Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1914, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Florida Boy Who Saved
Government Property From
Safe Crackers Is Appointed
Clerk After Five Years'
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-Paul V.
gaula has been appointed a clerk at a
talary of $S00 In tlio Tallahassee, Fla.,
noetoflloe, as a toward for his valiant
defense of that ofllce against desperate
l&fe crackers on January 8, 1910. Ho won
hU light with the buiglars with his boy
ih strength and a revolver of tho cheap
est make, which he had won at a country
An executive order for the young man's
appointment was Issued last May by
president Wilson, but It lay unacted upon
Jn Government archives until dug up ro
ttntly by Merrltt O. Chance, chief clerk
f the Post Ofllce Department.
The reports of the battle read like talcs
ef the wild and woolly West In the MOs.
J. M. Bauls, father of Paul, lived on a
mall fxm outside of Tallahm with
hli wife and family of eight uilldrcn.
The older Sauls was night watchman In
the Florida post office, and on the night
of January 7 thoro was Blckness In his
family and by special permission of the
postmaster he sent his son, Paul V., then
Just past his 18th year, to stand guard
ever the Government property that night.
Paul took tho Job, unarmed.
After the night clerk left at 1 o'clock
and the fires hod been stirred up to keep
the young watchman warm during tho
night, Paul settlod down to wait for tho
d&wn. After a few minutes there came
a knock at the basement door. On his
way to the door the young watchman
passed the cot of a friend, who was sleep
ing In the building. Under tho sleeper
was a very cheap revolver which the lat
ter had won at a country fair tho evening
before. Paul took It for Bafcty's sake.
"Who's there?" lie called out, before
he slid tho doors apart.
"Here's a mall sack which we found
en the street, and I thought It might
have dropped from the mall cart," came
too answer.
Back the doors went. And as they
opened Paul was confronted by a shining
revolver with the command, accompanied
by an oath, for tho watchman to hold up
his Jmnds. Paul backed a little to one
ildo, and as he did so tho would bo
burglar grabbed first one hand and then
the other, but the watchman had his
hand on the revolver In his pocket, and
he fired, the bullet going through tho
liver and stomach of the burglar. The
latter held on to Paul's nrms with a
death grip. The second burglar, appar
ently unacquainted with what had hap
pened In the darkness, and having ample
confidence In his partner, afterward
found to be Tennesseo Dutch, one of the
most notorious of criminals, came for
ward with a rope to tie the boy. But ho
miscalculated. With a Jerk, Paul got his
hand loose, fired twice and the burglar
fell mortally wounded, both bullets hav
ing taken effect In his head.
All this happened In less time than It
takes to tell It, and Paul was unassisted.
Even his friend, Harrl3on, whom ho left
slcoplng on the cot, thought It wise to
remain awav from the point of contact
established by the ndvance guatri. And
he did rcmnln away until tho smoke of
battle had passed, and while Paul still
watched the property of tho government
and the bodies of tho dying men. Harri
son went In search of a policeman and a
physician Meanwhile the first burglar
war gradually choking tho watchman.
The burglar's head was resting on raid's
rijht shoulder. Paul reached up and
fired, but Dutch shifted his head to a
resting place on tho left shoulder, and
Just as the head landed there Paul fired
over that shoulder, both bullets going
through the bmglar's head. Neither of
the highwaymen ever regained conscious
ness Paul remained in the building In tho
morning until the post office waB opened,
ent home, sat down to his breakfast
table and modestly announced that he
had killed a couple of cracksmen. A Jury
later convened over the bodies of tho
dead men returned a verdict of justifiable
Captive Threatened to Shoot Her,
Sister-in-law Says,
Residents of the neighborhood of Six
teenth nnd It-jftner sheets late last night
Bnw u coattf-Bs special policeman, meas
uring little over five feet In height,
match a struggling young Negro giant
to the police station on West Haines
street above Germantown avenue.
Ittchardson, who had been sitting coat
less In the police station, wos summoned
on a hurry call to the home of Mrs.
Mnry Law, of 1G03 Ruffmor street, who
said her brother-in-law, Hugh Law, wns
trying to break Into her home In un at
tempt to shoot her. Richardson did not
wplt to get his coat, nnd found that the
woman had fled.
The brother-in-law had succeeded In
brcnklng Into the house and wns engaged
In destroying evtrythlng In Bight, the po
liceman says. A stnigglo ensued which
l ciulted In Itlchardson's triumphant
march to tho station house with the Ne
gro. Low gave his address as 1515 Rowan
street nnd said that ho Is twenty-three
years old. Jfo wns held under $500 ball,
charged with carrying a concealed deadly
According to Mary Law, the trouble
started about a month ago when her
brother-in-law, whom she boarded, re
fused to pay for the food ho consumed.
She took the matter to court and was
granted an attachment on tho man's
wages. This enraged him to such a de
gree that ho returned last night, after
an absenco of several weeks, and threat
ened to shoot her.
Palmer and McCormick In
terupt Compaigning Tour
to Be Present at Meeting of
Federation in Scranton.
College Official Declares Young Men
Can Walk Without Support.
SYRACUSE, N. Y Sept. 17.-Students
enrolled In Syracuse UnUerslty today are
discussing the attack hurled yesterday
against hazing, frolics nnd "light-arm
gallantry" by Chancellor Day, of that
"Young men," ho said, In speaking of
the evils of hazing, "who are not i)le
to walk without leaning on tho nrm of a
young woman should seo the college
physician and they will be ndmltted to
the Infirmary." He also advised co-eds
not to permit their men frle.Vs to tko
their arms, ithd told the students they
must abstain from an kinds of hazing
parties In the le dies' dormitories. In
stead, ha urged, the boys and girls should
spond their time singing, playing tho
piano or playing lawn tennis.
Parents Learn From Newspapers
He Has Sailed From London,
The parents of Theodoro Topervev, 9
years old, of 3S16 Sharp street, Wissa
htckon, learned through the newspapers
that the hoy had sailed from London and
If on his wav home with oth,er refugees
from the war zone.
The bny wont to Hungary a year ago
with an uncle.
Four weeks ago ho wrote to his mother
nnd said he expected to spend nnother
year with his uncle. He was then attend
ing Bchool.
The parents wero relieved to hear that
their son was safely on his way home.
Alabama Statutes Violate Thirteenth
Amendment, Says Solicitor General.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-Sollcltor Gen
era, Davis, of the Department or Justice,
nas file da brief In the so-called Alabama
Peonage cases In tho Supreme Court. He
argues the Invalidity and unconstitution
ality of the Alabama statues relating to
Peonage as In conflict with the 13th
amendment nnd the Federal peonage
Tho caso.) referred to are those of
A. Reynolds nnd G. W. Rroushton,
r,...we8 ln'"eert for alleged violation
the Federal peonage law. A special
K , i ln the one cn3 anrt demurrer
jo the Indictment hi tho other were bus.
h 'i,!h6 C0I,rt "Pholdlng the consti
tutionality of the Alabama laws The
t-nltea States takes exception to this dc-cWion.
Six Vessels Will Bring American
Troops From Vera Cruz.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-Slx trans
ports today wero ordered by Secretary
of Wnr Garrison to proceed to Vera Cruz
to moe the American troops back to the
United Stntes, These vessels nre tin
Buford and Kllpntrlclc nt Colon; tho City
of Macon and City of Denver at Newport
News; tho Kansan nt Gulvcston, and tho
Cilstobal nt New York.
The Kansan will be used for trans
porting the animals.
Secretary Garrison said he expected It
would take about 10 days for all thn
transports to assemble at Vera Cruz. He
has not determined where the troops will
bo landed ln this country.
"Tho condition at Vera Cruz Is un
changed," ho said. "No advices that
would Indicate that tho Inhabitants are
panic-stricken at the thought of Ameri
can evacuation havo beon received. The
United States will surrender the customer
houso as soon as some one Is selected
to take It over."
Favor President Wilson's Proposition
to Terminate Colorado Strike.
WASHINGTON, Sept 17. - President
Uljon was advised today that the mine
ii . ,,of, CoIoradQ h!Ue ratified the ac
d.i. Mhe,r !""on ,n accepting the Presl
linn . .eo"year ,enee P'ar f" termlnn
von of the Colorado strike,
th. .A,dmlnltratlon today hoped that
"employes' acceptance of the plan will
.n7ifrc". t,le P8tors to fall In line
nl likewise accept It
Steeplechase Park Threatened, but
lames Are Soon Subdued.
West Chester Physicians and Hos
pitals Are Treating Sufferers.
WEST CHESTER. Sept. 17Appendl
citls In nn acute form has struck this
borough and tho disease amounts almost
to an epldpinlc. Every physician In town
has been battling with one or more cases
during the last two weeks, and at the
two hospitals seventeen operations have
heen performed, while many are being
given ii raiment nt tnoir nomes. A ma
jority of the patients are women.
Locnl physicians say the outbreak of
tire dltease Is due to the sudden change
in temperature and that the appendicitis
Is caused primarily by the colds. A simi
lar wave of the disease passed over the
borough at the same season of last year.
The Perkoo Formerly Plied, Between
This Port and Far East.
Shipping men here today were Inter
ested In the receipt of the news that the
British Prize Court had adjudicated tho
case of the captured German bark Perkeo,
formerly the Rritlsh bark Brilliant, which
for many years piled between this port
and the Far East with cargoes of man
ganese and petroloum. She was one of
the biggest craft of her type afloat.
The I'erkeo, when seized, was bound
fiom New Yoik to Hamburg, following
her purchase by a German firm and trans
fer to the German flag. The cruiser Zulu
effected the capture on August 5 oft the
southern coast of England, Tho Perkeo
was taken to Dover, where she will be
sold In accordance with the ruling of the
Pilzo Court.
SCHANTON, Pa., Sept. 17.-Sllrred to
new enthusiasm by the action of the
Washington party State committee ln In
dorsing Vance C. McCormick as the
Washington party candidate for Gov
irnor, the Democratic candidates and
campaign speakers arrived here this
morning to attend the meeting of the
State Federation of Democratic Clubs.
The entire day Is to be given over to the
meetings of the Federation, and the cam
paigners will not resume their automobile
tour of the State until tomorrow. ,,
Tho campaign party came here from
Lock Haven, whero Congressman A.
Mitchell Palmer last night assailed Sen
ator Penrose for Instigating the Catlln
probe to Investigate the city of Phila
delphia, and then abruptly shutting off
the work of the Commission when It
seemed about to expose tho Inner work
ing of the Penrose organization.
Mr. Palmer challenged Senator Penrose
to tell the people of Pennsylvania Just
why the Commission had suddenly con
cluded Its work. The election of Rudolph
Blnnlcenburg ns Mayor of Philadelphia,
Mr. Palmer attributed directly to the
unexpected revolatltns made to tho peo
ple of that city by the Commission be
fore It dropped out of existence.
The charge that he would Just as leave
sacrifice a friend as a foe If the sacrifice
would accomplish the ends of his political
knavory was hurled at Senatoj Penrose.
Referring to the indictment which he has
made against the Senator, Mr. Palmer
"As I have remarked before, Penrose
talks much about what he has done for
Pennsylvania, and I tell you that you
should stop and think what he has done
tt Pennsylvania. I have not made one
statement about Penrose nnywhere which
ln not absolutely verified by his record.
Whenever I have cited Instances of hlc
votes ln tho Senate I have given the date
nnd the page of the Congressional Record
on which It may be found, so that any
ono may turn to that record himself and
read Penrose's shame."
One of the stops made by the cam
paigners, prior to reaching Lock Haven,
was at the State Grange encampment
nnd fair at Centre Hall. Here Mr. Palmer
had an opportunity to seo the largest
crowd he has met slnco he began his
tour 10 days ago. Fully 5000 persons were
on the fair grounds, although the number
which was able to crowd Into Grange
Hall, whore tho addresses were made,
was comparatively small.
The, candidates spoke ln practically all
the towns ln Mifflin, Centre nnd Clinton
Counties during the course of the day.
Tho automobile tour will be resumed to
morrow morning nnd Lackawanna
County will be covered. Vnnco C. Mc
Cormick, who was not with the party
yesterday, came hero this morning from
Harrlsburg, and will continue the tour
Administration May Not Take Action
Until War Is Over.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-Hlgh officials
mado it plain today that the United
States Is "going It alone" ln protesting
to Turkey against proposed abrogation
on October 1 of the capitulations giving
foreigners Important privileges ln Tur
key. The United States Is acting Independ
ently of nnd not In concert with protest
ing European powers, It was stated. That
this Government will probably postpone
until after the European war a decisive
response from Turkey, to prevent the
United States from becoming Involved In
a European Imbroglio wns Indicated. Fur
ther exchanges of notes between the Otto
man empire and this Government for a
thorough discussion of the affair In the
meantime, however. Is deemed certain.
Turkey's reply to the curt protest sent
yesterday by Secretary Bryan through
Ambassador Morgcnthau was forecasted
In diplomatic circles today. It Is under
stood to be the position of the Turkish
government that all rights, privileges
and concessions of Americans ln Turkoy,
both civil nnd criminal, affecting com
merce nnd protection of American mis
sions nnd other property, are amply safe
guarded by Turkish laws, under which
tho American missions, ln particular,
have operated In the past with full pro
tection. Tho following statement Issued by Mr.
Bryan Is a paraphrase of the cablegram
sent to Ambassador Morgenthau:
"You will bring to the attention of the
Ottoman Government that the Govern
ment of the United States does not ac
quiesce In the endeavor of the Imperlnl
Government to set aside the capitulations,
"Furthermore, this Government does
not recognize that the Ottoman Govern
ment has a right to abrogate the capitu
lations, or that Its action to this end
being unilateral can have any effect upon
the capitulatory conventions,
"You will further state that the United
States reserves for the present tho dis
cussion of the grounds upon which Its
refusal to acquiesce In the action of the
uLioiunit uuvernment is oasea, and also
reserves the right to make further rep
resentations In this matter at a later
e MsrH??.1"' 8ont- "--While hundreds
Bremen h?l5 "'"brants saw the fight.
revM'.,?y.ia d?snerat effort early today,
Park n tl" utructlou of Steeplechase
hlch Ty I.sl.aml' 'wlng a llro
gained k v,Ut J" a c"- The flro
rrfvd h.?.1 Jlfay before the firemen
Vent.d'nUt the r V'0" measures pre-
Wm erl0U3 damaS- Tho loss
Dm? fflW Sept. 17.-A. J.
his Blhu o.'6,w"1 oreanize a branch of
M SundL lUly mov'nt In this city
orth Mr E"WhVl he w, vlslt EP
n4 .peak nn C.'!Urch ln ,he aernoon
tn chu i, 'v. 3UbJct previous to
Uwdly tn. V biitB orsanized. Prac
to th. mnv Ur? dtty wlu b devoted
& 2""""' aa F- MIIU. one
oKnen wori. win speak In
b PreLnJ E" Nuraerous Invitations to
Utffi?' av b"n emended, and tho
ici Is expected to be large.
Explosive Bullets Seized in Forts,
Red Cross Agent Says.
PETROGRAD, Sept. 17.
The general hendquarlers of the Red
Cross announces that It has been In
formed by telegraph by Its representative
with the First Russian Regiment at the
front that when Austrian fortifications
have been captured quantities of explosive
bullets, packed in special parcels and la
belled, hao been found. It Is also charged
that explosive rnlssllea have been used
by the Austrlans.
The general headquarters of the Red
Cross has been requested by Its repie
sentatlves to send Into the Held a com
mission to Investigate tho charges.
Wilmington Rioter Sentenced
WILMINGTON. Del.. Sept 17.-The first
sentence 'In connection with the recent
race riots here was Imposed In the city
court today, when Judge Churchman
sentenced James McCoy, a Negro, to pay
a fine of 1 100 and be imprisoned for IS
months for breaking the Jaw of J. w.
Burns, a white man, as he was walking
along the street. Judge Churchman said
tbe court proposed to protect people on
the streets. ,
Will Resign Presidency of Great
Packing Concern October 1,
CHICAGO, Sept. 17.-Edward A. Cud
ahy, president of the Cudaliy Packing
Company, will resign from that position
October 1 and will be succeeded by his
nephew, Joseph A. Cudahy
E. A, Cudahy will retain his place on
the board of directors, but will devote
most of his attention to the affairs of
the Puritan Food Product Company, of
which he Is president.
Philadelphia Committee
111 Ilrltl.brra nre most
rurue.tlr uaked to contribute
liberally to tbe above Fund In
aid of the M'lilovr.. Orphan
und Dependent of the Drltlatt
Moldlera und Sailor who are
killed or rendered helpless by
tbe War.
Sum of even the amnllrit
amount will be very crate,
fully resetted bj tbe follim-
T11EO. A. VOX, Chairman.
3901 Walnut Street.
rare Athletic Association, feouijlvanl
DR. a F, 111)88. Hon Bttntmrr.
I.aml Title Uuil.llnc.
4th Chntnut Streets.
Oil Magnate's Refusal to Pay Taxes
Marked Passing of Hillside.
TARRYTOWN, Sept. 17, - John D.
Rockefeller's nverslon to paying more
taxes than legally required of him put
Hillside, the smallest village ln this state,
out of business. Rockefeller's estate at
Tarrytown extends, or did extend, Into
Hillside's corporation limits, and the
Roard of Trustees of tho latter place
worked out a clever schemo to Increase
Its tax revenue by taxing a large part
of the oil magnate's property.
Everything went well, and the board
was preparing to pave n few more Btrects,
erect a schoolhouse or two and rnjse the
Balarles of certain officials when Mr.
Rockefeller's staff of lawyers swooped
down on Hillside and Informed the village
officials that the proposed tax levy was
Illegal, nnd that Mr. Rockefeller would
fight the Issue to the last court, even If
he had to raise the price of kerosene.
The plan wns dropped; the trustees
voted to dissolve the Incorporation of
the township nnd to pnis Its Indebtedness
of JS000 to tho Mount Pleasant township.
Two Mexicans Draw Lots for 'Honor'
of Humiliating Constitutionalist.
VCRA CRUZ, Sept. 17.-Two former
officers of the old Federal army last night
drew lots for what they regarded tho
honor of humiliating a Constitutionalist
officer, a young major from the capital
who had obtained permission to wear
his full uniform -within the Amrelcan
Anticipating that they would be fined
for their assault upon the Constitution
alist, tho two former Federal captains"
pooled $10 In American currency with
which they purchased B0 pesos. They
then drew lots and tho winner of the
pool went up to the major In nn open-air
cafe and toro the straps from his shoulders.
City Solicitor Advises Com
mission to Withhold New
Appointments Until He
Has Examined Law.
WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. 17,-Nothlng
further will be done toward qualifying
the policemen who were appointed on
Tuesday until City Council has consid
ered the subject this evening and de
cided what Is to be done. The point has
been raised that the resolution adopted
by City Council was Illegal. The law
provides that the police force shall bo
enlarged from time to time upon tho
recommendation of Council, but Councils'
resolution authorized the Police Commls-1
slon to Increase the force Instead of
recommending It. The point was pushed
with such vigor that City Solicitor Daniel
O. Hastings advised the Police Commis
sion not to proceed further ln the mat
ter until he could look Into tho law and
go over the matter with the Police Com--mission.
If Council should decide that the reso
lution was Illegally passed and rescind
It, the Police Commission probably will
drop the matter nnd nllow the blame for
failure to Increase tho police force to rest
on tho members of Council. Should tho
City Solicitor decide the resolution legal,
the chances are that the Police Commis
sion will stand by Its appointments.
Tho whole subject has stirred up bitter
feeling among the friends of the two
Police Commissioners nnd Chief of Po
lice Rlnck on one side and tho friends
of tho metnbers of City Council on the
other, Members of Council assert they
are endeavoring to back General I. Pitssey
Wlckcrsham, one of the members of the
commission, In his efforts to Improve tho
Police Department, while tho other side
declares that the Interference of City
Council Is due to a. desire on the part
of some of the members to get even with
the Chief of Police and provent him hav
ing any choice In the selection of men
for the mounted scftind wlhch Is to be
formed. The nssertlon Is made that the
Idea of having nn expert to examine the
police force ntrd suggest changes nnd Im
provements was to got Chief Rlack out
of office, nnd that after John 11. Taylor,
the Philadelphia expert, hnd declared that
Mlack was a good officer, but wni
hampered, his opponents proceeded to
get after him In some other way.
He Confesses to West Chester Crimes
and Is "Wanted in Newton, Mass.
WEST CHESTER, Pa., Sept. 17.-Harry
Kimball, a negro show follower, pleaded
guilty In court hero to having committed
an assault and highway robbery upon
Miss Marie Englund, of Philadelphia, a
week ago, when he beat her and secured
a silver mesh bag and money. Later he
confessed and led tho police to the point
where he had hid the property.
Sentence was suspended by Judge But
ler for th reason that Kimball Is
wanted for a, much more serious offense
nt Newton, Mass., where he Is accused
of beating a woman badly several months
ago. He wilt be sent to that place In
order that tho New England authorities
may deal with hlrn first, but the charge
here will be pressed after ho has served
tho expected term there.
Tramp, Pursued After Murder, Kills
Himself ln Blazing Field.
HARVARD, Neb., Sept. 17. Henry
Trout, a grain buyer, prominently as
fioolatcd with the business affairs of
this town, wont to his ofTice yesterday
and half an hour Inter was found dead,
with two bullets In his heart. Plainly he
had been killed by a robber.
News of the murder spread through
Harvard. Sheriff Charles S. Anderson
nnd his deputy, George Phillips, came
upon a tramp whose notions aroused
their suspicions. As they approached
Mie tramp began firing at them with an
automatic pistol.
The sheriff fell, dying Instnntly. Next
the deputy fell, mortally wounded.
Citizens then formed a posse. Every
automobile In town was commandeered
by officials nnd others, and the Fairfield
mllltla wns called out Probably 600
persons took up the man hunt, nnd a
cordon was formed about the entire
country side.
The tramp look refuge In a hay field
nnd, bnrrlcadcd behind a stack, began
to fight He seemed to have almost an
endless supply of ammunition, for he
fired often. In slight pauses ho would
reload, only to continue the fusillade.
When any part of his body showed re
volvers, rifles and shotguns were turned
on him. Finally the hay In the field
caught fire. The flames swept across the
field llko a huge wave, but the tramp
held his position until they were upon
him. Then he rose to his feet, placed his
pistol to his head nnd blew out his
brains. There Is no clue to his Identity.
PLATTSBURG, Sept 17. Robert Farr
and Frank D'Bcttencourt, who say they
are residents of Boston, are held In cus
tody here ln default of 13,000 ball pending
their examination on charges of smug
gling Chinese across tho Canadian border.
.TORE OI'KNS 8,30 A. SI. AND CLOSHS AT 5-1f) P. M.
Dress & Steamer Trunks
to Match, Were A AQ
$6.50 each, now r
Made of well-sensoned lumber, cloth
lined and covered with heavy water
proof duck; good brass lock. All
hardware black enameled iron.
Dress bIzcs, 28- to 32-Inch.
Steamor sizes, 28- to 36-Inch.
J R1k?N
Market Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Filbert
Eighth Every 10c Purchase Until Noon Seventh
After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stnmps
Our Autumn Shoe Sale
New Hitrh-Grade Stvlish Footwear for Women. Men and Younor Folks
Such fine and famous makes as
A. J. Cammeyer, Ncio York Thomson-Crooker Shoe Co., Boston, Mass. Endicotl-
Johnson, Endicott, New York.
The other makes represented can be relied upon for equally good style nnd quality.
Women's Stylish $5
Shoes $265
Nearly eight hundred pairs,
purchased from A. J. Cnm
nieyer, X. Y.
New styles, made up In pat
ent coltskln and gun-metal
calfskin, with kid or cloth
tops, hand-turned soles and
newest shape heels. Slzos 2
to 7 In lot.
Misses' & Children's
$1.50 to $1.75 Shoes..
Button styles, of dull gun-metal with broad
toes and solid oak soles. Sizes 6 to 2.
Women's $2.50 & $3
New Shoes
Entire surplus stock and
cancellation orders from the
ThoniNon-CrooUcr Shoe Co.,
of Ronton, MnxM.
In patent coltskln, nun
metal calf and glazed kid
skin lace, button and Blu
chcr styles, with hand
welted and flexible sewed
soles. Sizes 2 to 7.
trimmed flats!
! Many of the smartest shapes taper
i to a point at sides or front and back.
They show stiff, jaunty trimmings"
' that stand straignt up or siraigm out.
Are. mostlu of black velvet, with'
small onrjiucninij iuhuii uj miiwi
6 raid.
You could rle-
' sire notiung
, smarter than
i the new model
pictured but
i there arc doz
'ens of others
equally as chic
, that may prove
i even more tc
i coming. They
i arc all displayed
1 for your choice
' at prices vary
1 iiie from
$4.98, $5.98, $6.98 to $15
This millincrv has been designed in ,
1 answer to tne latest can or iuaiuun m i
turbans and sailor shapes ot varying i
sizes and oddly original ertecis.
Men's $3.50 & $4 (go CC
New Fall Shoes, P'00
From Cndleott-Johnnon.
Patent coltskln, gun-metal and
tan Russia calf Lace, button
and Blucher, with hand-welted
and stitched oak soles. Sizes 5
to 10.
Men's $3, $3.50 & (t1 QQ , Women's $2.50, $3 and l
S4 Shoes 1.0 $4 Sh $1
Gun-metnl calf, patent coltskln, soft
Blazed kldskln and tan leather. But
ton, Blucher nnd lace nil have
hand-welted soles
Xo mnll or phone orders.
;one to driller.
New fall Htjles, with dull calf and
cloth tops, hand-weltetl, turn and
flexiblo hewed soles, high or low
liaalc T3,...ni 1)t.inl. n , ,
All sizes ln lot. I All sizes in lot.
Yellow Trading Stamgs
Are Superior to All Others
because the premiums they secure are
more valuable than those you get with
other stamps.
We give double stamps in the mornings.
Stylish Outer Wear
So many smart Autumn Fashions for women and misses, that each day we
cdn only give a hint.
I1, v ffit ' i" t'.V 1
. 9 if.
: IP(v hi
Women's and Misses' $10 QQ
$18.50 Autumn Suits . . vl.iO
The Very Striking New Redingote Effect.
They're fine diagonal in brown, navy blue, black
and green. They have button-trimmed belts,
pretty velvet collars and cuffs, tuxedo revcrs and
very smart yoke top skirts. They're lined to
waist with guaranteed satin.
$30.00 Fine
They're chiffon broadcloth, garbardine and
medium-weight serge, in navy blue, catawba,
plum, brown, green, black and Holland blue.
Smart English cutaway and the dressier fash
ions with flaring skirted coats some trimmed with
silk braid motifs and velvet. Also have fine yarn
dyed satin linings and pretty plaited or yoke
WOMEN'S $16.50 $11 Q6
Seven-eighth and full-length styles sketch
shows one of pebble cheviot, novelty bouclc and
chinchilla, of brown, navy blue and drab some
richly trimmed with plush
Several Smart Styles.
Men's New Fall Suits
I A Usual $20 $ C
We Picture
Fine nainsook Draw
er models one stle
with embroidery me
dallions, another w itlr
deep shadow lace
yoke, pmbrorderv
beadlnc nnd ribbon
nt waist Drawers
lace edse.
Gray Agate Ware, 25c
Double coated on steel Some
250H pieces In all. Including
I-qt. Illee Rollers -j
J-f-qt. Dish I'nnn K.VCII
-qi. Iirriiii itri-
tle t Suut'C I'nn (.
S- nnl .1-n.t. Ten
mid Coffer ToIm
1,", -Inch VpiimlFNM I
HoiiNt I'nni
10c Outing Flannel,
yard 7 l2c
27 inches wide, fine quality, in pink,
blue and ra , narrow, wide and
fancy stripes.
45c Sofa Pillows, 25c
Fine white cambric muslin, silk floss
filling Siz 2::; inches.
iSniis . . "iSnits .
$28 to $30 $7Ai
WHIW . .
Wide choice of the best all-wool fabrics In the most un-to-
Jrtate patterns.
wvery suit is rresn rrom tne maker ana in tne most tasn-
lonable stvles. including tha nnw KnellHh model, with soft
i lapel and patch pockets.
Every ono Is strictly hund-tallored. and we have all sizes
for men and young men, including stouts
Boys' Clothing $2.98
These Are Regular $5 and $6 Values
SjuIU are latest Norfolk and double-breasted models
with peg-top jirousers, finished with belt loops and
watch pockets.
Choice of navy blue serge, fancy cheviots and cassl
meres, handsome brown and gray mixtures Also sailor
and Russian styles In blue, gray and brown mixtures
Sizes 2H to 18 years
Iteefera nnd top coat are of fine shepherd plaids, tan-
covert cloth, fancy gray and brown mixtures and navy
blue serge.
Some have chevron on sleeve. Sizes 2i to 10 years.
Raincoats are rubberized fabric, with cemented seams.
iguaranieea rainproor xney nave auto collar buttoning
I to neck.
Mvd 1
ill 1 I
m W if SS
H aHfl '
52.50 and $3 Window
II e a v
Trench ca
ll 1 e net
ith lacet
,V r a b I a n
nnd Marie
Ince m o
t 1 f s, 2H
ards long
$1.50 to S(i C 'sets, $1
Newest nnd bt-st act ing models In
white, pink ami blul- coutil batiste
and brocades Sizes IS to 3i
o Mnll or lhiue Order.
J II i. fur
Inverted Gas Lights, 35c
Complete with burner, mantle
and Imitation cut-gl.iss shade
GOc Genuine Rays
Lanterns, 39c
Hot blast, tubular draft Fatont
globe raiser.
35c China Salt Boxes, 25c
For hanclng un wall Delft blue;
wooden ltd
25c Cashmere j Qr
Stockings 0
Infants and children's
ribbed stockings, silk
toe and heel. Black
und white. Three pair
$1.25 Inlaid C7V2
Linoleum , . - " C
Some 20i'O v arils c.f a erv good tile
paiirrri Please bung sizes. I
40c Fancy Pillow
Cases, each
hemstitched Size 3 Inches
Striped Tub Silks
Colored Chiffon Taffetas
These are 12- and 36-lnch wide silks
of splendid quality and in an excel
lent vurictv of popular striped shirt
ing patterns and colorings,
Women's $1.25 and $1.50
No Mull nr I'hnnp Onlt-rn.
Two-clasp French real kid gloves
mat snow silgnt blemlsnes from dis
play. Pique and Round Seam Paris
Point and Flat Embroidered
Colonial Water Tumblers,
Keg. GOc Doz., now 25c
Clear glass
$25 Koxbury
Ru8Sinstcr $16.95
Size 9x12 f, et A U-iiante of some
twenty-llw rugs, because of a. slight
color shading nr mismatch Beauti
ful patterns, nnd c-olurings
bYoiuJTi S? Wol np S? ?Q
;"' Blankets, pair 17
F I n e
1 eached
"i u s 1 in,
All cotton, but woen tu give tli
appeal ance of wool, soft ileety nap.
warm but not heay White, with
dainty plnk-aud-blue borders Silk
bound Size 72xt inches
sin oim ma restaurant best of EEiivriii:G at lowest prices
I ill
rfif i
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M ,-f H
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