SPORTS EXTRA EVENING LEDGER MMMMMMb SPORTS Ei 1 1 n ft VOL. I-NO. 4 PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. PJRIOJfl OXE CENT REPUBLICANS IN SENATE WOULD OUST PENROSE La Folleiie, Cummins, Borah and Clapp Say His Elimi nation Is Party Neces sity. Evening Ledger's Support of Palmer Regarded as Powerful Fnctor in Campaign for Poli tical Morality. MAJOU LEAGUE RESULTS TODAY NATIONAL LEAGUE .FIRST GAME Pittsburgh fj 0 110 0 10 Philips 2 0 0 10 2 10 Batteries Jacobs and Dooin; Harmon and Gibson. Umpires Eason and Quigley. R. H. E. 0 3 X 6 9 9 riwM oi n btapt ronnrsrostiKNT.) WASHINGTON, Sept. I". Republican and Democratic Senators arc silent to das on the iresolutlon Introduced In the Senate yesterday by Senator George AV. Knrrls, of Nebraska, for nn Investigation by the Committee on Privileges and Elec tion of the primary campaign expenses of Senator Penrose and noser G. Sulll u.n, the Democratic Senatorial nomlnco In Illinois. Many predictions aro made that the lesolutlon will not be reported out of the committee. Progressive Republicans like la Fol lettc, Cummins, Borah and Clapp make nu secret of their opposition to Penrose, and among the leaders of this wing of tie Republican party there Is a strong ffdlni? that the soonei men of the type of rem use and William Barnes, Jr., of New Ynik, are ellmlnnted as leaders, the better It will be for the party. On the other hind. Democrats who ten days ago oie vcij outspoKcn in tneir opposition to the nomination ol Sullivan refuse to discuss the Noirls resolution. CAM. FOR SPECIFIC CHARGES. Senator John W. Kern, of Indiana, chairman of the Committee on Privileges end '"lections, announced today that the committee would be called for a special lession within a few dajs to consider the Nonls resolution. Senator Kern told the livening ledger, liowoer, thathore Is little prospect of an Investigation of the Peimsj Ivanlu and Illinois primary campaigns unless Senator N'orrls Is will ing to Incotporate Into his resolution defi nite and speclllc chaigcs of the misuse of money by Penrose and Sullivan "to the end that wo may have something to Investigate." The repudiation of Senator Penrose by the Evening Ledger nnd the Public LEDQEa has caused more comment la Washington than has the resolution of Senator Nnrrls Republicans of the old fchool type, who have been confident of tho le-electlon of Penrose, now express far that Repicsentative A. Mitchell Pal mer nlll be ulectcd to tho Senate. Pen rose Is expected to visit Washington within a few days to confer with his friends In the Senate for the purpose. It Is bellecd, of bringing every pressure to bear to keep the N'orrls resolution from being reported out of the committee. LEUGRIC A BULWARK FOR PALMER. 5-ecretarj of tho Navy Daniels today laid "The strons support that Is being given to the candidacy of Representative Pal mer by tho Pudmc LEDOBn and the Evening Ledger has, I believe, turned the tide In Pennsylvania. Those who a fen week3 ago thought Mr. Palmer was engaged in a hopeless nght aie now satis fled that he has more than an even chance to win the senntorshlp In Penn sylvania." Colonel Thomas C. Hence, assistant to National Chairman William F. McCombs, SECOND GAME ooooo 0 0 0 0 Batteries Tincup and Burns; McQuillan and Coleman. Umpires Eason and Quigley. Pittsburgh .....' 0 Phillies 0 St. Louis 10 0 Boston 10 0 Batteries Sallec and Wingo; Dudolph and Whaling. Umpires Rigler and Hart.. Cincinnati 0 10 0 v New York 0 0 0 3 Batteries Douglass and Gonzales; Mathewson and Meyers. Umpires Byron and O'Conrior. KAISER READY TO HEAR PEACE PLAN, IS REPORT Washington Hears Presi dent's Second Mediation Offer Has Been Accepted by Emperor. Protection of German Territory and Commerce Said To Be Terms Required For Ending Hostilities. ALLIES MOWED DOWN IN FIERCE ASSAULT ON AISNE ENTRENCHMENTS The War Summary AMERICAN LEAGUE Athletics 1 0 Detroit 2 Batteries Dauss and Baker; Plank and Lapp. Umpires Dineen and Egan. Boston.. 2 0 1 Cleveland 0 0 0 Batteries Foster and Carrigan; Mitchell and Bassler. Umpires Chill and Connolly. R. H. E. New York Chicago . . . SHIBE PARK NAMED AS PLACE TO STAGE ARMY-MVY CONTEST PHILS CAPTURE FIRST AND FIGHT HARD IN SECOND Announcement May Be Bit , Png Game of Double- . . , .. 1 1 Y IT D t P,t,.w As Athletic i wuci wuii i luui i iidia, 1 ibumiuivi - Management Has N o t Been Consulted Recently. if n. Aran and Navy football teams play their annual game at Shlbe Park In this city the Saturday following Thanks- j Tlvinr. thev have made their plans with- , 6-3 Ben Tincup Pitching Last Game Against McQuillan. PHILLIES. AB. R. LoruTl. 3b J 1 out consulting the Athletic management , Becker. If 4 0 flist negotiations were on sev- uaerus. in n o , t'lMflVl', IU, 11 - 1 Ciadth. rf 2 2 laid No one thing Is going to contribute so much to making the election of Represen . tathe Palmer certain as tho stand taken the i:enlng Lodger nnd the Punuc LEiicEn Mr. Palmer Is making n won derful campaign and tho support of the turtle new kpapers will. In my opinion, make the defeat of Penrose possible. The repudiation of Senator Penrose by these nenspapeis has occasioned much com ment among Seuutois and Representa tives of both partlos." DEMOCRATS DECIDE TO DROP STAMP TAX ON CHECKS Will Do This if 3100,000,000 Is Provided by Bill. WASHINGTON, gept. !7.-Democrats ef the Was a and Means Committee, meet- " in executive session to fiame a war 'a bill, detet mined today to drop the "amps on checks If the remainder of the H" will provide a sufficient revenue to rmg the total to ?100.uTO,000 a year. Democrats of the Ways and Means Committee were glad to hear that the nate iav tax automobll casollne lea Instead of COLONEL HASN'T GIVEN UP PRESIDENTIAL AMBITION Buffgestlon So Ridiculous It Deserves v..?v HePy' says Secretary, M--A YORK, Sept. 17.-The suggestion ' " mlrely ridiculous that Colonel elt has not even consider. It Mcrilr""' t0 reply ,0 "" "W Mr. Ills hich this tnnpnlnr. ...,.. .. . Door T ""g mat because of the 1 V S mad! b' the PwW.MlVrt "V affairs in ,,. staU alJ fof mbi.i a8"S he had- "abandon"! his C r''n 0btal th8 nomination for "j """lideney In 1515." Jonero!")nelle'tt"ecltyIate"i'"" le'e Pecch'mkta '" 'he WEATHER FORECAST trL0aVnhtl?de!?hia and kMtV-l' buZy cloudnei tonight followed J rtoj,r tn'the early morning and Va:a'J! n0t much chanSe '" '"- remarks were based on an article appealed in a New York nnr since the cral months ago. Burly In the summer several Phlladel phians who were Interested In seeming the gamo for this city had confeiences with Connie Mnck. President Ren Shibe and Secretary .John Shlbe, of the Ath letics. At that time the matter was meiely discussed, and no actual plnns It.. In,.nnclnir ttlft were made for temporal uj i""t'" -seating capacity, for the ery good rcu son that the Arm.v and Navy officials at that time hid not ngieed on Philadelphia as the place for tho game. Nor have those officials et decided wheie the con test will be staged, If at all. There Is a rumor todays to the effect that Secretary of War Daniels has arranged that the game be played at Shlbe Paris. Tills was news to Ihe Shlbe Park people, who stated that the had heard nothing of the mattjr. John D. Shlbe. when s-ecn this after noon, stated that last spring they made an offer to the Athletic Committee of ficials of the Army and Navy, which still remains unsettled He says that If these officials intend to decide on Shlbe Park that their answer most be forthcoming within tho next few days, In order to givo the needed time in which to Install the necessary supplemental seats. The normal seating capacity of the park la about 21.000, nnd with the additional beats added as planned the otal capacity can be extended to from 32.CO0 to 33.0M). The largest crowd of the world's series at the park numbered a shado oer f2a,000. Mr. Robeson Lea Perot, graduate man ager of tho t'nlversity of Pcnnsjlvanla Athletic Association, said that the prop osltlon as made to the Army and Navy game officials for 1S13 and which was not accepted still stands. The seating capacity of Franklin Field Is normally 30.6S0, and In 1912. when the last game was played here, the Army and Navy game officials had J2I.000 turned over to them by the local authorities. For last year 11,500 tickets each were offered to the Joint committee, the sale of surplus seats to defray the expenses of extra seat Installation and natural current expenses, .uch as advertising, etc. If there are malned any surplus from this amount It as agreed to turn the sum over to the Army-Navy fund for widows and orphans. Commander Prlngle and Lleuten.vit Fairfield conferred with Secretnry Daniels today, and Colonel Wilcox and Captain Koehler confeired with Secretary Garri son at Seabrlght. The agreement reached In Washington yesterday should devolve Into a positive decision In favor of the location of the game within the next -13 hours H.wne. 2b 3 0 Pnskert, cf 3 0 Mai tin, ss 4 2 IJ.'oiii, c 2 0 Jacobs, p l 0 MHttlnn. p 3 o BH. I 1 0 I 2 1 I 1 t 0 0 n PO. 3 3 0 $ I A. 2 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 I 0 Totals 30 PITTSBURGH. AB. R. BH. I I Carey, If 4 SIglln, 2b 5 (I Collins, cf 4 0 2 2 Costello, rf 4 0 t I) Konetchy, lb 3 0 n U Wagner, ss 4 12 1 McCaithy, 3b 2 0 (l I MoAuley, 3b 0 0 0 0 Gibson, c 3 0 12 Harmon, p 3 n 1 1 Conzelman, p 0 0 0 0 Vlox 10 0 0 tHyatt 10 0 0 JSehweeren 10 0 0 PO. A. K. WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. There Is a persistent report In Administration circles that Umpcror William has accepted con ditionally President Wilson's second proffer of mediation. . These conditions are said to Insist that German territory bo preserved nnd Ger man commerce nffoidcd full protection. President Wilson told callers ho had re telved nn acknowledgment from the Gei man chancellor, Von Hethmann-Hollwog, of his recent note He said It was ac companied by non-commltnl comment, but did not go further than that In dis cussing It. Ambassador Gerard at Berlin has not communicated to this government his views nn the timeliness of peace propo sals at the present time, according to tho President. BORDr'AUX, Sept. 1". A Founder news ngcn dispatch from Munich quotes the N'eurste Nachrichter as saying that Germany has empowered the United Stales to Intervene with the Belgian government for the put pose of suggesting an aimlstice. Tho liie.-snu-.- at tempted to give the proposed conditions, but they weie rendered unintelligible by the cenrois. COPENHAGEN, Sept. 17. The official newspaper, the Nord Deutsche Allegemclne Zeltung, says that the stories from hostile sources that Ger many Is Inclined to make peace and Js tired of the war are entirely false. "The German people will never lay down their arms In this war," It says, "without guarantees necessary to its fu ture In the world of nations." A military exnett has Innulrcd directly of the Krupps at Es?ex If 1 centimetre guns (guns of a calibre of 16 5 inches exist. The Krupps' reply was that such , guns, transportnblc over land, have been ' manufactured but tnat uiey rciiici n.cj arc unable to give details at present. The rfcicnue Is to the immense siege guns blch the Germans have been re ported us using In bombarrilifi- the Bel gian ahd French forts, for which the aie said to have to lay tracks along roadi and streets. BERLIN, via Amsteidam, Sept. 17. Informal icpresentatlons have been made through diplomatic channels to Em peror William as to whether Germany would accept another offer of meJlatlon by the United Stntes. A repl has tn sent to Washington. Though the contents of the reply have not been made public. It Is reported semi officially that the Emperor pointed out that Germany had not sought the war and that it would place no obstacles In the way of peace, but under no circum stance would enter Into negotiations that would threaten the teirltorlal Integrity of tho Emplie or weaken her commercial resources. The battle of tho Alsnc continues. The allies nre hurling forces again and again upon the strongly entrenched lines of Germans north of tho river nnd have been repulsed In each ad vance. The position of tho Kaiser's i forces Is flnld to lie so strong that attacks nre made only at heavy losses by the allies. General von Kluk's army on the Ger man right wing Is In danger of be ing surrounded, London reporting his forces already hemmed In. Heavy reinforcements, however, have been sent to aid General von Kluk. German foiccs to the number of 320,000 are reported from Petrograd to have been withdrawn from the lnst Prus sian campaign and rushed to aid the Kaiser's 'forces defending their posi tion along the Alsne. Eight corps comprise the force reported moving. French War Ofllce, at Bordeaux, an nounces that the Germans have been compelled to raise the siege nt Ver dun and that the Crown Prince's army again has been forced back, army again has been forced back. Much anxiety over the reported of fensive movement of the German war fleet In official circles. German official War Ofllce statement today explains the retreat of tho Germans in France was only to their prepared positions and to enable the i troops to recover from their earlier Germans Repulse Attacks With Heavy Artillery Fire British Advance Slightly, But Suffer Terrific Losses Both Sides Rush Reinforcements to Battle Line. Kaiser's Armies Continue to Concentrate. Allies' Flank Movement to Cut Off Army of Von Kluk Reported Success ful French Move Forward on Right PARIS, Sept. 17. Thp Germans have effectively re pulsed the attack of the allies on the entrenched line of tho enemy along the Alsne. The forces of the allies, however, moved forward at two points In the great battle line, which stretches from Noyon In an almost direct eastern line to the Meuse. In the valley of the Alsne River, cust of the Argonne. the French advanced, while at these extreme western end of the line the British have made secure their foothold on the north bank of the Alsne. Again and again have the allies at tacked the German lines, but exc-pt j on the extreme western end they have exertions. It Is announced that the ! faIlcd to brcak tne German defense. general battle now In progress Is pro ceeding favorably to the German cause. Przemysl, the strong fortification on the San, near' where the Austrian armies are reported to have effected a junction, Ims been captured by tho Russians, according to a Petrograd dispatch. The Austrians will be compelled to take a final stand nt Totals 33 5 9 24 13 3 Batted for McCaithy in eighth. tBatted for Gibson In eighth, Hutted for Harmon In eighth. Phillies 20010 2 10 x fi Pittsburgh ...."... 00110010 0 J Stolen base3 Paskert. Two-base hits Cravath. 2; Paskert, Carey, Becker. Struck out By Jacobs, 1; by Harmon, 2. Saciiflce hits Dooln, Byine. Sacrifice fly Dooln. Base on balls-Off Jacobs 2; off Harmon, 2; off Mattlson, 1; off Conzel man 1. Hits piopoitloned-Off Jacobs, 6 In 3 2-3 Innings; off Mattlson, 3 In 5 1-3 Innings; off Harmon. 9 In 7 Innings; off Conzelman, 0 In 1 inning. Time I hour and 49 minutes. Umpires Eason and Quigley. PHILADELPHIA BALL PARK. Sent. 17 After the Phillies had defeated Pitts burgh Ih tne opening game of today's double-header, 6 to 3, the two teams lined up for the second tilt with Tincup pitching ngalnst McQuillan. Burns and Coleman did the receiving. The final affray began speedily, neither club get ting .within scoring distance of the plate lit the first four Innings. . PHILLIES Iiobert, 3b Byrne, 2b. Magee, If Cravath, rf. Ludertis, lb Paskert, cf. Martins, ss. Burns, c Tincup, p. TOM M'NAMARA AND YOUTHFUL HAGEN TIE AWAY Golfers Enter Final Stretch Deadlocked at 227 and Now Have Philadelphia Association Title at Their Mercy. PITTSBURGH. Carey, If. SIglln, 2b Collins, cf Costello, rf. Koney, lb. Wagner, ss, McCarthy, 3b. Coleman, c. McQuillan, p, Umpires Eason and Quigley. Belmont Entries for Tomorrow Flm rao, for anl up. sellinv OVj furlong, main iourt I'acla Mini. fui, Iloal Meteor, 113. Ella Hryjon. J07. Yo.1i lliiK 102. UncU Jimmle. 0U. Altamah 107. vtr WfltM. 10T. IJI Ormc. MC I'nder coxer. 05. I'ndauntt.J. 1)7 Sicum! iac. all ae inaldeni, 1 mll De totcr. 100 IVomla. 10U. Margaret Meio, K'. Mils t'atanausb. 10). Northern l.ll,t. nt Ilerjamot. 100 Astroloi, OS Third race, for 2-yfar-ol.ln. handicap. ill Inr. H furlong ttralaht Alhrna, 102, Manila K S: HtadmaM, 112. Gaelic, in, llidro llan, 103. Fourth race, for alt aaea handicap, mile Siromlwlt 123. Fllttergold K5. Tbornhlll. ltV) 1'harleitonlan. lit Tartar 107, O. Si Miller' 10U. Flglnn, 108. Garbage. U) ". Fifth race, for and up. telllnc. Hi rollta Juy Plthtr. lit Spearhead, lot. 'Eatter Star. 83, Virile. JOS, Flj-lnni 10T I'rosrrnth. 101 SUth rata, for S-year-oldt. telling. 6V, fur !nt atralgbt -floodood. 103, Qimaion ioj fOnat. 102 Mamie K , 103 Hydroplane, lis mrant 100 Change." 80 Aatroloiy 103. ApprentRa eiljwanc claimed, Weather dtajr, track fut, ' FIRST INNING Carey filed to Paskert, SIglln filed to Ixibert. Collins reached first on Martin's en or. Collins out, Tincup to Luderus to Tiiaup, napping. No runs, no hits. McQuillan threw Lobert out Wagner toesed Bjrne out Magee singled to cen ter Magee was caurht napplne. Mc Quillan to Konetchy No runs, one hit. SECOND INNING Costello went out. Brne to Luderus Konetchy doubled to left. Wagner popped to Lobert. Martin's throw beat out Mc Carthy. No runs, on hit Cravath .truck out. Luderus walked. Paskert struck out Martin fouled to Konetchy No run, no hits THIRD INNING Coleman doubled to left. McQuillan wag railed out on etrlkts. Byrne tossed Carey Cane'uded q J?40 s CHESTNUT HILL, Pa, Sept 17 -With all but a very few of the late staiters In from their morning lound, Waltet Hagen, American open champion and Tom McNnmaia, Boston, aie tie for first place In the twelfth annual open tourna ment of the Philadelphia Golf Association at the Whltemarsh Valley Country Club. Hagen followed up his good round of yesterday afternoon when he established a new record of 71 for the Whlte-Marsh couise by uolng around In 73 this morn ing, Mt.N.umu.i took il to make tho round, making the figures In the tie are 227. Between tho two ieadeis nnd third place Is a difference of six stiokes, Isaac Mackle holding third with a total of 233. Jnck Campbell, of Old Yoik Road, who led last night Is next in line with 235, clniolv followed by Andy Campbell. Spring Haven and Joo Mitchell, Upper Moutclair. In a tie for tilth place with 238. Frank Sprogell, the young Phllmont professional, Louis Telller. Canoe-Biook and Jack McDermott, ox-open champion are tied for seventh place. But eighteen holes lemaln fo be nlaved. and Walter Hagen and Tom Mc.N'amara are In the lead by such a laige margin that Hist place looks to be a toss up be tween them as neither is the type of golfer that ciackb under a strain. The teet card follon W. P. Hagen Out . i S ! .1 4 3 4 2-JH In. 4 S 5 4 H 4 Id 4-3T-T3 irn-2JT Tom Mc.Mniara- Out 4 4 3 r 4 4 4 In .4343443 Itaac Mackle On- . 4 4 4 13 4 4 In .4514444 Jack Campbell Out 4 4 0 fi 7 4 5 In . 4 tt a 3 4 4 3 Andy rampl til Out 4 3 .'. 8 4 3 6 In .4334334 Joe Mltchall Out 3 B 3 4 5 3 5 In. 334444 3 The other scores 5 4-30 1 41574- 133-227 6 4-3S 3 4-.1-To-t57-2.J 7 3-44 5 3 30 S3 J V 23TI 4 4t42 4 4 3S 0-15a214 5 3-41 6 4 i-S.t-lS3-230 Frank Sprogell. Phllmont .Ut4oln3WS0i37 ,Vi SS ... "is '"'antic w as 41 si is Jxiula Telller Canoe-Brook jifrueri airon? inwood i., ' Pa'n. Whltemarah Klruea Louln-, Areola L iv. I?'fncr unattached Kred McLcod, Columbia, Dan Kenney, Clean C H Hortner, unattachei ?.'P ?, 8r. Mtrlon C W. Hackney, Pocono . Geo. A Crunlp. Plna Vallev blmpion. Wilmington 4t 37 ni -r; is .17 73 ri 30 4.' si r,s 40 40 SO JS.S ST 3s 13 SB Cracow, near the meeting point of Russian, Austrian and German bor ders. Capture of Cracow would open the way for the Czar's forces to march on Ureslau, In Silesia. 190 miles from Berlin. Meanwhile, another Russian army Is proceeding west through Poland to ward Silesia, and military experts believe that these movements will fatally expose Berlin, If the Kaiser has, as reported, withdrawn eight army corps (320,000 men) from East Prussia and Gallcla to reinforce the Get man armies In France. Advices from Vienna, however, state that the fighting In Western Gallcla is not ended and that the junction of the armies of Generals Dankl and Auffenburg will be followed by fresh offensive tactics between Hip San and Vistula, with the qbject of Keeping the line intact between Przemysl ntul Cracow, thus protect ing Central Austro-Hungary on one hand, and Silesia on the other, from Russian encroachments. Belgium dispatches report that Ger many is rapidly withdrawing her veteran troops from all the large cities and towns Thoy nre being rushed to relnfotce the army of Von Kluk. New garrisons of the naval reserve and I.andwehr have arrived to replace the veterans. The Belgians have resumed offensive operations against the weakened foices of the Invaders under tho per sonal command of King Albert. British War Office says the general situation continues favorable to the allies, but makes no statement re garding the battle now in progress' In Fiance. ' ITiiKlraii lino A r Q 1111 ifltlitn T .-. I i i.. .,i .u ii. .i.,. r., lne wetman Wl'mtia aiiiHg mo Liuibuijit iivrr, according to reports In Petrograd. It is said a German cavalry otricer is in command. Servla announces officially that the Crown Prince's army has been with drawn fiom the proposed invasion of Slavonla Air scouts detected a trap laid by Austrian forces and the army was saved. The invasion of Bosnia, however, continues. Italy clamoti for war against Aus. tria and Germany. Soldiers have been called, ready to quell rioting, street demonstrations already hav ing reached, almost unmanageable stages SEVENTH DISTBICT WINS The baseball team of the Seventh Po lice DistiU t. Third street and Falrmmint if ?A H St? ' avenue. was victorious this afternoon in 31 41 ts 2ii ' imi esaiiio nn tne team or the w .ivwi .,..ivi, ui .etn ana uxrord Alec J IJyUter, Whltemarth Dr. Ttasa ?4x, Plat V 4T 4 SH !'4 43 41 $4 ill) 40 41 M 251 4 J 44 NT 2.10 IU 4-1 VJ ZA4 i The Germans made a fierce counter attack from their strongly entrenched positions along the Alsne river, but were repulsed by the allies. Furious fighting- is going on all alorg the lino. The following detailed state ment was issued at 3:30 p. m.: 1 On our left wing the resist ance of the enemy on the north of the. Alsne has continued, although if has yielded slightly at certain points. 2 At the centre, between Berry-Au-Bac (about six miles north by northwest of Rheims, on the Aisne), and the Argonne, the sit uation is unchanged. The enemy continues to entrench himself on the lino previously indicated be tween thf Argonne and the Meu'e, He has fortified tho heights of Montefaucon. In the Woovre Dis trict we have come into contact with heeral detachments of the enemy between Ktain and Thiau court. (The army fortifying tho heights of .Montfuucon is that of the Crown Prince, which lies between the Argonne forest and the Ger man frontier.) 3. On our right wing (Lorraine and the Voge.s) there has been no chango, ). In fehort, the battle continues along the whole front between the Oise and the Mouse. The Germans occupy positions organized for lie. fense nnd protected by heavy ar. tlllery. Our progress can only be slow, but our troops aro animated by the desire to take the offensive. They have proved their igor and enthusiasm. They have repulsed with success counter attacks that the enemy has attempted, by da nnd by night. Their morals is ex. cellent, Heavy reinforcements have reached right wing and Gennrni . . . von Kim,'. .,,. . !,..... ... . . -,l" H as been ' " - ""wk wie offensive, is striking fiercely at the allies' left. New French troops am being rushed. to the vicinity of Noyon from the army of the defense of Paris This statement was made by a high Government official at noon today: The German action on the right has suddenly become very strong, Indicat ing that the enemy is making another effort to cut our line. Along the centre the Germans show le3s strength, while on their left their position Is almost untenable. The Germans have attempted a bombardment of Rheims, but with lit tle effect. Should the enemy win the battle now in progress, a second ad- streets. at Fast Fairmnunt Park The vance on Paris will naturaiiv fn score ws i to 3. Daly and L- Grand ' .... .- v.i..- , wero the battery for the Seventh District ""'" general von Kluk s ailjjr, 46 u e$ Jaj I and, Walter and Meehan for th loe. arn haa little chance of succesa.1 It is belle cd hcic that the Germans havo succeeded In withdrawing a larga portion of their eastern nrmy from Prussia, and have hurried It into ac tion In another attempt to brcak through the allied line in n general circling movement. The official War Olllce statement is sued at Bordeaux at 3:1,. this after noon, and made public at General Gal lleni's headquarters, states that the battle continues along the entire front between the Rivers Oise and the Jleusc, with the Germans resisting the French advance at all points In an effort to prevent the carrying of their fortified positions behind which the armies which participated in the battle of the Marne are re-forming. "The battle continues along the en tire front between the Olbe and the -Meuse," says the statement, "with the Germans fiercely resisting the French attack and fortlfjing their positions along the lines previously indicated." The allies have suffered the heavlc3t losss yet sustained by them. The allies are still bombarding the German positions along the River. Tha German. iloutiH Hi-wdim cultlcs caused by heavy rains of"tn past week, have b.-ought up most ot their guns, and the greatest artillery duel that the world has ever heard of Is in progress. At least Eooo guns are believed to be engaged. The Germans thus far have repulsed the efforts of the British and French forces to drive them back from the hills along the Alsne. The allies have been unable to secure a firm foothold on tho north side of the river, al though they gained crossings at three points under a terrific concentrated fire fiom the German batteries. The efforts of the Fifth French Army and tho First and Second Brit ish Corps aie concentrated In nn en deavor to shatter the German line by cutting off the German right wing, commanded by General von Kluk. Tie i-rencn aro drhing from tho west, while the British nre striking up from the southeast. The fighting nt this point on the 120 mtlo front is deudly to both sides. The British attack on tho German right wing centres around to tho north of Solssons. No details have been re ceived as to tho lighting along the allies' centre and right flank, It Is reported from the front that the British army has been successful in Its flank movement and that Von Kluk's nrmy is practically surrounded. General von Kluk was reported to day withdrawing his lines closer to those of General 0n Buelow. which were in turn drawing In on the main German centre. This movement foi. lowed the attempt of the allies to flank the German right, perilously ex tended west of Noyon. Tho losses of the allies have been far heavier in the last two dais than at any other period of tho war. Tha German counter nssautts have been determined and have required frequent use of the bayonet in checking them. in the general as. saults that the French have lost heaviest. The Germon artillery Are continues particularly deadly. Their batteries, mhskeur In the hills which for the most part constitute their new portions, are terved with the utmost precision, while their rapid Mrers, mounted on automobiles, simply mow down tha French who attempt to carr the Ger man lines by storm. It is evident that the Germans have, massed all their available strength along the battle line to hold Iwck tha pursuit of the allim. The battle front Is about the wme ag it was estiday. It extends from a point near Noyon across the plains to the north of Vic sur-Aune, near Soisgons and Laon and thence over the height north and irthwest of Bhelms, thence to the m JM if fi l vi mta umwm immm aferfl i'.1 1 ,1 l,ft iv.sttt" ?m p'em lMli m