EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. BATTLE OF AISNE BECOMES GIGANTIC ARTILLERY DUEL WITH GERMANS army tenia- upon Uio last ot n great northeastern France, having -rnrls n semicircle of hills which He from the the approximate crntio. Hehlnd It llf northhjcAy o the sovtthi.ist ncross flat plains stretching to the Mouse t , - . ' Vd?RLUK SURROUNDED, !!- SAYS LONDON REPORT j, .I LONDON, flept. IT. Swqeiipig 60 miles notth of 1'nrln, ft Fri)cii.nrmy commanded by Gen eral IA'JrtnUo Is strlktttjr at the rear of tho' (Ssrniaii right wing In u. nt tempt! ioCfcui" General Von Kluk's urmy off from the main (.let man forces, ac cording to repot ts that touched I.oti don todny There Is a possibility that the aim of cUncrtO D'Amnde'ti atnty has al ready been accomplished. A coric spondent telegraphing ftom Ahllcns pays. "The Get man fight whiff ts encir cled I was able to join friendly Trench Zouaves a little south of le ronnc. Near there a French battery wns hi action about W yards on our left"-' Veron.ie Is G2 miles southwest of JfaUbetig and IS tulles wost-north-ivest of St. Qucntln. If Jlattbotiso Is tlncapUTred. ' as the French Govern ment Insists, a sortlo of ' gatrison thero In co-operation with the attack of General D'Atnade's urmy would put General von Kltitc In a perilous posi tion, .from 'which he might be unablo to cxtrlfato himself. A dispatch sent by Geoffrey Yoimr to tho Dally News from Amiens says It Is reported there that Goneial vi ' Kluk's army has been surrounded, nnd then continues: "Ills rlfiht has been overlapped by an auuy ndvnneliiR fiom Houen and passing through Amiens, which led to the enstwnid turn fiom Complcgno and his evacuation front Amiens. "If ho Is really lying as supposed his tear is In danger, but It Is Impos sible yet to discover what Is the Ger man force that is facing northwest against the Amiens army, whether it lis only his late Amicus garrison or new supporters, or whether Von Ktuk litis wheeled his tight noith in a shutp curve. "The western Ftench at my has passed east and southeast ot Amiens, using pontoons over tho river whcie tho bridges have been blown up. I could get near enough only to mako certain that the French lines had been advancing east since yestctday, pi eas ing on to St. Qucntln. "Turcos and Kouaves aie now pour ing up the Amlens-St. Quentln line In great heart and hope. But the march Is fatiguing and iho roads heavier after the rains." ALLIES' ATTACKS FAIL, SAYS OFFICIAL REPORT, t Hvr. n J- - -J i ' SC - BKRLiIN". Sept. IT. Thls'ofnolaf announcement was made here today: "Tho attacks of the allied British and fronoh forces' on our front con tlnue wrlhout success. Some advan tages ha'vo"l)een gained by our troops, but they will not press the offensive until, the enemy has exhausted itself. "Tho j-apidtty with which tho Ger man arTnies"accdmpl!f.hed the Invasion of France made it necessary that they should bo given a brief replte. This they are obtaining." The General Staff today declared the Trench attack Is spent and that the German positons aie well maintained. Meanwhile, all needed supplies aie be ing concentrated ut the front. The olllcial announcement declares that tho French are everywhue again on the defensive and that at no point of tho line are the German forces threatened. The Investment of Paris, It is stated, while temporal lly halted, will tako place when tho present cam paign Is completely worked out. v M0N3 rUAt,ltT Qzr . I EXTREME LINE: V". cue0, t S? " B ADVANCE:" 1 ST. ' Pi$f ) 1 '";. 'S ,' ANGLO -FRENCH 0 V JjJS JEL , " 5b. ARMIES SV VALmOCHMS i&pS VSC u ' 1 CJ& , .... y nkS f "" . ' r NOVON TQV6RDUN IIO M, '" J 4T p A ' ' ' ( RAWS TO UON 75 M ' ' . , "V if J S S ,'v' ' , -''J PARIS to MErz. 8oM. . -" I li ' ' "X l ' v j .,U. vw - ( . . v y S X FRENCH 1 ?N - VSSN TS- "PI J? V'W'VV ', '.!'.' GREAT BRITISH LOSSES s; REPORTED FROM BERLIN The great battle line where the Germans are making a stand and along which a tremendous battle is now raging, runs from Noyon, on the Otse, to near Verdun, 110 miles almost due east. The Germans have been forced back from their positions on the Aisne to points north of it and their counter-offensive against the English and French troops has failed, the Allies holding their own and inflicting heavy losses on the German commands, which have been repulsed all along the line. PRZEMYSL TAKEN, SAYS REPORT; ROAD TO CR AOOWCLEARED AV -v WASIIINGT'- .', Sept. 17. After almost a week of complete Iso lation from Its Government the Ger man Embassy today received as its first dispatch by wireless from the Foreign Office in Berlin a sweeping denial! of- the claims of French and British Victories. Tho communication follow b-i Reports- of the allies victories In France are. untrue. The German re treat of the western wing- was a tac tical maneuver not affecting the strategical position. "French attempts to break through the centie of the German position were victoriously repulsed. "German huccesses at several points of a lons-exiended battlefield have been confltmed "The Temph, a Paris newspaper. 10 ports that th !oseh of the Hrltish in the recent flRhtttiB amount to 15,000 diad and wounded." AWWES CONTINUE ADVANCE, i. - FRENCH EMBASSY HEARS WASHINGTON, Spt IT. NewsJ-of th continued advance or tho Frtwiirand English troops toward the yipvr' German lino of defense was reported to tho French Rmbassy to day ?T the "War Office at Bordeaux and confirmed earlier reports that the battle now bepun Is at least "0 miles to tho north of tho most advanced po Blttohby tho German Invaders. The' dispatch reads: 'Op Keptember 14 and 15 tho rear of the enemy was forced to encounter tho advance cuard of our army. Othei German troops rein forced the enemy's rear1 guard, and they weto compelled to accept battle along tho entire front. In tnany places they wore strongly posted. "The French advanco guard is fa miliar with tho country about Noyon "Tho allies aro on the high hills on tho north of Vic-sur-Nalsne. Soltsons and Laon and on tho high hills or tho north of Franco. They are ulso on a line on the north of a place called VUIe-sur-Turvo, which Is situated on tho west of tho Argonno mountahib. "Tho lino continues over the Argonno mountains from the north of Vnrennes. This latter placo has been evacuated by tho enemy, who have reached tho River Jleuso close to tho forest of Forges on the north of Verdun." ANXIETY PREVAILS AT FRENCH WAR OFFICE BORDEAUX. Sept IT Tense anxiety prevails at the War Office today. -Minister of War Mil lerand went to I'arts on a special train last night shortly after a statement was issued declaring that tho French had not been forced from any position. The statement was not regarded as reassuring and was taken rather to Indicate that the German armies, or part or them, had taken the offensive GAUCIAN TRAITORS SIGNAL RUSSIANS; 1800 ARRESTED Berlin Accuses Czar's Forces of Cruel J ty In Campaign. BERLIN fby wireless to Sayvllle, L. I ), 6epjt 17 TM ."'War Office announced today that It Mid received advices from Vienna hovinx that I00 Gallc4" Mltor had been arretted ana taKen o ura in Stjrta. where they are now held awaiting entenoe. They are reported to have con tested and to have admitted that they were paid by Russian agent to sujnal the positions of the Austrian armies In aupport of its charpes of alleged crutltlf by tho Russians the War Office declares that IJeutenant Tledemann, of t e Fifth Prussian cuirassiers, found 1 K One Russian Army Hems Austrians On San, While Another Proceeds Through Poland to Silesia. and were pressing heavily upon the allies Tho Budden doparturo of tho Minis ter of War was accompanied with con siderable mystery. Coming so toon after tho statement from the War Of nco it was taKen as significant that M. Millerqnd was not completely satis fied with conditions at the front. No oflleJal news has been received at the War Otllco today, and tho attachoa say that they had no' Information re garding the battle along the Aisno. German lecrults lying helpless on the highway. They had been surprised at a point In Cast Prussia the day before by Cossacks who had In tome cases severed hands at the wrist, in others the feet below the knee, and In mill others had cut off ears and noses. One HubsUn of ficer who was captured had cut oft a woman's finger with a valuably ring on It and It was found In his pocket Tho Lumtnandur of the 11th German army corps, ttws War OflUe says, reports that Russians hae cut off the fingers and hands of non-combatants. Officers of the German I.andwolir report the find ing of U persons killed. Including one woman, whose breasts had been slashed off with a sabre. The War Olfko gajs that reports re ceived by it show that the commander of the first French army rubllshed regrets because French troops plundered the town of KambervlUUrs on the Mortagne, 1 miles northeast of Eplnat PARIS, Sept. 17. A Fetrograd dispatch to the Matin says that tlu Russian urmy Is teported to have occupied Przemjsl, the Austrian fortress on the rler Pun. (If this is tho case the Austrians will be obliged to take a last stand at Cra ccw). Tho War OHlce at Pctrograd has i ccived infoimatlon that the Austrians arc concentrating at Cracow and that they will have the assistance there of German forces that could not ! pent forward Into Custom Ciallcin. It Is stated, how ever, that no opportunity Is to be given the Austrian?, who hnve been so badly upfV'ated, to retire In oiiler from tho San river positions. Instead, the RusMnns are crossing the liver in force and planning a general attaclt on th" flanks of tho re treating Austrian armies. RUSSIAN RETREAT IN EAST, BERLIN OFFICIALLY REPORTS Austrian Armies Effect Junction and Prepare for Offensive. BERLIN, Sept 17. An official btatement Issued by the Wur Offleo hero today says: "The Russians In the Kast aro falling back at very point and the Germans are taking many prisoners and alHO some guns. It is stated. "The Austrian armies have effected a complete jimettou and the Austrian Gen eral htaff wires from A'lenna that they ore now about to resume the offensive. The Austrians havo also decisively de feated th Servian aimles commanded bj thft Crown Pilnce which psaved to In vade Austria They have been driven back a ross the Save River with heavy loss. In addition the AUitrlans have captured large iuantltics of munitions." FOREIGN ATTACHMENT WRITS Two Actions Brought Against George Brooks & Son Company, Tho Central Trust nnd Savings Com pany In I'ourt of Common Pleas No. 1. today Issued a writ of foreign attachment against George Ilrooks & Son Co , In wlikh ball was fixed ot WS.WT . and tho Third National Hank and tho I'nlted States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, were hiammoned as jtarnlihces A simitar attachment also was Issue. against Hiooks & Son Co, by A. Rufftr ii Sons In this cafce tho ball was fixed at JM.OO1 70. and tho same institutions were summoned as garnishees. Tho coun sel In tho c.-ite was DKkson, Itchier & McCouch. TROOPS CALLED TO QUELL WAR SPIRIT IN ITALY SIEGE OF VERDUN RAISED, SAYS WAR OFFICE AT BORDEAUX People Clamor for Abandon- Crown Prince's Army Forced ment of Triple Alliance I Back On Headquarters at and Cabinet Is Divided On Neutrality. ROMH, Sept. 17, Strong forces of troops arc held in reserve, not alone In Rome, but in nearly all of the larger Italian cities, to qtiull spreading antl-neutiallty demonstrations. There seems to be a general concerted movement, the source of which remains hidden, to force the hand of the Govern ment, mako It repudiate Its Trlplo Al liance treaty obligations nnd amalgamate with tho allies against Germany and Austria. The Government, up to the present, has rcfu'ed to be Impressed with tho agita tion, and has constantly Insisted that the oiiginnl proclamation of neutrality Is to bo rigidly adhered to. However, thero aro extremely strong rumors that changes In tho cabinet arc Impending, and If they come It h expected tho Government will bo forced to tnk drflnito action. A number of newspapers today print stotles declaring tho Italian military at tache at Berlin has left thero after vlgoiously objecting to severe criticism of Italy's attitude by high court ofllclals. None of these stories is conllrmed by the Foreign Oftlce. Marriuli Dl San Glullano, tho Italian Foreign Minister, has tendered his resig nation, but It has not et been ncceptcd He is one of a very small group of Italian statesmen who believe that Ualy Is morally bound to support tho Triple Alliance. It Is slfinlflcant to note that a feeling of hostility has sprung up against the foreign minister. Tills ts said to bo shared even by other members of the Cabinet. Should tho foreign minister withdraw hh duties would devolve upon Premier Salandro, who Is looked upon as being In favor of "a government policy which would be more popular." Baron Macchlo, the Austrian Ambassa dor, and II. De Flotow, the German Am baasador. have exhausted their diplo matic resources to force Italy to declare htrtelf openly In favor of Austria and Germany. Montfaucon May Move Up Meuse Valley. PARIS. Sept. 17. That the Germain have been compelled to mlsc the sitgo of Verdun was con-i-ldeied ceitain hole today, when ollkial announcement was received from lior douux that the Ciown Prince's army bad a'aln been fotceel to give ground befoio the combined Ticncli central ainues. The Gorman centie has been shoved north and cist of Vni unties, and It is stated at General Gallionl's headquarters that the luttlo lino ot the army of tho Kalbor's heir Is now lapldly encroach ing on his headcpinrters at Montfaucon. It Is expected that ho will now bo compelled to move bis headquarters to tin- Meuse River on tho dhect line to the tstciiav gap. At all other points on tho lino It Is .stated tho forces of the nlllcs ate holding faM, although It Is udmltted that tho Germans have now been heavily i En forced and aro making a determined Hand, CURRENCY DEMANDS DECREASE WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 Applications filed by national banks with the C'omp ti oiler ot the Currcccy for an Issue of emergency currency are gradual! de creasing Tho total amount of this cur rency applied for on Monday was nioro than to.UW.w. Yesterduy the applications had decreased to about JI.CO0.w0, and It nns estimated that tho total applications today would not be much over J.'Ow.OOO CZAR DECORATES RULERS Belgian King and Servian Prince Made Chevaliers of St. George. P11TROGRAD, Sept. 17. Ihnpcior Nicholas has conferred tho titlo of Chevaliers of the Order of St. George upon King Albert of Belgium and Prince Alexander of Servla In recognition of their military deeds. ARREST RAILROAD CONDUCTOR Charged With Reselling Tickets Col lected From Passengers. Robert Kitchener, of Trenton, N. J,, a conductor employed bv tho Pennsylvania Ralhoad Company, who Is charged with reselling tickets he collected from passen gers, today was held in $000 ball for a further hearing on Saturday before Mag istrate Moiris In his ofllce, LMOt Rldgo avenue. Following Information furnished by tho railroad compan.v, detectives were sent to watch Kitchener. It Is charged ho resold tickets to a well-known "fence" In this city. A watrant for the arrest of this man Is to bo Issued fchortly, tho police tay. Kitchener was arrested today. AUTOIST IS FINED S150 Ran Down Woman nnd Did Not Stop, Inspector Testifies. John Maxwell, of D03 Polst street. Cam den, held since hist Sunday on charges of manslaughter and violating nutomobilo laws, was this morning lined $1M and costs bv Justice of the Peace lluvett. After i tinning down Mrs. Kmma Detnels Ixek while di lying at tremendous speed on White Horse pike, as testified by ChntloH Pedigree, motor vehicle Inspector, Maxwell failed to stop his machine. IJKsjHE I lifiii infill lap Save $100 to $150 PAINTER & EWING Sfifcr Piano Evry dollar you piy l tor tht tn struintnt Hm1 You svo all nilddlo liiriis Draflu and heavy wartroom iip"n. Only Philadelphia - mad. piano bold d!rt from Hie factory -a Javlnr of J100 to 0 Writs for lataloc Term" to ault PAINTER & EWING rnctorv M'arrronma 1105.07 bPKINU 11101:?. Some Good, Reliable Philadelphia Printer needs a man llko ino to liolp him securn new huslnens anil tn rellevn him of toms of Hib detail work In handllnc Ills plant. I am u publlxhcr of u umall specialty matrazlne, with two-thirds of my time ; p;re I have a practical, all around knnwltdso of Job printing. Abo atx leant" pnictlial advertising experience that intilil Im used for th beneilt of turtomers tan meet customers nnd help them put tits "punch" Into their printed matter To the printer who needs a reliable man of my qualification, I would nrovo lnvaluible Name the time and place, and I will call on sou. Aildre II JBl, Trf-tlcer Central. Cut Glass Specials 8 in. Fern Diih Q-irn w -i .-- - VSt wmm -"hita"" W $2.50 The Crystal Shop 102 N. 10th St. XHi,' Cut Glan Exclutiutly SALESMAN WANTED Man between 20 and 35 years old, to sell refrigeration system on commission basis. Big opportunity for permanent and profitable con nection. Box u 30b, Ledger. As Standard as Gold in Quality and Price Stefderidali VS 1420 Chettnut Street "Whera only the beit is ood enough." $5.00 Hoskins School Supplies A Complete Stock of All Kind At tho Right Price. Wm, H, Hoskins Co, STATIONERS Printers, Unfrsren, OHlce Furnisher 904.906 Chestnut Street JJ 1 i in ras:"'--' -aiTTT-r nfv rirfiiBrnTirH U " n " a. ' untmr-i--. -- - -w . . . 4-- .. - -y gft-"-y " ' lf2' -li-'i "SSBKmtHlStammtmmiimjsm,, M - i . . - - immtmtfmmmmtMtmi inn Him 'TumiTii mmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmimmaaBmmmmm DEFENDING i BELGIAN ENVOYS i DECORATE TOMB OF WASHINGTON Diplomatic Character of Mis sion Will Preclude Pro test Against Alleged Ger man Cruelty at Public Meetings. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17The Belgian Commission which enmo hero to present to President WIIboii evidence ot alleged CJermnii atrocities In Mclrtlnm today went;; to Mount Vernon nnd placed wreaths 011" the tomb of Washington. No publlo meet Inss will bo nttended by nny of the com. inlssloncrs, nor In nny other way will they depart, while In this country, from their diplomatic character, It was an nounced. They will return to New York by way of Philadelphia preliminary t sailing for Belgium next week. "Wo aro nratcful to President Wilson " said Counsellor of State Paul Hymnn to duy, "for the kind rccoptlon given us, nnd wo nre deeply appreciative of the manner In which our visit has been re eclved by the American people. Wo go today to lay a tribute of flow era nt tin tomb of Washington, chief of tho founder of .vour ricpubllc, on behalf of the Belgian people. "We shall not address any meetings in this country. Tho chief mission with which wo were entrusted has been pe formed and within a few days wo shti sail from Now York for home. Wo shall stop tlrst at Philadelphia and shall prob ably remain In Now York scvctal das prior to sailing. "How long tho war will last or what will bo Its results for Belgium we cannot predict. Belgium has suffered much and all because tluough tho violation of its neutrality by one of tho very powers that guaranteed Its neutrality, It ha been forced Into this war." KRONPRINZ WILHELM SINKING TOLD AS "JOKE" Pilot Admits Story of German Loss Was Fake. NEW YOrtK, Sept. 17. After giving out a sttiy to tho effect that ofllceis of the British cruiser Lancaster had told him the English warship had sunk the Ger man liner Kronprlnz Wllhelm, nuxllhu.v cruiser In the Gorman navy, Edward !'. Nichols, a pilot, admitted a few hours Inter that his talo had been only a "Joke." COLON. Sept. 17. Itcports of u sup posed naval battle oft this place jestei day between German and English war ships aiose from tho fact that the big guns on Toro Point, Maigarlta Island, were being fired for testing purposes. It developed here today. The fortifications nt Toro Point form tho chief part of the Colon end of the canal defenses. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS CHARGED, Charged with cruelty to anlmnlh, Henry Stiand, a Negro, 25 years old, of S022 ICtIj sing ton avenue, was fined $10 nnd costs this morning by Magistruto Borle, of &j Frnnkford police station. Strand was arrested by policeman Baker upon a coin plaint made by a citizen who said that Strand wns driving a tenm on Frankford avenue, near Solly street, when tho hoise foil and cut Its leg, whereupon tho diiver began to beat tho animal. Perry's Fall Suits for Number Variety Beauty Our tlrst care is to secure by our own personal sclec tion the greatest number and variety of the finest fabrics made, the most beau tiful patterns woven to show you At Perry's Aionths and months ago we cut the cloth and have since been making them by the thousand, handsome "N. B. T." Fall Suits At Perry's Rich tartan plaids; beau tif til Oxford gray patterns; greenish mixtures; wonder fully rich browns; large overplaids, etc., etc. At Perry's Alade as only "N. B. T." Suits are made, incompar able for the painstaking, conscientious skilled work manship in them, and found only At Perry's Perry & Co., "n.b.t." Irttll A- PfiPcfrniir fitS. w -VHVfc (V. J jjjL