Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1914, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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lf.-"S ft ASH
nH$mg4Hii V '
t-fc? Ttf ,&- S5r NFi
i, yEInIIvG- LlSJbUKli-frHlLADtiLPHlA, 'IHUBSDAY, BLUlflMiiKli 17, 11)14.
Tailor Declares He Never
Signed Bail Bond Accept
ed There New Crusade
Against Frauds May Result.
Hospital in Northeast Sec
tion the Daily Scene of
Hopeful Struggle Against
Diseases of Children.
Just tit present St. Christopher Hos
pital. Lawrence mid HunlliiRdon streets.
Straw ball frauds may be tlie object &t hns j; me jutloiits.
another crusade by District Atl8fiiey Opportunity to study child life Is evor
Samuel V. Itotan, ns the result of tlio piosent to tho visitor nt St. Christopher h
charge tnado by Isaac I'rledmtut, ft Inilor, i Teddy Roosevelt will not grpet him at the
that the slKiiature of his natna to ii ball . doof, but Toddy ttoosevrlt Wick will wcl
bond accepted by Magistrate "Joe" Coll i come liitn on the roof garden. This little
for Fiank Hohrer Is ft forgery. hoy. like Miss Jerfordi. hrad nurse, wishes
Attaches of the magistrate's olllco will to Interest every one In the work of the
appear today before Judge Ilonrmvrll In tiopitnl, and cotioiucnt1y he will talk
the criminal branch ot the Municipal . . ., ,, ,,, ,,... ,,,,,,.irli. ,i
Couit to explain the alleged fraudulent, for a lmlf hour without a complaint and
signature. Subprenus were Issued for smile during waking and sleeping hours,
them by Clintun A. Soweis. counsel for I It Is the build of a prizefighter In em
Friedman, at the renucst of Judge Bonnl- . hryo tlmt Teddy carries when he is
,8 rrrVr 'he1 rTinSSS: : " ' '" hlf'dls-r
Ration for Mr. UoUm. Should forgery bo l'rom tils waist up he Is perfect. Miss
proven todav he declares irlminal action Jeffords does not think that Teddy will ,
will bo started at once. I cver bo far-famed as an athlete, but .
XfnDfatroli. iVill'a mrA line hnMl tlrtt11tl , ... .. ... - '
........... ...... ...... -""-- - --,"",,-, eventual y ho may walk wiuiout a iaisa
In connection with nlleg'-d straw ball . . , , i
cases many times In the Ian few years. step and mnke a name for himself,
nnd In the recent crusade by the tils- I In the cot next to Teddy on the roof
trlct Attorney's olllco several hangers-on pardon Is Isabella Laweon, 6 oars old,
ond one ollklal of the otllce were Impll- a sufrercr ron lnfaiitllo paralysis. She
The ofllclal was "Jako" Oilman, th
constable Ho Is no A undf-r Indictment
for extortion and ha reslKnd his posi
tion. His trial Is pending. Adolph Koch
was srnienceu 10 uuue tui - mm im , . ,,, i, ..nii.
months In Jail for impersonating Frank conlldent, and when she falls sho smiles
Berloskv "Isszy" Upkin cot four Vfara , In un apologetic manner, She Is the nus
for Imprrsonatinit ft constnliH" nnd his senger and errand girl for Teddy Hoose
frlend i;dv.i:d 11. insteln, w.n sentenced u Wlohi she ls about as spceilv us
to two voars linn nine nionin. ., . , ,,,. .,,.. i,n ,-
r,,i,vniM ni..t.i m.Htv tnehnriips the average messenger bo, but sho Is
In connection with the straw bail scandal much more certain of iesult3.
nnd Is awnitin sentence, while "Diamond ua. Hudolph. 5 years old, Is also on the
Tooth" Kddle Hnnloy and nrnost Den- roof. sji.p has been there two months,
tcne, conv'cttd on conspiracy horses, j i,ut shows little Improvement. The doc
have made a motion for a now trln.. j tors sie her cverj day. There ls some
Friedman hn3 been In this country tG I thing v.-u,ng with Ida because sho won t
ears, but cannot write or read English, grow strong. The doctors have a lot of
except to ign his name. He declares that ' names for her complaint.
a man cmploveil In Call's ofllco first got I Then there ls Beatrice. l',s years old.
htm to sign a ball bond two enrs ago. Beatrice Is a favorite, but the nurses
A few iIuvm later he va notified that 1 have forgotten her last name. She wll,
the case hnd been cllsposod of. Again the j be operated upon tomorrow or the dav
man applied for his signature, and al- j after by Dr. 12. G. Alexander. There is a
though ho protested, Krudmnn sas. he , tubercular condition of her spine and one
flnallv agreed and signed aoain. This ' of her legs. Miss Beatrice has not
happened a third time. Friedman Is post- guessed that an operation Is Imminent,
tlve that he never signed a bond for
The propert offered by Friedman in
thu bonds he did sign and also namid In
the one ho calls a forger.'. Is at Fourth
and Poplar streets. Friedman has about
Is walking today, but it Is with the ,
hesitating steps of tv old woman or uhdd i
gust learning to walk. The fact ls, sho Is
Just learning over how to walk. She is
so she has not become hysterica as
some or ner omer sishts inimn. ;.
she Isn't sli-oplnu she is sucking her left
thumb. It is always the left one.
Franslco Disco iris spent six of his
tnr, ..nvo tn tin, hnsnltal. As nn old resl-
1000 equity In It. and the total amount I dent he says that he prefers the roof
of ball It covered at various times m garden to a waru. mere is muie nu,
J2100. Seeral of these cases have been I und then he can hear all the street noises,
disposed of Flc ball bonds are said to I He can tll just what ls happening by
the cries of the newsooya ami iie u
Is a judge of the prices of tomatoe",
pearlies mil such staples by the shouts
of the vendors. Franslco. who is one of
lie oldest patients, will never push a
, i. ,.iin n v,ni hnolc on the wharf.
OVER HIS INDORSEMENT He may be made for better th.nss and
. an easier Job. He has a hip disease
..... t. I He en Horklns. 3 years old. had a fall.
Fusion Candidate for Governor Be- ' M.t.a.e nnd tubercular bones fol-
lleves Chances of Elect'"n Tmprove'l. iaUil he has been tn many hospitals. ,
have been accepted from the man by
JIaglstrate Call.
Mccormick in high spirits
' ruwi.i'i.t v Wv$ CI 'K " CSE 7JLA
it-wft:v f-wcrv wnu W t -j t10PELE55
tiOTCW7 B. UAfffrtrrr g l ','??&
WaS5W r"I3T?'!?KfM "WSSKSflSSKl ''SS? '8fWPr"I
SNL 13 i7PPY
HARRlT.CUO Sept l" Vamo. C Mc- ' he sml'es when she does not feel p.Un ;
HAi.i.iar , . i -hn she does she holds the band of-
;S n NoTember T, -hat be Is tV , one of the nurses or bears the pain a, ,
QubnRtorlal nominee on the Democratic , The nurses say that children h. mow
tana VTasbin.-ton tickets, 'e.'t here this courage than most grown people the
nnrnuy, f. gcrnnton to be present nt ' have met.
' tile mTetlnf of the Ptate Fe leratlon of Clarence Wa'lace has started Into train
Demrati" t !bs. Mr McCormlek tools Irw that he may reach the roo garden
a short recess from his campaign tour He was operated on for appendictis He
ln, fa t.crrt 'rtf mrPP URVH llft' JHIUHia
yesterday, coming here In time to accept
formally the indorsement or tne w asn
lngton partv f ,r the place of Governor
on their ticket.
Tho action of the Wahln.?t n Pony
Stato Committee In Indorsing Mr. Mc
Cormlek to fill the vacancv on 'he Meket
caused by the withdrawal of Wlll-nm
Praoer Iwis was taken wlh Uttlo op.
rosltion Kar'y In the day It wa runwjvl
that a minority faction In the Waging
ton party would trv to force the with
drawal of Congressman A M tfhell PV
mcr In favor of Olfford Tinchot as the
candidate for United States Senate, be
fore placing Mr MrCormiek on the tiot'ot
The verv slight strength of this fnc
tlon, however, was shown when Judge
Charls N. Brumm. of Pot's vllle, was
mentioned ns an opponent to Mr Mc
Cormlek The vote on the roll call was
SI members for Mr, Moformlck and two
for Judge Brumm. One of these wo
changed his vote whn the Judce ex
plained that he must not be considered
a candidate. Six delegates declined to
Mr. McCormlek received a rousing ch-er
of weleorr when he betran his speech of
acceptance with the world "Fellow Pro
gressives " In the course of bis ad
dress he praised Mr Lewis for his nc
tlon In withdrawing In order to mak
possible tho uniting of decent citizens to
wipe out Penrose.
Boy on Ireland Writes How Germans
Tear Black Soldiers.
The youngen war correspondent on
record has sent to Mary C. Hayes, of W
fipruce street, eritloatlon of a dispateh
In the Evening l.elgir narrating how tlw
French troops take advantage of the
German fear of dork -skinned so'diers by
blackening their fai a and glvinc vent
to unearthly "warwhoops" when they
Hnvi niro Tor three days
feared for her patient, but now since
Claremo is always hungry there must bo
hope for him
In the surgical ward lies Billy Garnett,
3 years old. Tho tiny bo who Is the
most of the time In a sleep or a stupor,
crossed the path of a horse on January
25. and was knocked down He was
picked up and hurried to the hospital.
Every one but the pnysician who re- (
celved him sa:d that the child was dead ,
He is alive but that ls all. ,
The featherweight of the hospital Is a
9-da old baby girl. She is of Italian
paientau-e. and at noon Wednesday ,
weight. d exactly two pounds six aim one
half ounces She will live, probably,
under hospital care, but If she had been
left with her mother she would havo
Nearly all tho other children In the
hospiu-i's wards are recovering from
sumnn r complaints or marns-nus.
At the side of the hospital under a
s.mall tent are children recovering from
illness or children with pneumonia or
othir lung complaints. There Tom holds
sw-iy. Although he ls suffering from
malnutrition and Is only a year old. Tom
manages to hold his own Tom was taken
to the hospital last January by a man
and woman who said that he was their
son. The man and woman havo not
since been seen.
The t-nt patients will remain out of
doors until the weather becomes severe.
To help keep down the number of little
patients at he hosp'tal the surgeons and
nhvi-tiins ,ah Wfdnesdav gio lectures
to moih. rs who bring their babies with
them. The women are told how to ward
iff disease prevalent among youngsters
i and are given lessons In how to give the
first aid to the injured.
Tommy Is tho name sleneej by the , Fifth Annual Display of Horticultural
Society Opens Today.
Thounands of choice blossoms are on
exhibition todiy at the fifth annual dah-
1 s,hr,w given at the Devon Inn under
the auspices of the Devon Horticultural
Sorleu The show opened mis morning
and whl close tomorrow evening
Although dahlias from the principal ex
hibit, other ftowors are also shown.
Among th;o are asters hibiscus, antir
rhinum and several other.
Prises offered by Mrs. V. T. Hunter,
the Devon Horticultural Society. William
II. Doyle, Powell Rvans. Charles I,ta
min onej others will be awarded to suc
cessful competitors
The eifuVera of the society Includm
President. Mtohael Norrs: vice-president.
Hans Chrlstlensen; treasurer. Thomas J.
Ilu'land: secretary. M V. Harrlgan. The
committee on (lowers Includes Hugh
Smith, Thomas J. Holland and F. W.
Itlcbardson. The committee on vegeta
bles are Hans Chrlstlensen James Wat
eon anl Luther Batchelor.
boy correspond, nt In a letter tn Miss
Hayes who Is hM aunt, and hi home
Is In Ireland H Is 10 years o'd. and
the tone of his letter Indicates that tho
children of the Old World are as elitply
Interested In the.-great war In Europe
as are their fathers and brothers at the
front T'ie letter, which was written
August 23 Is as follows;
"My Dear Aunt May: I hope you are
quite well. I h.-ue a lot of things to
tell you about war, politics and our
eelves Well, first of all, J think this
Kuropean war Is going to be a ery bad
one, as the Indians are going to help the
English, and the Hermans fear blacks
awfully, as was shown by tho French
when they were fighting against the Oer.
mans They hlaekened their faces and
routed tho Germans completely, and It
-was found out by the surgeon afterward
It (the blacking) was a disinfectant snd
did not let the wounds do much harm.
"Politics there Isn't a 'cheep' about
them. I bae not much to say about
them If ou didn't hear of It, the Pope
U dead. We are all well, kove to you
"Sined) TOMMY. XXXX-"
Pennsylvania Has Completed Stone
Structure Over Schuylkill
The Pt.nrislvanla Uatliuad lias com
pleted the work oi constiuctlng the new
live-track stone nr h bildge oer the
Schulkil' Hlver nt Gliard menuo, and
the e.omp.iny'8 wotkmin ale Injun; tracks
nnd Instn lug the Inlut locking switch sys
tem, which Is In use on all the lines of
the company.
Within the next two weeks one of these
tracks will have been completed nnd It
ls expecte-d that the four other tracks
will be laid down and In ii"e bv tho llrst
of the ear If present plans do not go
Work on the bridge wns Ptarted nbout
a year nco when the PennsyUanln Itnll
road found that the old two-track bridge
was not large enough to (are for all of
the demands of trnthc. both passenger
and freight.
Work on the bridge was carried on
under dltllcu'tles, none of the trains being
interrupted while work wns going on.
the new brldco being bui't beside the old
one and ns work em it nenred completion
on one side the trarK- were switched over
temporarily until the new tracks could be
laid The trains whkh co over th's
br'dge nre those of tho Chctnut I Till
btnnrb New York P'vllon nnd the At
lantic Cltv bridge trains
Organization of Huge Class Here a
Preliminary to Campaign.
An army ot from 50 000 to 100,(00 men
Is to be organized here for the study
of the Bible as a preliminary prepira
tlon for the campaign "Billy" Sunday,
thu baseball evangelist, Is to wage nere
next enr. The P.ov. George S. Dowey,
who Insured the success of the Sunday
campaign In Scranton last winter, ls
to have charge of organizing the army,
whkh will be composed ot new Bible
classes in all parts of the city. The itev.
Dowey will arrive here on October 21 to
assume his duties as the general secie
tary of the Philadelphia County Sunday
School Association.
The last Sunday In October 1000 men
who were converted In the baseball evan
gelist's tabernacles in Scranton ond
Wilkcs-Barre are to come here In a hody
to bold a monster mass meeting They
will travel on a. special train, and every
man who rides on It, Including tho fire
mnn and engineer, will bo one of Sun
day's converts.
Hurls Shoe Through Barber's Win
dow After Fight With Son.
Lifeless rats and nn old shoe caused
a fight today In the bnrber shop of Paul
Mariana, Thirty-third and Mnrkot streets,
which resulted In tho nrrest of Tom
Brennan, 5210 Sansom strcot, who the
police say hurled a shoe through tho shop
window, when thd barber's son refused to
accept his rats.
Brennan recently enlisted ns an export
exterminator In tho crusade against rod
ents. He has been seen by many per
sons armed with a rillo and ls known
to have slain qulto a number of the pests.
Today with a llllo In one hand and a
pair of dead rats In the other he ap
proached Louis, the seventeen-year-old son
of bniber Mai latin nnd urged him to ac
cept the corpses.
The boy refused, and Brennan Incensed,
hurled tho rats In his face, Louis re
taliated with his shoe. A fight followed
and Brennan, his rats and the shoe wore
ejected from tho barber Hhop. Two min
utes later tho shoo crashed through the
front window.
Magistrate Harris beforo whom Bren
nan was later arraigned In tho Thirty
second street and Woodland avenue po
lice station discharged him when tho
man promised to pay for the broken
window as soon as ho earned sulllclent
money Killing more rats.
Entire Team of Last Year Will Bep
resent Club.
The basketball plaers of the St. Rita's
Catholic Club havo been called together,
and a start for the coming season will
be mndo In a few days. The club will
have the cntlie line-up of last year, In
liudlng O'Neill and Donets, forwards;
Watd, centre, and McBrlde and Scanlon
The tlve lost but threo games during
last season, playing over 10 contests. The
second team, which went tluougli the sea
son last year without tho loss of a
single game, will also put the same team
on tho floor Intact.
There has been some talk downtown
concerning the forming of a league among
the Catholic clubs this year.
Great Military Activity, but
Countries Are Least Ex
cited in Europe Tourists
Not Admitted to Palace.
STOCKHOLM, Sept. 17.
Of all tho countries of war-mad Duropo
today, Sweden nnd Norway nro doubt
less the most free from excitement and
apprehension, They arc so situated that
there Is little or no danger of their neu
trality being violated, and they arc In no
International alliances that might draw
them Into the titanic conflict against their
Still both Sweden and Norway are
keeping watchful- eyes on tho situation
and arc preparing for nny emergency.
Both havo mobilized a part ot their
"There Is considerable military activity
nil over Sweden, though tho only places
where I have hnd It under close personal
observation nro Upsala and Stockholm.
Not only aro tho sturdy landsturm forces
being mobilised and Included In tho active
ranks, but tho night watch and vnrlous
other miscellaneous watches and police
forces seem to be Included also. The reg
ular military aro being convoyed-appar-cntly
grntls-by train, tram or bo..t to
this or that station; and parties of what
may bo either yeomanry out of unl.orm
or rcciults nie seen marching through tho
The newspapers nro discreetly silent at
to what this general mobilization (which
Is admitted) specifically purports, but it
Is plain from C-ornuiny's recent action In
Luxemburg, Belgium, the Sound, the
Belt and tho high sens that sho ls fully
resolved to stick nt nothing to secure
her ends, and that tho Scandinavian
countries must prepare themselves for
nil eventualities If they aie to mnlntaln
a shred of their ancient Independence
Plenty of Finnish nnd Swedish stcnmeis
aro now dally bringing passengers ov
from lUmno to Gollo and Stockholm, An
olllclal announcement has been Issued to
tho efect that thenceforward neither
Russians nor Ocrmans would bo allowed
to land in Sweden, except as guaranteed
through passengers, nnd even this on
ono occasion only; a number of German
passengers were thus sent back to Haumo.
No Swedes capable of military service
aro allowed to leavo tho country without
a special permit. The German Consul
General has published a notification In
tho papers to the effect that not a single
German port Is nnywhero blockaded by
any fleet.
A notice has been placed on the local
Ostana steamers in English. French nnd
German forbidding any foreigners to go
on board at all. Soldiers with fixed
bayonets are guarding bridges and other
means of Intercommunication. Tourists
aro no longer admitted to see even tho
state apartments of tho palace. Tho
King moves unceremoniously nbout In
his motor, as usual; only Instead of a
whistle or plebeian "seiuealer" his foot
man uses a royal bugle.
Held for Bobberies at Methodist Epis
copal Home During Lsat Year.
Accused of robbing the Methodist Epis
copal Orphanage of various sums of
money during the last year, Charles
Schwartz, of 3Cth and Locust streets, was
held under $C00 ball for court by Magis
trate Boylo today.
A glil Inmate says she saw the man
ransacking the rooms of the orphanage
yesterday, nnd Schwartz was arrested by
Pankey. a special policeman of tho 61st
and Thompson streets station. Ho was
a former Inmato of the home.
Germans Fall Like "Suffo
cated Wasps" Before the
Terrible Onslaught of
Africa's Dark Warriors.
PAniS, Sept 17.
The reckless bravery of the Turcos
the black troops that Franco has called
to tho front from Africa, ls the them
of many n thrilling tale.
An officer of Zouaves, who took part In
the magnificent charge of tho dusky Af
tlcan warriors nt Chnrlcrol and was
badly wounded, thus refers to tho fight
"You could not If you tried exaggerate
the nmazlng bravery our fellows showed
right up to the Jaws ot death. Wo had
been fighting for four dayB around tha
walls of Charlerot, There wero 100,000
of the enemy massed against our posl.
tlonn, pouring shot and shell Into us, My
splendid lads never lllnched, although
they had not a chanco for a meal. Some
times tho advantage was with us, some
times we had to give way. Tho more
our artillery mowed down the more th
enemy ccmcd to spring up. They
swarmed In nil directions, nnd that Is
why their casualties aro much heavier
than ours.
"Suddenly our colonel cried, 'Give the
Tin cos frco ieln.' Tho avalanche be
gan. It wns like hell let loose. They
tore nlong the enemy's bnttcrics for a
full mile. Tho Prussian guard was ex
tended over about a thousand yards As
the charge continued tho boys chnntnl the
'Marseillaise,' but ono comrade could
hat illy hear the other. On they dalied
however, till they wero within perhaps
fifteen vards, when the battel les In the
wood ceased firing, or they would have
mowed down their own guards.
"Then tho bloodiest of all lm met
melees began. While ono man was turns
fixing a huge Prussian and could not for
the moment release his bayonet he w -'fl
out with his pistol and shoot nno ,,
whllo a comrnde by his side would be be
laboring his foo with the butt end of his
rifle. So mnd wn3 tho combat that mnay
of our men got hold of tho noses of the
Germans with their teeth. Giants though
these picked guards of William are, they
aro ns little children before these tcrrlHo
Turcos. They fell like suffocated wasps;
blood splnshed everywhere, I think I
shot a hundred with my own revolver.
In the end, ns you know, the renimnt,
utterly bewildered, throw down their
arms and fled for their lives. You can
guess how many escaped."
Another Frenchman, who Is, with eev
eral Englishmen, in tho hospital at
Rouen, tells the following story:
"I was In tho battle In the stieets of
Charlerol. 'This 13 sure death ' said ray
pal. ns tho bullets struck the ground
from every side. Wo came to a farm
where wo heard cows mooing from hun
ger. Wo wero saved by Sengaloso sharp
shooters, who kept a wholo regiment of
Grmans nt bay. They are black as (lev
lis, and when the Germans see them with
their fiery eyes blazing from their inky
faces they take to their heels like rabbits."
Chinese to Close Season Heie
Roy Thomas announced yesterday that
the Chinese would appear again Satur
day at the Stetson A. A. Ball Park ThH
will be the last appearance of the Ha
wailans In this city this season, as they
aro to move homeward within the next
week. Apau, ono of tho sensations In
baseball this season, will twirl for the
Chinese. Apau Is without question the
greatest twirler of his nationality Re
gardless of bis usual performance the
team as a wholo ls a drawing card
Order Against Supplying Addresses
Applies Only to Postals,
rirst-class mall will not be affected by
the order received yesterday from the
Poatottlce Department by Postmaster
Thornton directing that all postal curds
Jacking full street addresd should in the
future be turned over to the General
Delivery, and not to the Service Depart
ment, to have the missing address sup
plied. Some uncertainty arose out of the
publication of the order yesterday, it
being believed that flrst-clas mail would
be affected by It Postmaster Thornton
this afternoon announced that thb would
not bo the asa
Other Prominent Officials Will At
tend Navy Yard Ceremonies.
An event of importance In tho Philadel
phia Forward Movement will take place
on Monday at League Island, when
ground will be broken by Director George
W NorrlB for the new shlpways to be
Constructed at the Navy Yard. Scere
tary of the Navy Daniels will be present
i and make the principal address. Among
1 others who will attend will be Assistant
Secretary of the Navy Franklin li Itoose
i velt, the members of the House t-ummlt-1
tee on Naval Affairs, Mayor lilankenburg
und his Cabinet and all the. member of
I'ouncils A number of business men's
i3ociuUons have also btea invited to
attend the ceremonies.
Pardon Board Refuses to Commute
Sentence of William Abel.
The State Hoard "f Pardons has re
fused to commute the death sentence of
William Abel, of this city, who was
sentenced to die next week for tho mur
der of Thomas Kane. 12 years old. Tho
bov was klll.-d by Abel near 29th street
and Hunting Park avenue, on May C.
VIS after a desperate nttempt to lelense
hlm-flf from the grip of his assailant.
Abel will be banged, as his crime wns
committed before the passage of the bill
prov ding for the electrocution of mur
dc r rs.
A pardon was also refused to Alfred
S Von Nelda, of this cltv, who was
sentenced to death for killing his wife,
Churlotte In this city, May 2C. 1MB Von
Xttiln's sentence was commuted to life
Imi nsonnient in 1SD7, a short tlmo after
his conviction
Fifty Exhibitions Tomorrow Will
Show Skill of Young Gardeners.
Exhibitions of (lowers grown by cchoot
childr. n during tho summer will take
piaei tomorrow In B0 school yards scat
tered over tho city from Hyberry to
I oint Dreese. Some of tho flowers havo
been grown In behool yards, but a gre;at
majority are tho result of tho careful
and painstaking cultivation or ope-u
spates in the vicinities of the little gar
den, rs' homes.
Tomorrow morning will be dovoted to
inspection by the judges, who include
Dr. W T Jacobs. Acting Superintendent
of Schools; William A. Steelier, director
of physical education; Dr. John T. Gar
ber. assistant Superintendent of Schools.
and Miss "ro Milter, superintendent of
school pardens In the aftemejon fpeclal
flower duy exe-relscs will be hold In all
the yard for the children
Numenjus piUes have been donated by
the Uardun t'lub of Philadelphia. Oaulen
nnd Orchard Society, Chester Valley
Garden Club, a nunrber of private nurser
ies and dopartmen stores and by Indi
viduals, Including Clarence Sears Kates
They Show Wharves and Channels
According to Latest Surveys.
Adeejuate nnd complete maps of the
Port of Philadelphia are offi-icd by the
Department of Wharves Docks and Tcr
rlos, to tho delight of mirehants and
shipping men of the city. The map ls
52 inches in length and Inches In width
It shows the entire length of the Del
aware Hlver and portions of the Schuyl
will River within the city limits, their
wharves, bulkhead and pier head lines,
the channel and anchorage limits nnd the
depth of the water in the docks and
channel, according to latest eurvevs Ow
ing to the considerable cost of th map,
tin- department ia selling It at 25 cents
on puptr and Jl mounted on paper These
pri-e.3 arc exactly what is custs the de
partment to produce the map.
Extension Courses Will Be Estab
lished in Hnrrisburg nnd Reading.
Two extension branches of tho Whar
ton School of Finance and Commerce, of
the I'niversity of Pennsylvania, will bo
opened this fall In Ilarrlsburg and Head
ing. These schools will b" Identical In
every respect with the branches estnb
l'shed last year In Wllkes-Barro and
Scranton. The purpose of these branches
Is to give to business men tho essentials
of tho now typo of college education,
training them for a successful business
Dean McCrca, of tho Wharton School,
In commenting on the prospects this
nfte'rnnon, said:
"The Interest displayed by the business
men In the new branches is particularly
encouraging. We could not open
branches until wo had a guarantee of at
least 100 students in each city. From
present indications the enrolment will
greatly exceed that figure in both places.
Tho Rotarv Club of Ilarrlsburg, Is back
of tho movement to got a branch there,
and the Reading Chamber of Commerce
is active In Heading. At both places big
business houses and corpoiatlons are co
operating with us to arouse enthusiasm
among their employes. Tho Ponnsvlvanla
Railroad Invited faculty members to
speak beforo a meeting of their clerks,
W'hile tho Hlllson Fisher Company, of
Ilarrlsburg, has offered to repay tho
tultoti fee to any of Its employes who
finish the thrce-ycar course."
MCHLCNHHRG, Pn., Sept. 17. The
work of Meel. West Philadelphia High's
formt-r all-around athlete, stood out
prominently in yesterday's practice of the
Muhlenbeig team Steel will get a thor
ough trial at the quarterback post, for
his M'f.ii,,iial speed will be a bis as
set to the backucld.
v$ Was I 1 vvyomino t4. P:256il v4P
AVk. &Js
-.. I. .t I Itjjj
Believe Me
Certain patrons, of paint in Phila
delphia and vicinity don't have to
"stay around" to see that the job's
done right.
They're Kuehnle's "paintrons."
When you want to know that
your painter will always look out
for your best interests in every
thing, 'phone
Painting and Decorating
Oct Our HHUnata Pint
Both Phones 28 South 16th St.
"The St Paul Road," Shortest Route to Pacific
North Coast Now Passes Through Spokane
"The Olympian" leaving Chicago September i2th, and
"The Columbian" leaving September 13th, and
thereafter, for the Pacific North Coast, will be operated
over the "St. Paul's" new line through Spokane. The
traveler and tourist will appreciate the extension to
Spokane of the distinctive "St. Paul" service-one road
one management one service "St. Paul" all the way.
"The Olympian"
all steel perfectly equipped leaves Chicago daily at 10:15
p. m., "The Columbian," another all steel train, leaves at
10:10 a. m., daily. Both trains through to Spokane, en route to
Seattle and Tacoma via the
Chicago, Milwaukee k St Paul Ry9
TSV6tler,0Ver .this route are afforded the double advantage of
bt. raul service and a route of gret scenic variety-the pic
turesque "Trail of the Olympian."
Deacrtotiua books and fitll information fiea on request to
G. J. LINCOLN, Commercial Agent,
818 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
-WtZ2iaBa3BffHlnPH2iS&HaE&ig?' Z&5440XdCttJmi'4X''''''.&-iJ- .-.,
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