EVimiyq LEDQER PHILADELPHIA, THUBSDAY', SEPTEMBER 17, 11)1. CALL FOR ITALIAN RESERVISTS TAKEN TO MEAN EARLY WAR CHAUFFEUR WRECKS AUTO TO AVOID COLLISION Drives Machine Agnlnst Trolley Pole ind Prevents Hitting Tftxlctib. PrivlnR lili automobile Into n trolloy t nip to oscnp' Ptnoh ns Into n tiirkMb nl tiUlit nt Sixteenth ni Pi'Htmit Mirot, John Kot. n i liAiilYrtir, tinrnnlv mlMdl InlurliiK his ptnpl".rM Morton Knhn. mid Miss Orflcc HemliiKWax, the Inttcr's mmpatilon. The rlslit front nhecl was torn from the nmchlno with the pcept1on of the huh. nnd the orrupntiN pip niniost luirlrrt over thp iin1hlplil. K.ihn ,cn sUiiipcI miiPli iiiystorj In rolinertfon with Hip apclrlent hv teniovhut nil inn k of idptitlflentloti from thp vipcknl nn- nn i and lorklits them In a box on the m K 1 of the car. Knhn I. connected with Hip firm of Solomon Knhn Son. furnltine dent" notified to report oil September Z, accord- ' SIS Went riltnrd hmmiiip. Up IK h 2-" North TlliriPrnin Ftrcri. nun .ni" urm ! Iiteunv nt 1540 Notth .Vliietpentli trpt Martial Spirit Rife in Italy and Troops Are Held Ready to Quell Disturbances. Italian reservists LONDON, Sppt. 1. in I'aHs have been Ins to a dispatch lo the T'lPRKipti. They expect that Italy will enter- the war. 110.MK. Sept. K, Strong forees of troops are held In reserve, not alone In Home, but in nearly all of the larger Italian cltlrx, to quell preadins nntUtieiilrallty drmntitrntl"tia. Thero seems lo be a ffenernl concerted movement, the source of which feivmlrn hidden, to force tlia hnnd of the (tavern ment. make it repudiate Its Triple Al liance treaty obligations nnd amalgamate with the alllci nsalnst Germany and Austria. The Goernment. up to the prexent, has refused to be Impressed with the naltn tlon, and has constantly Insisted that the original proclamation of neutrality M to be rlcldlv adhered to. However, there are extremely Mronc rumors that rhanKe.i In the cabinet are Impending, and If they come It Is exppcted the government will be forced to tnk .leflnltp action. A number of newspaper todnv print torles declnrlnc the Ita'.lnn military at tache at Berlin has left there after vigorously objecting to sevpre criticism of Italy's attitude by lilsh court olllrlals. None c.f these storing Is conflrmpd by the Forelpn OtHre. Marquis PI San Glullano, th Italian Foreign Minister, ha tendered his resig nation, but It has not yet been accepted. He Is one of a veiy small group of Italian statesmen who believe that Italy Is morally bound to support the Triple Alliance. It Is "Innlflennt to note that a feellnu of hostility has sprung up ncalnst the foreign minister This Is said to be shared even by other members of the Cabinet. Should the foreign minister withdraw his duties would devolve upon Premier Salandro. who Is looked upon us being In favor of "a government policy which would he more popular." Baron Macohlo. the Austrian Ambassn dnr. and H. Do Flotow. the German Am basador have exhausted their diplo matic resources to force Italy to declare hers-elf openly in favor of Austria and Germany The chauffeur was cnhlpllinpiiti i l Mr. Knhn. Up said that had tlim Mip.k the talcah they could not li.ne oui.l Injury. The accident occurred nt 10 sn u'llnik ami the car was not removed until this morning. 9Bkflr t' vT. jA.& tHH9l EJSj IPECvu S. P. C. A. Wants Motor-Driven Patrol A ommtttee representing the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals nXcoiuUtlnK of S B Rutherford. William VPhUUps and H l-fi-per. .Ir. called on m. Vetar.-Pftr today and requeued that a n Ttor-dr-ven patrol be 2ipn to the Tacom pn'i. station Tli" .committee feinted o it that the district, In which are ircluded Bust'eton Summerton. Fox j chase and I-awndal and which comprises S3 square mile. is entlrel too large to permit the empioment of horses, par ticular! in view of the hard roads they PINCHOT IN ELK COUNTY: MAKES MANY SPEECHES Arrives in St. Mnry's After Visits to Half a Dozen Towns. .-T MAHY'S lu . Sept IT -lliffnid l'ln chot. tatilldnte tor fulfil M.tH-e Sen otor. arrived with his purt.v at noon today fiom riirit Mines In touring car. The St. Man's band, together with about 0 school children and reception commute!, ench benrlng n stnall flitted Stutm IlnK. met the vlsltois and esmrted them to the Hotel Franklin. oi s.ippn uii pj.!;p rtiuptpuu.i eiJ, nn nudleiu.. of several tliousond persons. Later an Informal leceptlou was held on the spneloiis porch of the hotel, and Mr. l'lm-hnt was Introduced to a latge tniiii liot of voters. At 12:-W n lHticilit ftt which the in ception conunlttep nnd n large number of friends were preent was sered In the parlors of the hotel. Mr. I'lnchot had touted through On -Imls, Shawmut. Hruekport. Weedxlllo, Kersev nnd Ilngus Mines nnd delivered nn address at each of these p'aoes. lie left St. Mnry's ot 2 15 p m. for Hldgwuv, .Tnhnsnnbur?. Holfe and VI1 ox. and was nccompanled n far as Hldgway hv ev eral local politicians. AUTO WRECKED AGAINST TROLLEY POLE View of Morton Kahn's roadster at Sixteenth and Chestnut streets after accident caused by his swerving to avoid a taxicab. SHOT BY HER ADMIRER, GIRL DIES IN HOSPITAL Man have to traerse in answorii: calls emergency THEVEATHER Official Fnri'dii WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. For eastern Pennsylvania Increasing cloudiness followed b. showers Friday nnd In smith portion tonight; moderate east winds. For New Jersey Rain tonight and prob ably Friday: not much change in tern pcrature. The southern storm has mi. vert inland oer Georsia nnd is losini; eneruy. Ail danger to vessels has npparentlv paused and warnings htte hewi ordered down along the South Atlantic coast. Th storm ha- been attended hv moderately heavv rnins which hnve covered the en tire Atlantic slope from Vlrcinln south ward. High barometer continues over the northeastern portion of the muntry at tended bv fair weather and moderate tem peratures. Thunderstoims continue In Iowa. Minnesota and Wisconsin and the temperature has fallen rapidly in thoss Btates during the last 21 hours L. S. Weather lliircau tiillcliii Observations made at p. Tm pern' urn Ioes' Rain lslf(lll. imn lor It a.m n i m Ka'.rn tuno: W in.l l'lr-- V Tfx Te. T in id TO 1" T2 .. M In . . 4 .VI n ' .. v M .. ', t .. us nn .n (& rtf, vi -a .an tH AWln Atlanllr B'cmar' U N' Ti pnjttn Mass Buffalo N Y hl am III Clelan " Den r '"1 D Moln la Durntt Mlh riuluth M nn null pi'rn Hatrl. N f" Hler.a M"nt H-irnn S PaU Jac'mnn' llle Ka.i ""Hv Mo. Lulnt'le K' Mmphn Tsnn Ne cirtan Stvr York N Pltt Nb flldahoma kt PhiUi'lphU pt-nenis rm rtttitur(l Pa Pnrtlanl Me PBrtlani ctre . Qurtr c"an Pi I.ouIi )l c. l3a,i! Minn Pair Lake f'ah n ' Fan Fran'-lfco JO SI Srrant'.n Pa . J5 ' Tamra ;2 J; Waihlnitnn s .W M HI Tfl In YI -H nn VI US ) Rt ' M i'4 M T I'. .VI fill 1 TO TO ."5 S NR K NW s 6 sr. nn RK E sr. s s f i R .V X N NW E 9 8 XV VK N'W sr. x N K VK V'aiti I -r M'CORMICK AND PALMER SPEAK TONIGHT AT SCRANTON They Attend Convention of Stn' Federation of Democratic Clubs. SiT.ANTnN. r.i Setit IT -Th- .mil vention of the Pennsylvania Fedeintlon of Democratic Clubs began its sessions here this morning at the Hotel t'asev. The session was devoted to rectlving cre dentials of the delegates. Leonard Levy, vice president of the federation, is nn nctlve candidate for the presidency to succeed V. U. Wilson. Secretin v of I.i bor. Mr Wilson, ns well as the Dem ocratic candidates foiigiessmiiu A. Mitchell Palmer for the Senate and Vnnce McCormlck for riovernot. are at tending the convention and will speak at a mass-meeting In Town Hall tonight. The lien! committee lias allotted in uitn utes of the program tor woman suftiage speakers 200 TEMPERANCE ADVOCATES IN POLITICAL DISCUSSION Liquor Opponents at Harrisburg Will Nominate Candidate for Governor. IIAUKIsnrn'S Pa . Sept 17-HetWfcn ;C"i and n.0o t-mpeinnce advocates from all p.i'ts of the State ahsemble.l at the Bojid of Trade Huildin this, afternoon to dis cuss tii" political situation, with the pui poe of indorsing a Governor and prob ably a I'nlted Stntes Senator and Con ki essineii-at-Iirge. Tho meeting tesnlted from activity the last month on part of the Pennsylvania Anti-Saloon League, but opponents of the iiilUQr tratllc- of all shades of belief are Included. Hohert Ritchie, a leading Anti-Saloon League worker In Bever Count. who lilglnuted the cull for the conference. W8 temporary chairman, and E. U. rtuekalow. of the Scranton Y. M C. A.. was permanpnt chairman. The confer ence Included n number of winen Chairman Bucknlow refened to Brum baugh and McCormlck as 'the splendid educator from Philadelphia ' and "the nonlest speeinien uf manhood the public ha- ever had the privilege of voting for This nus HppliuU-d. Buckalew was np pluudtd for discarding Senator Peni,e as unworthy of coiihidprntlon. Mention of Congressman Palmer bi ought (.nine applause, but when Gilford Pirichot was named, the crowd clappid vlKorouslv and broke Into cheers. Robert Ritchie, of Reaver, was elected eorftlni.. Resolutions were adopted ilu rgardlng l party principles nnd it.Mpt Iiib onl moral Issues In recommendiiis candidates, and favoring county incm op tion as a step toward State nnd national pionlliitinii The resolutions weie offered by . P. Johnson, of Bristol Who Inflicted Fatal Wounds Committed Suicide. lie nh claimed the second Uctltn of the double shooting on July 55, nt Oerninti town avenue nnd nakdnlo street, when Agnes Wnlsli. enrs old. of 2.M! Xorth T'lith street, expired at the Kplscopnl Hospital. The young woman was shot by her admirer, M. Weslev Whniton. 12 years old. Tlioy luil iiunrii'lid and separated mil another innn was paying attention to her. burton, who lived at HliK N'orth F ghth Mreet, accosted her on the stteet, and when she refused to return to him (hot her down. He then turned the re vnUer uii hlnielf nnd died of his wounds It few ilnj s later. NIGHT SESSIONS FOR SENATE to Democrats Plan Drastic Action Break Republican Filibuster. WASHINGTON , Sept. IT.-Dptcrmlned to meet th Repiibllinn tlllbuster against the rivir and harbor bill with drastic m tlon, Democratic Senators todav PATROLMAN DENIES HE TRIED TO SELL CHANCES Other Accused Members of Force Also Appear Before Police Board. Patrolman Matthew K. Dutterlng, of the Fifteenth street and Sn.uler avenue station, denied today that ho had tried to sell chances at a block party on August 27 dm lng his tr.nl before the Police Bonrd, made up of Cnptnlns Tempest nnd Davis and Lieutenant Dlnlocker. Dutterlng was accused of threatening Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slcsser. of 2719 Ringgold street, when thev declined to buy a "paddle." Dutterlng declaied that he had not been near the block party on the night of August 27, John S. Collins, nn engineer on the potlce bont King, accused of Insubordina tion by Lieutenant Walsh, of the King, testllled he had refused to obey Walsh's order to tiiin over his keys because he considered It dangerous to leave the boat without uii engineer. William H. Adams, of the Twentieth nnd Heiks streets station, and Kdward latined to begin night sessions, tonight N- , 0j t-,,-e Tv!0tih and Pine stieets f .... call. I.i V.,,1 .flll.l.. tl.n ... , .In. .i- I "--'. . . , M If possible, but within thp npxt day or two in nnv event. Senntor Shepp.'ird. o' Timis, who has been nctlve In the fight to pass the bill, was delegated to obtain signatures of those Senators who would fierce to attend night sessions so as to nsure a quorum. Senator I",enyon. of Iowa, today con tinued his attack on the bill. This is the fourth day that he has occupied the floor. I station, weie accused of neglect ot duty , Lieutenant Tryon testified he had found Nelson drunk when he went to the Nel son home to see wny lie ram mneu 10 report at the police station. The testi mony was submitted to Director Porter for final action. MT. LASSEN'S NEW FISSURE Ash-lnden Vapor Escapes From West Side. Below Summit Crater. MIXI'ItAL. Cal . Sept. 17 -Vast quan tities of ash-lnden stam vapor nte es enping todav hk n nsult of a violent eruption vpnteidnv nt La.n Peak. The vapor I? escaping from the west side of the mountain below the rim of the sum mit crati r. The indications are that the crater will Mil up and that future erup tiuns wl.l occur through the new Assure. WOMEN GET BERTHS WITH CITY Mrs. Mary E. Pnssmore Is Named Probation Officer. PieslilPiit Judge Hi pun. of the Mimic ipu1 Court, todav nnnouncid the appoint ment of Mis Mary K Pussmnro, .WkI Powolton avenue, as probation otllcer, at a salary of $200 a. year. Mrs. Passmoie will tnkp i barge of juvenile delinquents. Miss Florence Conroy, of 13n0 Kerbnugh street, was appointed stenographer for tho Juvenile Coutt ut a salary of Vu10. Miss Conroy was originally nttnehed to the House of Uctentlon. but left some time ago to toko another position. MANY BAR APPLICANTS FAIL '"tear 1 'tea r 'lar Rain ilr rir.u y 'lar (Irar ' 1 r.U 1 ' 'MoiMy I'louiJy 'laar f'laar 'tttr ileiHz I'lng'lv P clnu 'y ' 'laar Pl"udy flar na'n 'lectv 'pHv P. loulv iPH'ty i"em)y Isar P o. u4y l'"Udy LOCAL FII.E RKCOfJF) LONDON BANKERS STILL DISCUSS THE LOAN PROBLEM ' Cannot Apree to Extension Without j Aid of Government. I.nND'iN'. Sept 17 Thrognmrton -t..t er,ntinu4 iheeiful today, but tiaditu in se' irit was not brisk Tne Sto k Kx- change Committee and the but.U,i- ,i xperoneing dltllculty in agreeing r,-u inl ine the qiiation of outstanding loans The bankers are maintaining that it wou'd be Impossible to consent to an exunnon of all loans for a ear without a guarantee i,v the Government. Tho public showed a disposition to ex ercise more caution pending the ri''elit of freah news regarding the figniing Rates for hills were easy at S pel lent. for three months. In spite of the fa 't that the Bank ot Kngliind rate remalnd'-d unchanged The state of the British Treasury hii: issue has made a great Impression The French (iovernment is prepailns to pla- u yeorlj S per cent treasury bills here. Fewer Than Half of -100 Candidates Passed State Board Test. There, Iris been an unusunllv huge num ber of f.-illutes of applicants for admis sion to the Bar at the State Boanl K ainlnatlon, and of l0 students examined, fewer than tlftv per cent, obtained the necessury nveuige to piocure certltlcates Tho examination, which under the, new rule of the Hoard bus been made quite sevpre, ptoved u Mumbling block to the tuajoilty of tile students who believed themselves equipped with sulllelent knowl edge of the law to obtain tho right to prxrtho in tho courts of this State Although the t-Numlnntluu took place in the summer, theio hus b;en no pub lication of tho complete list of those who passed and thos-o who failed The secietury of tho State Board Is cimilps I. McKePhnn. who bus law olllces In the Wtst Knd Trust Building The rc tetan of the Philadelphia County Board 1 1- V.tie't L. Molse t'nder the law all -' id, nts have to take the etnte cvunjiiu t on. i I '1 MANY MEN ENTOMBED IN KENTUCKY COAL MINE Rescuers and Equipment Are Hurried to Scene of Explosion. KNOXVILLK. Tenn.. Sept. 17. Word has been received here of nn explosion In a coal mine at Hockport, Ky. Rescuers nnd equipment have been sent to the scene. The dispatch received heie asked for Inlp nnd stntcd only that a numbei of men had hcen entombed by an explosion. NO ACTION ON RATE CASE UNTIL EARLY IN OCTOBER Officials Close to Commission Think New Henrinff Will Be Held. WASHINGTON, Sept 17. The next step in the now live per cent, advance rate case will not be taken until the eatly part of October, Intetstate Commerce of ficials today said. Then the commission will consider the petition of the Knstern rallionds for a leopenlng of their case. Olllclnls close to members of the com mission expressed the opinion that the case will be reopened and a date set for the new hearing. PRESIDENTIAL TENT FOLDED Canvas Covering Removed From White House Lawn. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. President Wilson has folded his tent. No longer does the canvas covered sum mer olllce stnnd on the rear lawn of the White House. It .was lemoved today. The President will not miss It much. As a matter ot fact It was not a suc cess. T'pscted under his orders In otder to give him a cool ictieat In which to work on hot days, it failed of Its pur pose It was not a cool retreat The mslde office was coolpr. BELGIAN ENVOYS DECORATE TOMB OF WASHINGTON Diplomatic Character of Mis sion Will Precju.de Pro test Against Alleged Ger man Cruelty at Public Meetings. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-The Belgian commission which came here to present to President Wilson evidence of alleged German atrocities In Belgium today went to Mount Vernon nnd placed wreatha on the tomb of Washington. No public meet ings will be nttended by any of the com missioners, nor In any other way wilt they depart, while In this country, from their diplomatic character, It was an nounced. They will return to New York by way of Philadelphia preliminary to sailing for Belgium next week. "We are grateful to President Wilson," snld Counsellor of State Paul ttyman to day, "for the kind reception given us, nnd we aie deeply appreciative ot the mnnner In which our vlsft hns been re ceived by the American people. We go today to lay a tribute of flowers nt the tomb of Washington, chief ot tho founders of jour Republic, on behalf of the Belgian people. "We shall not address any meetings In this country. Tho chief mission with which we were entruste'd has been in formed nnd within a few days we shall sail ftoni New York for home. We shall stop first nt Philadelphia and shall prob ably remain In New York several days pi lor to sailing. "How long the war will lost or what will be Its testtlts for Belgium we cannot pi edict. Belgium hns suffered much and all because through the violation of Its neutiullty by one ot the very powers that guaranteed Its neutrnllty, It has hern forced Into this war." WAR MAY RECONCILE CHURCH AND THE STATE Heroic Work of French Nuns and Monks Recognized, PAIUS, Sept, 17. War may reunite church and stale In France. Hundreds of nuns havo been recalled from IJelglum, to which country they Vtcro expelled when tho religious orders were dissolved, and are working as hos rltnl nurses. Moreover there nre 22,000 monks on the battlefields. It Is thought Impossible that the heroic work of both nuns nnd monks should be lost on a public which is ever quick to recognize devotion to duty. Probably the Concordat In France will never he seen ngaln, but under a new Pope It Is believed that tho war will In duce a better understanding betwepn church nnd Government. Churches still will remain (he property of the state. There will nt least be nn era In which not onty national monuments, like Notre Dame, but all churches will he main tained nnd repaired nt pilbltc expense. ENGLAND OFFICIALLY SENDS APOLOGY FOR GARDEN CRITICISM Ambassador Spring - R5Ce Expresses H i s Govern ment's Regret for Attack On Wilson by British Dip. lomat. LOW WATER CLOSES MILLS Nearly 400 Persons In Manayunk Plants Made Idle. Nearly 100 persons were thrown out of work today by the closing of several Manayunk mills on account of the lack of water In the canal. I'nless rain comes to their relief none, of tho manufacturers will be able to operate for at least several days. Thoe most seriously affected nre yarn and plush manufacturers, who say that this Is their busy season. The water Is ten Inches below normal In Flat Hock Dam. nnd unless It soon rises It in be lieved that more mills will have to close. LETS GAS ESCAPE. LIGHTS MATCH, IN SUICIDE ATTEMPT When Explosion Falls, Man Is Ar rested for Beating Wife. An attempt to kill himself and family by tilling a loom with Illuminating gas and then striking a match, led to the nnest of Henry Orth. oT years old, of 4sdS Garden street, Brldeshurg. last night. Ho was held this morning by Magistrate Campbell, of the Frankford pollcp sta tion, facing a charge ot assault and bat tel v. preferred by his wife. Mrs. Orth's cries attracted Policeman Hnrmnn. He broke Into the house and, after lesculng the woman nnd her chil dren from the gns-fillfsl room, arrested Orth. The man, who Is a stone mason, was formerly employed in the Frank ford arsenal, wheie he doubtless secured the shell with .vhlch, it Is allged, he first attacked his wife. THIS CANDIDATE A HIGH FLYER Andrew, of Massachusetts, to Cam paign for Congress in Aeroplane. BOSTON. Sept. 17 -Campaigning In an acioplane Is one of the latest novelties in political stumping In Massachusetts. A. riatt Andrew, candidate against Con gressman Gardner for the Republican. nomination for Congress, hns made ar rangements to sail In n Burp.s-Wrlght biplane piloted by Clifford Webster from one town to another throughout his dis trict. Andrew has planned to gpt an early stall from Marblehcnd Saturday foje noon and fly to Swampscntt for his first speech. Fletcher Commands Atlantic Fleet NBW YORK. Sept. K.-Renr Admiral Prank P. rietcher, who commanded the 1'nlled States Hoot at Vera Cruz last May, was Installed ns Commander-in-Chief of the North Atlantic fleet at the New York Navy Yard today. Our Tile, Slate, Metal and Slag Roofs Are Standard RESIDENTIAL WORK A SPECIALTY Crescent Compound keeps roofs watertight for five years, and is also guaranteed. Real Estate Roofing Co. 2343-2349 Wallace St. Htl! Poplar 1007 Keuttone Ract 36i SECRETARY DANIELS TO SPEAK Other Prominent Officials Will At tend Navy Yard Ceremonies. An event of Importance In the Philadel phia Forwatd Movement will take place on Monday nt League Island, when ground will be broken by Director Geoige W. Norrls for the now shlpwnya to be constructed nt the Navy Yard. Secre tary of the Navy Daniels will be present nnd make the principal address. Among others who will nttend will be Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin I). Roose velt, the members of the House Commit tee on Naval Affairs, Mayor Blankenhurg nnd his Cnbln.et nnd nil the members of Councils. A number of business men's associations have also been Invited to nttend the ceremonies. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. JR., WILL JOIN LOCAL FIRM Will be New York Manager for Mont gomery, Clothier & Tyler. Theodoie Roosevelt. Jr. eldest son of former President Roosevelt, will beco"j associated with the ilrm of Montgomery, Clothier & Tyler, Investment bnnkers, ot l.Tt-Itt South Fourth strept. and will be resident manager of the New York branch of the Mint, which will be opened In tho near future. Robert I.. Montgomery, the head of the WASHINGTON, Sept. 1".-The Brltl.h Government today, through AmbassaT. Sprlng-Rlce. apologized and tZiiuul great regret to the American Governmin for the Interview alleged to have S given by Sir Lionel Carden. in -n.?,,? Ctrden criticised the administration fn? withdrawing the troops from Vera Cnii Sir Lionel Carden was banished from Mexico by Provisional President c ranra. This was the aurprlslnc staii mpnt made today by a high nm clal. It was intimated that h. catisp, of tho known animus of sir Utynll Cnrdcn for the Mexican Constitutional Government, tho Washington Admlnlstn. tlon would take no further notice nf th diplomat's icccnt Intprvlew In New York In which he characterized the withdrawal of American troops as a "desperats shame." Carden Is now on his wny to KnsUnd and from there will go to Brazil where hi hns been accredited by his Government Cardcn'fl published criticism of with drawal ot American troops from Mexico was regarded In administration clrclt today ns unfair and untrue. No official confirmation of the widely printed Inter' view war nt hand, government authorltlei were Inclined to view It as the outburst nf a diplomat, admittedly personally dfs, gruntled nt the Cnrranza administration A high diplomat here stated today that ho would not be. surprised if Fram., should withdraw her Ambassador to Men. Ico, because of tho treatment of nuns' and monks by tho Constitutionalists. In dip. lomatlc circles It beenmo more evident that serious difficulties In securing com. plete leCognltlon from foreign Powers confront the Constitutionalists. LONDON KEEPS GUARD AGAINST GERMAN AIRSHIPS Police Restrict Street Lights Air Scouts Reconnoitre. LONDON, Sept 17. Scotland Yard Issued n statement today saying that In view of tho known power and ranee of modern Zeppelins the Com missioner of Police hns been advised by the aviation department of the Admiralty that It Is desirable to continue for the present the diminution of lights In tho streets and shops. An airship will be sent for several nights to examine London from above, but tome time may be required for this to be car rl"d out satisfactorily ns Intensity of the dnrkness varies on different nluhts As a result of this examination It Is hoped to to able to modify certain existing restrle- I tlnns. In the meantime, the statement says, It Is necessary In the public Interest that the reduction ot tho illumination of tlrm ana tho stock Echange member. will spend a part of his time In the of- ! streets and shops should be maintained. nur.H in iin.1 uiiy anil part oi it in rsew York. BRYAN HAS A NEW DRINK "Villa Sorrento Limeade" Displaces the Grape Juice. WASHINGTON. Sept. 17.-Secietary of State Bryan Is Introducing a new "dry" ' drink. lie calls It "Villa Sorrento Limeade," being made of limes from Villa Sorrento, his Florida home. Sec retary of War Garrison suggests that It be named "VIIIa-Carranzn-Hnpata." The limeade Is a substitute for grape-juice. TURKISH ARMY REPORTED WITHIN RUSSIAN BORDER Petrograd Hears German Cavalry Officer Is in Command. PETROGRAD. Sept. IT. It Is reported by a semi-official source that Turkey has concentrated a larja army on the Bulgaria frontier. General von Sanders, a Prussian cavalry otllcer, who has been assigned to servlct In the' Sultan's nrtny, Is expected to coip. mand It. J czfgp4z S S J LZj - 'aritzaz0fr&Kj. UNCONSCIOUS ON SIDEWALK Man Either Fell or Was Thrqwn From Window .Woman Arrested. May Allen, ti years old. 51S North Se. entli street, today was held without hall bv MagUtrute Belcher after Charles Rich, ".J years old. MS North Seventh street. had either fallen or bevn thrown from life tire fltefl 1 mm mm ,ll .n SElrt FOUNDED IN 1865 ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IN 1881 C. J. Heppe & Son 1117-1119 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets . Jjy rS ya X&l xSfJy 2j kw'o P M Lsis. 1 n-s7si Frankford ave.: WlllUm FrrrU . I'nknown g lUNort!i"t corner SUth nA AF"h its cicupie-t by rr Schsncli I'nknottn 0 32 lftl. nd Mrtct ftt . A. A Jamba . . Trifling S M Main and Gren ft ; Penniylvtv- nw It It. bridge I'mmown VJ OT- 020 N Broad ft ; ItesU Motor , UI.I'-" ' ... .... . .,, .... .. .. ... .... on ivo 8 T,h ' Mm nariand . ,Nou I a tnlru-nory winuow oi tne nouse. men 6 joMl-n-lS Webster it aareboune is In the Hahnemann Hospital with , ncfs.rs" nrT.. "bik fenc" of di'eii ",,B I broken ribs, a fractured skull and Internal in; up!"! M'rrli Oorlan Trtninj I injuries. Q 00 Oil H vohirr , i -H"! us- man Selbman . TrWine TO REPORT LIGHTING PROBLEM Area May Be Erected Whole Length of Frankford Avenue. The lighting committee of the Frank ford Board of Tarde will make a report on th lighting problem of that part of the city bt a meeting to be held tunight at 4612 Frankford avenue. In connection with this work, the Phila delphia Electric Comoan Is oon to erett ftv mple arc lights on Frankford ave nue, north of Orthodox meet If these prove citutsxtory similar lights will probably be erected the entire length of Uu avenue. A telephone call to the Tenth and But- tnpwood streets poire station early today sent Special Patrolmen Barry and flark to the Seenth street house They found filch, scantily lad. unconscious on the sidewalk Later May Allen was arrested She pr nested, saying she knew nothing of Bich's Injuries, and told the police Rich had. given hr drugged whisky. The police beliete she knows more than she has told of the accident. SOUTHERN STORM LOST ON WAY NEW YORK. Sept 17 -The Weather Bureau today announced that the South ern storm had passed Inland to Georgia and that it would lose Its Intensity. Warning! cre ordered down to the Bouth Atlantic PIANOLA We have the "pianola" in four models, the Stroud, Wheelock, Web er and Steinway. Prices range from What great pleasure there is in knowing that your piano has also been the choice of great musi cians ! Chaminacle and Rosenthal enthusiastically indorse the Stroud piano. What greater pleasure it is to have the "pianola" as the player in your piano! The Stroud Pianola contains a genuine "pianola," for years the only successful player and now the only artistic player. Best of all the price at which you can buy this extraordinary Stroud Pianola. 5550 is the cost. We guarantee it to be superior .to any player-piano other than more expensive pianolas. Write for illustrated catalogues. C. J. HEPPE & SON 1117-1119 Chestnut St. 6th and Thompson Sts. $ 550 Founded 1837 The Hanidlncraflt of the Master Craftsmen Chippendale, Adam, ifiepplevhSte, Sheraton and our own Colonial styles are represented In the shovroonis off our off Interior (Third Floor) Through our Contract Department and artist-decorators, entire rooms may correctly portraying the chosen period. estimates and Sketches for the Complete Furnishing off Apartments, Club Houses and Residences in City or Country, including Vall Papers, Interior Frescoing and Painting. FALL OPENING NEW MATERIALS the be skill off our furnished, We will submit as aeo Draoenes NEW FILET NETS. Grenadines, Madras, and Scrim in While, soil ivory and deep Ecru tones for sash and long curtains. Beautiful Cretonne. Taffeta and Printed LINEN, in newest designs and colorings, TAPESTRIES. VELVETS AND BROCADES, for Hangings and furniture Coverings. For nit mi re On the floors of our showrooms may he seen the best examples of I eriod Furniture for Country Residences and Town Houses. Also Reproductions of American Colonial Styles at Special Low trices: r Mahogany Gate Leg Table, 42-in. top; value $32.00 $25.00 Mahogany Desk; value ?55.00 $45,00 Mahogany Adam Dining Room Suit of 10 pieces; value $400, $345.00 Mahogany Four-Post Beds; value $75.00. Pair $60.00 English Upholstered Fireside Chair; value $32.00 $23.00 ine Antique Embroideries we nave a very choice selection of a few valuable Tapestry u iJ0,?er,es m .the Flemish, French and Chinese art, which should be appreciated by collectors, and could be framed under glass for an exceptional wall treatment. Af . . ,.- ALSO A limited shipment has been received from abroad of genuine hand- Sd BulSfnan Embroidery of a more inexpensive type. suitable for pillow tops or table covers. I I I , - ii2eii28 Cbwtmit street I