shelter for homolesi
men during the coming winter was re
quested from Councils today In a letter
from Dr. I Eade How.
The communication was signed ov Pr
How Kdwarrt Kurten and William U
Quirk, who represented themselves a3 a
committee from the unemployed
The letter was rather favorablv i.
ceivd by Councils and referred to the
Finance Committee.
foiced Collins, Magee to Martin ltert
thiew out Koney. One run Two hit
l.obert beat out a hit to Wagner
Becker doubled lo right, scoring Lobert
In attempting to reach third. Becker was
out, Costello to Slglln to
threw nut Gibson
tin No runs, no hits.
Cravath doubled to deep centre Bvrne
sacrificed. McCariln to Smiin. roc'i,...
duuWed to left coring Cravath Martin ' threw out
'" w " my ana i-askert was run
down. McCarthy to Siglin, Martin reach,
ing second Dooin singled over thlnl
scoring Martin Mattlson filed to dlgiin
Two runs, three hits
Becker was chased from the game for
protesting the decision, on his out Wag
ner threw Magee out. Cravath walked.
Byrne forced Cravath. Wagner to S'
lln. One run. Two hits
Magee went to left in place of Be. ker,
and I.uderus to fiist base Wasner
reached first on Mattison's error to
halt.rt fnr MnCarlhv. Violix filed tO
Paskert. Hvatt batted for Gibson Hyatt
fotih-d to l.obert. Scheeieri batted
Harmon Scheeren filed to Magee
runs No bits. .
Conelnian pitching foi Piltiburuh ml
Cnltmau catching. McAulev i.Uu?
tliltd Paskeit walked Paskeit t".e
second Martin flleil tn Carev M J"
No runs.
No hits.
Hied t
Carey doubled to right Martin threw ti. ,,., v,
,Ul ,SaKl.'n' Fltty Uk'n 'W" CoX'l Ph.l les 8
singled to right, ecdrlng Carey. Ccitdu,,.' Time! 1.1?,
Carev fouled to l.obert Sitlin lined to
Paskert So did Collins No run n'
R H E.
3 I J
6 9 K
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